Ejemplo n.º 1
def matmul_(a0, a1):
    if not (a0.Size == a1.Size and (a0.IsMatrix or a0.IsVector) \
                               and (a1.IsMatrix or a1.IsVector)):
        raise Exception("matmul(): unsupported operand shape!")

    if a0.IsVector and a1.IsVector:
        return _ek.dot(a0, a1)
    elif a0.IsMatrix and a1.IsVector:
        ar = a0[0] * a1[0]
        for i in range(1, a1.Size):
            ar = _ek.fmadd(a0[i], a1[i], ar)
        return ar
    elif a0.IsVector and a1.IsMatrix:
        ar = a1.Value()
        for i in range(a1.Size):
            ar[i] = _ek.dot(a0, a1[i])
        return ar
    else:  # matrix @ matrix
        ar, sr = _check2(a0, a1)
        for j in range(a0.Size):
            accum = a0[0] * _ek.full(a0.Value, a1[0, j])
            for i in range(1, a0.Size):
                accum = _ek.fmadd(a0[i], _ek.full(a0.Value, a1[i, j]), accum)
            ar[j] = accum
        return ar
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test05_allclose():
    m = ek.full(M, 1)
    assert ek.allclose(m, ek.full(M, 1))
    m[1, 0] = 0
    assert not ek.allclose(m, ek.full(M, 1))
    m = ek.identity(M)
    assert ek.allclose(m, 1)
    m[1, 0] = 1
    assert not ek.allclose(m, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test08_divmod(cname):
    t = get_class(cname)

    index = ek.arange(t, 10000000)
    index[index < len(index) // 2] = -index
    index *= 256203161

    for i in range(1, 100):
        assert index // i == index // ek.full(t, i, 1, eval=True)
        assert index % i == index % ek.full(t, i, 1, eval=True)

    if t.IsSigned:
        for i in range(1, 100):
            assert index // -i == index // ek.full(t, -i, 1, eval=True)
            assert index % -i == index % ek.full(t, -i, 1, eval=True)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test19_make_opaque():
    Float = get_class('enoki.llvm.Float')
    Array3f = get_class('enoki.llvm.Array3f')

    a = Float(4.4)
    b = ek.full(Float, 3.3, 10)
    c = Array3f(2.2, 5.5, 6.6)

    assert a.is_literal_()
    assert not a.is_evaluated_()
    assert b.is_literal_()
    assert not b.is_evaluated_()
    for i in range(len(c)):
        assert c[i].is_literal_()
        assert not c[i].is_evaluated_()

    ek.make_opaque(a, b, c)

    assert not a.is_literal_()
    assert a.is_evaluated_()
    assert not b.is_literal_()
    assert b.is_evaluated_()
    for i in range(len(c)):
        assert not c[i].is_literal_()
        assert c[i].is_evaluated_()
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test15_test_avx512_approx():
    Float = get_class('enoki.llvm.Float')

    x = ek.linspace(Float, 0, 10, 1000)
    o = ek.full(Float, 1, 1000)
    assert ek.allclose(ek.rsqrt(x), o / ek.sqrt(x), rtol=2e-7, atol=0)
    assert ek.allclose(ek.rcp(x), o / x, rtol=2e-7, atol=0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test07_loop_nest(pkg, variant):
    p = get_class(pkg)

    def collatz(value: p.Int):
        counter = p.Int(0)
        loop = p.Loop(value, counter)
        while (loop.cond(ek.neq(value, 1))):
            is_even = ek.eq(value & 1, 0)
            value.assign(ek.select(is_even, value // 2, 3 * value + 1))
            counter += 1
        return counter

    i = p.Int(1)
    buf = ek.full(p.Int, 1000, 16)

    if variant == 0:
        loop_1 = p.Loop(i)
        while loop_1.cond(i <= 10):
            ek.scatter(buf, collatz(p.Int(i)), i - 1)
            i += 1
        for i in range(1, 11):
            ek.scatter(buf, collatz(p.Int(i)), i - 1)
            i += 1

