Ejemplo n.º 1
def plot_tle(
        ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes,
        tle_filename: str,
        location: EarthLocation,
        time_start: datetime,
        time_stop: datetime,
    ) -> Tuple[datetime, datetime]:
    """Plot the trajectory of the first above-horizon pass within a specified time window."""

    tle = []
    with open(tle_filename) as tlefile:
        for line in tlefile:

    target = ephem.readtle(tle[0], tle[1], tle[2])

    # Create PyEphem Observer object with location information
    observer = ephem.Observer()
    observer.lat = location.lat.rad
    observer.lon = location.lon.rad
    observer.elevation = location.height.to_value(u.m)

    az = []
    alt = []
    time_rise = None
    time_set = None
    t = time_start
    while t < time_stop:
        observer.date = ephem.Date(t)
        if target.alt >= 0:
            if len(az) == 0:
                time_rise = t
        elif time_rise is not None:
        t += timedelta(seconds=1)

    if len(az) > 0:
        time_set = t
        az = np.degrees(np.array(az))
        alt = np.degrees(np.array(alt))
        plot_trajectory(ax, az, alt, color='black', label='TLE')

    return time_rise, time_set
Ejemplo n.º 2
def converge(d, deg):

    def get_diff(d, deg, nutation_dpsi=None):
        diff = float(deg) * degree - get_ap_hlon(d, nutation_dpsi)
        if diff > pi:
            diff -= twopi
        elif diff < -pi:
            diff += twopi

        return diff

    # converging iterations using the get_diff() function, not fixing nutation
    for i in range(100):
        diff = get_diff(d, deg)
        if abs(diff) < ephem.degrees('0:00:01'):

        d = d + 365.25 * diff / twopi  # update d using the difference

    # apply the bisection method, fixing nutation
    nutation_dpsi = nutation(d)[1]
    d0, d1 = d-ephem.degrees('0:05:00'), d+ephem.degrees('0:05:00')
    f0, f1 = get_diff(d0, deg, nutation_dpsi), get_diff(d1, deg, nutation_dpsi)
    if f0 * f1 > 0.:
        raise AssertionError("warning: f0=%f, f1=%f" % (f0, f1))

    for i in range(20):  # limits the iteration number to 20.
        dn = (d0 + d1) / 2.
        fn = get_diff(dn, deg, nutation_dpsi)
        if fn * f0 > 0.:  # the midpoint has the same sign as the left side -> select the right side
            d0 = dn
            f0 = get_diff(d0, deg, nutation_dpsi)
        elif fn * f1 > 0.:  # the midpoint has the same sign as the right side -> select the left side
            d1 = dn
            f1 = get_diff(d1, deg, nutation_dpsi)
        elif fn == 0:
            return ephem.date(dn)
            raise AssertionError("warning: impossible")

    return ephem.Date((d0*abs(f1)+d1*abs(f0))/(abs(f0) + abs(f1)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def expscript_for_json(j, status=None):

    ss = []
    if 'approx_datetime' in j:
        # Expected start time of this script, in "date -u +%s" units -- seconds since unixepoch = 1970-01-01 00:00:00
        unixepoch = 25567.5
        tj = ephem.Date(str(j['approx_datetime']))
        ss = ['# Exposure scheduled for: %s UT\n' % j['approx_datetime'],
              'dt=$(($(date -u +%%s) - %i))' % (int((tj - unixepoch) * 86400))]
        #ss.append('echo DT: $dt\n')
        ss.append('if [ $dt -gt 3600 ]; then\n' +
                  '  echo; echo "WARNING: This exposure is happening more than an hour late!";\n' +
                  '  echo "Scheduled time: %s UT";\n' % j['approx_datetime'] +
                  '  echo; tput bel; sleep 0.25; tput bel; sleep 0.25; tput bel;\n' +
                  'fi\n' +
                  'if [ $dt -lt -3600 ]; then\n' +
                  '  echo; echo "WARNING: This exposure is happening more than an hour early!";\n' +
                  '  echo "Scheduled time: %s UT";\n' % j['approx_datetime'] +
                  '  echo; tput bel; sleep 0.25; tput bel; sleep 0.25; tput bel;\n' +
        #ADM force exit if observation is more than 4 hours late
        ss.append('if [ $dt -gt 14400 ]; then\n' +
                  '  echo; echo "ERROR: This exposure is happening more than 4 hours late!";\n' +
                  '  echo "Scheduled time: %s UT";\n' % j['approx_datetime'] +
                  '  echo "YOU SHOULD RERUN mosbot.py TO CREATE A NEW tonight.sh FILE!";\n' +
                  '  touch quit\n' +
                  '  exit 1\n' +

    ra  = j['RA']
    dec = j['dec']
    ss.append(jnox_moveto(ra, dec))

