def __init__(self, vw, logwrite=False, logread=False):

        self.vw = vw
        self.funcva = None  # Set if using runFunction

        self.hooks = {}
        self.taints = {}
        self.taintva = itertools.count(0x41560000, 8192)

        self.uninit_use = {}
        self.logwrite = logwrite
        self.logread = logread
        self.path = self.newCodePathNode()
        self.curpath = self.path
        self.opcache = {}
        self.emumon = None
        self.psize = self.getPointerSize()

        self.stack_map_mask = e_bits.sign_extend(0xfff00000, 4, vw.psize)
        self.stack_map_base = e_bits.sign_extend(0xbfb00000, 4, vw.psize)
        self.stack_pointer = self.stack_map_base + 4096

        # Possibly need an "options" API?
        self._safe_mem = True  # Should we be forgiving about memory accesses?
        self._func_only = True  # is this emulator meant to stay in one function scope?

        # Map in a memory map for the stack
        self.addMemoryMap(self.stack_map_base, 6, "[stack]", init_stack_map)

        # Map in all the memory associated with the workspace
        for va, size, perms, fname in vw.getMemoryMaps():
            offset, bytes = vw.getByteDef(va)
            self.addMemoryMap(va, perms, fname, bytes)

        for regidx in self.taintregs:
            rname = self.getRegisterName(regidx)
            regval = self.setVivTaint('uninitreg', regidx)
            self.setRegister(regidx, regval)


        # Create some pre-made taints for positive stack indexes
        # NOTE: This is *ugly* for speed....
        taints = [
            self.setVivTaint('funcstack', i * self.psize) for i in xrange(20)
        taintbytes = ''.join(
            [e_bits.buildbytes(taint, self.psize) for taint in taints])
        self.writeMemory(self.stack_pointer, taintbytes)

        for name in dir(self):
            val = getattr(self, name, None)
            if val == None:

            impname = getattr(val, '__imphook__', None)
            if impname == None:

            self.hooks[impname] = val
Ejemplo n.º 2
def runStrings(vw, ea, uselocalagg=True):
    Returns a list of (write log entry, decoded strings)
    where the write log is the tuple (pc, va, bytes)  
    for the instruction that wrote the first byte of the string
    emu = vw.getEmulator(True, True)

    #modify the stack base for the emulator - smaller mask & frame size
    # wasn't working for funcs with large locals frame size
    emu.stack_map_mask = e_bits.sign_extend(0xfff00000, 4, vw.psize)
    emu.stack_map_base = e_bits.sign_extend(0xbfb00000, 4, vw.psize)
    emu.stack_pointer = emu.stack_map_base + 16*4096

    emu.runFunction(ea, maxhit=1, maxloop=1)
    logger = jayutils.getLogger('stack_graph')

    if uselocalagg:'Using local agg')
        stringList = []
        jayutils.path_bfs(emu.path, stack_track_visitor, vw=vw, emu=emu, logger=logger, res=stringList )
        return stringList
    else:'Using global agg')
        agg = StringAccumulator()
        jayutils.path_bfs(emu.path, stack_track_visitor, vw=vw, emu=emu, logger=logger, agg=agg )
        return agg.stringDict.values()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, vw, logwrite=False, logread=False):

        self.vw = vw
        self.funcva = None # Set if using runFunction
        self.emustop = False

        self.hooks = {}
        self.taints = {}
        self.taintva = itertools.count(0x41560000, 8192)

        self.uninit_use = {}
        self.logwrite = logwrite
        self.logread = logread
        self.path = self.newCodePathNode()
        self.curpath = self.path
        self.opcache = {}
        self.emumon = None
        self.psize = self.getPointerSize()

        self.stack_map_mask = e_bits.sign_extend(0xfff00000, 4, vw.psize)
        self.stack_map_base = e_bits.sign_extend(0xbfb00000, 4, vw.psize)
        self.stack_pointer = self.stack_map_base + 4096

        # Possibly need an "options" API?
        self._safe_mem = True   # Should we be forgiving about memory accesses?
        self._func_only = True  # is this emulator meant to stay in one function scope?

        # Map in a memory map for the stack
        self.addMemoryMap(self.stack_map_base, 6, "[stack]", init_stack_map)

        # Map in all the memory associated with the workspace
        for va, size, perms, fname in vw.getMemoryMaps():
            offset, bytes = vw.getByteDef(va)
            self.addMemoryMap(va, perms, fname, bytes)

        for regidx in self.taintregs:
            rname = self.getRegisterName(regidx)
            regval = self.setVivTaint( 'uninitreg', regidx )
            self.setRegister(regidx, regval)


        # Create some pre-made taints for positive stack indexes
        # NOTE: This is *ugly* for speed....
        taints = [ self.setVivTaint('funcstack', i * self.psize) for i in xrange(20) ]
        taintbytes = ''.join([ e_bits.buildbytes(taint,self.psize) for taint in taints ])
        self.writeMemory(self.stack_pointer, taintbytes )

        for name in dir(self):
            val = getattr(self, name, None)
            if val == None:

            impname = getattr(val, '__imphook__',None)
            if impname == None:

            self.hooks[impname] = val
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def i_subs(self, op):
        # Src op gets sign extended to dst
        ssize = op.opers[0].tsize
        dsize = op.opers[1].tsize
        src = e_bits.sign_extend(self.getOperValue(op, 0), ssize, self.ptrsz)
        dst = e_bits.sign_extend(self.getOperValue(op, 1), ssize, self.ptrsz)

        if src == None or dst == None:
            return None

        res = src - dst
        self.setOperValue(op, 1, res)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def i_subs(self, op):
        # Src op gets sign extended to dst
        ssize = op.opers[0].tsize
        dsize = op.opers[1].tsize
        src = e_bits.sign_extend(self.getOperValue(op, 0), ssize, self.ptrsz)
        dst = e_bits.sign_extend(self.getOperValue(op, 1), ssize, self.ptrsz)

        if src == None or dst == None:
            return None

        res = src - dst
        self.setOperValue(op, 1, res)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def i_subx(self, op):
        # Src op gets sign extended to dst
        ssize = op.opers[0].tsize
        dsize = op.opers[1].tsize
        src = e_bits.sign_extend(self.getOperValue(op, 0), ssize, self.ptrsz)
        dst = e_bits.sign_extend(self.getOperValue(op, 1), dsize, self.ptrsz)
        C = self.getFlag(h8_regs.CCR_C)

        if src is None or dst is None:
            return None

        (ssize, dsize, sres, ures, sdst, udst) = self.intSubBase(dst, src + C, dsize, ssize)
        self.setOperValue(op, 1, ures)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def i_subx(self, op):
        # Src op gets sign extended to dst
        ssize = op.opers[0].tsize
        dsize = op.opers[1].tsize
        src = e_bits.sign_extend(self.getOperValue(op, 0), ssize, self.ptrsz)
        dst = e_bits.sign_extend(self.getOperValue(op, 1), dsize, self.ptrsz)
        C = self.getFlag(h8_regs.CCR_C)

        if src is None or dst is None:
            return None

        (ssize, dsize, sres, ures, sdst, udst) = self.intSubBase(dst, src + C, dsize, ssize)
        self.setOperValue(op, 1, ures)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def initStackMemory(self, stacksize=init_stack_size):
        Setup and initialize stack memory.
        You may call this prior to emulating instructions.
        if self.stack_map_base is None:
            self.stack_map_mask = e_bits.sign_extend(0xfff00000, 4,
            self.stack_map_base = e_bits.sign_extend(0xbfb00000, 4,
            self.stack_map_top = self.stack_map_base + stacksize
            self.stack_pointer = self.stack_map_top

            stack_map = init_stack_map
            if stacksize != init_stack_size:
                stack_map = b'\xfe' * stacksize

            # Map in a memory map for the stack

            self.addMemoryMap(self.stack_map_base, 6, "[stack]", stack_map)

            # Create some pre-made taints for positive stack indexes
            # NOTE: This is *ugly* for speed....
            taints = [
                self.setVivTaint('funcstack', i * self.psize)
                for i in range(20)
            taintbytes = b''.join(
                [e_bits.buildbytes(taint, self.psize) for taint in taints])

            self.stack_pointer -= len(taintbytes)
            self.writeMemory(self.stack_pointer, taintbytes)
            existing_map_size = self.stack_map_top - self.stack_map_base
            new_map_size = stacksize - existing_map_size
            if new_map_size < 0:
                raise RuntimeError('cannot shrink stack')

            new_map_top = self.stack_map_base
            new_map_base = new_map_top - new_map_size

            stack_map = b''.join([
                struct.pack('<I', new_map_base + (i * 4))
                for i in range(new_map_size)

            self.addMemoryMap(new_map_base, 6, "[stack]", stack_map)
            self.stack_map_base = new_map_base
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def logicalAnd(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize

        # sign-extend an immediate if needed
        if dsize != ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize

        # Make sure everybody's on the same bit page.
        dst = e_bits.unsigned(dst, dsize)
        src = e_bits.unsigned(src, ssize)

        res = src & dst

                     0)  # AF is undefined, but it seems like it is zeroed
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, 0)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, 0)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(res, dsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not res)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(res))
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def i_adc(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        cf = 0
        if self.getFlag(EFLAGS_CF):
            cf = 1

        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize

        sdst = e_bits.signed(dst, dsize)
        ssrc = e_bits.signed(src, ssize)

        if (isinstance(op.opers[1], i386ImmOper) and ssize < dsize):
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize

        #FIXME perhaps unify the add/adc flags/arith code
        res = dst + src + cf
        sres = sdst + ssrc + cf

        tsize = op.opers[0].tsize

        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, e_bits.is_unsigned_carry(res, tsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(res))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_AF, e_bits.is_aux_carry(src, dst))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not res)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(res, tsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, e_bits.is_signed_overflow(sres, dsize))

        self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def i_add(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize

        if dsize > ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize

        udst = e_bits.unsigned(dst, dsize)
        usrc = e_bits.unsigned(src, ssize)
        sdst = e_bits.signed(dst, dsize)
        ssrc = e_bits.signed(src, ssize)

        ures = udst + usrc
        sres = sdst + ssrc

        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, e_bits.is_unsigned_carry(ures, dsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(ures))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_AF, e_bits.is_aux_carry(src, dst))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not ures)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(ures, dsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, e_bits.is_signed_overflow(sres, dsize))

        self.setOperValue(op, 0, ures)
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: Proyecto: Anstep/pyew
    def logicalAnd(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        # PDE
        if dst == None or src == None:
            self.setOperValue(op, 0, None)

        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize

        # sign-extend an immediate if needed
        if dsize != ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize

        # Make sure everybody's on the same bit page.
        dst = e_bits.unsigned(dst, dsize)
        src = e_bits.unsigned(src, ssize)

        res = src & dst

        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_AF, 0) # AF is undefined, but it seems like it is zeroed
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, 0)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, 0)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(res, dsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not res)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(res))
        return res
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: Proyecto: Anstep/pyew
    def integerSubtraction(self, op):
        Do the core of integer subtraction but only *return* the
        resulting value rather than assigning it.
        (allows cmp and sub to use the same code)
        # Src op gets sign extended to dst
        #FIXME account for same operand with zero result for PDE
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        if src == None or dst == None:
            return None

        # So we can either do a BUNCH of crazyness with xor and shifting to
        # get the necissary flags here, *or* we can just do both a signed and
        # unsigned sub and use the results.
        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize
        # Sign extend immediates where the sizes don't match
        if dsize != ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize
        return self.intSubBase(src, dst, ssize, dsize)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def i_adc(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        cf = 0
        if self.getFlag(EFLAGS_CF):
            cf = 1

        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize

        sdst = e_bits.signed(dst, dsize)
        ssrc = e_bits.signed(src, ssize)

        if (isinstance(op.opers[1], i386ImmOper) and
            ssize < dsize):
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize

        #FIXME perhaps unify the add/adc flags/arith code
        res = dst + src + cf
        sres = sdst + ssrc + cf

        tsize = op.opers[0].tsize

        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, e_bits.is_unsigned_carry(res, tsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(res))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_AF, e_bits.is_aux_carry(src, dst))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not res)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(res, tsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, e_bits.is_signed_overflow(sres, dsize))

        self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: Proyecto: Anstep/pyew
    def i_adc(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
        # PDE
        if dst == None or src == None:
            self.setOperValue(op, 0, None)

        cf = 0
        if self.getFlag(EFLAGS_CF):
            cf = 1

        dstsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        srcsize = op.opers[1].tsize

        if (isinstance(op.opers[1], i386ImmOper) and
            srcsize < dstsize):
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, srcsize, dstsize)
            srcsize = dstsize

        #FIXME perhaps unify the add/adc flags/arith code
        res = dst + src + cf

        tsize = op.opers[0].tsize

        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, e_bits.is_unsigned_carry(res, tsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(res))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_AF, e_bits.is_aux_carry(src, dst))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not res)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(res, tsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, e_bits.is_signed_overflow(res, tsize))

        self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def i_adc(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
        # PDE
        if dst == None or src == None:
            self.setOperValue(op, 0, None)

        cf = 0
        if self.getFlag(EFLAGS_CF):
            cf = 1

        dstsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        srcsize = op.opers[1].tsize

        if (isinstance(op.opers[1], i386ImmOper) and
            srcsize < dstsize):
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, srcsize, dstsize)
            srcsize = dstsize

        #FIXME perhaps unify the add/adc flags/arith code
        res = dst + src + cf

        tsize = op.opers[0].tsize

        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, e_bits.is_unsigned_carry(res, tsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(res))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_AF, e_bits.is_aux_carry(src, dst))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not res)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(res, tsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, e_bits.is_signed_overflow(res, tsize))

        self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: Proyecto: Anstep/pyew
    def i_add(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize

        #FIXME PDE and flags
        if dst == None or src == None:
            self.setOperValue(op, 0, None)

        if dsize > ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize

        udst = e_bits.unsigned(dst, dsize)
        usrc = e_bits.unsigned(src, ssize)
        sdst = e_bits.signed(dst, dsize)
        ssrc = e_bits.signed(src, ssize)

        ures = udst + usrc
        sres = sdst + ssrc

        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, e_bits.is_unsigned_carry(ures, dsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(ures))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_AF, e_bits.is_aux_carry(src, dst))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not ures)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(ures, dsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, e_bits.is_signed_overflow(sres, dsize))

        self.setOperValue(op, 0, ures)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def integerSubtraction(self, op):
        Do the core of integer subtraction but only *return* the
        resulting value rather than assigning it.
        (allows cmp and sub to use the same code)
        # Src op gets sign extended to dst
        #FIXME account for same operand with zero result for PDE
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        if src == None or dst == None:
            return None

        # So we can either do a BUNCH of crazyness with xor and shifting to
        # get the necissary flags here, *or* we can just do both a signed and
        # unsigned sub and use the results.
        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize
        # Sign extend immediates where the sizes don't match
        if dsize != ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize
        return self.intSubBase(src, dst, ssize, dsize)
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: Proyecto: Anstep/pyew
    def i_imul(self, op):
        #FIXME eflags
        # FIXME imul bugs
        ocount = len(op.opers)
        if ocount == 2:
            dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
            src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
            dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
            ssize = op.opers[1].tsize

            # FIXME all these are taken care of in disasm now...
            if dsize > ssize:
                src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
                ssize = dsize

            res = dst * src

            sof = e_bits.is_unsigned_carry(res, dsize)
            self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, sof)
            self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, sof)

            self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)

        elif ocount == 3:
            dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
            src1 = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
            src2 = self.getOperValue(op, 2)

            dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
            ssize1 = op.opers[1].tsize
            ssize2 = op.opers[2].tsize

            if dsize > ssize2: # Only the last operand may be shorter imm
                src2 = e_bits.sign_extend(src2, ssize2, dsize)
                ssize2 = dsize

            res = src1 * src2

            sof = e_bits.is_unsigned_carry(res, dsize)
            self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, sof)
            self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, sof)

            self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)

            raise envi.UnsupportedInstruction(self, op)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def i_imul(self, op):
        #FIXME eflags
        # FIXME imul bugs
        ocount = len(op.opers)
        if ocount == 2:
            dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
            src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
            dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
            ssize = op.opers[1].tsize

