Ejemplo n.º 1
def gapfill_helper(tod, cut):
	method, context = config.get("gapfill"), config.get("gapfill_context")
	gapfiller = {
	gapfiller(tod, cut, inplace=True, overlap=context)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def build_interpol(transform, box, id="none", posunit=1.0, sys=None):
    sys = config.get("map_sys", sys)
    # We widen the bounding box slightly to avoid samples falling outside it
    # due to rounding errors.
    box = utils.widen_box(np.array(box), 1e-3)
        1:] = utils.widen_box(box[:, 1:],
                              config.get("pmat_interpol_pad") * utils.arcmin,
    acc = config.get("pmat_accuracy")
    ip_size = config.get("pmat_interpol_max_size")
    ip_time = config.get("pmat_interpol_max_time")
    # Build pointing interpolator
    errlim = np.array(
        [1e-3 * posunit, 1e-3 * posunit, utils.arcmin, utils.arcmin]) * acc
    ipol, obox, ok, err = interpol.build(transform,
    if not ok and np.any(err > errlim):
        print "Warning: Accuracy %g was specified, but only reached %g for tod %s" % (
            acc, np.max(err / errlim) * acc, id)
    return ipol, obox, err
Ejemplo n.º 3
def detvecs_oof(fourier, srate, dets=None, type=None, nbin=None, nmin=None):
    nfreq = fourier.shape[1]
    ndet = fourier.shape[0]
    type = config.get("nmat_uncorr_type", type)
    nbin = config.get("nmat_uncorr_nbin", nbin)
    nmin = config.get("nmat_uncorr_nmin", nmin)
    fknee = config.get("nmat_oof_fknee")
    alpha = config.get("nmat_oof_alpha")

    if type is "exp":
        bins = utils.expbin(nfreq, nbin=nbin, nmin=nmin)
    elif type is "lin":
        bins = utils.linbin(nfreq, nbin=nbin, nmin=nmin)
        raise ValueError("No such power binning type '%s'" % type)
    nbin = bins.shape[0]  # expbin may not provide exactly what we want

    # Dummy detector correlation stuff, so we can reuse the sharedvecs stuff
    vecs = np.full([ndet, 0], 1)
    Nu = np.zeros([nbin, ndet])
    E = np.full([nbin, 0], 1e-10)
    V = [vecs]
    vinds = np.zeros(nbin, dtype=int)
    for bi, b in enumerate(bins):
        d = fourier[:, b[0]:b[1]]
        Nu[bi] = measure_power(d)
    # Replace Nu with functional form
    f = np.mean(bins, 1) * srate / 2 / nfreq
    Nu = np.mean(Nu**-1, 0)**-1 * (1 + (f / fknee)**alpha)[:, None]
    return prepare_sharedvecs(Nu, V, E, bins, srate, dets, vinds)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def detvecs_scaled(ft,
    bsize = config.get("nmat_scaled_bsize", bsize)
    lim = config.get("nmat_scaled_spike", lim)
    lim2 = config.get("nmat_scaled_smooth", lim2)
    spikecut = config.get("nmat_scaled_spikecut", spikecut)
    # First set up our sample points
    mps = calc_mean_ps(ft)
    bins, bins_spike = build_spec_bins(mps, bsize=bsize, lim=lim, lim2=lim2)
    # Measure mean power per bin
    brms = np.zeros(ft.shape[:-1] + (len(bins), ), mps.dtype)
    for bi, b in enumerate(bins):
        brms[:, bi] = np.mean(np.abs(ft[:, b[0]:b[1]])**2)**0.5
        ft[:, b[0]:b[1]] /= brms[:, bi, None]
    # Build interior noise model
    if not spikecut: sbins_spike = None
    nmat_inner = detvecs_jon(ft,
    # Undo scaling of ft in case caller still needs it
    for bi, b in enumerate(bins):
        ft[:, b[0]:b[1]] *= brms[:, bi, None]
    return nmat.NmatScaled(brms, bins, nmat_inner)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def gapfill(arr, ranges, inplace=False, overlap=None):
    gapfiller = {
        "linear": gapfill_linear,
        "joneig": gapfill_joneig,
    overlap = config.get("gapfill_context", overlap)
    return gapfiller(arr, ranges, inplace=inplace, overlap=overlap)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: pmat.py Proyecto: Nium14/enlib
 def __init__(self,
     # beam_offs has format [nbeam,ndet,{dt,dra,ddec,}], which allows
     # each detector to have a separate beam. The dt part is pretty useless.
     # beam_comps has format [nbeam,ndet,{T,Q,U}].
     # Get the full box after taking all beam offsets into account
     ibox = np.array([
         np.min(scan.boresight, 0) + np.min(beam_offs, (0, 1)),
         np.max(scan.boresight, 0) + np.max(beam_offs, (0, 1))
     # Build our pointing interpolator
     sys = config.get("map_sys", sys)
     transform = pos2pix(scan, template, sys)
     ipol, obox, err = build_interpol(transform, ibox, id=scan.entry.id)
     self.rbox, self.nbox, self.yvals = extract_interpol_params(
         ipol, template.dtype)
     # And store our data
     self.beam_offs, self.beam_comps = beam_offs, beam_comps
     self.pixbox, self.nphi = build_pixbox(obox[:, :2], template)
     self.scan, self.dtype = scan, template.dtype
     self.order = config.get("pmat_map_order", order)
     self.err = err
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_samples(self, verbose=False):
        """Return the actual detector samples. Slow! Data is read from disk and
		calibrated on the fly, so store the result if you need to reuse it."""
        # Because we've read the tod_shape field earlier, we know that reading tod
        # won't cause any additional truncation of the samples or detectors.
        # tags is only needed here for read_combo support, but that is mostly broken
        # anyway.
        t1 = time.time()
        self.d += actdata.read(self.entry,
                               fields=["tod", "tags"],
        #if debug_inject is not None: self.d.tod += debug_inject
        t2 = time.time()
        if verbose: print("read  %-14s in %6.3f s" % ("tod", t2 - t1))
        if config.get("tod_skip_deconv"): ops = ["tod_real"]
        else: ops = ["tod"]
        actdata.calibrate(self.d, operations=ops, verbose=verbose)
        tod = self.d.tod
        # Remove tod from our local d, so we won't end up hauling it around forever
        del self.d.tod
        # HWP resample if needed
        if self.mapping is not None:
            tod = np.ascontiguousarray(
        method = config.get("downsample_method")
        for s in self.sampslices:
            tod = scan.slice_tod_samps(tod, s, method=method)
        tod = np.ascontiguousarray(tod)
        return tod
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def get_samples(self, verbose=False):
		"""Return the actual detector samples. Slow! Data is read from disk and
		calibrated on the fly, so store the result if you need to reuse it."""
		# Because we've read the tod_shape field earlier, we know that reading tod
		# won't cause any additional truncation of the samples or detectors.
		# tags is only needed here for read_combo support, but that is mostly broken
		# anyway.
		t1 = time.time()
		self.d += actdata.read(self.entry, fields=["tod", "tags"], dets=self.d.dets)
		t2 = time.time()
		if verbose: print "read  %-14s in %6.3f s" % ("tod", t2-t1)
		if config.get("tod_skip_deconv"): ops = ["tod_real"]
		else: ops = ["tod"]
		actdata.calibrate(self.d, operations=ops, verbose=verbose)
		tod = self.d.tod
		# Remove tod from our local d, so we won't end up hauling it around forever
		del self.d.tod
		# HWP resample if needed
		if self.mapping is not None:
			tod = np.ascontiguousarray(utils.interpol(tod, self.mapping.oimap[None], order=1, mask_nan=False))
		method = config.get("downsample_method")
		for s in self.sampslices:
			srange = slice(s.start, s.stop, np.sign(s.step) if s.step else None)
			tod = tod[:,srange]
			tod = resample.resample(tod, 1.0/np.abs(s.step or 1), method=method)
		tod = np.ascontiguousarray(tod)
		return tod
Ejemplo n.º 9
def detvecs_jon(ft, srate, dets=None, shared=False, cut_bins=None, apodization=None, cut_unit="freq", verbose=False):
	"""Build a Detvecs noise matrix based on Jon's noise model.
	ft is the *normalized* fourier-transform of a TOD: ft = fft.rfft(d)/nsamp.
	srate is the sampling rate, dets is the list of detectors, shared specifies
	whether the Detvecs object should use the compressed "shared" layout or not",
	and cut_freq_ranges is a [nbin,{freq_from,freq_2}] array of frequencies
	to completely cut."""
	apodization = config.get("nmat_jon_apod", apodization) or None
	downweight  = config.get("nmat_jon_downweight")
	spike_suppression = config.get("nmat_spike_suppression")
	nfreq    = ft.shape[1]
	if cut_unit == "freq":
		cut_bins = freq2ind(cut_bins, srate, nfreq, rfun=np.round)
	# Construct our mode bins. Interestingly, we skip
	# the f < 0.25 Hz area.
	mbins = makebins([0.25, 4.0], srate, nfreq, 1000, rfun=np.round)[1:]
	amp_thresholds = config.get("nmat_jon_amp_threshold")
	amp_thresholds = extend_list([float(w) for w in amp_thresholds.split(",")], len(mbins))
	single_threshold = config.get("nmat_jon_single_threshold")
	# Ok, compute our modes, and then measure them in each bin.
	# When using apodization, the vecs are not necessarily orthogonal,
	# so don't rely on that.
	vecs, weights = find_modes_jon(ft, mbins, amp_thresholds, single_threshold, apodization=apodization, verbose=verbose)
	bin_edges = np.array([
			0.10, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.70, 0.85, 1.00,
			1.20, 1.40, 1.70, 2.00, 2.40, 2.80, 3.40, 3.80,
			4.60, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.0, 11.0,
			12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0, 22.0,
			24.0, 26.0, 28.0, 30.0, 32.0, 36.5, 41.0,
			45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 65.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0,
			100., 110., 120., 130., 140., 150., 160., 170.,
			180., 190.
	# Cut bins that extend beyond our max frequency
	bin_edges = bin_edges[bin_edges < srate/2 * 0.99]
	bins = makebins(bin_edges, srate, nfreq, 2*vecs.shape[1], rfun=np.round)
	bins, iscut = add_cut_bins(bins, cut_bins)

