def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=' Batch Movie Encoder. Converts from one container to another with specified codec for all files in the specified Destination path.', epilog='If the codec specified is the same as the codec in the source container only a copy will not be done and no transcoding to speed up the process.') parser.add_argument('-p',help='Destination path',required=True) parser.add_argument('-i',choices=Encoder.SUPPORTEDINPUTCONTAINER, help='The input movie container format. Generally the same as the file extension. Eg .avi',required=True) parser.add_argument('-o',choices=Encoder.SUPPORTEDTARGETCONTAINER, help='The output movie container format.',required=True) parser.add_argument('-c',choices=Encoder.SUPPORTEDTARGETVIDEOFORMATS, help='The video codec to encode with.',required=False,default='H264') parser.add_argument('-r',help='Recurse subdirectories.') parser.add_argument('-d',help='Delete source file after conversion completion.') EncoderOptions= parser.parse_args() try: movieEncoder=Encoder(EncoderOptions.p,EncoderOptions.i,EncoderOptions.o,EncoderOptions.c) movieEncoder.queueFiles(helper.getFilesExt(EncoderOptions.p,EncoderOptions.i)) movieEncoder.encodeBatch() except Exception as e: print e
def encode(self): raw_content = open(self.args.input, 'r').read() encoder = Encoder(raw_content) encoded_content, reversed_mappings = encoder.encode() with open(self.args.output, 'wb') as f: f.write(encoded_content) with open(self.args.mappings, 'w') as f: json_mappings = json.dumps(reversed_mappings, separators=(',', ':')) f.write(json_mappings)
def translate(**kwargs): ## logging configuration log_lvl = log_lvls.get(kwargs.get('log_lvl', '10')) logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.join(pwd, "logging.conf")) logging.getLogger().setLevel(log_lvl) prg = kwargs.get('prg', None) out_dir = kwargs.get('out_dir', res_dir) sk = kwargs.get('sketch', True) fs = kwargs.get('fs', False) cgen = kwargs.get('custom_gen', False) cntr = kwargs.get('cntr', False) skv = kwargs.get('skv', 0) lib = kwargs.get('lib', True) codegen_jar = os.path.join(root_dir, "codegen", "lib", "codegen.jar")'parsing {}'.format(prg)) prg_ast = parse(prg,lib=lib) util.add_object(prg_ast) encoder = Encoder(prg_ast, out_dir, fs)'encoding to Sketch') encoder.to_sk() # Sketch options opts = kwargs.get('opts', []) # print counter examples if cntr: opts.extend(['-V3', '--debug-cex']) if skv != 0: opts.extend(['-V{}'.format(skv)]) # place to keep sketch's temporary files opts.extend(["--fe-tempdir", out_dir]) opts.append("--fe-keep-tmp") # custom codegen if cgen: opts.extend(["--fe-custom-codegen", codegen_jar]) # run Sketch output_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "output", "{}.txt".format(encoder.demo_name)) if sk: if os.path.exists(output_path): os.remove(output_path) sketch.set_default_option(opts)'sk_dir: {}, output_path: {}'.format(encoder.sk_dir, output_path)) _, r =, output_path) # if sketch fails, halt the process here if not r: return 1 elif not prg: jskparser.error("need to pass in some file") return 0
def test(polys, ber, message=None, print_flag=False): if message == None: f = open('message.txt', 'rb') # holds a 1000-bit binary string message = e = Encoder(polys, message, ber, print_flag=print_flag) encoded = e.encoded sent = e.send() t = Trellis(polys, sent) decoded = t.decode_message() if print_flag: print 'Message: %s' % message print 'Decoded: %s' % decoded return hamming_distance(message, decoded)
def main(): enc = Encoder(pin_clk=12, pin_dt=14, clicks=4, accel=5, max_val=127) osc = Client(OSC_SERVER, OSC_PORT) oldval = 0 try: while True: val = enc.value if oldval != val: oldval = val osc.send(OSC_TOPIC, ('m', (0, 0xB0, MIDI_CC, val))) enc.cur_accel = max(0, enc.cur_accel - enc.accel) sleep_ms(UPDATE_DELAY) except Exception as exc: enc.close() print(exc)
def encode_decode(self, k): print "\nTesting encoding and then decoding with k = %s" % k md5 = hashlib.md5() with FileChunker(k, SYMBOLSIZE, DEFAULT_FILE) as chunker: chunk = chunker.chunk() while chunk: padding = chunk.padding symbols = [(i, chunk[i]) for i in xrange(k)] encoder = Encoder(k, symbols) symbols = [] # Start at k/2 and produce 1.25k more symbols to get a mix # of parity and source symbols for i in xrange(k * 2): symbols.append( encoder = None decoder = Decoder(k) for tup in symbols: decoder.append(tup) decoder.decode() decoded = bytearray() for i in xrange(k): esi, s = decoded += s.tostring() decoder = None if padding: padding = 0 - padding print "Removing padding", padding, "bytes" decoded = decoded[:padding] md5.update(decoded) # Continue on to the next chunk chunk = chunker.chunk() print "Original digest:", self.original_digest print "Decoded digest:", md5.hexdigest() return self.original_digest == md5.hexdigest()
def startStopRecording_(self, notification): if self.recording: self.recorder.join() # Create timelapse after recording? if encode: self.encoder = Encoder( self.image_dir, self.encoder_output_basedir) self.encoder.start() else: self.recorder = Recorder(self.image_dir, screenshot_interval) self.recorder.start() self.recording = not self.recording self.setStatus()
def __init__(self): from encoder import Encoder self.encoder = Encoder(3.1196) # the transitions self.m = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: Automaton.m_inf)) # self.m = defaultdict(dict) # emissions for the states self.emissions = {} self.m_emittors = defaultdict(set) # how edge values can be coded self.quantizer = None
def __init__(self, posX, posY, posTheta): self.w = 15 self.h = 10 self.heading = 0 self.posTheta = posTheta self.posX = posX self.posY = posY self.targetTheta = 0 self.logicalTheta = 0 self.logicalX = 0 self.logicalY = 0 self.Rw = 9 self.Tr = 240 self.D = 9 self.dT1 = 0 self.dT2 = 0 self.T1 = 0 self.T2 = 0 self.counter = 0 self.leftEncoder = Encoder() self.rightEncoder = Encoder() self.leftRangeSensor = RangeSensor(self, self.h / 2 + 1, 0, -1) self.frontRangeSensor = RangeSensor(self, self.w / 2 + 1, 1, 0) self.rightRangeSensor = RangeSensor(self, self.h / 2 + 1, 0, 1) self.statsWidget = RobotStatsWidget(self)
def __init__( self, device = '/dev/ttyUSB0', set_id = True, device_id = "01", debug = True, ): self.debug = debug self.ser = serial.Serial( port = device, baudrate = 9600, parity = serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS, xonxoff = True, ) self.encoder = Encoder(1) if set_id: self._set_device_id(device_id)
def main(): use_cuda = args.use_cuda half_precision = args.half_precision print("Cuda set to {} | Cuda availability: {}".format( use_cuda, torch.cuda.is_available())) experiment = "vae_latent3" logger = SummaryWriter(log_dir='./logs', comment=experiment) train_data = UnlabeledContact( data='/home/ygx/data/fspeptide/fs_peptide.npy') print('Number of samples: {}'.format(len(train_data))) trainloader = DataLoader(train_data, batch_size=args.batch_size) # Contact matrices are 21x21 input_size = 441 encoder = Encoder(input_size=input_size, latent_size=3) decoder = Decoder(latent_size=3, output_size=input_size) #vae = VAE(encoder, decoder, use_cuda=use_cuda) vae = VAE(encoder, decoder) #criterion = nn.BCELoss() if use_cuda: encoder = encoder.cuda() decoder = decoder.cuda() vae = vae.cuda() #criterion = criterion.cuda() if half_precision: encoder = encoder.half() decoder = decoder.half() vae = vae.half() optimizer = optim.SGD(vae.parameters(), lr=0.001) losses = AverageMeter() epoch_loss = 0 total_loss = 0 for epoch in range(100): for batch_idx, data in enumerate(trainloader): inputs = data['cont_matrix'] inputs = inputs.resize_(args.batch_size, 1, 21, 21) inputs = inputs.float() if use_cuda: inputs = inputs.cuda() if half_precision: inputs = inputs.half() inputs = Variable(inputs) # Compute output optimizer.zero_grad() #dec = vae(inputs) recon_batch, mu, logvar = vae(inputs) # Measure the loss loss = entropy_kl_loss(recon_batch, inputs, mu, logvar, args.batch_size, input_size) #kl = kl_loss(vae.z_mean, vae.z_sigma) #loss = criterion(dec, inputs) #+ kl # Adding KL is caussing loss > 1 losses.update([0], inputs.size(0)) # Compute the gradient loss.backward() optimizer.step() epoch_loss +=[0] # Logging # Adding graph is a lot of overhead #logger.add_graph_onnx(vae) # log loss values every iteration logger.add_scalar('data/(train)loss_val', losses.val, batch_idx + 1) logger.add_scalar('data/(train)loss_avg', losses.avg, batch_idx + 1) # log the layers and layers gradient histogram and distributions #for tag, value in vae.named_parameters(): # tag = tag.replace('.', '/') # logger.add_histogram('model/(train)' + tag, to_numpy(value), batch_idx + 1) # logger.add_histogram('model/(train)' + tag + '/grad', to_numpy(value.grad), batch_idx + 1) # log the outputs of the autoencoder logger.add_image('model/(train)output', make_grid(, batch_idx + 1) #logger.add_image('model/(train)output', make_grid(, batch_idx + 1) if batch_idx % args.log_interval == 0: print('Train Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\tLoss: {:.6f}'.format( epoch, batch_idx * len(data), len(trainloader.dataset), 100. * batch_idx / len(trainloader),[0])) #if epoch < 10: # Get latent encoding #latent_array = encoder(inputs).data[0].cpu().numpy() #filename = 'latent_epoch' + str(epoch)'./latent_saves/kl_bce_latent3/' + filename, latent_array) # Get reconstructed image #reconstructed_array = vae(inputs).data[0].cpu().numpy().reshape(21, 21) #recon_filename = 'reconstructed_epoch' + str(epoch)'./reconstruct_saves/kl_bce_latent3/' + recon_filename, reconstructed_array) if epoch % 10 == 0:, args.save_path + 'epoch' + str(epoch)) #latent_array = encoder(inputs).data[0].cpu().numpy() #filename = 'latent_epoch' + str(epoch)'./latent_saves/kl_bce_latent3/' + filename, latent_array) reconstructed_array, _, _ = vae( inputs).data[0].cpu().float().numpy().reshape(21, 21) recon_filename = 'reconstructed_epoch' + str(epoch)'./reconstruct_saves/kl_bce_latent3/' + recon_filename, reconstructed_array)
r_val = [train_set, valid_set, test_set] return r_val if __name__ == '__main__': batch_size = 10 n_input = 3 n_hidden = 50 learning_rate = 0.01 rng = numpy.random.RandomState(12321) word_dict = Dict(n_input, rng) datasets = load_data(sys.argv[1], word_dict) train_set, valid_set, test_set = datasets n_train_batches = [train_set[b][0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[-1] // batch_size for b in train_set.keys()] n_valid_batches = [valid_set[b][0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[-1] // batch_size for b in valid_set.keys()] n_test_batches = [test_set[b][0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[-1] // batch_size for b in test_set.keys()] encoder = Encoder(rng, n_hidden=n_hidden, n_input=n_input) # Holds indices for the batch index = T.lscalar() # Emb_dim x sequence_len X batch_size x = T.tensor3('x') # Batch_size x 1 y = T.ivector('y') # sequence_len x batch_size m = T.matrix('m') get_hidden_states = theano.function( inputs=[index], outputs=encoder.compute_hidden_states_no_output(x), givens=[ (x, test_set[10][0][index * batch_size: (index + 1) * batch_size]),
class Transmitter: """ Sends content to the led ticker device. - transmission is blocking """ def __init__( self, device = '/dev/ttyUSB0', set_id = True, device_id = "01", debug = True, ): self.debug = debug self.ser = serial.Serial( port = device, baudrate = 9600, parity = serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE, bytesize = serial.EIGHTBITS, xonxoff = True, ) self.encoder = Encoder(1) if set_id: self._set_device_id(device_id) def add_message(self, message, page): """ adds a message to the specified page """ self._send_receive(commands.get_message_cmd(message, page = page)) def set_schedule(self, pages): """ sets the schedule (order) of the pages """ self._send_receive(commands.get_schedule_cmd(pages)) def clear_screen(self): """ delete all pages """ self.add_message(" ", 0) self.set_schedule([0]) def delete_pages(self): """ delete all pages """ self._send('<D*>') def end(self): """ terminates the connection to the led ticker """ self.ser.close() def _send_receive(self, command): self.ser.flushInput() self._send(command) self._receive_response(); def _send(self, command): """ sends a command to the device """ data = self.encoder.encode(command) self._debug_log(data) self.ser.write(self.encoder.encode(command)) def _receive_response(self): """ receives a ACK/NACK response ACK/NACK is sent as ascii, since its not the same length ether 4 or 3 character are read to prevent blocking """ response = if response == 'N': chars_to_read = 3 else: chars_to_read = 2 response += self._debug_log('response: ' + response) return response def _debug_log(self, message): if self.debug: print message def _set_device_id(self, device_id): # set the device id self.ser.flushInput() self.ser.write('<ID><01><E>' + device_id) self._debug_log('response: ' +
