Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_capacity_potential_per_country(countries: List[str],
                                       is_onshore: float,
                                       filters: Dict,
                                       power_density: float,
                                       processes: int = None):
    Return capacity potentials (GW) in a series of countries.

    countries: List[str]
        List of ISO codes.
    is_onshore: bool
        Whether the technology is onshore located.
    filters: Dict
        Dictionary containing a set of values describing the filters to apply to obtain land availability.
    power_density: float
        Power density in MW/km2
    processes: int (default: None)
        Number of parallel processes

        Series containing the capacity potentials (GW) for each code.

    which = 'onshore' if is_onshore else 'offshore'
    shapes = get_shapes(countries, which=which, save=True)["geometry"]
    land_availability = get_land_availability_for_shapes(
        shapes, filters, processes)

    return pd.Series(land_availability * power_density / 1e3,
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_match_powerplants_to_regions_shape_mismatch():
    countries = ["BE", "FI", "FR", "GB", "RO"]
    shapes = get_shapes(countries, which="offshore")["geometry"]
    df = get_powerplants('ror', countries)
    ds = match_powerplants_to_regions(df, shapes, dist_threshold=0.)
    assert len(ds) == len(df)
    assert len(ds.dropna()) == 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_create_grid_cells_too_coarse_resolution():
    shape = get_shapes(["BE"], "onshore").loc["BE", "geometry"]
    res = 10.0
    points, gc = create_grid_cells(shape, res)
    assert isinstance(points, list)
    assert isinstance(gc, np.ndarray)
    assert len(points) == 1
    assert len(gc) == 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_get_grid_cells_missing_shapes():
    shapes = get_shapes(["BE"])
    onshore_shape = shapes[~shapes["offshore"]].loc["BE", "geometry"]
    offshore_shape = shapes[shapes["offshore"]].loc["BE", "geometry"]
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        get_grid_cells(['wind_onshore'], 0.5, offshore_shape=offshore_shape)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        get_grid_cells(['wind_offshore'], 0.5, onshore_shape=onshore_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_create_grid_cells():
    shape = get_shapes(["BE"], "onshore").loc["BE", "geometry"]
    res = 1.0
    points, gc = create_grid_cells(shape, res)
    assert len(gc) == len(points)
    assert all([isinstance(cell, Polygon) or isinstance(cell, MultiPolygon) for cell in gc])
    areas_sum = sum([cell.area for cell in gc])
    assert abs(areas_sum - shape.area)/max(areas_sum, shape.area) < 0.01
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_match_powerplants_to_regions_without_shapes():
    countries = ["BE", "FI", "FR", "GB", "RO"]
    nb_plants = [3, 14, 85, 9, 77]
    shapes = get_shapes(countries, which="onshore")["geometry"]
    df = get_powerplants('sto', countries)
    ds = match_powerplants_to_regions(df, shapes, countries)
    assert len(ds) == len(df)
    for i, c in enumerate(countries):
        assert sum(ds == c) == nb_plants[i]

    regions = [
        "ES11", "ES12", "ES13", "ES21", "ES22", "ES23", "ES24", "ES41", "ES42",
        "ES43", "ES51", "ES52"
    shapes = get_shapes(regions, which="onshore")["geometry"]
    df = get_powerplants('nuclear', ["ES"])
    ds = match_powerplants_to_regions(df, shapes, [c[:2] for c in regions])
    assert all([c in ds.values for c in ["ES52", "ES42", "ES51"]])
Ejemplo n.º 7
def create_interior_shore_proximity_prior():
    """Generate a Prior, defined over onshore territories, indicating pixels
    which are less-than or equal-to X meters from shore"""

    # Indicates distances too close to shore (m)
    # considering values for 12, 30, 50, 60, 100, 150 and 200 nm (-> 22, 56, 93, 111, 185, 278 and 370 km)
    # distances = [0, 5e3, 10e3, 15e3, 20e3, 22e3, 25e3, 50e3, 56e3, 93e3, 100e3,
    #              111e3, 185e3, 200e3, 278e3, 300e3, 370e3, 400e3, 500e3, 1000e3]
    distances = [100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500]

    # Create onshore shape
    countries = [
        "AL", "AT", "BA", "BE", "BG", "CH", "CZ", "DE", "DK", "EE", "ES", "FI",
        "FR", "GB", "GR", "HR", "HU", "IE", "IT", "LT", "LU", "LV", "ME", "MK",
        "NL", "NO", "PL", "PT", "RO", "RS", "SE", "SI", "SK"

    shapes = get_shapes(countries, which='onshore')
    onshore_union = unary_union(shapes["geometry"].values)

    poly_wkt = shapely.wkt.dumps(onshore_union)
    spatial_ref = osr.SpatialReference()
    poly = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(poly_wkt, spatial_ref)

    # Make Region Mask (set resolution to 1km)
    reg = gk.RegionMask.load(poly, pixelRes=100)

    # Create a geometry list from the osm files
    from shapely.geometry import Polygon
    opposite = Polygon([(-20, 30), (-20, 75), (40, 75),
                        (40, 30)]).difference(onshore_union)[0]
    from epippy.geographics.plot import display_polygons
    poly_wkt_out_eu = shapely.wkt.dumps(opposite)
    spatial_ref = osr.SpatialReference()
    poly_out_eu = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(poly_wkt_out_eu, spatial_ref)
    target = osr.SpatialReference()
    transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(spatial_ref, target)

    # Get edge matrix
    result = edgesByProximity(reg, [poly_out_eu], distances)

    # Save result
    ftr_id = 0
    name = "interior_shore_proximity"
    unit = "meters"
    description = "Indicates pixels which are less-than or equal-to X meters from shore inside shore"
    source = "NaturalEarth"
    tail = str(int(dt.now().timestamp()))
    potential_dir = f"{data_path}generation/vres/potentials/"
    output_dir = f"{potential_dir}generated/GLAES/"
    writeEdgeFile(result, reg, ftr_id, output_dir, name, tail, unit,
                  description, source, distances)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_match_powerplants_to_regions_non_iso_codes_for_shapes():
    countries = ["BE", "NL"]
    shapes = get_shapes(countries)["geometry"]
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        pp_df = pd.DataFrame({
            "ISO2": ["BE", "NL"],
            "lon": [0, 1],
            "lat": [1, 0]
        match_powerplants_to_regions(pp_df, shapes, ["Belgium", "Netherlands"])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_match_points_to_regions_one_point_away_from_shape_keeping():

    onshore_shapes = get_shapes(["NL", "BE"], "onshore")["geometry"]
    ds = match_points_to_regions([(3.91953, 52.0067)],
    assert isinstance(ds, pd.Series)
    assert (len(ds) == 1)
    assert (3.91953, 52.0067) in ds.index
    assert np.isnan(ds[(3.91953, 52.0067)])
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_match_points_to_regions_one_point_near_shape_keeping():

    onshore_shapes = get_shapes(["NL", "BE"], "onshore")["geometry"]
    ds = match_points_to_regions([(3.9855853, 51.9205033)],
    assert isinstance(ds, pd.Series)
    assert (len(ds) == 1)
    assert (3.9855853, 51.9205033) in ds.index
    assert ds[(3.9855853, 51.9205033)] == "NL"
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_match_points_to_regions_one_point_near_shape_not_keeping():

    onshore_shapes = get_shapes(["NL"], "onshore")["geometry"]
    ds = match_points_to_regions([(3.9855853, 51.9205033)],
    assert isinstance(ds, pd.Series)
    assert (len(ds) == 1)
    assert (3.9855853, 51.9205033) in ds.index
    assert np.isnan(ds[(3.9855853, 51.9205033)])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_match_points_to_regions_one_point_in_two_shapes():

