Ejemplo n.º 1
class Module(HandledItem, HandledCharge, ItemAttrShortcut, ChargeAttrShortcut):
    """An instance of this class represents a module together with its charge and modified attributes"""
    DAMAGE_ATTRIBUTES = ("emDamage", "kineticDamage", "explosiveDamage", "thermalDamage")

    def __init__(self, item):
        self.__item = item if item != None else 0
        self.itemID = item.ID if item is not None else None
        self.__charge = 0
        self.projected = False
        self.state = State.ONLINE
        self.__dps = None
        self.__volley = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None
        self.__itemModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()
        self.__slot = None

        if item != None:
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.original = item.attributes
            self.__hardpoint = self.__calculateHardpoint(item)
            self.__slot = self.__calculateSlot(item)

        self.__chargeModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()

    def init(self):
        if self.dummySlot is None:
            self.__item = None
            self.__charge = None
            self.__volley = None
            self.__dps = None
            self.__reloadTime = None
            self.__reloadForce = None
            self.__chargeCycles = None
            self.__slot = self.dummySlot
            self.__item = 0
            self.__charge = 0
            self.__dps = 0
            self.__volley = 0
            self.__reloadTime = 0
            self.__reloadForce = None
            self.__chargeCycles = 0
            self.__hardpoint = Hardpoint.NONE
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()

    def __fetchItemInfo(self):
        import eos.db
        item = eos.db.getItem(self.itemID)
        self.__item = item
        self.__itemModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()
        self.__itemModifiedAttributes.original = item.attributes
        self.__hardpoint = self.__calculateHardpoint(item)
        self.__slot = self.__calculateSlot(item)

    def __fetchChargeInfo(self):
        self.__chargeModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()
        if self.chargeID is not None:
            import eos.db
            charge = eos.db.getItem(self.chargeID)
            self.__charge = charge
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = charge.attributes
            self.__charge = 0

    def buildEmpty(cls, slot):
        empty = Module(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.__hardpoint = Hardpoint.NONE
        empty.__item = 0
        empty.__charge = 0
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        empty.__itemModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()
        empty.__chargeModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()

        return empty

    def buildRack(cls, slot):
        empty = Rack(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.__hardpoint = Hardpoint.NONE
        empty.__item = 0
        empty.__charge = 0
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        empty.__itemModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()
        empty.__chargeModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()

        return empty

    def isEmpty(self):
        return self.dummySlot is not None

    def hardpoint(self):
        if self.__item is None:

        return self.__hardpoint

    def numCharges(self):
        if self.charge is None:
            charges = 0
            chargeVolume = self.charge.volume
            containerCapacity = self.item.capacity
            if chargeVolume is None or containerCapacity is None:
                charges = 0
                charges = floorFloat(float(containerCapacity) / chargeVolume)
        return charges

    def numShots(self):
        if self.charge is None:
            return None
        if self.__chargeCycles is None and self.charge:
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            # Usual ammo like projectiles and missiles
            if numCharges > 0 and "chargeRate" in self.itemModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateAmmoShots()
            # Frequency crystals (combat and mining lasers)
            elif numCharges > 0 and "crystalsGetDamaged" in self.chargeModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateCrystalShots()
            # Scripts and stuff
                self.__chargeCycles = 0
            return self.__chargeCycles
            return self.__chargeCycles

    def hpBeforeReload(self):
        If item is some kind of repairer with charges, calculate
        HP it reps before going into reload.
        cycles = self.numShots
        armorRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("armorDamageAmount") or 0
        shieldRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("shieldBonus") or 0
        if not cycles or (not armorRep and not shieldRep):
            return None
        hp = round((armorRep + shieldRep) * cycles)
        return hp

    def __calculateAmmoShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            # Set number of cycles before reload is needed
            chargeRate = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeRate")
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            numShots = floorFloat(float(numCharges) / chargeRate)
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def __calculateCrystalShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            if self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalsGetDamaged") == 1:
                # For depletable crystals, calculate average amount of shots before it's destroyed
                hp = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("hp")
                chance = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityChance")
                damage = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityDamage")
                crystals = self.numCharges
                numShots = floorFloat(float(crystals * hp) / (damage * chance))
                # Set 0 (infinite) for permanent crystals like t1 laser crystals
                numShots = 0
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def maxRange(self):
        attrs = ("maxRange", "shieldTransferRange", "powerTransferRange",
                 "energyDestabilizationRange", "empFieldRange",
                 "ecmBurstRange", "warpScrambleRange", "cargoScanRange",
                 "shipScanRange", "surveyScanRange")
        for attr in attrs:
            maxRange = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr)
            if maxRange is not None: return maxRange
        if self.charge is not None:
                chargeName = self.charge.group.name
            except AttributeError:
                if chargeName in ("Scanner Probe", "Survey Probe"):
                    return None
            # Source: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1307419&page=1#15
            # D_m = V_m * (T_m + T_0*[exp(- T_m/T_0)-1])
            maxVelocity = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("maxVelocity")
            flightTime = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("explosionDelay") / 1000.0
            mass = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("mass")
            agility = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("agility")
            if maxVelocity and flightTime and mass and agility:
                accelTime =  min(flightTime, mass*agility/1000000)
                # Average distance done during acceleration
                duringAcceleration = maxVelocity / 2 * accelTime
                # Distance done after being at full speed
                fullSpeed = maxVelocity * (flightTime - accelTime)
                return duringAcceleration + fullSpeed

    def falloff(self):
        attrs = ("falloff", "shipScanFalloff")
        for attr in attrs:
            falloff = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr)
            if falloff is not None: return falloff

    def slot(self):
        if self.__item is None:

        return self.__slot

    def itemModifiedAttributes(self):
        if self.__item is None:

        return self.__itemModifiedAttributes

    def chargeModifiedAttributes(self):
        if self.__charge is None:

        return self.__chargeModifiedAttributes

    def item(self):
        if self.__item is None:

        return self.__item if self.__item != 0 else None

    def charge(self):
        if self.__charge is None:

        return self.__charge if self.__charge != 0 else None

    def charge(self, charge):
        self.__charge = charge
        if charge is not None:
            self.chargeID = charge.ID
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = charge.attributes
            self.chargeID = None
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = None


    def damageStats(self):
        if self.__dps == None:
            if self.isEmpty:
                self.__dps = 0
                self.__volley = 0
                if self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
                    if self.charge:
                        volley = sum(map(lambda attr: self.getModifiedChargeAttr(attr) or 0, self.DAMAGE_ATTRIBUTES))
                        volley = sum(map(lambda attr: self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr) or 0, self.DAMAGE_ATTRIBUTES))
                    volley *= self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplier") or 1
                    if volley:
                        cycleTime = self.cycleTime
                        self.__volley = volley
                        self.__dps = volley / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
                        self.__volley = 0
                        self.__dps = 0
                    self.__volley = 0
                    self.__dps = 0

        return self.__dps, self.__volley

    def dps(self):
        return self.damageStats[0]

    def volley(self):
        return self.damageStats[1]

    def reloadTime(self):
        # Get reload time from attrs first, then use
        # custom value specified otherwise (e.g. in effects)
        moduleReloadTime = self.getModifiedItemAttr("reloadTime")
        if moduleReloadTime is None:
            moduleReloadTime = self.__reloadTime
        return moduleReloadTime

    def reloadTime(self, milliseconds):
        self.__reloadTime = milliseconds

    def forceReload(self):
        return self.__reloadForce

    def forceReload(self, type):
        self.__reloadForce = type

    def fits(self, fit, hardpointLimit=True):
        slot = self.slot
        if fit.getSlotsFree(slot) <= (0 if self.owner != fit else -1):
            return False

        # Check ship type restrictions
        fitsOnType = set()
        fitsOnGroup = set()

        shipType = self.getModifiedItemAttr("fitsToShipType")
        if shipType is not None:

        for i in xrange(1, 6):
            shipType = self.getModifiedItemAttr("canFitShipType%d" % i)
            if shipType is not None:

        # Check ship group restrictions
        for i in xrange(1, 10):
            shipGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr("canFitShipGroup%d" % i)
            if shipGroup is not None:

        if (len(fitsOnGroup) > 0 or len(fitsOnType) > 0) and fit.ship.item.group.ID not in fitsOnGroup and fit.ship.item.ID not in fitsOnType:
            return False

        # If the mod is a subsystem, don't let two subs in the same slot fit
        if self.slot == Slot.SUBSYSTEM:
            subSlot = self.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot")
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if mod.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot") == subSlot:
                    return False

        # Check rig sizes
        if self.slot == Slot.RIG:
            if self.getModifiedItemAttr("rigSize") != fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("rigSize"):
                return False

        # Check max group fitted
        max = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupFitted")
        if max is not None:
            current = 0 if self.owner != fit else -1
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if mod.item and mod.item.groupID == self.item.groupID:
                    current += 1

            if current >= max:
                return False

        # Check this only if we're told to do so
        if hardpointLimit:
            if self.hardpoint == Hardpoint.TURRET:
                if fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr('turretSlotsLeft') - fit.getHardpointsUsed(Hardpoint.TURRET) < 1:
                    return False
            elif self.hardpoint == Hardpoint.MISSILE:
                if fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr('launcherSlotsLeft') - fit.getHardpointsUsed(Hardpoint.MISSILE) < 1:
                    return False

        return True

    def isValidState(self, state):
        Check if the state is valid for this module, without considering other modules at all
        #Check if we're within bounds
        if state < -1 or state > 2:
            return False
        elif state >= State.ACTIVE and not self.item.isType("active"):
            return False
        elif state == State.OVERHEATED and not self.item.isType("overheat"):
            return False
            return True

    def canHaveState(self, state=None, projectedOnto=None):
        Check with other modules if there are restrictions that might not allow this module to be activated
        # If we're going to set module to offline or online for local modules or offline for projected,
        # it should be fine for all cases
        item = self.item
        if (state <= State.ONLINE and projectedOnto is None) or (state <= State.OFFLINE):
            return True

        # Check if the local module is over it's max limit; if it's not, we're fine
        maxGroupActive = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupActive")
        if maxGroupActive is None and projectedOnto is None:
            return True

        # Following is applicable only to local modules, we do not want to limit projected
        if projectedOnto is None:
            currActive = 0
            group = item.group.name
            for mod in self.owner.modules:
                currItem = getattr(mod, "item", None)
                if mod.state >= State.ACTIVE and currItem is not None and currItem.group.name == group:
                    currActive += 1
                if currActive > maxGroupActive:
            return currActive <= maxGroupActive
        # For projected, we're checking if ship is vulnerable to given item
            # Do not allow to apply offensive modules on ship with offensive module immunite, with few exceptions
            # (all effects which apply instant modification are exception, generally speaking)
            if item.offensive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("disallowOffensiveModifiers") == 1:
                offensiveNonModifiers = set(("energyDestabilizationNew", "leech"))
                if not offensiveNonModifiers.intersection(set(item.effects)):
                    return False
            # If assistive modules are not allowed, do not let to apply these altogether
            if item.assistive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("disallowAssistance") == 1:
                return False
            return True

    def isValidCharge(self, charge):
        #Check sizes, if 'charge size > module volume' it won't fit
        if charge is None: return True
        chargeVolume = charge.volume
        moduleCapacity = self.item.capacity
        if chargeVolume is not None and moduleCapacity is not None and chargeVolume > moduleCapacity:
            return False

        itemChargeSize = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeSize")
        if itemChargeSize is not None:
            chargeSize = charge.getAttribute('chargeSize')
            if itemChargeSize != chargeSize:
                return False

        chargeGroup = charge.groupID
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i))
            if itemChargeGroup is None: continue
            if itemChargeGroup == chargeGroup: return True

        return False

    def getValidCharges(self):
        validCharges = set()
        import eos.db
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i))
            if itemChargeGroup is not None:
                g = eos.db.getGroup(int(itemChargeGroup), eager=("items.icon", "items.attributes"))
                if g is None:
                for i in g.items:
                    if i.published and self.isValidCharge(i):

        return validCharges

    def __calculateHardpoint(self, item):
        effectHardpointMap = {"turretFitted" : Hardpoint.TURRET,
                              "launcherFitted": Hardpoint.MISSILE}

        if item is None:
            return Hardpoint.NONE

        for effectName, slot in effectHardpointMap.iteritems():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot

        return Hardpoint.NONE

    def __calculateSlot(self, item):
        effectSlotMap = {"rigSlot" : Slot.RIG,
                         "loPower" : Slot.LOW,
                         "medPower" : Slot.MED,
                         "hiPower" : Slot.HIGH,
                         "subSystem" : Slot.SUBSYSTEM}
        if item is None:
            return None
        for effectName, slot in effectSlotMap.iteritems():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot
        if item.group.name == "Effect Beacon":
            return Slot.RIG

        raise ValueError("Passed item does not fit in any known slot")

    @validates("ID", "itemID", "ammoID")
    def validator(self, key, val):
        map = {"ID": lambda val: isinstance(val, int),
               "itemID" : lambda val: val is None or isinstance(val, int),
               "ammoID" : lambda val: isinstance(val, int)}

        if map[key](val) == False: raise ValueError(str(val) + " is not a valid value for " + key)
        else: return val

    def clear(self):
        self.__dps = None
        self.__volley = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None

    def calculateModifiedAttributes(self, fit, runTime, forceProjected = False):
        #We will run the effect when two conditions are met:
        #1: It makes sense to run the effect
        #    The effect is either offline
        #    or the effect is passive and the module is in the online state (or higher)

        #    or the effect is active and the module is in the active state (or higher)
        #    or the effect is overheat and the module is in the overheated state (or higher)
        #2: the runtimes match

        if self.projected or forceProjected:
            context = "projected", "module"
            projected = True
            context = ("module",)
            projected = False

        if self.charge is not None:
            # fix for #82 and it's regression #106
            if not projected or (self.projected and not forceProjected):
                for effect in self.charge.effects.itervalues():
                    if effect.runTime == runTime:
                        effect.handler(fit, self, ("moduleCharge",))

        if self.item:
            if self.state >= State.OVERHEATED:
                for effect in self.item.effects.itervalues():
                    if effect.runTime == runTime and effect.isType("overheat"):
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

            for effect in self.item.effects.itervalues():
                if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                (effect.isType("offline") or
                (effect.isType("passive") and self.state >= State.ONLINE) or \
                (effect.isType("active") and self.state >= State.ACTIVE)) and \
                ((projected and effect.isType("projected")) or not projected):
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

    def cycleTime(self):
        reactivation = (self.getModifiedItemAttr("moduleReactivationDelay") or 0)
        # Reactivation time starts counting after end of module cycle
        speed = self.rawCycleTime + reactivation
        if self.charge:
            reload = self.reloadTime
            reload = 0.0
        # Determine if we'll take into account reload time or not
        factorReload = self.owner.factorReload if self.forceReload is None else self.forceReload
        # If reactivation is longer than 10 seconds then module can be reloaded
        # during reactivation time, thus we may ignore reload
        if factorReload and reactivation < reload:
            numShots = self.numShots
            # Time it takes to reload module after end of reactivation time,
            # given that we started when module cycle has just over
            additionalReloadTime = (reload - reactivation)
            # Speed here already takes into consideration reactivation time
            speed = (speed * numShots + additionalReloadTime) / numShots if numShots > 0 else speed

        return speed

    def rawCycleTime(self):
        speed =  self.getModifiedItemAttr("speed") or self.getModifiedItemAttr("duration")
        return speed

    def capUse(self):
        capNeed = self.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorNeed")
        if capNeed and self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
            cycleTime = self.cycleTime
            capUsed = capNeed / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
            return capUsed
            return 0

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        item = self.item
        if item is None:
            copy = Module.buildEmpty(self.slot)
            copy = Module(self.item)
        copy.charge = self.charge
        copy.state = self.state
        return copy
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Module(HandledItem, HandledCharge, ItemAttrShortcut, ChargeAttrShortcut):
    """An instance of this class represents a module together with its charge and modified attributes"""
    MINING_ATTRIBUTES = ("miningAmount",)
    SYSTEM_GROUPS = ("Effect Beacon", "MassiveEnvironments", "Abyssal Hazards", "Non-Interactable Object")

    def __init__(self, item, baseItem=None, mutaplasmid=None):
        """Initialize a module from the program"""

        self.itemID = item.ID if item is not None else None
        self.baseItemID = baseItem.ID if baseItem is not None else None
        self.mutaplasmidID = mutaplasmid.ID if mutaplasmid is not None else None

        if baseItem is not None:
            # we're working with a mutated module, need to get abyssal module loaded with the base attributes
            # Note: there may be a better way of doing this, such as a metho on this classe to convert(mutaplamid). This
            # will require a bit more research though, considering there has never been a need to "swap" out the item of a Module
            # before, and there may be assumptions taken with regards to the item never changing (pre-calculated / cached results, for example)
            self.__item = eos.db.getItemWithBaseItemAttribute(self.itemID, self.baseItemID)
            self.__baseItem = baseItem
            self.__mutaplasmid = mutaplasmid
            self.__item = item
            self.__baseItem = baseItem
            self.__mutaplasmid = mutaplasmid

        if item is not None and self.isInvalid:
            raise ValueError("Passed item is not a Module")

        self.__charge = None

        self.projected = False
        self.state = FittingModuleState.ONLINE

    def init(self):
        """Initialize a module from the database and validate"""
        self.__item = None
        self.__baseItem = None
        self.__charge = None
        self.__mutaplasmid = None

        # we need this early if module is invalid and returns early
        self.__slot = self.dummySlot

        if self.itemID:
            self.__item = eos.db.getItem(self.itemID)
            if self.__item is None:
                pyfalog.error("Item (id: {0}) does not exist", self.itemID)

        if self.baseItemID:
            self.__item = eos.db.getItemWithBaseItemAttribute(self.itemID, self.baseItemID)
            self.__baseItem = eos.db.getItem(self.baseItemID)
            self.__mutaplasmid = eos.db.getMutaplasmid(self.mutaplasmidID)
            if self.__baseItem is None:
                pyfalog.error("Base Item (id: {0}) does not exist", self.itemID)

        if self.isInvalid:
            pyfalog.error("Item (id: {0}) is not a Module", self.itemID)

        if self.chargeID:
            self.__charge = eos.db.getItem(self.chargeID)


    def build(self):
        """ Builds internal module variables from both init's """

        if self.__charge and self.__charge.category.name != "Charge":
            self.__charge = None

        self.__baseVolley = None
        self.__baseRemoteReps = None
        self.__miningyield = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None
        self.__hardpoint = FittingHardpoint.NONE
        self.__itemModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict(parent=self)
        self.__chargeModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict(parent=self)
        self.__slot = self.dummySlot  # defaults to None

        if self.__item:
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.original = self.__item.attributes
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.overrides = self.__item.overrides
            self.__hardpoint = self.__calculateHardpoint(self.__item)
            self.__slot = self.calculateSlot(self.__item)

            # Instantiate / remove mutators if this is a mutated module
            if self.__baseItem:
                for x in self.mutaplasmid.attributes:
                    attr = self.item.attributes[x.name]
                    id = attr.ID
                    if id not in self.mutators:  # create the mutator
                        Mutator(self, attr, attr.value)
                # @todo: remove attributes that are no longer part of the mutaplasmid.

