Ejemplo n.º 1
 def evolve_policy(self):
     """ Evolve a specialized policy using learned model. """
     pool = spawn(Genome.open(PREFIX + "model.net"), 50)
     feval = functions.Evaluator(self.model)
     self.org = max(eonn.optimize(pool, feval.call, 2500, verbose=False))
     self.org.evals = []
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def evolve_policy(self):
   """ Evolve a specialized policy using learned model. """
   pool = spawn(Genome.open(PREFIX + 'model.net'), 50)
   feval = functions.Evaluator(self.model)
   self.org = max(eonn.optimize(pool, feval.call, 2500, verbose=False))
   self.org.evals = []
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def evolve_policy(self):
     """ Learn a model from flightdata and evolve specialized policies. """
     params = model.estimate_params(self.log.name)
     noise_std = model.estimate_std(self.log.name, params)
     heli = ghh.Helicopter(params, noise_std, 0.1)
     genome = Genome.open(PREFIX + 'baseline.net')
     self.org = functions.evolve(heli, genome, epochs=500)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    """ Main function. """
    pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open(NN_STRUCTURE_FILE), 20, std=1)

    # Set evolutionary parameters
    eonn.samplesize = 5  # Sample size used for tournament selection
    eonn.keep = 5  # Nr. of organisms copied to the next generation (elitism)
    eonn.mutate_prob = 0.75  # Probability that offspring is being mutated
    eonn.mutate_frac = 0.2  # Fraction of genes that get mutated
    eonn.mutate_std = 0.1  # Std. dev. of mutation distribution (gaussian)
    eonn.mutate_repl = 0.25  # Probability that a gene gets replaced

    directory = "pics/" + ''.join(rand.sample(letters + digits, 5))
    # Evolve population
    for j in xrange(1, ROUNDS + 1):
        pool = eonn.optimize(pool, cliff, epochs=EPOCHS, evals=EVALS)
        print "AFTER EPOCH", j * EPOCHS
        print "average fitness %.1f" % pool.fitness
        champion = max(pool)
        print "champion fitness %.1f" % champion.fitness
        for i in xrange(10):
            cliff(champion.policy, verbose=True)
        plt.savefig(directory + "/" + str(j * EPOCHS) + ".png")
    with open(directory + '/best.net', 'w') as f:
        f.write('%s' % champion.genome)
    print "Done, everything saved in ", directory
Ejemplo n.º 5
  def __init__(self):
    """ Initialize agent. """
    self.episode = 0
#    self.org = Organism(Genome.open(PREFIX + 'generic.net'))
    self.org = Organism(Genome.open(random.choice(POLICIES)))
    self.pool = [self.org]
    self.log = open('%s.dat' % ''.join(random.sample(letters + digits, 10)), 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def initGP():
    """Do simulations with random pi,z and create GP, X, y"""
    poolsize = 68
    pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open(NN_STRUCTURE_FILE), poolsize, std=10)
    X = []
    for i, org in enumerate(pool):
        genome = org.genome
        w = genome.weights
        z = [np.random.uniform(0, 0.3)]
        reward = cliff(genome, z)

        while reward <= 0 and len(X) < poolsize / 2:
            #Train input policies to reach the goal.
            genome = org.genome
            w = genome.weights
            reward = cliff(genome, z)

        if not len(X):
            X = np.atleast_2d(w + z)
            y = np.atleast_2d([reward])
            X = np.append(X, [w + z], axis=0)
            y = np.append(y, [reward])

    # Initialize GP with kernel parameters.
    GP = GaussianProcess(theta0=0.1, thetaL=.001, thetaU=1.)

    GP.fit(X, y)

    return GP, X, y
Ejemplo n.º 7
def coevo():
    # Create a pool for the policies
    pi_pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open(NN_STRUCTURE_FILE), 20, std=8)