    onshore_shapes = get_shapes(["BE", "NL"], "onshore")["geometry"]
    ds = match_points_to_regions([(4.3053506, 50.8550625)],
    assert isinstance(ds, pd.Series)
    assert (len(ds) == 1)
    assert (4.3053506, 50.8550625) in ds.index
    assert ds[(4.3053506, 50.8550625)] == "BE"
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_get_points_in_shape_without_init_points():
    shape = get_shapes(["BE"], "onshore").loc["BE", "geometry"]
    res = 0.5
    points = get_points_in_shape(shape, res)
    assert isinstance(points, list)
    assert all(isinstance(point, tuple) for point in points)
    assert all(len(point) == 2 for point in points)
    assert all(
            lambda point: int(point[0] / res) == point[0] / res and int(point[
                1] / res) == point[1] / res, points))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_match_powerplants_to_regions_missing_columns():
    countries = ["BE", "NL"]
    shapes = get_shapes(countries)["geometry"]
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        pp_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["ISO2", "lon"])
        match_powerplants_to_regions(pp_df, shapes)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        pp_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["ISO2", "lat"])
        match_powerplants_to_regions(pp_df, shapes)
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        pp_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["lat", "lon"])
        match_powerplants_to_regions(pp_df, shapes)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_get_grid_cells():
    shapes = get_shapes(["BE"])
    onshore_shape = shapes[~shapes["offshore"]]["geometry"]
    offshore_shape = shapes[shapes["offshore"]]["geometry"]
    ds = get_grid_cells(['wind_onshore', 'wind_offshore', 'pv_utility'],
                        0.25, onshore_shape, offshore_shape)

    assert isinstance(ds, pd.Series)
    assert len(ds['wind_offshore']) == 6
    assert len(ds['wind_onshore']) == 63
    assert len(ds['pv_utility']) == 63
    assert (ds['wind_onshore'] == ds['pv_utility']).all()
Ejemplo n.º 16
def create_shore_proximity_prior():
    """Generate a Prior, defined over offshore territories, indicating pixels
    which are less-than or equal-to X meters from shore"""

    # Indicates distances too close to shore (m)
    # considering values for 12, 30, 50, 60, 100, 150 and 200 nm (-> 22, 56, 93, 111, 185, 278 and 370 km)
    # distances = [0, 5e3, 10e3, 15e3, 20e3, 22e3, 25e3, 50e3, 56e3, 93e3, 100e3,
    #              111e3, 185e3, 200e3, 278e3, 300e3, 370e3, 400e3, 500e3, 1000e3]
    distances = [0, 20e3, 50e3, 100e3, 111e3, 185e3, 370e3, 500e3]

    # Create offshore shape
    countries = [
        "AL", "BA", "BE", "BG", "DE", "DK", "EE", "ES", "FI", "FR", "GB", "GR",
        "HR", "IE", "IT", "LT", "LV", "ME", "NL", "NO", "PL", "PT", "RO", "SE",
    shapes = get_shapes(countries, which='offshore', save=True)
    offshore_union = unary_union(shapes["geometry"].values)

    poly_wkt = shapely.wkt.dumps(offshore_union)
    spatial_ref = osr.SpatialReference()
    poly = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(poly_wkt, spatial_ref)

    # Make Region Mask (set resolution to 1km)
    reg = gk.RegionMask.load(poly, pixelRes=1000)

    # Create a geometry list from the osm files
    potential_dir = f"{data_path}generation/vres/potentials/"
    gebco = gk.vector.loadVector(
    indicated = reg.indicateValues(gebco, value='(0-]', applyMask=False) > 0.5
    geom = gk.geom.polygonizeMask(indicated,

    # Get edge matrix
    result = edgesByProximity(reg, [geom], distances)

    # Save result
    ftr_id = 0
    name = "shore_proximity"
    unit = "meters"
    description = "Indicates pixels which are less-than or equal-to X meters from shore"
    source = "GEBCO"
    tail = str(int(dt.now().timestamp()))
    output_dir = f"{potential_dir}generated/GLAES/"
    writeEdgeFile(result, reg, ftr_id, output_dir, name, tail, unit,
                  description, source, distances)
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_get_points_in_shape_with_init_points():
    shape = get_shapes(["BE"], "onshore").loc["BE", "geometry"]
    res = 1.0
    points_in = [(4.0, 51.0), (5.0, 50.0)]
    point_out = [(4.0, 52.0), (3.0, 50.0)]
    init_points = point_out + points_in
    points = get_points_in_shape(shape, res, init_points)
    assert isinstance(points, list)
    assert all(isinstance(point, tuple) for point in points)
    assert all(len(point) == 2 for point in points)
    assert all(
            lambda point: int(point[0] / res) == point[0] / res and int(point[
                1] / res) == point[1] / res, points))
    assert points == points_in
Ejemplo n.º 18
def define_simple_network() -> pypsa.Network:
    Returns a simple test PyPSA network.

    The network is composed of three onshore buses associated to the onshore territories of Belgium, the Netherlands
    and Luxembourg and of one offshore bus corresponding to the offshore territory of Belgium.

    Currently, no links and lines are integrated.

    net = pypsa.Network()
    buses_id = ["ONBE", "ONNL", "ONLU", "ONFR", "OFF1"]

    # Geographical info
    all_shapes = get_shapes(["BE", "NL", "LU", "FR"], which='onshore_offshore')
    onshore_shapes = all_shapes.loc[~all_shapes['offshore']]["geometry"]
    offshore_shape = all_shapes.loc[(all_shapes['offshore'])
                                    & (all_shapes.index == 'BE')]["geometry"]
    centroids = [
        onshore_shapes["BE"].centroid, onshore_shapes["NL"].centroid,
        onshore_shapes["LU"].centroid, onshore_shapes["FR"].centroid,
    xs, ys = zip(*[(point.x, point.y) for point in centroids])

    # Add buses
    buses = pd.DataFrame(index=buses_id,
                         columns=["x", "y", "country", "region", "onshore"])
    buses["x"] = xs
    buses["y"] = ys
    buses["country"] = ["BE", "NL", "LU", "FR", None]
    buses["onshore_region"] = [
        onshore_shapes["BE"], onshore_shapes["NL"], onshore_shapes["LU"],
        onshore_shapes["FR"], None
    buses["offshore_region"] = [None, None, None, None, offshore_shape["BE"]]
    net.import_components_from_dataframe(buses, "Bus")


    # Time
    ts = pd.date_range('2015-01-01T00:00', '2015-01-01T23:00', freq='1H')

    return net
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_capacity_potential_at_points(
        tech_points_dict: Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]],
        spatial_resolution: float,
        countries: List[str],
        existing_capacity_ds: pd.Series = None) -> pd.Series:
    Compute the potential capacity at a series of points for different technologies.

    tech_points_dict : Dict[str, Dict[str, List[Tuple[float, float]]]
        Dictionary associating to each tech a list of points.
    spatial_resolution : float
        Spatial resolution of the points.
    countries: List[str]
        List of ISO codes of countries in which the points are situated
    existing_capacity_ds: pd.Series (default: None)
        Data series given for each tuple of (tech, point) the existing capacity.

    capacity_potential_ds : pd.Series
        Gives for each pair of technology - point the associated capacity potential in GW

    accepted_techs = [
        'wind_onshore', 'wind_offshore', 'wind_floating', 'pv_utility',
    for tech, points in tech_points_dict.items():
        assert tech in accepted_techs, f"Error: tech {tech} is not in {accepted_techs}"
        assert len(
            points) != 0, f"Error: List of points for tech {tech} is empty."
        assert all(map(lambda point: int(point[0]/spatial_resolution) == point[0]/spatial_resolution
                   and int(point[1]/spatial_resolution) == point[1]/spatial_resolution, points)), \
            f"Error: Some points do not have the correct resolution {spatial_resolution}"

    pop_density_array = load_population_density_data(spatial_resolution)

    # Create a modified copy of regions to deal with UK and EL
    iso_to_nuts0 = {"GB": "UK", "GR": "EL"}
    nuts0_regions = [
        iso_to_nuts0[c] if c in iso_to_nuts0 else c for c in countries

