Ejemplo n.º 1
def getSavedSearchHistory(label, namespace=None, sessionKey=None, ignoreExpired=True, owner=None, sortKey=None, sortDir='desc', ignoreRunning=False, search=None, hostPath=None, uri=None):
    Retrieve the history of a saved search.

    ignoreExpired: {True|False} When True only return saved searches that have a TTL > 0 or they have been saved by the user.
                                When False return everything, including searches with a TTL >= 0 regardless of the job's saved status.
    #SPL-35662 done RT searches are alert artifacts which should be of no use to UI,  
    #          dashboards should always reference running rt searches
    search   = (search if search != None else '') + " NOT (isRealTimeSearch=1 AND isDone=1)" 
    entities = entity.getEntities(['saved', 'searches', label, 'history'], namespace=namespace, owner=owner, sessionKey=sessionKey, search=search, hostPath=hostPath, count=0, uri=uri)

    if ignoreExpired or ignoreRunning: 
        for sid, job in entities.items():
            if ignoreExpired \
            and splunk.search.normalizeJobPropertyValue('ttl', job.get('ttl')) <= 0 \
            and not splunk.search.normalizeJobPropertyValue('isSaved', job.get('isSaved')):
                del entities[sid]
            # real time searches are never done so no need to ignore running
            isRTSearch = splunk.search.normalizeJobPropertyValue('isRealTimeSearch', job.get('isRealTimeSearch'))
            isDone     = splunk.search.normalizeJobPropertyValue('isDone', job.get('isDone'))
            if ignoreRunning and not isDone and not isRTSearch:
                del entities[sid]

    if sortKey:
        reverse = True
        if sortDir == 'asc':
            reverse = False
            entities = sorted(entities.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].__dict__[sortKey], reverse=reverse)
        except KeyError, e:
            logger.warn("Attempted to sort on a key (%s) from a saved search's history that doesn't exist" % sortKey)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def getSavedSearchHistory(label, namespace=None, sessionKey=None, ignoreExpired=True, owner=None, sortKey=None, sortDir='desc', ignoreRunning=False, search=None, hostPath=None, uri=None):
    Retrieve the history of a saved search.

    ignoreExpired: {True|False} When True only return saved searches that have a TTL > 0 or they have been saved by the user.
                                When False return everything, including searches with a TTL >= 0 regardless of the job's saved status.
    #SPL-35662 done RT searches are alert artifacts which should be of no use to UI,  
    #          dashboards should always reference running rt searches
    search   = (search if search != None else '') + " NOT (isRealTimeSearch=1 AND isDone=1)" 
    entities = entity.getEntities(['saved', 'searches', label, 'history'], namespace=namespace, owner=owner, sessionKey=sessionKey, search=search, hostPath=hostPath, count=0, uri=uri)

    if ignoreExpired or ignoreRunning: 
        for sid, job in entities.items():
            if ignoreExpired \
            and splunk.search.normalizeJobPropertyValue('ttl', job.get('ttl')) <= 0 \
            and not splunk.search.normalizeJobPropertyValue('isSaved', job.get('isSaved')):
                del entities[sid]
            # real time searches are never done so no need to ignore running
            isRTSearch = splunk.search.normalizeJobPropertyValue('isRealTimeSearch', job.get('isRealTimeSearch'))
            isDone     = splunk.search.normalizeJobPropertyValue('isDone', job.get('isDone'))
            if ignoreRunning and not isDone and not isRTSearch:
                del entities[sid]

    if sortKey:
        reverse = True
        if sortDir == 'asc':
            reverse = False
            entities = sorted(entities.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].__dict__[sortKey], reverse=reverse)
        except KeyError, e:
            logger.warn("Attempted to sort on a key (%s) from a saved search's history that doesn't exist" % sortKey)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def listSavedSearches(namespace=None,
    '''Retrieve a list of saved searches.'''
    return entity.getEntities(SAVED_SEARCHES_ENDPOINT_ENTITY_PATH,
Ejemplo n.º 4
def searchScore(projectDescriptions, tools_materials):
    if len(tools_materials) == 0:
    scoreList = []
    for projDesc in projectDescriptions:
        descEntities = getEntities(projDesc.lower())
        score = 0.0
        for tm in tools_materials:
            for descEnt in descEntities:
                if singularize(tm.lower()) == singularize(descEnt.name):
                    score += 1
        score = score / len(tools_materials)
    return scoreList
Ejemplo n.º 5
def listUsers(**kwargs):
    Returns a list of users.
    uri = 'authentication/users'
    return en.getEntities(uri, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def getUserPrefs(key):
    obtain the user specific preference
    return en.getEntities('data/user-prefs').get('general').get(key)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def listRoles(**kwargs):
    Returns a list of roles.
    uri = 'authentication/roles'
    return en.getEntities(uri, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def listSavedSearches(namespace=None, sessionKey=None, owner=None, hostPath=None, count=None):
    '''Retrieve a list of saved searches.'''
    return entity.getEntities(SAVED_SEARCHES_ENDPOINT_ENTITY_PATH, namespace=namespace, owner=owner, sessionKey=sessionKey, hostPath=hostPath, count=count)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def listUsers(**kwargs):
    Returns a list of users.
    uri = 'authentication/users'
    return en.getEntities(uri, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def getUserPrefs(key):
    obtain the user specific preference
    return en.getEntities('data/user-prefs').get('general').get(key)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def listRoles(**kwargs):
    Returns a list of roles.
    uri = 'authentication/roles'
    return en.getEntities(uri, **kwargs)