Ejemplo n.º 1
def ramp2d( xMin, xMax, down = 0 ) :
    """Returns an endl2dmath instance of a ramp from xMin to xMax with height
    0 at xMin and 1 at xMax if down = 0, and 1 at xMin and 0 at xMax otherwise."""

    if( xMin >= xMax ) : raise Exception( "\nError in ramp2d: xMin >= xMax" )
    if( down != 0 ) :
        return endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath( [ [ xMin, 1. ], [ xMax, 0. ] ], checkDataType = 0 )
    else :
        return endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath( [ [ xMin, 0. ], [ xMax, 1. ] ], checkDataType = 0 )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def flattop2d(xMin, xMax):
    """Returns an endl2dmath instance of a flattop from xMin to xMax with height 1.  0 < xMin < xMax."""

    if (xMin >= xMax):
        raise Exception("\nError in flattop2d: ( xMin < 0 ) or xMin >= xMax")
    return endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath([[xMin, 1.], [xMax, 1.]],
Ejemplo n.º 3
def triangle2d( x0, x1, x2 ) : 
    """Returns an endl2dmath instance of a triangle that starts at x0 with height 0,
    ramps up to 1 at x1 and ramps down to 0 at x2."""

    if( ( x0 > x1 ) or ( x1 > x2 ) ) :
        raise Exception( "\nError in triangle2d: triangle points must have x0 <= x1 <= x2" )
    return endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath( [ [ x0, 0. ], [ x1, 1. ], [ x2, 0. ] ], checkDataType = 0 )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def convertFunctionToLinLin( f, xMin, xMax, accuracy ):
    Returns a new endl2dmath object that represents the function f(x) as a lin-lin table to 
    the specified absolute accuracy on the interval xMin to xMax.

    def convertFunctionToLinLin2( f, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, accuracy, data, level ) :

        if( level > 16 ) : return
        xMid, yMid = 0.5 * ( xMin + xMax ), 0.5 * ( yMin + yMax )
        y = f( xMid )
        if( abs( yMid - y ) > abs( y * accuracy ) ) :
            convertFunctionToLinLin2( f, xMin, yMin, xMid, y, accuracy, data, level + 1 )
            data.append( [ xMid, y ] )
            convertFunctionToLinLin2( f, xMid, y, xMax, yMax, accuracy, data, level + 1 )

    data = [ [ xMin, f( xMin ) ] ]
    convertFunctionToLinLin2( f, xMin, data[0][1], xMax, f( xMax ), accuracy, data, 0 )
    data.append( [ xMax, f( xMax ) ] )
    return( endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath( data = data ) )
Ejemplo n.º 5
def interpolate3d(x,
    """Returns the interpolation of data (an endl3dmath object or suitable data)
    at x as a list of [y,z] pairs.  If x is outside the domain of data, then [] 
    is returned. If x is one of the x-values of data, then its yz-data is returned.
    Otherwise, for xl < x < xu where xl and xu are consecutive x-values in data 
    linear interpolation is performed on the yz data of xl and xu.  If unitBase is 
    True, then unit base interpolation is performed."""