    # Get NUTS2 and EEZ shapes
    nuts2_regions_list = get_available_regions("nuts2")
    codes = [code for code in nuts2_regions_list if code[:2] in nuts0_regions]

    region_shapes_dict = {
        "nuts2": get_shapes(codes, which='onshore')["geometry"],
        "eez": get_shapes(countries, which='offshore', save=True)["geometry"]
    region_shapes_dict["eez"].index = [
        f"EZ{code}" for code in region_shapes_dict["eez"].index

    tech_points_tuples = sorted([(tech, point[0], point[1])
                                 for tech, points in tech_points_dict.items()
                                 for point in points])
    capacity_potential_ds = pd.Series(
        0., index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tech_points_tuples))

    # Check that if existing capacity is defined for every point
    if existing_capacity_ds is not None:
        missing_existing_points = set(existing_capacity_ds.index) - set(
        assert not missing_existing_points, \
            f"Error: Missing following points in existing capacity series: {missing_existing_points}"

    for tech, points in tech_points_dict.items():

        # Compute potential for each NUTS2 or EEZ
        potential_per_region_ds = read_capacity_potential(tech,

        # Find the geographical region code associated to each point
        if tech in ['wind_offshore', 'wind_floating']:
            region_shapes = region_shapes_dict["eez"]
            region_shapes = region_shapes_dict["nuts2"]

        point_regions_ds = match_points_to_regions(points,
        points = list(point_regions_ds.index)
        points_info_df = pd.DataFrame(point_regions_ds.values,

        if tech in ['wind_offshore', 'wind_floating']:

            # For offshore sites, divide the total potential of the region by the number of points
            # associated to that region

            # Get how many points we have in each region and the potential capacity of those regions
            region_freq_ds = points_info_df.groupby(['region'
            regions = region_freq_ds.index
            region_cap_pot_ds = potential_per_region_ds[regions]
            region_info_df = pd.concat([region_freq_ds, region_cap_pot_ds],
            region_info_df.columns = ["freq", "cap_pot"]

            # Assign these values to each points depending on which region they fall in
            points_info_df = \
                points_info_df.merge(region_info_df, left_on='region', right_on='region', right_index=True)

            # Compute potential of each point by dividing the region potential by the number of points it contains
            cap_pot_per_point = points_info_df["cap_pot"] / points_info_df[

        else:  # tech in ['wind_onshore', 'pv_utility', 'pv_residential']:

            # For onshore sites, divide the total anti-proportionally (or proportionally for residential PV)
            # to population
            # Here were actually using population density, which is proportional to population because we consider
            # that each point is associated to an equivalent area.
            points_info_df['pop_dens'] = np.clip(
            if tech in ['wind_onshore', 'pv_utility']:
                points_info_df['pop_dens'] = 1. / points_info_df['pop_dens']

            # Aggregate per region and get capacity potential for regions in which the points fall
            regions_info_df = points_info_df.groupby(['region']).sum()
            regions_info_df["cap_pot"] = potential_per_region_ds[
            regions_info_df.columns = ['sum_pop_dens', 'cap_pot']

            # Assign these values to each points depending on which region they fall in
            points_info_df = points_info_df.merge(regions_info_df,
            # Compute potential
            cap_pot_per_point = points_info_df['pop_dens'] * points_info_df[
                'cap_pot'] / points_info_df['sum_pop_dens']

            tech, cap_pot_per_point.index] = cap_pot_per_point.values

    # Update capacity potential with existing potential if present
    if existing_capacity_ds is not None:
        underestimated_capacity = existing_capacity_ds[
            capacity_potential_ds.index] > capacity_potential_ds
        capacity_potential_ds[underestimated_capacity] = existing_capacity_ds[

    return capacity_potential_ds
Ejemplo n.º 20
def cluster_network(net: pypsa.Network, nuts_codes: List[str]):

    # Get shapes of regions (onshore and offshore)
    shapes = get_shapes(nuts_codes, which='onshore')

    # --- Buses --- #
    # TODO: this is shit --> should return a list keeping the index of the original points
    def add_region(lon, lat):
            region_code = matched_locs[lon, lat]
            # Need the if because some points are exactly at the same position
            return region_code if (isinstance(region_code, str) or isinstance(region_code, float)
                                   or isinstance(region_code, int)) else region_code.iloc[0]
        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
            return None
    # plants_region_ds.loc[pp_df_in_country.index] = \
    #     pp_df_in_country[["lon", "lat"]].apply(lambda x: add_region(x[0], x[1]), axis=1)

    buses_positions = net.buses[['x', 'y']].apply(lambda p: (p.x, p.y), axis=1).tolist()
    matched_locs = match_points_to_regions(buses_positions, shapes["geometry"], keep_outside=False).dropna()
    old_to_new_buses_map = net.buses[["x", "y"]].apply(lambda p: add_region(p.x, p.y), axis=1).dropna()
    nuts_codes_with_buses = list(set(old_to_new_buses_map))

    # Merge buses to centroid of countries (even offshore ones)
    buses_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["bus_id", "x", "y"])
    buses_df["bus_id"] = nuts_codes_with_buses
    buses_df = buses_df.set_index('bus_id')
    regions = shapes.loc[nuts_codes_with_buses, 'geometry']
    buses_df['onshore_region'] = regions
    buses_df["x"] = regions.centroid.apply(lambda p: p.x)
    buses_df["y"] = regions.centroid.apply(lambda p: p.y)


    def compute_distance(bus0, bus1):
        bus0_x, bus0_y = buses_df.loc[bus0, ['x', 'y']]
        bus1_x, bus1_y = buses_df.loc[bus1, ['x', 'y']]
        return geopy.distance.geodesic((bus0_y, bus0_x), (bus1_y, bus1_x)).km

    # --- Lines --- #
    # Remove lines associated to buses that have been removed
    net.lines = net.lines.loc[net.lines.bus0.isin(old_to_new_buses_map.index)
                              & net.lines.bus1.isin(old_to_new_buses_map.index)]
    # Assign new bus to lines
    net.lines.bus0 = net.lines.bus0.map(old_to_new_buses_map)
    net.lines.bus1 = net.lines.bus1.map(old_to_new_buses_map)

    # Remove lines that have the same starting and end bus
    net.lines = net.lines[net.lines.bus0 != net.lines.bus1]

    # Merge lines with same starting and end bus
    # Get all lines connected to the same bus in the same direction
    net.lines[['bus0', 'bus1']] = [sorted((bus0, bus1)) for (bus0, bus1) in net.lines[['bus0', 'bus1']].values]
    # Get pairs of connected bus
    connected_buses = set([(bus0, bus1) for (bus0, bus1) in net.lines[['bus0', 'bus1']].values.tolist()])
    all_lines_df = pd.DataFrame()
    # Compute reactance of lines
    net.lines["x"] = net.lines["length"]*net.lines['type'].map(net.line_types.x_per_length)
    for bus0, bus1 in connected_buses:
        # line_index = f"{bus0}-{bus1}"
        # lines_df.loc[line_index, ['bus0', 'bus1']] = (bus0, bus1)

        # Get all lines in original network that were connected to bus0 and bus1
        old_lines_df = net.lines[(net.lines.bus0 == bus0) & (net.lines.bus1 == bus1)]

        # Merge those lines by voltage level

        # TODO: Parameters to consider
        #  - name: ok
        #  - bus0: ok
        #  - bus1: ok
        #  - underground: ? --> affect cost
        #  - under_construction: already dealt with before
        #  - tags: nope
        #  - geometry: nope (replaced by straight line)
        #  - length: how? -> just take fly-distance (times 1.25 like in pypsa-eur?)
        #  - x: how?
        #  - v_nom: how?
        #  - num_parallel: how?
        #    Use sth similar to this: net.lines.loc[non380_lines_b, 'num_parallel'] *= (net.lines.loc[non380_lines_b, 'v_nom'] / 380.)**2 ?
        #  - s_nom: how?