            # FIXME all these are taken care of in disasm now...
            if dsize > ssize:
                src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
                ssize = dsize

            res = dst * src

            sof = e_bits.is_unsigned_carry(res, dsize)
            self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, sof)
            self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, sof)

            self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)

        elif ocount == 3:
            dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
            src1 = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
            src2 = self.getOperValue(op, 2)

            dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
            ssize1 = op.opers[1].tsize
            ssize2 = op.opers[2].tsize

            if dsize > ssize2:  # Only the last operand may be shorter imm
                src2 = e_bits.sign_extend(src2, ssize2, dsize)
                ssize2 = dsize

            res = src1 * src2

            sof = e_bits.is_unsigned_carry(res, dsize)
            self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, sof)
            self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, sof)

            self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)

            raise envi.UnsupportedInstruction(self, op)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def repr(self, op):
     ival = self.imm
     # Do the extra conditionals to make this fast
     if self.tsize == 1:
         if op.opcode in sextend:
             o1 = op.opers[0]
             if self.tsize != o1.tsize:
                 ival = e_bits.sign_extend(ival, self.tsize, o1.tsize)
     if ival > 4096:
         return "0x%.8x" % ival
     return str(ival)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def repr(self, op):
     ival = self.imm
     # Do the extra conditionals to make this fast
     if self.tsize == 1:
         if op.opcode in sextend:
             o1 = op.opers[0]
             if self.tsize != o1.tsize:
                 ival = e_bits.sign_extend(ival, self.tsize, o1.tsize)
     if ival > 4096:
         return "0x%.8x" % ival
     return str(ival)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def initStackMemory(self, stacksize=init_stack_size):
        Setup and initialize stack memory.
        You may call this prior to emulating instructions.
        if self.stack_map_base is None:
            self.stack_map_mask = e_bits.sign_extend(0xfff00000, 4, self.vw.psize)
            self.stack_map_base = e_bits.sign_extend(0xbfb00000, 4, self.vw.psize)
            self.stack_map_top = self.stack_map_base + stacksize
            self.stack_pointer = self.stack_map_top

            stack_map = init_stack_map
            if stacksize != init_stack_size:
                stack_map = b'\xfe' * stacksize

            # Map in a memory map for the stack

            self.addMemoryMap(self.stack_map_base, 6, "[stack]", stack_map)

            # Create some pre-made taints for positive stack indexes
            # NOTE: This is *ugly* for speed....
            taints = [ self.setVivTaint('funcstack', i * self.psize) for i in xrange(20) ]
            taintbytes = ''.join([ e_bits.buildbytes(taint,self.psize) for taint in taints ])

            self.writeMemory(self.stack_pointer, taintbytes)
            existing_map_size = self.stack_map_top - self.stack_map_base
            new_map_size = stacksize - existing_map_size
            if new_map_size < 0:
                raise RuntimeError('cannot shrink stack')

            new_map_top = self.stack_map_base
            new_map_base = new_map_top - new_map_size

            stack_map = ''.join([struct.pack('<I', new_map_base+(i*4))
                                    for i in xrange(new_map_size)])

            self.addMemoryMap(new_map_base, 6, "[stack]", stack_map)
            self.stack_map_base = new_map_base
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def i_or(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize

        if dsize != ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize

        res = dst | src
        self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)

        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, 0)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, 0)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(res, dsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not res)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(res))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def i_or(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize

        if dsize != ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize

        res = dst | src
        self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)

        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, 0)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, 0)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(res, dsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not res)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(res))
Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: Proyecto: Anstep/pyew
    def i_sbb(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        # Much like "integer subtraction" but we need
        # too add in the carry flag
        if src == None or dst == None:
            return None

        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize
        # Sign extend immediates where the sizes don't match
        if dsize != ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize
        src += self.getFlag(EFLAGS_CF)
        res = self.intSubBase(src, dst, ssize, dsize)
        self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def i_sbb(self, op):
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        # Much like "integer subtraction" but we need
        # too add in the carry flag
        if src == None or dst == None:
            return None

        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize
        # Sign extend immediates where the sizes don't match
        if dsize != ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize
        src += self.getFlag(EFLAGS_CF)
        res = self.intSubBase(src, dst, ssize, dsize)
        self.setOperValue(op, 0, res)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def i_xor(self, op):
        # NOTE: This is pre-emptive for partially defined emulation
        dsize = op.opers[0].tsize
        ssize = op.opers[1].tsize
        if op.opers[0] == op.opers[1]:
            ret = 0
            dst = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
            src = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
            if dsize != ssize:
                src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
                ssize = dsize
            ret = src ^ dst

        self.setOperValue(op, 0, ret)

        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_CF, 0)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_OF, 0)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_SF, e_bits.is_signed(ret, dsize))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_ZF, not ret)
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_PF, e_bits.is_parity_byte(ret))
        self.setFlag(EFLAGS_AF, False) # Undefined but actually cleared on amd64 X2
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def integerSubtraction(self, op):
        Do the core of integer subtraction but only *return* the
        resulting value rather than assigning it.
        (allows cmp and sub to use the same code)

        src = self.getOperValue(op,0)
        dst = self.getOperValue(op,1)

        # So we can either do a BUNCH of crazyness with xor and shifting to
        # get the necessary flags here, *or* we can just do both a signed and
        # unsigned sub and use the results.
        if op.iflags & IF_BYTE:
            dsize = BYTE
            ssize = BYTE
            dsize = WORD
            ssize = WORD
        # Sign extend immediates where the sizes don't match
        if dsize != ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize
        return self.intSubBase(src, dst, ssize, dsize)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def integerSubtraction(self, op):
        Do the core of integer subtraction but only *return* the
        resulting value rather than assigning it.
        (allows cmp and sub to use the same code)

        src = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
        dst = self.getOperValue(op, 1)

        # So we can either do a BUNCH of crazyness with xor and shifting to
        # get the necessary flags here, *or* we can just do both a signed and
        # unsigned sub and use the results.
        if op.iflags & IF_BYTE:
            dsize = BYTE
            ssize = BYTE
            dsize = WORD
            ssize = WORD
        # Sign extend immediates where the sizes don't match
        if dsize != ssize:
            src = e_bits.sign_extend(src, ssize, dsize)
            ssize = dsize
        return self.intSubBase(src, dst, ssize, dsize)
 def _solve(self, emu=None):
     v1 =[0].solve(emu=emu)
     cursz = self._cursz.solve(emu=emu)
     tgtsz = self._tgtsz.solve(emu=emu)
     return e_bits.sign_extend(v1, cursz, tgtsz)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def i_movsxd(self, op):
     val = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
     val = e_bits.sign_extend(val, 4, 8)
     self.setOperValue(op, 0, val)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def disasm(self, bytez, offset, va):
        # FIXME: for newer instructions, the VEX.W bit needs to be able to change the opcode. ugh.

        # Stuff for opcode parsing
        tabdesc = all_tables[ opcode86.TBL_Main ] # A tuple (optable, shiftbits, mask byte, sub, max)
        startoff = offset # Use startoff as a size knob if needed

        # Stuff we'll be putting in the opcode object
        optype = None # This gets set if we successfully decode below
        mnem = None 
        operands = []

        prefixes = 0
        pho_prefixes = 0    # faux prefixes... don't immediately apply them, they may not be the prefixes we're looking for

        while True:

            obyte = ord(bytez[offset])

            # This line changes in 64 bit mode
            p = self._dis_prefixes[obyte]
            if p == None:

            #print "OBYTE",hex(obyte)
            if obyte in mandatory_prefixes:
                pho_prefixes |= p
                # ratchet through the tables

                tabidx = ((obyte - tabdesc[4]) >> tabdesc[2]) & tabdesc[3]
                #print "TABIDX: %d" % tabidx
                opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]
                #print 'OPDESC: %s -> %s' % (repr(opdesc), opcode86.tables_lookup.get(opdesc[0]))
                tabdesc = all_tables[opdesc[0]]
                prefixes |= p

            if p & PREFIX_VEX:
                if p == PREFIX_VEX2:
                    offset += 1
                    imm1 = ord(bytez[offset])
                    if imm1 & 0xc0 != 0xc0:     # shouldn't in 64-bit mode, but in 32-bit, this keeps LES from colliding
                    inv1 = imm1 ^ 0xff

                    vex_l = (0, PREFIX_VEX_L)[(imm1&4)>>2]
                    vvvv = ((inv1 >> 3) & 0xf)
                    pp = imm1 & 3

                    prefixes |= (inv1 << 11) & PREFIX_REX_R     # R is inverted
                    prefixes |= vex_l
                    prefixes |= (vvvv << VEX_V_SHIFT)
                    combined_mand_prefixes = vex_pp_table[ pp ]

                elif p == PREFIX_VEX3:
                    imm1 = ord(bytez[offset+1])
                    if imm1 & 0xc0 != 0xc0:     # shouldn't in 64-bit mode, but in 32-bit, this keeps LDS from colliding
                    offset += 2
                    imm2 = ord(bytez[offset])
                    inv1 = imm1 ^ 0xff
                    inv2 = imm2 ^ 0xff

                    vex_l = (0, PREFIX_VEX_L)[(imm2&4)>>2]
                    vvvv = ((inv2 >> 3) & 0xf)
                    pp = imm2 & 3
                    m_mmmm = imm1 & 0x1f
                    #print "imms: %x %x \tl: %d\tvvvv: 0x%x\tpp: %d\tm_mmmm: 0x%x" % (imm1, imm2, vex_l, vvvv, pp, m_mmmm)
                    prefixes |= ((inv1 << 11) & PREFIX_REX_RXB)     # RXB are inverted
                    prefixes |= ((imm2 << 12) & PREFIX_REX_W)       # W is not inverted
                    prefixes |= vex_l
                    prefixes |= (vvvv << VEX_V_SHIFT)               # vvvv

                    combined_mand_prefixes = vex_pp_table[ pp ] + vex3_mmmm_table[m_mmmm]