    assert buf == p.Int(0, 1, 7, 2, 5, 8, 16, 3, 19, 6, 1000, 1000, 1000, 1000,
                        1000, 1000)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def fallof(self, cosTheta):
     # delta = (cosTheta - self.cosTotalWidth)/(self.cosFallOffStart - self.cosTotalWidth)
     delta = (self.cutOffAngle -
              ek.acos(cosTheta)) * self.m_invTransitionWidth
     delta = ek.select(cosTheta > self.cosFallOffStart,
                       ek.full(type(delta), 1), delta)
     delta = ek.select(cosTheta < self.cosTotalWidth, ek.zero(type(delta)),
     return delta
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test25_pow(m):
    x = ek.linspace(m.Float, 1, 10, 10)
    y = ek.full(m.Float, 2.0, 10)
    ek.enable_grad(x, y)
    z = x**y
    assert ek.allclose(ek.grad(x), ek.detach(x) * 2)
    assert ek.allclose(
        m.Float(0., 2.77259, 9.88751, 22.1807, 40.2359, 64.5033, 95.3496,
                133.084, 177.975, 230.259))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def full_(cls, value, size, eval):
    result = cls()
    if cls.Size == Dynamic:
        for i in range(size):
            result.set_entry_(i, value)
        if _ek.array_depth_v(value) != cls.Depth - 1:
            value = _ek.full(cls.Value, value, size, eval)

        for i in range(cls.Size):
            result.set_entry_(i, value)
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 10
params = traverse(scene)

# Make a backup copy
param_res = params['my_envmap.resolution']
param_ref = Float(params['my_envmap.data'])

# Discard all parameters except for one we want to differentiate

# Render a reference image (no derivatives used yet)
image_ref = render(scene, spp=16)
crop_size = scene.sensors()[0].film().crop_size()
write_bitmap('out_ref.png', image_ref, crop_size)

# Change to a uniform white lighting environment
params['my_envmap.data'] = ek.full(Float, 1.0, len(param_ref))

# Construct an Adam optimizer that will adjust the parameters 'params'
opt = Adam(params, lr=.02)

time_a = time.time()

iterations = 100
for it in range(iterations):
    # Perform a differentiable rendering of the scene
    image = render(scene, optimizer=opt, unbiased=True, spp=1)
    write_bitmap('out_%03i.png' % it, image, crop_size)
    write_bitmap('envmap_%03i.png' % it, params['my_envmap.data'],
                 (param_res[0], param_res[1]))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test03_roundtrip():
    m = M(*range(1, 17)) + ek.full(M, ek.arange(ek.packet.Float))
    m2 = M(m.numpy())
    assert m == m2
# Find differentiable scene parameters
params = traverse(scene)

opt_param_name = 'textured_lightsource.emitter.radiance.data'
# Make a backup copy
param_res = params['textured_lightsource.emitter.radiance.resolution']
param_ref = Float(params[opt_param_name])

# Discord all parameters except for one we want to differentiate

# texture_bitmap = Bitmap('img/checker.jpg').convert(Bitmap.PixelFormat.RGB, Struct.Type.Float32, srgb_gamma=False)
# texture_float = Float(texture_bitmap)
# params['textured_lightsource.emitter.radiance.data'] = texture_bitmap
params['textured_lightsource.emitter.radiance.data'] = ek.full(
    Float, 0.0, len(param_ref))

opt = Adam(params, lr=render_config['learning_rate'])

time_a = time.time()

outpath = os.path.join('outputs/invert_infloasion/', outimg_dir)
os.makedirs(outpath, exist_ok=True)
out_config(outpath, render_config)  # Write out config file

losses = np.array([])

film = scene.sensors()[0].film()
crop_size = film.crop_size()

iterations = render_config['num_iteration']
Ejemplo n.º 13
# Create another scene for optimizing geometry parameters
del scene
scene = make_scene(path_reparam_str, spp_opt, width, height)

vertex_pos_key = 'grid_mesh.vertex_positions_buf'
params = traverse(scene)
print('Parameter map after filtering: ', params)

vertex_positions_buf = params[vertex_pos_key]
vertex_positions = ravel(vertex_positions_buf)
vertex_count = ek.slices(vertex_positions)

if task == 'plain2bumpy':
	disp_tex_data_init = ek.full(Float, 0.0, vertex_count)
	disp_tex_data_ref = disp_tex_diffuser_1
	displacements = ek.full(Float, 0.0, vertex_count)

if task == 'bumpy2plain':
	disp_tex_data_init = disp_tex_diffuser_1
	disp_tex_data_ref = ek.full(Float, 0.0, vertex_count)
	displacements = disp_tex_diffuser_1 * amp

if task == 'bumpy2bumpy':
	disp_tex_data_init = disp_tex_diffuser_2
	disp_tex_data_ref = disp_tex_diffuser_1
	displacements = disp_tex_diffuser_2 * amp

params_opt = {"displacements": displacements}
if task == 'bumpy2bumpy':