Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, engine):
	The game determines what is happening on screen
	based on what state the GameEngine instance has.
	# the game engine that owns this state
	self.engine = engine # TRYING TO DEPRECATE
	self.screen = Screen()
	self.res = self.engine.setsMgr.screenRes
	res = self.res

	# get/load the font
	self.font = FontManager().loadFont( 'JohnDoe' )
	self.str_paused = UIText( "Paused", [res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.5]
				, self.font, 35 )

	gameWorld = self.engine.gameWorld
	#gameWorld.setPlayerType( 'Cop' )
	gameWorld.setPlayerType( 'Robber' )
	#gameWorld.getPlayer().setName( "Alfonso" )

	# This is an optimization...
	# If using the Cop player type, use the smaller tiles
	if gameWorld.getPlayer().getType() == "Cop":
	    gameWorld.setLevelByName( 'Level1XS' )
	    gameWorld.setLevelByName( 'Level1L' )

	glutTimerFunc(50, self.engine.on_update, 50)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, engine):
	The game determines what is happening on screen
	based on what state the GameEngine instance has.
	self.engine = engine

	self.screen = Screen()
	self.res = self.engine.setsMgr.screenRes
	res = self.res # saying 'self.res' was making lines too long. :P
	# get/load the font
	self.font = FontManager().loadFont( 'Basic' )

	# screen objects
	self.UI = {}
	self.UI['title'] = UIText("Breakin And Poppin"\
		, pos=[res[0]*.01,res[1]*.10], font=self.font, scale=0.05)
	self.UI['start_server'] = UIText("Start a Server"\
		, pos=[res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.42], font=self.font, scale=0.04)
	self.UI['join_server'] = UIText("Join a Server"\
		, pos=[res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.5], font=self.font, scale=0.04)
	self.UI['quit'] = UIText("Quit"\
		, pos=[res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.58], font=self.font, scale=0.04)
	self.titleBGImg = UIImage("TitleScreenBG.png"\
		, pos=[0,0], size=res)

	self.selected = 'start_server'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def Main():
  """Runs once the user has entered the application."""

  pygame = SystemState.pygame
  while SystemState.application == 'camera':
    if SystemState.screen_mode in (1, 2, 5, 6):
      SystemState.CameraState.camera_stream = True
      SystemState.CameraState.camera_stream = False

    if SystemState.CameraState.camera_stream == True:
      # Button on RPi.GPIO 8
      if not RPi.GPIO.input(8):

      SystemState.CameraState.stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream
      SystemState.camera.capture(SystemState.CameraState.stream, use_video_port=True, splitter_port=0, format='rgb')
      SystemState.CameraState.stream.readinto(SystemState.rgb)  # stream -> YUV buffer
      SystemState.img = SystemState.pygame.image.frombuffer(SystemState.rgb[0: (320 * 240 * 3)], (320, 240), 'RGB' )
      xa = (320 - SystemState.img.get_width() ) / 2
      ya = (240 - SystemState.img.get_height()) / 2
      Screen.RefreshScreen(image=SystemState.img, wx=xa, wy=ya)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def renderFrame(self):
	""" RenderFrame - Base Class """
	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()

	self.screen.drawThis( self.str_paused )

	return self
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def scrollScreen(self):
	dir = self.player.facingDir
	#playerPos = list(self.player.getCenterPos())
	playerPos = list(self.player.pos)

	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()

	screenRes = self.screen.size

	# the extent from the side-buffer(above)
	scrExtent = ( self.scrScroll[0] + screenRes[0]
		    , self.scrScroll[1] + screenRes[1] )

	# The current screen scroll + the side buffer offset
	#   and the size 
	# The order of the "walls" indicated within are
	#   West, North, East, South
	scrEdge = ( self.scrScroll[0] + self.sideBuf[0]
		    , self.scrScroll[1] + self.sideBuf[1]
		    , scrExtent[0] - self.sideBuf[0]
		    , scrExtent[1] - self.sideBuf[1] )

	# the screen movement based on its current position
	offset = [0,0]

	# Horizontal, player is within the area
	if playerPos[0] > scrEdge[0] and dir[0] > 0:
	    if abs(playerPos[0] - scrEdge[0]) >= self.scrSpeed[0]:
		offset[0] = self.scrSpeed[0]
		offset[0] = int(playerPos[0] - scrEdge[0])

	if playerPos[0] < scrEdge[2] and dir[0] < 0:
	    if abs(playerPos[0] - scrEdge[2]) >= self.scrSpeed[0]:
		offset[0] = -self.scrSpeed[0]
		# ..subtracted in this order, (pos - scrEdge) is already negative..
		offset[0] = int(playerPos[0] - scrEdge[2])

	# Vertical
	if playerPos[1] > scrEdge[1] and dir[1] > 0:
	    if abs(playerPos[1] - scrEdge[1]) >= self.scrSpeed[1]:
		offset[1] = self.scrSpeed[1]
		offset[1] = int(playerPos[1] - scrEdge[1])

	if playerPos[1] < scrEdge[3] and dir[1] < 0:
	    if abs(playerPos[1] - scrEdge[3]) >= self.scrSpeed[1]:
		offset[1] = -self.scrSpeed[1]
		offset[1] = int(playerPos[1] - scrEdge[3])

	# move the screen by the ofset
	self.moveScreen( offset )
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def renderFrame(self):
	""" RenderFrame - Base Class """
	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()

	scrSize = self.screen.getSize()
	#self.engine.gameWorld.positionPlayer( [scrSize[0],scrSize[1]] )

	self.screen.drawThis( self.str_paused )
	return self
Ejemplo n.º 7
def Main():
  """Main loop for the camera application."""
  pygame = SystemState.pygame
  SystemState.camera.resolution = (320, 240)
  while SystemState.application == 'video':
    # Check for button presses, messages, and which mode we're in.
    if SystemState.screen_mode in (1, 2, 3):
      SystemState.VideoState.video_stream = True
      SystemState.VideoState.video_stream = False
      video_message_queue = SystemState.VideoState.video_message_queue.get(None)
    except Queue.Empty:
      video_message_queue = None
    # Checking video message queue for record messages.
    if video_message_queue != None:
      recording_state = video_message_queue.get('recording')
      if recording_state == True:
        timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
        SystemState.VideoState.video_recording = True
      elif recording_state == False:
        SystemState.VideoState.video_recording = False
    # Checking the gpio button that starts recording.
    if SystemState.VideoState.video_recording == False:
      if not RPi.GPIO.input(8) and SystemState.screen_mode == 1:
        SystemState.VideoState.video_message_queue.put({'recording': True})
          position=(10, 10), 
    # Check if we are in a streaming mode. If so, throw frames at the screen.
    if SystemState.VideoState.video_stream == True:
      SystemState.VideoState.stream = io.BytesIO() # Capture into in-memory stream
      SystemState.camera.capture(SystemState.VideoState.stream, use_video_port=True, splitter_port=0, format='rgb')
      SystemState.VideoState.img = SystemState.pygame.image.frombuffer(SystemState.rgb[0: (320 * 240 * 3)], (320, 240), 'RGB' )
      xa = (320 - SystemState.VideoState.img.get_width() ) / 2
      ya = (240 - SystemState.VideoState.img.get_height()) / 2
      Screen.RefreshScreen(image=SystemState.VideoState.img, wx=xa, wy=ya)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def renderFrame(self):
	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()