        lines_df = old_lines_df.groupby("type")['v_nom'].unique().apply(lambda x: x[0]).to_frame()
        lines_df['s_nom'] = old_lines_df.groupby("type")['s_nom'].sum()
        lines_df['num_parallel'] = old_lines_df.groupby("type")['num_parallel'].sum()
        lines_df['x'] = old_lines_df.groupby("type")['x'].apply(lambda x: 1/sum(1/x))
        lines_df["line_id"] = lines_df['v_nom'].apply(lambda x: f"{bus0}-{bus1}-{x}")
        lines_df["bus0"] = bus0
        lines_df["bus1"] = bus1
        lines_df["length"] = lines_df[['bus0', 'bus1']].apply(lambda x: compute_distance(x.bus0, x.bus1), axis=1)
        lines_df = lines_df.reset_index().set_index('line_id')

        all_lines_df = pd.concat((all_lines_df, lines_df))


    # --- Links --- #
    # Remove lines associated to buses that have been removed
    net.links = net.links.loc[net.links.bus0.isin(old_to_new_buses_map.index)
                              & net.links.bus1.isin(old_to_new_buses_map.index)]
    net.links.bus0 = net.links.bus0.map(old_to_new_buses_map)
    net.links.bus1 = net.links.bus1.map(old_to_new_buses_map)
    # Remove links that have the same starting and end bus
    net.links = net.links[net.links.bus0 != net.links.bus1]
    # Merge links with same starting and end bus
    # Get all links connected to the same bus in the same direction
    net.links[['bus0', 'bus1']] = [sorted((str(bus0), str(bus1))) for (bus0, bus1) in net.links[['bus0', 'bus1']].values]
    # Get pairs of connected bus
    connected_buses = set([(bus0, bus1) for (bus0, bus1) in net.links[['bus0', 'bus1']].values.tolist()])
    links_df = pd.DataFrame(index=[f"{bus0}-{bus1}" for (bus0, bus1) in connected_buses],
                            columns=['bus0', 'bus1', 'p_nom', 'length'])
    for bus0, bus1 in connected_buses:
        link_index = f"{bus0}-{bus1}"
        links_df.loc[link_index, ['bus0', 'bus1']] = (bus0, bus1)
        # Get all links in original network that were connected to bus0 and bus1
        old_links_df = net.links[(net.links.bus0 == bus0) & (net.links.bus1 == bus1)]
        # Add capacities
        links_df.loc[link_index, 'p_nom'] = old_links_df['p_nom'].sum()
    links_df["length"] = links_df[['bus0', 'bus1']].apply(lambda x: compute_distance(x.bus0, x.bus1), axis=1)

    # TODO: Parameters to consider
    #  - name: ok
    #  - bus0: ok
    #  - bus1: ok
    #  - carrier: nope --> all dc
    #  - underground: how? --> affect cost
    #  - underwater_fraction: how? --> affect cost
    #  - under_construction: already dealt with before
    #  - tags: nope
    #  - geometry: nope (replaced by straight line)
    #  - length: how? -> just take fly-distance (times 1.25 like in pypsa-eur?)
    #  - p_nom: how?
    #  - num_parallel: how?

    # TODO: What about transformers?


    clustered_net = pypsa.Network()
    clustered_net.import_components_from_dataframe(buses_df, 'Bus')
    clustered_net.import_components_from_dataframe(all_lines_df, 'Line')
    clustered_net.import_components_from_dataframe(links_df, 'Link')


    return clustered_net
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_match_points_to_regions_empty_list_of_points():

    onshore_shapes = get_shapes(["BE"], "onshore")["geometry"]
    with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
        match_points_to_regions([], onshore_shapes)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def preprocess(plotting=True) -> None:
    Pre-process tyndp-country buses and links information.

    plotting: bool
        Whether to plot the results

    generated_dir = f"{data_path}topologies/tyndp2018/generated/"
    if not isdir(generated_dir):

    # Create links
    link_data_fn = f"{data_path}topologies/tyndp2018/source/Input Data.xlsx"
    # Read TYNDP2018 (NTC 2027, reference grid) data
    #     - ST (Sustainable Transition): targets reached by national regulation, emission trading schemes and subsidies,
    #                                    maximising the use of existing infrastructure
    #     - DG (Distributed Generation): prosumers at the centre - small-scale generation, batteries and fuel-switching
    #                                    society engaged and empowered
    #     - GCA (Global Climate Action): full-speed global decarbonisation, large-scale renewables
    links = pd.read_excel(link_data_fn,
                          skiprows=[0, 2],
                          usecols=[0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
                              "link", "in", "out", "st_in", "st_out", "dg_in",
                              "dg_out", "gca_in", "gca_out"

    # Get NTC as the minimum capacity between the two flow directions.
    links["p_nom"] = links[["in", "out"]].max(axis=1)
    links["p_nom_st"] = links[["st_in", "st_out"]].max(axis=1)
    links["p_nom_dg"] = links[["dg_in", "dg_out"]].max(axis=1)
    links["p_nom_gca"] = links[["gca_in", "gca_out"]].max(axis=1)
    links["bus0"] = links.index.str[:2]
    links["bus1"] = [i[1][:2] for i in links.index.str.split('-')]

    # Remove links which do not cross international borders.
    links_crossborder = links[links["bus0"] != links["bus1"]].copy()
        "id"] = links_crossborder["bus0"] + '-' + links_crossborder["bus1"]
    # Sum all capacities belonging to the same border and convert from MW to GW.
    links = links_crossborder.groupby("id")[[
        "p_nom", "p_nom_st", "p_nom_dg", "p_nom_gca"
    ]].sum() / 1000.

    links["id"] = links.index.values
    links["bus0"] = links["id"].apply(lambda k: k.split('-')[0])
    links["bus1"] = links["id"].apply(lambda k: k.split('-')[1])

    # A subset of links are assumed to be DC connections.
    dc_set = {
        'BE-GB', 'CY-GR', 'DE-GB', 'DE-NO', 'DE-SE', 'DK-GB', 'DK-NL', 'DK-NO',
        'DK-PL', 'DK-SE', 'EE-FI', 'ES-FR', 'FR-GB', 'FR-IE', 'GB-IE', 'GB-IS',
        'GB-NL', 'GB-NO', 'GR-IT', 'GR-TR', 'IT-ME', 'IT-MT', 'IT-TN', 'LT-SE',
        'PL-SE', 'NL-NO'
    links["carrier"] = links["id"].apply(lambda x: 'DC'
                                         if x in dc_set else 'AC')
    # A connection between Rep. of Ireland (IE) and Northern Ireland (NI) is considered in the TYNDP, yet as NI is the
    # TODO: this is north ireland --> need to add it to the capacity between IE-GB
    # ISO2 code of Nicaragua, this results in weird results. Thus, the connection is dropped, as IE-GB links exist.
    links = links[~links.index.str.contains("NI")]

    # Create buses
    buses_names = []
    for name in links.index:
        buses_names += name.split("-")
    buses_names = sorted(list(set(buses_names)))
    # buses = pd.DataFrame(index=buses_names, columns=["x", "y", "country", "region", "onshore"])
    buses = pd.DataFrame(
        columns=["x", "y", "country", "onshore_region", "offshore_region"])
    buses.index.names = ["id"]
    buses.country = list(buses.index)
    # buses.onshore = True

