def ManualExclude ( mb ): global_ns = mb.global_ns if MAIN_NAMESPACE: main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) else: main_ns = global_ns excludes=["::OIS::JoyStickState::mVectors"] for e in excludes: main_ns.variable(e).exclude() if environment.isMac(): print dir ( main_ns.class_('::OIS::JoyStick')) for c in main_ns.classes(): if not c.exportable: print "Excluding Class", c ### c.exclude() # if c.access_type != 'public': # c.exclude() # if 'JoyStick' in # print "excluding:", c # c.exclude()# for c in main_ns.member_functions(): if not c.exportable or c.access_type == 'private': print "Excuding func", c ### c.exclude() ## if 'JoyStick' in # print "excluding:", c # c.exclude() for c in main_ns.variables(): if c.access_type != 'public': print "Excluding var:", c
def generate_ogrenewt(): xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.ogrenewt.root_dir, "python_ogrenewt.h" ) , environment.ogrenewt.cache_file ) defined_symbols = [ 'OGRE_NONCLIENT_BUILD','__PYTHONOGRE_BUILD_CODE', 'ogrenewt_NONCLIENT_BUILD','OIS_NONCLIENT_BUILD' ] #, 'OIS_STATIC_BUILD' ] defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.ogrenewt.version ) if environment._USE_THREADS: defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_THREADS') defined_symbols.append('BOOST_HAS_WINTHREADS') if environment.isLinux(): defined_symbols.append('BOOST_IS_ENUM') mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.ogrenewt.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols , cflags=environment.ogrenewt.cflags , indexing_suite_version=2 ) ## This module depends on Ogre mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir ) filter_declarations (mb) # # fix shared Ptr's that are defined as references but NOT const... # find_nonconst ( mb.namespace( 'Ogre' ) ) mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # set_call_policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ('OgreNewt') ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables # add_transformations ( mb ) # # now add properties # for cls in mb.namespace ('OgreNewt').classes(): cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) common_utils.add_LeadingLowerProperties ( cls ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ogrenewt ) # create the doc extractor we'll be using extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("") # #Creating the actual code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ogrenewt_', doc_extractor= extractor) for incs in environment.ogrenewt.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( incs ) mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files(environment.ogrenewt.version) ) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes(environment.ogrenewt.version) ) mb.split_module(environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, huge_classes) # return_pointee_value_source_path \ # = os.path.join( environment.pyplusplus_install_dir # , 'pyplusplus_dev' # , 'pyplusplus' # , 'code_repository' ) # ## , 'return_pointee_value.hpp' ) ## Removed AJM 1/1/07 # return_pointee_value_target_path \ # = os.path.join( environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, 'return_pointee_value.hpp' ) # if not os.path.exists( return_pointee_value_target_path ): # shutil.copy( return_pointee_value_source_path, environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir ) if environment.isMac(): ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are ## copied to the generated directory.. basePath = os.path.join(environment.Config.PATH_OgreAddons,'ogrenewt', 'OgreNewt_Main') common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'inc'), destPath = environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, recursive= False, extensions = ['h'] ) common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'src'), destPath = environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, recursive= False, collapse = True, # put all the source in a single directory extensions = ['cpp'] )
def spawnTask ( task, cwdin = '', getoutput=None ): """Execute a command line task and manage the return code etc """ global ENV_SET PREFIX = environment.PREFIX PATH = os.environ["PATH"] env = os.environ env["USESYSTEM"] = str(environment.UseSystem) if not ENV_SET: # this actually changes the environment so we shouldn't do it more than once env["PKG_CONFIG_PATH"]=os.path.join(PREFIX,"lib/pkgconfig") env["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]=os.path.join(PREFIX,"lib") if environment.isMac(): env["CFLAGS"]="-I"+PREFIX+"/include -L"+PREFIX+"/lib" env["CXXFLAGS"]="-I"+PREFIX+"/include -L"+PREFIX+"/lib" ##env["LDFLAGS"]="-Wl,-rpath='\$\$ORIGIN/../../lib' -Wl,-rpath='\$\$ORIGIN' -Wl,-z,origin" ### Mac GCC 4.0.1 doesn't support rpath env["PYTHONPATH"]=PREFIX+"/lib/python"+environment.PythonVersionString+"/site-packages" env["CCFLAGS"]=" "+env["CFLAGS"] else: for FLAGS in "CFLAGS", "CXXFLAGS", "CCFLAGS", "LDFLAGS": if not FLAGS in env: env[FLAGS] = "" if environment.isWindows(): env["CFLAGS"]+=" "+"-I"+os.path.join(PREFIX,"include") else: env["CFLAGS"]+=" "+"-I"+os.path.join(PREFIX,"include")+ " -L"+os.path.join(PREFIX,"lib") if environment.is64(): env["CFLAGS"]+=" -L"+os.path.join(PREFIX,"lib64") if hasattr(environment, 'cxx_compiler'): env['CXX'] = environment.cxx_compiler # We need to tell gccxml about this change if not hasattr(environment, 'gccxml_compiler'): env['GCCXML_COMPILER'] = environment.cxx_compiler if hasattr(environment, 'cc_compiler'): env['CC'] = environment.cc_compiler if hasattr(environment, 'gccxml_compiler'): _env['GCCXML_COMPILER'] = environment.cxx_compiler