	self.screen.drawThis( self.titleBGImg )

	selectionBox = UIImage("box.png",
				size=[(self.res[0]*0.05)*10, self.res[1]*0.05])
	self.screen.drawThis( selectionBox )

	for uiObj in self.UI.values():
	    # draw the background image firstly
	    self.screen.drawThis( uiObj )

	return self
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def renderFrame(self):
	""" RenderFrame - Base Class """
	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()

	self.screen.drawThis( self.titleBGImg )
	self.screen.drawThis( self.UI['nice_work'] )

	if self.engine.gameWorld.getPlayerType() == "Robber":
	    self.screen.drawThis( self.UI['robber_wins'] )
	elif self.engine.gameWorld.getPlayerType() == "Cop":
	    self.screen.drawThis( self.UI['cop_wins'] )

	self.screen.drawThis( self.UI['press_esc'] )

	return self
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def moveScreen( self, offset=[0,0] ):
	Moves the screen in world coords offset from its current
	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()
	# validate the upper and left extent
	self.scrScroll[0] = max( self.scrScroll[0]+offset[0], 0 )
	self.scrScroll[1] = max( self.scrScroll[1]+offset[1], 0 )

	tileSize = self.level.tileScrSize
	scrSize = self.screen.size
	mapSize = self.level.mapSize

	self.scrScroll[0] = min( self.scrScroll[0]
				, (mapSize[0]*tileSize[0]) - scrSize[0] )
	self.scrScroll[1] = min( self.scrScroll[1]
			    , (mapSize[1]*tileSize[1]) - scrSize[1] )
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self):
	Initializes the game client
	# since our game client is a client...

	self.setsMgr = SettingsManager()
	self.res = self.setsMgr.screenRes


	# Make a screen object - we want to make the first here
	#   so that we can ensure the size is set appropriately.
	#   All other objects using the screen-singleton will assume
	#   it is has already been sized and, thus, won't call setSize.
	self.screen = Screen()
	self.screen.setSize( self.res )

	# be the first entity to create the managers
	self.rsrcMgr = TextureManager()
	self.fontMgr = FontManager()

	self.connected = False
	self.serverOwner = False
	self.serverName = "default"

	# the gameworld is mostly undefined at this point
	self.gameWorld = GameWorld()
	# this variable denotes for certain game states whether
	#   the user 'start'-ed or 'join'-ed a server so they know
	#   which state to return to when the user pushes 'back'
	self.statePath = None
	# create the initial game state
	self.gState = TitleScreenState(self)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self):
	Init: (self)

	# grab the settings manager cause we need it here
	self.setsMgr = SettingsManager()

	# all things in the world scene (except the level and the player)
	self.objects = []
	self.collisions = {}
	self.prevCols = {}
	# store this separately so we know where it is
	self.levelName = ""
	self.level = PreBuiltLevel()
	# the user's player object
	self.player = None
	# the peer players on other computers in the network
	self.peers = {}
	# the player's controller (set to settings-default)
	self.controller = None
	self.setControllerType( self.setsMgr.controller )

	# the screen object
	self.screen = Screen()
	# the screen's position in world space
	self.scrScroll = [0,0]
	self.scrSize = self.screen.getSize()
	scrMiddle = (self.scrSize[0]/2, self.scrSize[1]/2)
	#self.sideBuf = ( self.scrSize[0]*0.4, self.scrSize[1]*0.4 )
	self.sideBuf = ( 100, 100 )
	# the max deviation that the player 
	self.maxDevi = ( self.scrSize[0]/2 - self.sideBuf[0]
			, self.scrSize[1]/2 - self.sideBuf[1] )
	self.scrSpeed = (0,0)

	self.status = "undecided"

	self.active = False # This is the 'pause' flag.
	self.gameTime = 0.0
	self.gameStatus = 'unresolved'
	# Denotes whether the Robber has touched the drop point
	self.drop_point_hit = False	# for the 'Robber' only

	# A few messages for indicating to the user
	# get/load the font
	self.font = FontManager().loadFont( 'Basic' )

	# a text objects for der screenzimmer
	self.txtObjs = []   # this will make rendering easy
	self.cops_got_ya = UIText("The Cops got ya!!",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.cops_got_ya )

	self.robber_detained = UIText("The Robber has been detained.",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.robber_detained )

	self.lose_the_cops = UIText("Ya gotta lose the cops first!",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.lose_the_cops )

	self.go_to_base = UIText("Ya already dropped off the loot.",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.go_to_base )

	self.go_to_drop = UIText("Go to the Drop Point first.",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.go_to_drop )

	self.safe_at_base = UIText("Ya made it!  Great job.",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.safe_at_base )

	self.dropped_loot = UIText("Good, now head to the Base",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.dropped_loot )

	self.robber_eluded = UIText("The robber eluded us.",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.robber_eluded )

	for txtObj in self.txtObjs:
	    txtObj.setVisible( False )
Ejemplo n.º 13
class GameWorld():
    A class to encapsulate all objects in the world-space of the 'game'.

    def __init__(self):
	Init: (self)

	# grab the settings manager cause we need it here
	self.setsMgr = SettingsManager()

	# all things in the world scene (except the level and the player)
	self.objects = []
	self.collisions = {}
	self.prevCols = {}
	# store this separately so we know where it is
	self.levelName = ""
	self.level = PreBuiltLevel()
	# the user's player object
	self.player = None
	# the peer players on other computers in the network
	self.peers = {}
	# the player's controller (set to settings-default)
	self.controller = None
	self.setControllerType( self.setsMgr.controller )