class Automaton(object): """ Classic Moore-automaton class with @m: transitions per states @emissions: emission per states @m_emittors: states per emitted letter""" eps = 1e-7 m_inf = float("-inf") def __init__(self): from encoder import Encoder self.encoder = Encoder(3.1196) # the transitions self.m = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: Automaton.m_inf)) # self.m = defaultdict(dict) # emissions for the states self.emissions = {} self.m_emittors = defaultdict(set) # how edge values can be coded self.quantizer = None @staticmethod def read_transitions(filename): tr = {} f = open(filename) for l in f: (state1, state2, probstr) = l.strip().split() if state1 not in tr: tr[state1] = {} prob = float(probstr) if not (prob < 0.0): raise ValueError("invalid probabilities in {0}, ".format(filename) + "only logprobs are accepted.") tr[state1][state2] = prob f.close() return tr @staticmethod def create_from_dump(f): """ Reads automaton dump from @f""" automaton = Automaton() # create states and emissions for line in f: l = line.strip().split() if len(l) == 4: s1, _, s2, weight = l s2 = s2.strip(":") weight = float(weight) # check this with 1e-10 instead of 0.0 because of floating # point precision error if weight > 1e-10: raise ValueError("Only logprogs are accepted in dumps") automaton.m[s1][s2] = weight elif len(l) == 2: state = l[0].rstrip(":") emission = eval(l[1]) automaton.emissions[state] = emission automaton.m_emittors[emission].add(state) for state in automaton.m.iterkeys(): automaton.check_state_sum(state) automaton.finalize() return automaton @staticmethod def _create_automaton_from_alphabet(alphabet): """ Creates states of the automaton given by @alphabet @alphabet is a dict from letters to the number of states that emits that letter """ automaton = Automaton() # create states and emissions is_degenerate = True for letter in alphabet: for index in xrange(alphabet[letter]): state = "".join(letter) + "_" + str(index) automaton.emissions[state] = letter automaton.m_emittors[letter].add(state) if is_degenerate and not Automaton.is_epsilon_state(state): # found at least one emitting state is_degenerate = False if is_degenerate: raise Exception("Automaton has no emittors") return automaton @staticmethod def create_uniform_automaton(alphabet, initial_transitions=None): """Creates an automaton with alphabet and uniform transition probabilities. If initial_transitions is given (dict of (state, dict of (state, probability), returned by read_transitions) the remaining probability mass will be divided up among the uninitialized transitions in an uniform manner. """ automaton = Automaton._create_automaton_from_alphabet(alphabet) states = automaton.emissions.keys() states.append("^") states.append("$") if initial_transitions: for s in initial_transitions.keys(): if s not in states: raise Exception("invalid state name in initial " + "transitions given by option -I") for s2 in initial_transitions[s]: if s2 not in states: raise Exception("invalid state name in initial " + "transitions given by option -I") # calculate uniform transition distributions for s1 in states: if s1 == "$": continue init_total = 0.0 states_initialized = set() if initial_transitions and s1 in initial_transitions: for s2 in initial_transitions[s1]: if s2 not in states: raise Exception("invalid state name in init: %s" % s2) prob = initial_transitions[s1][s2] automaton.m[s1][s2] = prob init_total += math.exp(prob) states_initialized.add(s2) # TODO refactor this if init_total > 1.0000001: sys.stderr.write("state: {0}, init total: {1}\n".format(s1, init_total)) raise Exception("Too much probability for init_total") # divide up remaining mass into equal parts valid_next_states = set([s2 for s2 in states if Automaton.is_valid_transition(s1, s2)]) if valid_next_states == states_initialized: continue u = (1.0 - init_total) / (len(valid_next_states) - len(states_initialized)) for s2 in valid_next_states - states_initialized: try: automaton.m[s1][s2] = math.log(u) except ValueError: automaton.m[s1][s2] = Automaton.m_inf automaton.finalize() return automaton @staticmethod def create_from_corpus(corpus): """ Creates an automaton from a corpus, where @corpus is a dict from items (str or tuple) to counts""" automaton = Automaton() alphabet = set() total = float(sum(corpus.itervalues())) for item, cnt in corpus.iteritems(): item = ("^",) + item + ("$",) for i in range(len(item) - 1): alphabet.add(item[i]) alphabet.add(item[i + 1]) if item[i + 1] in automaton.m[item[i]]: automaton.m[item[i]][item[i + 1]] += cnt / total else: automaton.m[item[i]][item[i + 1]] = cnt / total # changing to log probs and normalize for state1, outs in automaton.m.iteritems(): for state2 in outs.iterkeys(): outs[state2] = math.log(outs[state2]) automaton.normalize_state(state1) for l in alphabet: automaton.emissions[l] = l automaton.m_emittors[l].add(l) automaton.finalize() return automaton @staticmethod def is_epsilon_state(state): return state.startswith("EPSILON_") @staticmethod def is_valid_transition(state1, state2): # subsequent non emitting states are not allowed # the only exception is '^' -> '$' if (state1, state2) == ("^", "$"): return True return ( not (Automaton.nonemitting(state1) and Automaton.nonemitting(state2)) and not state2 == "^" and not state1 == "$" ) @staticmethod def nonemitting(state): return state == "^" or state == "$" or Automaton.is_epsilon_state(state) def finalize(self): for state1, transitions in self.m.iteritems(): self.m[state1] = dict(transitions) self.m = dict(self.m) self.m_emittors = dict(self.m_emittors) def emittors(self, letter): return self.m_emittors[letter] def update_probability_of_string_in_state(self, string, state, memo): """The probability of the event that the automaton emits 'string' and finishes the quest at 'state'. 'state' did not emit yet: It will emit the next symbol following 'string'. """ total = Automaton.m_inf # compute real emissions for previousState in self.emissions: previousState_i = self.state_indices[previousState] # stop if no transitions to state if not state in self.m[previousState]: continue state_emit = self.emissions[previousState] state_emit_l = len(state_emit) if state_emit == string[-state_emit_l:]: head = string[:-state_emit_l] soFar = Automaton.m_inf if head in memo and memo[head][previousState_i] is not None: soFar = memo[head][previousState_i] soFar += self.m[previousState][state] total = max(soFar, total) # check the case of epsilon emission for epsilonState in self.m.keys(): epsilonState_i = self.state_indices[epsilonState] if epsilonState in self.emissions: continue # if the automaton is not complete, avoid KeyError: if not state in self.m[epsilonState]: continue if not string in memo or memo[string][epsilonState_i] is None: continue soFar = memo[string][epsilonState_i] soFar += self.m[epsilonState][state] total = max(soFar, total) if string not in memo: memo[string] = [None] * len(self.state_indices) memo[string][self.state_indices[state]] = total def update_probability_of_string(self, string, memo): """Probability that the automaton emits this string""" states = set(self.m.keys()) states.add("$") states.remove("^") # first compute the epsilon states probs because of the # memoization dependency for state in sorted(states, key=lambda x: not Automaton.is_epsilon_state(x)): self.update_probability_of_string_in_state(string, state, memo) def probability_of_strings(self, strings): """ Expects a list of strings. Outputs a map from those strings to probabilities. """ topsorted = closure_and_top_sort(strings) # remove empty string topsorted = topsorted[1:] memo = self.init_memo() output = {} for string in topsorted: self.update_probability_of_string(string, memo) output[string] = memo[string][self.state_indices["$"]] return output def init_memo(self): # to save memory if memo is huge, inner dicts in memo are actually # lists with state indices states = set(self.m.keys()) states.add("$") self.state_indices = dict([(s, i) for i, s in enumerate(states)]) memo = {(): [None] * len(states)} epsilon_reachables = set(["^"]) while True: targets = set() for state in epsilon_reachables: state_i = self.state_indices[state] for target in self.m[state]: target_i = self.state_indices[target] if target in epsilon_reachables: continue if Automaton.is_epsilon_state(target): targets.add(target) # start is not memoized so_far = Automaton.m_inf if memo[()][target_i] is not None: so_far = memo[()][target_i] prob_this_way = self.m[state][target] if state != "^": prob_this_way += memo[()][state_i] memo[()][target_i] = max(so_far, prob_this_way) epsilon_reachables |= targets if len(targets) == 0: break return memo @staticmethod def kullback(p1, p2): if p1 == 0.0: return 0.0 return p1 * math.log(p1 / p2) @staticmethod def squarerr(p1, p2): return (p1 - p2) ** 2 @staticmethod def l1err(p1, p2): return abs(p1 - p2) def distance_from_corpus(self, corpus, distfp, reverse=False, distances={}): distance = 0.0 probs = self.probability_of_strings(list(corpus.keys())) for item, corpus_p in corpus.iteritems(): if corpus_p > 0.0: modeled_p = math.exp(probs[item]) if modeled_p == 0.0: modeled_p = 1e-50 dist = distfp(corpus_p, modeled_p) if not reverse else distfp(modeled_p, corpus_p) distance += dist distances[item] = dist return distance def round_and_normalize_state(self, state): if self.quantizer: self.round_transitions(self.m[state]) self.normalize_state(state) def round_transitions(self, edges): for state, weight in edges.iteritems(): edges[state] = self.quantizer.representer(weight) def normalize_state(self, state): edges = self.m[state] total_log = math.log(sum(math.exp(v) for v in edges.values())) for s2 in edges.keys(): edges[s2] -= total_log def round_and_normalize(self): for state in self.m.iterkeys(): self.round_and_normalize_state(state) def smooth(self): """Smooth zero transition probabilities""" eps = math.log(Automaton.eps) for state, edges in self.m.iteritems(): for other_state in edges: old_val = edges.get(other_state, Automaton.m_inf) if old_val < eps: edges[other_state] = eps # normalize the transitions self.normalize_state(state) def boost_edge(self, edge, factor): """Adds @factor logprob to @edge""" s1, s2 = edge self.m[s1][s2] += factor self.round_and_normalize_state(s1) self.check_state_sum(s1) def check_state_sum(self, state): edges = self.m[state] s_sum = sum([math.exp(log_prob) for log_prob in edges.values()]) if abs(1.0 - s_sum) < 1e-3: return else: raise Exception("transitions from state {0} ".format(state) + "don't sum to 1, but {0}".format(s_sum)) def dump(self, f): if self.quantizer is not None: emit_bits, trans_bits = self.encoder.automaton_bits(self) total_bits = emit_bits + trans_bits f.write( "total bits: {0} ({1} transition bits, {2} emission bits)\n".format(total_bits, emit_bits, trans_bits) ) states = sorted(self.m.keys()) for s1 in states: for s2 in states + ["$"]: if s2 in self.m[s1]: f.write("{0} -> {1}: {2}\n".format(s1, s2, self.m[s1][s2])) for s1, em in self.emissions.iteritems(): f.write("{0}: {1}\n".format(s1, repr(em).replace(" ", ""))) def split_state(self, state, new_state, ratio): hub_in = "EPSILON_{0}_{1}_in".format(state, new_state) hub_out = "EPSILON_{0}_{1}_out".format(state, new_state) self.m[hub_in] = {state + "_0": math.log(1 - ratio), new_state + "_0": math.log(ratio)} self.m[hub_out] = {} self.emissions[new_state + "_0"] = (new_state,) self.m_emittors[(new_state,)] = set([new_state + "_0"]) for s1, trs in self.m.items(): if s1 in (hub_in, hub_out): continue for s2, p in trs.items(): if s2.startswith(state): self.m[s1][hub_in] = p self.m[s1][s2] = float("-inf") for s2, p in self.m[state + "_0"].items(): self.m[hub_out][s2] = p self.m[state + "_0"] = {hub_out: 0.0} self.m[new_state + "_0"] = {hub_out: 0.0} def language(self): generated_mass = 0.0 emits = set(self.emissions.itervalues()) memo = self.init_memo() prev_mass = -1.0 while abs(generated_mass - prev_mass) >= 1e-4 and 1.0 - generated_mass > 0.01: prev_mass = generated_mass for word in memo.keys(): for emit in emits: new_word = word + emit self.update_probability_of_string(new_word, memo) # filter small probs memo = dict([(k, [(None if (lp is None or lp < -100) else lp) for lp in l]) for k, l in memo.iteritems()]) # filter small prob words memo = dict([(k, l) for k, l in memo.iteritems() if sum(filter(lambda x: x is not None, l)) > -200]) # compute generated mass generated_mass = sum( [ math.exp(prob_list[self.state_indices["$"]]) for s, prob_list in memo.iteritems() if (s != () and prob_list[self.state_indices["$"]] is not None) ] ) # compute hq - only debug # hq = sum([-probs[self.state_indices["$"]] * math.exp(probs[self.state_indices["$"]]) for probs in memo.itervalues()]) for k in memo.keys(): if memo[k][self.state_indices["$"]] is None: del memo[k] return memo