    # Get shape of each country
    # buses.region = get_shapes(buses.index.values, which='onshore', save=True)["geometry"]
    shapes = get_shapes(buses.index.values, save=True)
    # Crop regions going too far north
    nordics = ["FI", "NO", "SE"]
    intersection_poly = Polygon([(0., 50.), (0., 66.5), (40., 66.5),
                                 (40., 50.)])
    shapes.loc[nordics, "geometry"] = shapes.loc[nordics, "geometry"].apply(
        lambda x: x.intersection(intersection_poly))
    # Add regions to buses
    buses.onshore_region = shapes[~shapes.offshore]["geometry"]
    offshore_shapes = shapes[shapes.offshore]["geometry"]
    buses.loc[offshore_shapes.index, "offshore_region"] = offshore_shapes

    centroids = [region.centroid for region in buses.onshore_region]
    buses.x = [c.x for c in centroids]
    buses.y = [c.y for c in centroids]

    for item in buses.index:
        if item == 'NO':
            buses.loc[item, 'x'] = 10.2513
            buses.loc[item, 'y'] = 60.2416
        elif item == 'SE':
            buses.loc[item, 'x'] = 15.2138
            buses.loc[item, 'y'] = 59.3386
        elif item == 'DK':
            buses.loc[item, 'x'] = 9.0227
            buses.loc[item, 'y'] = 56.1997
        elif item == 'GB':
            buses.loc[item, 'x'] = -1.2816
            buses.loc[item, 'y'] = 52.7108
        elif item == 'HR':
            buses.loc[item, 'x'] = 15.89
            buses.loc[item, 'y'] = 45.7366
        elif item == 'GR':
            buses.loc[item, 'x'] = 21.57
            buses.loc[item, 'y'] = 40.19
        elif item == 'FI':
            buses.loc[item, 'x'] = 24.82
            buses.loc[item, 'y'] = 61.06

    # Adding length to the links
    def compute_distance(bus0, bus1):
        bus0_x, bus0_y = buses.loc[bus0, ['x', 'y']]
        bus1_x, bus1_y = buses.loc[bus1, ['x', 'y']]
        return geopy.distance.geodesic((bus0_y, bus0_x), (bus1_y, bus1_x)).km

    links["length"] = links[['bus0', 'bus1']].apply(
        lambda x: compute_distance(x.bus0, x.bus1), axis=1)

    if plotting:
        from epippy.topologies.core.plot import plot_topology
        plot_topology(buses, links)

    # buses.region = buses.region.astype(str)
    buses.onshore_region = buses.onshore_region.astype(str)
    buses.offshore_region = buses.offshore_region.astype(str)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def get_map_divided_by_region(self, regions_dict, strategy='siting'):

        all_xs = self.net.buses.x.values
        all_ys = self.net.buses.y.values

        minx = min(all_xs) - 5
        maxx = max(all_xs) + 5
        miny = min(all_ys) - 2
        maxy = max(all_ys) + 2

        fig = get_map_layout("", [minx, maxx, miny, maxy], False)

        from functools import reduce
        all_countries = sorted(
            reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, list(regions_dict.values())))
        offshore_shapes = get_shapes(all_countries, 'offshore')["geometry"]
        offshore_shapes.index = [
            'UK' if idx == "GB" else idx for idx in offshore_shapes.index

        if strategy == "bus":
            # Compute capacity potential per eez
            tech_regions_dict = {"wind_offshore": offshore_shapes.values}
            wind_capacity_potential_per_country = get_capacity_potential_for_regions(
            wind_capacity_potential_per_country.index = offshore_shapes.index

            # Compute generation per offshore bus
            offshore_buses_index = self.net.buses[~self.net.buses.
            total_generation_per_bus = pd.Series(index=offshore_buses_index)
            total_max_capacity_per_bus = pd.Series(index=offshore_buses_index)
            for idx in offshore_buses_index:
                offshore_generators_index = self.net.generators[
                    self.net.generators.bus == idx].index
                total_generation_per_bus[idx] = self.net.generators_t.p[
                total_max_capacity_per_bus[idx] = self.net.generators.loc[
                    offshore_generators_index, 'p_nom_max'].values.sum()

            offshore_bus_region_shapes = self.net.buses.loc[

        feature_collection = []
        all_caps_pd = pd.DataFrame(0.,
                                       "ccgt", "load", "nuclear", "pv_utility",
                                       "ror", "sto"
                                       "wind_onshore", "wind_offshore"
        for idx, regions in regions_dict.items():

            # Get buses in region
            buses_index = self.net.buses.loc[[
                idx for idx in self.net.buses.index if idx[2:4] in regions

            # Agglomerate regions together
            region_shape = \
                cascaded_union([shapely.wkt.loads(self.net.buses.loc[bus_id].onshore_region) for bus_id in buses_index])

            centroid = region_shape.centroid

            if isinstance(region_shape, sPolygon):
                feature_collection += [
                feature_collection += \
                    [Feature(geometry=MultiPolygon([(list(poly.exterior.coords), ) for poly in region_shape]), id=idx)]

            # Get all generators for those buses
            generators = self.net.generators[self.net.generators.bus.isin(
            all_cap = dict.fromkeys(sorted(set(generators.type)))
            for key in all_cap:
                generators_type_index = generators[generators.type ==
                all_cap[key] = np.sum(

            # Add STO output
            storage_units = self.net.storage_units[
            stos = storage_units[storage_units.type == "sto"]
            all_cap['sto'] = np.sum(

            # Add wind_offshore
            offshore_regions = [
                r for r in regions if r in offshore_shapes.index
            eez_region_shape = cascaded_union(
            offshore_generators = self.net.generators[self.net.generators.type
                                                      == 'wind_offshore']
            if strategy == 'siting':
                offshore_generators_in_region = \
                    offshore_generators[["x", "y"]].apply(lambda x: eez_region_shape.contains(Point(x[0], x[1])), axis=1)
                offshore_generators_in_region_index = offshore_generators[
                if len(offshore_generators_in_region_index) != 0:
                    all_cap['wind_offshore'] = np.sum(

            elif strategy == 'bus':
                wind_capacity = wind_capacity_potential_per_country[
                # Compute intersection with all offshore shapes
                all_cap['wind_offshore'] = 0
                for off_idx, off_region_shape in offshore_bus_region_shapes.items(
                    off_region_shape = shapely.wkt.loads(off_region_shape)
                    intersection = off_region_shape.intersection(
                    prop_cap_received_by_bus = (
                        intersection.area /
                        eez_region_shape.area) * wind_capacity
                    all_cap['wind_offshore'] += (
                        prop_cap_received_by_bus /
                    ) * total_generation_per_bus[off_idx]

            x = (centroid.x - minx) / (maxx - minx)
            y = (centroid.y - miny) / (maxy - miny)

            title = idx
            if ' ' in title:
                title = f"{title.split(' ')[0]}<br>{title.split(' ')[1]}"

            # Sort values
            sorted_keys = sorted(list(all_cap.keys()))
            sorted_values = [all_cap[key] for key in sorted_keys]

            for i, key in enumerate(sorted_keys):
                all_caps_pd.loc[idx, key] = sorted_values[i]

                    text=[""] * len(all_cap.keys()),
                    domain=dict(x=[max(x - 0.14, 0),
                                   min(x + 0.14, 1.0)],
                                y=[max(y - 0.14, 0),
                                   min(y + 0.14, 1.0)]),
                        colors=[self.tech_colors[key] for key in sorted_keys]),
                               position='middle center',

        feature_collection = FeatureCollection(feature_collection)