	if downweight: white_scale = extend_list([1e-4, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00], len(bins))
	else: white_scale = [1]*len(bins)
	white_scale = np.asarray(white_scale)
	white_scale[iscut] *= spike_suppression

	if vecs.size == 0: raise errors.ModelError("Could not find any noise modes")
	# Sharedvecs supports different sets of vecs per bin. But we only
	# use a single group here. So every bin refers to the first group.
	V     = [vecs]
	vinds = np.zeros(len(bins),dtype=int)
	Nu, Nd, E = measure_detvecs_bin(ft, bins, vecs, mask=None, weights=weights)
	# Apply white noise scaling
	Nu /= white_scale[:,None]

	if shared:
		res = prepare_sharedvecs(Nu, V, E, bins, srate, dets, vinds)
		# Expand V so we have one block of vectors per bin
		V = [V[i] for i in vinds]
		res = prepare_detvecs(Nu, V, E, bins, srate, dets)
	return res
Ejemplo n.º 10
def detvecs_jon(ft, srate, dets=None, shared=False, cut_bins=None, apodization=None, cut_unit="freq", verbose=False):
	"""Build a Detvecs noise matrix based on Jon's noise model.
	ft is the *normalized* fourier-transform of a TOD: ft = fft.rfft(d)/nsamp.
	srate is the sampling rate, dets is the list of detectors, shared specifies
	whether the Detvecs object should use the compressed "shared" layout or not",
	and cut_freq_ranges is a [nbin,{freq_from,freq_2}] array of frequencies
	to completely cut."""
	apodization = config.get("nmat_jon_apod", apodization) or None
	downweight  = config.get("nmat_jon_downweight")
	spike_suppression = config.get("nmat_spike_suppression")
	nfreq    = ft.shape[1]
	if cut_unit == "freq":
		cut_bins = freq2ind(cut_bins, srate, nfreq, rfun=np.round)
	# Construct our mode bins. Interestingly, we skip
	# the f < 0.25 Hz area.
	mbins = makebins([0.25, 4.0], srate, nfreq, 1000, rfun=np.round)[1:]
	amp_thresholds = config.get("nmat_jon_amp_threshold")
	amp_thresholds = extend_list([float(w) for w in amp_thresholds.split(",")], len(mbins))
	single_threshold = config.get("nmat_jon_single_threshold")
	# Ok, compute our modes, and then measure them in each bin.
	# When using apodization, the vecs are not necessarily orthogonal,
	# so don't rely on that.
	vecs, weights = find_modes_jon(ft, mbins, amp_thresholds, single_threshold, apodization=apodization, verbose=verbose)
	bin_edges = np.array([
			0.10, 0.25, 0.35, 0.45, 0.55, 0.70, 0.85, 1.00,
			1.20, 1.40, 1.70, 2.00, 2.40, 2.80, 3.40, 3.80,
			4.60, 5.00, 5.50, 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.0, 11.0,
			12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0, 22.0,
			24.0, 26.0, 28.0, 30.0, 32.0, 36.5, 41.0,
			45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 65.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0,
			100., 110., 120., 130., 140., 150., 160., 170.,
			180., 190.
	# Cut bins that extend beyond our max frequency
	bin_edges = bin_edges[bin_edges < srate/2 * 0.99]
	bins = makebins(bin_edges, srate, nfreq, 2*vecs.shape[1], rfun=np.round)
	bins, iscut = add_cut_bins(bins, cut_bins)

	if downweight: white_scale = extend_list([1e-4, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00], len(bins))
	else: white_scale = [1]*len(bins)
	white_scale = np.asarray(white_scale)
	white_scale[iscut] *= spike_suppression

	if vecs.size == 0: raise errors.ModelError("Could not find any noise modes")
	# Sharedvecs supports different sets of vecs per bin. But we only
	# use a single group here. So every bin refers to the first group.
	V     = [vecs]
	vinds = np.zeros(len(bins),dtype=int)
	Nu, Nd, E = measure_detvecs_bin(ft, bins, vecs, mask=None, weights=weights)
	# Apply white noise scaling
	Nu /= white_scale[:,None]

	if shared:
		res = prepare_sharedvecs(Nu, V, E, bins, srate, dets, vinds)
		# Expand V so we have one block of vectors per bin
		V = [V[i] for i in vinds]
		res = prepare_detvecs(Nu, V, E, bins, srate, dets)
	return res
Ejemplo n.º 11
def parse_src_handling():
	res = {}
	res["mode"]   = config.get("src_handling")
	if res["mode"] == "none": return None
	res["amplim"] = config.get("src_handling_lim")
	res["srcs"]   = None
	srcfile = config.get("src_handling_list")
	if srcfile:
		res["srcs"] = pointsrcs.read(srcfile)
	return res
Ejemplo n.º 12
def parse_src_handling():
	res = {}
	res["mode"]   = config.get("src_handling")
	if res["mode"] == "none": return None
	res["amplim"] = config.get("src_handling_lim")
	res["srcs"]   = None
	srcfile = config.get("src_handling_list")
	if srcfile:
		res["srcs"] = pointsrcs.read(srcfile)
	return res
Ejemplo n.º 13
	def __init__(self, data, model=None, window=None):
		model  = config.get("noise_model", model)
		window = config.get("tod_window", window)*data.srate
		nmat.apply_window(data.tod, window)
		self.nmat = nmat_measure.NmatBuildDelayed(model, cut=data.cut_noiseest, spikes=data.spikes[:2].T)
		self.nmat = self.nmat.update(data.tod, data.srate)
		nmat.apply_window(data.tod, window, inverse=True)
		self.model, self.window = model, window
		self.ivar = self.nmat.ivar
		self.cut  = data.cut
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(self, scan, template, sys=None):
        sys = config.get("map_sys", sys)
        downsamp = config.get("pmat_moby_downsamp", 20)

        bore = scan.boresight.copy()
        bore[:, 0] += utils.mjd2ctime(scan.mjd0)
        opoint = get_moby_pointing(scan.entry,
        # We will fit a polynomial to the pointing for each detector
        box = np.array([[np.min(a), np.max(a)] for a in scan.boresight.T]).T

        def scale(a, r):
            return 2 * (a - r[0]) / (r[1] - r[0]) - 1

        t = scale(scan.boresight[::downsamp, 0], box[:, 0])
        az = scale(scan.boresight[::downsamp, 1], box[:, 1])
        el = scale(scan.boresight[::downsamp, 2], box[:, 2])

        basis = np.array(
            [az**4, az**3, az**2, az**1, az**0, el**2, el, t**2, t, t * az]).T
        denom = basis.T.dot(basis)
        e, v = np.linalg.eigh(denom)
        if (np.min(e) < 1e-8 * np.max(e)):
            basis = np.concatenate([basis[:, :5], basis[:, 6:]], 1)
            denom = basis.T.dot(basis)
        # Convert from ra/dec to pixels, since we've confirmed that
        # our ra/dec is the same as ninkasi to 0.01".
        t1 = time.time()
        pix = template.sky2pix(opoint[1::-1], safe=True)
        t2 = time.time()
        #rafit  = np.linalg.solve(denom, basis.T.dot(opoint[0].T))
        #decfit = np.linalg.solve(denom, basis.T.dot(opoint[1].T))
        yfit = np.linalg.solve(denom, basis.T.dot(pix[0].T))
        xfit = np.linalg.solve(denom, basis.T.dot(pix[1].T))

        # Just use the same az and t as before for simplicity. The
        # coefficients will be different, but the result will be
        # the same.
        basis = np.array([az**0, az**1, az**2, az**3, t]).T
        denom = basis.T.dot(basis)

        cosfit = np.linalg.solve(denom, basis.T.dot(opoint[2].T))
        sinfit = np.linalg.solve(denom, basis.T.dot(opoint[3].T))

        # Parameters for pmat
        self.posfit = np.concatenate([yfit[:, :, None], xfit[:, :, None]], 2)
        self.polfit = np.concatenate([cosfit[:, :, None], sinfit[:, :, None]],
        self.box = box
        self.pixbox = np.array([[0, 0], template.shape[-2:]])
        self.scan = scan
        self.dtype = template.dtype
        self.core = get_core(self.dtype)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def detvecs_simple(fourier,
    nfreq = fourier.shape[1]
    ndet = fourier.shape[0]
    type = config.get("nmat_uncorr_type", type)
    nbin = config.get("nmat_uncorr_nbin", nbin)
    nmin = config.get("nmat_uncorr_nmin", nmin)
    whiten = config.get("nmat_uncorr_whiten")

    if type is "exp":
        bins = utils.expbin(nfreq, nbin=nbin, nmin=nmin)
    elif type is "lin":
        bins = utils.linbin(nfreq, nbin=nbin, nmin=nmin)
        raise ValueError("No such power binning type '%s'" % type)
    nbin = bins.shape[0]  # expbin may not provide exactly what we want

