Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, data, srcpos, ndir=1, sys=sys):
     # Build source parameter struct for PmatPtsrc
     self.params = np.zeros([srcpos.shape[-1], ndir, 8], np.float)
     self.params[:, :, :2] = srcpos[::-1, None, :].T
     self.params[:, :, 5:7] = 1
     scan = actscan.ACTScan(data.entry, d=data)
     self.psrc = pmat.PmatPtsrc(scan, self.params, sys=sys)
     self.pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
     # Extract basic offset
     self.off0 = data.point_correction
     self.off = self.off0 * 1
     self.el = np.mean(data.boresight[2, ::100])
     self.point_template = data.point_template
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, scan, srcpos, ndir=1, perdet=False, sys="cel"):
     # Build source parameter struct for PmatPtsrc
     self.params = np.zeros([srcpos.shape[-1],ndir,scan.ndet if perdet else 1,8],np.float)
     self.params[:,:,:,:2] = srcpos[::-1,None,None,:].T
     self.params[:,:,:,5:7] = 1
     self.psrc = pmat.PmatPtsrc(scan, self.params, sys=sys)
     self.pcut = pmat.PmatCut(scan)
     # Extract basic offset. Warning: referring to scan.d is fragile, since
     # scan.d is not updated when scan is sliced
     self.off0 = scan.d.point_correction
     self.off  = self.off0*0
     self.el   = np.mean(scan.boresight[::100,2])
     self.point_template = scan.d.point_template
     self.cut = scan.cut
Ejemplo n.º 3
def point_source_cut(d, srcs, thresholds=[]):
    if len(thresholds) == 0: return []
    # Sort-of-circular dependency here. I don't like
    # how actdata datasets are incompatible with scans.
    # Should I just replace scans with actdata objects?
    from . import actscan
    # Simulate sources
    tod = np.zeros((d.ndet, d.nsamp), np.float32)
    srcs = srcs.astype(np.float64)
    scan = actscan.ACTScan(d.entry, d=d)
    psrc = pmat.PmatPtsrc(scan, srcs)
    psrc.forward(tod, srcs)
    # Use them to define mask
    cuts = [sampcut.from_mask(tod > tr) for tr in thresholds]
    return cuts
Ejemplo n.º 4
	except (IOError, OSError):
			d = actscan.ACTScan(db[filelist[ind]])
			if d.ndet == 0 or d.nsamp == 0: raise errors.DataMissing("all samples cut")
		except errors.DataMissing as e:
			L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (filelist[ind], str(e)))
		L.debug("Reading samples")
		tod   = d.get_samples().astype(dtype)
	except errors.DataMissing as e:
		L.debug("Skipped %s (%s)" % (filelist[ind], str(e)))

	# Measure noise
	ivar = 1/np.array([np.median(onlyfinite(get_desloped_var(blockify(t,20)))) for t in tod])
		# Set up pmat for this scan
	d.noise = bunch.Bunch(ivar = ivar)
	Psrc  = pmat.PmatPtsrc(d, params.T)

	# Extract point-source relevant TOD properties
	L.debug("Extract data")
	srcdata = Psrc.extract(tod, cut=d.cut, raw=not args.oldformat)

	#srcdata.ivars = d.noise.iD[-1]
	srcdata.ivars = ivar
	ptsrc_data.write_srcscan(ofile, srcdata)
Ejemplo n.º 5
     ivar = 1 / (np.median(np.mean(diff**2, -1), -1) / 2**0.5)
     del diff
 print "D", id, comm.rank
 with bench.mark("actscan"):
     scan = actscan.ACTScan(entry, d=d)
 print "E", id, comm.rank
 with bench.mark("pmat1"):
     # Build effective source parameters for this TOD. This will ignore planet motion,
     # but this should only be a problem for very near objects like the moon or ISS
     src_param = np.zeros((len(srcs), 8))
     src_param[:, 0] = srcs.dec
     src_param[:, 1] = srcs.ra
     src_param[:, 2] = 1
     src_param[:, 5:7] = 1
     # And use it to build our source model projector. This is only used for the cuts
     psrc = pmat.PmatPtsrc(scan, src_param)
 print "F", id, comm.rank
 with bench.mark("source mask"):
     # Find the samples where the sources live
     src_mask = np.zeros(tod.shape, np.bool)
     # Allow elongating the mask vertically
     nypad = 1
     dypad = R / 2
     if ypad > 0:
         nypad = int((2 * ypad) // dypad) + 1
         dypad = (2 * ypad) / (nypad - 1)
     # Hack: modify detector offsets to apply the y broadening
     detoff = scan.offsets.copy()
     src_tod = tod * 0
     for yi in range(nypad):
         yoff = -ypad + yi * dypad