Ejemplo n.º 1
def ensure_on_screen(rect):
    """ Ensure that the given rect is contained on screen.

    If the origin of the rect is not contained within the closest
    desktop screen, the rect will be moved so that it is fully on the
    closest screen. If the rect is larger than the closest screen, the
    origin will never be less than the screen origin.

    rect : QRect
        The geometry rect of interest.

    result : QRect
        The potentially adjusted QRect which fits on the screen.

    d = QApplication.desktop()
    pos = rect.topLeft()
    drect = d.screenGeometry(pos)
    if not drect.contains(pos):
        x = pos.x()
        if x < drect.x() or x > drect.right():
            dw = drect.width() - rect.width()
            x = max(drect.x(), drect.x() + dw)
        y = pos.y()
        if x < drect.top() or y > drect.bottom():
            dh = drect.height() - rect.height()
            y = max(drect.y(), drect.y() + dh)
        rect = QRect(x, y, rect.width(), rect.height())
    return rect
 def snapshot(self):
     """ Take a snapshot of the window and close it.
     widget = self.view.proxy.widget
     framesize =  widget.window().frameSize()
     QPixmap.grabWindow(QApplication.desktop().winId(), widget.x(),
                        widget.y(), framesize.width(),
                        framesize.height() ).save(self.path)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def snapshot(self):
        """ Take a snapshot of the window and close it.

        widget = self.view.proxy.widget
        framesize =  widget.window().frameSize()
        QPixmap.grabWindow(QApplication.desktop().winId(), widget.x(),
                           widget.y(), framesize.width(),
                           framesize.height() ).save(self.path)