    # exposure time
    et = (j['expTime'])
    # filter
    filter_name = str(j['filter'])
    tilename = str(j['object'])
    if status is None:
        ra  = ra2hms(ra)
        dec = dec2dms(dec)
        status = "Tile %s, RA %s, Dec %s" % (tilename, ra, dec)
    ss.append(jnox_exposure(et, filter_name, tilename, status))
    return '\n'.join(ss) + '\n'
Ejemplo n.º 4
def sun_rise_set(city, year):
    Calculate sun rise and set for whole year
    sea = ephem.city(city)
    sea.date = ephem.Date("{}/01/01 12:00:00".format(year))
    sun = ephem.Sun()
    earlest_dec = 12.0
    latest_dec = 12.0
    longest_len = 8.0
    for day in range(1, days_year + 1):
        sunrise = sea.next_rising(sun)
        sunset = sea.next_setting(sun)
        sol = ephem.localtime(sunrise)
        set = ephem.localtime(sunset)
        rise_dec = float(sol.hour) + (float(sol.minute) /
                                      60.0) + (float(sol.second) / 60.0 / 60.0)
        set_dec = float(set.hour) + (float(set.minute) /
                                     60.0) + (float(set.second) / 60.0 / 60.0)
        if rise_dec < earlest_dec:
            earlest_dec = rise_dec
            earlest_sol = sol
        if set_dec > latest_dec:
            latest_dec = set_dec
            latest_sunset = set
        day_length = set_dec - rise_dec
        if day_length > longest_len:
            longest_len = day_length
            longest_day = sol
            longest_set = set
        if day in SolEqn:
            label = 'SolEqn'  # This day is an Soltice or Equinox
            label = 'Sol'
        print("{:d} {:6.4f} {:7.4f} {} %% Sun Rise/Set: {} {} PST".format(
            day, rise_dec, set_dec, label, sol.strftime("%b-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        sea.date += 1
    sys.stderr.write("Ealest Sun Rise: {}\n".format(
        earlest_sol.strftime("%b-%d %H:%M:%S")))
    sys.stderr.write("Longest Day      {} {}\n".format(
        longest_day.strftime("%b-%d %H:%M:%S"),
        longest_set.strftime(" %H:%M:%S")))
    sys.stderr.write("Latest Sun Set : {}\n".format(
        latest_sunset.strftime("%b-%d %H:%M:%S")))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_telescope_position(self, targetName='sky'):
        if targetName is None or len(targetName) == 0: targetName = 'sky'
        response = self.sendTelescopeCommand('REQPOS\r')
        if response is None:
            return {}

        #split response into status fields
        line1, line2, airmass = response.split('\n')

        utc, lst = line1.split(', ')
        utc_title, junk, utc_day, utc_time = utc.split(' ')
        lst_title, junk, lst_time = lst.split(' ')

        ra, dec, ha = line2.split(', ')
        ra_title, junk, ra_val = ra.split(' ')
        dec_title, junk, dec_val = dec.split(' ')
        ha_title, junk, ha_val = ha.split(' ')

        airmass_title, airmass_val = airmass.split('=  ')