    # Create a pool of z's, starting around [0.5,0.5], should probably be better
    z_list = [[x] for x in np.linspace(0, 0.5, 5)]

    genomes = BasicGenome.from_list(z_list, 5)
    org_list = [Organism(genome) for genome in genomes]
    z_pool = Pool(org_list)
    avg_fitness = []
    champ_fitness = []
    for i in xrange(150):
        pi_pool = eonn.epoch(pi_pool, len(pi_pool))
        z_pool = eonn.epoch(z_pool, len(z_pool))
        for pi_org, z_org in itertools.product(pi_pool, z_pool):
            reward = cliff(pi_org.genome, z=[z_org.weights[0]], verbose=False)
        for org in z_pool:
            org.evals = [np.var(org.evals)]

        champion = max(pi_pool)
    return avg_fitness, champ_fitness
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self):
     """ Initialize agent. """
     self.episode = 0
     #    self.org = Organism(Genome.open(PREFIX + 'generic.net'))
     self.org = Organism(Genome.open(random.choice(POLICIES)))
     self.pool = [self.org]
     self.log = open("%s.dat" % "".join(random.sample(letters + digits, 10)), "w")
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def evolve_policy(self, n=1):
   """ Learn a model from flightdata and evolve specialized policies. """
   params = model.estimate_params(self.log.name)
   noise_std = model.estimate_std(self.log.name, params)
   heli = ghh.Helicopter(params, noise_std, 0.1)
   genome = Genome.open(PREFIX + 'baseline.net')
   for i in range(n):
     champion = functions.evolve(heli, genome, epochs=500)
     champion.evals = list()
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def evolve_policy(self, n=1):
     """ Learn a model from flightdata and evolve specialized policies. """
     params = model.estimate_params(self.log.name)
     noise_std = model.estimate_std(self.log.name, params)
     heli = ghh.Helicopter(params, noise_std, 0.1)
     genome = Genome.open(PREFIX + 'baseline.net')
     for i in range(n):
         champion = functions.evolve(heli, genome, epochs=500)
         champion.evals = list()
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def learn_genomeIRL(self): #input the reward function
   pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open('policies/generic.net'), 20)
   # Set evolutionary parameters
   eonnIRL.keep = 15 ; eonnIRL.mutate_prob = 0.4 ; eonnIRL.mutate_frac = 0.1;eonnIRL.mutate_std = 0.8;eonnIRL.mutate_repl = 0.15
   # Evolve population
   pool = eonnIRL.optimize(pool, self.percieved_eval,400) # These are imported functions from EONNIRL
   champion = max(pool)
   # Print results
   print '\nerror:', math.exp(1 / self.percieved_eval(champion.policy))
   #print '\ngenome:\n%s' % champion.genome
   return champion.policy
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def learnGenomeIRL(theta):  #input the reward function
     pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open('policies/generic.net'), 20)
     # Set evolutionary parameters
     eonnIRL.keep = 15
     eonnIRL.mutate_prob = 0.4
     eonnIRL.mutate_frac = 0.1
     eonnIRL.mutate_std = 0.8
     eonnIRL.mutate_repl = 0.15
     # Evolve population
     pool = eonnIRL.optimize(pool, hoverIRL, theta)
     champion = max(pool)
     # Print results
     print '\nerror:', math.exp(1 / hover(champion.policy))
     print '\nerror:', math.exp(1 / hoverIRL(champion.policy, theta))
     print '\ngenome:\n%s' % champion.genome
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def learnGenomeIRL(theta): #input the reward function
   pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open('policies/generic.net'), 20)
   # Set evolutionary parameters
   eonnIRL.keep = 15
   eonnIRL.mutate_prob = 0.4
   eonnIRL.mutate_frac = 0.1
   eonnIRL.mutate_std = 0.8
   eonnIRL.mutate_repl = 0.15
   # Evolve population
   pool = eonnIRL.optimize(pool, hoverIRL,theta)
   champion = max(pool)
   # Print results
   print '\nerror:', math.exp(1 / hover(champion.policy))
   print '\nerror:', math.exp(1 / hoverIRL(champion.policy,theta))
   print '\ngenome:\n%s' % champion.genome
Ejemplo n.º 14
def main():
  """ Main function. """
  pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open('mc.net'), 20, std=5.0)
  # Set evolutionary parameters
  eonn.keep = 5
  eonn.mutate_prob = 0.9
  eonn.mutate_frac = 0.2
  eonn.mutate_std = 8.0
  eonn.mutate_repl = 0.1
  # Evolve population
  pool = eonn.optimize(pool, mc)
  champion = max(pool)
  # Print results
  print '\ntrace:'
  mc(champion.policy, verbose=True)
  print '\ngenome:\n%s' % champion.genome
Ejemplo n.º 15
def find_best(GP, epochs=100):
    """ Find the best policy in the GP """

    pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open(NN_STRUCTURE_FILE), 50, std=8)
    all_z = list(np.linspace(0, max_wind, 10))
    for n in xrange(epochs):
        if n != 0:
            pool = eonn.epoch(pool, len(pool))
        weights = [np.append(org.weights, z) for org in pool for z in all_z]
        reward = GP.predict(weights)
        for i in xrange(len(pool)):
            pool[i].evals = list(reward[i * len(all_z):(i + 1) * len(all_z)])

    champion = max(pool)

    return champion
Ejemplo n.º 16
def main():
	""" Main function. """
	pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open('mc.net'), 20, std=5.0)
	# Set evolutionary parameters
	eonn.KEEP = 5
	eonn.MUTATE_PROB = 0.9
	eonn.MUTATE_FRAC = 0.2
	eonn.MUTATE_STD = 8.0
	eonn.MUTATE_REPL = 0.1
	# Evolve population
	pool = eonn.optimize(pool, mc)
	champion = max(pool)
	# Print results
	print '\ntrace:'
	mc(champion.policy, verbose=True)
	print '\ngenome:\n%s' % champion.genome
Ejemplo n.º 17
def find_best_upper(GP, epochs=100):
    """ Find policy with highest upperbound """

    pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open(NN_STRUCTURE_FILE), 50, std=8)
    all_z = list(np.linspace(0, max_wind, 10))
    for n in xrange(epochs):
        if n != 0:
            pool = eonn.epoch(pool, len(pool))
        weights = [np.append(org.weights, z) for org in pool for z in all_z]
        reward, MSE = GP.predict(weights, eval_MSE=True)
        reward += 1.96 * np.sqrt(MSE)
        for i in xrange(len(pool)):
            pool[i].evals = list(reward[i * len(all_z):(i + 1) * len(all_z)])

    champion = max(pool)

    return champion
Ejemplo n.º 18
def readPolicies():
		Reads in policies from relative
		path littleWindPath and muchWindPath
    policies = []
    for ptype in [
            regularPolicies, rarePolicies, GPSmartPolicies, GPExtremePolicies

        typePolicies = []
        for policy in os.walk(ptype).next()[1]:
            org = Network(Genome.open(ptype + "/" + policy + "/best.net"))


    return policies
Ejemplo n.º 19
def acquisition(GP, epochs):
		Select the best (pi,z)-pair to evaluate using GP and GA

    # Create a pool for the policies
    pi_pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open(NN_STRUCTURE_FILE), 20, std=8)

    # Create a pool of z's, starting around [0.5,0.5], should probably be better
    z_list = list(itertools.product(np.arange(0, max_wind, 1. / 20)))

    genomes = BasicGenome.from_list(z_list, 20)
    org_list = [Organism(genome) for genome in genomes]
    z_pool = Pool(org_list)

    for _ in xrange(epochs):
        pi_pool, z_pool, x_predict, reward_predict, MSE = do_evolution(
            pi_pool, z_pool, GP)

        # get scores
        reward_predictGrid = np.reshape(reward_predict,
                                        (len(pi_pool), len(z_pool)))

        ub = 1.96 * np.sqrt(MSE)

        ub_predictGrid = np.reshape(ub, (len(pi_pool), len(z_pool)))

        pi_score = score_pi(reward_predictGrid, ub_predictGrid)
        z_score = score_z(reward_predictGrid, ub_predictGrid)

        # add scores to organisms

        add_pi_scores(pi_pool, x_predict, pi_score)
        add_z_scores(z_pool, x_predict, z_score)

    # return current best pi and z
    pi_org = max(pi_pool)
    z_org = max(z_pool)

    return pi_org, z_org
Ejemplo n.º 20
from eonn.organism import Pool

def xor(policy, verbose=False):
  """ XOR evaluation function. """
  err = 0.0
  input = [(i, j) for i in range(2) for j in range(2)]
  for i in input:
    output = policy.propagate(i, 1);
    err += (output[0] - (i[0] ^ i[1]))**2
    if verbose:
      print i, '-> %.4f' % output[0]
  return 1.0 / err

if __name__ == '__main__':
  pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open('xor.net'), 30)
  # Set evolutionary parameters
  eonn.keep = 1
  eonn.mutate_prob = 0.9
  eonn.mutate_frac = 0.25
  eonn.mutate_std = 0.8
  eonn.mutate_repl = 0.2
  # Evolve population
  pool = eonn.optimize(pool, xor)
  champion = max(pool)
  # Print results
  print '\noutput:'
  xor(champion.policy, True)
  print '\ngenome:\n%s' % champion.genome
Ejemplo n.º 21
Archivo: heli.py Proyecto: afcarl/ATAA
from eonn.genome import Genome
from eonn.organism import Pool
from helicopter.helicopter import Helicopter, XcellTempest