            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.mutators = self.mutators

        if self.__charge:
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = self.__charge.attributes
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = self.__charge.overrides

    def buildEmpty(cls, slot):
        empty = Module(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        return empty

    def buildRack(cls, slot, num=None):
        empty = Rack(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        empty.num = num
        return empty

    def isEmpty(self):
        return self.dummySlot is not None

    def hardpoint(self):
        return self.__hardpoint

    def isInvalid(self):
        # todo: validate baseItem as well if it's set.
        if self.isEmpty:
            return False
        return (
            self.__item is None or (
                self.__item.category.name not in ("Module", "Subsystem", "Structure Module") and
                self.__item.group.name not in self.SYSTEM_GROUPS) or
            (self.item.isAbyssal and not self.isMutated))

    def isMutated(self):
        return self.baseItemID and self.mutaplasmidID

    def numCharges(self):
        return self.getNumCharges(self.charge)

    def getNumCharges(self, charge):
        if charge is None:
            charges = 0
            chargeVolume = charge.volume
            containerCapacity = self.item.capacity
            if chargeVolume is None or containerCapacity is None:
                charges = 0
                charges = int(floatUnerr(containerCapacity / chargeVolume))
        return charges

    def numShots(self):
        if self.charge is None:
            return 0
        if self.__chargeCycles is None and self.charge:
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            # Usual ammo like projectiles and missiles
            if numCharges > 0 and "chargeRate" in self.itemModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateAmmoShots()
            # Frequency crystals (combat and mining lasers)
            elif numCharges > 0 and "crystalsGetDamaged" in self.chargeModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateCrystalShots()
            # Scripts and stuff
                self.__chargeCycles = 0
            return self.__chargeCycles
            return self.__chargeCycles

    def modPosition(self):
        return self.getModPosition()

    def getModPosition(self, fit=None):
        # Pass in fit for reliability. When it's not passed, we rely on owner and owner
        # is set by sqlalchemy during flush
        fit = fit if fit is not None else self.owner
        if fit:
            container = fit.projectedModules if self.isProjected else fit.modules
                return container.index(self)
            except ValueError:
                return None
        return None

    def isProjected(self):
        if self.owner:
            return self in self.owner.projectedModules
        return None

    def isExclusiveSystemEffect(self):
        return self.item.group.name in ("Effect Beacon", "Non-Interactable Object", "MassiveEnvironments")

    def isCapitalSize(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("volume", 0) >= 4000

    def hpBeforeReload(self):
        If item is some kind of repairer with charges, calculate
        HP it reps before going into reload.
        cycles = self.numShots
        armorRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("armorDamageAmount") or 0
        shieldRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("shieldBonus") or 0
        if not cycles or (not armorRep and not shieldRep):
            return 0
        hp = round((armorRep + shieldRep) * cycles)
        return hp

    def __calculateAmmoShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            # Set number of cycles before reload is needed
            # numcycles = math.floor(module_capacity / (module_volume * module_chargerate))
            chargeRate = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeRate")
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            numShots = math.floor(numCharges / chargeRate)
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def __calculateCrystalShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            if self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalsGetDamaged") == 1:
                # For depletable crystals, calculate average amount of shots before it's destroyed
                hp = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("hp")
                chance = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityChance")
                damage = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityDamage")
                crystals = self.numCharges
                numShots = math.floor((crystals * hp) / (damage * chance))
                # Set 0 (infinite) for permanent crystals like t1 laser crystals
                numShots = 0
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def maxRange(self):
        attrs = ("maxRange", "shieldTransferRange", "powerTransferRange",
                 "energyDestabilizationRange", "empFieldRange",
                 "ecmBurstRange", "warpScrambleRange", "cargoScanRange",
                 "shipScanRange", "surveyScanRange")
        for attr in attrs:
            maxRange = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr, None)
            if maxRange is not None:
                return maxRange
        if self.charge is not None:
                chargeName = self.charge.group.name
            except AttributeError:
                if chargeName in ("Scanner Probe", "Survey Probe"):
                    return None
            # Source: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1307419&page=1#15
            # D_m = V_m * (T_m + T_0*[exp(- T_m/T_0)-1])
            maxVelocity = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("maxVelocity")
            flightTime = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("explosionDelay") / 1000.0
            mass = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("mass")
            agility = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("agility")
            if maxVelocity and (flightTime or mass or agility):
                accelTime = min(flightTime, mass * agility / 1000000)
                # Average distance done during acceleration
                duringAcceleration = maxVelocity / 2 * accelTime
                # Distance done after being at full speed
                fullSpeed = maxVelocity * (flightTime - accelTime)
                return duringAcceleration + fullSpeed

    def falloff(self):
        attrs = ("falloffEffectiveness", "falloff", "shipScanFalloff")
        for attr in attrs:
            falloff = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr, None)
            if falloff is not None:
                return falloff

    def slot(self):
        return self.__slot

    def itemModifiedAttributes(self):
        return self.__itemModifiedAttributes

    def chargeModifiedAttributes(self):
        return self.__chargeModifiedAttributes

    def item(self):
        return self.__item if self.__item != 0 else None

    def baseItem(self):
        return self.__baseItem

    def mutaplasmid(self):
        return self.__mutaplasmid

    def charge(self):
        return self.__charge if self.__charge != 0 else None

    def charge(self, charge):
        self.__charge = charge
        if charge is not None:
            self.chargeID = charge.ID
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = charge.attributes
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = charge.overrides
            self.chargeID = None
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = None
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = {}


    def miningStats(self):
        if self.__miningyield is None:
            if self.isEmpty:
                self.__miningyield = 0
                if self.state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE:
                    volley = self.getModifiedItemAttr("specialtyMiningAmount") or self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                            "miningAmount") or 0
                    if volley:
                        cycleParams = self.getCycleParameters()
                        if cycleParams is None:
                            self.__miningyield = 0
                            cycleTime = cycleParams.averageTime
                            self.__miningyield = volley / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
                        self.__miningyield = 0
                    self.__miningyield = 0

        return self.__miningyield

    def isDealingDamage(self, ignoreState=False):
        volleyParams = self.getVolleyParameters(ignoreState=ignoreState)
        for volley in volleyParams.values():
            if volley.total > 0:
                return True
        return False

    def getVolleyParameters(self, spoolOptions=None, targetResists=None, ignoreState=False):
        if self.isEmpty or (self.state < FittingModuleState.ACTIVE and not ignoreState):
            return {0: DmgTypes(0, 0, 0, 0)}
        if self.__baseVolley is None:
            self.__baseVolley = {}
            dmgGetter = self.getModifiedChargeAttr if self.charge else self.getModifiedItemAttr
            dmgMult = self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplier", 1)
            dmgDelay = self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageDelayDuration", 0) or self.getModifiedItemAttr("doomsdayWarningDuration", 0)
            dmgDuration = self.getModifiedItemAttr("doomsdayDamageDuration", 0)
            dmgSubcycle = self.getModifiedItemAttr("doomsdayDamageCycleTime", 0)
            if dmgDuration != 0 and dmgSubcycle != 0:
                subcycles = math.floor(floatUnerr(dmgDuration / dmgSubcycle))
                subcycles = 1
            for i in range(subcycles):
                self.__baseVolley[dmgDelay + dmgSubcycle * i] = DmgTypes(
                    em=(dmgGetter("emDamage", 0)) * dmgMult,
                    thermal=(dmgGetter("thermalDamage", 0)) * dmgMult,
                    kinetic=(dmgGetter("kineticDamage", 0)) * dmgMult,
                    explosive=(dmgGetter("explosiveDamage", 0)) * dmgMult)
        spoolType, spoolAmount = resolveSpoolOptions(spoolOptions, self)
        spoolBoost = calculateSpoolup(
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplierBonusMax", 0),
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplierBonusPerCycle", 0),
            self.rawCycleTime / 1000, spoolType, spoolAmount)[0]
        spoolMultiplier = 1 + spoolBoost
        adjustedVolley = {}
        for volleyTime, volleyValue in self.__baseVolley.items():
            adjustedVolley[volleyTime] = DmgTypes(
                em=volleyValue.em * spoolMultiplier * (1 - getattr(targetResists, "emAmount", 0)),
                thermal=volleyValue.thermal * spoolMultiplier * (1 - getattr(targetResists, "thermalAmount", 0)),
                kinetic=volleyValue.kinetic * spoolMultiplier * (1 - getattr(targetResists, "kineticAmount", 0)),
                explosive=volleyValue.explosive * spoolMultiplier * (1 - getattr(targetResists, "explosiveAmount", 0)))
        return adjustedVolley

    def getVolley(self, spoolOptions=None, targetResists=None, ignoreState=False):
        volleyParams = self.getVolleyParameters(spoolOptions=spoolOptions, targetResists=targetResists, ignoreState=ignoreState)
        if len(volleyParams) == 0:
            return DmgTypes(0, 0, 0, 0)
        return volleyParams[min(volleyParams)]

    def getDps(self, spoolOptions=None, targetResists=None, ignoreState=False):
        dmgDuringCycle = DmgTypes(0, 0, 0, 0)
        cycleParams = self.getCycleParameters()
        if cycleParams is None:
            return dmgDuringCycle
        volleyParams = self.getVolleyParameters(spoolOptions=spoolOptions, targetResists=targetResists, ignoreState=ignoreState)
        avgCycleTime = cycleParams.averageTime
        if len(volleyParams) == 0 or avgCycleTime == 0:
            return dmgDuringCycle
        for volleyValue in volleyParams.values():
            dmgDuringCycle += volleyValue
        dpsFactor = 1 / (avgCycleTime / 1000)
        dps = DmgTypes(
            em=dmgDuringCycle.em * dpsFactor,
            thermal=dmgDuringCycle.thermal * dpsFactor,
            kinetic=dmgDuringCycle.kinetic * dpsFactor,
            explosive=dmgDuringCycle.explosive * dpsFactor)
        return dps

    def getRemoteReps(self, spoolOptions=None, ignoreState=False):
        if self.isEmpty or (self.state < FittingModuleState.ACTIVE and not ignoreState):
            return None, 0

        def getBaseRemoteReps(module):
            remoteModuleGroups = {
                "Remote Armor Repairer": "Armor",
                "Ancillary Remote Armor Repairer": "Armor",
                "Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer": "Armor",
                "Remote Hull Repairer": "Hull",
                "Remote Shield Booster": "Shield",
                "Ancillary Remote Shield Booster": "Shield",
                "Remote Capacitor Transmitter": "Capacitor"}
            rrType = remoteModuleGroups.get(module.item.group.name, None)
            if not rrType:
                return None, 0
            if rrType == "Hull":
                rrAmount = module.getModifiedItemAttr("structureDamageAmount", 0)
            elif rrType == "Armor":
                rrAmount = module.getModifiedItemAttr("armorDamageAmount", 0)
            elif rrType == "Shield":
                rrAmount = module.getModifiedItemAttr("shieldBonus", 0)
            elif rrType == "Capacitor":
                rrAmount = module.getModifiedItemAttr("powerTransferAmount", 0)
                return None, 0
            if rrAmount:
                cycleParams = self.getCycleParameters()
                if cycleParams is None:
                    return None, 0
                rrAmount *= 1 / (cycleParams.averageTime / 1000)
                if module.item.group.name == "Ancillary Remote Armor Repairer" and module.charge:
                    rrAmount *= module.getModifiedItemAttr("chargedArmorDamageMultiplier", 1)

            return rrType, rrAmount

        if self.__baseRemoteReps is None:
            self.__baseRemoteReps = getBaseRemoteReps(self)

        rrType, rrAmount = self.__baseRemoteReps

        if rrType and rrAmount and self.item.group.name == "Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer":
            spoolType, spoolAmount = resolveSpoolOptions(spoolOptions, self)
            spoolBoost = calculateSpoolup(
                self.getModifiedItemAttr("repairMultiplierBonusMax", 0),
                self.getModifiedItemAttr("repairMultiplierBonusPerCycle", 0),
                self.rawCycleTime / 1000, spoolType, spoolAmount)[0]
            rrAmount *= (1 + spoolBoost)

        return rrType, rrAmount

    def getSpoolData(self, spoolOptions=None):
        weaponMultMax = self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplierBonusMax", 0)
        weaponMultPerCycle = self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplierBonusPerCycle", 0)
        if weaponMultMax and weaponMultPerCycle:
            spoolType, spoolAmount = resolveSpoolOptions(spoolOptions, self)
            _, spoolCycles, spoolTime = calculateSpoolup(
                weaponMultMax, weaponMultPerCycle,
                self.rawCycleTime / 1000, spoolType, spoolAmount)
            return spoolCycles, spoolTime
        rrMultMax = self.getModifiedItemAttr("repairMultiplierBonusMax", 0)
        rrMultPerCycle = self.getModifiedItemAttr("repairMultiplierBonusPerCycle", 0)
        if rrMultMax and rrMultPerCycle:
            spoolType, spoolAmount = resolveSpoolOptions(spoolOptions, self)
            _, spoolCycles, spoolTime = calculateSpoolup(
                rrMultMax, rrMultPerCycle,
                self.rawCycleTime / 1000, spoolType, spoolAmount)
            return spoolCycles, spoolTime
        return 0, 0

    def reloadTime(self):
        # Get reload time from attrs first, then use
        # custom value specified otherwise (e.g. in effects)
        moduleReloadTime = self.getModifiedItemAttr("reloadTime")
        if moduleReloadTime is None:
            moduleReloadTime = self.__reloadTime
        return moduleReloadTime or 0.0

    def reloadTime(self, milliseconds):
        self.__reloadTime = milliseconds

    def forceReload(self):
        return self.__reloadForce

    def forceReload(self, type):
        self.__reloadForce = type

    def fits(self, fit, hardpointLimit=True):
        Function that determines if a module can be fit to the ship. We always apply slot restrictions no matter what
        (too many assumptions made on this), however all other fitting restrictions are optional

        slot = self.slot
        if fit.getSlotsFree(slot) <= (0 if self.owner != fit else -1):
            return False

        fits = self.__fitRestrictions(fit, hardpointLimit)

        if not fits and fit.ignoreRestrictions:
            self.restrictionOverridden = True
            fits = True
        elif fits and fit.ignoreRestrictions:
            self.restrictionOverridden = False

        return fits

    def __fitRestrictions(self, fit, hardpointLimit=True):

        if not fit.canFit(self.item):
            return False

        # EVE doesn't let capital modules be fit onto subcapital hulls. Confirmed by CCP Larrikin that this is dictated
        # by the modules volume. See GH issue #1096
        if not isinstance(fit.ship, Citadel) and fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("isCapitalSize", 0) != 1 and self.isCapitalSize:
            return False