	# the screen object
	self.screen = Screen()
	# the screen's position in world space
	self.scrScroll = [0,0]
	self.scrSize = self.screen.getSize()
	scrMiddle = (self.scrSize[0]/2, self.scrSize[1]/2)
	#self.sideBuf = ( self.scrSize[0]*0.4, self.scrSize[1]*0.4 )
	self.sideBuf = ( 100, 100 )
	# the max deviation that the player 
	self.maxDevi = ( self.scrSize[0]/2 - self.sideBuf[0]
			, self.scrSize[1]/2 - self.sideBuf[1] )
	self.scrSpeed = (0,0)

	self.status = "undecided"

	self.active = False # This is the 'pause' flag.
	self.gameTime = 0.0
	self.gameStatus = 'unresolved'
	# Denotes whether the Robber has touched the drop point
	self.drop_point_hit = False	# for the 'Robber' only

	# A few messages for indicating to the user
	# get/load the font
	self.font = FontManager().loadFont( 'Basic' )

	# a text objects for der screenzimmer
	self.txtObjs = []   # this will make rendering easy
	self.cops_got_ya = UIText("The Cops got ya!!",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.cops_got_ya )

	self.robber_detained = UIText("The Robber has been detained.",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.robber_detained )

	self.lose_the_cops = UIText("Ya gotta lose the cops first!",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.lose_the_cops )

	self.go_to_base = UIText("Ya already dropped off the loot.",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.go_to_base )

	self.go_to_drop = UIText("Go to the Drop Point first.",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.go_to_drop )

	self.safe_at_base = UIText("Ya made it!  Great job.",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.safe_at_base )

	self.dropped_loot = UIText("Good, now head to the Base",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.dropped_loot )

	self.robber_eluded = UIText("The robber eluded us.",
		pos=scrMiddle, font=self.font, scale=0.025)
	self.txtObjs.append( self.robber_eluded )

	for txtObj in self.txtObjs:
	    txtObj.setVisible( False )

    # World control
    def pause(self):
	Pause/Unpause the gameworld
	if self.active == True:
	    self.active = False
	    self.active = True
	return self.active

    def startGame(self):
	Explicitly sets a game to active
	self.active = True

    def stopGame(self):
	Explicitly stops the game
	self.active = False

    def on_socket( self, packet ):
	receives the 'update' packet and reads it
	#process the packet
	    for plData in packet['players']:
		self.updatePeer( plData )
	except KeyError:
	    print "GameWorld -` on_socket - Missing 'players' in update packet"

    def update( self, elapsed ):
	Call the update function of all objects in the gameworld.

	# don't update if the gameworld is inactive
	if not self.active:
	    # either the game is paused or the game hasn't started yet

	# update the controller
	#   (as it might be necessary depending on the type)

	# Update collisions first(to hopefully achieve greater accuracy)
	for coll in self.collisions.values():

	# send the elapsed time to the player (for whatever it needs to do)
	if self.player:
	    # update the player animation


	# update the screen pos based on the character 
	#   pos and facing direction

	if self.level:
	    # update the level

	# update the peer avatars
	for peer in self.peers.values():

	# all world objects
	for obj in self.objects:

	#/\/\/\# Collision #/\/\/\#
	# copy the old collisions to another list
	self.prevCols = dict(self.collisions)
	self.collisions = {}
	## Player-to-Level
	if self.player.getType() == "Robber":

	    tileType, offset = self.level.getTileAtPoint(self.player.pos)

	    if not tileType:

	    elif tileType == 'base':
		self.addCollision(Collision.ROBBER, Collision.BASE)

	    elif tileType == 'building':
		posAdjust = [0,0]

		if offset[0] < self.level.tileHalfSize[0]:
		    posAdjust[0] = offset[0] * -1
		elif offset[0] >= self.level.tileHalfSize[0]:
		    posAdjust[0] = (self.level.tileScrSize[0]-offset[0])
		if offset[1] < self.level.tileHalfSize[1]:
		    posAdjust[1] = offset[1] * -1
		elif offset[1] >= self.level.tileHalfSize[1]:
		    posAdjust[1] = (self.level.tileScrSize[1]-offset[1])

		self.player.pos[0] += posAdjust[0]
		self.player.pos[1] += posAdjust[1]

	    elif tileType == 'drop-point':
		self.addCollision(Collision.ROBBER, Collision.DROP_POINT)

	for peer in self.peers.values():
	    # player's of the same type do not collide (for now)
	    if peer.getType() != self.player.getType():
		if self.player.getType() == "Cop":
		    # collide the peer(a robber) with the player's spotlight
		    if self.player.collidePoint( peer.pos  ):
			self.addCollision( Collision.ROBBER, Collision.COP )

		elif self.player.getType() == "Robber":
		    # collide the peer's spotlight with the player(a robber)
		    if peer.collidePoint( self.player.pos ):
			self.addCollision( Collision.ROBBER, Collision.COP )
	# This is not in use for now #	
	## Player-to-Objects
	#for obj in self.objects:
	#    #collide the object box with the robber pos only
	#    if self.player.getType() == "Robber":
	#	print 'object'

	#/\/\/\# Collision Response #/\/\/\#

	cop_robber_coll = False
	    # First, determine if there is a cop-to-robber collision as
	    #   this will be relevant to the effect of other collisions
	    # This collision depends on the player type
	    if self.collisions[(Collision.ROBBER, Collision.COP)].getTime() > 3000:
		if self.player.getType() == "Robber":
		    #	    ( self.player.pos[0], self.player.pos[1]+10 ) )
		    glutTimerFunc( 2000, self.cops_got_ya.toggleVisible, 0 )
		    self.gameStatus = "loser"

		elif self.player.getType() == "Cop":
		    #	    ( self.player.pos[0], self.player.pos[1]+10 ))
		    glutTimerFunc( 2000, self.robber_detained.toggleVisible, 0 )
		    self.gameStatus = "winner"
		self.active = True
	except KeyError:
	    # the collision is not present (saved myself a few 'if'-stmts, above)