class Timelapse(NSObject): """ Creates a timelapse video """ def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, notification): self.check_dependencies() # Initialize recording self.recording = start_recording # Set correct output paths self.recorder_output_basedir = os.path.join(dir_base, dir_pictures, dir_app) self.encoder_output_basedir = os.path.join(dir_base, dir_movies) self.image_dir = self.create_dir(self.recorder_output_basedir) # Create a reference to the statusbar (menubar) self.statusbar = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar() # Create item in statusbar self.statusitem = self.statusbar.statusItemWithLength_( NSVariableStatusItemLength) self.statusitem.setHighlightMode_(1) # Highlight upon clicking # Create a simple menu and bind it to the status item = self.createMenu() self.statusitem.setMenu_( # Load icons and show them in the statusbar self.loadIcons() self.setStatus() def loadIcons(self): self.icon_recording = NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfFile_( os.path.join("timelapse", dir_resources, image_recording)) self.icon_idle = NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfFile_( os.path.join("timelapse", dir_resources, image_idle)) def setStatus(self): """ Sets the image and menu text according to recording status """ if self.recording: self.statusitem.setImage_(self.icon_recording) self.recordButton.setTitle_(text_recorder_running) self.statusitem.setToolTip_(tooltip_running) else: self.statusitem.setImage_(self.icon_idle) self.recordButton.setTitle_(text_recorder_idle) self.statusitem.setToolTip_(tooltip_idle) def createMenu(self): """ Status bar menu """ menu = NSMenu.alloc().init() # Bind record event self.recordButton = NSMenuItem.alloc( ).initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_(text_recorder_idle, 'startStopRecording:', '') menu.addItem_(self.recordButton) # Quit event menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Quit', 'terminate:', '') menu.addItem_(menuitem) return menu def startStopRecording_(self, notification): if self.recording: self.recorder.join() # Create timelapse after recording? if encode: self.encoder = Encoder(self.image_dir, self.encoder_output_basedir) self.encoder.start() else: self.recorder = Recorder(self.image_dir, screenshot_interval) self.recorder.start() self.recording = not self.recording self.setStatus() @objc.python_method def create_dir(self, base_dir): """ Creates a specified directory and the path to it if necessary """ if create_session_subdir: # Create a new subdirectory output_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, self.get_sub_dir(base_dir)) else: # Don't create a subdirectory. Use base directory for output output_dir = base_dir # Create path if it doesn't exist try: print(output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir) except OSError as e: print("Error while creating directory:", e) exit() return output_dir @objc.python_method def get_sub_dir(self, base_dir): """ Returns the next nonexistend subdirectory to base_dir """ subdir_base = os.path.join(base_dir, subdir_suffix) # Check if we can use subdir without any session id subdir = subdir_base # Use a session id only if subdir already exists session_number = 0 while os.path.exists(subdir): # We can't use subdir. Create directory with session id session_number += 1 subdir = subdir_base + "-" + str(session_number) return subdir def check_dependencies(self): try: subprocess.check_call(['ffmpeg']) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("ffmpeg command was found") pass # ffmpeg is found, but returns non-zero exit as expected # This is a quick and dirty check; it leaves some spurious output # for the user to puzzle over. except OSError: print(not_found_msg)
def main(): global device device = next(chromecast) enc = Encoder(12, 13, clicks=2, reverse=True) np = volume.NeoPixelRing(4, device, machine.Pin(15), 16) button = machine.Pin(5, machine.Pin.IN) cast = connect2device(np) current_vol = cast.get_volume print('Connected to:', cast_name[device], device, 'current vol:', current_vol) enc.set_val(current_vol) last_enc_val = current_vol last_change_tick = time.ticks_ms() np.change_device(device, current_vol) while True: val = enc.value if last_enc_val != val: print(val) np.set_vol(val) last_enc_val = val last_change_tick = time.ticks_ms() #CHANGING VOLUME if (time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), last_change_tick) > 200) and (last_enc_val != current_vol): cast.set_volume(val) current_vol = cast.get_volume print('current volume:', current_vol) #SLEEP AFTER DELAY if (time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), last_change_tick) > 10000): #10 sec cast.disconnect() np.turn_off() print("SLEEP") esp.deepsleep() #CHANGING CHROMECAST WITH ENCODER BUTTON if button.value(): print('BUTTON PRESSED') b_start = time.ticks_ms() while button.value(): if (time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), b_start) > 2000): print('STOPPING PLAYBACK') np.stop() cast.stop_playback() time.sleep_ms(1500) np.set_vol(current_vol) last_change_tick = time.ticks_ms() break if time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), b_start) < 2000: cast.disconnect() prev_device = device device = next(chromecast) if device is not prev_device: cast = connect2device(np) current_vol = cast.get_volume enc.set_val(current_vol) np.change_device(device, current_vol) print('switched to:', cast_name[device], device, 'current vol:', current_vol) last_change_tick = time.ticks_ms() time.sleep_ms(100)
def __init__(self, model_pre_path): self.encoder = Encoder(model_pre_path) self.decoder = Decoder(model_pre_path)
class Timelapse(NSObject): """ Creates a timelapse video """ def applicationDidFinishLaunching_(self, notification): self.check_dependencies() # Initialize recording self.recording = start_recording # Set correct output paths self.recorder_output_basedir = os.path.join( dir_base, dir_pictures, dir_app) self.encoder_output_basedir = os.path.join(dir_base, dir_movies) self.image_dir = self.create_dir(self.recorder_output_basedir) # Create a reference to the statusbar (menubar) self.statusbar = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar() # Create item in statusbar self.statusitem = self.statusbar.statusItemWithLength_( NSVariableStatusItemLength) self.statusitem.setHighlightMode_(1) # Highlight upon clicking # Create a simple menu and bind it to the status item = self.createMenu() self.statusitem.setMenu_( # Load icons and show them in the statusbar self.loadIcons() self.setStatus() def loadIcons(self): self.icon_recording = NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfFile_( os.path.join("timelapse", dir_resources, image_recording)) self.icon_idle = NSImage.alloc().initWithContentsOfFile_( os.path.join("timelapse", dir_resources, image_idle)) def setStatus(self): """ Sets the image and menu text according to recording status """ if self.recording: self.statusitem.setImage_(self.icon_recording) self.recordButton.setTitle_(text_recorder_running) self.statusitem.setToolTip_(tooltip_running) else: self.statusitem.setImage_(self.icon_idle) self.recordButton.setTitle_(text_recorder_idle) self.statusitem.setToolTip_(tooltip_idle) def createMenu(self): """ Status bar menu """ menu = NSMenu.alloc().init() # Bind record event self.recordButton = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( text_recorder_idle, 'startStopRecording:', '') menu.addItem_(self.recordButton) # Quit event menuitem = NSMenuItem.alloc().initWithTitle_action_keyEquivalent_( 'Quit', 'terminate:', '') menu.addItem_(menuitem) return menu def startStopRecording_(self, notification): if self.recording: self.recorder.join() # Create timelapse after recording? if encode: self.encoder = Encoder( self.image_dir, self.encoder_output_basedir) self.encoder.start() else: self.recorder = Recorder(self.image_dir, screenshot_interval) self.recorder.start() self.recording = not self.recording self.setStatus() @objc.python_method def create_dir(self, base_dir): """ Creates a specified directory and the path to it if necessary """ if create_session_subdir: # Create a new subdirectory output_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, self.get_sub_dir(base_dir)) else: # Don't create a subdirectory. Use base directory for output output_dir = base_dir # Create path if it doesn't exist try: print(output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir) except OSError as e: print("Error while creating directory:", e) exit() return output_dir @objc.python_method def get_sub_dir(self, base_dir): """ Returns the next nonexistend subdirectory to base_dir """ subdir_base = os.path.join(base_dir, subdir_suffix) # Check if we can use subdir without any session id subdir = subdir_base # Use a session id only if subdir already exists session_number = 0 while os.path.exists(subdir): # We can't use subdir. Create directory with session id session_number += 1 subdir = subdir_base + "-" + str(session_number) return subdir def check_dependencies(self): try: subprocess.check_call(['ffmpeg']) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: print("ffmpeg command was found") pass # ffmpeg is found, but returns non-zero exit as expected # This is a quick and dirty check; it leaves some spurious output # for the user to puzzle over. except OSError: print(not_found_msg)
def train_decoder(train_set, opt, learning_r, encoder=None, epoch=500, batch_size=32, pre_trained_path='', test_set=None, name="Validation", tensorboard=False, img_tag=""): data_loader = make_data_loader(data_to_loader=train_set, batch_size=batch_size) best_test_loss = 999999999 if encoder is None: encoder = Encoder() decoder = Decoder() if pre_trained_path != '': encoder = torch.load(pre_trained_path)["model"] if use_gpu: decoder = decoder.cuda() encoder = encoder.cuda() criterion = nn.MSELoss() params = list(decoder.parameters()) + list(encoder.parameters()) if opt == "ADAM": optimizer = optim.Adam(params, lr=learning_r) else: optimizer = optim.SGD(params, lr=learning_r) for epoch in range(epoch): # loop over the dataset multiple times print("Epoch: ", epoch) for i, data in enumerate(data_loader, 0): # get the inputs inputs, labels = data if use_gpu: inputs = inputs.cuda() # zero the parameter gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # forward + backward + optimize hidden = encoder(inputs) outputs = decoder(hidden) loss = criterion(outputs, inputs) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_loss = test_decoder(encoder, decoder, vad_set=train_set, name="Training", show_log=True, img_tag=img_tag, tensorboard=tensorboard, epoch=epoch) if test_set is not None: test_loss = test_decoder(encoder, decoder, vad_set=test_set, name=name, show_log=True, img_tag=img_tag, tensorboard=tensorboard, epoch=epoch) if tensorboard and name is not "Validation": writer_test.add_scalar('MSE_loss', test_loss, epoch) if test_loss < best_test_loss: best_test_loss = test_loss if tensorboard and name is not "Validation": writer_train.add_scalar('MSE_loss', train_loss, epoch) return encoder, decoder, best_test_loss
from machine import Pin, I2C, Timer from board import * from bno055 import BNO055 # IMU from drv8833 import DRV8833 # your implementation from motor import PIDMotor # your implementation from encoder import Encoder # your implementation, don't forget clear_count from balance import Balance import gc # for garbage collection methods # Setup motors ########## Check Pin Numbers! ########## # Change pin numbers here to match yours or rewire your robot leftEnc = Encoder(34, 39, 2) leftM = DRV8833(19, 16) rightEnc = Encoder(36, 4, 1) rightM = DRV8833(17, 21) ########## Check Pin Numbers! ########## pidL = PIDMotor(leftM, leftEnc) pidR = PIDMotor(rightM, rightEnc) # setup IMU i2c = I2C(0, sda=23, scl=22, freq=13000) imu = BNO055(i2c) # status LED led = Pin(LED, mode=Pin.OUT)