        # If the mod is a subsystem, don't let two subs in the same slot fit
        if self.slot == FittingSlot.SUBSYSTEM:
            subSlot = self.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot")
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if mod is self:
                if mod.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot") == subSlot:
                    return False

        # Check rig sizes
        if self.slot == FittingSlot.RIG:
            if self.getModifiedItemAttr("rigSize") != fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("rigSize"):
                return False

        # Check max group fitted
        max = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupFitted", None)
        if max is not None:
            current = 0  # if self.owner != fit else -1  # Disabled, see #1278
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if (mod.item and mod.item.groupID == self.item.groupID and
                        self.getModPosition(fit) != mod.getModPosition(fit)):
                    current += 1

            if current >= max:
                return False

        # Check this only if we're told to do so
        if hardpointLimit:
            if fit.getHardpointsFree(self.hardpoint) < 1:
                return False

        return True

    def isValidState(self, state):
        Check if the state is valid for this module, without considering other modules at all
        # Check if we're within bounds
        if state < -1 or state > 2:
            return False
        elif state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE and (not self.item.isType("active") or self.getModifiedItemAttr('activationBlocked') > 0):
            return False
        elif state == FittingModuleState.OVERHEATED and not self.item.isType("overheat"):
            return False
            return True

    def getMaxState(self, proposedState=None):
        states = sorted((s for s in FittingModuleState if proposedState is None or s <= proposedState), reverse=True)
        for state in states:
            if self.isValidState(state):
                return state

    def canHaveState(self, state=None, projectedOnto=None):
        Check with other modules if there are restrictions that might not allow this module to be activated
        # If we're going to set module to offline or online for local modules or offline for projected,
        # it should be fine for all cases
        item = self.item
        if (state <= FittingModuleState.ONLINE and projectedOnto is None) or (state <= FittingModuleState.OFFLINE):
            return True

        # Check if the local module is over it's max limit; if it's not, we're fine
        maxGroupActive = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupActive", None)
        if maxGroupActive is None and projectedOnto is None:
            return True

        # Following is applicable only to local modules, we do not want to limit projected
        if projectedOnto is None:
            currActive = 0
            group = item.group.name
            for mod in self.owner.modules:
                currItem = getattr(mod, "item", None)
                if mod.state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE and currItem is not None and currItem.group.name == group:
                    currActive += 1
                if currActive > maxGroupActive:
            return currActive <= maxGroupActive
        # For projected, we're checking if ship is vulnerable to given item
            # Do not allow to apply offensive modules on ship with offensive module immunite, with few exceptions
            # (all effects which apply instant modification are exception, generally speaking)
            if item.offensive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("disallowOffensiveModifiers") == 1:
                offensiveNonModifiers = {"energyDestabilizationNew",
                if not offensiveNonModifiers.intersection(set(item.effects)):
                    return False
            # If assistive modules are not allowed, do not let to apply these altogether
            if item.assistive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("disallowAssistance") == 1:
                return False
            return True

    def isValidCharge(self, charge):
        # Check sizes, if 'charge size > module volume' it won't fit
        if charge is None:
            return True
        chargeVolume = charge.volume
        moduleCapacity = self.item.capacity
        if chargeVolume is not None and moduleCapacity is not None and chargeVolume > moduleCapacity:
            return False

        itemChargeSize = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeSize")
        if itemChargeSize > 0:
            chargeSize = charge.getAttribute('chargeSize')
            if itemChargeSize != chargeSize:
                return False

        chargeGroup = charge.groupID
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i), None)
            if itemChargeGroup is None:
            if itemChargeGroup == chargeGroup:
                return True

        return False

    def getValidCharges(self):
        validCharges = set()
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i), None)
            if itemChargeGroup is not None:
                g = eos.db.getGroup(int(itemChargeGroup), eager="items.attributes")
                if g is None:
                for singleItem in g.items:
                    if singleItem.published and self.isValidCharge(singleItem):

        return validCharges

    def __calculateHardpoint(item):
        effectHardpointMap = {
            "turretFitted"  : FittingHardpoint.TURRET,
            "launcherFitted": FittingHardpoint.MISSILE

        if item is None:
            return FittingHardpoint.NONE

        for effectName, slot in effectHardpointMap.items():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot

        return FittingHardpoint.NONE

    def calculateSlot(item):
        effectSlotMap = {
            "rigSlot"    : FittingSlot.RIG.value,
            "loPower"    : FittingSlot.LOW.value,
            "medPower"   : FittingSlot.MED.value,
            "hiPower"    : FittingSlot.HIGH.value,
            "subSystem"  : FittingSlot.SUBSYSTEM.value,
            "serviceSlot": FittingSlot.SERVICE.value
        if item is None:
            return None
        for effectName, slot in effectSlotMap.items():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot
        if item.group.name in Module.SYSTEM_GROUPS:
            return FittingSlot.SYSTEM

        return None

    @validates("ID", "itemID", "ammoID")
    def validator(self, key, val):
        map = {
            "ID"    : lambda _val: isinstance(_val, int),
            "itemID": lambda _val: _val is None or isinstance(_val, int),
            "ammoID": lambda _val: isinstance(_val, int)

        if not map[key](val):
            raise ValueError(str(val) + " is not a valid value for " + key)
            return val

    def clear(self):
        self.__baseVolley = None
        self.__baseRemoteReps = None
        self.__miningyield = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None

    def calculateModifiedAttributes(self, fit, runTime, forceProjected=False, gang=False):
        # We will run the effect when two conditions are met:
        # 1: It makes sense to run the effect
        #    The effect is either offline
        #    or the effect is passive and the module is in the online state (or higher)

        #    or the effect is active and the module is in the active state (or higher)
        #    or the effect is overheat and the module is in the overheated state (or higher)
        # 2: the runtimes match

        if self.projected or forceProjected:
            context = "projected", "module"
            projected = True
            context = ("module",)
            projected = False

        if self.charge is not None:
            # fix for #82 and it's regression #106
            if not projected or (self.projected and not forceProjected) or gang:
                for effect in self.charge.effects.values():
                    if (
                        effect.runTime == runTime and
                        effect.activeByDefault and (
                            effect.isType("offline") or
                            (effect.isType("passive") and self.state >= FittingModuleState.ONLINE) or
                            (effect.isType("active") and self.state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE)) and
                        (not gang or (gang and effect.isType("gang")))
                        contexts = ("moduleCharge",)
                        # For gang effects, we pass in the effect itself as an argument. However, to avoid going through all
                        # the effect definitions and defining this argument, do a simple try/catch here and be done with it.
                        # @todo: possibly fix this
                            effect.handler(fit, self, contexts, effect=effect)
                            effect.handler(fit, self, contexts)

        if self.item:
            if self.state >= FittingModuleState.OVERHEATED:
                for effect in self.item.effects.values():
                    if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                            effect.isType("overheat") \
                            and not forceProjected \
                            and effect.activeByDefault \
                            and ((gang and effect.isType("gang")) or not gang):
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

            for effect in self.item.effects.values():
                if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                        effect.activeByDefault and \
                        (effect.isType("offline") or
                         (effect.isType("passive") and self.state >= FittingModuleState.ONLINE) or
                         (effect.isType("active") and self.state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE)) \
                        and ((projected and effect.isType("projected")) or not projected) \
                        and ((gang and effect.isType("gang")) or not gang):
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context, effect=effect)
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

    def getCycleParameters(self, reloadOverride=None):
        """Copied from new eos as well"""
        # Determine if we'll take into account reload time or not
        if reloadOverride is not None:
            factorReload = reloadOverride
            factorReload = self.owner.factorReload if self.forceReload is None else self.forceReload

        cycles_until_reload = self.numShots
        if cycles_until_reload == 0:
            cycles_until_reload = math.inf

        active_time = self.rawCycleTime
        if active_time == 0:
            return None
        forced_inactive_time = self.reactivationDelay
        reload_time = self.reloadTime
        # Effects which cannot be reloaded have the same processing whether
        # caller wants to take reload time into account or not
        if reload_time is None and cycles_until_reload < math.inf:
            final_cycles = 1
            early_cycles = cycles_until_reload - final_cycles
            # Single cycle until effect cannot run anymore
            if early_cycles == 0:
                return CycleInfo(active_time, 0, 1)
            # Multiple cycles with the same parameters
            if forced_inactive_time == 0:
                return CycleInfo(active_time, 0, cycles_until_reload)
            # Multiple cycles with different parameters
            return CycleSequence((
                CycleInfo(active_time, forced_inactive_time, early_cycles),
                CycleInfo(active_time, 0, final_cycles)
            ), 1)
        # Module cycles the same way all the time in 3 cases:
        # 1) caller doesn't want to take into account reload time
        # 2) effect does not have to reload anything to keep running
        # 3) effect has enough time to reload during inactivity periods
        if (
            not factorReload or
            cycles_until_reload == math.inf or
            forced_inactive_time >= reload_time
            return CycleInfo(active_time, forced_inactive_time, math.inf)
        # We've got to take reload into consideration
            final_cycles = 1
            early_cycles = cycles_until_reload - final_cycles
            # If effect has to reload after each its cycle, then its parameters
            # are the same all the time
            if early_cycles == 0:
                return CycleInfo(active_time, reload_time, math.inf)
            return CycleSequence((
                CycleInfo(active_time, forced_inactive_time, early_cycles),
                CycleInfo(active_time, reload_time, final_cycles)
            ), math.inf)

    def rawCycleTime(self):
        speed = max(
                self.getModifiedItemAttr("speed", 0),  # Most weapons
                self.getModifiedItemAttr("duration", 0),  # Most average modules
                self.getModifiedItemAttr("durationSensorDampeningBurstProjector", 0),
                self.getModifiedItemAttr("durationTargetIlluminationBurstProjector", 0),
                self.getModifiedItemAttr("durationECMJammerBurstProjector", 0),
                self.getModifiedItemAttr("durationWeaponDisruptionBurstProjector", 0)
        return speed

    def disallowRepeatingAction(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("disallowRepeatingActivation", 0)

    def reactivationDelay(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("moduleReactivationDelay", 0)

    def capUse(self):
        capNeed = self.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorNeed")
        if capNeed and self.state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE:
            cycleParams = self.getCycleParameters()
            if cycleParams is None:
                return 0
            cycleTime = cycleParams.averageTime
            if cycleTime > 0:
                capUsed = capNeed / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
                return capUsed
            return 0

    def getProposedState(mod, click, proposedState=None):
        pyfalog.debug("Get proposed state for module.")
        if mod.slot == FittingSlot.SUBSYSTEM or mod.isEmpty:
            return FittingModuleState.ONLINE

        if mod.slot == FittingSlot.SYSTEM:
            transitionMap = ProjectedSystem
            transitionMap = ProjectedMap if mod.projected else LocalMap

        currState = mod.state

        if proposedState is not None:
            state = proposedState
        elif click == "right":
            state = FittingModuleState.OVERHEATED
        elif click == "ctrl":
            state = FittingModuleState.OFFLINE
            state = transitionMap[currState]
            # If passive module tries to transition into online and fails,
            # put it to passive instead
            if not mod.isValidState(state) and currState == FittingModuleState.ONLINE:
                state = FittingModuleState.OFFLINE

        return mod.getMaxState(proposedState=state)

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        item = self.item
        if item is None:
            copy = Module.buildEmpty(self.slot)
            copy = Module(self.item, self.baseItem, self.mutaplasmid)
        copy.charge = self.charge
        copy.state = self.state
        copy.spoolType = self.spoolType
        copy.spoolAmount = self.spoolAmount

        for x in self.mutators.values():
            Mutator(copy, x.attribute, x.value)

        return copy

    def rebase(self, item):
        state = self.state
        charge = self.charge
        Module.__init__(self, item, self.baseItem, self.mutaplasmid)
        self.state = state
        if self.isValidCharge(charge):
            self.charge = charge
        for x in self.mutators.values():
            Mutator(self, x.attribute, x.value)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.item:
            return "Module(ID={}, name={}) at {}".format(
                    self.item.ID, self.item.name, hex(id(self))
            return "EmptyModule() at {}".format(hex(id(self)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Module(HandledItem, HandledCharge, ItemAttrShortcut, ChargeAttrShortcut):
    """An instance of this class represents a module together with its charge and modified attributes"""
    DAMAGE_TYPES = ("em", "thermal", "kinetic", "explosive")
    MINING_ATTRIBUTES = ("miningAmount", )
    SYSTEM_GROUPS = ("Effect Beacon", "MassiveEnvironments", "Abyssal Hazards",
                     "Non-Interactable Object")

    def __init__(self, item, baseItem=None, mutaplasmid=None):
        """Initialize a module from the program"""

        self.itemID = item.ID if item is not None else None
        self.baseItemID = baseItem.ID if baseItem is not None else None
        self.mutaplasmidID = mutaplasmid.ID if mutaplasmid is not None else None

        if baseItem is not None:
            # we're working with a mutated module, need to get abyssal module loaded with the base attributes
            # Note: there may be a better way of doing this, such as a metho on this classe to convert(mutaplamid). This
            # will require a bit more research though, considering there has never been a need to "swap" out the item of a Module
            # before, and there may be assumptions taken with regards to the item never changing (pre-calculated / cached results, for example)
            self.__item = eos.db.getItemWithBaseItemAttribute(
                self.itemID, self.baseItemID)
            self.__baseItem = baseItem
            self.__mutaplasmid = mutaplasmid
            self.__item = item
            self.__baseItem = baseItem
            self.__mutaplasmid = mutaplasmid

        if item is not None and self.isInvalid:
            raise ValueError("Passed item is not a Module")

        self.__charge = None

        self.projected = False
        self.state = State.ONLINE

    def init(self):
        """Initialize a module from the database and validate"""
        self.__item = None
        self.__baseItem = None
        self.__charge = None
        self.__mutaplasmid = None

        # we need this early if module is invalid and returns early
        self.__slot = self.dummySlot

        if self.itemID:
            self.__item = eos.db.getItem(self.itemID)
            if self.__item is None:
                pyfalog.error("Item (id: {0}) does not exist", self.itemID)

        if self.baseItemID:
            self.__item = eos.db.getItemWithBaseItemAttribute(
                self.itemID, self.baseItemID)
            self.__baseItem = eos.db.getItem(self.baseItemID)
            self.__mutaplasmid = eos.db.getMutaplasmid(self.mutaplasmidID)
            if self.__baseItem is None:
                pyfalog.error("Base Item (id: {0}) does not exist",

        if self.isInvalid:
            pyfalog.error("Item (id: {0}) is not a Module", self.itemID)

        if self.chargeID:
            self.__charge = eos.db.getItem(self.chargeID)


    def build(self):
        """ Builds internal module variables from both init's """

        if self.__charge and self.__charge.category.name != "Charge":
            self.__charge = None

        self.__dps = None
        self.__miningyield = None
        self.__volley = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None
        self.__hardpoint = Hardpoint.NONE
        self.__itemModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict(parent=self)
        self.__chargeModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict(parent=self)
        self.__slot = self.dummySlot  # defaults to None

        if self.__item:
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.original = self.__item.attributes
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.overrides = self.__item.overrides
            self.__hardpoint = self.__calculateHardpoint(self.__item)
            self.__slot = self.__calculateSlot(self.__item)

            # Instantiate / remove mutators if this is a mutated module
            if self.__baseItem:
                for x in self.mutaplasmid.attributes:
                    attr = self.item.attributes[x.name]
                    id = attr.ID
                    if id not in self.mutators:  # create the mutator
                        Mutator(self, attr, attr.value)
                # @todo: remove attributes that are no longer part of the mutaplasmid.

