def test_filter_with_numbers():
    words = filter_words('the player number 1 is now the winner')
    assert len(words) == 3
    assert words == ['player', 'number', 'winner']
            # process new words per chapter
            # if not know this word and is not in the top words yet
            if not db.zrank(keys.TOP_WORDS_IN_BOOK, w):
                db.hincrby(keys.NEW_WORDS_DISTRIBUTION_BY_CHAPTER, keys.CHAPTER_HASH_KEY.format(chapter))

            db.zincrby(keys.TOP_WORDS_IN_BOOK, w)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from import Book

    db = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

    book = Book('../Being_Geek.epub')
    for chapter, c in enumerate(book.chapters[1:], 1):
        dump_words(db, chapter, filter_words(remove_html_tags(c.content)))

    print('All words of this book are stored in the database.')

    top_words = db.zrange(keys.TOP_WORDS_IN_BOOK, 0, 20, desc=True, withscores=True, score_cast_func=int)
    for w in top_words:
    print('number of words {:d}'.format(db.zcount(keys.TOP_WORDS_IN_BOOK, '-inf', '+inf')))

    print('\nNumber of new words per chapter:')
    for key, value in sorted([(key, value) for key, value in db.hgetall(keys.NEW_WORDS_DISTRIBUTION_BY_CHAPTER).items()], key=lambda item: item[0]):
        print(key, value)
def test_filter_a_simple_sentence():
    assert filter_words('this is a sentence') == ['sentence']
def test_some_random_sentence():
    words = filter_words('Introduces ambiguity (unless the context happens to resolve it): read in.')
    assert words == ['introduces', 'ambiguity', 'unless', 'context', 'happens', 'resolve', 'read']
def test_filter_words_with_apostrophes():
    words = filter_words('Jason`s and Sue\'s children!!!')
    assert words == ['jason`s', 'sue\'s', 'children']
def test_filter_words_with_dash():
    words = filter_words('the player: 1 is now the JSON-like.')
    assert words == ['player', 'json-like']
def test_filter_words_with_comma():
    words = filter_words('the player: 1 is now the winner.')
    assert words == ['player', 'winner']