        #calculate alt and az of current target
        target = ephem.readdb(
            str(targetName) + ',f|L,' + str(ra_val) + ',' + str(dec_val) +

        lt = time.time()
        dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(lt)

        palomar = ephem.Observer()
        palomar.long, palomar.lat = self.lonStr, self.latStr
        palomar.date = ephem.Date(dt)
        palomar.elevation = self.elevation
        alt, az = target.alt * (180. / math.pi), target.az * (180 / math.pi)

        return {
            str(utc_title): utc_time,
            str(lst_title): lst_time,
            str(ra_title): ra_val,
            str(dec_title): dec_val,
            str(ha_title): ha_val,
            str(airmass_title): float(airmass_val[:-1]),
            'alt': alt,
            'az': az
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def getTLE(self, date):
        date = ephem.Date(date)

        tleCount = len(self.tles) // 2
        lo = 0
        hi = tleCount
        while lo < hi:  # equals bisect.bisect_left
            mid = (lo + hi) // 2
            tle = ephem.readtle('foo', self.tles[mid * 2],
                                self.tles[mid * 2 + 1])
            if tle._epoch < date:
                lo = mid + 1
                hi = mid

        tleIdx = lo - 1  # equals find_lt (rightmost TLE with epoch less than given date)

        return self.tles[tleIdx * 2], self.tles[tleIdx * 2 + 1]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_phase_on_day(year, month, day):
    """Returns a floating-point number from 0-1. where 0=new, 0.5=full, 1=new"""
    #Ephem stores its date numbers as floating points, which the following uses
    #to conveniently extract the percent time between one new moon and the next
    #This corresponds (somewhat roughly) to the phase of the moon.

    #Use Year, Month, Day as arguments
    date = ephem.Date(datetime.date(year, month, day))

    nnm = ephem.next_new_moon(date)
    pnm = ephem.previous_new_moon(date)

    lunation = (date - pnm) / (nnm - pnm)

    #Note that there is a ephem.Moon().phase() command, but this returns the
    #percentage of the moon which is illuminated. This is not really what we want.

    return lunation
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, timestamp=None):
     if isinstance(timestamp, basestring):
             timestamp = ephem.Date(timestamp.strip().replace('-', '/'))
         except ValueError:
             raise ValueError("Timestamp string '%s' not in correct format - " % (timestamp,) +
                              "should be 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' or 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS' or prefix thereof " +
                              "(all UTC, fractional seconds allowed)")
     if timestamp is None:
         self.secs = time.time()
     elif isinstance(timestamp, ephem.Date):
         timestamp = list(timestamp.tuple()) + [0, 0, 0]
         int_secs = math.floor(timestamp[5])
         frac_secs = timestamp[5] - int_secs
         timestamp[5] = int(int_secs)
         self.secs = time.mktime(tuple(timestamp)) - time.timezone + frac_secs
         self.secs = float(timestamp)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def compute_sun_ned(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_m, timestamp):
    d = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
    #d = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

    ed = ephem.Date(d)
    #print 'ephem time utc:', ed
    #print 'localtime:', ephem.localtime(ed)

    ownship = ephem.Observer()
    ownship.lon = '%.8f' % lon_deg
    ownship.lat = '%.8f' % lat_deg
    ownship.elevation = alt_m
    ownship.date = ed

    sun = ephem.Sun(ownship)
    sun_ned = [math.cos(sun.az), math.sin(sun.az), -math.sin(sun.alt)]

    return sun_ned
Ejemplo n.º 10
def sunrise(d0="2018/7/1", d1="2018/12/30", place="Lutsk"):
    sun = eph.Sun()
    pl, loc = city(place)
    dates = pd.date_range(start=d0, end=d1, freq='D')
    slist = []
    for i in dates:
        pl.date = eph.Date(i)
        dlist = [
        dlist = [h.datetime().replace(second=0, microsecond=0) for h in dlist]
        dlist = [loco(k, loc) for k in dlist]
    df = pd.DataFrame(slist, index=dates, columns=['rise', 'trans', 'set'])
    df['date'] = df['rise'].apply(lambda x: x.date())
    # df['yday'] = df[0].apply(lambda x: x.dayofyear)
    return df
Ejemplo n.º 11
def datestring(date,precision=4):
    Convert an ephem.Date object to a string with increased precision

    date      : ephem.Date object
    precision : Output precision

    datestr   : String representation of the date
    date = ephem.Date(date).datetime()
    datestr = date.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
    datestr += '{:.{precision}f}'.format(date.microsecond/1.e6,
    if precision < 0:
        msg = "Precision must be positive."
        raise Exception(msg)