            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.mutators = self.mutators

        if self.__charge:
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = self.__charge.attributes
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = self.__charge.overrides

    def buildEmpty(cls, slot):
        empty = Module(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        return empty

    def buildRack(cls, slot, num=None):
        empty = Rack(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        empty.num = num
        return empty

    def isEmpty(self):
        return self.dummySlot is not None

    def hardpoint(self):
        return self.__hardpoint

    def isInvalid(self):
        # todo: validate baseItem as well if it's set.
        if self.isEmpty:
            return False
        return self.__item is None or \
               (self.__item.category.name not in ("Module", "Subsystem", "Structure Module") and
                self.__item.group.name not in self.SYSTEM_GROUPS) or \
               (self.item.isAbyssal and (not self.baseItemID or not self.mutaplasmidID))

    def isMutated(self):
        return self.baseItemID or self.mutaplasmidID

    def numCharges(self):
        if self.charge is None:
            charges = 0
            chargeVolume = self.charge.volume
            containerCapacity = self.item.capacity
            if chargeVolume is None or containerCapacity is None:
                charges = 0
                charges = floor(containerCapacity / chargeVolume)
        return int(charges)

    def numShots(self):
        if self.charge is None:
            return 0
        if self.__chargeCycles is None and self.charge:
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            # Usual ammo like projectiles and missiles
            if numCharges > 0 and "chargeRate" in self.itemModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateAmmoShots()
            # Frequency crystals (combat and mining lasers)
            elif numCharges > 0 and "crystalsGetDamaged" in self.chargeModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateCrystalShots()
            # Scripts and stuff
                self.__chargeCycles = 0
            return self.__chargeCycles
            return self.__chargeCycles

    def modPosition(self):
        if self.owner:
            return self.owner.modules.index(self)

    def isCapitalSize(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("volume", 0) >= 4000

    def hpBeforeReload(self):
        If item is some kind of repairer with charges, calculate
        HP it reps before going into reload.
        cycles = self.numShots
        armorRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("armorDamageAmount") or 0
        shieldRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("shieldBonus") or 0
        if not cycles or (not armorRep and not shieldRep):
            return 0
        hp = round((armorRep + shieldRep) * cycles)
        return hp

    def __calculateAmmoShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            # Set number of cycles before reload is needed
            # numcycles = math.floor(module_capacity / (module_volume * module_chargerate))
            chargeRate = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeRate")
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            numShots = floor(numCharges / chargeRate)
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def __calculateCrystalShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            if self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalsGetDamaged") == 1:
                # For depletable crystals, calculate average amount of shots before it's destroyed
                hp = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("hp")
                chance = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityChance")
                damage = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityDamage")
                crystals = self.numCharges
                numShots = floor((crystals * hp) / (damage * chance))
                # Set 0 (infinite) for permanent crystals like t1 laser crystals
                numShots = 0
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def maxRange(self):
        attrs = ("maxRange", "shieldTransferRange", "powerTransferRange",
                 "energyDestabilizationRange", "empFieldRange",
                 "ecmBurstRange", "warpScrambleRange", "cargoScanRange",
                 "shipScanRange", "surveyScanRange")
        for attr in attrs:
            maxRange = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr, None)
            if maxRange is not None:
                return maxRange
        if self.charge is not None:
                chargeName = self.charge.group.name
            except AttributeError:
                if chargeName in ("Scanner Probe", "Survey Probe"):
                    return None
            # Source: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1307419&page=1#15
            # D_m = V_m * (T_m + T_0*[exp(- T_m/T_0)-1])
            maxVelocity = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("maxVelocity")
            flightTime = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("explosionDelay") / 1000.0
            mass = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("mass")
            agility = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("agility")
            if maxVelocity and (flightTime or mass or agility):
                accelTime = min(flightTime, mass * agility / 1000000)
                # Average distance done during acceleration
                duringAcceleration = maxVelocity / 2 * accelTime
                # Distance done after being at full speed
                fullSpeed = maxVelocity * (flightTime - accelTime)
                return duringAcceleration + fullSpeed

    def falloff(self):
        attrs = ("falloffEffectiveness", "falloff", "shipScanFalloff")
        for attr in attrs:
            falloff = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr, None)
            if falloff is not None:
                return falloff

    def slot(self):
        return self.__slot

    def itemModifiedAttributes(self):
        return self.__itemModifiedAttributes

    def chargeModifiedAttributes(self):
        return self.__chargeModifiedAttributes

    def item(self):
        return self.__item if self.__item != 0 else None

    def baseItem(self):
        return self.__baseItem

    def mutaplasmid(self):
        return self.__mutaplasmid

    def charge(self):
        return self.__charge if self.__charge != 0 else None

    def charge(self, charge):
        self.__charge = charge
        if charge is not None:
            self.chargeID = charge.ID
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = charge.attributes
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = charge.overrides
            self.chargeID = None
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = None
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = {}


    def damageStats(self, targetResists):
        if self.__dps is None:
            self.__dps = 0
            self.__volley = 0

            if not self.isEmpty and self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
                if self.charge:
                    func = self.getModifiedChargeAttr
                    func = self.getModifiedItemAttr

                volley = sum([
                    (func("%sDamage" % attr) or 0) *
                    (1 - getattr(targetResists, "%sAmount" % attr, 0))
                    for attr in self.DAMAGE_TYPES
                volley *= self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplier") or 1
                # Disintegrator-specific ramp-up multiplier
                volley *= (self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplierBonusMax")
                           or 0) + 1
                if volley:
                    cycleTime = self.cycleTime
                    # Some weapons repeat multiple times in one cycle (think doomsdays)
                    # Get the number of times it fires off
                    weaponDoT = max(
                        self.getModifiedItemAttr("doomsdayDamageDuration", 1) /
                        self.getModifiedItemAttr("doomsdayDamageCycleTime", 1),

                    self.__volley = volley
                    self.__dps = (volley * weaponDoT) / (cycleTime / 1000.0)

        return self.__dps, self.__volley

    def miningStats(self):
        if self.__miningyield is None:
            if self.isEmpty:
                self.__miningyield = 0
                if self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
                    volley = self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                        "specialtyMiningAmount") or self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                            "miningAmount") or 0
                    if volley:
                        cycleTime = self.cycleTime
                        self.__miningyield = volley / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
                        self.__miningyield = 0
                    self.__miningyield = 0

        return self.__miningyield

    def dps(self):
        return self.damageStats(None)[0]

    def volley(self):
        return self.damageStats(None)[1]

    def reloadTime(self):
        # Get reload time from attrs first, then use
        # custom value specified otherwise (e.g. in effects)
        moduleReloadTime = self.getModifiedItemAttr("reloadTime")
        if moduleReloadTime is None:
            moduleReloadTime = self.__reloadTime
        return moduleReloadTime or 0.0

    def reloadTime(self, milliseconds):
        self.__reloadTime = milliseconds

    def forceReload(self):
        return self.__reloadForce

    def forceReload(self, type):
        self.__reloadForce = type

    def fits(self, fit, hardpointLimit=True):
        Function that determines if a module can be fit to the ship. We always apply slot restrictions no matter what
        (too many assumptions made on this), however all other fitting restrictions are optional

        slot = self.slot
        if fit.getSlotsFree(slot) <= (0 if self.owner != fit else -1):
            return False

        fits = self.__fitRestrictions(fit, hardpointLimit)

        if not fits and fit.ignoreRestrictions:
            self.restrictionOverridden = True
            fits = True

        return fits

    def __fitRestrictions(self, fit, hardpointLimit=True):
        # Check ship type restrictions
        fitsOnType = set()
        fitsOnGroup = set()

        shipType = self.getModifiedItemAttr("fitsToShipType", None)
        if shipType is not None:

        for attr in list(self.itemModifiedAttributes.keys()):
            if attr.startswith("canFitShipType"):
                shipType = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr, None)
                if shipType is not None:

        for attr in list(self.itemModifiedAttributes.keys()):
            if attr.startswith("canFitShipGroup"):
                shipGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr, None)
                if shipGroup is not None:

        if (len(fitsOnGroup) > 0 or len(fitsOnType) > 0) \
                and fit.ship.item.group.ID not in fitsOnGroup \
                and fit.ship.item.ID not in fitsOnType:
            return False

        # Citadel modules are now under a new category, so we can check this to ensure only structure modules can fit on a citadel
        if isinstance(fit.ship, Citadel) and self.item.category.name != "Structure Module" or \
                not isinstance(fit.ship, Citadel) and self.item.category.name == "Structure Module":
            return False

        # EVE doesn't let capital modules be fit onto subcapital hulls. Confirmed by CCP Larrikin that this is dictated
        # by the modules volume. See GH issue #1096
        if not isinstance(fit.ship, Citadel) and fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(
                "isCapitalSize", 0) != 1 and self.isCapitalSize:
            return False

        # If the mod is a subsystem, don't let two subs in the same slot fit
        if self.slot == Slot.SUBSYSTEM:
            subSlot = self.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot")
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if mod.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot") == subSlot:
                    return False

        # Check rig sizes
        if self.slot == Slot.RIG:
            if self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "rigSize") != fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("rigSize"):
                return False

        # Check max group fitted
        max = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupFitted", None)
        if max is not None:
            current = 0  # if self.owner != fit else -1  # Disabled, see #1278
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if (mod.item and mod.item.groupID == self.item.groupID
                        and self.modPosition != mod.modPosition):
                    current += 1

            if current >= max:
                return False

        # Check this only if we're told to do so
        if hardpointLimit:
            if fit.getHardpointsFree(self.hardpoint) < 1:
                return False

        return True

    def isValidState(self, state):
        Check if the state is valid for this module, without considering other modules at all
        # Check if we're within bounds
        if state < -1 or state > 2:
            return False
        elif state >= State.ACTIVE and not self.item.isType("active"):
            return False
        elif state == State.OVERHEATED and not self.item.isType("overheat"):
            return False
            return True

    def canHaveState(self, state=None, projectedOnto=None):
        Check with other modules if there are restrictions that might not allow this module to be activated
        # If we're going to set module to offline or online for local modules or offline for projected,
        # it should be fine for all cases
        item = self.item
        if (state <= State.ONLINE
                and projectedOnto is None) or (state <= State.OFFLINE):
            return True

        # Check if the local module is over it's max limit; if it's not, we're fine
        maxGroupActive = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupActive", None)
        if maxGroupActive is None and projectedOnto is None:
            return True

        # Following is applicable only to local modules, we do not want to limit projected
        if projectedOnto is None:
            currActive = 0
            group = item.group.name
            for mod in self.owner.modules:
                currItem = getattr(mod, "item", None)
                if mod.state >= State.ACTIVE and currItem is not None and currItem.group.name == group:
                    currActive += 1
                if currActive > maxGroupActive:
            return currActive <= maxGroupActive
        # For projected, we're checking if ship is vulnerable to given item
            # Do not allow to apply offensive modules on ship with offensive module immunite, with few exceptions
            # (all effects which apply instant modification are exception, generally speaking)
            if item.offensive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "disallowOffensiveModifiers") == 1:
                offensiveNonModifiers = {
                    "energyDestabilizationNew", "leech",
                    "energyNosferatuFalloff", "energyNeutralizerFalloff"
                if not offensiveNonModifiers.intersection(set(item.effects)):
                    return False
            # If assistive modules are not allowed, do not let to apply these altogether
            if item.assistive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "disallowAssistance") == 1:
                return False
            return True

    def isValidCharge(self, charge):
        # Check sizes, if 'charge size > module volume' it won't fit
        if charge is None:
            return True
        chargeVolume = charge.volume
        moduleCapacity = self.item.capacity
        if chargeVolume is not None and moduleCapacity is not None and chargeVolume > moduleCapacity:
            return False

        itemChargeSize = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeSize")
        if itemChargeSize > 0:
            chargeSize = charge.getAttribute('chargeSize')
            if itemChargeSize != chargeSize:
                return False

        chargeGroup = charge.groupID
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i),
            if itemChargeGroup is None:
            if itemChargeGroup == chargeGroup:
                return True

        return False

    def getValidCharges(self):
        validCharges = set()
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i),
            if itemChargeGroup is not None:
                g = eos.db.getGroup(int(itemChargeGroup),
                if g is None:
                for singleItem in g.items:
                    if singleItem.published and self.isValidCharge(singleItem):

        return validCharges

    def __calculateHardpoint(item):
        effectHardpointMap = {
            "turretFitted": Hardpoint.TURRET,
            "launcherFitted": Hardpoint.MISSILE

        if item is None:
            return Hardpoint.NONE

        for effectName, slot in effectHardpointMap.items():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot

        return Hardpoint.NONE

    def __calculateSlot(item):
        effectSlotMap = {
            "rigSlot": Slot.RIG,
            "loPower": Slot.LOW,
            "medPower": Slot.MED,
            "hiPower": Slot.HIGH,
            "subSystem": Slot.SUBSYSTEM,
            "serviceSlot": Slot.SERVICE
        if item is None:
            return None
        for effectName, slot in effectSlotMap.items():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot
        if item.group.name in Module.SYSTEM_GROUPS:
            return Slot.SYSTEM

        raise ValueError("Passed item does not fit in any known slot")

    @validates("ID", "itemID", "ammoID")
    def validator(self, key, val):
        map = {
            "ID": lambda _val: isinstance(_val, int),
            "itemID": lambda _val: _val is None or isinstance(_val, int),
            "ammoID": lambda _val: isinstance(_val, int)

        if not map[key](val):
            raise ValueError(str(val) + " is not a valid value for " + key)
            return val

    def clear(self):
        self.__dps = None
        self.__miningyield = None
        self.__volley = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None

    def calculateModifiedAttributes(self,
        # We will run the effect when two conditions are met:
        # 1: It makes sense to run the effect
        #    The effect is either offline
        #    or the effect is passive and the module is in the online state (or higher)

        #    or the effect is active and the module is in the active state (or higher)
        #    or the effect is overheat and the module is in the overheated state (or higher)
        # 2: the runtimes match

        if self.projected or forceProjected:
            context = "projected", "module"
            projected = True
            context = ("module", )
            projected = False

        # if gang:
        #     context += ("commandRun",)

        if self.charge is not None:
            # fix for #82 and it's regression #106
            if not projected or (self.projected
                                 and not forceProjected) or gang:
                for effect in self.charge.effects.values():
                    if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                            effect.activeByDefault and \
                            (effect.isType("offline") or
                                 (effect.isType("passive") and self.state >= State.ONLINE) or
                                 (effect.isType("active") and self.state >= State.ACTIVE)) and \
                            (not gang or (gang and effect.isType("gang"))):

                        chargeContext = ("moduleCharge", )
                        # For gang effects, we pass in the effect itself as an argument. However, to avoid going through
                        # all the effect files and defining this argument, do a simple try/catch here and be done with it.
                        # @todo: possibly fix this
                            effect.handler(fit, self, chargeContext)

        if self.item:
            if self.state >= State.OVERHEATED:
                for effect in self.item.effects.values():
                    if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                            effect.isType("overheat") \
                            and not forceProjected \
                            and effect.activeByDefault \
                            and ((gang and effect.isType("gang")) or not gang):
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

            for effect in self.item.effects.values():
                if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                        effect.activeByDefault and \
                        (effect.isType("offline") or
                             (effect.isType("passive") and self.state >= State.ONLINE) or
                             (effect.isType("active") and self.state >= State.ACTIVE)) \
                        and ((projected and effect.isType("projected")) or not projected) \
                        and ((gang and effect.isType("gang")) or not gang):
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context, effect=effect)
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

    def cycleTime(self):
        # Determine if we'll take into account reload time or not
        factorReload = self.owner.factorReload if self.forceReload is None else self.forceReload

        numShots = self.numShots
        speed = self.rawCycleTime

        if factorReload and self.charge:
            raw_reload_time = self.reloadTime
            raw_reload_time = 0.0

        # Module can only fire one shot at a time, think bomb launchers or defender launchers
        if self.disallowRepeatingAction:
            if numShots > 0:
                The actual mechanics behind this is complex.  Behavior will be (for 3 ammo):
                    fire, reactivation delay, fire, reactivation delay, fire, max(reactivation delay, reload)
                so your effective reload time depends on where you are at in the cycle.

                We can't do that, so instead we'll average it out.