	    # We can assume the next two can only occur when the player is a "Robber"
	    if (Collision.ROBBER, Collision.DROP_POINT) in self.collisions:
		if cop_robber_coll == True:
		    #	    (self.player.pos[0], self.player.pos[1]+10) )
		    glutTimerFunc( 2000, self.lose_the_cops.toggleVisible, 0 )
		#elif self.drop_point_hit == True:
		#    #self.go_to_base.centerAround( self.player.pos )
		#    self.go_to_base.setVisible(True)
		#    glutTimerFunc( 2000, self.go_to_base.toggleVisible, 0 )

		elif self.collisions[(Collision.ROBBER, Collision.DROP_POINT)].getTime() > 3000:
		    self.drop_point_hit = True
		    #	    ( self.player.pos[0], self.player.pos[1]+10 ))
		    glutTimerFunc( 2000, self.dropped_loot.toggleVisible, 0 )

	except KeyError:
	    # the collision is not present (saved myself a few 'if'-stmts, above)

	    if (Collision.ROBBER, Collision.BASE) in self.collisions:
		if cop_robber_coll == True:
		    #	    ( self.player.pos[0], self.player.pos[1]+10 ))
		    glutTimerFunc( 2000, self.lose_the_cops.toggleVisible, 0 )
		elif self.drop_point_hit == False:
		    glutTimerFunc( 2000, self.go_to_drop.toggleVisible, 0 )

		elif self.collisions[(Collision.ROBBER, Collision.BASE)].getTime() > 3000:
		    self.gameStatus = "winner"
		    self.active = False
		    #	    ( self.player.pos[0], self.player.pos[1]+10 ))
		    glutTimerFunc( 2000, self.safe_at_base.toggleVisible, 0 )
	except KeyError:
	    # the collision is not present (saved myself a few 'if'-stmts, above)

    def addCollision(self, type1, type2):
	This function determines whether to add a new collision or
	to transfer an existing one to the new list.
	if (type1, type2) in self.prevCols:
	    self.collisions[(type1, type2)] = self.prevCols[(type1, type2)]
	    self.collisions[(type1, type2)] = Collision((type1, type2))

    # Player setup/control
    def setPlayer( self, player ):
	Set the player by object
	self.player = player
	#self.player.setName( self.setsMgr.player_name )

	if self.controller:
	    self.controller.setPlayer( self.player )

    def setPlayerType( self, type ):
	Set the player by type-str
	if type == 'Robber':
	    self.setPlayer( Robber() )
	    #self.player.setName( self.setsMgr.player_name )
	    if self.level:
		self.level.setTilesPerView( [15,15] )
		self.player.scaleSizeByTileSize( self.level.getTileSize() )

	elif type == 'Cop':
	    self.setPlayer( Cop() )
	    #self.player.setName( self.setsMgr.player_name )
	    if self.level:
		self.level.setTilesPerView( -1 )
	    	self.player.setPos( self.level.getCopInitPos() )
		self.player.scaleSizeByTileSize( self.level.getTileSize() )

	    print type, ' is not an acceptable argument to setPlayer()'

	if self.controller:
	    self.controller.setPlayer( self.player )

	self.scrSpeed = ( int(self.player.moveSpeed[0]),
			    int(self.player.moveSpeed[1]) )

    def getPlayer( self ):
	return self.player

    def getPlayerType( self ):
	if self.player:
	    return self.player.getType()
	    return None

    def movePlayer( self, offset=(0,0) ):
	Simply calls the position func of the player
	self.player.move( offset )

    def positionPlayer( self, pos=(1,1) ):
	Place the player at some particular spot
	self.player.setPos( pos )

    def ensureWithinLevel( self ):
	checks the player's position is within the level area

	mapSize = self.level.mapSize
	tileSize = self.level.tileScrSize
	playerPos = self.player.pos

	# check that PosX > left_edgeTileWidth
	if playerPos[0] < 0:
	    self.positionPlayer([0, playerPos[1]])

	# check that PosY > top_edgeTileHeight
	if playerPos[1] < 0:
	    self.positionPlayer([playerPos[0], 0])

	# check that PosX < right_EdgeTileWidths
	if playerPos[0] > mapSize[0]*tileSize[0]:
	    self.positionPlayer( [(mapSize[0]*tileSize[0]), playerPos[1]] )
	# check that PosY < bottom_EdgeTileWidth
	if playerPos[1] > mapSize[1]*tileSize[1]:
	    self.positionPlayer( [playerPos[0], (mapSize[1]*tileSize[1])] )

    # Controller Setup
    def setController( self, controller ):
	Set the controller by passing a derived Controller class
	self.controller = controller
	self.controller.setPlayer( self.player )

    def setControllerType( self, type ):
	Sets the controller by passing either "keyboard" or "mouse"
	# determine which type of controller to create
	if type.lower() == "keyboard":
	    self.controller = Keyboard()
	elif type.lower() == "mouse":
	    self.controller = Mouse()
	    print "Set Controller Failed with type: ", type

	# set the player of the controller

    def getController( self ):
	return self.controller

    def centerScreenAroundPlayer(self):
	As the name suggests, it centers the screen as best it can
	around the player.
	self.positionScreen( [self.player.pos[0]-(self.scrSize[0]/2),
			   self.player.pos[1]-(self.scrSize[1]/2) ] )
	# this will check the screen to make sure it is within the bounds
	#   of the level
	self.moveScreen( [0,0] )

    # Level setup
    def setLevelByName( self, level=None ):
	Set the level by name
	if level:
	    self.levelName = level
	    self.level.load( level )

	    if self.player:
		if self.player.type == 'Robber':
		    self.level.setTilesPerView( [15,15] )
		    self.player.setPos( self.level.getThiefInitPos() )
		    self.player.scaleSizeByTileSize( self.level.getTileSize() )
		elif self.player.type == 'Cop':
		    self.level.setTilesPerView( -1 )
		    self.player.setPos( self.level.getCopInitPos() )
		    self.player.scaleSizeByTileSize( self.level.getTileSize() )

	    self.level = None

    def setLevel( self, level=None ):
	Set the level with an instance
	self.level = level
	if self.player and self.level:
	    self.levelName = self.level.lvlName
	    if self.player.type == 'Robber':
		self.level.setTilesPerView( [15,15] )
		self.player.setPos( self.level.getThiefInitPos() )
		self.player.scaleSizeByTileSize( self.level.getTileSize() )
	    elif self.player.type == 'Cop':
		self.level.setTilesPerView( -1 )
		self.player.setPos( self.level.getCopInitPos() )
		self.player.scaleSizeByTileSize( self.level.getTileSize() )


    def getLevel( self ):
	return self.level

    def getLevelName( self ):
	return self.level.lvlName

    # Drawing
    def render( self ):
	Called by the screen class; this function will call render()
	of all entities in self.objects and return the compiled list

	renderList = []