                # VEX prefixes default to 0F table, possibly F20F, F30F or 660F
                #   VEX3 prefixes may also specify depths into 38 and 3A tables
                for tabidx in combined_mand_prefixes:
                    if tabidx == None:
                    #print "TABIDX: %d" % tabidx
                    opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]
                    #print 'OPDESC: %s -> %s' % (repr(opdesc), opcode86.tables_lookup.get(opdesc[0]))
                    tabdesc = all_tables[opdesc[0]]

            offset += 1

        if obyte != 0x0f:
            prefixes |= pho_prefixes

        while True:

            obyte = ord(bytez[offset])

            #print "OBYTE",hex(obyte)
            if (obyte > tabdesc[5]):
                #print "Jumping To Overflow Table:", tabdesc[5]
                tabdesc = all_tables[tabdesc[6]]

            tabidx = ((obyte - tabdesc[4]) >> tabdesc[2]) & tabdesc[3]
            #print "TABIDX: %s" % tabidx
            opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]
            #print 'OPDESC: %s -> %s' % (repr(opdesc), opcode86.tables_lookup.get(opdesc[0]))

            # Hunt down multi-byte opcodes
            nexttable = opdesc[0]
            #print "NEXT",nexttable,hex(obyte), opcode86.tables_lookup.get(nexttable)
            if nexttable != 0: # If we have a sub-table specified, use it.
                #print "Multi-Byte Next Hop For",hex(obyte),opdesc[0]
                tabdesc = all_tables[nexttable]

                # Account for the table jump we made
                offset += 1


            # We are now on the final table...
            #print repr(opdesc)
            tbl_opercnt = tabdesc[1]
            mnem = opdesc[3 + tbl_opercnt]
            optype = opdesc[1]
            if tabdesc[3] == 0xff:
                offset += 1 # For our final opcode byte

        if optype == 0:
            #print tabidx
            #print opdesc
            #print "OPTTYPE 0"
            raise envi.InvalidInstruction(bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff+16], va=va)

        operoffset = 0
        # Begin parsing operands based off address method
        for i in range(operands_index, operands_index + tbl_opercnt):

            oper = None # Set this if we end up with an operand
            osize = 0

            # Pull out the operand description from the table
            operflags = opdesc[i]
            opertype = operflags & opcode86.OPTYPE_MASK
            addrmeth = operflags & opcode86.ADDRMETH_MASK

            # If there are no more operands, break out of the loop!
            if operflags == 0:

            #print "ADDRTYPE: %.8x OPERTYPE: %.8x" % (addrmeth, opertype)

            # handles tsize calculations including new REX prefixes
            tsize = self._dis_calc_tsize(opertype, prefixes, operflags)

            #print hex(opertype),hex(addrmeth),hex(tsize)

            # If addrmeth is zero, we have operands embedded in the opcode
            if addrmeth == 0:
                osize = 0
                oper = self.ameth_0(operflags, opdesc[2+tbl_opercnt+i], tsize, prefixes)

                #print "ADDRTYPE",hex(addrmeth)
                ameth = self._dis_amethods[addrmeth >> 16]
                #print "AMETH",ameth
                if ameth == None:
                    raise Exception("Implement Addressing Method 0x%.8x" % addrmeth)

                # NOTE: Depending on your addrmethod you may get beginning of operands, or offset
                    if addrmeth == opcode86.ADDRMETH_I or addrmeth == opcode86.ADDRMETH_J:
                        osize, oper = ameth(bytez, offset+operoffset, tsize, prefixes, operflags)

                        # If we are a sign extended immediate and not the same as the other operand,
                        # do the sign extension during disassembly so nothing else has to worry about it..
                        if len(operands) and tsize != operands[-1].tsize:
                            # Check if we are an explicitly signed operand *or* REX.W
                            if operflags & opcode86.OP_SIGNED or prefixes & PREFIX_REX_W:
                                otsize = operands[-1].tsize
                                oper.imm = e_bits.sign_extend(oper.imm, oper.tsize, otsize)
                                oper.tsize = otsize

                        osize, oper = ameth(bytez, offset, tsize, prefixes, operflags)

                except struct.error, e:
                    # Catch struct unpack errors due to insufficient data length
                    raise envi.InvalidInstruction(bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff+16])

            if oper != None:
                # This is a filty hack for now...
                oper._dis_regctx = self._dis_regctx

            operoffset += osize
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def disasm(self, bytez, offset, va):
        # FIXME: for newer instructions, the VEX.W bit needs to be able to change the opcode. ugh.

        # Stuff for opcode parsing
        tabdesc = all_tables[
            TBL_Main]  # A tuple (optable, shiftbits, mask byte, sub, max)
        startoff = offset  # Use startoff as a size knob if needed

        # Stuff we'll be putting in the opcode object
        optype = None  # This gets set if we successfully decode below
        mnem = None
        operands = []

        prefixes = 0
        pho_prefixes = 0  # faux prefixes...don't immediately apply them, they may not be the prefixes we're looking for

        while True:

            obyte = ord(bytez[offset])

            # This line changes in 64 bit mode
            p = self._dis_prefixes[obyte]
            if p is None:

            # print("OBYTE",hex(obyte))
            if obyte in mandatory_prefixes:
                pho_prefixes |= p
                # ratchet through the tables

                tabidx = ((obyte - tabdesc[4]) >> tabdesc[2]) & tabdesc[3]
                # print("TABIDX: %d" % tabidx)
                opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]
                # print('OPDESC: %s -> %s' % (repr(opdesc), opcode86.tables_lookup.get(opdesc[0])))
                tabdesc = all_tables[opdesc[0]]
                prefixes |= p

            if p & PREFIX_VEX:
                if p == PREFIX_VEX2:
                    offset += 1
                    imm1 = ord(bytez[offset])
                    if imm1 & 0xc0 != 0xc0:  # shouldn't in 64-bit mode, but in 32-bit, this keeps LES from colliding
                    inv1 = imm1 ^ 0xff

                    vex_l = (0, PREFIX_VEX_L)[(imm1 & 4) >> 2]
                    vvvv = ((inv1 >> 3) & 0xf)
                    pp = imm1 & 3

                    prefixes |= (inv1 << 11) & PREFIX_REX_R  # R is inverted
                    prefixes |= vex_l
                    prefixes |= (vvvv << VEX_V_SHIFT)
                    combined_mand_prefixes = vex_pp_table[pp]

                elif p == PREFIX_VEX3:
                    imm1 = ord(bytez[offset + 1])
                    if imm1 & 0xc0 != 0xc0:  # shouldn't in 64-bit mode, but in 32-bit, this keeps LDS from colliding
                    offset += 2
                    imm2 = ord(bytez[offset])
                    inv1 = imm1 ^ 0xff
                    inv2 = imm2 ^ 0xff

                    vex_l = (0, PREFIX_VEX_L)[(imm2 & 4) >> 2]
                    vvvv = ((inv2 >> 3) & 0xf)
                    pp = imm2 & 3
                    m_mmmm = imm1 & 0x1f
                    # print("imms: %x %x \tl: %d\tvvvv: 0x%x\tpp: %d\tm_mmmm: 0x%x" % (imm1, imm2, vex_l, vvvv, pp, m_mmmm))
                    prefixes |= (
                        (inv1 << 11) & PREFIX_REX_RXB)  # RXB are inverted
                    prefixes |= (
                        (imm2 << 12) & PREFIX_REX_W)  # W is not inverted
                    prefixes |= vex_l
                    prefixes |= (vvvv << VEX_V_SHIFT)  # vvvv

                    combined_mand_prefixes = vex_pp_table[
                        pp] + vex3_mmmm_table[m_mmmm]

                # VEX prefixes default to 0F table, possibly F20F, F30F or 660F
                # VEX3 prefixes may also specify depths into 38 and 3A tables
                for tabidx in combined_mand_prefixes:
                    if tabidx is None:
                    # print("TABIDX: %d" % tabidx)
                    opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]
                    # print('OPDESC: %s -> %s' % (repr(opdesc), opcode86.tables_lookup.get(opdesc[0])))
                    tabdesc = all_tables[opdesc[0]]

            offset += 1

        if obyte != 0x0f:
            prefixes |= pho_prefixes

        while True:

            obyte = ord(bytez[offset])