                Currently would apply to bomb launchers and defender missiles
                effective_reload_time = (
                    (self.reactivationDelay * (numShots - 1)) +
                    max(raw_reload_time, self.reactivationDelay, 0))
                Applies to MJD/MJFG
                effective_reload_time = max(raw_reload_time,
                                            self.reactivationDelay, 0)
                speed = speed + effective_reload_time
            Currently no other modules would have a reactivation delay, so for sanities sake don't try and account for it.
            Okay, technically cloaks do, but they also have 0 cycle time and cap usage so why do you care?
            effective_reload_time = raw_reload_time

        if numShots > 0 and self.charge:
            speed = (speed * numShots + effective_reload_time) / numShots

        return speed

    def rawCycleTime(self):
        speed = max(
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("speed", 0),  # Most weapons
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("duration", 0),  # Most average modules
                "durationTargetIlluminationBurstProjector", 0),
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("durationECMJammerBurstProjector", 0),
        return speed

    def disallowRepeatingAction(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("disallowRepeatingActivation", 0)

    def reactivationDelay(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("moduleReactivationDelay", 0)

    def capUse(self):
        capNeed = self.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorNeed")
        if capNeed and self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
            cycleTime = self.cycleTime
            if cycleTime > 0:
                capUsed = capNeed / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
                return capUsed
            return 0

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        item = self.item
        if item is None:
            copy = Module.buildEmpty(self.slot)
            copy = Module(self.item, self.baseItem, self.mutaplasmid)
        copy.charge = self.charge
        copy.state = self.state

        for x in self.mutators.values():
            Mutator(copy, x.attribute, x.value)

        return copy

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.item:
            return "Module(ID={}, name={}) at {}".format(
                self.item.ID, self.item.name, hex(id(self)))
            return "EmptyModule() at {}".format(hex(id(self)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Module(HandledItem, HandledCharge, ItemAttrShortcut, ChargeAttrShortcut):
    """An instance of this class represents a module together with its charge and modified attributes"""
    DAMAGE_TYPES = ("em", "thermal", "kinetic", "explosive")
    MINING_ATTRIBUTES = ("miningAmount", )

    def __init__(self, item):
        """Initialize a module from the program"""
        self.__item = item

        if item is not None and self.isInvalid:
            raise ValueError("Passed item is not a Module")

        self.__charge = None
        self.itemID = item.ID if item is not None else None
        self.projected = False
        self.state = State.ONLINE

    def init(self):
        """Initialize a module from the database and validate"""
        self.__item = None
        self.__charge = None

        # we need this early if module is invalid and returns early
        self.__slot = self.dummySlot

        if self.itemID:
            self.__item = eos.db.getItem(self.itemID)
            if self.__item is None:
                logger.error("Item (id: %d) does not exist", self.itemID)

        if self.isInvalid:
            logger.error("Item (id: %d) is not a Module", self.itemID)

        if self.chargeID:
            self.__charge = eos.db.getItem(self.chargeID)


    def build(self):
        """ Builds internal module variables from both init's """

        if self.__charge and self.__charge.category.name != "Charge":
            self.__charge = None

        self.__dps = None
        self.__miningyield = None
        self.__volley = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None
        self.__hardpoint = Hardpoint.NONE
        self.__itemModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()
        self.__chargeModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict()
        self.__slot = self.dummySlot  # defaults to None

        if self.__item:
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.original = self.__item.attributes
            self.__hardpoint = self.__calculateHardpoint(self.__item)
            self.__slot = self.__calculateSlot(self.__item)
        if self.__charge:
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = self.__charge.attributes

    def buildEmpty(cls, slot):
        empty = Module(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        return empty

    def buildRack(cls, slot):
        empty = Rack(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        return empty

    def isEmpty(self):
        return self.dummySlot is not None

    def hardpoint(self):
        return self.__hardpoint

    def isInvalid(self):
        if self.isEmpty:
            return False
        return self.__item is None or (
            self.__item.category.name not in ("Module", "Subsystem")
            and self.__item.group.name != "Effect Beacon")

    def numCharges(self):
        if self.charge is None:
            charges = 0
            chargeVolume = self.charge.volume
            containerCapacity = self.item.capacity
            if chargeVolume is None or containerCapacity is None:
                charges = 0
                charges = floorFloat(float(containerCapacity) / chargeVolume)
        return charges

    def numShots(self):
        if self.charge is None:
            return None
        if self.__chargeCycles is None and self.charge:
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            # Usual ammo like projectiles and missiles
            if numCharges > 0 and "chargeRate" in self.itemModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateAmmoShots()
            # Frequency crystals (combat and mining lasers)
            elif numCharges > 0 and "crystalsGetDamaged" in self.chargeModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateCrystalShots()
            # Scripts and stuff
                self.__chargeCycles = 0
            return self.__chargeCycles
            return self.__chargeCycles

    def hpBeforeReload(self):
        If item is some kind of repairer with charges, calculate
        HP it reps before going into reload.
        cycles = self.numShots
        armorRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("armorDamageAmount") or 0
        shieldRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("shieldBonus") or 0
        if not cycles or (not armorRep and not shieldRep):
            return None
        hp = round((armorRep + shieldRep) * cycles)
        return hp

    def __calculateAmmoShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            # Set number of cycles before reload is needed
            chargeRate = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeRate")
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            numShots = floorFloat(float(numCharges) / chargeRate)
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def __calculateCrystalShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            if self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalsGetDamaged") == 1:
                # For depletable crystals, calculate average amount of shots before it's destroyed
                hp = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("hp")
                chance = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityChance")
                damage = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityDamage")
                crystals = self.numCharges
                numShots = floorFloat(float(crystals * hp) / (damage * chance))
                # Set 0 (infinite) for permanent crystals like t1 laser crystals
                numShots = 0
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def maxRange(self):
        attrs = ("maxRange", "shieldTransferRange", "powerTransferRange",
                 "energyDestabilizationRange", "empFieldRange",
                 "ecmBurstRange", "warpScrambleRange", "cargoScanRange",
                 "shipScanRange", "surveyScanRange")
        for attr in attrs:
            maxRange = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr)
            if maxRange is not None: return maxRange
        if self.charge is not None:
                chargeName = self.charge.group.name
            except AttributeError:
                if chargeName in ("Scanner Probe", "Survey Probe"):
                    return None
            # Source: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1307419&page=1#15
            # D_m = V_m * (T_m + T_0*[exp(- T_m/T_0)-1])
            maxVelocity = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("maxVelocity")
            flightTime = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("explosionDelay") / 1000.0
            mass = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("mass")
            agility = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("agility")
            if maxVelocity and flightTime and mass and agility:
                accelTime = min(flightTime, mass * agility / 1000000)
                # Average distance done during acceleration
                duringAcceleration = maxVelocity / 2 * accelTime
                # Distance done after being at full speed
                fullSpeed = maxVelocity * (flightTime - accelTime)
                return duringAcceleration + fullSpeed

    def falloff(self):
        attrs = ("falloff", "shipScanFalloff")
        for attr in attrs:
            falloff = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr)
            if falloff is not None: return falloff

    def slot(self):
        return self.__slot

    def itemModifiedAttributes(self):
        return self.__itemModifiedAttributes

    def chargeModifiedAttributes(self):
        return self.__chargeModifiedAttributes

    def item(self):
        return self.__item if self.__item != 0 else None

    def charge(self):
        return self.__charge if self.__charge != 0 else None

    def charge(self, charge):
        self.__charge = charge
        if charge is not None:
            self.chargeID = charge.ID
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = charge.attributes
            self.chargeID = None
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = None


    def damageStats(self, targetResists):
        if self.__dps == None:
            self.__dps = 0
            self.__volley = 0

            if not self.isEmpty and self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
                if self.charge:
                    func = self.getModifiedChargeAttr
                    func = self.getModifiedItemAttr

                volley = sum(
                        lambda attr: (func("%sDamage" % attr) or 0) *
                        (1 - getattr(targetResists, "%sAmount" % attr, 0)),
                volley *= self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplier") or 1
                if volley:
                    cycleTime = self.cycleTime
                    self.__volley = volley
                    self.__dps = volley / (cycleTime / 1000.0)

        return self.__dps, self.__volley

    def miningStats(self):
        if self.__miningyield == None:
            if self.isEmpty:
                self.__miningyield = 0
                if self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
                    volley = sum(
                        map(lambda attr: self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr) or 0,
                    if volley:
                        cycleTime = self.cycleTime
                        self.__miningyield = volley / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
                        self.__miningyield = 0
                    self.__miningyield = 0

        return self.__miningyield

    def dps(self):
        return self.damageStats(None)[0]

    def volley(self):
        return self.damageStats(None)[1]

    def reloadTime(self):
        # Get reload time from attrs first, then use
        # custom value specified otherwise (e.g. in effects)
        moduleReloadTime = self.getModifiedItemAttr("reloadTime")
        if moduleReloadTime is None:
            moduleReloadTime = self.__reloadTime
        return moduleReloadTime

    def reloadTime(self, milliseconds):
        self.__reloadTime = milliseconds

    def forceReload(self):
        return self.__reloadForce

    def forceReload(self, type):
        self.__reloadForce = type

    def fits(self, fit, hardpointLimit=True):
        slot = self.slot
        if fit.getSlotsFree(slot) <= (0 if self.owner != fit else -1):
            return False

        # Check ship type restrictions
        fitsOnType = set()
        fitsOnGroup = set()

        shipType = self.getModifiedItemAttr("fitsToShipType")
        if shipType is not None:

        for i in xrange(1, 6):
            shipType = self.getModifiedItemAttr("canFitShipType%d" % i)
            if shipType is not None:

        # Check ship group restrictions
        for i in xrange(1, 10):
            shipGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr("canFitShipGroup%d" % i)
            if shipGroup is not None:

        if (
                len(fitsOnGroup) > 0 or len(fitsOnType) > 0
        ) and fit.ship.item.group.ID not in fitsOnGroup and fit.ship.item.ID not in fitsOnType:
            return False

        # If the mod is a subsystem, don't let two subs in the same slot fit
        if self.slot == Slot.SUBSYSTEM:
            subSlot = self.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot")
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if mod.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot") == subSlot:
                    return False

        # Check rig sizes
        if self.slot == Slot.RIG:
            if self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "rigSize") != fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("rigSize"):
                return False

        # Check max group fitted
        max = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupFitted")
        if max is not None:
            current = 0 if self.owner != fit else -1
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if mod.item and mod.item.groupID == self.item.groupID:
                    current += 1

            if current >= max:
                return False

        # Check this only if we're told to do so
        if hardpointLimit:
            if self.hardpoint == Hardpoint.TURRET:
                if fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(
                        'turretSlotsLeft') - fit.getHardpointsUsed(
                            Hardpoint.TURRET) < 1:
                    return False
            elif self.hardpoint == Hardpoint.MISSILE:
                if fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(
                        'launcherSlotsLeft') - fit.getHardpointsUsed(
                            Hardpoint.MISSILE) < 1:
                    return False

        return True

    def isValidState(self, state):
        Check if the state is valid for this module, without considering other modules at all
        #Check if we're within bounds
        if state < -1 or state > 2:
            return False
        elif state >= State.ACTIVE and not self.item.isType("active"):
            return False
        elif state == State.OVERHEATED and not self.item.isType("overheat"):
            return False
            return True

    def canHaveState(self, state=None, projectedOnto=None):
        Check with other modules if there are restrictions that might not allow this module to be activated
        # If we're going to set module to offline or online for local modules or offline for projected,
        # it should be fine for all cases
        item = self.item
        if (state <= State.ONLINE
                and projectedOnto is None) or (state <= State.OFFLINE):
            return True

        # Check if the local module is over it's max limit; if it's not, we're fine
        maxGroupActive = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupActive")
        if maxGroupActive is None and projectedOnto is None:
            return True

        # Following is applicable only to local modules, we do not want to limit projected
        if projectedOnto is None:
            currActive = 0
            group = item.group.name
            for mod in self.owner.modules:
                currItem = getattr(mod, "item", None)
                if mod.state >= State.ACTIVE and currItem is not None and currItem.group.name == group:
                    currActive += 1
                if currActive > maxGroupActive:
            return currActive <= maxGroupActive
        # For projected, we're checking if ship is vulnerable to given item
            # Do not allow to apply offensive modules on ship with offensive module immunite, with few exceptions
            # (all effects which apply instant modification are exception, generally speaking)
            if item.offensive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "disallowOffensiveModifiers") == 1:
                offensiveNonModifiers = set(
                    ("energyDestabilizationNew", "leech"))
                if not offensiveNonModifiers.intersection(set(item.effects)):
                    return False
            # If assistive modules are not allowed, do not let to apply these altogether
            if item.assistive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "disallowAssistance") == 1:
                return False
            return True

    def isValidCharge(self, charge):
        #Check sizes, if 'charge size > module volume' it won't fit
        if charge is None: return True
        chargeVolume = charge.volume
        moduleCapacity = self.item.capacity
        if chargeVolume is not None and moduleCapacity is not None and chargeVolume > moduleCapacity:
            return False

        itemChargeSize = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeSize")
        if itemChargeSize is not None:
            chargeSize = charge.getAttribute('chargeSize')
            if itemChargeSize != chargeSize:
                return False

        chargeGroup = charge.groupID
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i))
            if itemChargeGroup is None: continue
            if itemChargeGroup == chargeGroup: return True

        return False

    def getValidCharges(self):
        validCharges = set()
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i))
            if itemChargeGroup is not None:
                g = eos.db.getGroup(int(itemChargeGroup),
                                    eager=("items.icon", "items.attributes"))
                if g is None:
                for i in g.items:
                    if i.published and self.isValidCharge(i):

        return validCharges

    def __calculateHardpoint(self, item):
        effectHardpointMap = {
            "turretFitted": Hardpoint.TURRET,
            "launcherFitted": Hardpoint.MISSILE

        if item is None:
            return Hardpoint.NONE

        for effectName, slot in effectHardpointMap.iteritems():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot

        return Hardpoint.NONE

    def __calculateSlot(self, item):
        effectSlotMap = {
            "rigSlot": Slot.RIG,
            "loPower": Slot.LOW,
            "medPower": Slot.MED,
            "hiPower": Slot.HIGH,
            "subSystem": Slot.SUBSYSTEM
        if item is None:
            return None
        for effectName, slot in effectSlotMap.iteritems():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot
        if item.group.name == "Effect Beacon":
            return Slot.RIG

        raise ValueError("Passed item does not fit in any known slot")

    @validates("ID", "itemID", "ammoID")
    def validator(self, key, val):
        map = {
            "ID": lambda val: isinstance(val, int),
            "itemID": lambda val: val is None or isinstance(val, int),
            "ammoID": lambda val: isinstance(val, int)

        if map[key](val) == False:
            raise ValueError(str(val) + " is not a valid value for " + key)
            return val

    def clear(self):
        self.__dps = None
        self.__miningyield = None
        self.__volley = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None

    def calculateModifiedAttributes(self, fit, runTime, forceProjected=False):
        #We will run the effect when two conditions are met:
        #1: It makes sense to run the effect
        #    The effect is either offline
        #    or the effect is passive and the module is in the online state (or higher)

        #    or the effect is active and the module is in the active state (or higher)
        #    or the effect is overheat and the module is in the overheated state (or higher)
        #2: the runtimes match

        if self.projected or forceProjected:
            context = "projected", "module"
            projected = True
            context = ("module", )
            projected = False

        if self.charge is not None:
            # fix for #82 and it's regression #106
            if not projected or (self.projected and not forceProjected):
                for effect in self.charge.effects.itervalues():
                    if effect.runTime == runTime:
                        effect.handler(fit, self, ("moduleCharge", ))

        if self.item:
            if self.state >= State.OVERHEATED:
                for effect in self.item.effects.itervalues():
                    if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                       effect.isType("overheat") and \
                       not forceProjected:
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

            for effect in self.item.effects.itervalues():
                if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                (effect.isType("offline") or
                (effect.isType("passive") and self.state >= State.ONLINE) or \
                (effect.isType("active") and self.state >= State.ACTIVE)) and \
                ((projected and effect.isType("projected")) or not projected):
                    effect.handler(fit, self, context)

    def cycleTime(self):
        reactivation = (self.getModifiedItemAttr("moduleReactivationDelay")
                        or 0)
        # Reactivation time starts counting after end of module cycle
        speed = self.rawCycleTime + reactivation
        if self.charge:
            reload = self.reloadTime
            reload = 0.0
        # Determine if we'll take into account reload time or not
        factorReload = self.owner.factorReload if self.forceReload is None else self.forceReload
        # If reactivation is longer than 10 seconds then module can be reloaded
        # during reactivation time, thus we may ignore reload
        if factorReload and reactivation < reload:
            numShots = self.numShots
            # Time it takes to reload module after end of reactivation time,
            # given that we started when module cycle has just over
            additionalReloadTime = (reload - reactivation)
            # Speed here already takes into consideration reactivation time
            speed = (speed * numShots + additionalReloadTime
                     ) / numShots if numShots > 0 else speed

        return speed

    def rawCycleTime(self):
        speed = self.getModifiedItemAttr("speed") or self.getModifiedItemAttr(
        return speed

    def capUse(self):
        capNeed = self.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorNeed")
        if capNeed and self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
            cycleTime = self.cycleTime
            capUsed = capNeed / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
            return capUsed
            return 0

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        item = self.item
        if item is None:
            copy = Module.buildEmpty(self.slot)
            copy = Module(self.item)
        copy.charge = self.charge
        copy.state = self.state
        return copy

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.item:
            return "Module(ID={}, name={}) at {}".format(
                self.item.ID, self.item.name, hex(id(self)))
            return "EmptyModule() at {}".format(hex(id(self)))
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Module(HandledItem, HandledCharge, ItemAttrShortcut, ChargeAttrShortcut):
    """An instance of this class represents a module together with its charge and modified attributes"""
    MINING_ATTRIBUTES = ("miningAmount", )
    SYSTEM_GROUPS = ("Effect Beacon", "MassiveEnvironments", "Abyssal Hazards",
                     "Non-Interactable Object")

    def __init__(self, item, baseItem=None, mutaplasmid=None):
        """Initialize a module from the program"""

        self.itemID = item.ID if item is not None else None
        self.baseItemID = baseItem.ID if baseItem is not None else None
        self.mutaplasmidID = mutaplasmid.ID if mutaplasmid is not None else None

        if baseItem is not None:
            # we're working with a mutated module, need to get abyssal module loaded with the base attributes
            # Note: there may be a better way of doing this, such as a metho on this classe to convert(mutaplamid). This
            # will require a bit more research though, considering there has never been a need to "swap" out the item of a Module
            # before, and there may be assumptions taken with regards to the item never changing (pre-calculated / cached results, for example)
            self.__item = eos.db.getItemWithBaseItemAttribute(
                self.itemID, self.baseItemID)
            self.__baseItem = baseItem
            self.__mutaplasmid = mutaplasmid
            self.__item = item
            self.__baseItem = baseItem
            self.__mutaplasmid = mutaplasmid

        if item is not None and self.isInvalid:
            raise ValueError("Passed item is not a Module")

        self.__charge = None

        self.projected = False
        self.state = FittingModuleState.ONLINE

    def init(self):
        """Initialize a module from the database and validate"""
        self.__item = None
        self.__baseItem = None
        self.__charge = None
        self.__mutaplasmid = None

        # we need this early if module is invalid and returns early
        self.__slot = self.dummySlot

        if self.itemID:
            self.__item = eos.db.getItem(self.itemID)
            if self.__item is None:
                pyfalog.error("Item (id: {0}) does not exist", self.itemID)

        if self.baseItemID:
            self.__item = eos.db.getItemWithBaseItemAttribute(
                self.itemID, self.baseItemID)
            self.__baseItem = eos.db.getItem(self.baseItemID)
            self.__mutaplasmid = eos.db.getMutaplasmid(self.mutaplasmidID)
            if self.__baseItem is None:
                pyfalog.error("Base Item (id: {0}) does not exist",

        if self.isInvalid:
            pyfalog.error("Item (id: {0}) is not a Module", self.itemID)

        if self.chargeID:
            self.__charge = eos.db.getItem(self.chargeID)


    def build(self):
        """ Builds internal module variables from both init's """

        if self.__charge and self.__charge.category.name != "Charge":
            self.__charge = None

        self.__baseVolley = None
        self.__baseRRAmount = None
        self.__miningyield = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None
        self.__hardpoint = FittingHardpoint.NONE
        self.__itemModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict(parent=self)
        self.__chargeModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict(parent=self)
        self.__slot = self.dummySlot  # defaults to None

        if self.__item:
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.original = self.__item.attributes
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.overrides = self.__item.overrides
            self.__hardpoint = self.__calculateHardpoint(self.__item)
            self.__slot = self.calculateSlot(self.__item)

            # Instantiate / remove mutators if this is a mutated module
            if self.__baseItem:
                for x in self.mutaplasmid.attributes:
                    attr = self.item.attributes[x.name]
                    id = attr.ID
                    if id not in self.mutators:  # create the mutator
                        Mutator(self, attr, attr.value)
                # @todo: remove attributes that are no longer part of the mutaplasmid.