env["CXXFLAGS"]+=" "+env["CFLAGS"] env["CCFLAGS"]+=" "+env["CFLAGS"] env["LDFLAGS"]+="-Wl,-rpath='$$ORIGIN/../../lib' -Wl,-rpath='$$ORIGIN' -Wl,-z,origin" env["PYTHONPATH"]=PREFIX+"/lib/python"+environment.PythonVersionString+"/site-packages" if environment.is64(): env["PYTHONPATH"]=env["PYTHONPATH"]+":"+PREFIX+"/lib64/python"+environment.PythonVersionString+"/site-packages" env["ZZIPLIB_LIBS"]="-lzzip" if environment.isWindows(): ## Make sure the right python interpreter is in the path so scons gets called correctly... PATH_Python = os.path.dirname( sys.executable ) env["PATH"]=PATH_Python+';'+PREFIX+"\\bin;" + PATH else: env["PATH"]=PREFIX+"/bin:" + PATH ENV_SET=True logger.debug ( "Spawning '%s' in '%s'" % (task,cwdin) ) if VERBOSE: out, err = "", "" process = subprocess.Popen (task, shell=True, cwd = cwdin, env=env) returncode = process.wait() else: process = subprocess.Popen (task, shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd = cwdin, env=env) try: out,err = process.communicate() returncode = process.returncode except: returncode = -1 if getoutput is not None: if returncode != -1: getoutput.write(out) getoutput.write(err) if returncode != 0: logger.warning ( "Task Failed" ) logger.debug ( out ) logger.debug ( err ) elif FULL_LOGGING: logger.warning ( "Full Logging ON" ) logger.debug ( out ) logger.debug ( err ) if returncode != 0 and FAILHARD: exit(" The following command failed %s" % task) return returncode
def generate_code(): messages.disable( # Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X messages.W1020 , messages.W1021 , messages.W1022 , messages.W1023 , messages.W1024 , messages.W1025 , messages.W1026 , messages.W1027 , messages.W1028 , messages.W1029 , messages.W1030 , messages.W1031 , messages.W1035 , messages.W1040 , messages.W1038 , messages.W1041 # , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member # , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables # , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes # , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable # , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator ) # # Use GCCXML to create the controlling XML file. # If the cache file (../cache/*.xml) doesn't exist it gets created, otherwise it just gets loaded # NOTE: If you update the source library code you need to manually delete the cache .XML file # xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc( os.path.join( environment.ois.root_dir, "python_ois.h" ) , environment.ois.cache_file ) defined_symbols = ['OIS_NONCLIENT_BUILD' ] defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.ois.version ) if environment.isMac(): defined_symbols.append ('OIS_APPLE_PLATFORM') # # build the core Py++ system from the GCCXML created source # mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ] , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin , working_directory=environment.root_dir , include_paths=environment.ois.include_dirs , define_symbols=defined_symbols , indexing_suite_version=2 , cflags=environment.ois.cflags ) # if this module depends on another set it here mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir ) # normally implicit conversions work OK, however they can cause strange things to happen so safer to leave off mb.constructors().allow_implicit_conversion = False mb.BOOST_PYTHON_MAX_ARITY = 25 mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True # # We filter (both include and exclude) specific classes and functions that we want to wrap # global_ns = mb.global_ns global_ns.exclude() main_ns = global_ns.namespace( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) main_ns.include() common_utils.AutoExclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualExclude ( mb ) common_utils.AutoInclude ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualInclude ( mb ) # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables ManualTransformations ( mb ) AutoFixes ( mb, MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ManualFixes ( mb ) common_utils.Auto_Functional_Transformation ( main_ns ) # # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions # common_utils.Set_DefaultCall_Policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ( MAIN_NAMESPACE ) ) # # the manual stuff all done here !!! # hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb ) NoPropClasses = [""] for cls in main_ns.classes(): if not in NoPropClasses: cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() ) ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ois ) ########################################################################################## # # Creating the code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations. # ########################################################################################## extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor() # I'm excluding the UTFstring docs as lots about nothing mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ois_' , doc_extractor= extractor ) for inc in environment.ois.include_dirs: mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc ) mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.ois.generated_dir ) # # # mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.ois.version ) ) ## we need to remove the previous one lastc = mb.code_creator.creators[ mb.code_creator.last_include_index() ] mb.code_creator.remove_creator( lastc ) # and now add our precompiled ones.. for x in range (len (customization_data.header_files( environment.ois.version ) ), 0 ,-1 ): h = customization_data.header_files( environment.ois.version )[x-1] mb.code_creator.adopt_creator ( include.include_t ( header= h ), 0) huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.ois.version ) ) mb.split_module(environment.ois.generated_dir, huge_classes, use_files_sum_repository=False)