    # This is a bit annoying, but works better (more accurate) than
    # using the built-in datetime conversion
    date = ephem.Date(date)
    datetuple = date.tuple()
    seconds = round(datetuple[-1],precision)
    minutes = datetuple[-2]
    hours = datetuple[-3]
    minutes += int(seconds//60)
    seconds = seconds%60.
    hours += int(minutes//60)
    minutes = minutes%60

    strtuple = datetuple[:-3]+(hours,minutes,seconds)
    width = precision+2 if precision == 0 else precision+3

    #datestr = '%d/%02d/%02d %02i:%02i:%07.4f'%strtuple
    datestr = '{:4d}/{:02d}/{:02d} {:02d}:{:02d}:{:0{width}.{precision}f}'
    datestr = datestr.format(*strtuple,precision=precision,width=width)

    return datestr
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main(args):
    idf = LWA1DataFile(args[0])
    nFramesFile = idf.getInfo('nFrames')

    srate = idf.getInfo('sampleRate')
    beam = idf.getInfo('beam')
    beampols = idf.getInfo('beampols')

    # Date
    beginDate = ephem.Date(unix_to_utcjd(idf.getInfo('tStart')) - DJD_OFFSET)

    # File summary
    print "Filename: %s" % args[0]
    print "Date of First Frame: %s" % str(beginDate)
    print "Beam: %i" % beam
    print "Tune/Pols: %ii" % beampols
    print "Sample Rate: %i Hz" % srate
    print "Frames: %i (%.3f s)" % (nFramesFile, 1.0 * nFramesFile / beampols * 4096 / srate)
    print "---"
Ejemplo n.º 13
def utc2nite(utc, observer=None):
    sun = ephem.Sun()

    if observer is None:
        observer = ephem.Observer()
        observer.lon = constants.LON_CTIO
        observer.lat = constants.LAT_CTIO
        observer.elevation = constants.ELEVATION_CTIO

    observer.date = utc

    if observer.previous_setting(sun) > observer.previous_rising(sun):
        # It's night time, use the date of the previous setting
        nite = ephem.localtime(observer.previous_setting(sun))
        # It's daytime, use the next setting
        nite = ephem.localtime(observer.next_setting(sun))

    return ephem.Date(nite)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def tle2eci(l1, l2):
	Function takes first and second line of tle data and returns
	ECI position (x, y, z) of the satellite at current UTC time.
	For parsing TLE data and getting current location I am using
	spg4 library
    satellite = twoline2rv(l1, l2, wgs84)
    ljubljana = timezone('Europe/Ljubljana')
    lj_time = datetime.datetime.now(ljubljana)
    a_date = ephem.Date(lj_time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'))
    #print "Time in Ljubljana: ", a_date

    (year, month, day, hour, minute, secunde) = a_date.tuple()
    position, velocity = satellite.propagate(year, month, day, hour - 2,
                                             minute, secunde)
    #print "ECI position: ", position

    return position
Ejemplo n.º 15
def make_cal():
    cal = np.ones((13 * border_h + 12 * max_h, 32 * border_w + 31 * max_w, 3)).astype('float32')

    for i in xrange(365):
        gatech.date = ephem.Date(d + i)

        year, month, day = gatech.date.triple()

        day = int(day - 0.5)

        m = np.ones((h, w, 3)).astype('float32') * moon.phase / 100.

        m[:, :, 1] = (moon.earth_distance - min_dist) / (max_dist - min_dist)
        m[:, :, 0] = 1 - (moon.sun_distance - min_dist_sun) / (max_dist_sun - min_dist_sun)

        m[0:2, :, :] = 0
        m[-2:, :, :] = 0
        m[:, 0:2, :] = 0
        m[:, -2:, :] = 0

        off_h = random.randint(0, border_h // 2)
        off_w = random.randint(0, border_w // 2)

        deg = random.randint(-15, 15)
        rot_m = rotate(m, deg)

        start_r = (month - 1) * max_h + month * border_h + off_h
        end_r = month * max_h + month * border_h + off_h

        start_c = (day - 1) * max_w + day * border_w + off_w
        end_c = day * max_w + day * border_w + off_w

        d_r = rot_m.shape[0] - (end_r - start_r)
        d_c = rot_m.shape[1] - (end_c - start_c)

