def test_has_new_data_false(self):
        url = ''
        # Obtain the current list of files from the source
        from eoi.agent.handler.hfr_radial_data_handler import AnchorParser
        import urllib
        parser = AnchorParser()
        data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
        previous_files = parser._link_names

        # Assign the url (temporary measure) and file list to the update_description object
        self._datasets['base']._ext_dataset_res.update_description.parameters['url'] = url
        self._datasets['base']._ext_dataset_res.update_description.parameters['new_data_check'] = previous_files

        # Perform the has_new_data test
        res = self._datasets['base'].has_new_data()
    def test_has_new_data_true_windowed(self):
        url = ''
        # Obtain the current list of files from the source
        from eoi.agent.handler.hfr_radial_data_handler import AnchorParser
        import urllib
        parser = AnchorParser()
        data = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
        previous_files = parser._link_names
        # Add a 'dummy' item in the first spot in the list to simulate the file being removed from the server
        previous_files.insert(0, 'I_was_removed')
        # Remove the last item in the list to simulate a 'new' file being present

        # Assign the url (temporary measure) and file list to the update_description object
        self._datasets['base']._ext_dataset_res.update_description.parameters['url'] = url
        self._datasets['base']._ext_dataset_res.update_description.parameters['new_data_check'] = previous_files

        # Perform the has_new_data test
        res = self._datasets['base'].has_new_data()