        # Add offshore regions
        if 0:
            feature_collection = []
            for i, idx in enumerate(offshore_buses_index):

                region_shape = shapely.wkt.loads(

                if isinstance(region_shape, sPolygon):
                    feature_collection += [
                    feature_collection += \
                        [Feature(geometry=MultiPolygon([(list(poly.exterior.coords), ) for poly in region_shape]), id=idx)]

            feature_collection = FeatureCollection(feature_collection)


        return fig
Ejemplo n.º 24
def upgrade_topology(net: pypsa.Network, regions: List[str], plot: bool = False,
                     ac_carrier: str = "HVAC_OHL", dc_carrier: str = "HVDC_GLIS") -> pypsa.Network:

    buses = pd.DataFrame(columns=["x", "y", "country", "onshore_region", "offshore_region"])
    links = pd.DataFrame(columns=["bus0", "bus1", "carrier", "length"])

    if "IS" in regions:
        buses.loc["IS", "onshore_region"] = get_shapes(["IS"], "onshore")["geometry"][0]
        buses.loc["IS", ["x", "y"]] = buses.loc["IS", "onshore_region"].centroid
        buses.loc["IS", "country"] = "IS"
        # Adding link to GB
        links.loc["IS-GB", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["IS", "GB", dc_carrier]

    if "GL" in regions:
        assert 'IS' in regions, "Error: Cannot add a node in Greenland without adding a node in Iceland."
        full_gl_shape = get_shapes(["GL"], "onshore")["geometry"][0]
        trunc_gl_shape = full_gl_shape.intersection(Polygon([(-44.6, 59.5), (-44.6, 60.6), (-42, 60.6), (-42, 59.5)]))
        buses.loc["GL", "onshore_region"] = trunc_gl_shape
        buses.loc["GL", ["x", "y"]] = (-44., 60.)
        # buses.loc["GL", "country"] = "GL"
        # Adding link to IS
        links.loc["GL-IS", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["GL", "IS", dc_carrier]

    if "na" in regions:
        countries = get_subregions("na")
        shapes = get_shapes(countries, "onshore")["geometry"]
        trunc_shape = Polygon([(-14, 27.7), (-14, 40), (40, 40), (40, 27.7)])
        for c in countries:
            buses.loc[c, "onshore_region"] = shapes.loc[c].intersection(trunc_shape)
            # buses.loc[c, "country"] = c
        buses.loc["DZ", ["x", "y"]] = (3, 36.5)  # Algeria, Alger
        buses.loc["EG", ["x", "y"]] = (31., 30.)  # Egypt, Cairo
        buses.loc["LY", ["x", "y"]] = (22, 32) #(13., 32.5)  # Libya, Tripoli
        buses.loc["MA", ["x", "y"]] = (-6., 35.)  # Morocco, Rabat
        buses.loc["TN", ["x", "y"]] = (10., 36.5)  # Tunisia, Tunis
        # Adding links
        links.loc["DZ-MA", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["DZ", "MA", ac_carrier]
        links.loc["DZ-TN", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["DZ", "TN", ac_carrier]
        links.loc["LY-TN", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier", "length"]] = ["LY", "TN", ac_carrier, 2000]
        links.loc["EG-LY", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier", "length"]] = ["EG", "LY", ac_carrier, 700]
        if "GR" in net.buses.index:
            links.loc["LY-GR", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier", "length"]] = ["LY", "GR", dc_carrier, 900]
        if "ES" in net.buses.index:
            links.loc["MA-ES", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["MA", "ES", dc_carrier]
        if "IT" in net.buses.index:
            links.loc["TN-IT", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier", "length"]] = ["TN", "IT", dc_carrier, 600]

    if "me" in regions:
        # countries = ["AE", "BH", "CY", "IL", "IQ", "IR", "JO", "KW", "LB", "OM", "QA", "SA", "SY"]  # , "YE"]
        countries = get_subregions("me")
        shapes = get_shapes(countries, "onshore")["geometry"]
        trunc_shape = Polygon([(25, 27.7), (25, 60), (60, 60), (60, 27.7)])
        for c in countries:
            buses.loc[c, "onshore_region"] = shapes.loc[c].intersection(trunc_shape)
            # buses.loc[c, "country"] = c
        # buses.loc["AE", ["x", "y"]] = (54.5, 24.5)  # UAE, Abu Dhabi
        # buses.loc["BH", ["x", "y"]] = (50.35, 26.13)  # Bahrain, Manama
        buses.loc["TR", ["x", "y"]] = buses.loc["TR", "onshore_region"].centroid
        buses.loc["CY", ["x", "y"]] = (33.21, 35.1)  # Cyprus, Nicosia
        buses.loc["IL", ["x", "y"]] = (34.76, 32.09)  # Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem
        # if 'TR' in net.buses.index:
        #     buses.loc["IQ", ["x", "y"]] = (44.23, 33.2)  # Iraq, Baghdad
        #     buses.loc["IR", ["x", "y"]] = (51.23, 35.41)  # Iran, Tehran
        # else:
        #    buses = buses.drop(["IQ", "IR"])
        buses.loc["JO", ["x", "y"]] = (35.55, 31.56)  # Jordan, Amman
        # buses.loc["KW", ["x", "y"]] = (47.58, 29.22)  # Kuwait, Kuwait City
        # buses.loc["LB", ["x", "y"]] = (35.3, 33.53)  # Lebanon, Beirut
        # buses.loc["OM", ["x", "y"]] = (58.24, 23.35)  # Oman, Muscat
        # buses.loc["QA", ["x", "y"]] = (51.32, 25.17)  # Qatar, Doha
        buses.loc["SA", ["x", "y"]] = buses.loc["SA", "onshore_region"].centroid #(46.43, 24.38)  # Saudi Arabia, Riyadh
        buses.loc["SY", ["x", "y"]] = (36.64, 34.63)  # Syria, Homs
        # buses.loc["YE", ["x", "y"]] = (44.12, 15.20)  # Yemen, Sana
        # Adding links
        links.loc["IL-JO", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["IL", "JO", ac_carrier]
        # links.loc["IL-LI", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["IL", "LB", ac_carrier]
        # links.loc["SY-LI", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["SY", "LB", ac_carrier]
        links.loc["SY-JO", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["SY", "JO", ac_carrier]
        links.loc["IL-CY", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["IL", "CY", "DC"]
        # This links comes from nowhere
        links.loc["SA-JO", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["SA", "JO", ac_carrier]
        # links.loc["CY-SY", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["CY", "SY", "DC"]
        # links.loc["OM-AE", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["OM", "AE", ac_carrier]
        # links.loc["QA-AE", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["QA", "AE", ac_carrier]
        # links.loc["QA-SA", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["QA", "SA", ac_carrier]
        # links.loc["BH-QA", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["BH", "QA", ac_carrier]
        # links.loc["BH-KW", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["BH", "KW", ac_carrier]
        # links.loc["BH-SA", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["BH", "SA", ac_carrier]
        # links.loc["YE-SA", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["YE", "SA", ac_carrier]
        if "EG" in buses.index:
            links.loc["EG-IL", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["EG", "IL", ac_carrier]
            links.loc["SA-EG", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["SA", "EG", ac_carrier]
        #if "TR" in net.buses.index:
        links.loc["SY-TR", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["SY", "TR", ac_carrier]
            # links.loc["IQ-TR", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["IQ", "TR", ac_carrier]
            # links.loc["IR-TR", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["IR", "TR", ac_carrier]
            # links.loc["IR-IQ", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier"]] = ["IR", "IQ", ac_carrier]
        if "GR" in net.buses.index:
            links.loc["CY-GR", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier", "length"]] = ["CY", "GR", dc_carrier, 850]
            # From TYNDP
            links.loc["TR-GR", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier", "length"]] = ["TR", "GR", dc_carrier, 1173.53]  # p_nom = 0.66
        if "BG" in net.buses.index:
            links.loc["TR-BG", ["bus0", "bus1", "carrier", "length"]] = ["TR", "BG", ac_carrier, 932.16]  # p_nom = 1.2

    buses = buses.infer_objects()
    net.madd("Bus", buses.index,
             x=buses.x, y=buses.y, country=buses.country,
             onshore_region=buses.onshore_region, offshore_region=buses.offshore_region,)

    # Adding length to the lines for which we did not fix it manually
    for idx in links[links.length.isnull()].index:
        bus0_id = links.loc[idx]["bus0"]
        bus1_id = links.loc[idx]["bus1"]
        bus0_x = net.buses.loc[bus0_id]["x"]
        bus0_y = net.buses.loc[bus0_id]["y"]
        bus1_x = net.buses.loc[bus1_id]["x"]
        bus1_y = net.buses.loc[bus1_id]["y"]
        links.loc[idx, "length"] = geopy.distance.geodesic((bus0_y, bus0_x), (bus1_y, bus1_x)).km

    links['capital_cost'] = pd.Series(index=links.index)
    for idx in links.index:
        carrier = links.loc[idx].carrier
        cap_cost, _ = get_costs(carrier, sum(net.snapshot_weightings['objective']))
        links.loc[idx, ('capital_cost', )] = cap_cost * links.length.loc[idx]
    net.madd("Link", links.index, bus0=links.bus0, bus1=links.bus1, carrier=links.carrier, p_nom_extendable=True,
             length=links.length, capital_cost=links.capital_cost)