def __init__(self, hyperparams, is_training, inputs, input_lengths, mel_targets=None, linear_targets=None, audio_lengths=None): self.encoder = Encoder(hyperparams, is_training, inputs, input_lengths) self.decoder = Decoder(hyperparams, is_training, self.encoder.encoder_outputs, mel_targets) if is_training: with tf.variable_scope('loss'): mel_loss = tf.abs(mel_targets - self.decoder.mel_outputs) l1 = tf.abs(linear_targets - self.decoder.linear_outputs) self.linear_loss = tf.reduce_mean(l1) self.mel_loss = tf.reduce_mean(mel_loss) self.loss = self.linear_loss + self.mel_loss with tf.variable_scope('optimizer'): self.global_step = tf.get_variable( "global_step", shape=[], trainable=False, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer, dtype=tf.int32) step = tf.cast(self.global_step + 1, dtype=tf.float32) self.learning_rate = hyperparams.initial_learning_rate * \ tf.train.exponential_decay(1., step, 3000, 0.95) optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate, hyperparams.adam_beta1, hyperparams.adam_beta2) self.gradients, variables = zip( *optimizer.compute_gradients(self.loss)) clipped_gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm( self.gradients, 1.0) # Memo the total length of audio this model was trained on self.total_length = tf.get_variable( 'total_train_length', [], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer, dtype=tf.float32) update_total_length = tf.assign_add( self.total_length, tf.reduce_sum(audio_lengths)) # Add dependency on UPDATE_OPS; otherwise batchnorm won't work correctly. See: # with tf.control_dependencies( tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) + [update_total_length]): self.optimize = optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(clipped_gradients, variables), global_step=self.global_step) # Logging self.training_summary = tf.summary.merge([ tf.summary.scalar("total_loss", self.loss), tf.summary.scalar("mel_loss", self.mel_loss), tf.summary.scalar("linear_loss", self.linear_loss), tf.summary.scalar("total_length_hours", self.total_length / 3600) ]) self.validation_summary = tf.summary.merge([ tf.summary.scalar("validation_total_loss", self.loss), tf.summary.scalar("validation_mel_loss", self.mel_loss), tf.summary.scalar("validation_linear_loss", self.linear_loss), tf.summary.image( "v_alignment_matrix", tf.expand_dims(self.decoder.alignments, 3)) ])
class DataIterator: """数据集迭代类""" def __init__(self, model_conf: ModelConfig, mode: RunMode, ran_captcha=None): """ :param model_conf: 工程配置 :param mode: 运行模式(区分:训练/验证) """ self.model_conf = model_conf self.mode = mode self.path_map = { RunMode.Trains: self.model_conf.trains_path[DatasetType.TFRecords], RunMode.Validation: self.model_conf.validation_path[DatasetType.TFRecords] } self.batch_map = { RunMode.Trains: self.model_conf.batch_size, RunMode.Validation: self.model_conf.validation_batch_size } self.data_dir = self.path_map[mode] self.next_element = None self.image_path = [] self.label_list = [] self._label_list = [] self._size = 0 self.encoder = Encoder(self.model_conf, self.mode) self.ran_captcha = ran_captcha @staticmethod def parse_example(serial_example): features = serial_example, features={ 'label':[], tf.string), 'input':[], tf.string), }) _input = tf.cast(features['input'], tf.string) _label = tf.cast(features['label'], tf.string) return _input, _label @staticmethod def total_sample(file_name): sample_nums = 0 for _ in tf.compat.v1.python_io.tf_record_iterator(file_name): sample_nums += 1 return sample_nums def read_sample_from_tfrecords(self, path): """ 从TFRecords中读取样本 :param path: TFRecords文件路径 :return: """ if isinstance(path, list): for p in path: self._size += self.total_sample(p) else: self._size = self.total_sample(path) min_after_dequeue = 1000 batch = self.batch_map[self.mode] if self.model_conf.da_random_captcha['Enable']: batch = random.randint(int(batch / 3 * 2), batch) dataset_train =, num_parallel_reads=20).map( self.parse_example) dataset_train = dataset_train.shuffle( min_after_dequeue, reshuffle_each_iteration=True).prefetch(128).batch( batch, drop_remainder=True).repeat() iterator = self.next_element = iterator.get_next() @property def size(self): """样本数""" return self._size @property def labels(self): """标签""" return self.label_list @staticmethod def to_sparse(input_batch, label_batch): """密集输入转稀疏""" batch_inputs = input_batch batch_labels = utils.sparse.sparse_tuple_from_sequences(label_batch) return batch_inputs, batch_labels def generate_captcha(self, num) -> (list, list): _images = [] _labels = [] for i in range(num): try: image, labels, font_type = self.ran_captcha.create() _images.append(image) _labels.append(''.join(labels).encode()) except Exception as e: print(e) pass return _images, _labels def generate_batch_by_tfrecords(self, session): """根据TFRecords生成当前批次,输入为当前TensorFlow会话,输出为稀疏型X和Y""" # print(session.graph) batch = self.batch_map[self.mode] _input, _label = if self.model_conf.da_random_captcha['Enable']: remain_batch = batch - len(_label) extra_input, extra_label = self.generate_captcha(remain_batch) _input = np.concatenate((_input, extra_input), axis=0) _label = np.concatenate((_label, extra_label), axis=0) input_batch = [] label_batch = [] for index, (i1, i2) in enumerate(zip(_input, _label)): try: label_array = self.encoder.text(i2) if self.model_conf.model_field == ModelField.Image: input_array = self.encoder.image(i1) else: input_array = self.encoder.text(i1) if input_array is None: tf.compat.v1.logging.warn( "{}, Cannot identify image file labeled: {}, ignored.". format(input_array, label_array)) continue if isinstance(input_array, str): tf.compat.v1.logging.warn( "{}, \nInput errors labeled: {} [{}], ignored.".format( input_array, i1, label_array)) continue if isinstance(label_array, dict): # tf.logging.warn("The sample label {} contains invalid charset: {}.".format( # label_array['label'], label_array['char'] # )) continue if input_array.shape[-1] != self.model_conf.image_channel: # pass tf.compat.v1.logging.warn( "{}, \nInput shape: {}, ignored.".format( self.model_conf.image_channel, input_array.shape[-1])) continue label_len_correct = len( label_array) != self.model_conf.max_label_num using_cross_entropy = self.model_conf.loss_func == LossFunction.CrossEntropy if label_len_correct and using_cross_entropy and not self.model_conf.auto_padding: tf.compat.v1.logging.warn( "The number of labels must be fixed when using cross entropy, label: {}, " "the number of tags is incorrect, ignored.".format(i2)) continue if len( label_array ) > self.model_conf.max_label_num and using_cross_entropy: tf.compat.v1.logging.warn( "The number of label[{}] exceeds the maximum number of labels, ignored.{}" .format(i2, label_array)) continue input_batch.append(input_array) label_batch.append(label_array) except OSError: random_suffix = hashlib.md5(i1).hexdigest() file_format = EXCEPT_FORMAT_MAP[self.model_conf.model_field] with open(file="oserror_{}.{}".format(random_suffix, file_format), mode="wb") as f: f.write(i1) tf.compat.v1.logging.warn("OSError [{}]".format(i2)) continue # 如果图片尺寸不固定则padding当前批次,使用最大的宽度作为序列最大长度 if self.model_conf.model_field == ModelField.Image and self.model_conf.resize[ 0] == -1: input_batch = tf.keras.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences( sequences=input_batch, maxlen=None, dtype='float32', padding='post', truncating='post', value=0) self.label_list = label_batch return self.to_sparse(input_batch, self.label_list)
class VariationalDynamicalEncoder(object): def __init__(self, params, dim_x, dim_z, dim_recon, p_x='bernoulli', q_z='gaussian_marg', p_z='gaussian_marg', l2_loss=1e-6): self.params, self.dim_x, self.dim_z, self.dim_recon = params, dim_x, dim_z, dim_recon N, M, T, D, n_z = self.params.n_batch, self.params.batch_size, self.params.n_time_steps, self.params.d_inputs, self.params.n_z Tau_pred, C = self.params.pred_seq_len, self.params.n_classes self.distributions = {'p_x': p_x, 'q_z': q_z, 'p_z': p_z} self.l2_loss = l2_loss ''' Create Graph ''' self.G = tf.Graph() with self.G.as_default(): self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, T, D]) # train M, T, D self.x_con = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, T, D]) self.y_one_hot = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, Tau_pred, C]) self.encoder = Encoder(params=self.params) self.decoder = Decoder(params=self.params) self.predict = Predict_trend(params=self.params) self._objective() self.session = tf.Session(graph=self.G) self.saver = tf.train.Saver() def _gen_sample(self, mu, log_sigma_sq): epsilon = tf.random_normal((tf.shape(mu)), 0, 1) sample = tf.add(mu, tf.multiply(tf.exp(0.5 * log_sigma_sq), epsilon)) return sample def _generate_zx(self, x, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope('encoder', reuse=reuse): z_mu, z_lsgms = self.encoder.output(x, reuse=reuse) z_sample = self._gen_sample(z_mu, z_lsgms) return z_sample, z_mu, z_lsgms def _generate_xz(self, z, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope('decoder', reuse=reuse): x_hat = self.decoder.output(z, reuse=reuse) return x_hat def _generate_yz(self, z, reuse=False): with tf.variable_scope('decoder', reuse=reuse): y_hat = self.predict.output(z, reuse=reuse) return y_hat def _objective(self): ############ ''' Cost ''' ############ self.z_sample, self.z_mu, self.z_lsgms = self._generate_zx(self.x) self.x_hat = self._generate_xz(self.z_sample) self.z_tau, _, _ = self._generate_zx(self.x_hat, reuse=True) # if self.distributions['p_z'] == 'gaussian_marg': # prior_z = tf.reduce_sum(utils.tf_gaussian_marg(self.z_mu, self.z_lsgms), 1) # # if self.distributions['q_z'] == 'gaussian_marg': # post_z = tf.reduce_sum(utils.tf_gaussian_ent(self.z_lsgms), 1) # # if self.distributions['p_x'] == 'bernoulli': # self.log_lik = - tf.reduce_sum(utils.tf_binary_xentropy(self.x, self.x_hat), 1) l2 = tf.add_n([tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables()]) latent_cost = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum( 1 + self.z_lsgms - tf.square(self.z_mu) - tf.exp(self.z_lsgms), axis=1) latent_loss = tf.reduce_mean(latent_cost) z_mean, z_var = tf.nn.moments(self.z_sample, axes=[0], keep_dims=True) z_tau_mean, z_tau_var = tf.nn.moments(self.z_tau, axes=[0], keep_dims=True) num = tf.reduce_mean(tf.multiply((self.z_sample - z_mean), (self.z_tau - z_tau_mean)), axis=[0, 1]) den = tf.reduce_mean(tf.multiply(z_var, tf.transpose(z_tau_var))) self.y_pred = self._generate_yz(self.z_sample) # _, T, C # # TODO format code into metric # eval_metric_ops = { # "accuracy": tf.metrics.accuracy(labels=self.y_one_hot, predictions=self.predictions["classes"]) # } # # self.predictions = { # "classes": tf.argmax(input=self.y_pred, axis=2), # "class_target": tf.argmax(input=self.y_one_hot, axis=2), # "probabilities": tf.nn.softmax(self.y_pred, name="softmax") # } _, self.accuracy = tf.metrics.accuracy( labels=tf.argmax(self.y_one_hot, 2), predictions=tf.argmax(self.y_pred, 2)) # classify self.predict_loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( onehot_labels=self.y_one_hot, logits=self.y_pred) self.corr_loss = -num / (den + 1e-6) self.mse_loss = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(labels=self.x_con, predictions=self.x_hat) # self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(post_z - prior_z) + self.corr_loss + self.mse_loss + self.l2_loss * l2 self.cost = latent_loss + self.mse_loss + self.l2_loss * l2 + self.predict_loss ################## ''' Evaluation ''' ################## self.z_sample_eval, _, _ = self._generate_zx(self.x, reuse=True) self.x_hat_eval = self._generate_xz(self.z_sample_eval, reuse=True) self.eval_log_lik = -tf.reduce_mean( tf.reduce_sum(utils.tf_binary_xentropy(self.x, self.x_hat_eval), 1)) def train(self, x, x_con, x_valid, x_con_valid, epochs, num_batches, print_every=1, learning_rate=3e-4, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, seed=31415, stop_iter=100, y_one_hot=None, save_path=None, load_path=None): self.num_examples = x.shape[0] self.num_batches = num_batches assert self.num_examples % self.num_batches == 0, '#Examples % #Batches != 0' self.batch_size = self.num_examples // self.num_batches ''' Session and Summary ''' self.save_path = save_path if save_path is None: self.save_ckpt_path = 'checkpoints/model_VAE_{}-{}_{}.cpkt'.format( learning_rate, self.batch_size, time.time()) else: self.save_ckpt_path = save_path + 'model_VAE_{}-{}_{}.cpkt'.format( learning_rate, self.batch_size, time.time()) np.random.seed(seed) tf.set_random_seed(seed) with self.G.as_default(): self.optimizer_origin = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate, beta1=beta1, beta2=beta2) self.optimizer = tf.contrib.estimator.clip_gradients_by_norm( self.optimizer_origin, clip_norm=1.0) self.train_op = self.optimizer.minimize(self.cost) self.init_g = tf.global_variables_initializer() self.init_l = tf.local_variables_initializer() self._test_vars = None with self.session as sess: # if load_path == 'default': full_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.save_path) print('restore model from {}'.format(full_path)) self.saver.restore(sess, full_path) elif load_path is not None: full_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(load_path) print('restore model from {}'.format(full_path)) self.saver.restore(sess, full_path) best_eval_log_lik = -np.inf best_mse = np.inf stop_counter = 0 for epoch in range(epochs): # TODO create shuffle Data # X_train_shuffle, X_tau_train_shuffle, y_classify_train_shuffle = shuffle_data(X_train, X_tau_train, y_classify_train) ''' Training ''' training_cost, accuracy = 0, 0 for x_batch, x_con_batch, y_one_hot_batch in utils.feed_numpy( self.batch_size, x, x_con, y=y_one_hot): training_result = [self.train_op, self.cost, self.accuracy], feed_dict={ self.x: x_batch, self.x_con: x_con_batch, self.y_one_hot: y_one_hot_batch }) training_cost += training_result[1] accuracy += training_result[2] training_cost, accuracy = training_cost / self.num_batches, accuracy / self.num_batches ''' Evaluation ''' stop_counter += 1 if epoch % print_every == 0: # test_vars = tf.get_collection(bookkeeper.GraphKeys.TEST_VARIABLES) # if test_vars: # if test_vars != self._test_vars: # self._test_vars = list(test_vars) # self._test_var_init_op = tf.initialize_variables(test_vars) # mse =, feed_dict={ self.x: x, self.x_con: x_con }) # corr_loss = self.corr_loss.eval(feed_dict={self.x: x, self.x_con: x_con}) if mse < best_mse: best_eval_log_lik = mse, self.save_ckpt_path) stop_counter = 0 utils.print_metrics(epoch + 1, ['Training', ' cost', training_cost], ['Accuracy', 'train', accuracy], ['MSE ', ' train', mse]) if stop_counter >= stop_iter: print( 'Stopping No change in validation log-likelihood for {} iterations' .format(stop_iter)) print('Best validation log-likelihood: {}'.format( best_eval_log_lik)) print('Model saved in {}'.format(self.save_path)) break def encode(self, x, sample=False): if sample: return[self.z_sample, self.z_mu, self.z_lsgms], feed_dict={self.x: x}) else: return[self.z_mu, self.z_lsgms], feed_dict={self.x: x}) def decode(self, z): return[self.x_hat], feed_dict={self.z_sample: z})
def initialize(self, train_data): """Initializes model parameters from pre-defined hyperparameters and other hyperparameters that are computed based on statistics over the training data.""" nl_lengths = [] code_lengths = [] nl_token_counter = Counter() code_token_counter = Counter() for ex in train_data: trg_sequence = [START ] + ex.span_minimal_diff_comment_tokens + [END] nl_token_counter.update(trg_sequence) nl_lengths.append(len(trg_sequence)) old_nl_sequence = ex.old_comment_tokens nl_token_counter.update(old_nl_sequence) nl_lengths.append(len(old_nl_sequence)) code_sequence = ex.span_diff_code_tokens code_token_counter.update(code_sequence) code_lengths.append(len(code_sequence)) self.max_nl_length = int( np.percentile(np.asarray(sorted(nl_lengths)), LENGTH_CUTOFF_PCT)) self.max_code_length = int( np.percentile(np.asarray(sorted(code_lengths)), LENGTH_CUTOFF_PCT)) self.max_vocab_extension = self.max_nl_length + self.max_code_length nl_counts = np.asarray(sorted(nl_token_counter.values())) nl_threshold = int(np.percentile(nl_counts, VOCAB_CUTOFF_PCT)) + 1 code_counts = np.asarray(sorted(code_token_counter.values())) code_threshold = int(np.percentile(nl_counts, VOCAB_CUTOFF_PCT)) + 1 self.embedding_store = EmbeddingStore(nl_threshold, NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, nl_token_counter, code_threshold, CODE_EMBEDDING_SIZE, code_token_counter, DROPOUT_RATE, True) self.code_encoder = Encoder(CODE_EMBEDDING_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE, NUM_LAYERS, DROPOUT_RATE) self.nl_encoder = Encoder(NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE, NUM_LAYERS, DROPOUT_RATE) self.decoder = UpdateDecoder(NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, DECODER_HIDDEN_SIZE, 2 * HIDDEN_SIZE, self.embedding_store, NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, DROPOUT_RATE) self.encoder_final_to_decoder_initial = nn.Parameter( torch.randn(2 * NUM_ENCODERS * HIDDEN_SIZE, DECODER_HIDDEN_SIZE, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True)) self.code_features_to_embedding = nn.Linear(CODE_EMBEDDING_SIZE + NUM_CODE_FEATURES, CODE_EMBEDDING_SIZE, bias=False) self.nl_features_to_embedding = nn.Linear(NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE + NUM_NL_FEATURES, NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, bias=False) self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=LR)
class CommentUpdateModel(nn.Module): """Edit model which learns to map a sequence of code edits to a sequence of comment edits and then applies the edits to the old comment in order to produce an updated comment.""" def __init__(self, model_path): super(CommentUpdateModel, self).__init__() self.model_path = model_path self.torch_device_name = 'cpu' def initialize(self, train_data): """Initializes model parameters from pre-defined hyperparameters and other hyperparameters that are computed based on statistics over the training data.""" nl_lengths = [] code_lengths = [] nl_token_counter = Counter() code_token_counter = Counter() for ex in train_data: trg_sequence = [START ] + ex.span_minimal_diff_comment_tokens + [END] nl_token_counter.update(trg_sequence) nl_lengths.append(len(trg_sequence)) old_nl_sequence = ex.old_comment_tokens nl_token_counter.update(old_nl_sequence) nl_lengths.append(len(old_nl_sequence)) code_sequence = ex.span_diff_code_tokens code_token_counter.update(code_sequence) code_lengths.append(len(code_sequence)) self.max_nl_length = int( np.percentile(np.asarray(sorted(nl_lengths)), LENGTH_CUTOFF_PCT)) self.max_code_length = int( np.percentile(np.asarray(sorted(code_lengths)), LENGTH_CUTOFF_PCT)) self.max_vocab_extension = self.max_nl_length + self.max_code_length nl_counts = np.asarray(sorted(nl_token_counter.values())) nl_threshold = int(np.percentile(nl_counts, VOCAB_CUTOFF_PCT)) + 1 code_counts = np.asarray(sorted(code_token_counter.values())) code_threshold = int(np.percentile(nl_counts, VOCAB_CUTOFF_PCT)) + 1 self.embedding_store = EmbeddingStore(nl_threshold, NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, nl_token_counter, code_threshold, CODE_EMBEDDING_SIZE, code_token_counter, DROPOUT_RATE, True) self.code_encoder = Encoder(CODE_EMBEDDING_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE, NUM_LAYERS, DROPOUT_RATE) self.nl_encoder = Encoder(NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE, NUM_LAYERS, DROPOUT_RATE) self.decoder = UpdateDecoder(NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, DECODER_HIDDEN_SIZE, 2 * HIDDEN_SIZE, self.embedding_store, NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, DROPOUT_RATE) self.encoder_final_to_decoder_initial = nn.Parameter( torch.randn(2 * NUM_ENCODERS * HIDDEN_SIZE, DECODER_HIDDEN_SIZE, dtype=torch.float, requires_grad=True)) self.code_features_to_embedding = nn.Linear(CODE_EMBEDDING_SIZE + NUM_CODE_FEATURES, CODE_EMBEDDING_SIZE, bias=False) self.nl_features_to_embedding = nn.Linear(NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE + NUM_NL_FEATURES, NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, bias=False) self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=LR) def get_batches(self, dataset, shuffle=False): """Divides the dataset into batches based on pre-defined BATCH_SIZE hyperparameter. Each batch is tensorized so that it can be directly passed into the network.""" batches = [] if shuffle: random.shuffle(dataset) curr_idx = 0 while curr_idx < len(dataset): start_idx = curr_idx end_idx = min(start_idx + BATCH_SIZE, len(dataset)) code_token_ids = [] code_lengths = [] old_nl_token_ids = [] old_nl_lengths = [] trg_token_ids = [] trg_extended_token_ids = [] trg_lengths = [] invalid_copy_positions = [] inp_str_reps = [] inp_ids = [] code_features = [] nl_features = [] for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): code_sequence = dataset[i].span_diff_code_tokens code_sequence_ids = self.embedding_store.get_padded_code_ids( code_sequence, self.max_code_length) code_length = min(len(code_sequence), self.max_code_length) code_token_ids.append(code_sequence_ids) code_lengths.append(code_length) old_nl_sequence = dataset[i].old_comment_tokens old_nl_length = min(len(old_nl_sequence), self.max_nl_length) old_nl_sequence_ids = self.embedding_store.get_padded_nl_ids( old_nl_sequence, self.max_nl_length) old_nl_token_ids.append(old_nl_sequence_ids) old_nl_lengths.append(old_nl_length) ex_inp_str_reps = [] ex_inp_ids = [] extra_counter = len(self.embedding_store.nl_vocabulary) max_limit = len(self.embedding_store.nl_vocabulary ) + self.max_vocab_extension out_ids = set() copy_inputs = code_sequence[: code_length] + old_nl_sequence[: old_nl_length] for c in copy_inputs: nl_id = self.embedding_store.get_nl_id(c) if self.embedding_store.is_nl_unk( nl_id) and extra_counter < max_limit: if c in ex_inp_str_reps: nl_id = ex_inp_ids[ex_inp_str_reps.index(c)] else: nl_id = extra_counter extra_counter += 1 out_ids.add(nl_id) ex_inp_str_reps.append(c) ex_inp_ids.append(nl_id) trg_sequence = trg_sequence = [ START ] + dataset[i].span_minimal_diff_comment_tokens + [END] trg_sequence_ids = self.embedding_store.get_padded_nl_ids( trg_sequence, self.max_nl_length) trg_extended_sequence_ids = self.embedding_store.get_extended_padded_nl_ids( trg_sequence, self.max_nl_length, ex_inp_ids, ex_inp_str_reps) trg_token_ids.append(trg_sequence_ids) trg_extended_token_ids.append(trg_extended_sequence_ids) trg_lengths.append(min(len(trg_sequence), self.max_nl_length)) inp_str_reps.append(ex_inp_str_reps) inp_ids.append(ex_inp_ids) invalid_copy_positions.append( get_invalid_copy_locations(ex_inp_str_reps, self.max_vocab_extension, trg_sequence, self.max_nl_length)) code_features.append( get_code_features(code_sequence, dataset[i], self.max_code_length)) nl_features.append( get_nl_features(old_nl_sequence, dataset[i], self.max_nl_length)) batches.append( UpdateBatchData( torch.tensor(code_token_ids, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(code_lengths, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(old_nl_token_ids, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(old_nl_lengths, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(trg_token_ids, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(trg_extended_token_ids, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(trg_lengths, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(invalid_copy_positions, dtype=torch.uint8, device=self.get_device()), inp_str_reps, inp_ids, torch.tensor(code_features, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(nl_features, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.get_device()))) curr_idx = end_idx return batches def get_encoder_output(self, batch_data): """Gets hidden states, final state, and a length masks corresponding to each encoder.""" code_embedded_tokens = self.code_features_to_embedding([ self.embedding_store.get_code_embeddings(batch_data.code_ids), batch_data.code_features ], dim=-1)) code_hidden_states, code_final_state = self.code_encoder.forward( code_embedded_tokens, batch_data.code_lengths, self.get_device()) old_nl_embedded_tokens = self.nl_features_to_embedding([ self.embedding_store.get_nl_embeddings(batch_data.old_nl_ids), batch_data.nl_features ], dim=-1)) old_nl_hidden_states, old_nl_final_state = self.nl_encoder.forward( old_nl_embedded_tokens, batch_data.old_nl_lengths, self.get_device()) encoder_hidden_states, input_lengths = merge_encoder_outputs( code_hidden_states, batch_data.code_lengths, old_nl_hidden_states, batch_data.old_nl_lengths, self.get_device()) encoder_final_state = torch.einsum( 'bd,dh->bh',[code_final_state, old_nl_final_state], dim=-1), self.encoder_final_to_decoder_initial) mask = (torch.arange(encoder_hidden_states.shape[1], device=self.get_device()).view(1, -1) >= input_lengths.view(-1, 1)).unsqueeze(1) code_masks = (torch.arange(code_hidden_states.shape[1], device=self.get_device()).view(1, -1) >= batch_data.code_lengths.view(-1, 1)).unsqueeze(1) old_nl_masks = (torch.arange(old_nl_hidden_states.shape[1], device=self.get_device()).view(1, -1) >= batch_data.old_nl_lengths.view(-1, 1)).unsqueeze(1) return encoder_hidden_states, encoder_final_state, mask, code_hidden_states, old_nl_hidden_states, code_masks, old_nl_masks def forward(self, batch_data): """Computes the loss against the gold sequences corresponding to the examples in the batch. NOTE: teacher-forcing.""" encoder_hidden_states, initial_state, inp_length_mask, code_hidden_states, old_nl_hidden_states, code_masks, old_nl_masks = self.get_encoder_output( batch_data) decoder_input_embeddings = self.embedding_store.get_nl_embeddings( batch_data.trg_nl_ids)[:, :-1] decoder_states, decoder_final_state, generation_logprobs, copy_logprobs = self.decoder.forward( initial_state, decoder_input_embeddings, encoder_hidden_states, code_hidden_states, old_nl_hidden_states, inp_length_mask, code_masks, old_nl_masks) gold_generation_ids = batch_data.trg_nl_ids[:, 1:].unsqueeze(-1) gold_generation_logprobs = torch.gather( input=generation_logprobs, dim=-1, index=gold_generation_ids).squeeze(-1) copy_logprobs = copy_logprobs.masked_fill( batch_data.invalid_copy_positions[:, 1:, :encoder_hidden_states. shape[1]], float('-inf')) gold_copy_logprobs = copy_logprobs.logsumexp(dim=-1) gold_logprobs = torch.logsumexp([ gold_generation_logprobs.unsqueeze(-1), gold_copy_logprobs.unsqueeze(-1) ], dim=-1), dim=-1) gold_logprobs = gold_logprobs.masked_fill( torch.arange(batch_data.trg_nl_ids[:, 1:].shape[-1], device=self.get_device()).unsqueeze(0) >= batch_data.trg_nl_lengths.unsqueeze(-1) - 1, 0) likelihood_by_example = gold_logprobs.sum(dim=-1) # Normalizing by length. Seems to help likelihood_by_example = likelihood_by_example / ( batch_data.trg_nl_lengths - 1).float() return -(likelihood_by_example).mean() def beam_decode(self, batch_data): """Performs beam search on the decoder to get candidate predictions for every example in the batch.""" encoder_hidden_states, initial_state, inp_length_mask, code_hidden_states, old_nl_hidden_states, code_masks, old_nl_masks = self.get_encoder_output( batch_data) predictions, scores = self.decoder.beam_decode( initial_state, encoder_hidden_states, code_hidden_states, old_nl_hidden_states, inp_length_mask, self.max_nl_length, batch_data, code_masks, old_nl_masks, self.get_device()) decoded_output = [] batch_size = initial_state.shape[0] for i in range(batch_size): beam_output = [] for j in range(len(predictions[i])): token_ids = predictions[i][j] tokens = self.embedding_store.get_nl_tokens( token_ids, batch_data.input_ids[i], batch_data.input_str_reps[i]) beam_output.append((tokens, scores[i][j])) decoded_output.append(beam_output) return decoded_output def get_device(self): """Returns the proper device.""" if self.torch_device_name == 'gpu': return torch.device('cuda') else: return torch.device('cpu') def run_gradient_step(self, batch_data): """Performs gradient step.""" self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = self.forward(batch_data) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() return float(loss.cpu()) def run_train(self, train_data, valid_data): """Runs training over the entire training set across several epochs. Following each epoch, loss on the validation data is computed. If the validation loss has improved, save the model. Early-stopping is employed to stop training if validation hasn't improved for a certain number of epochs.""" valid_batches = self.get_batches(valid_data) train_batches = self.get_batches(train_data, shuffle=True) best_loss = float('inf') patience_tally = 0 for epoch in range(MAX_EPOCHS): if patience_tally > PATIENCE: print('Terminating') break self.train() random.shuffle(train_batches) train_loss = 0 for batch_data in train_batches: train_loss += self.run_gradient_step(batch_data) self.eval() validation_loss = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for batch_data in valid_batches: validation_loss += float(self.forward(batch_data).cpu()) validation_loss = validation_loss / len(valid_batches) if validation_loss <= best_loss:, self.model_path) saved = True best_loss = validation_loss patience_tally = 0 else: saved = False patience_tally += 1 print('Epoch: {}'.format(epoch)) print('Training loss: {}'.format(train_loss / len(train_batches))) print('Validation loss: {}'.format(validation_loss)) if saved: print('Saved') print('-----------------------------------') def get_likelihood_scores(self, comment_generation_model, formatted_beam_predictions, test_example): """Computes the generation likelihood score for each beam prediction based on the pre-trained comment generation model.""" batch_examples = [] for j in range(len(formatted_beam_predictions)): batch_examples.append( Example(, test_example.old_comment, test_example.old_comment_tokens, ' '.join(formatted_beam_predictions[j]), formatted_beam_predictions[j], test_example.old_code, test_example.old_code_tokens, test_example.new_code, test_example.new_code_tokens)) batch_data = comment_generation_model.get_batches(batch_examples)[0] return np.asarray( comment_generation_model.compute_generation_likelihood(batch_data)) def get_generation_model(self): """Loads the pre-trained comment generation model needed for re-ranking. NOTE: the path is hard-coded here so may need to be modified.""" comment_generation_model = torch.load(FULL_GENERATION_MODEL_PATH) comment_generation_model.torch_device_name = 'cpu' comment_generation_model.cpu() for c in comment_generation_model.children(): c.cpu() comment_generation_model.eval() return comment_generation_model def run_evaluation(self, test_data, rerank): """Predicts updated comments for all comments in the test set and computes evaluation metrics.""" self.eval() test_batches = self.get_batches(test_data) test_predictions = [] generation_predictions = [] gold_strs = [] pred_strs = [] src_strs = [] references = [] pred_instances = [] with torch.no_grad(): for b_idx, batch_data in enumerate(test_batches): test_predictions.extend(self.beam_decode(batch_data)) if not rerank: test_predictions = [pred[0][0] for pred in test_predictions] else: comment_generation_model = self.get_generation_model() with torch.no_grad(): generation_test_batches = comment_generation_model.get_batches( test_data) for gen_batch_data in generation_test_batches: generation_predictions.extend( comment_generation_model.greedy_decode(gen_batch_data)) reranked_predictions = [] for i in range(len(test_predictions)): formatted_beam_predictions = [] model_scores = np.zeros(len(test_predictions[i]), dtype=np.float) generated = generation_predictions[i] old_comment_tokens = test_data[i].old_comment_tokens for b, (b_pred, b_score) in enumerate(test_predictions[i]): b_pred_str = diff_utils.format_minimal_diff_spans( test_data[i].old_comment_tokens, b_pred) formatted_beam_predictions.append(b_pred_str.split(' ')) model_scores[b] = b_score likelihood_scores = self.get_likelihood_scores( comment_generation_model, formatted_beam_predictions, test_data[i]) old_meteor_scores = compute_sentence_meteor( [[old_comment_tokens] for _ in range(len(formatted_beam_predictions))], formatted_beam_predictions) rerank_scores = [ (model_scores[j] * MODEL_LAMBDA) + (likelihood_scores[j] * LIKELIHOOD_LAMBDA) + (old_meteor_scores[j] * OLD_METEOR_LAMBDA) for j in range(len(formatted_beam_predictions)) ] sorted_indices = np.argsort(-np.asarray(rerank_scores)) reranked_predictions.append( test_predictions[i][sorted_indices[0]][0]) test_predictions = reranked_predictions for i in range(len(test_predictions)): pred_str = diff_utils.format_minimal_diff_spans( test_data[i].old_comment_tokens, test_predictions[i]) prediction = pred_str.split() gold_str = test_data[i].new_comment gold_strs.append(gold_str) pred_strs.append(pred_str) src_strs.append(test_data[i].old_comment) references.append([test_data[i].new_comment_tokens]) pred_instances.append(prediction) print('Old comment: {}'.format(test_data[i].old_comment)) print('Gold comment: {}'.format(gold_str)) print('Predicted comment: {}'.format(pred_str)) print('Raw prediction: {}\n'.format(' '.join(test_predictions[i]))) try: print('Old code:\n{}\n'.format(get_old_code(test_data[i]))) except: print('Failed to print old code\n') print('New code:\n{}\n'.format(get_new_code(test_data[i]))) print('----------------------------') if rerank: prediction_file = '{}_rerank.txt'.format( self.model_path.split('.')[0]) else: prediction_file = '{}.txt'.format(self.model_path.split('.')[0]) write_predictions(pred_strs, prediction_file) write_predictions(src_strs, 'src.txt') write_predictions(gold_strs, 'ref.txt') predicted_accuracy = compute_accuracy(gold_strs, pred_strs) predicted_bleu = compute_bleu(references, pred_instances) predicted_meteor = compute_meteor(references, pred_instances) predicted_sari = compute_sari(test_data, pred_instances) predicted_gleu = compute_gleu(test_data, 'src.txt', 'ref.txt', prediction_file) print('Predicted Accuracy: {}'.format(predicted_accuracy)) print('Predicted BLEU: {}'.format(predicted_bleu)) print('Predicted Meteor: {}'.format(predicted_meteor)) print('Predicted SARI: {}'.format(predicted_sari)) print('Predicted GLEU: {}\n'.format(predicted_gleu))
def __init__(self, args): self._log_step = args.log_step self._batch_size = args.batch_size self._image_size = args.image_size self._latent_dim = args.latent_dim self._coeff_gan = args.coeff_gan self._coeff_vae = args.coeff_vae self._coeff_reconstruct = args.coeff_reconstruct self._coeff_latent = args.coeff_latent self._coeff_kl = args.coeff_kl self._norm = 'instance' if args.instance_normalization else 'batch' self._use_resnet = args.use_resnet self._augment_size = self._image_size + (30 if self._image_size == 256 else 15) self._image_shape = [self._image_size, self._image_size, 3] self.is_train = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='is_train') = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='lr') self.global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step(graph=None) image_a = self.image_a = \ tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self._batch_size] + self._image_shape, name='image_a') image_b = self.image_b = \ tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self._batch_size] + self._image_shape, name='image_b') z = self.z = \ tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self._batch_size, self._latent_dim], name='z') # Data augmentation seed = random.randint(0, 2**31 - 1) def augment_image(image): image = tf.image.resize_images( image, [self._augment_size, self._augment_size]) image = tf.random_crop(image, [self._batch_size] + self._image_shape, seed=seed) image = tf.map_fn( lambda x: tf.image.random_flip_left_right(x, seed), image) return image image_a = tf.cond(self.is_train, lambda: augment_image(image_a), lambda: image_a) image_b = tf.cond(self.is_train, lambda: augment_image(image_b), lambda: image_b) # Generator G = Generator('G', is_train=self.is_train, norm=self._norm, image_size=self._image_size) # Discriminator D = Discriminator('D', is_train=self.is_train, norm=self._norm, activation='leaky', image_size=self._image_size) # Encoder E = Encoder('E', is_train=self.is_train, norm=self._norm, activation='relu', image_size=self._image_size, latent_dim=self._latent_dim, use_resnet=self._use_resnet) # conditional VAE-GAN: B -> z -> B' z_encoded, z_encoded_mu, z_encoded_log_sigma = E(image_b) image_ab_encoded = G(image_a, z_encoded) # conditional Latent Regressor-GAN: z -> B' -> z' image_ab = self.image_ab = G(image_a, z) z_recon, z_recon_mu, z_recon_log_sigma = E(image_ab) # Discriminate real/fake images D_real = D(image_b) D_fake = D(image_ab) D_fake_encoded = D(image_ab_encoded) loss_vae_gan = (tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(D_real, 0.9)) + tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(D_fake_encoded))) loss_image_cycle = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(image_b - image_ab_encoded)) loss_gan = (tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(D_real, 0.9)) + tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(D_fake))) loss_latent_cycle = tf.reduce_mean(tf.abs(z - z_recon)) loss_kl = -0.5 * tf.reduce_mean(1 + 2 * z_encoded_log_sigma - z_encoded_mu**2 - tf.exp(2 * z_encoded_log_sigma)) loss = self._coeff_vae * loss_vae_gan - self._coeff_reconstruct * loss_image_cycle + \ self._coeff_gan * loss_gan - self._coeff_latent * loss_latent_cycle - \ self._coeff_kl * loss_kl # Optimizer update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): self.optimizer_D = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, beta1=0.5) \ .minimize(loss, var_list=D.var_list, global_step=self.global_step) self.optimizer_G = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, beta1=0.5) \ .minimize(-loss, var_list=G.var_list) self.optimizer_E = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(, beta1=0.5) \ .minimize(-loss, var_list=E.var_list) # Summaries self.loss_vae_gan = loss_vae_gan self.loss_image_cycle = loss_image_cycle self.loss_latent_cycle = loss_latent_cycle self.loss_gan = loss_gan self.loss_kl = loss_kl self.loss = loss tf.summary.scalar('loss/vae_gan', loss_vae_gan) tf.summary.scalar('loss/image_cycle', loss_image_cycle) tf.summary.scalar('loss/latent_cycle', loss_latent_cycle) tf.summary.scalar('loss/gan', loss_gan) tf.summary.scalar('loss/kl', loss_kl) tf.summary.scalar('loss/total', loss) tf.summary.scalar('model/D_real', tf.reduce_mean(D_real)) tf.summary.scalar('model/D_fake', tf.reduce_mean(D_fake)) tf.summary.scalar('model/D_fake_encoded', tf.reduce_mean(D_fake_encoded)) tf.summary.scalar('model/lr', tf.summary.image('image/A', image_a[0:1]) tf.summary.image('image/B', image_b[0:1]) tf.summary.image('image/A-B', image_ab[0:1]) tf.summary.image('image/A-B_encoded', image_ab_encoded[0:1]) self.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all()
