Ejemplo n.º 1
class TestQtField(object):
    """ Unit tests for the QtField

    def __init__(self):
        """ Create an application instance so that widgets can be created

        if not QApplication.instance():
            self.app = QApplication([])
    def setUp(self):
        """ Set up the widget for testing

        self.field = QtField(None, uuid4().hex, QtLocalPipe(uuid4))

    def test_set_max_length(self):
        """ Test the QtField's set_max_length command

        max_length = 20
        assert self.field.widget.maxLength() == max_length

    def test_set_password_mode(self):
        """ Test the QtField's set_password_mode command

	password_mode = QLineEdit.Password
        assert self.field.widget.echoMode() == password_mode

    def test_set_placeholder(self):
        """ Test the QtField's set_placeholder command

        p_text = "Placeholder text"
        assert self.field.widget.placeholderText() == p_text

    def test_set_read_only(self):
        """ Test the QtField's set_read_only command

        self.field.recv_message({'action':'set-read_only', 'read_only':True})
        assert self.field.widget.isReadOnly() == True

    def test_set_text(self):
        """ Test the QtField's set_text command

        text = "Test"
	self.field.recv_message({'action':'set-text', 'text':text})
        assert self.field.widget.text() == text