    # from tyndp
    if "TR" in net.buses.index:
        net.links.loc[["TR-BG", "TR-GR"], "p_nom"] = [1.2, 0.66]

    if plot:
        plot_topology(net.buses, net.links)

    return net
Ejemplo n.º 25
        Dictionary containing a set of values describing the filters to apply to obtain land availability.
    power_density: float
        Power density in MW/km2
    processes: int (default: None)
        Number of parallel processes

        Series containing the capacity potentials (GW) for each code.

    which = 'onshore' if is_onshore else 'offshore'
    shapes = get_shapes(countries, which=which, save=True)["geometry"]
    land_availability = get_land_availability_for_shapes(
        shapes, filters, processes)

    return pd.Series(land_availability * power_density / 1e3,

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from epippy.technologies import get_config_values
    filters_ = get_config_values("wind_onshore_national", ["filters"])
    # filters_ = {"depth_thresholds": {"high": -200, "low": None}}
    full_gl_shape = get_shapes(["LU"], "onshore")["geometry"].values
    filters_ = {"natura": 1}
    # trunc_gl_shape = full_gl_shape.intersection(Polygon([(11.5, 52.5), (11.5, 53.5), (12.5, 53.5), (12.5, 52.5)]))
    print(get_capacity_potential_for_shapes(full_gl_shape, filters_, 5))
Ejemplo n.º 26
def get_topology(network: pypsa.Network,
                 countries: List[str] = None,
                 add_offshore: bool = True,
                 extend_line_cap: bool = True,
                 use_ex_line_cap: bool = True,
                 plot: bool = False) -> pypsa.Network:
    Load the e-highway network topology (buses and links) using PyPSA.

    network: pypsa.Network
        Network instance
    countries: List[str] (default: None)
        List of ISO codes of countries for which we want the e-highway topology
    add_offshore: bool (default: True)
        Whether to include offshore nodes
    extend_line_cap: bool (default True)
        Whether line capacity is allowed to be expanded
    use_ex_line_cap: bool (default True)
        Whether to use existing line capacity
    plot: bool (default: False)
        Whether to show loaded topology or not

    network: pypsa.Network
        Updated network

    assert countries is None or len(countries) != 0, "Error: Countries list must not be empty. If you want to " \
                                                     "obtain, the full topology, don't pass anything as argument."

    topology_dir = f"{data_path}topologies/e-highways/generated/"
    buses_fn = f"{topology_dir}buses.csv"
    assert isfile(
        buses_fn), f"Error: Buses are undefined. Please run 'preprocess'."
    buses = pd.read_csv(buses_fn, index_col='id')
    lines_fn = f"{topology_dir}lines.csv"
    assert isfile(
        lines_fn), f"Error: Lines are undefined. Please run 'preprocess'."
    lines = pd.read_csv(lines_fn, index_col='id')

    # Remove offshore buses if not considered
    if not add_offshore:
        buses = buses.dropna(subset=["onshore_region"])

    if countries is not None:
        # In e-highway, GB is referenced as UK
        iso_to_ehighway = {"GB": "UK"}
        ehighway_countries = [
            iso_to_ehighway[c] if c in iso_to_ehighway else c
            for c in countries

        # Remove onshore buses that are not in the considered region,
        # keep also buses that are offshore (i.e. with a country name that is not a string)
        def filter_buses(bus):
            return (not isinstance(
                bus.country, str)) or (bus.name[2:] in ehighway_countries)

        buses = buses.loc[buses.apply(filter_buses, axis=1)]
        countries = replace_iso2_codes(
                    for idx in buses.dropna(subset=["onshore_region"]).index

    # Converting polygons strings to Polygon object
    for region_type in ["onshore_region", "offshore_region"]:
        regions = buses[region_type].values
        # Convert strings
        for i, region in enumerate(regions):
            if isinstance(region, str):
                regions[i] = shapely.wkt.loads(region)

    # Remove lines for which one of the two end buses has been removed
    lines = pd.DataFrame(lines.loc[lines.bus0.isin(buses.index)
                                   & lines.bus1.isin(buses.index)])

    # Removing offshore buses that are not connected anymore
    connected_buses = sorted(list(
    buses = buses.loc[connected_buses]
    assert len(
    ) != 0, "Error: No buses are located in the given list of countries."

    # Add offshore polygons to remaining offshore buses
    if add_offshore:
        offshore_shapes = get_shapes(countries, which='offshore',
        if len(offshore_shapes) != 0:
            offshore_zones_shape = unary_union(offshore_shapes.values)
            offshore_bus_indexes = buses[
            offshore_buses = buses.loc[offshore_bus_indexes]
            # Use a home-made 'voronoi' partition to assign a region to each offshore bus
                      "offshore_region"] = voronoi_special(
                          offshore_zones_shape, offshore_buses[["x", "y"]])

    # Setting line parameters
    """ For DC-opf
    lines['s_nom'] *= 1000.0  # PyPSA uses MW
    lines['s_nom_min'] = lines['s_nom']
    # Define reactance   # TODO: do sth more clever
    lines['x'] = pd.Series(0.00001, index=lines.index)
    lines['s_nom_extendable'] = pd.Series(True, index=lines.index) # TODO: parametrize
    lines['capital_cost'] = pd.Series(index=lines.index)
    for idx in lines.index:
        carrier = lines.loc[idx].carrier
        cap_cost, _ = get_costs(carrier, sum(network.snapshot_weightings['objective']))
        lines.loc[idx, ('capital_cost', )] = cap_cost * lines.length.loc[idx]

    lines['p_nom'] = lines["s_nom"]
    if not use_ex_line_cap:
        lines['p_nom'] = 0
    lines['p_nom_min'] = lines['p_nom']
    lines['p_min_pu'] = -1.  # Making the link bi-directional
    lines = lines.drop('s_nom', axis=1)
    lines['p_nom_extendable'] = extend_line_cap
    lines['capital_cost'] = pd.Series(index=lines.index)
    for idx in lines.index:
        carrier = lines.loc[idx].carrier
        cap_cost, _ = get_costs(carrier,
        lines.loc[idx, ('capital_cost', )] = cap_cost * lines.length.loc[idx]

    network.import_components_from_dataframe(buses, "Bus")
    network.import_components_from_dataframe(lines, "Link")
    # network.import_components_from_dataframe(lines, "Line") for dc-opf

    if plot:
        from epippy.topologies.core.plot import plot_topology
        plot_topology(buses, lines)

    return network
Ejemplo n.º 27
def get_capacity_potential_for_regions(
    tech_regions_dict: Dict[str, List[Union[Polygon,
                                            MultiPolygon]]]) -> pd.Series:
    Get capacity potential (in GW) for a series of technology for associated geographical regions.

    tech_regions_dict: Dict[str, List[Union[Polygon, MultiPolygon]]]
        Dictionary giving for each technology for which region we want to obtain potential capacity

    capacity_potential_ds: pd.Series
        Gives for each pair of technology and region the associated potential capacity in GW

    accepted_techs = [
        'wind_onshore', 'wind_offshore', 'wind_floating', 'pv_utility',
    for tech in tech_regions_dict.keys():
        assert tech in accepted_techs, f"Error: tech {tech} is not in {accepted_techs}"

    tech_regions_tuples = [(tech, i)
                           for tech, points in tech_regions_dict.items()
                           for i in range(len(points))]
    capacity_potential_ds = pd.Series(
        0., index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tech_regions_tuples))

    for tech, regions in tech_regions_dict.items():