out_channels //= channel_shrinkage_factor i = num_conv_volumes layers.append(('deconv%d' % i, nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels, 3, *conv_spec),)) layers.append(('tanh', nn.Tanh())) self._net = nn.Sequential(OrderedDict(layers)) def forward(self, x): assert x.size()[1] == self._num_in_channels return self._net(x) if __name__ == '__main__': import torch from encoder import Encoder input_image_size = 64 expected_image_shape = (3, input_image_size, input_image_size) enc = Encoder(input_image_size) dec = Decoder(enc.num_out_channels) x = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.rand(1, *expected_image_shape)) z = enc.forward(x) x_ = dec.forward(z) print(dec) print(x_.size()) assert x_.size()[-3:] == expected_image_shape
# prepare the training data for the NetworkManager (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = cifar10.load_data() x_train = x_train.astype('float32') / 255. x_test = x_test.astype('float32') / 255. y_train = to_categorical(y_train, 10) y_test = to_categorical(y_test, 10) dataset = [x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test] # pack the dataset for the NetworkManager with policy_sess.as_default(): # create the Encoder and build the internal policy network controller = Encoder(policy_sess, state_space, B=B, K=K_, reg_param=REGULARIZATION, controller_cells=CONTROLLER_CELLS, restore_controller=RESTORE_CONTROLLER) # create the Network Manager manager = NetworkManager(dataset, epochs=MAX_EPOCHS, batchsize=BATCHSIZE) print() # train for number of trails for trial in range(B): with policy_sess.as_default(): K.set_session(policy_sess) if trial == 0: k = None
ON = True OFF = False # Entry ADDRESS = 0 USERNAME = 1 if __name__ == '__main__': # Components ld = Led(red_pin=4, green_pin=17) ld.setup() motor = Motor(step_pin=23, dir_pin=24, power_pin=25) motor.setup() encoder = Encoder(clk_pin=22, dir_pin=27) encoder.setup() db = Database(host, "philosoraptor", "explosion", "doorman") db.setup() rfid = Rfid() rfid.setup() # Main Loop while True: ld.setstate(ld.BOTH) addr = rfid.getaddr() if addr: #print "Address: %s" % addr found, entry = db.checkaddr(addr)
def train_encoder(train_set, hidden_num, opt, learning_r, epoch=500, batch_size=32, pre_trained_path='', test_set=None, name="Validation", tensorboard=False): data_loader = make_data_loader(data_to_loader=train_set, batch_size=batch_size) best_test_loss = 9999999999999 best_test_accuracy = 0 best_train_accuracy = 0 best_train_loss = 9999999999 accuracy_array = [] train_accuracy_array = [] is_pretrained = False net = Encoder() predictor = Predictor(hidden_num=hidden_num) if pre_trained_path != '': net = torch.load(pre_trained_path)["model"] is_pretrained = True if use_gpu: net = net.cuda() predictor = predictor.cuda() criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() params = list(net.parameters()) + list(predictor.parameters()) if opt == 'ADAM': optimizer = optim.Adam(params, lr=learning_r) else: optimizer = optim.SGD(params, lr=learning_r) for epoch in range(epoch): # loop over the dataset multiple times print("Epoch: ", epoch) for i, data in enumerate(data_loader, 0): # get the inputs inputs, labels = data if use_gpu: inputs = inputs.cuda() labels = labels.cuda() # zero the parameter gradients optimizer.zero_grad() # forward + backward + optimize outputs = net(inputs) outputs = predictor(outputs) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() train_loss, accuracy = test_encoder(net, predictor, train_set, name="Training", show_log=True) train_accuracy_array.append(accuracy) if train_loss < best_train_loss: best_train_loss = train_loss best_train_accuracy = accuracy if test_set is not None: test_loss, accuracy = test_encoder(net, predictor, test_set, name=name, show_log=True) accuracy_array.append(accuracy) if test_loss < best_test_loss: best_test_loss = test_loss best_test_accuracy = accuracy if is_pretrained: name = "is_pretrained" else: name = "scratch" if tensorboard: writer_train.add_scalar('loss_'+name, best_train_loss, epoch) writer_test.add_scalar('losss_'+name, best_test_loss, epoch) writer_train.add_scalar('top-1_accuracys_'+name, best_train_accuracy, epoch) writer_test.add_scalar('top-1_accuracys_'+name, best_test_accuracy, epoch) if len(accuracy_array) < 3: writer_train.add_scalar('top-3_accuracys_'+name, 0, epoch) writer_test.add_scalar('top-3_accuracys_'+name, 0, epoch) else: writer_train.add_scalar('top-3_accuracys_'+name, sorted(train_accuracy_array)[-3], epoch) writer_test.add_scalar('top-3_accuracys_'+name, sorted(accuracy_array)[-3], epoch) return net, predictor, best_test_loss, best_test_accuracy, accuracy_array
class Robot(): """ Paul v0.0: posX si posY reprezinta coordonatele de pe plansa. logicX si logicY sunt coordonatele relativ la pozitia de start a robotului; sunt coordonate deduse de robot. """ MaxSpeed = 24 def __init__(self, posX, posY, posTheta): self.w = 15 self.h = 10 self.heading = 0 self.posTheta = posTheta self.posX = posX self.posY = posY self.targetTheta = 0 self.logicalTheta = 0 self.logicalX = 0 self.logicalY = 0 self.Rw = 9 self.Tr = 240 self.D = 9 self.dT1 = 0 self.dT2 = 0 self.T1 = 0 self.T2 = 0 self.counter = 0 self.leftEncoder = Encoder() self.rightEncoder = Encoder() self.leftRangeSensor = RangeSensor(self, self.h / 2 + 1, 0, -1) self.frontRangeSensor = RangeSensor(self, self.w / 2 + 1, 1, 0) self.rightRangeSensor = RangeSensor(self, self.h / 2 + 1, 0, 1) self.statsWidget = RobotStatsWidget(self) def setOrientation(self, posTheta): self.posTheta = posTheta self.statsWidget.setOrientation(self.posTheta) def setTargetDirection(self, targetTheta): self.targetTheta = targetTheta if self.targetTheta > 2 * math.pi: self.targetTheta = self.targetTheta % (2 * math.pi) elif self.targetTheta < 0: self.targetTheta = self.targetTheta % (2 * math.pi) #if self.targetTheta > 2 * math.pi: # = 2 * math.pi # print('targetTheta: %f' % self.targetTheta) #elif self.targetTheta < 0: # self.targetTheta = 0 # print('targetTheta: %f' % self.targetTheta) self.statsWidget.setTargetDirection(self.targetTheta) def move(self): self.leftEncoder.addTicks(self.dT1) self.rightEncoder.addTicks(self.dT2) #print('dT1: ' + str(self.dT1) + ', dT2: ' + str(self.dT2)) b = 9 if (self.dT2 - self.dT1) < 0.00001: dHeading = 0 dRealX = self.dT1 * math.cos(self.heading) dRealY = self.dT1 * math.sin(self.heading) elif (self.dT2 - self.dT1) > 24: dHeading = (self.dT2 - self.dT1) / b dRealX = 0 dRealY = 0 else: R = b / 2 * (self.dT2 + self.dT1) / (self.dT2 - self.dT1) dHeading = (self.dT2 - self.dT1) / b dRealX = R * (math.sin(dHeading + self.heading) - math.sin(self.heading)) dRealY = R * (math.cos(self.heading) - math.cos(dHeading + self.heading)) #TODO: This is wrong dHeading2 = 2 * math.pi * (self.Rw / self.D) * \ (self.dT1 - self.dT2) / self.Tr #TODO: This is wrong dRealX2 = self.Rw * math.cos(self.heading) * \ (self.dT1 + self.dT2) * math.pi / self.Tr dRealY2 = self.Rw * math.sin(self.heading) * \ (self.dT1 + self.dT2) * math.pi / self.Tr #print('dHeading: ' + str(dHeading2) + ', dRealX2: ' + str(dRealX2) + ', dRealY2: ' + str(dRealY2)) #print('dRealTheta: ' + str(dHeading) + ', dRealX: ' + str(dRealX) + ', dRealY: ' + str(dRealY)) if self.checkCollision(self.posX + dRealX2, self.posY + dRealY2) == False: self.heading = self.heading + dHeading2 self.posX = self.posX + dRealX2 self.posY = self.posY + dRealY2 self.setOrientation(self.posTheta) self.setTargetDirection(self.targetTheta - dHeading2) #print('heading: ' + str(self.heading) + ', posX: ' + str(self.posX) + ', posY: ' + str(self.posY)) self.counter += 1 if self.counter == 5: self.nextStep() self.counter = 0 def draw(self, painter): painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor(0xffffff)) painter.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(0x00CC66)) #rect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, self.w, self.h) #original = QtGui.QPolygon(rect, True) #painter.drawPolygon(original) coords = [] coords.append(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0)) coords.append(QtCore.QPoint(self.w, 0)) coords.append(QtCore.QPoint(self.w, self.h)) coords.append(QtCore.QPoint(0, self.h)) original = QtGui.QPolygon(coords) original.translate(-self.w/2, -self.h/2) transform = QtGui.QTransform().rotateRadians(self.posTheta) #painter.fillRect(self.posX, self.posX, self.w, self.h, QtGui.QColor(0x0ff000)) rotated = #original.translate(self.posX, self.posY) rotated.translate(self.posX, self.posY) #QtCore.qDebug(str(rotated.point(0))) #QtCore.qDebug(str(rotated.point(1))) #QtCore.qDebug(str(rotated.point(2))) #QtCore.qDebug(str(rotated.point(3))) #painter.drawPolygon(original) painter.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(0x0066CC)) painter.drawPolygon(rotated) self.leftRangeSensor.draw(painter, QtGui.QColor(0x00FF00)) self.frontRangeSensor.draw(painter, QtGui.QColor(0xFF0000)) self.rightRangeSensor.draw(painter, QtGui.QColor(0x0000FF)) def nextStep(self): leftDist = self.leftRangeSensor.getDistance() frontDist = self.frontRangeSensor.getDistance() rightDist = self.rightRangeSensor.getDistance() self.statsWidget.setLeftRangeSensorDistance(leftDist) self.statsWidget.setFrontRangeSensorDistance(frontDist) self.statsWidget.setRightRangeSensorDistance(rightDist) dHeading2 = 2 * math.pi * (self.Rw / self.D) * \ (self.dT1 - self.dT2) / self.Tr # dT = dT1 - dT2 dT = self.targetTheta * self.D * self.Tr / (2 * math.pi * self.Rw) if dT < 5: self.setLeftMotorSpeed(24) self.setRightMotorSpeed(24) else: self.setLeftMotorSpeed(dT) self.setRightMotorSpeed(-dT) self.T1 = 0 self.T2 = 0 def increaseLeftMotorSpeed(self, percent): speed = self.dT1 + (percent / 100.0) * Robot.MaxSpeed #print('speed: %f, dT1: %f, percent: %f, MaxSpeed: %f' % (speed, self.dT1, percent, Robot.MaxSpeed)) self.setLeftMotorSpeed(speed) def increaseRightMotorSpeed(self, percent): speed = self.dT2 + (percent / 100.0) * Robot.MaxSpeed #print('speed: %f, dT2: %f, percent: %f, MaxSpeed: %f' % (speed, self.dT2, percent, Robot.MaxSpeed)) self.setRightMotorSpeed(speed) def setLeftMotorSpeed(self, speed): self.dT1 = speed if speed < - Robot.MaxSpeed: speed = - Robot.MaxSpeed elif speed > Robot.MaxSpeed: speed = Robot.MaxSpeed self.statsWidget.setLeftMotorSpeed(speed) #print('dT1: %f dT2: %f' % (self.dT1, self.dT2)) def setRightMotorSpeed(self, speed): self.dT2 = speed if speed < - Robot.MaxSpeed: speed = - Robot.MaxSpeed elif speed > Robot.MaxSpeed: speed = Robot.MaxSpeed self.statsWidget.setRightMotorSpeed(speed) #print('dT1: %f dT2: %f' % (self.dT1, self.dT2)) ''' O verificare de coliziune rudimentara ''' def checkCollision(self, newPosX, newPosY): r = max(self.w, self.h) / 2 x1 = newPosX - r - 1 y1 = newPosY - r - 1 x2 = newPosX + r + 1 y2 = newPosX + r + 1 if x1 < 0 or y1 < 0 or\ x2 >= ImageMap.image.width() or\ y2 >= ImageMap.image.height(): return True if ImageMap.image.pixel(x1, y1) != 0xFFFFFFFF: return True if ImageMap.image.pixel(x1, y2) != 0xFFFFFFFF: return True if ImageMap.image.pixel(x2, y1) != 0xFFFFFFFF: return True if ImageMap.image.pixel(x2, y2) != 0xFFFFFFFF: return True return False def getStatsWidget(self): return self.statsWidget
