Ejemplo n.º 1
def rand_alm(ps, ainfo=None, lmax=None, seed=None, dtype=np.complex128, m_major=True, return_ainfo=False):
	"""This is a replacement for healpy.synalm. It generates the random
	numbers in l-major order before transposing to m-major order in order
	to allow generation of low-res and high-res maps that agree on large
	scales. It uses 2/3 of the memory of healpy.synalm, and has comparable
	rtype = np.zeros([0],dtype=dtype).real.dtype
	ps    = np.asarray(ps)
	if ainfo is None: ainfo = sharp.alm_info(min(lmax,ps.shape[-1]-1) or ps.shape[-1]-1)
	if ps.ndim == 1:
		wps = ps[None,None]
	elif ps.ndim == 2:
		wps = powspec.sym_expand(ps, scheme="diag")
	elif ps.ndim == 3:
		wps = ps
		raise ValuerError("power spectrum must be [nl], [nspec,nl] or [ncomp,ncomp,nl]")
	ncomp = wps.shape[0]
	ps12  = enmap.multi_pow(wps, 0.5)
	# Draw random gaussian numbers in chunks to save memory
	alm   = np.empty([ncomp,ainfo.nelem],dtype=dtype)
	aflat = alm.reshape(-1).view(rtype)
	bsize = 0x10000
	if seed != None: np.random.seed(seed)
	for i in range(0, aflat.size, bsize):
		aflat[i:i+bsize] = np.random.standard_normal(min(bsize,aflat.size-i))
	# Transpose numbers to make them m-major.
	if m_major: ainfo.transpose_alm(alm,alm)
	# Scale alms by spectrum, taking into account which alms are complex
	ainfo.lmul(alm, (ps12/2**0.5).astype(rtype), alm)
	alm[:,:ainfo.lmax].imag  = 0
	alm[:,:ainfo.lmax].real *= 2**0.5
	if ps.ndim == 1: alm = alm[0]
	if return_ainfo: return alm, ainfo
	else: return alm
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, maps, inoise, ps, T=None):
        self.d = maps
        self.iN = inoise
        self.hN = en.multi_pow(inoise, 0.5, axes=[1, 2])
        self.iS = en.spec2flat(maps.shape[-3:], maps.wcs, ps, -1.0)
        self.hS = en.spec2flat(maps.shape[-3:], maps.wcs, ps, -0.5)
        self.ps = ps
        self.b, self.x = None, None
        # Prepare the preconditioner. It approximates the noise as the
        # same in every pixel, and ignores the cmb-template coupling.
        # See M(self,u) for details.
        iN_white = np.array(np.sum(np.mean(np.mean(self.iN, -1), -1), 0))
        # iN_white is now in pixel space, but the preconditioner needs it
        # in harmonic space, which introduces a
        #norm = np.prod((maps.box[1]-maps.box[0])/maps.shape[-2:])
        #norm = 1./np.prod(maps.shape[-2:])
        #iN_white /= norm
        self.S_prec = en.multi_pow(self.iS + iN_white[:, :, None, None], -1)

        # The template
Ejemplo n.º 3
def solve(w, m):
    if w.ndim == 2: return m / w[None]
    elif w.ndim == 3: return m / w
    elif w.ndim == 4: return enmap.map_mul(enmap.multi_pow(w, -1), m)
    else: raise NotImplementedError("Only 2d, 3d or 4d weight maps understood")
Ejemplo n.º 4
mg = enmap.MapGen(shape,wcs,p2d.reshape(1,1,modlmap.shape[0],modlmap.shape[1]))
imap = mg.get_map()

# imap2 = mg.get_map()
# io.quickPlot2d(imap2,io.dout_dir+"cmb2.png")
dtype = np.complex128
rtype = np.zeros([0],dtype=dtype).real.dtype

alm = curvedsky.map2alm(imap,lmax=4000)
powfac = 0.5
ps_data = enmap.multi_pow(alm*alm.conj()[None,None],powfac).astype(rtype)

pspec = np.ones((8000))
pspec[:200] = 0.
pspec[4000:] = 0.
rand_alm,ainfo = curvedsky.rand_alm(ps=pspec,lmax=4000,return_ainfo=True)
#rand_map = curvedsky.rand_map(shape,wcs,pspec)
#rand_alm = curvedsky.map2alm(rand_map,lmax=4000)
ps_alm = enmap.multi_pow(rand_alm*rand_alm.conj()[None,None],powfac).astype(rtype)

new_sim_alm = rand_alm *np.nan_to_num(ps_data/ps_alm)

new_sim = curvedsky.alm2map(new_sim_alm,imap)#,ainfo=ainfo)
#new_sim = curvedsky.alm2map(alm,imap)#,ainfo=ainfo)