        cal[start_r : end_r + d_r, start_c : end_c + d_c] = rot_m

    rotated = rotate(cal, 3)

    rotated = cv2.copyMakeBorder(rotated, top=150, bottom=200, left=50, right=50, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[1, 1, 1])

    return rotated
Ejemplo n.º 16
def localtoec(az, el, mjd):
    global convert
    getlocal = ephem.Observer()
    getlocal.lon = Dawodang.lon
    getlocal.lat = Dawodang.lat
    getlocal.elevation = 1110.028801  # altitude
    getlocal.temp = 25
    getlocal.pressure = 1.01325e3
    getlocal.epoch = ephem.J2000
    #ct = time.gmtime(time.time()+delta_T)
    #ct3 = time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S",ct)
    jd = mjd + 2400000.5
    date = ephem.julian_date('1899/12/31 12:00:00')
    djd = jd - date
    ct3 = ephem.Date(djd)
    print ct3
    getlocal.date = ct3  # UT
    ra, dec = getlocal.radec_of(az, el)
    return ra, dec
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def get_target_info(self,
        """Compute various values for a target from sunrise to sunset.
        def _set_time(dtime):
            # Sets time to nice rounded value
            y, m, d, hh, mm, ss = dtime.tuple()
            mm = mm - (mm % 5)
            return ephem.Date(datetime(y, m, d, hh, mm, 5, 0))

        def _set_data_range(time_start, time_stop, t_ival):
            # Returns numpy array of dates
            ss = _set_time(ephem.Date(ephem.Date(time_start) - t_ival))
            sr = _set_time(ephem.Date(ephem.Date(time_stop) + t_ival))
            return np.arange(ss, sr, t_ival)

        if time_start is None:
            # default for start time is sunset on the current date
            time_start = self.sunset()
        if time_stop is None:
            # default for stop time is sunrise on the current date
            time_stop = self.sunrise(date=time_start)

        t_range = _set_data_range(self.date_to_utc(time_start),
                                  time_interval * ephem.minute)
        #print('computing airmass history...')
        history = []

        # TODO: this should probably return a generator
        for ut in t_range:
            # ugh
            tup = ephem.Date(ut).tuple()
            args = tup[:-1] + (int(tup[-1]), )
            ut_with_tz = datetime(*args).replace(tzinfo=self.tz_utc)
            info = target.calc(self, ut_with_tz)
        #print(('computed airmass history', self.history))
        return history
Ejemplo n.º 18
def is_major_phase(date):
    """Returns a code if the date coincides with a major Moon phase, i.e. first
    quarter, full Moon, last quarter or new Moon.

    Keyword arguments:
    date -- a PyEphem Date object.

    # Calculate the exact date and time of each upcoming major Moon phase.
    next_new_moon = ephem.next_new_moon(date)
    next_first_quarter_moon = ephem.next_first_quarter_moon(date)
    next_full_moon = ephem.next_full_moon(date)
    next_last_quarter_moon = ephem.next_last_quarter_moon(date)

    # Format the major Moon phase dates by resetting their hour, minute and
    # second values to zero, positioning each day at midnight so that they can
    # be directly compared against the date argument.
    next_new_moon_date = helpers.set_date_to_midnight(next_new_moon)
    next_first_quarter_moon_date = helpers.set_date_to_midnight(
    next_full_moon_date = helpers.set_date_to_midnight(next_full_moon)
    next_last_quarter_moon_date = helpers.set_date_to_midnight(

    # Convert the `date` arugment to an Ephem Date for comparison.
    date = ephem.Date(date)

    # Return the appropriate code based on if there is a match. No matches will
    # return `None`.
    if (next_new_moon_date == date):
        return 'new_moon'

    if (next_first_quarter_moon_date == date):
        return 'first_quarter'

    if (next_full_moon_date == date):
        return 'full_moon'

    if (next_last_quarter_moon_date == date):
        return 'last_quarter'