    if vecs is None: vecs = np.full([ndet, 0], 1)
    # Initialize our noise vectors with default values
    vecs = np.asarray(vecs)
    nvec = vecs.shape[-1]
    Nu = np.zeros([nbin, ndet])
    E = np.full([nbin, nvec], 1e-10)
    V = [vecs]
    vinds = np.zeros(nbin, dtype=int)
    for bi, b in enumerate(bins):
        d = fourier[:, b[0]:b[1]]
        if vecs.size > 0:
            # Measure amps when we have non-orthogonal vecs
            rhs = vecs.T.dot(d)
            div = vecs.T.dot(vecs)
            amps = np.linalg.solve(div, rhs)
            E[bi] = np.mean(np.abs(amps)**2, 1)
            # Project out modes for every frequency individually
            d -= vecs.dot(amps)
        Nu[bi] = measure_power(d)
    if whiten != 1:
        white = np.percentile(Nu, 25, 0)
        Nu = np.maximum((Nu - white) / whiten + white, white)
        #Nu    = (Nu/white)**whiten * white
    # Override eigenvalues if necessary. This is useful
    # for e.g. forcing total common mode subtraction.
    # eigs must be broadcastable to [nbin,ndet]
    if eigs is not None: E[:] = eigs
    #return prepare_detvecs(Nd, V, E, bins, srate, dets)
    return prepare_sharedvecs(Nu, V, E, bins, srate, dets, vinds)
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: pmat.py Proyecto: jit9/enlib
 def __init__(self, scan, template, sys=None, order=None):
     sys = config.get("map_sys", sys)
     transform = pos2pix(scan, template, sys)
     ipol, obox = build_interpol(transform, scan.box, id=scan.entry.id)
     self.rbox, self.nbox, self.yvals = extract_interpol_params(
         ipol, template.dtype)
     # Use obox to extract a pixel bounding box for this scan.
     # These are the only pixels pmat needs to concern itself with.
     # Reducing the number of pixels makes us more memory efficient
     self.pixbox, self.nphi = build_pixbox(obox[:, :2], template)
     self.scan, self.dtype = scan, template.dtype
     self.core = get_core(self.dtype)
     self.order = config.get("pmat_map_order", order)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def cut_mostly_cut_detectors(cuts, max_frac=None, max_nrange=None):
    """Mark detectors with too many cuts or too large cuts as completely cut."""
    max_frac = config.get("cut_mostly_cut_frac", max_frac)
    max_nrange = config.get("cut_mostly_cut_nrange", max_nrange)
    cut_samps = cuts.sum(axis=1)
    cut_nrange = cuts.nranges
    bad = (cut_samps > cuts.nsamp * max_frac)
    if max_nrange > 0:
        bad |= cut_nrange > max_nrange
    ocuts = []
    for b in bad:
        if b: ocuts.append(sampcut.full(1, cuts.nsamp))
        else: ocuts.append(sampcut.empty(1, cuts.nsamp))
    return sampcut.stack(ocuts)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def cut_mostly_cut_detectors(cuts, max_frac=None, max_nrange=None):
	"""Mark detectors with too many cuts or too large cuts as completely cut."""
	max_frac   = config.get("cut_mostly_cut_frac",   max_frac)
	max_nrange = config.get("cut_mostly_cut_nrange", max_nrange)
	cut_samps  = cuts.sum(axis=1)
	cut_nrange = cuts.nranges
	bad = (cut_samps > cuts.nsamp*max_frac)
	if max_nrange > 0:
		bad |= cut_nrange > max_nrange
	ocuts = []
	for b in bad:
		if b: ocuts.append(sampcut.full(1,cuts.nsamp))
		else: ocuts.append(sampcut.empty(1,cuts.nsamp))
	return sampcut.stack(ocuts)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def ground_cut(bore, det_offs, az_ranges=None, el_ranges=None):
	az_ranges = np.array([[float(w) for w in tok.split(":")] for tok in config.get("cut_ground_az", az_ranges).split(",")])*np.pi/180
	el_ranges = np.array([[float(w) for w in tok.split(":")] for tok in config.get("cut_ground_el", el_ranges).split(",")])*np.pi/180
	n = bore.shape[1]
	cuts = []
	for di, doff in enumerate(det_offs):
		p = bore[1:]+doff[:,None]
		mask_az = np.full([n],False,dtype=bool)
		for ar in az_ranges:
			mask_az |= utils.between_angles(p[0], ar)
		mask_el = np.full([n],False,dtype=bool)
		for er in el_ranges:
			mask_el |= utils.between_angles(p[1], er)
	return sampcut.stack(cuts)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def ground_cut(bore, det_offs, az_ranges=None, el_ranges=None):
	az_ranges = np.array([[float(w) for w in tok.split(":")] for tok in config.get("cut_ground_az", az_ranges).split(",")])*np.pi/180
	el_ranges = np.array([[float(w) for w in tok.split(":")] for tok in config.get("cut_ground_el", el_ranges).split(",")])*np.pi/180
	n = bore.shape[1]
	cuts = []
	for di, doff in enumerate(det_offs):
		p = bore[1:]+doff[:,None]
		mask_az = np.full([n],False,dtype=bool)
		for ar in az_ranges:
			mask_az |= utils.between_angles(p[0], ar)
		mask_el = np.full([n],False,dtype=bool)
		for er in el_ranges:
			mask_el |= utils.between_angles(p[1], er)
	return sampcut.stack(cuts)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def setup_filedb():
	"""Create a default filedb based on the root, dataset and filedb config
	variables. The result will be either a FormatDB or ExecDB based on the
	format of the fildb file."""
	override= config.get("file_override")
	if override is "none": override = None
	return execdb.ExecDB(cjoin(["root","dataset","filedb"]), cjoin(["root","filevars"]), override=override, root=cjoin(["root"]))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def setup_filedb():
	"""Create a default filedb based on the root, dataset and filedb config
	variables. The result will be either a FormatDB or ExecDB based on the
	format of the fildb file."""
	override= config.get("file_override")
	if override is "none": override = None
	return execdb.ExecDB(cjoin(["root","dataset","filedb"]), cjoin(["root","filevars"]), override=override, root=cjoin(["root"]))
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, scan, params=None):
     params = config.get("pmat_cut_type", params)
     # Extract the cut parameters. E.g. poly:foo_secs -> [4,foo_samps]
     par = np.array(self.parse_params(params, scan.srate))
     # Meaning of cuts array: [:,{dets,offset,length,out_length,type,args..}]
     self.cuts = np.zeros([scan.cut.nrange, 5 + len(par)], dtype=np.int32)
     # Detector each cut belongs to
     self.cuts[:, 0] = np.concatenate([
         np.full(nr, i, np.int32) for i, nr in enumerate(scan.cut.nranges)
     # Start of each cut
     self.cuts[:, 1] = scan.cut.ranges[:, 0]
     # Length of each cut
     self.cuts[:, 2] = scan.cut.ranges[:, 1] - scan.cut.ranges[:, 0]
     # Set up the parameter arguments
     self.cuts[:, 5:] = par[None, :]
     assert np.all(
                   2] > 0), "Empty cut range detected in %s" % scan.entry.id
     assert np.all(self.cuts[:, 1] >= 0) and np.all(
         scan.cut.ranges[:, 1] <= scan.nsamp
     ), "Out of bounds cut range detected in %s" % scan.entry.id
     if self.cuts.size > 0:
     self.cuts[:, 3] = utils.cumsum(self.cuts[:, 4])
     # njunk is the number of cut parameters for *this scan*
     self.njunk = np.sum(self.cuts[:, 4])
     self.params = params
     self.scan = scan
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self,
        """Binned preconditioner: (P'W"P)", where W" is a white
		nosie approximation of N". If noise=False, instead computes
		(P'P)". If hits=True, also computes a hitcount map."""
        ncomp = signal.area.shape[0]
        self.div = enmap.zeros((ncomp, ) + signal.area.shape, signal.area.wcs,
        calc_div_map(self.div, signal, signal_cut, scans, weights, noise=noise)
        self.idiv = array_ops.svdpow(self.div,
                                     axes=[0, 1],
        #self.idiv[:] = np.eye(3)[:,:,None,None]
        if hits:
            # Build hitcount map too
            self.hits = signal.area.copy()
            self.hits = calc_hits_map(self.hits, signal, signal_cut, scans)
            self.hits = None
        self.signal = signal
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self,
        """Binned preconditioner: (P'W"P)", where W" is a white
		nosie approximation of N". If noise=False, instead computes
		(P'P)". If hits=True, also computes a hitcount map."""
        geom = signal.area.geometry.copy()
        geom.pre = (signal.area.shape[0], ) + geom.pre
        self.div = dmap.zeros(geom)
        calc_div_map(self.div, signal, signal_cut, scans, weights, noise=noise)
        self.idiv = self.div.copy()
        for dtile in self.idiv.tiles:
            dtile[:] = array_ops.svdpow(dtile,
                                        axes=[0, 1],
        if hits:
            # Build hitcount map too
            self.hits = signal.area.copy()
            self.hits = calc_hits_map(self.hits, signal, signal_cut, scans)
            self.hits = None
        self.signal = signal
Ejemplo n.º 26
def gapfill_linear(arr, ranges, inplace=False, overlap=None):
    """Returns arr with the ranges given by ranges, which can be [:,{from,to}] or
	a Rangelist, filled using linear interpolation."""
    ranges = Rangelist(ranges, len(arr), copy=False)
    overlap = config.get("gapfill_context", overlap)
    if not inplace: arr = np.array(arr)
    nr = len(ranges.ranges)
    n = ranges.n