	# don't update if paused
	if not self.active:
	    return renderList

	# render order is relevant in this function esp. wrt the level and
	#   the player.
	if self.level:
	    if self.player.type == 'Robber':
	    elif self.player.type == 'Cop':
		quad = self.player.getQuad( self.scrScroll )
		renderList.extend(self.level.render(self.scrScroll, quad))
	if self.player:
	    renderList.extend( self.player.render(self.scrScroll) )

	for object in self.objects:
	    renderList.extend( object.render(self.scrScroll) )

	for peer in self.peers.values():
	    if self.player.type == "Cop":
	    	quad = self.player.getAreaUnder( self.scrScroll )

	    	if peer.pos[0] > quad[0] and peer.pos[0] < quad[2] \
	    	    and peer.pos[1] > quad[1] and peer.pos[1] < quad[3]:
	    		renderList.extend( peer.render(self.scrScroll) )
		renderList.extend( peer.render(self.scrScroll) )

	for txt in self.txtObjs:
	    #renderList.extend( txt.render(self.scrScroll) )
	    renderList.extend( txt.render() )

	return renderList

    # Screen control
    def moveScreen( self, offset=[0,0] ):
	Moves the screen in world coords offset from its current
	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()
	# validate the upper and left extent
	self.scrScroll[0] = max( self.scrScroll[0]+offset[0], 0 )
	self.scrScroll[1] = max( self.scrScroll[1]+offset[1], 0 )

	tileSize = self.level.tileScrSize
	scrSize = self.screen.size
	mapSize = self.level.mapSize

	self.scrScroll[0] = min( self.scrScroll[0]
				, (mapSize[0]*tileSize[0]) - scrSize[0] )
	self.scrScroll[1] = min( self.scrScroll[1]
			    , (mapSize[1]*tileSize[1]) - scrSize[1] )

    def positionScreen( self, pos=[0,0] ):
	Put the screen at a specific position
	self.scrScroll[0] = pos[0]
	self.scrScroll[1] = pos[1]

    def scrollScreen(self):
	dir = self.player.facingDir
	#playerPos = list(self.player.getCenterPos())
	playerPos = list(self.player.pos)

	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()

	screenRes = self.screen.size

	# the extent from the side-buffer(above)
	scrExtent = ( self.scrScroll[0] + screenRes[0]
		    , self.scrScroll[1] + screenRes[1] )

	# The current screen scroll + the side buffer offset
	#   and the size 
	# The order of the "walls" indicated within are
	#   West, North, East, South
	scrEdge = ( self.scrScroll[0] + self.sideBuf[0]
		    , self.scrScroll[1] + self.sideBuf[1]
		    , scrExtent[0] - self.sideBuf[0]
		    , scrExtent[1] - self.sideBuf[1] )

	# the screen movement based on its current position
	offset = [0,0]

	# Horizontal, player is within the area
	if playerPos[0] > scrEdge[0] and dir[0] > 0:
	    if abs(playerPos[0] - scrEdge[0]) >= self.scrSpeed[0]:
		offset[0] = self.scrSpeed[0]
		offset[0] = int(playerPos[0] - scrEdge[0])

	if playerPos[0] < scrEdge[2] and dir[0] < 0:
	    if abs(playerPos[0] - scrEdge[2]) >= self.scrSpeed[0]:
		offset[0] = -self.scrSpeed[0]
		# ..subtracted in this order, (pos - scrEdge) is already negative..
		offset[0] = int(playerPos[0] - scrEdge[2])

	# Vertical
	if playerPos[1] > scrEdge[1] and dir[1] > 0:
	    if abs(playerPos[1] - scrEdge[1]) >= self.scrSpeed[1]:
		offset[1] = self.scrSpeed[1]
		offset[1] = int(playerPos[1] - scrEdge[1])

	if playerPos[1] < scrEdge[3] and dir[1] < 0:
	    if abs(playerPos[1] - scrEdge[3]) >= self.scrSpeed[1]:
		offset[1] = -self.scrSpeed[1]
		offset[1] = int(playerPos[1] - scrEdge[3])

	# move the screen by the ofset
	self.moveScreen( offset )

    # World-object stuff
    def addObject( self, newObj ):
	Appends an object to the game world(as long as it can be rendered)

	if 'render' in dir( newObj ):
	    self.objects.append( newObj )
	    print 'Warning : GameWorld : newObj does not have a "render" function; it was not added to the render list.'

    def updatePeer( self, update ):
	update (or add) a peer to the game world
	if update['name'] == self.player.getName():
	    # ignore this packet because it is the player packet

	if update['name'] not in self.peers:
	    # Make a player object of the type in the packet
	    if update['pType'] == 'Robber':
		newPlayer = Robber()
		newPlayer.setPos( self.scalePos(update['position']) )
		newPlayer.setSize( self.getPeerSize( "Robber") )
		self.peers[ update['name'] ] = newPlayer
	    if update['pType'] == 'Cop':
		newPlayer = Cop()
		newPlayer.setPos( self.scalePos(update['position']) )
		newPlayer.setSize( self.getPeerSize( "Cop") )
		self.peers[ update['name'] ] = newPlayer
	    self.peers[ update['name'] ].setPos(\

    def scalePos(self, pos):
	scales the peer's map pos to tile coords
	tileSize = self.level.getTileSize()
	return [ pos[0]*tileSize[0], pos[1]*tileSize[1] ]

    def getPeerSize(self, type):
	Calculates and returns the size of a peer based on its type
	and the playyer's type.
	size = None
	tileSize = self.level.getTileSize()

	if self.player.type == type:
	elif self.player.type == "Robber":
	    # then peer-type == "Cop"
	    size = [tileSize[0]*5, tileSize[1]*5]
	elif self.player.type == "Cop":
	    # then peer-type == "Robber"
	    size = [tileSize[0]*0.5, tileSize[1]*0.5]

	return size

    def on_key_press(self, key, x, y):
	"""On key press"""
	if self.active:
	    if self.controller and isinstance( self.controller, Keyboard ):
		self.controller.on_key_press(key, x, y)

    def on_key_release(self, key, x, y):
	"""On key release"""
	if self.active:
	    if self.controller and isinstance( self.controller, Keyboard ):
		self.controller.on_key_release(key, x, y)

    def on_specialkey_press(self, key, x, y):
	"""On special key press"""
	if self.active:
	    if self.controller and isinstance( self.controller, Keyboard ):
		self.controller.on_specialkey_press(key, x, y)

    def on_specialkey_release(self, key, x, y):
	"""On special key release"""
	if self.active:
	    if self.controller and isinstance( self.controller, Keyboard ):
		self.controller.on_specialkey_release(key, x, y)

    def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y):
	"""On mouse motion"""
	if self.active:
	    if self.controller and isinstance( self.controller, Mouse ):
		self.controller.on_mouse_motion(x, y)

    def on_mouse(self, button, state, x, y):
	"""On mouse press/release"""
	if self.active:
	    if self.controller and isinstance( self.controller, Mouse ):
		self.controller.on_mouse(button, state, x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class TitleScreenState(EngineState):

    def __init__(self, engine):
	The game determines what is happening on screen
	based on what state the GameEngine instance has.
	self.engine = engine

	self.screen = Screen()
	self.res = self.engine.setsMgr.screenRes
	res = self.res # saying 'self.res' was making lines too long. :P
	# get/load the font
	self.font = FontManager().loadFont( 'Basic' )