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 19
def plotWeight(field, target_fields, weight, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(field,FieldArray):
        field = field[-1]

    date = ephem.Date(field['DATE'])

    if plt.get_fignums(): plt.cla()
    fig, basemap = obztak.utils.ortho.makePlot(date,name='weight')

    index_sort = np.argsort(weight)[::-1]
    proj = basemap.proj(target_fields['RA'][index_sort], target_fields['DEC'][index_sort])
    weight_min = np.min(weight)
    basemap.scatter(*proj, c=weight[index_sort], edgecolor='none', s=50, vmin=weight_min, vmax=weight_min + 300., cmap='Spectral')

    #cut_accomplished = np.in1d(self.target_fields['ID'], self.accomplished_field_ids)
    #proj = obztak.utils.ortho.safeProj(basemap, self.target_fields['RA'][cut_accomplished], self.target_fields['DEC'][cut_accomplished])
    #basemap.scatter(*proj, c='0.75', edgecolor='none', s=50)

    cut_accomplished = np.in1d(self.target_fields['ID'],self.accomplished_fields['ID'])
    proj = obztak.utils.ortho.safeProj(basemap,
    basemap.scatter(*proj, c=np.tile(0, np.sum(np.logical_not(cut_accomplished))), edgecolor='none', s=50, vmin=0, vmax=4, cmap='summer_r')

    proj = obztak.utils.ortho.safeProj(basemap, self.target_fields['RA'][cut_accomplished], self.target_fields['DEC'][cut_accomplished])
    basemap.scatter(*proj, c=self.target_fields['TILING'][cut_accomplished], edgecolor='none', s=50, vmin=0, vmax=4, cmap='summer_r')

    # Draw colorbar in existing axis
    if len(fig.axes) == 2:
        colorbar = plt.colorbar(cax=fig.axes[-1])
        colorbar = plt.colorbar()

    # Show the selected field
    proj = basemap.proj([field['RA']], [field['DEC']])
    basemap.scatter(*proj, c='magenta', edgecolor='none', s=50)

Ejemplo n.º 20
 def Compute(self):
     end_time = ephem.Date("{}/{}/{} 23:59:59".format(
         self.year, self.month, self.day))
     i = 1
     while True:
         if (self.sat.set_time < self.sat.rise_time) or (self.sat.rise_time
                                                         > end_time):
             #                 print "%d: %s,  %s,  %s" % (i, self.sat.rise_time, self.sat.transit_time, self.sat.set_time)
             set_time = self.sat.set_time
             # 开始: 输出星历文件
             self.OutputFile(self.sat.rise_time, set_time, i)
             i = i + 1
             # 结束: 输出星历文件
             self.obs.date = set_time + ephem.minute * 1
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def check_pass(self, passTime):
        if passTime == 0:
            self.OBS.date = ephem.now()
        elif passTime == 1:
            timeStr = time.strftime(
                '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S',
                time.gmtime(passTime))  # UTC time string needed for ephem
            self.OBS.date = ephem.Date(timeStr)


        if (self.obj.alt > 0.175) & (self.SUN.alt < -0.1) & (
                not self.obj.eclipsed
        ):  # 0.175 = 10 degrees, 0.1 = 6 degrees        return True
            return True
            return False
Ejemplo n.º 22
def calc_ephem():
    """Calculate coordinates using PyEphem

    Code from http://stackoverflow.com/a/28096359/1033535

    Check using: http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/toolbox/tb_coordconv.cfm

    observer = ephem.Observer()
    observer.pressure = 0
    observer.lon = str(LONGITUDE)
    observer.lat = str(LATITUDE)
    observer.elevation = ALTITUDE
    observer.date = ephem.Date(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(UTC))

    ra, dec = observer.radec_of(H_AZIMUTH, H_ALTITUDE)
    #     print 'Ephem:   ', ra, dec
    #     print 'Ephem:    %10.6f %10.6f' % (ra.real, dec.real)
    print 'Ephem:     %10.6f %10.6f' % (np.degrees(
        ra.real), np.degrees(dec.real))
Ejemplo n.º 23
def parseSatellite(filenameTLE, filenameSavedPass):

	tleFile = open(filenameTLE, "r")
	sat = ephem.readtle(

	loc = ephem.Observer()
	savedPassFile = open(filenameSavedPass, "r")
	loc.lat = float(savedPassFile.readline()) * ephem.degree
	loc.lon = float(savedPassFile.readline()) * ephem.degree
	loc.elevation = float(savedPassFile.readline()) 

	startTime = ephem.Date(savedPassFile.readline()) + ephem.second * 75

	return sat, loc, startTime
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_encoding(binary_fmt):

    db = Database(db='sqlite:///test_encoding.db',

    ts = datetime(
    )  #<--- microseconds are not saved atm so not having them set to zero will make test fail.