            # print("OP-OBYTE", hex(obyte))
            if (obyte > tabdesc[5]):
                # print("Jumping To Overflow Table: %s" % hex(tabdesc[5]))
                tabdesc = all_tables[tabdesc[6]]

            tabidx = ((obyte - tabdesc[4]) >> tabdesc[2]) & tabdesc[3]
            # print("TABIDX: %s" % tabidx)
            opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]
            # print('OPDESC: %s -> %s' % (repr(opdesc), opcode86.tables_lookup.get(opdesc[0])))

            # Hunt down multi-byte opcodes
            nexttable = opdesc[0]
            # print("NEXT", nexttable, hex(obyte), opcode86.tables_lookup.get(nexttable))
            if nexttable != 0:  # If we have a sub-table specified, use it.
                # print("Multi-Byte Next Hop For (%s, %s)" % (hex(obyte), opdesc[0]))
                tabdesc = all_tables[nexttable]

                # Account for the table jump we made
                offset += 1


            # We are now on the final table...
            # print(repr(opdesc))
            tbl_opercnt = tabdesc[1]
            mnem = opdesc[3 + tbl_opercnt]
            optype = opdesc[1]
            if tabdesc[3] == 0xff:
                offset += 1  # For our final opcode byte

        if optype == 0:
            # print(tabidx)
            # print(opdesc)
            # print("OPTTYPE 0")
            raise envi.InvalidInstruction(bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff + 16],

        operoffset = 0
        # Begin parsing operands based off address method
        for i in range(operands_index, operands_index + tbl_opercnt):

            oper = None  # Set this if we end up with an operand
            osize = 0

            # Pull out the operand description from the table
            operflags = opdesc[i]
            opertype = operflags & opcode86.OPTYPE_MASK
            addrmeth = operflags & opcode86.ADDRMETH_MASK

            # If there are no more operands, break out of the loop!
            if operflags == 0:

            # print("ADDRTYPE: %.8x OPERTYPE: %.8x" % (addrmeth, opertype))

            # handles tsize calculations including new REX prefixes
            tsize = self._dis_calc_tsize(opertype, prefixes, operflags)

            # print(hex(opertype), hex(addrmeth), hex(tsize))

            # If addrmeth is zero, we have operands embedded in the opcode
            if addrmeth == 0:
                osize = 0
                oper = self.ameth_0(operflags, opdesc[2 + tbl_opercnt + i],
                                    tsize, prefixes)

                # print("ADDRTYPE", hex(addrmeth))
                ameth = self._dis_amethods[addrmeth >> 16]
                # print("AMETH", ameth)
                if ameth is None:
                    raise Exception("Implement Addressing Method 0x%.8x" %

                # NOTE: Depending on your addrmethod you may get beginning of operands, or offset
                    if addrmeth == opcode86.ADDRMETH_I or addrmeth == opcode86.ADDRMETH_J:
                        osize, oper = ameth(bytez, offset + operoffset, tsize,
                                            prefixes, operflags)

                        # If we are a sign extended immediate and not the same as the other operand,
                        # do the sign extension during disassembly so nothing else has to worry about it..
                        if len(operands) and tsize != operands[-1].tsize:
                            # Check if we are an explicitly signed operand *or* REX.W
                            if operflags & opcode86.OP_SIGNED or prefixes & PREFIX_REX_W:
                                otsize = operands[-1].tsize
                                oper.imm = e_bits.sign_extend(
                                    oper.imm, oper.tsize, otsize)
                                oper.tsize = otsize

                        osize, oper = ameth(bytez, offset, tsize, prefixes,

                except struct.error:
                    # Catch struct unpack errors due to insufficient data length
                    raise envi.InvalidInstruction(
                        bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff + 16])

            if oper is not None:
                # This is a filty hack for now...
                oper._dis_regctx = self._dis_regctx

            operoffset += osize

        # Pull in the envi generic instruction flags
        iflags = iflag_lookup.get(optype, 0) | self._dis_oparch

        if prefixes & ed_i386.PREFIX_REP_MASK:
            iflags |= envi.IF_REPEAT

        if priv_lookup.get(mnem, False):
            iflags |= envi.IF_PRIV

        # Lea will have a reg-mem/sib operand with _is_deref True, but should be false
        if optype == opcode86.INS_LEA:
            operands[1]._is_deref = False

        ret = Amd64Opcode(va, optype, mnem, prefixes,
                          (offset - startoff) + operoffset, operands, iflags)
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 35
    def disasm(self, bytez, offset, va):

        # Stuff for opcode parsing
        tabdesc = all_tables[0] # A tuple (optable, shiftbits, mask byte, sub, max)
        startoff = offset # Use startoff as a size knob if needed

        # Stuff we'll be putting in the opcode object
        optype = None # This gets set if we successfully decode below
        mnem = None 
        operands = []

        prefixes = 0

        while True:

            obyte = ord(bytez[offset])

            # This line changes in 64 bit mode
            p = self._dis_prefixes[obyte]
            if p == None:
            if obyte == 0x66 and ord(bytez[offset+1]) == 0x0f:
            prefixes |= p
            offset += 1

        #pdone = False
        while True:

            obyte = ord(bytez[offset])

            #print "OBYTE",hex(obyte)
            if (obyte > tabdesc[4]):
                #print "Jumping To Overflow Table:", tabdesc[5]
                tabdesc = all_tables[tabdesc[5]]

            tabidx = ((obyte - tabdesc[3]) >> tabdesc[1]) & tabdesc[2]
            #print "TABIDX: %d" % tabidx
            opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]
            #print 'OPDESC: %s' % repr(opdesc)

            # Hunt down multi-byte opcodes
            nexttable = opdesc[0]
            #print "NEXT",nexttable,hex(obyte)
            if nexttable != 0: # If we have a sub-table specified, use it.
                #print "Multi-Byte Next Hop For",hex(obyte),opdesc[0]
                tabdesc = all_tables[nexttable]

                # In the case of 66 0f, the next table is *already* assuming we ate
                # the 66 *and* the 0f...  oblidge them.
                if obyte == 0x66 and ord(bytez[offset+1]) == 0x0f:
                    offset += 1

                # Account for the table jump we made
                offset += 1


            # We are now on the final table...
            #print repr(opdesc)
            mnem = opdesc[6]
            optype = opdesc[1]
            if tabdesc[2] == 0xff:
                offset += 1 # For our final opcode byte

        if optype == 0:
            #print tabidx
            #print opdesc
            #print "OPTTYPE 0"
            raise envi.InvalidInstruction(bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff+16], va=va)

        operoffset = 0
        # Begin parsing operands based off address method
        for i in operand_range:

            oper = None # Set this if we end up with an operand
            osize = 0

            # Pull out the operand description from the table
            operflags = opdesc[i]
            opertype = operflags & opcode86.OPTYPE_MASK
            addrmeth = operflags & opcode86.ADDRMETH_MASK

            # If there are no more operands, break out of the loop!
            if operflags == 0:

            #print "ADDRTYPE: %.8x OPERTYPE: %.8x" % (addrmeth, opertype)

            tsize = self._dis_calc_tsize(opertype, prefixes, operflags)

            #print hex(opertype),hex(addrmeth), hex(tsize)

            # If addrmeth is zero, we have operands embedded in the opcode
            if addrmeth == 0:
                osize = 0
                oper = self.ameth_0(operflags, opdesc[5+i], tsize, prefixes)

                #print "ADDRTYPE",hex(addrmeth)
                ameth = self._dis_amethods[addrmeth >> 16]
                #print "AMETH",ameth
                if ameth == None:
                    raise Exception("Implement Addressing Method 0x%.8x" % addrmeth)

                # NOTE: Depending on your addrmethod you may get beginning of operands, or offset
                    if addrmeth == opcode86.ADDRMETH_I or addrmeth == opcode86.ADDRMETH_J:
                        osize, oper = ameth(bytez, offset+operoffset, tsize, prefixes, operflags)

                        # If we are a sign extended immediate and not the same as the other operand,
                        # do the sign extension during disassembly so nothing else has to worry about it..
                        if operflags & opcode86.OP_SIGNED and len(operands) and tsize != operands[-1].tsize:
                            otsize = operands[-1].tsize
                            oper.imm = e_bits.sign_extend(oper.imm, oper.tsize, otsize)
                            oper.tsize = otsize

                        osize, oper = ameth(bytez, offset, tsize, prefixes, operflags)

                except struct.error, e:
                    # Catch struct unpack errors due to insufficient data length
                    raise envi.InvalidInstruction(bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff+16])

            if oper != None:
                # This is a filty hack for now...
                oper._dis_regctx = self._dis_regctx

            operoffset += osize
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def disasm(self, bytez, offset, va):
        The main amd64 decoder function. The inital steps it takes are determining what
        potential prefixes are attached to the instruction. By "potential", we mean that at
        this stage we don't know if thigs like 66, F2, F3 are being used as normal prefixes
        (representing things like a rep prefix) or if they're being used as mandatory prefixes
        that completely change with instruction we're decoding. All potential prefixes are stored
        in the pho_prefixes variable.

