Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_rename_class(self):
     """Test if VTK classes are renamed correctly."""
     dm = indenter.VTKDocMassager()
     t = 'vtkFooBar vtkXMLDataReader vtk3DSReader vtk2000Bug'
     r = dm._rename_class(t)
     correct = 'FooBar XMLDataReader ThreeDSReader Two000Bug'
     self.assertEqual(r, correct)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_get_method_doc(self):
        """Test if get_method_doc works correctly."""
        dm = indenter.VTKDocMassager()
        doc = 'V.GetOutput(int) -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
              'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);\n'\
              'V.GetOutput() -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
              'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();\n\n'\
              'vtkLODProperty, vtkXMLDataReader, vtk3DSImporter\n'\
              'SetRepresentationToWireframe, Write3DPropsAsRasterImage'
        ret = dm.get_method_doc(doc)
        correct = 'V.get_output(int) -> StructuredPoints\n'\
                  'V.get_output() -> StructuredPoints\n\n'\
                  'LODProperty, XMLDataReader, ThreeDSImporter\n'\
                  'set_representation_to_wireframe, '\
        #print ret
        #print correct
        self.assertEqual(ret, correct)

        # Test empty doc (only signature exists).
        doc = 'V.GetOutput(int) -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
              'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);\n'\
              'V.GetOutput() -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
              'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();\n\n'
        ret = dm.get_method_doc(doc)
        correct = 'V.get_output(int) -> StructuredPoints\n'\
                  'V.get_output() -> StructuredPoints\n'
        self.assertEqual(ret, correct)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_trait_doc(self):
        """Test if trait docs are generated correctly."""
        dm = indenter.VTKDocMassager()
        indent = indenter.Indent()
        out = cStringIO.StringIO()
        doc = 'V.GetOutput(int) -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
              'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);\n'\
              'V.GetOutput() -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
              'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();\n\n'\
              'vtkLODProperty, vtkXMLDataReader, vtk3DSImporter\n'\
              'SetRepresentationToWireframe, Write3DPropsAsRasterImage'
        dm.write_trait_doc(doc, out, indent)
        ret = out.read()
        correct = '''    """
    LODProperty, XMLDataReader, ThreeDSImporter
    set_representation_to_wireframe, write3d_props_as_raster_image
        #print ret
        #print correct
        self.assertEqual(ret, correct)

        # Test empty doc.
        out = cStringIO.StringIO()
        doc = 'V.GetOutput(int) -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
              'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);\n'\
              'V.GetOutput() -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
              'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();\n\n'
        dm.write_trait_doc(doc, out, indent)
        ret = out.read()
        self.assertEqual(ret, '    """\n    \n    """\n')
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_class_doc(self):
        """Test if class docs are generated correctly."""
        dm = indenter.VTKDocMassager()
        indent = indenter.Indent()
        out = cStringIO.StringIO()
        doc = "vtkLODProperty, vtkXMLDataReader, vtk3DSImporter\n"\
              "SetRepresentationToWireframe, Write3DPropsAsRasterImage"
        dm.write_class_doc(doc, out, indent)
        ret = out.read()
        correct = '''    """
    LODProperty, XMLDataReader, ThreeDSImporter
    set_representation_to_wireframe, write3d_props_as_raster_image
        #print ret
        #print correct
        self.assertEqual(ret, correct)

        # Test empty doc
        out = cStringIO.StringIO()
        doc = ""
        dm.write_class_doc(doc, out, indent)
        ret = out.read()
        self.assertEqual(ret, '    """\n    \n    """\n')
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_doc_massage(self):
     """Test massage method."""
     doc = "This is a test.  All VTK classes and vtk classes\n"\
           "are named like this: vtkActor, vtkLODProperty,\n"\
           "vtkXMLDataReader, vtk3DSImporter etc.  The methods \n"\
           "of a VTK object are like GetData, GetOutput, \n"\
           "SetRepresentationToWireframe.  Ivars are named like\n"\
           "SpecularColor, Write3DPropsAsRasterImage etc."
     ret = "This is a test.  All VTK classes and vtk classes\n"\
           "are named like this: Actor, LODProperty,\n"\
           "XMLDataReader, ThreeDSImporter etc.  The methods \n"\
           "of a VTK object are like get_data, get_output, \n"\
           "set_representation_to_wireframe.  Ivars are named like\n"\
           "specular_color, write3d_props_as_raster_image etc."
     dm = indenter.VTKDocMassager()
     self.assertEqual(dm.massage(doc), ret)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_remove_sig(self):
     """Test if function signature is removed correctly."""
     dm = indenter.VTKDocMassager()
     t = 'V.GetOutput(int) -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
         'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);\n'\
         'V.GetOutput() -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
         'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();\n\n'\
         ' Set/Get the output of this reader.\n'
     r = dm._remove_sig(t)
     correct = ' Set/Get the output of this reader.\n'
     self.assertEqual(r, correct)
     t = 'V.GetOutput(int) -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
         'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput (int idx);\n'\
         'V.GetOutput() -> vtkStructuredPoints\n'\
         'C++: vtkStructuredPoints *GetOutput ();\n\n'
     r = dm._remove_sig(t)
     correct = ''
     self.assertEqual(r, correct)