    blah1 = [
        'datetime', 'pandas Timestamp', 'ephem.Date', 'Just a string',
    blah2 = [
        ephem.Date(ts), 'hello',
        bytearray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
    ]  #<-- all of these will be encoded as strings
    db.put_df(table='test', df=pd.DataFrame(dict(blah1=blah1, blah2=blah2)))
    df = db.get_df(table='test')

    if not _NO_ASSERTS:
        for k in range(len(blah1)):
            assert (blah1[k] == df.blah1.iloc[k])
            assert (blah2[k] == df.blah2.iloc[k])


    return df
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, auscale, timestep, time_increment=5, start_time=None):
        """time_increment is in days.
           start_time is a an ephem.Date object.

        self.auscale = auscale
        self.timestep = timestep
        self.stepping = True

        if start_time:
            self.time = start_time
            self.time = ephem.Date(datetime.now())

        self.time_increment = ephem.hour * time_increment * 24

        # Paths for each planet. Must save the full path
        # since we might need to redraw if the window gets covered.
        self.planet_paths = [[] for i in range(len(planets))]

        # Set up colors
        self.bg_color = Gdk.color_parse('black')
        self.planet_colors = [Gdk.color_parse(c) for c in planet_color_names]

        self.line_width = 3

        self.drawing_area = Gtk.DrawingArea()
        self.set_default_size(1024, 768)

        GLib.timeout_add(self.timestep, self.idle_cb)

        self.drawing_area.connect('draw', self.draw)
        self.drawing_area.connect('configure-event', self.configure)
        self.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)
        self.connect("key-press-event", self.key_press)

        # GLib.idle_add(self.idle_cb)

Ejemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(self):
        #telescope location parameters
        self.telescope = ephem.Observer()
        self.telescope.lon = -67.7875  #degrees
        self.telescope.lat = -22.9586  #degrees
        self.telescope.elevation = 5190  #meters
        self.obs_date = ephem.Date('2018')
        self.telescope.date = self.obs_date.datetime()

        #input parameters for scan
        self.az_0 = 0.
        self.el_0 = 90.
        self.az_rng = 0.5
        self.el_rng = 0.5
        self.el_stp = 0.01
        self.dt = 0.01  #data time interval
        self.f_data = 1. / self.dt
        self.t_end = 3600.0  #seconds

        #NET and noise settings
        self.NET = 480e-6  #K*sqrt(s) This is the NET value from POLARBEAR
        self.add_white_noise = False
        self.add_1f_noise = False

        #HWP and HWPSS settings
        self.f_hwp = 2  #Hz
        self.num_bolos = 1

        #operational settings
        self.conduct_test = False

        #map settings
        map_dict = {
            'nilc': '/home/rashmi/maps/planck_nilc_1024_full_test.fits',
            'sevem': '/home/rashmi/maps/planck_sevem_1024_full_test.fits',
            'smica': '/home/rashmi/maps/planck_smica_1024_full_test.fits'
        self.map_name = 'commander'  #can change this to any of the four keys in the map_dict
        self.map_filename = map_dict.get(self.map_name)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def update(month):

        ax = fig.add_subplot(111,

        plots(masks, surveys, clf=False, save=False)

        days = month * 30.