            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.mutators = self.mutators

        if self.__charge:
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = self.__charge.attributes
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = self.__charge.overrides

    def buildEmpty(cls, slot):
        empty = Module(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        return empty

    def buildRack(cls, slot, num=None):
        empty = Rack(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        empty.num = num
        return empty

    def isEmpty(self):
        return self.dummySlot is not None

    def hardpoint(self):
        return self.__hardpoint

    def isInvalid(self):
        # todo: validate baseItem as well if it's set.
        if self.isEmpty:
            return False
        return (self.__item is None
                or (self.__item.category.name
                    not in ("Module", "Subsystem", "Structure Module")
                    and self.__item.group.name not in self.SYSTEM_GROUPS)
                or (self.item.isAbyssal and not self.isMutated))

    def isMutated(self):
        return self.baseItemID and self.mutaplasmidID

    def numCharges(self):
        return self.getNumCharges(self.charge)

    def getNumCharges(self, charge):
        if charge is None:
            charges = 0
            chargeVolume = charge.volume
            containerCapacity = self.item.capacity
            if chargeVolume is None or containerCapacity is None:
                charges = 0
                charges = int(floatUnerr(containerCapacity / chargeVolume))
        return charges

    def numShots(self):
        if self.charge is None:
            return 0
        if self.__chargeCycles is None and self.charge:
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            # Usual ammo like projectiles and missiles
            if numCharges > 0 and "chargeRate" in self.itemModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateAmmoShots()
            # Frequency crystals (combat and mining lasers)
            elif numCharges > 0 and "crystalsGetDamaged" in self.chargeModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateCrystalShots()
            # Scripts and stuff
                self.__chargeCycles = 0
            return self.__chargeCycles
            return self.__chargeCycles

    def modPosition(self):
        return self.getModPosition()

    def getModPosition(self, fit=None):
        # Pass in fit for reliability. When it's not passed, we rely on owner and owner
        # is set by sqlalchemy during flush
        fit = fit if fit is not None else self.owner
        if fit:
            container = fit.projectedModules if self.isProjected else fit.modules
                return container.index(self)
            except ValueError:
                return None
        return None

    def isProjected(self):
        if self.owner:
            return self in self.owner.projectedModules
        return None

    def isExclusiveSystemEffect(self):
        return self.item.group.name in ("Effect Beacon",
                                        "Non-Interactable Object",

    def isCapitalSize(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("volume", 0) >= 4000

    def hpBeforeReload(self):
        If item is some kind of repairer with charges, calculate
        HP it reps before going into reload.
        cycles = self.numShots
        armorRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("armorDamageAmount") or 0
        shieldRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("shieldBonus") or 0
        if not cycles or (not armorRep and not shieldRep):
            return 0
        hp = round((armorRep + shieldRep) * cycles)
        return hp

    def __calculateAmmoShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            # Set number of cycles before reload is needed
            # numcycles = math.floor(module_capacity / (module_volume * module_chargerate))
            chargeRate = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeRate")
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            numShots = math.floor(numCharges / chargeRate)
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def __calculateCrystalShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            if self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalsGetDamaged") == 1:
                # For depletable crystals, calculate average amount of shots before it's destroyed
                hp = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("hp")
                chance = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityChance")
                damage = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityDamage")
                crystals = self.numCharges
                numShots = math.floor((crystals * hp) / (damage * chance))
                # Set 0 (infinite) for permanent crystals like t1 laser crystals
                numShots = 0
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def maxRange(self):
        attrs = ("maxRange", "shieldTransferRange", "powerTransferRange",
                 "energyDestabilizationRange", "empFieldRange",
                 "ecmBurstRange", "warpScrambleRange", "cargoScanRange",
                 "shipScanRange", "surveyScanRange")
        for attr in attrs:
            maxRange = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr, None)
            if maxRange is not None:
                return maxRange
        if self.charge is not None:
                chargeName = self.charge.group.name
            except AttributeError:
                if chargeName in ("Scanner Probe", "Survey Probe"):
                    return None
            # Source: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1307419&page=1#15
            # D_m = V_m * (T_m + T_0*[exp(- T_m/T_0)-1])
            maxVelocity = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("maxVelocity")
            flightTime = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("explosionDelay") / 1000.0
            mass = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("mass")
            agility = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("agility")
            if maxVelocity and (flightTime or mass or agility):
                accelTime = min(flightTime, mass * agility / 1000000)
                # Average distance done during acceleration
                duringAcceleration = maxVelocity / 2 * accelTime
                # Distance done after being at full speed
                fullSpeed = maxVelocity * (flightTime - accelTime)
                maxRange = duringAcceleration + fullSpeed
                if 'fofMissileLaunching' in self.charge.effects:
                    rangeLimit = self.getModifiedChargeAttr(
                    if rangeLimit:
                        maxRange = min(maxRange, rangeLimit)
                return maxRange

    def falloff(self):
        attrs = ("falloffEffectiveness", "falloff", "shipScanFalloff")
        for attr in attrs:
            falloff = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr, None)
            if falloff is not None:
                return falloff

    def slot(self):
        return self.__slot

    def itemModifiedAttributes(self):
        return self.__itemModifiedAttributes

    def chargeModifiedAttributes(self):
        return self.__chargeModifiedAttributes

    def item(self):
        return self.__item if self.__item != 0 else None

    def baseItem(self):
        return self.__baseItem

    def mutaplasmid(self):
        return self.__mutaplasmid

    def charge(self):
        return self.__charge if self.__charge != 0 else None

    def charge(self, charge):
        self.__charge = charge
        if charge is not None:
            self.chargeID = charge.ID
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = charge.attributes
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = charge.overrides
            self.chargeID = None
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = None
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = {}


    def miningStats(self):
        if self.__miningyield is None:
            if self.isEmpty:
                self.__miningyield = 0
                if self.state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE:
                    volley = self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                        "specialtyMiningAmount") or self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                            "miningAmount") or 0
                    if volley:
                        cycleParams = self.getCycleParameters()
                        if cycleParams is None:
                            self.__miningyield = 0
                            cycleTime = cycleParams.averageTime
                            self.__miningyield = volley / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
                        self.__miningyield = 0
                    self.__miningyield = 0

        return self.__miningyield

    def isDealingDamage(self, ignoreState=False):
        volleyParams = self.getVolleyParameters(ignoreState=ignoreState)
        for volley in volleyParams.values():
            if volley.total > 0:
                return True
        return False

    def getVolleyParameters(self,
        if self.isEmpty or (self.state < FittingModuleState.ACTIVE
                            and not ignoreState):
            return {0: DmgTypes(0, 0, 0, 0)}
        if self.__baseVolley is None:
            self.__baseVolley = {}
            dmgGetter = self.getModifiedChargeAttr if self.charge else self.getModifiedItemAttr
            dmgMult = self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplier", 1)
            # Some delay attributes have non-0 default value, so we have to pick according to effects
            if {
                    'superWeaponAmarr', 'superWeaponCaldari',
                    'superWeaponGallente', 'superWeaponMinmatar',
                dmgDelay = self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageDelayDuration", 0)
            elif {'doomsdayBeamDOT', 'doomsdaySlash',
                dmgDelay = self.getModifiedItemAttr("doomsdayWarningDuration",
                dmgDelay = 0
            dmgDuration = self.getModifiedItemAttr("doomsdayDamageDuration", 0)
            dmgSubcycle = self.getModifiedItemAttr("doomsdayDamageCycleTime",
            # Reaper DD can damage each target only once
            if dmgDuration != 0 and dmgSubcycle != 0 and 'doomsdaySlash' not in self.item.effects:
                subcycles = math.floor(floatUnerr(dmgDuration / dmgSubcycle))
                subcycles = 1
            for i in range(subcycles):
                self.__baseVolley[dmgDelay + dmgSubcycle * i] = DmgTypes(
                    em=(dmgGetter("emDamage", 0)) * dmgMult,
                    thermal=(dmgGetter("thermalDamage", 0)) * dmgMult,
                    kinetic=(dmgGetter("kineticDamage", 0)) * dmgMult,
                    explosive=(dmgGetter("explosiveDamage", 0)) * dmgMult)
        spoolType, spoolAmount = resolveSpoolOptions(spoolOptions, self)
        spoolBoost = calculateSpoolup(
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplierBonusMax", 0),
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplierBonusPerCycle", 0),
            self.rawCycleTime / 1000, spoolType, spoolAmount)[0]
        spoolMultiplier = 1 + spoolBoost
        adjustedVolley = {}
        for volleyTime, volleyValue in self.__baseVolley.items():
            adjustedVolley[volleyTime] = DmgTypes(
                em=volleyValue.em * spoolMultiplier *
                (1 - getattr(targetProfile, "emAmount", 0)),
                thermal=volleyValue.thermal * spoolMultiplier *
                (1 - getattr(targetProfile, "thermalAmount", 0)),
                kinetic=volleyValue.kinetic * spoolMultiplier *
                (1 - getattr(targetProfile, "kineticAmount", 0)),
                explosive=volleyValue.explosive * spoolMultiplier *
                (1 - getattr(targetProfile, "explosiveAmount", 0)))
        return adjustedVolley

    def getVolley(self,
        volleyParams = self.getVolleyParameters(spoolOptions=spoolOptions,
        if len(volleyParams) == 0:
            return DmgTypes(0, 0, 0, 0)
        return volleyParams[min(volleyParams)]

    def getDps(self, spoolOptions=None, targetProfile=None, ignoreState=False):
        dmgDuringCycle = DmgTypes(0, 0, 0, 0)
        cycleParams = self.getCycleParameters()
        if cycleParams is None:
            return dmgDuringCycle
        volleyParams = self.getVolleyParameters(spoolOptions=spoolOptions,
        avgCycleTime = cycleParams.averageTime
        if len(volleyParams) == 0 or avgCycleTime == 0:
            return dmgDuringCycle
        for volleyValue in volleyParams.values():
            dmgDuringCycle += volleyValue
        dpsFactor = 1 / (avgCycleTime / 1000)
        dps = DmgTypes(em=dmgDuringCycle.em * dpsFactor,
                       thermal=dmgDuringCycle.thermal * dpsFactor,
                       kinetic=dmgDuringCycle.kinetic * dpsFactor,
                       explosive=dmgDuringCycle.explosive * dpsFactor)
        return dps

    def isRemoteRepping(self, ignoreState=False):
        repParams = self.getRepAmountParameters(ignoreState=ignoreState)
        for rrData in repParams.values():
            if rrData:
                return True
        return False

    def getRepAmountParameters(self, spoolOptions=None, ignoreState=False):
        if self.isEmpty or (self.state < FittingModuleState.ACTIVE
                            and not ignoreState):
            return {}
        remoteModuleGroups = {
            "Remote Armor Repairer": "Armor",
            "Ancillary Remote Armor Repairer": "Armor",
            "Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer": "Armor",
            "Remote Hull Repairer": "Hull",
            "Remote Shield Booster": "Shield",
            "Ancillary Remote Shield Booster": "Shield",
            "Remote Capacitor Transmitter": "Capacitor"
        rrType = remoteModuleGroups.get(self.item.group.name)
        if rrType is None:
            return {}
        if self.__baseRRAmount is None:
            self.__baseRRAmount = {}
            shieldAmount = 0
            armorAmount = 0
            hullAmount = 0
            capacitorAmount = 0
            if rrType == "Hull":
                hullAmount += self.getModifiedItemAttr("structureDamageAmount",
            elif rrType == "Armor":
                if self.item.group.name == "Ancillary Remote Armor Repairer" and self.charge:
                    mult = self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                        "chargedArmorDamageMultiplier", 1)
                    mult = 1
                armorAmount += self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "armorDamageAmount", 0) * mult
            elif rrType == "Shield":
                shieldAmount += self.getModifiedItemAttr("shieldBonus", 0)
            elif rrType == "Capacitor":
                capacitorAmount += self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "powerTransferAmount", 0)
            rrDelay = 0 if rrType == "Shield" else self.rawCycleTime
            self.__baseRRAmount[rrDelay] = RRTypes(shield=shieldAmount,
        spoolType, spoolAmount = resolveSpoolOptions(spoolOptions, self)
        spoolBoost = calculateSpoolup(
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("repairMultiplierBonusMax", 0),
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("repairMultiplierBonusPerCycle", 0),
            self.rawCycleTime / 1000, spoolType, spoolAmount)[0]
        spoolMultiplier = 1 + spoolBoost
        adjustedRRAmount = {}
        for rrTime, rrAmount in self.__baseRRAmount.items():
            if spoolMultiplier == 1:
                adjustedRRAmount[rrTime] = rrAmount
                adjustedRRAmount[rrTime] = rrAmount * spoolMultiplier
        return adjustedRRAmount

    def getRemoteReps(self,
        rrDuringCycle = RRTypes(0, 0, 0, 0)
        cycleParams = self.getCycleParameters(reloadOverride=reloadOverride)
        if cycleParams is None:
            return rrDuringCycle
        repAmountParams = self.getRepAmountParameters(
            spoolOptions=spoolOptions, ignoreState=ignoreState)
        avgCycleTime = cycleParams.averageTime
        if len(repAmountParams) == 0 or avgCycleTime == 0:
            return rrDuringCycle
        for rrAmount in repAmountParams.values():
            rrDuringCycle += rrAmount
        rrFactor = 1 / (avgCycleTime / 1000)
        rps = rrDuringCycle * rrFactor
        return rps

    def getSpoolData(self, spoolOptions=None):
        weaponMultMax = self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplierBonusMax", 0)
        weaponMultPerCycle = self.getModifiedItemAttr(
            "damageMultiplierBonusPerCycle", 0)
        if weaponMultMax and weaponMultPerCycle:
            spoolType, spoolAmount = resolveSpoolOptions(spoolOptions, self)
            _, spoolCycles, spoolTime = calculateSpoolup(
                weaponMultMax, weaponMultPerCycle, self.rawCycleTime / 1000,
                spoolType, spoolAmount)
            return spoolCycles, spoolTime
        rrMultMax = self.getModifiedItemAttr("repairMultiplierBonusMax", 0)
        rrMultPerCycle = self.getModifiedItemAttr(
            "repairMultiplierBonusPerCycle", 0)
        if rrMultMax and rrMultPerCycle:
            spoolType, spoolAmount = resolveSpoolOptions(spoolOptions, self)
            _, spoolCycles, spoolTime = calculateSpoolup(
                rrMultMax, rrMultPerCycle, self.rawCycleTime / 1000, spoolType,
            return spoolCycles, spoolTime
        return 0, 0

    def reloadTime(self):
        # Get reload time from attrs first, then use
        # custom value specified otherwise (e.g. in effects)
        moduleReloadTime = self.getModifiedItemAttr("reloadTime")
        if moduleReloadTime is None:
            moduleReloadTime = self.__reloadTime
        return moduleReloadTime or 0.0

    def reloadTime(self, milliseconds):
        self.__reloadTime = milliseconds

    def forceReload(self):
        return self.__reloadForce

    def forceReload(self, type):
        self.__reloadForce = type

    def fits(self, fit, hardpointLimit=True):
        Function that determines if a module can be fit to the ship. We always apply slot restrictions no matter what
        (too many assumptions made on this), however all other fitting restrictions are optional

        slot = self.slot
        if fit.getSlotsFree(slot) <= (0 if self.owner != fit else -1):
            return False

        fits = self.__fitRestrictions(fit, hardpointLimit)

        if not fits and fit.ignoreRestrictions:
            self.restrictionOverridden = True
            fits = True
        elif fits and fit.ignoreRestrictions:
            self.restrictionOverridden = False

        return fits

    def __fitRestrictions(self, fit, hardpointLimit=True):

        if not fit.canFit(self.item):
            return False

        # EVE doesn't let capital modules be fit onto subcapital hulls. Confirmed by CCP Larrikin that this is dictated
        # by the modules volume. See GH issue #1096
        if not isinstance(fit.ship, Citadel) and fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(
                "isCapitalSize", 0) != 1 and self.isCapitalSize:
            return False