    points = get3dmathData(data, "endl3dmathmisc.interpolate3d", "")
    ubiData = []
    if (len(points) > 0):
        if (x < points[0][0]):
            if (extrapolation == flatExtrapolation):
                ubiData = [[y, z] for y, z in points[0][1]]
        elif (points[-1][0] < x):
            if (extrapolation == flatExtrapolation):
                ubiData = [[y, z] for y, z in points[-1][1]]
            i = 0
            for x_, yz in points:
                if (x <= x_): break
                i += 1
            data_u = points[i]
            xu = data_u[0]
            u = data_u[1]
            if (xu == x):
                for y, z in u:
                    ubiData.append([y, z])
            else:  # Note, if xl == xu or i is the last element in data we would not be here.
                data_l = points[i - 1]
                xl = data_l[0]
                l = data_l[1]
                f = (xu - x) / (xu - xl)
                g = 1. - f
                if (unitBase
                        and ((l[0][0] != u[0][0]) or (l[-1][0] != u[-1][0]))):
                    unitBase = True
                    yl = (f * l[0][0] + g * u[0][0])
                    yu = (f * l[-1][0] + g * u[-1][0])
                    s = (yu - yl) / (l[-1][0] - l[0][0])
                    lp = []
                    y0 = l[0][0]
                    for y, z in l:
                        lp.append([s * (y - y0) + yl, z / s])
                    l = lp
                    s = (yu - yl) / (u[-1][0] - u[0][0])
                    up = []
                    y0 = u[0][0]
                    for y, z in u:
                        up.append([s * (y - y0) + yl, z / s])
                    up[-1][0] = lp[-1][
                        0]  # Make sure the last x values are the same.
                    u = up
                l = endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath(data=l, checkDataType=False)
                u = endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath(data=u, checkDataType=False)
                if (not unitBase):
                    l = l.copyData()
                    u = u.copyData()
                    if ((l.data[0][0] < u.data[0][0])
                            and (l.data[0][1] != 0.)):
                        v = (1.0 - 1e-6) * u.data[0][0]
                        if (v == 0.): v = -1e-12
                        u.data.insert(0, [v, 0.])
                    elif ((l.data[0][0] > u.data[0][0])
                          and (u.data[0][1] != 0.)):
                        v = (1.0 - 1e-6) * l.data[0][0]
                        if (v == 0.): v = -1e-12
                        l.data.insert(0, [v, 0.])
                    if ((l.data[-1][0] < u.data[-1][0])
                            and (l.data[-1][1] != 0.)):
                        v = (1.0 + 1e-6) * l.data[-1][0]
                        if (v == 0.): v = 1e-12
                        l.data.append([v, 0.])
                    elif ((l.data[-1][0] > u.data[-1][0])
                          and (u.data[-1][1] != 0.)):
                        v = (1.0 + 1e-6) * u.data[-1][0]
                        if (v == 0.): v = 1e-12
                        u.data.append([v, 0.])
                ubiData = f * l + g * u
                ubiData = ubiData.data
    if (endl2dmathObject): ubiData = endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath(ubiData)
    return (ubiData)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def point2d(x):
    "Returns an endl2dmath instance of [ x, 1. ]."

    return endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath([[x, 1.]], checkDataType=0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def gauss2d(xc, xw, f=1e-3, xsigmax=4, xMin=None, xMax=None):
    """Returns an endl2dmath instance the has a Gaussian shape centered at xc with
    width xw (i.e., Exp( -( (x - xc) / xw )^2 / 2 ).  The points are generated 
    such that linear interpolation is accurate to f.  The x value's range is limited 
    by xMin, xMax and abs(x - xc) / xw <= xsigmax."""
    def addpoints(xmin, xmax, x, a, f, DoPoints):

        fs = 1.
        if (x > 1.): fs = -1.
        y = (1. + fs * f) * math.exp(-x * x / 2.)
        xl = -x
        yl = y
        if (DoPoints[0]):
            if (xl < xmin):
                DoPoints[0] = 0
                if (len(a) > 0):
                    yl = ((xmin - a[0][0]) * yl +
                          (xl - xmin) * a[0][1]) / float(xl - a[0][0])
                    xl = xmin
            if (xl >= xmin): a.insert(0, [xl, yl])
        if (DoPoints[1]):
            if (x > xmax):
                DoPoints[1] = 0
                if (len(a) > 0):
                    y = ((xmax - a[-1][0]) * y +
                         (x - xmax) * a[-1][1]) / float(x - a[-1][0])
                    x = xmax
            if (x <= xmax): a.append([x, y])

    def nextpoint(xs_, xe_, f):
        xs = xs_
        xe = xe_
        fs = -1
        if (xs < 1): fs = 1
        x1 = xs
        y1 = math.exp(-x1 * x1 / 2.)
        for i in range(40):
            x = (xs + xe) / 2.
            if (xe - x < 1e-14 * x): break
            s = (math.exp((x1 - x) * (x1 + x) / 2.) - 1.) / (x - x1)
            z = 0.5 * (-1. / s + x1)
            xr = z - fs * math.sqrt(z * z - 1)
            r = 1. - (s * (xr - x1) + 1.) * y1 * math.exp(xr * xr / 2.)
            if (fs * r < 2. * f):
                xs = x
                xe = x
        return x