def hover(policy):
    """ Helicopter evaluation function. """
    state, sum_error = heli.reset()
    while not heli.terminal:
        action = policy.propagate(state, 1)
        state, error = heli.update(action)
        sum_error += error
    return 1 / math.log(sum_error)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    heli = Helicopter(XcellTempest.params, XcellTempest.noise_std)
    pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open('baseline.net'), 20)
    # Set evolutionary parameters
    eonn.keep = 15
    eonn.mutate_prob = 0.9
    eonn.mutate_frac = 0.1
    eonn.mutate_std = 0.8
    eonn.mutate_repl = 0.15
    # Evolve population
    pool = eonn.optimize(pool, hover)
    champion = max(pool)
    # Print results
    print '\nerror:', math.exp(1 / hover(champion.policy))
    print '\ngenome:\n%s' % champion.genome
Ejemplo n.º 22
import sys
import random


import functions
from string import letters, digits
from eonn.genome import Genome
from eonn.organism import Organism
from helicopter import ghh, model
from helicopter.quaternion import quaternion_from_orientation

TOKENS = letters + digits
PREFIX = '/home/koppejan/helicopter/helicopter/ghh09/policies/'
POLICIES = [Genome.open(PREFIX + 'mdp%i.net' % i) for i in (3, 6)]

class Agent:
    """ Hybrid agent, a combination of model-free and model-based learning. """
    def __init__(self):
        """ Initialize agent. """
        self.episode = 0
        self.pool = [Organism(genome) for genome in POLICIES]
        self.backup = Organism(Genome.open(PREFIX + 'generic.net'))
        self.log = open('log_%s.txt' % ''.join(random.sample(TOKENS, 10)), 'w')

    def start(self):
        """ Start a new episode """
        self.episode += 1
        self.reward = 0
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self):
     """ Initialize agent. """
     self.episode = 0
     self.org = Organism(Genome.open(PREFIX + 'generic.net'))
     self.log = open('log_%s.txt' % ''.join(random.sample(TOKENS, 10)), 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 24
from eonn.organism import Pool

def xor(policy, verbose=False):
	""" XOR evaluation function. """
	err = 0.0
	input = [(i, j) for i in range(2) for j in range(2)]
	for i in input:
		output = policy.propagate(i, 1);
		err += (output[0] - (i[0] ^ i[1]))**2
		if verbose:
			print i, '-> %.4f (%d)' % (output[0], round(output[0]))
	return 1.0 / err

if __name__ == '__main__':
	pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open('xor.net'), 30)
	# Set evolutionary parameters
	eonn.KEEP = 1
	eonn.MUTATE_PROB = 0.9
	eonn.MUTATE_FRAC = 0.25
	eonn.MUTATE_STD = 0.8
	eonn.MUTATE_REPL = 0.2
	# Evolve population
	pool = eonn.optimize(pool, xor)
	champion = max(pool)
	# Print results
	print '\noutput:'
	xor(champion.policy, True)
	print '\ngenome:\n%s' % champion.genome
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self):
   """ Initialize agent. """
   self.episode = 0
   self.pool = [Organism(genome) for genome in POLICIES]
   self.backup = Organism(Genome.open(PREFIX + 'generic.net'))
   self.log = open('log_%s.txt' % ''.join(random.sample(TOKENS, 10)), 'w')
Ejemplo n.º 26
from eonn.genome import Genome
from eonn.organism import Organism

POLICIES = [Genome.open('policies/mdp%i.net' % i) for i in range(10)]

class Expert:
  """ Model-Free agent, chooses best policy from a set of pre-trained policies. """
  def __init__(self,policyNumber):
    """ Initialize expert. """
    self.episode = 0
    #self.org = [Genome.open('policies/mdp%i.net' %i)]
    self.pool = POLICIES[policyNumber]
    self.org = Organism(POLICIES[policyNumber])

  def start(self):
    """ Start a new episode """
    self.reward = 0
    self.steps = 0

  def step(self, state, reward):
    """ Choose an action based on the current state. """
    self.steps += 1
    self.reward += reward
    # DEBUG
    action = self.org.policy.propagate(state, 1)
    return action

  def end(self, reward):
Ejemplo n.º 27
from eonn.genome import Genome
from eonn.organism import Pool
from helicopter.helicopter import Helicopter, XcellTempest