        # If the mod is a subsystem, don't let two subs in the same slot fit
        if self.slot == FittingSlot.SUBSYSTEM:
            subSlot = self.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot")
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if mod is self:
                if mod.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot") == subSlot:
                    return False

        # Check rig sizes
        if self.slot == FittingSlot.RIG:
            if self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "rigSize") != fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("rigSize"):
                return False

        # Check max group fitted
        max = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupFitted", None)
        if max is not None:
            current = 0  # if self.owner != fit else -1  # Disabled, see #1278
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if (mod.item and mod.item.groupID == self.item.groupID and
                        self.getModPosition(fit) != mod.getModPosition(fit)):
                    current += 1

            if current >= max:
                return False

        # Check this only if we're told to do so
        if hardpointLimit:
            if fit.getHardpointsFree(self.hardpoint) < 1:
                return False

        return True

    def isValidState(self, state):
        Check if the state is valid for this module, without considering other modules at all
        # Check if we're within bounds
        if state < -1 or state > 2:
            return False
        elif state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE and (
                not self.item.isType("active")
                or self.getModifiedItemAttr('activationBlocked') > 0):
            return False
        elif state == FittingModuleState.OVERHEATED and not self.item.isType(
            return False
            return True

    def getMaxState(self, proposedState=None):
        states = sorted((s for s in FittingModuleState
                         if proposedState is None or s <= proposedState),
        for state in states:
            if self.isValidState(state):
                return state

    def canHaveState(self, state=None, projectedOnto=None):
        Check with other modules if there are restrictions that might not allow this module to be activated.
        Returns True if state is allowed, or max state module can have if current state is invalid.
        # If we're going to set module to offline, it should be fine for all cases
        item = self.item
        if state <= FittingModuleState.OFFLINE:
            return True

        # Check if the local module is over it's max limit; if it's not, we're fine
        maxGroupOnline = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupOnline", None)
        maxGroupActive = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupActive", None)
        if maxGroupOnline is None and maxGroupActive is None and projectedOnto is None:
            return True

        # Following is applicable only to local modules, we do not want to limit projected
        if projectedOnto is None:
            currOnline = 0
            currActive = 0
            group = item.group.name
            maxState = None
            for mod in self.owner.modules:
                currItem = getattr(mod, "item", None)
                if currItem is not None and currItem.group.name == group:
                    if mod.state >= FittingModuleState.ONLINE:
                        currOnline += 1
                    if mod.state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE:
                        currActive += 1
                    if maxGroupOnline is not None and currOnline > maxGroupOnline:
                        if maxState is None or maxState > FittingModuleState.OFFLINE:
                            maxState = FittingModuleState.OFFLINE
                    if maxGroupActive is not None and currActive > maxGroupActive:
                        if maxState is None or maxState > FittingModuleState.ONLINE:
                            maxState = FittingModuleState.ONLINE
            return True if maxState is None else maxState
        # For projected, we're checking if ship is vulnerable to given item
            # Do not allow to apply offensive modules on ship with offensive module immunite, with few exceptions
            # (all effects which apply instant modification are exception, generally speaking)
            if item.offensive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "disallowOffensiveModifiers") == 1:
                offensiveNonModifiers = {
                    "energyDestabilizationNew", "leech",
                    "energyNosferatuFalloff", "energyNeutralizerFalloff"
                if not offensiveNonModifiers.intersection(set(item.effects)):
                    return FittingModuleState.OFFLINE
            # If assistive modules are not allowed, do not let to apply these altogether
            if item.assistive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr(
                    "disallowAssistance") == 1:
                return FittingModuleState.OFFLINE
            return True

    def isValidCharge(self, charge):
        # Check sizes, if 'charge size > module volume' it won't fit
        if charge is None:
            return True
        chargeVolume = charge.volume
        moduleCapacity = self.item.capacity
        if chargeVolume is not None and moduleCapacity is not None and chargeVolume > moduleCapacity:
            return False

        itemChargeSize = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeSize")
        if itemChargeSize > 0:
            chargeSize = charge.getAttribute('chargeSize')
            if itemChargeSize != chargeSize:
                return False

        chargeGroup = charge.groupID
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i),
            if itemChargeGroup is None:
            if itemChargeGroup == chargeGroup:
                return True

        return False

    def getValidCharges(self):
        validCharges = set()
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i),
            if itemChargeGroup is not None:
                g = eos.db.getGroup(int(itemChargeGroup),
                if g is None:
                for singleItem in g.items:
                    if singleItem.published and self.isValidCharge(singleItem):

        return validCharges

    def __calculateHardpoint(item):
        effectHardpointMap = {
            "turretFitted": FittingHardpoint.TURRET,
            "launcherFitted": FittingHardpoint.MISSILE

        if item is None:
            return FittingHardpoint.NONE

        for effectName, slot in effectHardpointMap.items():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot

        return FittingHardpoint.NONE

    def calculateSlot(item):
        effectSlotMap = {
            "rigSlot": FittingSlot.RIG.value,
            "loPower": FittingSlot.LOW.value,
            "medPower": FittingSlot.MED.value,
            "hiPower": FittingSlot.HIGH.value,
            "subSystem": FittingSlot.SUBSYSTEM.value,
            "serviceSlot": FittingSlot.SERVICE.value
        if item is None:
            return None
        for effectName, slot in effectSlotMap.items():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot
        if item.group.name in Module.SYSTEM_GROUPS:
            return FittingSlot.SYSTEM

        return None

    @validates("ID", "itemID", "ammoID")
    def validator(self, key, val):
        map = {
            "ID": lambda _val: isinstance(_val, int),
            "itemID": lambda _val: _val is None or isinstance(_val, int),
            "ammoID": lambda _val: isinstance(_val, int)

        if not map[key](val):
            raise ValueError(str(val) + " is not a valid value for " + key)
            return val

    def clear(self):
        self.__baseVolley = None
        self.__baseRRAmount = None
        self.__miningyield = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None

    def calculateModifiedAttributes(self,
        # We will run the effect when two conditions are met:
        # 1: It makes sense to run the effect
        #    The effect is either offline
        #    or the effect is passive and the module is in the online state (or higher)

        #    or the effect is active and the module is in the active state (or higher)
        #    or the effect is overheat and the module is in the overheated state (or higher)
        # 2: the runtimes match

        if self.projected or forceProjected:
            context = "projected", "module"
            projected = True
            context = ("module", )
            projected = False

        if self.charge is not None:
            # fix for #82 and it's regression #106
            if not projected or (self.projected
                                 and not forceProjected) or gang:
                for effect in self.charge.effects.values():
                    if (effect.runTime == runTime and effect.activeByDefault
                        (effect.isType("offline") or
                          and self.state >= FittingModuleState.ONLINE) or
                          and self.state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE)) and
                        (not gang or (gang and effect.isType("gang")))):
                        contexts = ("moduleCharge", )
                        # For gang effects, we pass in the effect itself as an argument. However, to avoid going through all
                        # the effect definitions and defining this argument, do a simple try/catch here and be done with it.
                        # @todo: possibly fix this
                            effect.handler(fit, self, contexts, effect=effect)
                            effect.handler(fit, self, contexts)

        if self.item:
            if self.state >= FittingModuleState.OVERHEATED:
                for effect in self.item.effects.values():
                    if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                            effect.isType("overheat") \
                            and not forceProjected \
                            and effect.activeByDefault \
                            and ((gang and effect.isType("gang")) or not gang):
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

            for effect in self.item.effects.values():
                if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                        effect.activeByDefault and \
                        (effect.isType("offline") or
                         (effect.isType("passive") and self.state >= FittingModuleState.ONLINE) or
                         (effect.isType("active") and self.state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE)) \
                        and ((projected and effect.isType("projected")) or not projected) \
                        and ((gang and effect.isType("gang")) or not gang):
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context, effect=effect)
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

    def getCycleParameters(self, reloadOverride=None):
        """Copied from new eos as well"""
        # Determine if we'll take into account reload time or not
        if reloadOverride is not None:
            factorReload = reloadOverride
            factorReload = self.owner.factorReload if self.forceReload is None else self.forceReload

        cycles_until_reload = self.numShots
        if cycles_until_reload == 0:
            cycles_until_reload = math.inf

        active_time = self.rawCycleTime
        if active_time == 0:
            return None
        forced_inactive_time = self.reactivationDelay
        reload_time = self.reloadTime
        # Effects which cannot be reloaded have the same processing whether
        # caller wants to take reload time into account or not
        if reload_time is None and cycles_until_reload < math.inf:
            final_cycles = 1
            early_cycles = cycles_until_reload - final_cycles
            # Single cycle until effect cannot run anymore
            if early_cycles == 0:
                return CycleInfo(active_time, 0, 1, False)
            # Multiple cycles with the same parameters
            if forced_inactive_time == 0:
                return CycleInfo(active_time, 0, cycles_until_reload, False)
            # Multiple cycles with different parameters
            return CycleSequence((CycleInfo(
                active_time, forced_inactive_time, early_cycles,
                False), CycleInfo(active_time, 0, final_cycles, False)), 1)
        # Module cycles the same way all the time in 3 cases:
        # 1) caller doesn't want to take into account reload time
        # 2) effect does not have to reload anything to keep running
        # 3) effect has enough time to reload during inactivity periods
        if (not factorReload or cycles_until_reload == math.inf
                or forced_inactive_time >= reload_time):
            isInactivityReload = factorReload and forced_inactive_time >= reload_time
            return CycleInfo(active_time, forced_inactive_time, math.inf,
        # We've got to take reload into consideration
            final_cycles = 1
            early_cycles = cycles_until_reload - final_cycles
            # If effect has to reload after each its cycle, then its parameters
            # are the same all the time
            if early_cycles == 0:
                return CycleInfo(active_time, reload_time, math.inf, True)
            return CycleSequence(
                (CycleInfo(active_time, forced_inactive_time, early_cycles,
                 CycleInfo(active_time, reload_time, final_cycles, True)),

    def rawCycleTime(self):
        speed = max(
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("speed", 0),  # Most weapons
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("duration", 0),  # Most average modules
                "durationTargetIlluminationBurstProjector", 0),
            self.getModifiedItemAttr("durationECMJammerBurstProjector", 0),
        return speed

    def disallowRepeatingAction(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("disallowRepeatingActivation", 0)

    def reactivationDelay(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("moduleReactivationDelay", 0)

    def capUse(self):
        capNeed = self.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorNeed")
        if capNeed and self.state >= FittingModuleState.ACTIVE:
            cycleParams = self.getCycleParameters()
            if cycleParams is None:
                return 0
            cycleTime = cycleParams.averageTime
            if cycleTime > 0:
                capUsed = capNeed / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
                return capUsed
            return 0

    def getProposedState(mod, click, proposedState=None):
        pyfalog.debug("Get proposed state for module.")
        if mod.slot == FittingSlot.SUBSYSTEM or mod.isEmpty:
            return FittingModuleState.ONLINE

        if mod.slot == FittingSlot.SYSTEM:
            transitionMap = ProjectedSystem
            transitionMap = ProjectedMap if mod.projected else LocalMap

        currState = mod.state

        if proposedState is not None:
            state = proposedState
        elif click == "right":
            state = FittingModuleState.OVERHEATED
        elif click == "ctrl":
            state = FittingModuleState.OFFLINE
            state = transitionMap[currState]
            # If passive module tries to transition into online and fails,
            # put it to passive instead
            if not mod.isValidState(
                    state) and currState == FittingModuleState.ONLINE:
                state = FittingModuleState.OFFLINE

        return mod.getMaxState(proposedState=state)

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        item = self.item
        if item is None:
            copy = Module.buildEmpty(self.slot)
            copy = Module(self.item, self.baseItem, self.mutaplasmid)
        copy.charge = self.charge
        copy.state = self.state
        copy.spoolType = self.spoolType
        copy.spoolAmount = self.spoolAmount

        for x in self.mutators.values():
            Mutator(copy, x.attribute, x.value)

        return copy

    def rebase(self, item):
        state = self.state
        charge = self.charge
        Module.__init__(self, item, self.baseItem, self.mutaplasmid)
        self.state = state
        if self.isValidCharge(charge):
            self.charge = charge
        for x in self.mutators.values():
            Mutator(self, x.attribute, x.value)

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.item:
            return "Module(ID={}, name={}) at {}".format(
                self.item.ID, self.item.name, hex(id(self)))
            return "EmptyModule() at {}".format(hex(id(self)))
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Module(HandledItem, HandledCharge, ItemAttrShortcut, ChargeAttrShortcut):
    """An instance of this class represents a module together with its charge and modified attributes"""
    DAMAGE_TYPES = ("em", "thermal", "kinetic", "explosive")
    MINING_ATTRIBUTES = ("miningAmount",)

    def __init__(self, item):
        """Initialize a module from the program"""
        self.__item = item

        if item is not None and self.isInvalid:
            raise ValueError("Passed item is not a Module")

        self.__charge = None
        self.itemID = item.ID if item is not None else None
        self.projected = False
        self.state = State.ONLINE

    def init(self):
        """Initialize a module from the database and validate"""
        self.__item = None
        self.__charge = None

        # we need this early if module is invalid and returns early
        self.__slot = self.dummySlot

        if self.itemID:
            self.__item = eos.db.getItem(self.itemID)
            if self.__item is None:
                pyfalog.error("Item (id: {0}) does not exist", self.itemID)

        if self.isInvalid:
            pyfalog.error("Item (id: {0}) is not a Module", self.itemID)

        if self.chargeID:
            self.__charge = eos.db.getItem(self.chargeID)


    def build(self):
        """ Builds internal module variables from both init's """

        if self.__charge and self.__charge.category.name != "Charge":
            self.__charge = None

        self.__dps = None
        self.__miningyield = None
        self.__volley = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None
        self.__hardpoint = Hardpoint.NONE
        self.__itemModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict(parent=self)
        self.__chargeModifiedAttributes = ModifiedAttributeDict(parent=self)
        self.__slot = self.dummySlot  # defaults to None

        if self.__item:
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.original = self.__item.attributes
            self.__itemModifiedAttributes.overrides = self.__item.overrides
            self.__hardpoint = self.__calculateHardpoint(self.__item)
            self.__slot = self.__calculateSlot(self.__item)
        if self.__charge:
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = self.__charge.attributes
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = self.__charge.overrides

    def buildEmpty(cls, slot):
        empty = Module(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        return empty

    def buildRack(cls, slot):
        empty = Rack(None)
        empty.__slot = slot
        empty.dummySlot = slot
        return empty

    def isEmpty(self):
        return self.dummySlot is not None

    def hardpoint(self):
        return self.__hardpoint

    def isInvalid(self):
        if self.isEmpty:
            return False
        return self.__item is None or \
               (self.__item.category.name not in ("Module", "Subsystem", "Structure Module") and
                self.__item.group.name != "Effect Beacon")

    def numCharges(self):
        if self.charge is None:
            charges = 0
            chargeVolume = self.charge.volume
            containerCapacity = self.item.capacity
            if chargeVolume is None or containerCapacity is None:
                charges = 0
                charges = floor(containerCapacity / chargeVolume)
        return int(charges)

    def numShots(self):
        if self.charge is None:
            return None
        if self.__chargeCycles is None and self.charge:
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            # Usual ammo like projectiles and missiles
            if numCharges > 0 and "chargeRate" in self.itemModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateAmmoShots()
            # Frequency crystals (combat and mining lasers)
            elif numCharges > 0 and "crystalsGetDamaged" in self.chargeModifiedAttributes:
                self.__chargeCycles = self.__calculateCrystalShots()
            # Scripts and stuff
                self.__chargeCycles = 0
            return self.__chargeCycles
            return self.__chargeCycles

    def modPosition(self):
        if self.owner:
            return self.owner.modules.index(self)

    def isCapitalSize(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("volume", 0) >= 4000