        To that end, there's some tap dancing we need to do to deal with what the intel manual
        refers to as "mandatory prefixes". If we hit a main opcode byte of 0F and we know we have a
        potentially mandatory prefix (and we're not in VEX land), we treat the byte right before the 0F
        as the only potential mandatory prefix (as laid out in the intel manual). Then we basically brute
        force the decoding since we really only have two paths to try. One where the mandatory prefix is
        merely a normal prefix (and doesn't affect which set of tables we traverse down) and one where
        the mandatory prefix does affect what tables we rachet through (and thus directly changes which
        instruction we're looking at). For each case, we append all the relevant output to a list (should
        the decoding produce a meaningful output).

        If we end up producing no instruction definitions from our brute force loop, we've hit an invalid
        sequence of instruction bytes and we throw an exception.

        If only one path produce output, then that's our results and we proceed on to use the instruction
        definition to determine what addressing methods and size types to use when determining operands.

        If both paths produce a valid instruction definition, then the path that uses the mandatory prefix
        to directly change the instruction takes precedence over the path where it's just a normal prefix.

        In both the one and two results case, outside of our instruction decoding loop, we've kept a list of
        the possible decodings we could have hit, and just merely pop off the end of the list (so order
        matters when building the ppref variable).
        # FIXME: for newer instructions, the VEX.W bit needs to be able to change the opcode. ugh.
        # FIXME: And also REX.W

        # Stuff for opcode parsing
        tabdesc = all_tables[
            TBL_Main]  # A tuple (optable, shiftbits, mask byte, sub, max)
        startoff = offset  # Use startoff as a size knob if needed
        isvex = False
        vexw = None
        last_pref = 0
        ppref = [(None, None)]

        # Stuff we'll be putting in the opcode object
        optype = None  # This gets set if we successfully decode below
        mnem = None
        operands = []

        prefixes = 0
        pho_prefixes = 0  # faux prefixes...don't immediately apply them, they may not be the prefixes we're looking for

        while True:

            obyte = ord(bytez[offset])

            # This line changes in 64 bit mode
            p = self._dis_prefixes[obyte]
            if p is None:

            if MANDATORY_PREFIXES[obyte]:
                pho_prefixes |= p
                last_pref = obyte
                prefixes |= p

            if p & PREFIX_VEX:
                isvex = True
                if p == PREFIX_VEX2:
                    offset += 1
                    imm1 = ord(bytez[offset])
                    # shouldn't in 64-bit mode, but in 32-bit, this keeps LES from colliding
                    # TODO: So we're always in 64 bit here. This will need to be here once we unify 32/64 decoding
                    #if imm1 & 0xc0 != 0xc0:
                    inv1 = imm1 ^ 0xff

                    vex_l = (0, PREFIX_VEX_L)[(imm1 & 4) >> 2]
                    vvvv = ((inv1 >> 3) & 0xf)
                    pp = imm1 & 3

                    prefixes |= (inv1 << 11) & PREFIX_REX_R  # R is inverted
                    prefixes |= vex_l
                    prefixes |= (vvvv << VEX_V_SHIFT)
                    combined_mand_prefixes = vex_pp_table[pp]

                elif p == PREFIX_VEX3:
                    imm1 = ord(bytez[offset + 1])
                    offset += 2
                    # TODO: So we're always in 64 bit here. This will need to be here once we unify 32/64 decoding
                    #if imm1 & 0xc0 != 0xc0:
                    imm2 = ord(bytez[offset])
                    inv1 = imm1 ^ 0xff
                    inv2 = imm2 ^ 0xff

                    vex_l = (0, PREFIX_VEX_L)[(imm2 & 4) >> 2]
                    vvvv = ((inv2 >> 3) & 0xf)
                    pp = imm2 & 3
                    m_mmmm = imm1 & 0x1f
                    prefixes |= (
                        (inv1 << 11) & PREFIX_REX_RXB)  # RXB are inverted
                    vexw = ((imm2 << 12) & PREFIX_REX_W)  # W is not inverted
                    prefixes |= vexw
                    prefixes |= vex_l
                    prefixes |= (vvvv << VEX_V_SHIFT)  # vvvv

                    combined_mand_prefixes = vex_pp_table[
                        pp] + vex3_mmmm_table[m_mmmm]

                # VEX prefixes default to 0F table, possibly F20F, F30F or 660F
                # VEX3 prefixes may also specify depths into 38 and 3A tables
                for tabidx in combined_mand_prefixes:
                    if tabidx is None:
                    opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]
                    tabdesc = all_tables[opdesc[0]]
                # So VEX and mandatory prefixes don't really intermingle
                offset += 1

            offset += 1

        if obyte != 0x0f:
            prefixes |= pho_prefixes

        # intel manual says VEX and legacy prefixes don't intermingle
        if obyte == 0x0f and MANDATORY_PREFIXES[last_pref] and not isvex:
            obyte = last_pref
            ppref.append((last_pref, amd64_prefixes[last_pref]))

        decodings = []
        mainbyte = offset
        all_prefixes = prefixes

        ogtabdesc = tabdesc
        # onehot in this case refers to the their prefixes that are defined in i386/ where only
        # on bit of the entire integer is set. We use that to quickly pop things in and out of the prefixes
        # list
        for pref, onehot in ppref:
            tabdesc = ogtabdesc
            offset = mainbyte
            if pref is not None:
                # our mandatory prefix is not none, which means that we have to jump through the tables
                # using the mandatory prefix byte as our "main byte"
                # As a bit of a hack, the 66/F2/F3 entries in the main table
                # directly point to the 660F/F20F/F30F tables since we're carefully tap dancing around
                # what our opcode byte really is
                obyte = pref
                # since we're treating this prefix as mandatory and not as REPNZ/REPZ/etc, we need to rip
                # it out of the pho_prefixes before we combine pho_prefixes with the main prefixes container
                all_prefixes = prefixes | (pho_prefixes & (~onehot))
                # treat nothing as a mandatory prefix (or we defaulted into here if we got no mandatory
                # prefixes). For most instructions this will be the normal case.
                obyte = ord(bytez[offset])
                all_prefixes = prefixes | pho_prefixes

            while True:
                if (obyte > tabdesc[5]):
                    tabdesc = all_tables[tabdesc[6]]

                tabidx = ((obyte - tabdesc[4]) >> tabdesc[2]) & tabdesc[3]
                opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]

                # Hunt down multi-byte opcodes
                nexttable = opdesc[0]
                if nexttable != 0:  # If we have a sub-table specified, use it.
                    tabdesc = all_tables[nexttable]

                    # Account for the table jump we made
                    offset += 1
                    obyte = ord(bytez[offset])

                # We are now on the final table...
                tbl_opercnt = tabdesc[1]
                mnem = opdesc[3 + tbl_opercnt]
                optype = opdesc[1]
                if tabdesc[3] == 0xff:
                    offset += 1  # For our final opcode byte

            if optype & INS_VEXREQ and not isvex:

            if optype != 0:
                decodings.append((tabdesc, opdesc, offset, all_prefixes))

        if not len(decodings):
            raise envi.InvalidInstruction(bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff + 16],

        tabdesc, opdesc, offset, prefixes = decodings.pop()
        optype = opdesc[1]
        tbl_opercnt = tabdesc[1]
        mnem = opdesc[3 + tbl_opercnt]

        if optype == 0:
            raise envi.InvalidInstruction(bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff + 16],

        operoffset = 0
        # Begin parsing operands based off address method
        for i in range(operands_index, operands_index + tbl_opercnt):

            oper = None  # Set this if we end up with an operand
            osize = 0

            # Pull out the operand description from the table
            operflags = opdesc[i]
            opertype = operflags & opcode86.OPTYPE_MASK
            addrmeth = operflags & opcode86.ADDRMETH_MASK

            # If there are no more operands, break out of the loop!
            if operflags == 0:

            # handles tsize calculations including new REX prefixes
            tsize = self._dis_calc_tsize(opertype, prefixes, operflags)