    for i, (r1, r2) in enumerate(ranges.ranges):
        left = max(0 if i == 0 else ranges.ranges[i - 1, 1], r1 - overlap)
        right = min(n if i == nr - 1 else ranges.ranges[i + 1, 0],
                    r2 + overlap)
        # If the cut coveres the whole array, fill with 0
        if r1 == 0 and r2 == len(arr):
            arr[r1:r2] = 0
        # If it goes all the way to one end, use the value from one side
        elif r1 == 0:
            arr[r1:r2] = np.mean(arr[r2:right])
        elif r2 == len(arr):
            arr[r1:r2] = np.mean(arr[left:r1])
        # Otherwise use linear interpolation
            arr[r1:r2] = np.linspace(np.mean(arr[left:r1]),
                                     r2 - r1 + 1,
    return arr
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, scan, model=None, window=None, filter=None):
     model  = config.get("noise_model", model)
     window = config.get("tod_window", window)*scan.srate
     nmat.apply_window(scan.tod, window)
     self.nmat = nmat_measure.NmatBuildDelayed(model, cut=scan.cut_noiseest, spikes=scan.spikes)
     self.nmat = self.nmat.update(scan.tod, scan.srate)
     nmat.apply_window(scan.tod, window, inverse=True)
     self.model, self.window = model, window
     self.ivar = self.nmat.ivar
     self.cut  = scan.cut
     # Optional extra filter
     if filter:
         freq = fft.rfftfreq(scan.nsamp, 1/scan.srate)
         fknee, alpha = filter
         with utils.nowarn():
             self.filter = (1 + (freq/fknee)**-alpha)**-1
     else: self.filter = None
Ejemplo n.º 28
def turnaround_cut(az, margin=None):
    margin = config.get("cut_turnaround_margin", margin) * utils.degree
    # Use percentile just in case there's some outliers (for example a scan that's a bit
    # higher than the others.
    az1 = np.percentile(az, 0.1)
    az2 = np.percentile(az, 99.9)
    mask = (az < az1) | (az > az2)
    cut = sampcut.from_mask(mask)
    return cut
Ejemplo n.º 29
def turnaround_cut(az, margin=None):
	margin = config.get("cut_turnaround_margin", margin)*utils.degree
	# Use percentile just in case there's some outliers (for example a scan that's a bit
	# higher than the others.
	az1    = np.percentile(az,  0.1)
	az2    = np.percentile(az, 99.9)
	mask   = (az<az1)|(az>az2)
	cut    = sampcut.from_mask(mask)
	return cut
Ejemplo n.º 30
def stationary_cut(az, tol=None):
    """Cut samples where the telescope isn't moving at the beginning
	and end of the tod."""
    tol = config.get("cut_stationary_tol", tol) * utils.degree
    b1 = np.where(np.abs(az - az[0]) > tol)[0]
    b2 = np.where(np.abs(az - az[-1]) > tol)[0]
    if len(b1) == 0 or len(b2) == 0:
        # Entire tod cut!
        return sampcut.full(1, len(az))
        return sampcut.from_list([[[0, b1[0]], [b2[-1], len(az)]]], len(az))
Ejemplo n.º 31
def crop_fftlen(data, factors=None):
	"""Slightly crop samples in order to make ffts faster. This should
	be called at a point when the length won't be futher cropped by other
	if data.nsamp in [0, None]: raise errors.DataMissing("nsamp")
	if data.nsamp < 0: raise errors.DataMissing("nsamp")
	factors = config.get("fft_factors", factors)
	if isinstance(factors, basestring): factors = [int(w) for w in factors.split(",")]
	ncrop = fft.fft_len(data.nsamp, factors=factors)
	data += dataset.DataField("fftlen", samples=[data.samples[0],data.samples[0]+ncrop])
	return data
Ejemplo n.º 32
def detvecs_scaled(ft, srate, dets=None, bsize=None, lim=None, lim2=None, spikecut=None):
	bsize = config.get("nmat_scaled_bsize", bsize)
	lim   = config.get("nmat_scaled_spike", lim)
	lim2  = config.get("nmat_scaled_smooth", lim2)
	spikecut = config.get("nmat_scaled_spikecut", spikecut)
	# First set up our sample points
	mps   = calc_mean_ps(ft)
	bins, bins_spike = build_spec_bins(mps, bsize=bsize, lim=lim, lim2=lim2)
	# Measure mean power per bin
	brms  = np.zeros(ft.shape[:-1]+(len(bins),), mps.dtype)
	for bi, b in enumerate(bins):
		brms[:,bi] = np.mean(np.abs(ft[:,b[0]:b[1]])**2)**0.5
		ft[:,b[0]:b[1]] /= brms[:,bi,None]
	# Build interior noise model
	if not spikecut: sbins_spike = None
	nmat_inner = detvecs_jon(ft, srate=srate, dets=dets, cut_bins=bins_spike, cut_unit="inds")
	# Undo scaling of ft in case caller still needs it
	for bi, b in enumerate(bins):
		ft[:,b[0]:b[1]] *= brms[:,bi,None]
	return nmat.NmatScaled(brms, bins, nmat_inner)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def stationary_cut(az, tol=None):
	"""Cut samples where the telescope isn't moving at the beginning
	and end of the tod."""
	tol = config.get("cut_stationary_tol", tol)*utils.degree
	b1 = np.where(np.abs(az-az[0])>tol)[0]
	b2 = np.where(np.abs(az-az[-1])>tol)[0]
	if len(b1) == 0 or len(b2) == 0:
		# Entire tod cut!
		return sampcut.full(1,len(az))
		return sampcut.from_list([[[0,b1[0]],[b2[-1],len(az)]]],len(az))
Ejemplo n.º 34
def setup_params(category, predefined, defparams):
    """Set up parameters of a given category. With the following
	 1. If a name matches a default's name, unspecified properties use the default's
	 2. A name can be specified multiple times, e.g. -S sky:foo -S sky:bar. These
	    do not override each other - each will be used separately.
	 2. If a name that has a default is not specified manually, then a single
	    instance of that name is instantiated, with the default parameters."""
    params = []
    argdict = vars(args)
    overrides = argdict[category]
    counts = {}
    if overrides:
        for oval in overrides:
            m = re.match(r'([^,:]+):(.*)', oval)
            if m:
                name, rest = m.groups()
                desc = config.get("%s_%s_default" %
                                  (category, name)) + ",use=yes," + rest
            elif "," not in oval:
                desc = config.get("%s_%s_default" %
                                  (category, oval)) + ",use=yes"
                desc = "use=yes," + oval
            param = parse_desc(desc, default=defparams)
            name = param["name"]
            if name in counts: counts[name] += 1
            else: counts[name] = 1
            param["i"] = counts[name]
    # For each predefined param, add it only if none of that name already exist
    defaults = []
    for p in predefined:
        if not p in counts:
                parse_desc(config.get("%s_%s_default" % (category, p))))
            defaults[-1]["i"] = 0
    params = defaults + params
    # Kill irrelevant parameters (those not in use)
    params = [p for p in params if p["use"] != "no"]
    return params
Ejemplo n.º 35
Archivo: scan.py Proyecto: Nium14/enlib
	def get_samples(self):
		"""Return the actual detector samples. Slow! Data is read from disk,
		so store the result if you need to reuse it."""
		with h5py.File(self.fname, "r") as hfile:
			tod = hfile["tod"].value[self.subdets]
		method = config.get("downsample_method")
		for s in self.sampslices:
			tod = resample.resample(tod, 1.0/np.abs(s.step or 1), method=method)
			s = slice(s.start, s.stop, np.sign(s.step) if s.step else None)
			tod = tod[:,s]
		res = np.ascontiguousarray(tod)
		return res
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def get_samples(self, verbose=False):
        """Return the actual detector samples. Slow! Data is read from disk and
		calibrated on the fly, so store the result if you need to reuse it."""
        # Because we've read the tod_shape field earlier, we know that reading tod
        # won't cause any additional truncation of the samples or detectors.
        # tags is only needed here for read_combo support, but that is mostly broken
        # anyway.
        t1 = time.time()
        self.d += actdata.read(self.entry,
                               fields=["tod", "tags"],
        t2 = time.time()
        if verbose: print("read  %-14s in %6.3f s" % ("tod", t2 - t1))
        if config.get("tod_skip_deconv"): ops = ["tod_real"]
        else: ops = ["tod"]
        actdata.calibrate(self.d, operations=ops, verbose=verbose)
        tod = self.d.tod
        # Remove tod from our local d, so we won't end up hauling it around forever
        del self.d.tod
        # HWP resample if needed
        if self.mapping is not None:
            tod = np.ascontiguousarray(
        method = config.get("downsample_method")
        for s in self.sampslices:
            srange = slice(s.start, s.stop,
                           np.sign(s.step) if s.step else None)
            tod = tod[:, srange]
            # make sure we get exactly the same length the cuts will be expecting
            step = np.abs(s.step or 1)
            olen = (tod.shape[1] + step - 1) // step
            tod = resample.resample(tod,
                                    float(olen) / tod.shape[1],
        tod = np.ascontiguousarray(tod)
        return tod
Ejemplo n.º 37
def detvecs_simple(fourier, srate, dets=None, type=None, nbin=None, nmin=None, vecs=None, eigs=None):
	nfreq = fourier.shape[1]
	ndet  = fourier.shape[0]
	type  = config.get("nmat_uncorr_type", type)
	nbin  = config.get("nmat_uncorr_nbin", nbin)
	nmin  = config.get("nmat_uncorr_nmin", nmin)