def hover(policy):
  """ Helicopter evaluation function. """
  state, sum_error = heli.reset()
  while not heli.terminal:
    action = policy.propagate(state, 1)
    state, error = heli.update(action)
    sum_error += error
  return 1 / math.log(sum_error)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  heli = Helicopter(XcellTempest.params, XcellTempest.noise_std)
  pool = Pool.spawn(Genome.open('baseline.net'), 20)
  # Set evolutionary parameters
  eonn.keep = 15
  eonn.mutate_prob = 0.9
  eonn.mutate_frac = 0.1
  eonn.mutate_std = 0.8
  eonn.mutate_repl = 0.15
  # Evolve population
  pool = eonn.optimize(pool, hover)
  champion = max(pool)
  # Print results
  print '\nerror:', math.exp(1 / hover(champion.policy))
  print '\ngenome:\n%s' % champion.genome
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def crash_control(self, state):
     if sum([normalize(v, SAFE_LIMITS[i]) for i, v in enumerate(state)]) > 0.15:
         self.crashed = True
         self.org = Organism(Genome.open(PREFIX + "baseline.net"))
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def crash_control(self, state):
   if sum([normalize(v, SAFE_LIMITS[i]) for i, v in enumerate(state)]) > 0.15:
     self.crashed = True
     self.org = Organism(Genome.open(PREFIX + 'baseline.net'))
Ejemplo n.º 30
import sys, os
# relative paths required
dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
prev = os.path.dirname(dir)

two = prev + '/site-packages/'
from eonn.genome import Genome
from eonn.organism import Organism
from apprentice import *
import numpy as np
import math

POLICIES = [Genome.open('policies/mdp%i.net' % i) for i in range(10)]
pol = Organism(POLICIES[2])

def normalise_vector(vector):
    return np.divide(vector, np.linalg.norm(vector))

def modify_mu(mu_apprentice, mu_modified, mu_expert):
    factor = np.dot(mu_apprentice[-1] - mu_modified[-1],
                    mu_expert - mu_apprentice[-1]) / np.dot(
                        mu_apprentice[-1] - mu_modified[-1],
                        mu_apprentice[-1] - mu_modified[-1])
    mu_new = mu_modified[-1] + factor * (mu_apprentice[-1] - mu_modified[-1])
Ejemplo n.º 31
from eonn.genome import Genome
from eonn.organism import Organism

#POLICIES = [Genome.open('policies/mdp%i.net' % i) for i in range(10)]
POLICIES = [Genome.open('policies/mdp0.net')]

class Agent:
  """ Model-Free agent, chooses best policy from a set of pre-trained policies. """
  def __init__(self):
    """ Initialize agent. """
    self.episode = 0
    self.pool = [Organism(genome) for genome in POLICIES]

  def start(self):
    """ Start a new episode """
    self.episode += 1
    self.reward = 0
    self.steps = 0

  def step(self, state, reward):
    """ Choose an action based on the current state. """
    self.steps += 1
    self.reward += reward
    # DEBUG
    action = self.org.policy.propagate(state, 1)
    if self.steps==1:
      print '%+.10f ' * 12 % tuple(state),
      print '%+.10f ' * 4 % tuple(action)
Ejemplo n.º 32
import sys
import random


import functions
from string import letters, digits
from eonn.genome import Genome
from eonn.organism import Organism
from helicopter import ghh, model
from helicopter.quaternion import quaternion_from_orientation

TOKENS = letters + digits
PREFIX = '/home/koppejan/helicopter/helicopter/ghh09/policies/'
POLICIES = [Genome.open(PREFIX + 'mdp%i.net' % i) for i in (3, 6)]

class Agent:
  """ Hybrid agent, a combination of model-free and model-based learning. """
  def __init__(self):
    """ Initialize agent. """
    self.episode = 0
    self.pool = [Organism(genome) for genome in POLICIES]
    self.backup = Organism(Genome.open(PREFIX + 'generic.net'))
    self.log = open('log_%s.txt' % ''.join(random.sample(TOKENS, 10)), 'w')

  def start(self):
    """ Start a new episode """
    self.episode += 1
    self.reward = 0
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def __init__(self):
     """ Initialize agent. """
     self.episode = 0
     self.pool = [Organism(genome) for genome in POLICIES]
     self.backup = Organism(Genome.open(PREFIX + 'generic.net'))
     self.log = open('log_%s.txt' % ''.join(random.sample(TOKENS, 10)), 'w')