            # If addrmeth is zero, we have operands embedded in the opcode
            if addrmeth == 0:
                osize = 0
                oper = self.ameth_0(operflags, opdesc[2 + tbl_opercnt + i],
                                    tsize, prefixes)

                # So the 0x7f is here to help us deal with an issue between VEX and non-VEX
                # A super common patter in vex is to add an operand somewhere in the middle of the
                # existing operands. So if we have like cmpps xmm2, 17 in non-VEX, the vex version
                # will look like vsprlw xmm3, xmm4, 17.
                # The fun bit of this is that the vex only portions aren't exclusive to the VEX-only
                # addressing methods, so we can have ADDRMETH_V be skipped outside of VEX mode too, and not
                # just things like ADDRMETH_H. Hence, we need a new flag that I stash in the upper bits of
                # instruction operand definition so we can know when to skip operands
                ameth = self._dis_amethods[(addrmeth >> 16) & 0x7F]
                vex_skip = addrmeth & opcode86.ADDRMETH_VEXSKIP
                if not isvex and vex_skip:

                if ameth is None:
                    raise Exception("Implement Addressing Method 0x%.8x" %

                # NOTE: Depending on your addrmethod you may get beginning of operands, or offset
                    if addrmeth in IMM_REQOFFS:
                        osize, oper = ameth(bytez, offset + operoffset, tsize,
                                            prefixes, operflags)

                        # If we are a sign extended immediate and not the same as the other operand,
                        # do the sign extension during disassembly so nothing else has to worry about it..
                        if operflags & opcode86.OP_SIGNED:
                            if len(operands) and tsize != operands[-1].tsize:
                                otsize = operands[-1].tsize
                                oper.imm = e_bits.sign_extend(
                                    oper.imm, oper.tsize, otsize)
                                oper.tsize = otsize
                            elif not len(operands):
                                oper.imm = e_bits.sign_extend(
                                    oper.imm, oper.tsize,
                                oper.tsize = self._dis_default_size

                        # see same code section in i386 for this rationale
                        osize, oper = ameth(bytez, offset, tsize, prefixes,
                        if getattr(oper, "_is_deref", False):
                            memsz = OP_EXTRA_MEMSIZES[(operflags & OP_MEMMASK)
                                                      >> 4]
                            if memsz is not None:
                                oper.tsize = memsz

                except struct.error:
                    # Catch struct unpack errors due to insufficient data length
                    raise envi.InvalidInstruction(
                        bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff + 16])

            if oper is not None:
                # This is a filty hack for now...
                oper._dis_regctx = self._dis_regctx

            operoffset += osize

        typemask = optype & 0xFFFF
        # Pull in the envi generic instruction flags
        iflags = iflag_lookup.get(typemask, 0) | self._dis_oparch

        if prefixes & PREFIX_REP_MASK:
            iflags |= envi.IF_REPEAT

        if priv_lookup.get(mnem, False):
            iflags |= envi.IF_PRIV

        # Lea will have a reg-mem/sib operand with _is_deref True, but should be false
        if typemask == opcode86.INS_LEA:
            operands[1]._is_deref = False

        ret = Amd64Opcode(va, optype, mnem, prefixes,
                          (offset - startoff) + operoffset, operands, iflags)
        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def _solve(self, emu=None, vals=None):
     symval =[0].solve(emu=emu, vals=vals)
     cursz =[0].getWidth()
     tgtsz =[1].solve(emu=emu, vals=vals)
     return e_bits.sign_extend(symval, cursz, tgtsz)
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def _solve(self, emu=None, vals=None):
     symval =[0].solve(emu=emu,vals=vals)
     cursz  =[0].getWidth()
     tgtsz  =[1].solve(emu=emu,vals=vals)
     return e_bits.sign_extend(symval, cursz, tgtsz)
Ejemplo n.º 39
Archivo: Proyecto: Anstep/pyew
 def i_movsx(self, op):
     osize = op.opers[1].tsize
     nsize = op.opers[0].tsize
     val = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
     val = e_bits.sign_extend(val, osize, nsize)
     self.setOperValue(op, 0, val)
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def i_cwde(self, op):
     # FIXME "cbw" 16 bit mode
     ax = self.getRegister(REG_AX)
     eax = e_bits.sign_extend(ax, 2, 4)
     self.setRegister(REG_EAX, eax)
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def i_movsx(self, op):
     osize = op.opers[1].tsize
     nsize = op.opers[0].tsize
     val = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
     val = e_bits.sign_extend(val, osize, nsize)
     self.setOperValue(op, 0, val)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def i_movsxd(self, op):
     val = self.getOperValue(op, 1)
     val = e_bits.sign_extend(val, 4, 8)
     self.setOperValue(op, 0, val)
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def i_cwde(self, op):
     # FIXME "cbw" 16 bit mode
     ax = self.getRegister(REG_AX)
     eax = e_bits.sign_extend(ax,2,4)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def disasm(self, bytez, offset, va):
        # Stuff for opcode parsing
        tabdesc = all_tables[
            0]  # A tuple (optable, shiftbits, mask byte, sub, max)
        startoff = offset  # Use startoff as a size knob if needed

        # Stuff we'll be putting in the opcode object
        optype = None  # This gets set if we successfully decode below
        mnem = None
        operands = []

        all_prefixes = 0
        prefix_len = 0
        last_pref = 0

        while True:

            obyte = ord(bytez[offset])
            # print("PREFIXBYTE: 0x%x" % obyte)

            # This line changes in 64 bit mode
            p = self._dis_prefixes[obyte]
            if p is None:
            all_prefixes |= p
            last_pref = obyte
            offset += 1

        # At this point we should have all the possible prefixes, but some may be mandatory ones that we
        # need to not use as display prefixes and use as jumps in the table instead.
        # So we're going to lie to the rest of the code in order to use them as we want
        obyte = ord(bytez[offset])
        ppref = [(None, None)]
        # print("PREFXIES: 0x%x" % all_prefixes)
        if obyte == 0x0f and MANDATORY_PREFIXES[last_pref]:
            obyte = last_pref
            ppref.append((last_pref, i386_prefixes[last_pref]))
        # print("POSTFIXES: 0x%x" % all_prefixes)

        #pdone = False
        decodings = []
        mainbyte = offset
        prefixes = all_prefixes

        # as noted above, since we can have prefixes that may or may not be mandatory,
        # we roll through those and pop off the last one, since there's two cases we have
        # to deal with: a normal prefix that just modifies the opers, and a mandatory prefix
        # that modifies the instruction semantics entirely. Either way, the mandatory prefix
        # takes precedence and whichever one wins will be at the end of the list <decodings>
        for pref, onehot in ppref:
            if pref is not None:
                obyte = pref
                offset = mainbyte
                prefixes = all_prefixes & (~onehot)
                offset = mainbyte
                obyte = ord(bytez[offset])

            tabdesc = all_tables[0]
            while True:
                # print("OBYTE", hex(obyte))
                if (obyte > tabdesc[4]):
                    # print("Jumping To Overflow Table: %s" % repr(tabdesc[5]))
                    tabdesc = all_tables[tabdesc[5]]

                tabidx = ((obyte - tabdesc[3]) >> tabdesc[1]) & tabdesc[2]
                # print("TABIDX: %d" % tabidx)
                if tabidx > len(tabdesc[0]):
                    # print("Jumped off end of table. Continuing on")
                opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]
                # print('OPDESC: %s' % repr(opdesc))

                # Hunt down multi-byte opcodes
                nexttable = opdesc[0]
                # print("NEXT", nexttable, hex(obyte))
                if nexttable != 0:  # If we have a sub-table specified, use it.
                    # print("Multi-Byte Next Hop For %s: %s" % (hex(obyte), repr(opdesc[0])))
                    # print("Jumping to table %d" % nexttable)
                    tabdesc = all_tables[nexttable]

                    offset += 1
                    obyte = ord(bytez[offset])


                # We are now on the final table...
                # print(repr(opdesc))
                mnem = opdesc[6]
                optype = opdesc[1]
                if tabdesc[2] == 0xff:
                    offset += 1  # For our final opcode byte
            if optype != 0:
                decodings.append((opdesc, offset, prefixes))

        if not len(decodings):
            raise envi.InvalidInstruction(bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff + 16],

        opdesc, offset, all_prefixes = decodings.pop()
        optype = opdesc[1]
        mnem = opdesc[6]

        if optype == 0:
            raise envi.InvalidInstruction(bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff + 16],

        operoffset = 0
        # Begin parsing operands based off address method
        for i in operand_range:

            oper = None  # Set this if we end up with an operand
            osize = 0

            # Pull out the operand description from the table
            operflags = opdesc[i]
            opertype = operflags & opcode86.OPTYPE_MASK
            addrmeth = operflags & opcode86.ADDRMETH_MASK