    def hpBeforeReload(self):
        If item is some kind of repairer with charges, calculate
        HP it reps before going into reload.
        cycles = self.numShots
        armorRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("armorDamageAmount") or 0
        shieldRep = self.getModifiedItemAttr("shieldBonus") or 0
        if not cycles or (not armorRep and not shieldRep):
            return None
        hp = round((armorRep + shieldRep) * cycles)
        return hp

    def __calculateAmmoShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            # Set number of cycles before reload is needed
            # numcycles = math.floor(module_capacity / (module_volume * module_chargerate))
            chargeRate = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeRate")
            numCharges = self.numCharges
            numShots = floor(numCharges / chargeRate)
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def __calculateCrystalShots(self):
        if self.charge is not None:
            if self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalsGetDamaged") == 1:
                # For depletable crystals, calculate average amount of shots before it's destroyed
                hp = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("hp")
                chance = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityChance")
                damage = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("crystalVolatilityDamage")
                crystals = self.numCharges
                numShots = floor((crystals * hp) / (damage * chance))
                # Set 0 (infinite) for permanent crystals like t1 laser crystals
                numShots = 0
            numShots = None
        return numShots

    def maxRange(self):
        attrs = ("maxRange", "shieldTransferRange", "powerTransferRange",
                 "energyDestabilizationRange", "empFieldRange",
                 "ecmBurstRange", "warpScrambleRange", "cargoScanRange",
                 "shipScanRange", "surveyScanRange")
        for attr in attrs:
            maxRange = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr)
            if maxRange is not None:
                return maxRange
        if self.charge is not None:
                chargeName = self.charge.group.name
            except AttributeError:
                if chargeName in ("Scanner Probe", "Survey Probe"):
                    return None
            # Source: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1307419&page=1#15
            # D_m = V_m * (T_m + T_0*[exp(- T_m/T_0)-1])
            maxVelocity = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("maxVelocity")
            flightTime = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("explosionDelay") / 1000.0
            mass = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("mass")
            agility = self.getModifiedChargeAttr("agility")
            if maxVelocity and (flightTime or mass or agility):
                accelTime = min(flightTime, mass * agility / 1000000)
                # Average distance done during acceleration
                duringAcceleration = maxVelocity / 2 * accelTime
                # Distance done after being at full speed
                fullSpeed = maxVelocity * (flightTime - accelTime)
                return duringAcceleration + fullSpeed

    def falloff(self):
        attrs = ("falloffEffectiveness", "falloff", "shipScanFalloff")
        for attr in attrs:
            falloff = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr)
            if falloff is not None:
                return falloff

    def slot(self):
        return self.__slot

    def itemModifiedAttributes(self):
        return self.__itemModifiedAttributes

    def chargeModifiedAttributes(self):
        return self.__chargeModifiedAttributes

    def item(self):
        return self.__item if self.__item != 0 else None

    def charge(self):
        return self.__charge if self.__charge != 0 else None

    def charge(self, charge):
        self.__charge = charge
        if charge is not None:
            self.chargeID = charge.ID
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = charge.attributes
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = charge.overrides
            self.chargeID = None
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.original = None
            self.__chargeModifiedAttributes.overrides = {}


    def damageStats(self, targetResists):
        if self.__dps is None:
            self.__dps = 0
            self.__volley = 0

            if not self.isEmpty and self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
                if self.charge:
                    func = self.getModifiedChargeAttr
                    func = self.getModifiedItemAttr

                volley = sum(map(
                        lambda attr: (func("%sDamage" % attr) or 0) * (1 - getattr(targetResists, "%sAmount" % attr, 0)),
                volley *= self.getModifiedItemAttr("damageMultiplier") or 1
                if volley:
                    cycleTime = self.cycleTime
                    # Some weapons repeat multiple times in one cycle (think doomsdays)
                    # Get the number of times it fires off
                    weaponDoT = max(
                            self.getModifiedItemAttr("doomsdayDamageDuration", 1) / self.getModifiedItemAttr("doomsdayDamageCycleTime", 1),

                    self.__volley = volley
                    self.__dps = (volley * weaponDoT) / (cycleTime / 1000.0)

        return self.__dps, self.__volley

    def miningStats(self):
        if self.__miningyield is None:
            if self.isEmpty:
                self.__miningyield = 0
                if self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
                    volley = self.getModifiedItemAttr("specialtyMiningAmount") or self.getModifiedItemAttr(
                            "miningAmount") or 0
                    if volley:
                        cycleTime = self.cycleTime
                        self.__miningyield = volley / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
                        self.__miningyield = 0
                    self.__miningyield = 0

        return self.__miningyield

    def dps(self):
        return self.damageStats(None)[0]

    def volley(self):
        return self.damageStats(None)[1]

    def reloadTime(self):
        # Get reload time from attrs first, then use
        # custom value specified otherwise (e.g. in effects)
        moduleReloadTime = self.getModifiedItemAttr("reloadTime")
        if moduleReloadTime is None:
            moduleReloadTime = self.__reloadTime
        return moduleReloadTime or 0.0

    def reloadTime(self, milliseconds):
        self.__reloadTime = milliseconds

    def forceReload(self):
        return self.__reloadForce

    def forceReload(self, type):
        self.__reloadForce = type

    def fits(self, fit, hardpointLimit=True):
        Function that determines if a module can be fit to the ship. We always apply slot restrictions no matter what
        (too many assumptions made on this), however all other fitting restrictions are optional

        slot = self.slot
        if fit.getSlotsFree(slot) <= (0 if self.owner != fit else -1):
            return False

        fits = self.__fitRestrictions(fit, hardpointLimit)

        if not fits and fit.ignoreRestrictions:
            self.restrictionOverridden = True
            fits = True

        return fits

    def __fitRestrictions(self, fit, hardpointLimit=True):
        # Check ship type restrictions
        fitsOnType = set()
        fitsOnGroup = set()

        shipType = self.getModifiedItemAttr("fitsToShipType")
        if shipType is not None:

        for attr in self.itemModifiedAttributes.keys():
            if attr.startswith("canFitShipType"):
                shipType = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr)
                if shipType is not None:

        for attr in self.itemModifiedAttributes.keys():
            if attr.startswith("canFitShipGroup"):
                shipGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr(attr)
                if shipGroup is not None:

        if (len(fitsOnGroup) > 0 or len(fitsOnType) > 0) \
                and fit.ship.item.group.ID not in fitsOnGroup \
                and fit.ship.item.ID not in fitsOnType:
            return False

        # Citadel modules are now under a new category, so we can check this to ensure only structure modules can fit on a citadel
        if isinstance(fit.ship, Citadel) and self.item.category.name != "Structure Module" or \
                not isinstance(fit.ship, Citadel) and self.item.category.name == "Structure Module":
            return False

        # EVE doesn't let capital modules be fit onto subcapital hulls. Confirmed by CCP Larrikin that this is dictated
        # by the modules volume. See GH issue #1096
        if not isinstance(fit.ship, Citadel) and fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("isCapitalSize", 0) != 1 and self.isCapitalSize:
            return False

        # If the mod is a subsystem, don't let two subs in the same slot fit
        if self.slot == Slot.SUBSYSTEM:
            subSlot = self.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot")
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if mod.getModifiedItemAttr("subSystemSlot") == subSlot:
                    return False

        # Check rig sizes
        if self.slot == Slot.RIG:
            if self.getModifiedItemAttr("rigSize") != fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("rigSize"):
                return False

        # Check max group fitted
        max = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupFitted")
        if max is not None:
            current = 0  # if self.owner != fit else -1  # Disabled, see #1278
            for mod in fit.modules:
                if mod.item and mod.item.groupID == self.item.groupID:
                    current += 1

            if current >= max:
                return False

        # Check this only if we're told to do so
        if hardpointLimit:
            if self.hardpoint == Hardpoint.TURRET:
                if (fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr('turretSlotsLeft') or 0) - fit.getHardpointsUsed(Hardpoint.TURRET) < 1:
                    return False
            elif self.hardpoint == Hardpoint.MISSILE:
                if (fit.ship.getModifiedItemAttr('launcherSlotsLeft') or 0) - fit.getHardpointsUsed(
                        Hardpoint.MISSILE) < 1:
                    return False

        return True

    def isValidState(self, state):
        Check if the state is valid for this module, without considering other modules at all
        # Check if we're within bounds
        if state < -1 or state > 2:
            return False
        elif state >= State.ACTIVE and not self.item.isType("active"):
            return False
        elif state == State.OVERHEATED and not self.item.isType("overheat"):
            return False
            return True

    def canHaveState(self, state=None, projectedOnto=None):
        Check with other modules if there are restrictions that might not allow this module to be activated
        # If we're going to set module to offline or online for local modules or offline for projected,
        # it should be fine for all cases
        item = self.item
        if (state <= State.ONLINE and projectedOnto is None) or (state <= State.OFFLINE):
            return True

        # Check if the local module is over it's max limit; if it's not, we're fine
        maxGroupActive = self.getModifiedItemAttr("maxGroupActive")
        if maxGroupActive is None and projectedOnto is None:
            return True

        # Following is applicable only to local modules, we do not want to limit projected
        if projectedOnto is None:
            currActive = 0
            group = item.group.name
            for mod in self.owner.modules:
                currItem = getattr(mod, "item", None)
                if mod.state >= State.ACTIVE and currItem is not None and currItem.group.name == group:
                    currActive += 1
                if currActive > maxGroupActive:
            return currActive <= maxGroupActive
        # For projected, we're checking if ship is vulnerable to given item
            # Do not allow to apply offensive modules on ship with offensive module immunite, with few exceptions
            # (all effects which apply instant modification are exception, generally speaking)
            if item.offensive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("disallowOffensiveModifiers") == 1:
                offensiveNonModifiers = {"energyDestabilizationNew",
                if not offensiveNonModifiers.intersection(set(item.effects)):
                    return False
            # If assistive modules are not allowed, do not let to apply these altogether
            if item.assistive and projectedOnto.ship.getModifiedItemAttr("disallowAssistance") == 1:
                return False
            return True

    def isValidCharge(self, charge):
        # Check sizes, if 'charge size > module volume' it won't fit
        if charge is None:
            return True
        chargeVolume = charge.volume
        moduleCapacity = self.item.capacity
        if chargeVolume is not None and moduleCapacity is not None and chargeVolume > moduleCapacity:
            return False

        itemChargeSize = self.getModifiedItemAttr("chargeSize")
        if itemChargeSize > 0:
            chargeSize = charge.getAttribute('chargeSize')
            if itemChargeSize != chargeSize:
                return False

        chargeGroup = charge.groupID
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i))
            if itemChargeGroup is None:
            if itemChargeGroup == chargeGroup:
                return True

        return False

    def getValidCharges(self):
        validCharges = set()
        for i in range(5):
            itemChargeGroup = self.getModifiedItemAttr('chargeGroup' + str(i))
            if itemChargeGroup is not None:
                g = eos.db.getGroup(int(itemChargeGroup), eager=("items.icon", "items.attributes"))
                if g is None:
                for singleItem in g.items:
                    if singleItem.published and self.isValidCharge(singleItem):

        return validCharges

    def __calculateHardpoint(item):
        effectHardpointMap = {
            "turretFitted"  : Hardpoint.TURRET,
            "launcherFitted": Hardpoint.MISSILE

        if item is None:
            return Hardpoint.NONE

        for effectName, slot in effectHardpointMap.iteritems():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot

        return Hardpoint.NONE

    def __calculateSlot(item):
        effectSlotMap = {
            "rigSlot"    : Slot.RIG,
            "loPower"    : Slot.LOW,
            "medPower"   : Slot.MED,
            "hiPower"    : Slot.HIGH,
            "subSystem"  : Slot.SUBSYSTEM,
            "serviceSlot": Slot.SERVICE
        if item is None:
            return None
        for effectName, slot in effectSlotMap.iteritems():
            if effectName in item.effects:
                return slot
        if item.group.name == "Effect Beacon":
            return Slot.SYSTEM

        raise ValueError("Passed item does not fit in any known slot")

    @validates("ID", "itemID", "ammoID")
    def validator(self, key, val):
        map = {
            "ID"    : lambda _val: isinstance(_val, int),
            "itemID": lambda _val: _val is None or isinstance(_val, int),
            "ammoID": lambda _val: isinstance(_val, int)

        if not map[key](val):
            raise ValueError(str(val) + " is not a valid value for " + key)
            return val

    def clear(self):
        self.__dps = None
        self.__miningyield = None
        self.__volley = None
        self.__reloadTime = None
        self.__reloadForce = None
        self.__chargeCycles = None

    def calculateModifiedAttributes(self, fit, runTime, forceProjected=False, gang=False):
        # We will run the effect when two conditions are met:
        # 1: It makes sense to run the effect
        #    The effect is either offline
        #    or the effect is passive and the module is in the online state (or higher)

        #    or the effect is active and the module is in the active state (or higher)
        #    or the effect is overheat and the module is in the overheated state (or higher)
        # 2: the runtimes match

        if self.projected or forceProjected:
            context = "projected", "module"
            projected = True
            context = ("module",)
            projected = False

        # if gang:
        #     context += ("commandRun",)

        if self.charge is not None:
            # fix for #82 and it's regression #106
            if not projected or (self.projected and not forceProjected) or gang:
                for effect in self.charge.effects.itervalues():
                    if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                            effect.activeByDefault and \
                            (effect.isType("offline") or
                                 (effect.isType("passive") and self.state >= State.ONLINE) or
                                 (effect.isType("active") and self.state >= State.ACTIVE)) and \
                            (not gang or (gang and effect.isType("gang"))):

                        chargeContext = ("moduleCharge",)
                        # For gang effects, we pass in the effect itself as an argument. However, to avoid going through
                        # all the effect files and defining this argument, do a simple try/catch here and be done with it.
                        # @todo: possibly fix this
                            effect.handler(fit, self, chargeContext, effect=effect)
                            effect.handler(fit, self, chargeContext)

        if self.item:
            if self.state >= State.OVERHEATED:
                for effect in self.item.effects.itervalues():
                    if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                            effect.isType("overheat") \
                            and not forceProjected \
                            and effect.activeByDefault \
                            and ((gang and effect.isType("gang")) or not gang):
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

            for effect in self.item.effects.itervalues():
                if effect.runTime == runTime and \
                        effect.activeByDefault and \
                        (effect.isType("offline") or
                             (effect.isType("passive") and self.state >= State.ONLINE) or
                             (effect.isType("active") and self.state >= State.ACTIVE)) \
                        and ((projected and effect.isType("projected")) or not projected) \
                        and ((gang and effect.isType("gang")) or not gang):
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context, effect=effect)
                        effect.handler(fit, self, context)

    def cycleTime(self):
        # Determine if we'll take into account reload time or not
        factorReload = self.owner.factorReload if self.forceReload is None else self.forceReload

        numShots = self.numShots
        speed = self.rawCycleTime

        if factorReload and self.charge:
            raw_reload_time = self.reloadTime
            raw_reload_time = 0.0

        # Module can only fire one shot at a time, think bomb launchers or defender launchers
        if self.disallowRepeatingAction:
            if numShots > 0:
                The actual mechanics behind this is complex.  Behavior will be (for 3 ammo):
                    fire, reactivation delay, fire, reactivation delay, fire, max(reactivation delay, reload)
                so your effective reload time depends on where you are at in the cycle.

                We can't do that, so instead we'll average it out.

                Currently would apply to bomb launchers and defender missiles
                effective_reload_time = ((self.reactivationDelay * (numShots - 1)) + max(raw_reload_time, self.reactivationDelay, 0))
                Applies to MJD/MJFG
                effective_reload_time = max(raw_reload_time, self.reactivationDelay, 0)
                speed = speed + effective_reload_time
            Currently no other modules would have a reactivation delay, so for sanities sake don't try and account for it.
            Okay, technically cloaks do, but they also have 0 cycle time and cap usage so why do you care?
            effective_reload_time = raw_reload_time

        if numShots > 0 and self.charge:
            speed = (speed * numShots + effective_reload_time) / numShots

        return speed

    def rawCycleTime(self):
        speed = max(
                self.getModifiedItemAttr("speed"),  # Most weapons
                self.getModifiedItemAttr("duration"),  # Most average modules
                0,  # Return 0 if none of the above are valid
        return speed

    def disallowRepeatingAction(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("disallowRepeatingActivation", 0)

    def reactivationDelay(self):
        return self.getModifiedItemAttr("moduleReactivationDelay", 0)

    def capUse(self):
        capNeed = self.getModifiedItemAttr("capacitorNeed")
        if capNeed and self.state >= State.ACTIVE:
            cycleTime = self.cycleTime
            if cycleTime > 0:
                capUsed = capNeed / (cycleTime / 1000.0)
                return capUsed
            return 0

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        item = self.item
        if item is None:
            copy = Module.buildEmpty(self.slot)
            copy = Module(self.item)
        copy.charge = self.charge
        copy.state = self.state
        return copy

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.item:
            return u"Module(ID={}, name={}) at {}".format(
                    self.item.ID, self.item.name, hex(id(self))
            return "EmptyModule() at {}".format(hex(id(self)))