class CommentGenerationModel(nn.Module): """Simple Seq2Seq w/ attention + copy model for pure comment generation (i.e. generating a comment given a method).""" def __init__(self, model_path): super(CommentGenerationModel, self).__init__() self.model_path = model_path self.torch_device_name = 'cpu' def initialize(self, train_data, embedding_store=None): """Initializes model parameters from pre-defined hyperparameters and other hyperparameters that are computed based on statistics over the training data.""" nl_lengths = [] code_lengths = [] nl_token_counter = Counter() code_token_counter = Counter() for ex in train_data: trg_sequence = [START] + ex.new_comment_tokens + [END] nl_token_counter.update(trg_sequence) nl_lengths.append(len(trg_sequence)) code_sequence = ex.new_code_tokens code_token_counter.update(code_sequence) code_lengths.append(len(code_sequence)) self.max_nl_length = int( np.percentile(np.asarray(sorted(nl_lengths)), LENGTH_CUTOFF_PCT)) self.max_code_length = int( np.percentile(np.asarray(sorted(code_lengths)), LENGTH_CUTOFF_PCT)) nl_counts = np.asarray(sorted(nl_token_counter.values())) nl_threshold = int(np.percentile(nl_counts, VOCAB_CUTOFF_PCT)) + 1 code_counts = np.asarray(sorted(code_token_counter.values())) code_threshold = int(np.percentile(nl_counts, VOCAB_CUTOFF_PCT)) + 1 if embedding_store is None: self.embedding_store = EmbeddingStore( nl_threshold, NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, nl_token_counter, code_threshold, CODE_EMBEDDING_SIZE, code_token_counter, DROPOUT_RATE, 0, 0, 0, False) else: self.embedding_store = embedding_store self.code_encoder = Encoder(CODE_EMBEDDING_SIZE, HIDDEN_SIZE, NUM_LAYERS, DROPOUT_RATE) self.decoder = GenerationDecoder(NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, DECODER_HIDDEN_SIZE, 2 * HIDDEN_SIZE, self.embedding_store, NL_EMBEDDING_SIZE, DROPOUT_RATE) self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.parameters(), lr=LR) def get_batches(self, dataset, shuffle=False): """Divides the dataset into batches based on pre-defined BATCH_SIZE hyperparameter. Each batch is tensorized so that it can be directly passed into the network.""" batches = [] if shuffle: random.shuffle(dataset) curr_idx = 0 while curr_idx < len(dataset): start_idx = curr_idx end_idx = min(start_idx + BATCH_SIZE, len(dataset)) code_token_ids = [] code_lengths = [] trg_token_ids = [] trg_extended_token_ids = [] trg_lengths = [] invalid_copy_positions = [] inp_str_reps = [] inp_ids = [] for i in range(start_idx, end_idx): code_sequence = dataset[i].new_code_tokens code_sequence_ids = self.embedding_store.get_padded_code_ids( code_sequence, self.max_code_length) code_length = min(len(code_sequence), self.max_code_length) code_token_ids.append(code_sequence_ids) code_lengths.append(code_length) ex_inp_str_reps = [] ex_inp_ids = [] extra_counter = len(self.embedding_store.nl_vocabulary) max_limit = len( self.embedding_store.nl_vocabulary) + self.max_code_length out_ids = set() for c in code_sequence[:code_length]: nl_id = self.embedding_store.get_nl_id(c) if self.embedding_store.is_nl_unk( nl_id) and extra_counter < max_limit: if c in ex_inp_str_reps: nl_id = ex_inp_ids[ex_inp_str_reps.index(c)] else: nl_id = extra_counter extra_counter += 1 out_ids.add(nl_id) ex_inp_str_reps.append(c) ex_inp_ids.append(nl_id) trg_sequence = [START] + dataset[i].new_comment_tokens + [END] trg_sequence_ids = self.embedding_store.get_padded_nl_ids( trg_sequence, self.max_nl_length) trg_extended_sequence_ids = self.embedding_store.get_extended_padded_nl_ids( trg_sequence, self.max_nl_length, ex_inp_ids, ex_inp_str_reps) trg_token_ids.append(trg_sequence_ids) trg_extended_token_ids.append(trg_extended_sequence_ids) trg_lengths.append(min(len(trg_sequence), self.max_nl_length)) inp_str_reps.append(ex_inp_str_reps) inp_ids.append(ex_inp_ids) invalid_copy_positions.append( get_invalid_copy_locations(ex_inp_str_reps, self.max_code_length, trg_sequence, self.max_nl_length)) batches.append( GenerationBatchData( torch.tensor(code_token_ids, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(code_lengths, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(trg_token_ids, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(trg_extended_token_ids, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(trg_lengths, dtype=torch.int64, device=self.get_device()), torch.tensor(invalid_copy_positions, dtype=torch.uint8, device=self.get_device()), inp_str_reps, inp_ids)) curr_idx = end_idx return batches def get_encoder_output(self, batch_data): """Gets hidden states, final state, and a length-mask from the encoder.""" code_embedded_tokens = self.embedding_store.get_code_embeddings( batch_data.code_ids) code_hidden_states, code_final_state = self.code_encoder.forward( code_embedded_tokens, batch_data.code_lengths, self.get_device()) mask = (torch.arange(code_hidden_states.shape[1], device=self.get_device()).view(1, -1) >= batch_data.code_lengths.view(-1, 1)).unsqueeze(1) return code_hidden_states, code_final_state, mask def forward(self, batch_data): """Computes the loss against the gold sequences corresponding to the examples in the batch. NOTE: teacher-forcing.""" encoder_hidden_states, initial_state, inp_length_mask = self.get_encoder_output( batch_data) decoder_input_embeddings = self.embedding_store.get_nl_embeddings( batch_data.trg_nl_ids)[:, :-1] decoder_states, decoder_final_state, generation_logprobs, copy_logprobs = self.decoder.forward( initial_state, decoder_input_embeddings, encoder_hidden_states, inp_length_mask) gold_generation_ids = batch_data.trg_nl_ids[:, 1:].unsqueeze(-1) gold_generation_logprobs = torch.gather( input=generation_logprobs, dim=-1, index=gold_generation_ids).squeeze(-1) copy_logprobs = copy_logprobs.masked_fill( batch_data.invalid_copy_positions[:, 1:, :encoder_hidden_states. shape[1]], float('-inf')) gold_copy_logprobs = copy_logprobs.logsumexp(dim=-1) gold_logprobs = torch.logsumexp([ gold_generation_logprobs.unsqueeze(-1), gold_copy_logprobs.unsqueeze(-1) ], dim=-1), dim=-1) gold_logprobs = gold_logprobs.masked_fill( torch.arange(batch_data.trg_nl_ids[:, 1:].shape[-1], device=self.get_device()).unsqueeze(0) >= batch_data.trg_nl_lengths.unsqueeze(-1) - 1, 0) likelihood_by_example = gold_logprobs.sum(dim=-1) # Normalizing by length. Seems to help likelihood_by_example = likelihood_by_example / ( batch_data.trg_nl_lengths - 1).float() return -(likelihood_by_example).mean() def compute_generation_likelihood(self, batch_data): """This is not used by the generation model but rather the comment update model for re-ranking. It computes P(Comment|Method).""" with torch.no_grad(): encoder_hidden_states, initial_state, inp_length_mask = self.get_encoder_output( batch_data) decoder_input_embeddings = self.embedding_store.get_nl_embeddings( batch_data.trg_nl_ids)[:, :-1] decoder_states, decoder_final_state, generation_logprobs, copy_logprobs = self.decoder.forward( initial_state, decoder_input_embeddings, encoder_hidden_states, inp_length_mask) gold_generation_ids = batch_data.trg_nl_ids[:, 1:].unsqueeze(-1) gold_generation_logprobs = torch.gather( input=generation_logprobs, dim=-1, index=gold_generation_ids).squeeze(-1) copy_logprobs = copy_logprobs.masked_fill( batch_data. invalid_copy_positions[:, 1:, :encoder_hidden_states.shape[1]], float('-inf')) gold_copy_logprobs = copy_logprobs.logsumexp(dim=-1) gold_logprobs = torch.logsumexp([ gold_generation_logprobs.unsqueeze(-1), gold_copy_logprobs.unsqueeze(-1) ], dim=-1), dim=-1) gold_logprobs = gold_logprobs.masked_fill( torch.arange(batch_data.trg_nl_ids[:, 1:].shape[-1], device=self.get_device()).unsqueeze(0) >= batch_data.trg_nl_lengths.unsqueeze(-1) - 1, 0) return torch.exp( gold_logprobs.sum(dim=-1) / (batch_data.trg_nl_lengths - 1).float()) def greedy_decode(self, batch_data): """Predicts a comment for every method in the batch in a greedy manner.""" encoder_hidden_states, initial_state, inp_length_mask = self.get_encoder_output( batch_data) predictions, scores = self.decoder.greedy_decode( initial_state, encoder_hidden_states, inp_length_mask, self.max_nl_length, batch_data, self.get_device()) batch_size = initial_state.shape[0] decoded_tokens = [] for i in range(batch_size): token_ids = predictions[i] tokens = self.embedding_store.get_nl_tokens( token_ids, batch_data.input_ids[i], batch_data.input_str_reps[i]) decoded_tokens.append(tokens) return decoded_tokens def get_device(self): """Returns the proper device.""" if self.torch_device_name == 'gpu': return torch.device('cuda') else: return torch.device('cpu') def run_gradient_step(self, batch_data): """Performs gradient step.""" self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = self.forward(batch_data) loss.backward() self.optimizer.step() return float(loss.cpu()) def run_train(self, train_data, valid_data): """Runs training over the entire training set across several epochs. Following each epoch, loss on the validation data is computed. If the validation loss has improved, save the model. Early-stopping is employed to stop training if validation hasn't improved for a certain number of epochs.""" valid_batches = self.get_batches(valid_data) train_batches = self.get_batches(train_data, shuffle=True) best_loss = float('inf') patience_tally = 0 for epoch in range(MAX_EPOCHS): if patience_tally > PATIENCE: print('Terminating') break self.train() random.shuffle(train_batches) train_loss = 0 for batch_data in train_batches: train_loss += self.run_gradient_step(batch_data) self.eval() validation_loss = 0 with torch.no_grad(): for batch_data in valid_batches: validation_loss += float(self.forward(batch_data).cpu()) validation_loss = validation_loss / len(valid_batches) if validation_loss <= best_loss:, self.model_path) saved = True best_loss = validation_loss patience_tally = 0 else: saved = False patience_tally += 1 print('Epoch: {}'.format(epoch)) print('Training loss: {}'.format(train_loss / len(train_batches))) print('Validation loss: {}'.format(validation_loss)) if saved: print('Saved') print('-----------------------------------') sys.stdout.flush() def run_evaluation(self, test_data): """Generates predicted comments for all comments in the test set and computes evaluation metrics.""" self.eval() test_batches = self.get_batches(test_data) test_predictions = [] # Lists of string predictions gold_strs = [] pred_strs = [] # Lists of tokenized predictions references = [] pred_instances = [] with torch.no_grad(): for b_idx, batch_data in enumerate(test_batches): print('Evaluating {}'.format(b_idx)) sys.stdout.flush() test_predictions.extend(self.greedy_decode(batch_data)) for i in range(len(test_predictions)): prediction = test_predictions[i] gold_str = test_data[i].new_comment pred_str = ' '.join(prediction) gold_strs.append(gold_str) pred_strs.append(pred_str) references.append([test_data[i].new_comment_tokens]) pred_instances.append(prediction) print('Gold comment: {}'.format(gold_str)) print('Predicted comment: {}'.format(pred_str)) print('----------------------------') predicted_accuracy = compute_accuracy(gold_strs, pred_strs) predicted_bleu = compute_bleu(references, pred_instances) predicted_meteor = compute_meteor(references, pred_instances) print('Predicted Accuracy: {}'.format(predicted_accuracy)) print('Predicted BLEU: {}'.format(predicted_bleu)) print('Predicted Meteor: {}\n'.format(predicted_meteor))
from decoder import Decoder from base import BaseModel from utils.general import Config @click.option('--data', default="configs/data_small.json", help='Path to data json config') @click.option('--vocab', default="configs/vocab_small.json", help='Path to vocab json config') @click.option('--training', default="configs/training_small.json", help='Path to training json config') @click.option('--model', default="configs/model.json", help='Path to model json config') # @click.option('--output', default="results/small/", # help='Dir for results and model weights') _config_args = [ 'configs/data_small.json', 'configs/vocab_small.json', 'configs/training_small.json', 'configs/model.json', # 'results/small/', ] _config = Config(_config_args) encoder = Encoder(_config) decoder = Decoder(_config, _vocab.n_tok, _vocab.id_end)
dataloader = read_dataset('../pic', img_size, batch_size) version = input('result version:') c_loss_weight = 0.3 RF_loss_weight = 0.7 generator_loss_weight = 0.7 path = './result_' + version + '/arg_' + version + '.txt' f = open(path, 'a+') arg='epoch='+str(epoch)+'\n'+'batch_size='+str(batch_size)+'\n'+'img_size='+str(img_size)+'\n'+\ 'c_size='+str(c_size)+'\n'+'z_size='+str(z_size)+'\n'+'RF_loss_weight=generator_loss_weight='+str(RF_loss_weight)+'\n'+'c_loss_weight='+str(c_loss_weight)+'\n' f.write(arg + '\n') f.close() unloader = transforms.ToPILImage() encoder = Encoder(c_size, z_size) def weights_init(m): classname = m.__class__.__name__ if classname.find('Conv') != -1:, 0.02) elif classname.find('BatchNorm') != -1:, 0.02) g = Generator(c_size + z_size) g.apply(weights_init) d = Discriminator()
import sys from encoder import Encoder f=open('stats.out') lines=f.readlines() f.close() dist=[] for x in range(len(lines)): p=float(lines[x].strip()) dist.append((p, x)) enc=Encoder(dist) enc.encode(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) enc.decode(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])
def __init__(self, vocab_size): super(EncoderDecoder, self).__init__() self.embedding_layer = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, EMBEDDING_DIM) self.encoder = Encoder(vocab_size, self.embedding_layer) self.decoder = AttentionDecoder(vocab_size, self.embedding_layer)