        # Compute potential for each NUTS2 or EEZ
        potential_per_subregion_ds = read_capacity_potential(tech,
        if tech in ["wind_offshore", "wind_floating"]:
            potential_per_subregion_ds.index = [
                code[2:] for code in potential_per_subregion_ds.index

        # Get NUTS2 or EEZ shapes
        if tech in ['wind_offshore', 'wind_floating']:
            offshore_codes = list(
                set([code[:2] for code in potential_per_subregion_ds.index]))
            shapes = get_shapes(offshore_codes, 'offshore', True)["geometry"]
            shapes = get_shapes(list(potential_per_subregion_ds.index),
                                'onshore', True)["geometry"]

        # Compute capacity potential for the regions given as argument
        for i, region in enumerate(regions):
            cap_pot = 0
            for index, shape in shapes.items():
                    intersection = region.intersection(shape)
                except TopologicalError:
                        f"Warning: Problem with shape for code {index}")
                if intersection.is_empty or intersection.area == 0.:
                cap_pot += potential_per_subregion_ds[
                    index] * intersection.area / shape.area
                    region = region.difference(intersection)
                except TopologicalError:
                        f"Warning: Problem with shape for code {index}")
                if region.is_empty or region.area == 0.:
            capacity_potential_ds.loc[tech, i] = cap_pot

    return capacity_potential_ds
Ejemplo n.º 28
def aggregate_legacy_capacity(spatial_resolution: float, include_operating: bool):
    Aggregate legacy data at a given spatial resolution.

    spatial_resolution: float
        Spatial resolution at which we want to aggregate.
    include_operating: bool
        Whether to include already operating plants or not.


    countries = ["AL", "AT", "BA", "BE", "BG", "CH", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DK", "EE", "ES",
                 "FI", "FR", "GB", "GR", "HR", "HU", "IE", "IS", "IT", "LT", "LU", "LV",
                 "ME", "MK", "NL", "NO", "PL", "PT", "RO", "RS", "SE", "SI", "SK"] # removed ["BY", "UA", "FO"]

    technologies = ["wind_onshore", "wind_offshore", "pv_utility", "pv_residential"]

    capacities_df_ls = []
    for country in countries:
        print(f"Country: {country}")
        shapes = get_shapes([country])
        onshore_shape = shapes[~shapes["offshore"]]["geometry"]
        offshore_shape = shapes[shapes["offshore"]]["geometry"]
        # If not offshore shape for country, remove offshore technologies from set
        offshore_shape = None if len(offshore_shape) == 0 else offshore_shape
        technologies_in_country = technologies
        if offshore_shape is None:
            technologies_in_country = [tech for tech in technologies if get_config_values(tech, ['onshore'])]

        # Divide shapes into grid cells
        grid_cells_ds = get_grid_cells(technologies_in_country, spatial_resolution, onshore_shape, offshore_shape)
        technologies_in_country = set(grid_cells_ds.index.get_level_values(0))

        # Get capacity in each grid cell
        capacities_per_country_ds = pd.Series(index=grid_cells_ds.index, name="Capacity (GW)", dtype=float)
        for tech in technologies_in_country:

            idx = capacities_per_country_ds[tech].index
            if tech == 'pv_residential':
                capacities_per_country_and_tech = \
                    get_legacy_capacity_in_regions_from_non_open(tech, grid_cells_ds.loc[tech], [country],
                                                                 spatial_resolution, include_operating,
                capacities_per_country_and_tech = \
                    get_legacy_capacity_in_regions_from_non_open(tech, grid_cells_ds.loc[tech].reset_index()[0],
                                                                 [country], spatial_resolution, include_operating,
            capacities_per_country_and_tech.index = idx

        capacities_per_country_df = capacities_per_country_ds.to_frame()
        capacities_per_country_df.loc[:, "ISO2"] = country
        capacities_df_ls += [capacities_per_country_df]

    # Aggregate dataframe from each country
    capacities_df = pd.concat(capacities_df_ls).sort_index()

    # Replace technology name by plant and type
    tech_to_plant_type = {tech: get_config_values(tech, ["plant", "type"]) for tech in technologies}
    capacities_df = capacities_df.reset_index()
    capacities_df["Plant"] = capacities_df["Technology Name"].apply(lambda x: tech_to_plant_type[x][0])
    capacities_df["Type"] = capacities_df["Technology Name"].apply(lambda x: tech_to_plant_type[x][1])
    capacities_df = capacities_df.drop("Technology Name", axis=1)
    capacities_df = capacities_df.set_index(["Plant", "Type", "Longitude", "Latitude"])

    legacy_dir = f"{data_path}generation/vres/legacy/generated/"
                                  header=True, columns=["ISO2", "Capacity (GW)"])
Ejemplo n.º 29
def get_cap_factor_for_countries(tech: str, countries: List[str], timestamps: pd.DatetimeIndex, precision: int = 3,
                                 throw_error: bool = True) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Return capacity factors time-series for a set of countries over a given timestamps, for a given technology.

    tech: str
        One of the technology associated to plant 'PV' or 'Wind' (with type 'Onshore', 'Offshore' or 'Floating').
    countries: List[str]
        List of ISO codes of countries.
    timestamps: pd.DatetimeIndex
        List of time stamps.
    precision: int (default: 3)
        Indicates at which decimal capacity factors should be rounded
    throw_error: bool (default True)
        Whether to throw an error when capacity factors are not available for a given country or
        compute capacity factors from another method.

        Capacity factors dataframe indexed by timestamps and with columns corresponding to countries.


    plant, plant_type = get_config_values(tech, ["plant", "type"])

    profiles_dir = f"{data_path}generation/vres/profiles/generated/"
    if plant == 'PV':
        capacity_factors_df = pd.read_csv(f"{profiles_dir}pv_cap_factors.csv", index_col=0)
    elif plant == "Wind" and plant_type == "Onshore":
        capacity_factors_df = pd.read_csv(f"{profiles_dir}onshore_wind_cap_factors.csv", index_col=0)
    elif plant == "Wind" and plant_type in ["Offshore", "Floating"]:
        capacity_factors_df = pd.read_csv(f"{profiles_dir}offshore_wind_cap_factors.csv", index_col=0)
        raise ValueError(f"Error: No capacity factors for technology {tech} of plant {plant} and type {type}.")

    capacity_factors_df.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(capacity_factors_df.index)

    # Slicing on time
    missing_timestamps = set(timestamps) - set(capacity_factors_df.index)
    assert not missing_timestamps, f"Error: {tech} data for timestamps {missing_timestamps} is not available."
    capacity_factors_df = capacity_factors_df.loc[timestamps]

    # Slicing on country
    missing_countries = set(countries) - set(capacity_factors_df.columns)
    if missing_countries:
        if throw_error:
            raise ValueError(f"Error: {tech} data for countries {missing_countries} is not available.")
            # Compute capacity factors from centroid of country (onshore/offshore) shape
            spatial_res = 0.5
            missing_countries = sorted(list(missing_countries))
            which = 'onshore' if get_config_values(tech, ["onshore"]) else 'offshore'
            shapes_df = get_shapes(missing_countries, which=which, save=True)
            # TODO: weird userwarning happening on Iceland
            centroids = shapes_df["geometry"].centroid
            points = [(round(p.x / spatial_res) * spatial_res, round(p.y / spatial_res) * spatial_res)
                      for p in centroids]
            cap_factor_df = compute_capacity_factors({tech: points}, spatial_res, timestamps)[tech]
            cap_factor_df.columns = missing_countries
            capacity_factors_df = pd.concat([capacity_factors_df, cap_factor_df], axis=1)

    return capacity_factors_df[countries].round(precision)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_get_points_in_shape_too_coarse_resolution():
    shape = get_shapes(["BE"], "onshore").loc["BE", "geometry"]
    res = 10.0
    points = get_points_in_shape(shape, res)
    assert isinstance(points, list)
    assert len(points) == 0