	if type is "exp":
		bins = utils.expbin(nfreq, nbin=nbin, nmin=nmin)
	elif type is "lin":
		bins = utils.linbin(nfreq, nbin=nbin, nmin=nmin)
	else: raise ValueError("No such power binning type '%s'" % type)
	nbin  = bins.shape[0] # expbin may not provide exactly what we want

	if vecs is None: vecs = np.full([ndet,0],1)
	# Initialize our noise vectors with default values
	vecs = np.asarray(vecs)
	nvec = vecs.shape[-1]
	Nu    = np.zeros([nbin,ndet])
	E     = np.full([nbin,nvec],1e-10)
	V     = [vecs]
	vinds = np.zeros(nbin,dtype=int)
	for bi, b in enumerate(bins):
		d     = fourier[:,b[0]:b[1]]
		if vecs.size > 0:
			# Measure amps when we have non-orthogonal vecs
			rhs  = vecs.T.dot(d)
			div  = vecs.T.dot(vecs)
			amps = np.linalg.solve(div,rhs)
			E[bi] = np.mean(np.abs(amps)**2,1)
			# Project out modes for every frequency individually
			d -= vecs.dot(amps)
		Nu[bi] = measure_power(d)
	# Override eigenvalues if necessary. This is useful
	# for e.g. forcing total common mode subtraction.
	# eigs must be broadcastable to [nbin,ndet]
	if eigs is not None: E[:] = eigs
	#return prepare_detvecs(Nd, V, E, bins, srate, dets)
	return prepare_sharedvecs(Nu, V, E, bins, srate, dets, vinds)
Ejemplo n.º 38
def read_hwp(entry):
	dummy = dataset.DataSet([
		dataset.DataField("hwp", 0),
		dataset.DataField("hwp_id", "none"),
		dataset.DataField("hwp_source", "none")])
	epochs = try_read(files.read_hwp_epochs, "hwp_epochs", entry.hwp_epochs)
	t, _, ar = entry.id.split(".")
	t = float(t)
	if ar not in epochs: return dummy
	for epoch in epochs[ar]:
		if t >= epoch[0] and t < epoch[1]:
			# Ok, the HWP was active during this period. Try to read it. It can be in
			# several different formats.
			if   entry.hwp_format == "tod":
				# HWP angles in the tod, in the new, high-quality format
				hwp, flags = try_read(files.read_hwp_angle, "hwp_tod_angles", entry.tod)
				return dataset.DataSet([
					dataset.DataField("hwp", hwp, samples=[0, hwp.size], sample_index=0),
					dataset.DataField("hwp_id", epoch[2]),
					dataset.DataField("hwp_source", "tod")])
			elif entry.hwp_format == "raw":
				# HWP angles in the tod, in the old, inaccurate format
				hwp = try_read(files.read_hwp_raw, "hwp_raw_angles", entry.tod)
				return dataset.DataSet([
					dataset.DataField("hwp", hwp, samples=[0, hwp.size], sample_index=0),
					dataset.DataField("hwp_id", epoch[2]),
					dataset.DataField("hwp_source", "raw")])
			elif entry.hwp_format == "external":
				# HWP angles in external data files
					status = try_read(files.read_hwp_status, "hwp_status", entry.hwp_status)
				except errors.DataMissing as e:
					status = None
				# If there weren't any external files, possibly fall back to raw angles
				if status is None or get_dict_wild(status, entry.id, 0) != 1:
					if config.get("hwp_fallback") == "raw":
						hwp = try_read(files.read_hwp_raw, "hwp_raw_angles", entry.tod)
						return dataset.DataSet([
							dataset.DataField("hwp", hwp, samples=[0, hwp.size], sample_index=0),
							dataset.DataField("hwp_id", epoch[2]),
							dataset.DataField("hwp_source", "raw")])
						raise e if status is None else errors.DataMissing("Missing HWP angles!")
				# Try to read the angles themselves
				hwp = try_read(files.read_hwp_cleaned, "hwp_angles", entry.hwp)
				return dataset.DataSet([
					dataset.DataField("hwp", hwp, samples=[0,hwp.size], sample_index=0),
					dataset.DataField("hwp_id", epoch[2]),
	# Not in any epoch, so return 0 hwp angle (which effectively turns it off)
	return dummy
Ejemplo n.º 39
def setup_params(category, predefined, defparams):
	"""Set up parameters of a given category. With the following
	 1. If a name matches a default's name, unspecified properties use the default's
	 2. A name can be specified multiple times, e.g. -S sky:foo -S sky:bar. These
	    do not override each other - each will be used separately.
	 2. If a name that has a default is not specified manually, then a single
	    instance of that name is instantiated, with the default parameters."""
	params  = []
	argdict = vars(args)
	overrides  = argdict[category]
	counts = {}
	if overrides:
		for oval in overrides:
			m = re.match(r'([^,:]+):(.*)', oval)
			if m:
				name, rest = m.groups()
				desc = config.get("%s_%s_default" % (category,name)) + ",use=yes," + rest
			elif "," not in oval:
				desc = config.get("%s_%s_default" % (category,oval)) + ",use=yes"
				desc = "use=yes,"+oval
			param = parse_desc(desc, default=defparams)
			name = param["name"]
			if name in counts: counts[name] += 1
			else: counts[name] = 1
			param["i"] = counts[name]
	# For each predefined param, add it only if none of that name already exist
	defaults = []
	for p in predefined:
		if not p in counts:
			defaults.append(parse_desc(config.get("%s_%s_default" % (category, p))))
			defaults[-1]["i"] = 0
	params = defaults + params
	# Kill irrelevant parameters (those not in use)
	params = [p for p in params if p["use"] != "no"]
	return params
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def __init__(self, scan, template, sys=None, order=None):
     self.sys = config.get("map_sys", sys)
     # Build the pointing interpolator
     self.trans = pos2pix(scan, template, self.sys)
     self.poly = PolyInterpol(self.trans, scan.boresight, scan.offsets)
     # Build the pixel shift information. This assumes ces-like scans in equ-like systems
     self.sdir = get_scan_dir(scan.boresight[:, 1])
     self.period = get_scan_period(scan.boresight[:, 1], scan.srate)
     self.wbox, self.wshift = build_work_shift(self.trans, scan.box,
     self.nphi = int(np.round(np.abs(360. / template.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])))
     self.dtype = template.dtype
     self.core = get_core(self.dtype)
     self.scan = scan
     self.order = 0
Ejemplo n.º 41
Archivo: pmat.py Proyecto: Nium14/enlib
    def __call__(self, ipos):
        """Transform ipos[{t,az,el},nsamp] into opix[{y,x,c,s},nsamp]."""
        shape = ipos.shape[1:]
        ipos = ipos.reshape(ipos.shape[0], -1)
        time = self.scan.mjd0 + ipos[0] / utils.day2sec
        # We support sidelobe mapping by passing the detector pointing "ipos" as the "boresight"
        # pointing, which is only used in boresight-relative coordinates or sidelobe mapping.
        # This actually results in a better coordinate system than if we had passed in the actual
        # boresight, since we don't really want boresight-centered coordinates, we want detector
        # centered coordinates.
        opos = coordinates.transform(self.scan.sys,
        # Parallax correction
        sundist = config.get("pmat_parallax_au")
        if sundist:
            # Transform to a sun-centered coordinate system, assuming all objects
            # are at a distance of sundist from the sun
            opos[1::-1] = parallax.earth2sun(opos[1::-1], self.scan.mjd0,

        opix = np.zeros((4, ) + ipos.shape[1:])
        if self.template is not None:
            opix[:2] = self.template.sky2pix(opos[1::-1], safe=2)
            # When mapping the full sky, angle wraps can't be hidden
            # ouside the image. We must therefore unwind along each
            # interpolation axis to avoid discontinuous interpolation
            nx = int(np.round(np.abs(360 / self.template.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])))
            opix[1] = utils.unwind(opix[1].reshape(shape),
            # Prefer positive numbers
            opix[1] -= np.floor(opix[1].reshape(-1)[0] / nx) * nx
            # but not if they put everything outside our patch
            if np.min(opix[1]) > self.template.shape[-1]:
                opix[1] -= nx
            # If we have no template, output angles instead of pixels.
            # Make sure the angles don't have any jumps in them
            opix[:2] = opos[1::-1]  # output order is dec,ra
            opix[1] = utils.rewind(opix[1], self.ref_phi)
        opix[2] = np.cos(2 * opos[2])
        opix[3] = np.sin(2 * opos[2])
        return opix.reshape((opix.shape[0], ) + shape)
Ejemplo n.º 42
parser.add_argument("-n", "--nstep", type=int, default=50)
parser.add_argument("-m", "--method",type=str, default="messenger")
parser.add_argument(      "--ndet",  type=int, default=None)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--precompute", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--ostep", type=int, default=10)
args = parser.parse_args()

comm   = mpi.COMM_WORLD
dtype  = np.float32
ncomp  = 3
area   = enmap.read_map(args.area)
area   = enmap.zeros((ncomp,)+area.shape[-2:],area.wcs,dtype)
Tscale = 0.9
nstep  = args.nstep
downsample = config.get("downsample")

ids   = filedb.scans[args.sel]
# Was 1e7
cooldown = sum([[10**j]*5 for j in range(6,0,-1)],[])+[1]

# Read my scans
njunk_tot = 0
cg_rhs    = area*0
cg_rjunk  = []
if args.precompute:
	prec_NNmap  = {lam: area*0 for lam in np.unique(cooldown)}
	prec_NNjunk = {lam: [] for lam in np.unique(cooldown)}
scans = []
for ind in range(comm.rank, len(ids), comm.size):
Ejemplo n.º 43
parser.add_argument("--ntest", type=int, default=1000)
parser.add_argument("--interpolator", type=str, default="grad")
args = parser.parse_args()