	# screen objects
	self.UI = {}
	self.UI['title'] = UIText("Breakin And Poppin"\
		, pos=[res[0]*.01,res[1]*.10], font=self.font, scale=0.05)
	self.UI['start_server'] = UIText("Start a Server"\
		, pos=[res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.42], font=self.font, scale=0.04)
	self.UI['join_server'] = UIText("Join a Server"\
		, pos=[res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.5], font=self.font, scale=0.04)
	self.UI['quit'] = UIText("Quit"\
		, pos=[res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.58], font=self.font, scale=0.04)
	self.titleBGImg = UIImage("TitleScreenBG.png"\
		, pos=[0,0], size=res)

	self.selected = 'start_server'

    def renderFrame(self):
	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()

	self.screen.drawThis( self.titleBGImg )

	selectionBox = UIImage("box.png",
				size=[(self.res[0]*0.05)*10, self.res[1]*0.05])
	self.screen.drawThis( selectionBox )

	for uiObj in self.UI.values():
	    # draw the background image firstly
	    self.screen.drawThis( uiObj )

	return self

    def on_key_press(self, key, x, y):
	On key press

	if key == '\x1b':
	    return None

	elif key == chr(13):
	    if self.selected == "start_server":
		self.statePath = 'start'
		return CreateServerState(self.engine)
	    elif self.selected == "join_server":
		self.statePath = 'join'
		return JoinServerState(self.engine)
	    elif self.selected == "quit":
		return None

	elif key == 101:
	    if self.selected == "start_server":
		self.selected = "quit"
	    elif self.selected == "join_server":
		self.selected = "start_server"
	    elif self.selected == "quit":
		self.selected = "join_server"

	elif key == 103:
	    if self.selected == "start_server":
		self.selected = "join_server"
	    elif self.selected == "join_server":
		self.selected = "quit"
	    elif self.selected == "quit":
		self.selected = "start_server"

	return self

    def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y):
	On mouse motion
	# check the mouse pos against all the choices
	if self.UI['start_server'].CollidePoint( (x,y) ):
	    self.selected = "start_server"
	elif self.UI['join_server'].CollidePoint( (x,y) ):
	    self.selected = "join_server"
	elif self.UI['quit'].CollidePoint( (x,y) ):
	    self.selected = "quit"
	return self

    def on_mouse(self, button, state, x, y):
	On mouse release
	if button == GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON and state == GLUT_DOWN:
	    # check the mouse pos against all the choices
	    if self.UI['start_server'].CollidePoint( (x,y) ):
		self.engine.statePath = 'start'
		return CreateServerState(self.engine)
	    if self.UI['join_server'].CollidePoint( (x,y) ):
		self.engine.statePath = 'join'
		return JoinServerState(self.engine)
	    if self.UI['quit'].CollidePoint( (x,y) ):
		return None

	return self
Ejemplo n.º 15
class EngineState():

    def __init__(self, engine):
	The game determines what is happening on screen
	based on what state the GameEngine instance has.
	# the game engine that owns this state
	self.engine = engine # TRYING TO DEPRECATE
	self.screen = Screen()
	self.res = self.engine.setsMgr.screenRes
	res = self.res

	# get/load the font
	self.font = FontManager().loadFont( 'JohnDoe' )
	self.str_paused = UIText( "Paused", [res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.5]
				, self.font, 35 )

	gameWorld = self.engine.gameWorld
	#gameWorld.setPlayerType( 'Cop' )
	gameWorld.setPlayerType( 'Robber' )
	#gameWorld.getPlayer().setName( "Alfonso" )

	# This is an optimization...
	# If using the Cop player type, use the smaller tiles
	if gameWorld.getPlayer().getType() == "Cop":
	    gameWorld.setLevelByName( 'Level1XS' )
	    gameWorld.setLevelByName( 'Level1L' )

	glutTimerFunc(50, self.engine.on_update, 50)

    def renderFrame(self):
	""" RenderFrame - Base Class """
	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()

	self.screen.drawThis( self.str_paused )

	return self

    def on_key_press(self, key, x, y):
	On key press
	if key == '\x1b':
	    return None

	# for now, this means to "spawn a server"
	if key == 'x':
	    if system() == "Linux" or system() == "Macintosh":
		Popen( [r'/usr/bin/python/python'
		    ,os.path.join( self.engine.setsMgr.home_dir
				    , 'StartServer.py' )] )
	    elif system() == "Windows":
		    ,os.path.join( self.engine.setsMgr.home_dir
				    , 'StartServer.py' )])
	    	print "you are on an unsupported platform for spawning a server"
	    # declare that this game instance is the server owner
	    self.engine.serverOwner = True
	# for now, its "connect"
	elif key == 'c':

	elif key == 'v':

	elif key == 'g':

	return self

    def on_key_release(self, key, x, y):
	On key release
	return self

    def on_specialkey_press(self, key, x, y):
	On special key press
	return self

    def on_specialkey_release(self, key, x, y):
	On special key release
	return self

    def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y):
	On mouse motion
	return self

    def on_mouse(self, button, state, x, y):
	On mouse
	return self

    def on_socket(self, packet):
	On socket
	self.gameTime = packet['time']
	return self

    def update(self, elapsed):
	switches the state based on 
	return self
Ejemplo n.º 16
class GameState(EngineState):

    def __init__(self, engine):
	The game determines what is happening on screen
	based on what state the GameEngine instance has.
	self.engine = engine
	self.res = self.engine.setsMgr.screenRes
	self.screen = None

	# get/load the font
	self.font = FontManager().loadFont( 'Basic' )
	self.str_paused = UIText( "Paused",
		[self.res[0]*0.5, self.res[1]*0.5],
		self.font, 0.05 )

	engine.gameWorld.setLevelByName( 'Level1L' )
	engine.gameWorld.gameTime = 0.0

	#glutTimerFunc(300, self.print_game_world, 300)

    def print_game_world(self, elapsed):
	gW = self.engine.gameWorld
	tileSize = gW.level.getTileSize()
	peerPos = gW.peers.values()[0].pos
	print ''
	print '--- Gameworld ---'
	print 'Player = {', gW.player.playerName, ":", gW.player.pos, "}"
	print 'mapPixelPos = ', gW.player.pos[0] + gW.scrScroll[0]\
				, gW.player.pos[1] + gW.scrScroll[1]
	print 'mapTilePos = ', gW.player.pos[0] / tileSize[0],\
				gW.player.pos[1] / tileSize[1]
	print 'renderPos = ', gW.player.pos[0] - gW.scrScroll[0]\
			    , gW.player.pos[1] - gW.scrScroll[1]
	print '  ------ ------ '
	print 'Peers = {', gW.peers.values()[0].playerName, ":", peerPos, "}" 
	print 'mapTilePos = ', peerPos[0] / tileSize[0],\
				peerPos[1] / tileSize[1]
	print 'renderPos = ', peerPos[0] - gW.scrScroll[0]\
			    , peerPos[1] - gW.scrScroll[1]
	print '  ------ ------ '
	print 'TileSize = ', tileSize
	print ''
	glutTimerFunc(300, self.print_game_world, 300)