    f = max(min(1e-2, f), 1e-8)
    if (xMin == None):
        xmin = -xsigmax
        xmin = (xMin - xc) / float(xw)
    if (xMax == None):
        xmax = xsigmax
        xmax = (xMax - xc) / float(xw)
    if (xmin < 0) and (xmin < -xsigmax): xmin = -xsigmax
    if (xsigmax < xmax): xmax = xsigmax
    if (xmin <= 0) and (xmax >= 0):
        xamin = 0
        xamin = min(abs(xmin), abs(xmax))
    xamax = max(abs(xmin), abs(xmax))
    DoPoints = [1, 1]
    a = []
    if (xamin != 0.):  # The curve does not go through x = 0.
        addpoints(xmin, xmax, xamin, a, f, DoPoints)
        x1 = xamin
        a.append([0., 1.])  # The center and the next point.
        s = math.sqrt(2. * (math.sqrt(1. + 6. * f) - 1.) / 3.)
        x0 = 2. * s / (1. - s * s)
        s = (math.exp(-x0 * x0 / 2.) - 1.) / x0
        c = s * (s * x0 + 1.)
        b = x0 + c
        c = x0 * x0 / 2. + c * x0 + 0.5
        e = (-b + math.sqrt(b * b + 4. * f * c)) / (2. * c)
        x1 = x0 + e
        addpoints(xmin, xmax, x1, a, f, DoPoints)

    e = pow(3. * f / 2., 1. / 3.)  # Treat the points around x = 1 as special.
    e = pow(3. * f / 2. / (1. - 9. * e / 8. + 63. * e * e / 40.), 2. / 3.)
    xs = 0.
    xe = 1.
    for i in range(40):
        x = (xs + xe) / 2.
        if (xe - x < 1e-14 * x): break
        d = 1. - math.exp((x * x - 1.) / 2.) * (1. - (1. - e) * (x - 1.)) + f
        if (d < 0.):
            xs = x
            xe = x
    x = 1. - .9 * (1 - x)
    x1m = x  # Point < 1.
    x1p = 1. + (1. - x)  # Point > 1.
    x = x1

    if (x < x1m):
        while (x < 1.):
            xs = x
            x = nextpoint(xs, x1m, f)
            if (abs(x1m - x) < 1e-2 * (x - xs)): break
            addpoints(xmin, xmax, x, a, f, DoPoints)

    if (x < x1m):
        addpoints(xmin, xmax, x1m, a, f, DoPoints)
        x = x1m
    if (x < x1p):
        addpoints(xmin, xmax, x1p, a, f, DoPoints)
        x = x1p

    while (x < xamax):
        x = nextpoint(x, xamax + 1, f)
        addpoints(xmin, xmax, x, a, f, DoPoints)
    for e in a:
        e[0] = e[0] * xw + xc
    return endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath(a, checkDataType=0)
Ejemplo n.º 8
# <<END-copyright>>
This file compares the results of evaluate from an endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath and pointwiseXY_C
instances for the same data at random x values. If a relative difference greater than eps is found
an error is printed. This should be repeatable.
import sys

import time
import random
import endl2dmathClasses, endlmisc
import pointwiseXY_C

eps = sys.float_info.epsilon
data = endl2dmathClasses.endl2dmath(endlmisc.read2dDataFile('Data/t3.py.in'))

f = pointwiseXY_C.pointwiseXY_C(initialSize=40, overflowSize=10)
t0 = time.clock()
print '# time =', time.clock() - t0
print 'len( data ) =', len(data)
print 'len( f ) =', len(f)

n = 10000
np = n / 10
xMin, xMax = data.domainMin(), data.domainMax()
r = random.random()
x = xMin * r + xMax * (1. - r)
print '# time =', time.clock() - t0