Ejemplo n.º 1
	def get( self, thread ):
		data = ''
		pagination = ''
		not_found = ''
		post_requested = str( self.request.get( 'start' ))
		post_count = str( self.request.get( 'count' ))
		validation_result = EnkiModelThread.validate_thread_pagination( thread, post_requested, post_count )
		if validation_result == enki.libutil.ENKILIB_OK:
			if not post_requested:
				post_requested = EnkiModelPost.POST_DEFAULT
			if not post_count:
				post_count = EnkiModelPost.POSTS_PER_PAGE
			data = EnkiModelPost.get_thread_data( thread, post_requested, post_count )
			pagination = EnkiModelPost.get_thread_pagination_data( thread, post_requested, post_count )
			not_found = MSG.POST_THREAD_NOT_EXIST( )
		self.render_tmpl( 'thread.html', False,
		                  active_menu = 'forums',
		                  data = data,
		                  pagination = pagination,
		                  user_id = self.user_id,
		                  not_found = not_found,
		                  maxpostlength = EnkiModelPost.POST_LENGTH_MAX )
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def post( self, thread ):
		if self.ensure_is_logged_in() and self.ensure_has_display_name():
			if thread.isdigit() and EnkiModelThread.get_by_id( int( thread )):
				user = self.user_id
				post_body = self.request.get( 'post_body' )
				submit_type = self.request.get( 'submittype' )

				post_count = str( self.request.get( 'count' ))
				post_requested = str( self.request.get( 'start' ))
				if not post_count:
					post_count = EnkiModelPost.POSTS_PER_PAGE
				if not post_requested:
					post_requested = EnkiModelPost.get_first_post_on_page( EnkiModelPost.get_page( EnkiModelThread.get_by_id( int( thread )), EnkiModelPost.POST_LAST, int( post_count )), int( post_count ))

				error_message = ''
				preview = ''
				pmtoken = self.request.get( 'preventmultitoken' )
				show_input = True
				if submit_type == 'input':
					post_body = ''
					pmtoken = EnkiModelTokenVerify.add_preventmultipost_token( 'preventmultipost' )
					if submit_type != 'cancel':
						if not post_body:
							error_message = MSG.POST_BODY_NEEDED()
							exceed = len( post_body ) - EnkiModelPost.POST_LENGTH_MAX
							if exceed > 0:
								error_message = MSG.POST_BODY_TOO_LONG( exceed )
					if not error_message:
						post_sticky_order = xint( self.request.get( 'sticky_order' ))
						if submit_type == 'submit':
							if EnkiModelTokenVerify.check_and_delete_preventmultipost_token( pmtoken, 'preventmultipost' ):
								result = EnkiModelPost.add_post( user, thread, post_body, post_sticky_order )
								if result == enki.libutil.ENKILIB_OK:
									self.add_infomessage( MSG.SUCCESS( ), MSG.POST_PUBLISHED())
									post_requested = EnkiModelPost.get_first_post_on_page( EnkiModelPost.get_page( EnkiModelThread.get_by_id( int( thread )), EnkiModelPost.POST_LAST, int( post_count )), int( post_count ))
									url = enki.libutil.get_local_url( 'thread', { 'thread': thread, 'start': str( post_requested ), 'count': str( post_count )})
									self.send_email_admin( 'FPA', url )
									self.redirect( url )
									error_message = MSG.FAIL_POST_SUBMISSION()
								post_body = ''
						elif submit_type == 'preview':
							preview = post_body
						elif submit_type == 'cancel':
							post_body = ''

				data = EnkiModelPost.get_thread_data( thread, post_requested, post_count )
				pagination = EnkiModelPost.get_thread_pagination_data( thread, post_requested, post_count )
				self.render_tmpl( 'thread.html', CSRFneeded = show_input,
				                  active_menu = 'forums',
				                  data = data,
				                  pagination = pagination,
				                  user_id = self.user_id,
								  has_permission_sticky = self.has_permissions( self.enki_user, [ 'PFPS' ]),
				                  show_input = show_input,
				                  preventmultitoken = pmtoken,
				                  error = error_message,
				                  maxpostlength = EnkiModelPost.POST_LENGTH_MAX,
				                  postbody = post_body,
				                  preview = preview )