        RA, DEC = get_plane()
        plot_mwd(ax, np.array(RA), np.array(DEC), org=0, color='r', alpha=1.0)

        RA, DEC = get_plane(input=ephem.Ecliptic, output=ephem.Equatorial)

        ## ephem.Jupiter;  ['red', 'o']
        for body, props in zip([ephem.Sun, ephem.Moon],
                               [['gold', '*'], ['gainsboro', 'o']]):
            body = body(ephem.now() + days)

            RA = np.array([hours2degs(str(body.ra), dec=False)])
            DEC = np.array([hours2degs(str(body.dec), dec=True)])


        pl.title(ephem.Date(ephem.now() + days))
Ejemplo n.º 28
def predictNextPasses(satName, tleFile, nextPasses):
    #reading the TLE file
    file = open(tleFile)
    data = file.read().replace("\n","::")    
    arr = data.split("::")

    for i in range(len(arr)):
        if satName.rstrip() == arr[i].rstrip():
            tleOne= arr[i+1]
            tleTwo = arr[i+2]
    #initialise the ephem object
    satephem = ephem.readtle(satName,tleOne,tleTwo)
    home.elevation = 60
    #next pass returns
    #0  Rise time
    #1  Rise azimuth
    #2  Maximum altitude time
    #3  Maximum altitude
    #4  Set time
    #5  Set azimuth

    for p in range(int(nextPasses)):
        tr, azr, tt, altt, ts, azs = home.next_pass(satephem)
        home.date = tr #set the observer date as rise time
        satephem.compute(home) #for every rise time compute the position
        print("Pass -->", p,"\n")
        "time rise -->",tr, "\n",
        "altitude -->",math.degrees(satephem.alt),"\n",
        "azimuth -->",math.degrees(satephem.az), "\n",
        "latitude-->",math.degrees(satephem.sublat), "\n",
        "longitude -->",math.degrees(satephem.sublong), "\n",
        "elevation -->",satephem.elevation/1000.)
        tr = ephem.Date(tr + 20.0 * ephem.second)
        home.date = tr + ephem.minute
Ejemplo n.º 29
def night_times(datestr, verbose=True):
    obs = decam.copy()
    obs.date = datestr
    obs.horizon = 0.0
    t_sunset, t_sunrise = night_start_end(obs)
    obs.date = t_sunset
    obs.horizon = -ephem.degrees('10')
    t_10start, t_10stop = night_start_end(obs)
    obs.horizon = -ephem.degrees('12')
    t_12start, t_12stop = night_start_end(obs)
    obs.horizon = -ephem.degrees('18')
    t_18start, t_18stop = night_start_end(obs)
    length = t_12stop - t_12start
    q1, q2, q3 = [ephem.Date(t_12start+x*length) for x in [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]]
    obs.horizon = -ephem.degrees('0')
    obs.date = t_sunset
    t_moonset, t_moonrise = night_start_end(obs, ephem.Moon(), sun=False)
    if verbose:
        print('Sunset:       %s, Sunrise:    %s' % (t_sunset, t_sunrise))
        print('10 twi start: %s, 10 twi end: %s' % (t_10start, t_10stop))
        print('12 twi start: %s, 12 twi end: %s' % (t_12start, t_12stop))
        print('18 twi start: %s, 18 twi end: %s' % (t_18start, t_18stop))
        print('moonset:      %s, moonrise:   %s' % (t_moonset, t_moonrise))
        print('Q1:           %s' % q1)
        print('Q2:           %s' % q2)
        print('Q3:           %s' % q3)

    return {'sunset': t_sunset,
            'sunrise': t_sunrise,
            '10start': t_10start,
            '10stop': t_10stop,
            '12start': t_12start,
            '12stop': t_12stop,
            '18start': t_18start,
            '18stop': t_18stop,
            'moonset': t_moonset,
            'moonrise': t_moonrise,
            'q1': q1,
            'q2': q2,
            'q3': q3}
Ejemplo n.º 30
def utc2local(ephem_time, time_zone, offset_minutes=0):
    """Convert time given by ephem.Date() in UTC to the local timezone.

    @param: utc_time date in format '2016/10/25 10:42:56'
    @param: time_zone tz object (tz.gettz)
    @param: offset_minutes +/- number of minutes

        Time stamp in given timezone '2016-10-25 07:42:55.550244-03:00'

    utc = ephem.Date(ephem_time).datetime().replace(tzinfo=tz.gettz('UTC'))
    local = utc.astimezone(TZ)
    local = local + timedelta(minutes=offset_minutes)

    if DEBUG:
        print("utc2local: offset '{}'".format(offset_minutes))
        print("utc2local: utc    '{}'".format(utc))
        print("utc2local: local  '{}'".format(local))

    return local