# Hardcode an arbitrary site
site = bunch.Bunch(
	lat  = -22.9585,
	lon  = -67.7876,
	alt  = 5188.,
	T    = 273.15,
	P    = 550.,
	hum  = 0.2,
	freq = 150.,
	lapse= 0.0065)

acc = config.get("pmat_accuracy")
max_size = config.get("pmat_interpol_max_size")
max_time = config.get("pmat_interpol_max_time")

nel = int(np.rint((args.el2-args.el1)/args.delta_el))+1
naz = int(np.rint((args.az2-args.az1)/args.daz))+1

def hor2cel(hor):
	shape = hor.shape[1:]
	hor = hor.reshape(hor.shape[0],-1)
	tmp = coordinates.transform("hor", "cel", hor[1:], time=hor[0]+t_mid, site=site, pol=True)
	res = np.zeros((4,)+tmp.shape[1:])
	res[0] = utils.rewind(tmp[0], tmp[0,0])
	res[1] = tmp[1]
	res[2] = np.cos(2*tmp[2])
	res[3] = np.sin(2*tmp[2])
Ejemplo n.º 44
    "map_sys", "equ",
    "The coordinate system of the maps. Can be eg. 'hor', 'equ' or 'gal'.")
config.default("map_dist", False, "Whether to use distributed maps")

parser = config.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("sel", help="TOD selction query")
parser.add_argument("area", help="Geometry to map")
parser.add_argument("odir", help="Output directory")
parser.add_argument("prefix", nargs="?", help="Output file name prefix")
parser.add_argument("--dets", type=str, default=0, help="Detector slice")
args = parser.parse_args()

comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
dtype = np.float32 if config.get("map_bits") == 32 else np.float64
ncomp = 3
tsize = 720
root = args.odir + "/" + (args.prefix + "_" if args.prefix else "")
down = config.get("downsample")
# Set up logging
utils.mkdir(root + ".log")
logfile = root + ".log/log%03d.txt" % comm.rank
log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
L = log.init(level=log_level, file=logfile, rank=comm.rank, shared=True)
# Set up our geometry
shape, wcs = enmap.read_map_geometry(args.area)
shape = (ncomp, ) + shape[-2:]
msys = config.get("map_sys")
dist = config.get("map_dist")
# Filter parameters
Ejemplo n.º 45
from enact import actscan, nmat_measure, filedb, todinfo

config.default("map_bits", 32, "Bit-depth to use for maps and TOD")
config.default("verbosity", 1, "Verbosity for output. Higher means more verbose. 0 outputs only errors etc. 1 outputs INFO-level and 2 outputs DEBUG-level messages.")

parser = config.ArgumentParser(os.environ["HOME"] + "/.enkirc")
parser.add_argument("--nmax", type=int, default=10)
parser.add_argument("-s", "--src", type=int, default=None, help="Only analyze given source")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--cont", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()

dtype = np.float32 if config.get("map_bits") == 32 else np.float64
comm  = mpi.COMM_WORLD
tcomm = mpi.COMM_SELF
nmax  = args.nmax
ncomp = 3
isys  = "hor"

log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
L = log.init(level=log_level, rank=comm.rank, shared=False)

# Get the source positions
srcs = np.loadtxt(args.srcs).T

# Read our area. Should be centered on 0,0
area = enmap.read_map(args.area)
Ejemplo n.º 46
	fields = ["gain","tconst","cut","tod","boresight"]
	if args.fields: fields = args.fields.split(",")
	d = actdata.read(entry, fields=fields)
	if absdets: d.restrict(dets=absdets)
	if subdets: d.restrict(dets=d.dets[subdets])
	if args.calib: d = actdata.calibrate(d, exclude=["autocut"])
	elif args.manual_calib:
		ops = args.manual_calib.split(",")
		if "safe" in ops: d.boresight[1:] = utils.unwind(d.boresight[1:], period=360)
		if "rad" in ops: d.boresight[1:] *= np.pi/180
		if "bgap" in ops:
			bad = (d.flags!=0)*(d.flags!=0x10)
			for b in d.boresight: gapfill.gapfill_linear(b, bad, inplace=True)
		if "gain" in ops: d.tod *= d.gain[:,None]
		if "tgap" in ops: 
			gapfiller = {"copy":gapfill.gapfill_copy, "linear":gapfill.gapfill_linear}[config.get("gapfill")]
			gapfiller(d.tod, d.cut, inplace=True)
		if "slope" in ops:
			utils.deslope(d.tod, w=8, inplace=True)
		if "deconv" in ops:
			d = actdata.calibrate(d, operations=["tod_fourier"])
	if args.bin > 1:
		d.tod = resample.downsample_bin(d.tod, steps=[args.bin])
		d.boresight = resample.downsample_bin(d.boresight, steps=[args.bin])
		d.flags = resample.downsample_bin(d.flags, steps=[args.bin])
	oname = args.ofile
	if len(ids) > 1: oname = "%s/%s.hdf" % (args.ofile, id)
	with h5py.File(oname, "w") as hfile:
		if "tod" in d: hfile["tod"] = d.tod
		if "boresight" in d:
			hfile["az"]  = d.boresight[1]
Ejemplo n.º 47
def calibrate_cut(data, n=None):
	n = [int(w) for w in config.get("pad_cuts", n).split(":")]
	for name in ["cut","cut_basic","cut_noiseest","cut_quality"]:
		if name in data:
			data[name] = data[name].widen(n)
	return data
Ejemplo n.º 48
import numpy as np, argparse, os, sys
from enlib import enmap, pmat, config
from enact import filedb, data
parser = config.ArgumentParser(os.environ["HOME"] + "/.enkirc")
parser.add_argument("--di", type=int, default=0, help="Index into array of accepted detectors to use.")
args = parser.parse_args()
dtype = np.float64

eqsys = config.get("map_eqsys")

area  = enmap.read_map(args.area).astype(dtype)
area  = enmap.zeros((3,)+area.shape[-2:], area.wcs, dtype)
entry = filedb.data[args.id]

# First get the raw samples
d        = data.read(entry, subdets=[args.di])
raw_tod  = d.tod[0,d.sample_offset:d.cutafter].copy()
raw_bore = d.boresight[:,d.sample_offset:d.cutafter].T
# Then some calibrated samples
d        = data.calibrate(d)
cal_tod  = d.tod[0]
cal_bore = d.boresight.T
# Apply fourier-truncation to raw data
raw_tod = raw_tod[:cal_tod.shape[0]]
raw_bore = raw_bore[:cal_bore.shape[0]]

# And a proper ACTScan
scan = data.ACTScan(entry, subdets=[args.di])
# Detector pointing
Ejemplo n.º 49
config.default("filedb", "filedb.txt", "File describing the location of the TOD and their metadata")
config.default("map_bits", 32, "Bit-depth to use for maps and TOD")
config.default("verbosity", 1, "Verbosity for output. Higher means more verbose. 0 outputs only errors etc. 1 outputs INFO-level and 2 outputs DEBUG-level messages.")

parser = config.ArgumentParser(os.environ["HOME"] + "/.enkirc")
parser.add_argument("--ncomp",      type=int,   default=3)
parser.add_argument("--ndet",       type=int,   default=0)
parser.add_argument("--minamp",     type=float, default=100)
parser.add_argument("-c",           action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--oldformat",  action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()

dtype = np.float32 if config.get("map_bits") == 32 else np.float64
comm  = mpi.COMM_WORLD
myid  = comm.rank
nproc = comm.size

db = filedb.data
filelist = todinfo.get_tods(args.filelist, filedb.scans)

def compress_beam(sigma, phi):
	R = np.array([[c,-s],[s,c]])
	C = np.diag(sigma**-2)
	C = R.dot(C).dot(R.T)
	return np.array([C[0,0],C[1,1],C[0,1]])
Ejemplo n.º 50
parser.add_argument("--daz", type=float, default=3.0)
parser.add_argument("--nt", type=int, default=10)
parser.add_argument("--dets", type=str, default=0)
parser.add_argument("--ntod", type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument("-w", "--weighted", type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument("-D", "--deslope", type=int, default=0)
args = parser.parse_args()

comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD

ids = [line.split()[0] for line in open(args.idlist, "r")]
if args.ntod: ids = ids[:args.ntod]

is_dmap = os.path.isdir(args.imap)
log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
L = log.init(level=log_level, rank=comm.rank)
tshape = (720, 720)

# Read in all our scans
L.info("Reading %d scans" % len(ids))
myinds = np.arange(len(ids))[comm.rank::comm.size]
myinds, myscans = scanutils.read_scans(ids,
myinds = np.array(myinds, int)

# Collect scan info. This currently fails if any task has empty myinds
Ejemplo n.º 51
import numpy as np, os, h5py
from enlib import config, mpi, coordinates, utils, errors, tagdb
from enact import filedb, actdata, todinfo
parser = config.ArgumentParser(os.environ["HOME"] + "/.enkirc")
parser.add_argument("sel", nargs="?", default="")
args = parser.parse_args()

file_db = filedb.setup_filedb()
scan_db = todinfo.read(args.tagfile, vars={"root":config.get("root")})
comm    = mpi.COMM_WORLD

# We want to process *all* tods, not just selected ones. Could also
# achieve this by adding /all to the selector.
scan_db = scan_db.select(scan_db.query(args.sel, apply_default_query=False))
ids     = scan_db.ids

stats = []
for ind in range(comm.rank, len(ids), comm.size):
	id    = ids[ind]
	entry = file_db[id]
	except (errors.DataMissing,AttributeError) as e:
		print "%3d %4d/%d %5.1f%% Skipping %s (%s)" % (comm.rank, ind+1, len(ids), (ind+1)/float(len(ids))*100, id, str(e))
	print "%3d %4d/%d %5.1f%% %s" % (comm.rank, ind+1, len(ids), (ind+1)/float(len(ids))*100, id)
stats = todinfo.merge_tod_stats(stats)

if comm.rank == 0: print "Reducing"
Ejemplo n.º 52
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet",   action="count", default=0)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--cont",    action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()

comm = mpi.COMM_WORLD
ids  = filedb.scans[args.sel]
R    = args.dist * utils.degree
csize= 100
verbose = args.verbose - args.quiet > 0

dtype= np.float32
model_fknee = 10
model_alpha = 10
sys = "hor:"+args.planet+"/0_0"
tod_sys = config.get("tod_sys")
prefix = args.odir + "/"

show = bench.show if verbose else bench.dummy

def estimate_ivar(tod):
	tod -= np.mean(tod,1)[:,None]
	tod  = tod.astype(dtype)
	diff = tod[:,1:]-tod[:,:-1]
	diff = diff[:,:diff.shape[-1]/csize*csize].reshape(tod.shape[0],-1,csize)
	ivar = 1/(np.median(np.mean(diff**2,-1),-1)/2**0.5)
	return ivar

def estimate_atmosphere(tod, region_cut, srate, fknee, alpha):
	model = gapfill.gapfill_joneig(tod, region_cut, inplace=False)
Ejemplo n.º 53
config.default("verbosity", 1, "Verbosity for output. Higher means more verbose. 0 outputs only errors etc. 1 outputs INFO-level and 2 outputs DEBUG-level messages.")