            # If there are no more operands, break out of the loop!
            if operflags == 0:

            # print("ADDRTYPE: %.8x OPERTYPE: %.8x" % (addrmeth, opertype))
            # print("ALLPREFIXES 0x%x" % (all_prefixes))
            tsize = self._dis_calc_tsize(opertype, all_prefixes, operflags)

            # print(hex(opertype), hex(addrmeth), hex(tsize))

            # If addrmeth is zero,we have operands embedded in the opcode
            if addrmeth == 0:
                osize = 0
                oper = self.ameth_0(operflags, opdesc[5 + i], tsize,
                # print("ADDRTYPE", hex(addrmeth))
                ameth = self._dis_amethods[addrmeth >> 16]
                # print("AMETH", ameth)
                if ameth is None:
                    raise Exception("Implement Addressing Method 0x%.8x" %

                # NOTE: Depending on your addrmethod you may get beginning of operands, or offset
                    if addrmeth == opcode86.ADDRMETH_I or addrmeth == opcode86.ADDRMETH_J:
                        osize, oper = ameth(bytez, offset + operoffset, tsize,
                                            all_prefixes, operflags)

                        # If we are a sign extended immediate and not the same as the other operand,
                        # do the sign extension during disassembly so nothing else has to worry about it..
                        if operflags & opcode86.OP_SIGNED and len(
                                operands) and tsize != operands[-1].tsize:
                            otsize = operands[-1].tsize
                            oper.imm = e_bits.sign_extend(
                                oper.imm, oper.tsize, otsize)
                            oper.tsize = otsize

                        osize, oper = ameth(bytez, offset, tsize, all_prefixes,
                        # so in the opcode maps intel directly mentions that some opcodes are
                        # ADDRMETH_W but if the operand is a memory ref, it's always of a specific
                        # size, with no rhyme or reason as to which it is. So we directly embed
                        # that knowledge into the opcodes mappings we maintain and pluck it out
                        # here.
                        if getattr(oper, "_is_deref", False):
                            memsz = OP_EXTRA_MEMSIZES[(operflags & OP_MEMMASK)
                                                      >> 4]
                            if memsz is not None:
                                oper.tsize = memsz

                except struct.error as e:
                    # Catch struct unpack errors due to insufficient data length
                    raise envi.InvalidInstruction(
                        bytez=bytez[startoff:startoff + 16])

            if oper is not None:
                # This is a filty hack for now...
                oper._dis_regctx = self._dis_regctx

            operoffset += osize

        # Pull in the envi generic instruction flags
        iflags = iflag_lookup.get(optype & 0xFFFF, 0) | self._dis_oparch

        if all_prefixes & PREFIX_REP_MASK:
            iflags |= envi.IF_REPEAT

        if priv_lookup.get(mnem, False):
            iflags |= envi.IF_PRIV

        # Lea will have a reg-mem/sib operand with _is_deref True, but should be false
        if optype == opcode86.INS_LEA:
            operands[1]._is_deref = False

        ret = i386Opcode(va, optype, mnem, all_prefixes,
                         (offset - startoff) + operoffset, operands, iflags)

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def i_push(self, op):
     val = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
     if isinstance(op.opers[0], i386ImmOper):
         val = e_bits.sign_extend(val, op.opers[0].tsize, 4)  #FIXME 64bit
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def disasm(self, bytes, offset, va):

        # Stuff for opcode parsing
        tabdesc = all_tables[
            0]  # A tuple (optable, shiftbits, mask byte, sub, max)
        startoff = offset  # Use startoff as a size knob if needed

        # Stuff we'll be putting in the opcode object
        optype = None  # This gets set if we successfully decode below
        mnem = None
        operands = []

        prefixes = 0

        while True:

            obyte = ord(bytes[offset])

            # This line changes in 64 bit mode
            p = self._dis_prefixes[obyte]
            if p == None:
            if obyte == 0x66 and ord(bytes[offset + 1]) == 0x0f:
            prefixes |= p
            offset += 1

        #pdone = False
        while True:

            obyte = ord(bytes[offset])

            #print "OBYTE",hex(obyte)
            if (obyte > tabdesc[4]):
                #print "Jumping To Overflow Table:", tabdesc[5]
                tabdesc = all_tables[tabdesc[5]]

            tabidx = ((obyte - tabdesc[3]) >> tabdesc[1]) & tabdesc[2]
            #print "TABIDX: %d" % tabidx
            opdesc = tabdesc[0][tabidx]
            #print 'OPDESC: %s' % repr(opdesc)

            # Hunt down multi-byte opcodes
            nexttable = opdesc[0]
            #print "NEXT",nexttable,hex(obyte)
            if nexttable != 0:  # If we have a sub-table specified, use it.
                #print "Multi-Byte Next Hop For",hex(obyte),opdesc[0]
                tabdesc = all_tables[nexttable]

                # In the case of 66 0f, the next table is *already* assuming we ate
                # the 66 *and* the 0f...  oblidge them.
                if obyte == 0x66 and ord(bytes[offset + 1]) == 0x0f:
                    offset += 1

                # Account for the table jump we made
                offset += 1


            # We are now on the final table...
            #print repr(opdesc)
            mnem = opdesc[6]
            optype = opdesc[1]
            if tabdesc[2] == 0xff:
                offset += 1  # For our final opcode byte

        if optype == 0:
            #print tabidx
            #print opdesc
            #print "OPTTYPE 0"
            raise envi.InvalidInstruction(bytes=bytes[startoff:startoff + 16])

        operoffset = 0
        # Begin parsing operands based off address method
        for i in operand_range:

            oper = None  # Set this if we end up with an operand
            osize = 0

            # Pull out the operand description from the table
            operflags = opdesc[i]
            opertype = operflags & opcode86.OPTYPE_MASK
            addrmeth = operflags & opcode86.ADDRMETH_MASK

            # If there are no more operands, break out of the loop!
            if operflags == 0:

            #print "ADDRTYPE: %.8x OPERTYPE: %.8x" % (addrmeth, opertype)

            tsize = self._dis_calc_tsize(opertype, prefixes)

            #print hex(opertype),hex(addrmeth)

            # If addrmeth is zero, we have operands embedded in the opcode
            if addrmeth == 0:
                osize = 0
                oper = self.ameth_0(operflags, opdesc[5 + i], tsize, prefixes)

                #print "ADDRTYPE",hex(addrmeth)
                ameth = self._dis_amethods[addrmeth >> 16]
                #print "AMETH",ameth
                if ameth == None:
                    raise Exception("Implement Addressing Method 0x%.8x" %

                # NOTE: Depending on your addrmethod you may get beginning of operands, or offset
                    if addrmeth == opcode86.ADDRMETH_I or addrmeth == opcode86.ADDRMETH_J:
                        osize, oper = ameth(bytes, offset + operoffset, tsize,

                        # If we are a sign extended immediate and not the same as the other operand,
                        # do the sign extension during disassembly so nothing else has to worry about it..
                        if operflags & opcode86.OP_SIGNED and len(
                                operands) and tsize != operands[-1].tsize:
                            otsize = operands[-1].tsize
                            oper.imm = e_bits.sign_extend(
                                oper.imm, oper.tsize, otsize)
                            oper.tsize = otsize

                        osize, oper = ameth(bytes, offset, tsize, prefixes)

                except struct.error:
                    # Catch struct unpack errors due to insufficient data length
                    raise envi.InvalidInstruction(
                        bytes=bytes[startoff:startoff + 16])

            if oper != None:
                # This is a filty hack for now...
                oper._dis_regctx = self._dis_regctx
            operoffset += osize

        # Pull in the envi generic instruction flags
        iflags = iflag_lookup.get(optype, 0)

        if priv_lookup.get(mnem, False):
            iflags |= envi.IF_PRIV

        # Lea will have a reg-mem/sib operand with _is_deref True, but should be false
        if optype == opcode86.INS_LEA:
            operands[1]._is_deref = False

        ret = i386Opcode(va, optype, mnem, prefixes,
                         (offset - startoff) + operoffset, operands, iflags)

        return ret
Ejemplo n.º 47
Archivo: Proyecto: Anstep/pyew
 def i_push(self, op):
     val = self.getOperValue(op, 0)
     if isinstance(op.opers[0], i386ImmOper):
         val = e_bits.sign_extend(val, op.opers[0].tsize, 4) #FIXME 64bit