    def renderFrame(self):
	""" RenderFrame - Base Class """
	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()

	scrSize = self.screen.getSize()
	#self.engine.gameWorld.positionPlayer( [scrSize[0],scrSize[1]] )

	self.screen.drawThis( self.str_paused )
	return self

    def on_key_press(self, key, x, y):
	On key press
	if key == chr(27):   # Escape
	    return ChoosePlayerState(self.engine)
	elif key == 'g':
	# controller
	self.engine.gameWorld.on_key_press(key, x, y)

	return self

    def on_key_release(self, key, x, y):
	"""On key release"""
	# controller	
	self.engine.gameWorld.on_key_release(key, x, y)
	return self

    def on_specialkey_press(self, key, x, y):
	"""On special key press"""
	# controller
	self.engine.gameWorld.on_specialkey_press(key, x, y)
	return self

    def on_specialkey_release(self, key, x, y):
	"""On special key release"""
	# controller
	self.engine.gameWorld.on_specialkey_release(key, x, y)
	return self

    def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y):
	"""On mouse motion"""
	# controller
	self.engine.gameWorld.on_mouse_motion(x, y)
	return self

    def on_mouse(self, button, state, x, y):
	"""On mouse press/release"""
	# controller
	self.engine.gameWorld.on_mouse(button, state, x, y)
	return self

    def update(self, elapsed):
	switches the state based on 
	if self.engine.gameWorld.gameStatus == "winner":
	    # Send a signal to the server that this player
	    #	seems to have won the game ( the server will
	    #	have to agree with our word )
	    # Go to the appropriate engine-state screen
	    #self.engine.gameWorld = GameWorld()
	    print 'switching to winner state'
	    return WinnerState(self.engine)

	elif self.engine.gameWorld.gameStatus == "loser":
	    # Go to the appropriate engine-state screen
	    #self.engine.gameWorld = GameWorld()
	    return LoserState(self.engine)
	    return self
Ejemplo n.º 17
class WinnerState(EngineState):

    def __init__(self, engine):
	self.engine = engine
	self.res = self.engine.setsMgr.screenRes
	res = self.res
	self.screen = None

	# announce that the game is over
	#engine.announceGameOver( 'winner' )
	self.engine.gameWorld.status = 'winner'

	self.font = FontManager().loadFont( 'Basic' )
	self.UI = {}
	self.UI['nice_work'] = UIText("Nice Work!"
		, pos=[res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.3], font=self.font, scale=0.047)

	self.UI['cop_wins'] = UIText("You Caught The Robber!"
		, pos=[res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.5], font=self.font, scale=0.04)

	self.UI['robber_wins'] = UIText("You made it home safe!"
		, pos=[res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.5], font=self.font, scale=0.04)

    	self.UI['press_esc'] = UIText("Press escape to continue"
		, pos=[res[0]*0.5, res[1]*0.75], font=self.font, scale=0.04)

	self.titleBGImg = UIImage("black_bg.png"\
		, pos=[0,0], size=res)

    def renderFrame(self):
	""" RenderFrame - Base Class """
	if not self.screen:
	    self.screen = Screen()

	self.screen.drawThis( self.titleBGImg )
	self.screen.drawThis( self.UI['nice_work'] )

	if self.engine.gameWorld.getPlayerType() == "Robber":
	    self.screen.drawThis( self.UI['robber_wins'] )
	elif self.engine.gameWorld.getPlayerType() == "Cop":
	    self.screen.drawThis( self.UI['cop_wins'] )

	self.screen.drawThis( self.UI['press_esc'] )

	return self

    def on_key_press(self, key, x, y):
	On key press
	if key == chr(27):   # Escape
	    return TitleScreenState(self.engine)
	    return self

    def on_mouse(self, button, state, x, y):
	On mouse press
	return TitleScreenState(self.engine)
Ejemplo n.º 18
class GameEngine(Client):
    The main game client:
      The game engine sends GLUT events to a gamestate class that
      manages what is happening on the screen.  It also handles
      server communication.

    def __init__(self):
	Initializes the game client
	# since our game client is a client...

	self.setsMgr = SettingsManager()
	self.res = self.setsMgr.screenRes


	# Make a screen object - we want to make the first here
	#   so that we can ensure the size is set appropriately.
	#   All other objects using the screen-singleton will assume
	#   it is has already been sized and, thus, won't call setSize.
	self.screen = Screen()
	self.screen.setSize( self.res )

	# be the first entity to create the managers
	self.rsrcMgr = TextureManager()
	self.fontMgr = FontManager()

	self.connected = False
	self.serverOwner = False
	self.serverName = "default"

	# the gameworld is mostly undefined at this point
	self.gameWorld = GameWorld()
	# this variable denotes for certain game states whether
	#   the user 'start'-ed or 'join'-ed a server so they know
	#   which state to return to when the user pushes 'back'
	self.statePath = None
	# create the initial game state
	self.gState = TitleScreenState(self)
	#self.gState = EngineState(self)

    def _InitGLUT_(self):
	"""Initialize GLUT"""
	#*# Create/Initialize the Window
	glutInitWindowPosition( 0,0 )
	glutInitWindowSize( self.res[0], self.res[1] )

	self.window = glutCreateWindow( "Breakin & Poppin" )

	#*# setup the event handlers
	# keyboard
	glutKeyboardFunc( self.on_key_press )
	glutKeyboardUpFunc( self.on_key_release )
	glutIgnoreKeyRepeat( 1 ) # !=0 disables key repeat callbacks
	glutSpecialFunc( self.on_specialkey_press )
	glutSpecialUpFunc( self.on_specialkey_release )
	glutMouseFunc( self.on_mouse )
	glutPassiveMotionFunc( self.on_mouse_motion )

    def _InitGL_(self):
	"""Initialize GL"""
	# Set up the rendering environment

	# setup the orthographic projection (firstly)
	glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW )

	# Set up the orthographic projection
	glOrtho(0, self.res[0], 0, self.res[1], -1, 1)
	# invert the y axis, down is positive
	glScalef(1, -1, 1)
	# mover the origin from the bottom left corner
	# to the upper left corner
	glTranslatef(0, -self.res[1], 0)