parser = config.ArgumentParser(os.environ["HOME"] + "/.enkirc")
parser.add_argument("-R", "--radius", type=float, default=5.0)
parser.add_argument("-r", "--resolution", type=float, default=0.25)
args = parser.parse_args()

comm  = mpi4py.MPI.COMM_WORLD
myid  = comm.rank
nproc = comm.size

log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
L = log.init(level=log_level, rank=myid)

# Allow filelist to take the format filename:[slice]
toks = args.filelist.split(":")
filelist, fslice = toks[0], ":".join(toks[1:])
filelist = [line.split()[0] for line in open(filelist,"r") if line[0] != "#"]
filelist = eval("filelist"+fslice)

srcs = np.loadtxt(args.srcs).T

# create minimaps around each source
nsrc  = srcs.shape[1]
ncomp = 1
n = int(np.round(2*args.radius/args.resolution))
Ejemplo n.º 54
def tod_end_cut(nsamp, srate, cut_secs=None):
	"""Cut cut_secs seconds of data at each end of the tod"""
	ncut = int(config.get("cut_tod_ends_nsec",cut_secs)*srate)
	return sampcut.from_list([[[0,ncut],[nsamp-ncut,nsamp]]], nsamp)
Ejemplo n.º 55
parser.add_argument("-S", "--signal",    action="append", help="Signals to solve for. For example -S sky:area.fits -S scan would solve for the sky map and scan pickup maps jointly, using area.fits as the map template.")
parser.add_argument("-F", "--filter",    action="append")
parser.add_argument("-M", "--mapfilter", action="append")
parser.add_argument("--group-tods", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--individual", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--group",      type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument("--tod-debug",  action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--prepost",    action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--define-planets", type=str, default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()

if args.dump_config:
	print config.to_str()

dtype = np.float32 if config.get("map_bits") == 32 else np.float64
comm  = mpi.COMM_WORLD
nmax  = config.get("map_cg_nmax")
ext   = config.get("map_format")
tshape= (720,720)
#tshape= (100,100)
resume= config.get("resume")

if args.define_planets:
	for pdesc in args.define_planets.split(","):
		name, elemfile = pdesc.split(":")
		ephemeris.register_object(name, ephemeris.read_object(elemfile))

def parse_src_handling():
	res = {}
	res["mode"]   = config.get("src_handling")
Ejemplo n.º 56
config.default("verbosity", 1, "Verbosity for output. Higher means more verbose. 0 outputs only errors etc. 1 outputs INFO-level and 2 outputs DEBUG-level messages.")
config.default("map_format", "fits", "File format to use when writing maps. Can be 'fits', 'fits.gz' or 'hdf'.")
config.default("tod_window", 5.0, "Number of samples to window the tod by on each end")

parser = config.ArgumentParser(os.environ["HOME"] + "/.enkirc")
parser.add_argument("--ndet",       type=int, default=0,  help="Max number of detectors")
args = parser.parse_args()

root      = args.odir + "/" + (args.prefix + "_" if args.prefix else "")
log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
dtype     = np.float32 if config.get("map_bits") == 32 else np.float64
area      = enmap.read_map(args.area)
comm      = mpi.COMM_WORLD
ids       = filedb.scans[args.sel]
L = log.init(level=log_level, rank=comm.rank)

# Set up our output map.
osig = enmap.zeros((1,)+area.shape[-2:], area.wcs, dtype)
odiv = osig*0
sig_all = np.zeros(len(ids))
sig_med = sig_all*0
div_all, div_med = sig_all*0, sig_med*0

# Read in all our scans
for ind in range(comm.rank, len(ids), comm.size):
Ejemplo n.º 57
    def __init__(self, scan, srcs, sys=None, tmul=None, pmul=None):
        # We support a srcs which is either [nsrc,nparam], [nsrc,ndir,nparam] or [nsrc,ndir,ndet,nparam], where
        # ndir is either 1 or 2 depending on whether one wants to separate different
        # scanning directions.
        srcs = np.array(srcs)
        while srcs.ndim < 4:
            srcs = srcs[:, None]
        # srcs is [nsrc,ndir,ndet_or_1,{dec,ra,T,Q,U,ibeams}]
        sys = config.get("map_sys", sys)
        cres = config.get("pmat_ptsrc_cell_res") * utils.arcmin
        nsrc, ndir, src_ndet = srcs.shape[:3]
        self.scan = scan
        maxcell = 50  # max numer of sources per cell

        # Compute parallax displacement if necessary
        sundist = config.get("pmat_parallax_au")
        self.dpos = 0
        if sundist:
            # Transformation to a sun-centered system
            self.dpos = parallax.earth2sun(srcs.T[:2],
        srcs[..., :2] += self.dpos

        # Investigate the beam to find the max relevant radius
        sigma_lim = config.get("pmat_ptsrc_rsigma")
        value_lim = np.exp(-0.5 * sigma_lim**2)
        rmax = np.where(scan.beam[1] >= value_lim)[0][-1] * scan.beam[0, 1]
        rmul = max([
            for src in srcs.reshape(-1, srcs.shape[-1])
        rmax *= rmul

        # Build interpolator (dec,ra output ordering)
        transform = build_pos_transform(scan, sys=config.get("map_sys", sys))
        ipol, obox, err = build_interpol(transform,
                                         posunit=0.5 * utils.arcsec)
        self.rbox, self.nbox, self.yvals = extract_interpol_params(
            ipol, srcs.dtype)

        self.cbox = obox[:, :2]
        self.ref = np.mean(self.cbox, 0)
        self.ncell, self.cells = pointsrcs.build_src_cells(self.cbox,
                                                           srcs[..., :2],

        ## Build source hit grid
        #cbox    = obox[:,:2]
        #cshape  = tuple(np.ceil(((cbox[1]-cbox[0])/cres)).astype(int))
        #self.ref = np.mean(cbox,0)
        #srcs[...,:2] = utils.rewind(srcs[...,:2], self.ref)

        ## A cell is hit if it overlaps both horizontally and vertically
        ## with the point source +- rmax
        ## ncell is [ndir,nsrc_det,ncy,ncx]
        #ncell = np.zeros((ndir,src_ndet)+cshape,dtype=np.int32)
        ## cells is [ndir,nsrc_det,ncy,ncx,maxcell]
        #cells = np.zeros((ndir,src_ndet)+cshape+(maxcell,),dtype=np.int32)
        #c0 = cbox[0]; inv_dc = cshape/(cbox[1]-cbox[0])
        #for si in range(nsrc):
        #	for sdir in range(ndir):
        #		for sdi in range(src_ndet):
        #			src = srcs[si,sdir,sdi]
        #			i1 = (src[:2]-rmax-c0)*inv_dc
        #			i2 = (src[:2]+rmax-c0)*inv_dc+1 # +1 because this is a half-open interval
        #			# Truncate to edges - any source outside of our region
        #			# will be put on one of the edge cells
        #			i1 = np.maximum(i1.astype(int), 0)
        #			i2 = np.minimum(i2.astype(int), np.array(cshape)-1)
        #			#print si, sdir, i1, i2, cshape
        #			if np.any(i1 >= cshape) or np.any(i2 < 0): continue
        #			sel= (sdir,sdi,slice(i1[0],i2[0]),slice(i1[1],i2[1]))
        #			cells[sel][:,:,ncell[sel]] = si
        #			ncell[sel] += 1

        #self.cells, self.ncell = cells, ncell
        #print self.cells.shape, self.ncell.shape

        self.rmax = rmax
        self.tmul = 1 if tmul is None else tmul
        self.pmul = 1 if pmul is None else pmul
        self.err = err
Ejemplo n.º 58
	def __init__(self, entry, subdets=None, d=None, verbose=False, dark=False):
		self.fields = ["gain","mce_filter","tags","polangle","tconst","hwp","cut","point_offsets","boresight","site","tod_shape","array_info","beam","pointsrcs", "buddies"]
		if dark: self.fields += ["dark"]
		if config.get("noise_model") == "file":
			self.fields += ["noise"]
			if config.get("cut_noise_whiteness"):
				self.fields += ["noise_cut"]
			if config.get("cut_spikes"):
				self.fields += ["spikes"]
		if d is None:
			d = actdata.read(entry, self.fields, verbose=verbose)
			d = actdata.calibrate(d, verbose=verbose)
			if subdets is not None:
		if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0: raise errors.DataMissing("No data in scan")
		ndet = d.ndet
		# Necessary components for Scan interface
		self.mjd0      = utils.ctime2mjd(d.boresight[0,0])
		self.boresight = np.ascontiguousarray(d.boresight.T.copy()) # [nsamp,{t,az,el}]
		self.boresight[:,0] -= self.boresight[0,0]
		self.offsets   = np.zeros([ndet,self.boresight.shape[1]])
		self.offsets[:,1:] = d.point_offset
		self.cut       = d.cut.copy()
		self.cut_noiseest = d.cut_noiseest.copy()
		self.comps     = np.zeros([ndet,4])
		self.beam      = d.beam
		self.pointsrcs = d.pointsrcs
		self.comps     = d.det_comps
		self.hwp = d.hwp
		self.hwp_phase = d.hwp_phase
		self.dets  = d.dets
		self.dgrid = (d.array_info.nrow, d.array_info.ncol)
		self.array_info = d.array_info
		self.sys = config.get("tod_sys")
		self.site = d.site
		self.speed = d.speed
		if "noise" in d:
			self.noise = d.noise
			spikes = d.spikes[:2].T if "spikes" in d else None
			self.noise = nmat_measure.NmatBuildDelayed(model = config.get("noise_model"), spikes=spikes,
		if "dark_tod" in d:
			self.dark_tod = d.dark_tod
		if "dark_cut" in d:
			self.dark_cut = d.dark_cut
		if "buddy_comps" in d:
			# Expand buddy_offs to {dt,daz,ddec}
			self.buddy_comps = d.buddy_comps
			self.buddy_offs  = np.concatenate([d.buddy_offs[...,:1]*0,d.buddy_offs],-1)
		self.autocut = d.autocut if "autocut" in d else []
		# Implementation details. d is our DataSet, which we keep around in
		# because we need it to read tod consistently later. It will *not*
		# take part in any sample slicing operations, as that might make the
		# delayed tod read inconsistent with the rest. It could take part in
		# detector slicing as long as calibrate_tod operates on each detector
		# independently. This is true now, but would not be so if we did stuff
		# like common mode subtraction there. On the other hand, not doing this
		# would prevent slicing before reading from giving any speedup or memory
		# savings. I don't think allowing this should be a serious problem.
		self.d = d
		self.entry = entry
		def fmt_id(entry):
			if isinstance(entry, list): return "+".join([fmt_id(e) for e in entry])
				if entry.tag: return entry.id + ":" + entry.tag
				else: return entry.id
		self.id = fmt_id(entry)
		self.sampslices = []
		self.mapping = None

		# FIXME: debug test
		if config.get("dummy_cut") > 0:
			nmax  = int(config.get("dummy_cut_len"))
			# Power law between 1 and nmax, with slope -1.
			# C(w) = log(w)/log(nmax)
			# P(w) = w**-1/log(nmax)
			# w(C) = n**C
			# Mean: (nmax-1)/log(nmax)
			nmean = (nmax-1)/np.log(nmax)
			ncut = int(self.nsamp * config.get("dummy_cut") / nmean)
			cut_ranges = np.zeros([self.ndet, ncut, 2],int)
			w = (nmax**np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=[self.ndet, ncut])).astype(int)
			np.clip(w, 1, nmax)
			cut_ranges[:,:,0] = np.random.uniform(0, self.nsamp, size=[self.ndet, ncut]).astype(int)
			cut_ranges[:,:,0] = np.sort(cut_ranges[:,:,0],1)
			cut_ranges[:,:,1] = cut_ranges[:,:,0] + w
			np.clip(cut_ranges[:,:,1], 0, self.nsamp)
			cut_dummy = sampcut.from_list(cut_ranges, self.nsamp)
			print np.mean(w), nmean, nmax, ncut
			print "cut fraction before", float(self.cut.sum())/self.cut.size
			self.cut *= cut_dummy
			print "cut fraction after", float(self.cut.sum())/self.cut.size
Ejemplo n.º 59
parser.add_argument("--p0", type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument("-g,", "--group", type=int, default=1)
parser.add_argument("--dedark",     action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--demode",     action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--decommon",   action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--cont", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()

comm_world = mpi.COMM_WORLD
comm_group = comm_world.Split(comm_world.rank%args.nsub, comm_world.rank/args.nsub)
comm_sub   = comm_world.Split(comm_world.rank/args.nsub, comm_world.rank%args.nsub)
ids  = todinfo.get_tods(args.sel, filedb.scans)
tol  = args.tol*utils.arcmin
daz  = args.daz*utils.arcmin
dtype = np.float32 if config.get("map_bits") == 32 else np.float64
tods_per_map = args.group

root = args.odir + "/" + (args.prefix + "_" if args.prefix else "")
# Set up logging
utils.mkdir(root + "log")
logfile   = root + "log/log%03d.txt" % comm_world.rank
log_level = log.verbosity2level(config.get("verbosity"))
L = log.init(level=log_level, file=logfile, rank=comm_world.rank, shared=False)

# Run through all tods to determine the scanning patterns
L.info("Detecting scanning patterns")
boxes = np.zeros([len(ids),2,2])
for ind in range(comm_world.rank, len(ids), comm_world.size):
	id    = ids[ind]
Ejemplo n.º 60
def autocut(d, turnaround=None, ground=None, sun=None, moon=None, max_frac=None, pickup=None):
	"""Apply automatic cuts to calibrated data."""
	if not config.get("autocut"): return d
	ndet, nsamp = d.ndet, d.nsamp
	if not ndet or not nsamp: return d
	# Insert a cut into d if necessary
	if "cut" not in d:
		d += dataset.DataField("cut", sampcut.empty(ndet,nsamp))
	# insert an autocut datafield, to keep track of how much data each
	# automatic cut cost us
	d += dataset.DataField("autocut", [])
	def addcut(label, dcut, targets="c"):
		# det ndet part here allows for broadcasting of cuts from 1-det to full-det
		dn = dcut.sum()*d.ndet/dcut.ndet if dcut is not None else 0
		if dn == 0: d.autocut.append([label,0,0])
			n0, dn = d.cut.sum(), dcut.sum()
			dn = dn*d.cut.ndet/dcut.ndet
			if "c" in targets: d.cut *= dcut
			if "n" in targets: d.cut_noiseest *= dcut
			if "b" in targets: d.cut_basic *= dcut
			d.autocut.append([ label, dn, d.cut.sum() - n0 ]) # name, mycut, myeffect
	if config.get("cut_tconst") and "tau" in d:
		addcut("tconst", cuts.tconst_cut(nsamp, d.tau, config.get("cut_tconst")))
	if config.get("cut_stationary") and "boresight" in d:
		addcut("stationary", cuts.stationary_cut(d.boresight[1]))
	if config.get("cut_tod_ends") and "srate" in d:
		addcut("tod_ends", cuts.tod_end_cut(nsamp, d.srate))
	if config.get("cut_turnaround", turnaround) and "boresight" in d:
	if config.get("cut_ground", ground) and "boresight" in d and "point_offset" in d:
		addcut("ground", cuts.ground_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset))
	if config.get("cut_sun", sun) and "boresight" in d and "point_offset" in d and "site" in d:
		addcut("avoidance",cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset, d.site, "Sun", config.get("cut_sun_dist")*np.pi/180))
	if config.get("cut_moon", moon) and "boresight" in d and "point_offset" in d and "site" in d:
		addcut("moon",cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset, d.site, "Moon", config.get("cut_moon_dist")*np.pi/180))
	if config.get("cut_pickup", pickup) and "boresight" in d and "pickup_cut" in d:
		addcut("pickup",cuts.pickup_cut(d.boresight[1], d.dets, d.pickup_cut))
	if config.get("cut_mostly_cut"):
		addcut("mostly_cut", cuts.cut_mostly_cut_detectors(d.cut_quality))
	if config.get("cut_obj"):
		objs = utils.split_outside(config.get("cut_obj"),",")
		for obj in objs:
			toks = obj.split(":")
			objname = toks[0]
			if objname.startswith("["):
				objname = [float(w)*utils.degree for w in objname[1:-1].split(",")]
			dist    = 0.2*utils.degree
			if len(toks) > 1: dist = float(toks[1])*utils.degree
			# Hack: only cut for noise estimation purposes if dist is negative
			targets = "cnb" if dist > 0 else "n"
			addcut(obj, cuts.avoidance_cut(d.boresight, d.point_offset, d.site, objname, dist), targets=targets)
	if config.get("cut_srcs"):
		cpar  = [tok.split(":") for tok in config.get("cut_srcs").split(",")]
		names, lims = [], []
		for par in cpar:
			if par[0] in ["map","nmat"]:
		if any(lims):
			params = pointsrcs.src2param(d.pointsrcs)
			params[:,5:7] = 1
			params[:,7]   = 0
			# Only bother with sources that are actually strong enough
			maxlim = max(lims+[0])
			params = params[params[:,2]>maxlim]
			cutlist = cuts.point_source_cut(d, params, lims)
			for name, c in zip(names, cutlist):
				if   name == "map":  addcut("point_srcs_m", c, "c")
				elif name == "nmat": addcut("point_srcs_n", c, "n")
	if config.get("cut_extra_srcs"):
		srclist = np.loadtxt(config.get("cut_extra_srcs"), usecols=(0,1), ndmin=2)
		srclim  = float(config.get("cut_extra_lim"))
		params  = np.zeros([len(srclist),8])
		params[:,:2]  = srclist[:,1::-1]*utils.degree
		params[:,2]   = 1
		params[:,5:7] = 1
		c = cuts.point_source_cut(d, params, srclim)
		addcut("point_srcs", c, "nbc")

	# What fraction is cut?
	cut_fraction = float(d.cut.sum())/d.cut.size
	# Get rid of completely cut detectors
	keep = np.where(d.cut.sum(axis=1) < nsamp)[0]
	ndet, nsamp = d.ndet, d.nsamp

	def cut_all_if(label, condition):
		if condition: dcut = sampcut.full(d.ndet, nsamp)
		else: dcut = None
		addcut(label, dcut)
	cut_all_if("max_frac",   config.get("cut_max_frac", max_frac) < cut_fraction)
	if "srate" in d:
		cut_all_if("tod_mindur", config.get("cut_tod_mindur") > nsamp/d.srate/60)
	cut_all_if("tod_mindet", config.get("cut_tod_mindet") > ndet)
	# Get rid of completely cut detectors again
	keep = np.where(d.cut.sum(axis=1) < nsamp)[0]

	return d