	# turn off the lighting and depth testing
	glDisable( GL_LIGHTING )
	glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST )
	glDisable( GL_DITHER )	

    def on_key_press(self, key, x, y):
	"""On key press"""
	if self.gState:
	    self.gState = self.gState.on_key_press(key, x, y)

    def on_key_release(self, key, x, y):
	"""On key release"""
	if self.gState:
	    self.gState = self.gState.on_key_release(key, x, y)
    def on_specialkey_press(self, key, x, y):
	"""On special key press"""
	# game state
	if self.gState:
	    self.gState = self.gState.on_key_press(key, x, y)

    def on_specialkey_release(self, key, x, y):
	"""On special key release"""
	# game state
	if self.gState:
	    self.gState = self.gState.on_key_release(key, x, y)	

    def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y):
	"""On mouse motion"""
	# game state 
	if self.gState:
	    self.gState = self.gState.on_mouse_motion(x, y)

    def on_mouse(self, button, state, x, y):
	"""On mouse press/release"""
	# game state
	if self.gState:
	    self.gState = self.gState.on_mouse(button, state, x, y)

    def on_update(self, elapsed):
	The function that updates every object's animation status (45ms)

	# update the game state
	if self.gState:
	    self.gState = self.gState.update(elapsed)

	# gameworld

	# gamestate
	glutTimerFunc(50, self.on_update, 50)	

    def on_socket( self, elapsed):
	# call the base class version (returns the packet)
	packet = Client.on_socket(self, elapsed)

	if packet != None:
	    #print 'client - recv - got a packet'
	    self.readPacket( packet )	# the real meat of this
	    # Oh well, no packet for some reason

	glutTimerFunc(20, self.on_socket, 20)
    def readPacket(self, packet):
	This interpets a packet sent by the server

	# This case is usually handled by the GameEngine side
	#   (But this class isn't supposed to know that. :P)
	if packet['type'] == 'update':
	    #print 'Client : Got an update : ', packet
	    if self.connected:

		if self.gState:
		    # let the game state handle some bih'ness
		    self.gState= self.gState.on_socket(packet)

		if self.gameWorld:

		# if the level is different or non-existant, load it
		#if not self.gameWorld.getLevel() \
		#	    or (packet['level'] != self.gameWorld.getLevelName()):
		#	self.gameWorld.setLevelByName( packet['level'] )

	if packet['type'] == 'message':
	    #print 'Client : Got a message : ', packet

	    # Connection Reset by Peer
	    if 'CRbP' in packet:
		print 'Disconnected: The server connection is dead.'

	    # The server is full
	    if 'ServerFull' in packet:
		print 'Disconnected: The server is full.'
		# this is just like getting CRbP for now
		#   but the response to the user should
		#   be different at some point.

	    if 'CurrentLevel' in packet:
		#self.engine.gameWorld.setLevel( packet['CurrentLevel'] )
		print 'Current level is ', packet['CurrentLevel']

	    if 'NextLevel' in packet:
		print 'Next Level is ', packet['NextLevel']
	    if 'GameStatus' in packet:
		if packet['GameStatus'] == 'winner':
		    self.gState = LoserState(self)
		elif packet['GameStatus'] == 'loser':
		    self.gState = WinnerState(self)

    def on_tick(self):
	"""Timer event: on tick"""
	# kill the app if there is no state
	if not self.gState:
	# render the scene

    def on_close(self):
	"""On close"""
        # leave the server

    def renderFrame(self):
	"""The glut display function"""
	# clear the buffer

	# Draw the game world
	if self.gameWorld:
	    self.screen.drawThis( self.gameWorld )

	# Render if we have a state
	if self.gState:
	    # the state passes any objects the screen to be rendered

	# The screen draws all objects it has been passed

	# Dump the contents to the screen
Ejemplo n.º 19
from engine import Screen, World, Tile, Entity
from systems import System, GraphicsSystem, ControlSystem, SpriteSystem
from components import Component, Position, Camera, Control, State, Sprite

DEBUG = True

playertile = (0, 0)
playerposition = (0, 0)

pygame.display.set_caption('~ R I K \' S   G A M E ~')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

w = World(size=1024, tilesize=32)
s = Screen(800, 800)

gs = GraphicsSystem()
cs = ControlSystem()
ss = SpriteSystem()

p = Entity(w)
p.camera = Camera(0, 0, 800, 800, track=True, entitytotrack=p)
p.position = Position(0, 0, 32, 32, 2)
p.control = Control(pygame.K_UP, pygame.K_DOWN, pygame.K_LEFT, pygame.K_RIGHT)
p.state = State()

p.sprite = Sprite()
p.sprite.sprites['idle'] = [
Ejemplo n.º 20
def Main():
  Timer.SetTimeOut('sleep_screen', 7, Screen.SleepScreen, permanent=True)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def Thread():
    serial_port = SystemState.PhoneState.serial_port

    # Infinite loop to pass found messages to InterruptSystem() in cobblr.
    while True:
        # Looks for incomming serial messages (calls, texts, etc).
            serial_data = serial_port.readlines()
        except serial.SerialException:
            serial_data = []  # Evil.

        serial_data = ParseSerialData(serial_data)
        if len(serial_data) > 0:
            print 'serial data: ', serial_data

        # Call related interrupts
        if len(serial_data) > 0:
            message_type = serial_data[0]
            if message_type == 'RING':
                serial_data = serial_data[1].strip()
                stripped_number = serial_data.split('"')[1].strip('"')

                # Setting RING timeout timer to hang up if NO CARRIER is not received.
                callback = Menu.Back
                callback_args = {'change_application': True}
                Timer.SetTimeOut('ring_timeout', 6, callback, callback_args)

                # Changes menu
                callback_args = {
                    'screen_mode': 3,
                    'application': 'phone',
                    'change_application': True,
                    'store_history': False
                message = {
                    'callback': Menu.JumpTo,
                    'callback_args': callback_args

                # Print's 'Incomming Call' on the screen.
                callback_args = {
                    'permatext': True,
                    'text': 'Incomming Call',
                    'text_type': 'message'
                message = {
                    'callback': TextWriter.Write,
                    'callback_args': callback_args

                # Print's the phone number on the screen.
                callback_args = {
                    'permatext': True,
                    'text': stripped_number,
                    'text_type': 'subtext'
                message = {
                    'callback': TextWriter.Write,
                    'callback_args': callback_args

            if message_type == 'ATA':

            # If someone hang's up, go back to the lass application.
            if message_type == 'NO CARRIER':
                callback_args = {'change_application': True}
                message = {
                    'callback': Menu.Back,
                    'callback_args': callback_args