def get_search(options): input_text = epp.readline() if len(input_text.strip()) > 0: return input_text else: epp.log(options.filename) return epp.getCurrWord(options.filename, options.cursor)
def handle_key_press(self, event): epp.log(event.keysym) cur_element = self.get_selection() if cur_element != None: if event.keysym in ("Return", "<Return>", "Enter", "<Enter>"): # Entrée -> même action que le bouton Ok self.handle_word(event) elif event.char != '': # Autre touche -> choix + caractère correspondant à la touche self.choix = cur_element + event.char self.quit()
def create_tab(self, tab_name): if not tab_name in self.tabIndexes: listBox = tk.Listbox(self, selectmode=tk.BROWSE, activestyle="none") listBox.configure(font=("Courier New", "8")) listBox.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.handle_word) self.notebook.add(listBox, text=tab_name) tabID = len(self.tabIndexes) self.tabIndexes[tab_name] = tabID epp.log("Tabs : {0}".format(self.tabIndexes)) self.arrListBox.append(listBox) else: tabID = self.tabIndexes[tab_name] return tabID
def get_language_words(search, language): # Retourne la liste des mots candidat correspondant au langage # Les mots sont stockés dans un fichier de ce type : ./language_words/[language].words language_file = path.join(epp.getcwd(), "language_words", language + ".words") if path.exists(language_file): epp.log("language file Ok : %s" % language_file) candidates = Candidate.Candidates() r1 = get_regex(search) # Parcours du fichier du langage pour trouver les candidats with open(language_file, "r") as fileh: for match in [r1.findall(l) for l in fileh]: candidates.extend(match, is_language_word=True) return set(candidates.get_list()) else: return set()
def main(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-p","--project",action="store",type="string",dest="project",help="Project file") parser.add_option("-f","--file",action="store",type="string",dest="file",help="Current file (if no project are found)") parser.add_option("-m","--markers",action="store",type="string",dest="markers",help="Marker to search for, comma separated") parser.set_defaults(markers='TODO') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) epp.log("project file: %s, current file: %s, markers: %s" % (options.project, options.file, options.markers)) # Commentaires gérés : //, /*, #, --, ' r1 = re.compile(r"(?://|/\*|#|--|')\s*(" + options.markers.replace(',', '|') + r")\s*:?\s+(.*)\s*$", re.IGNORECASE) epp.log ("r1 : %s" % r1.pattern) if options.project or options.file: if options.project: files = epp.getProjectFiles(options.project) else: files = (options.file,) for f in files: epp.log(f) if path.exists(f): with open(f, 'r') as fileh: l_num = 1 for l in fileh: match = if (match): epp.print(("[%s] %s:%d %s" % (, f, l_num, ))) l_num = l_num + 1 else: # On provoque une erreur parser.error('project') sys.exit(1)
def get_search(fileh, pos): # TODO La methode boggue parfois, et ne renvoie pas toutes les lettres (espaces à la place)... # Verification de l'encodage epp.log("pos : %d" % pos) search = "" f_tell = fileh.tell f_read = f_seek = # On recule de 1 caractères par rapport à la position d'origine seek_pos = f_seek(pos - 1) while seek_pos >= 0: f_seek(seek_pos) char = f_read(1) epp.log(char) if char in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789$@_": search = char + search # on recule de 1 caractère seek_pos = seek_pos - 1 else: epp.log("!") break return search
def main(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-p", "--project", action="store", type="string", dest="project", help="Project file") parser.add_option("-s", "--selection", action="store", type="string", dest="selection", help="Current selection") parser.set_defaults(selection="") (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) epp.log("project file: {0:>s}, current selection: {1:>s}".format(options.project, options.selection)) if options.project: files = epp.getProjectFiles(options.project) app = TkFastOpen(availableFiles=files, selection=options.selection) app.mainloop() if app.chosenFile != None: # Open the file with EPP epp.openWithEPP(app.chosenFile) else: # On provoque une erreur if not options.project: parser.error('project') sys.exit(1)
def add_words(self, wordObjs, addSeparator=False, tabName='Default'): # Cree l'onglet si il n'existe pas, ou retourne l'onglet existant de meme nom tabID = self.create_tab(tabName) epp.log("Adding words to tab {0} (ID {1})".format(tabName, tabID)) listBox = self.get_tab_listbox(tabID) # Ajoute une sequence de mots à la liste if addSeparator and listBox.size() > 0 and len(wordObjs) > 0: listBox.insert(tk.END, self.__separator) self.wordsList.append(None) for wordObj in wordObjs: if isinstance(wordObj, str): wordObj = Struct(string=wordObj, infos="") listBox.insert(tk.END, "%-30s|%s" % (wordObj.string, wordObj.infos)) # Mot du langage en couleur if hasattr(wordObj, "color"): listBox.itemconfig(len(self.wordsList), fg=wordObj.color) self.wordsList.append(wordObj) listBox.select_set(0)
def main(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-f","--file",action="store",type="string",dest="file",help="File to search") parser.add_option("-p","--project",action="store",type="string",dest="project",help="Project file to search") parser.add_option("-b","--basedir",action="store",type="string",dest="basedir",help="Base directory to search") parser.add_option("-m","--filemask",action="store",type="string",dest="filemask",help="Limit search to file mask") parser.add_option("-i","--ignore-case",action="store_true",dest="ignore_case",help="Ignore case") parser.add_option("","--interactive",action="store_true",dest="interactive",help="Use dialogs to define search options") parser.set_defaults(ignore_case=False, interactive=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) epp.log("project file: %s, file : %s, ignore_case: %s" % (options.project, options.file, options.ignore_case)) input_text = sys.stdin.readline() epp.log("-> %s" % input_text) if options.ignore_case: case_flag = re.IGNORECASE else: case_flag = 0 if options.interactive: epp.print("test") elif (options.project or options.file or options.basedir) and input_text.strip() != '': if (options.project): files = epp.getProjectFiles(options.project) if (options.basedir): files = epp.getFilesInTree(options.basedir, options.filemask) elif (options.file): files = [options.file] for f in files: if path.exists(f): try: with open(f, 'r') as fileh: l_num = 1 for l in fileh: if l.find(input_text) != -1: epp.print("%s:%d %s" % ( f, l_num, l.strip() )) l_num = l_num + 1 except UnicodeError: epp.err("Can't read file {0}".format(f)) else: # Provoque une erreur parser.print_help() epp.log("-f and -p are mutually exclusive") sys.exit(1)
def main(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-c","--cursor",action="store",type="int",dest="cursor",help="Cursor position in file (byte)") parser.add_option("-f","--filename",action="store",type="string",dest="filename",help="File to parse") parser.add_option("--keywords",action="store",type="string",dest="keywords",help="Additionnal keywords that should be sent with the query") parser.add_option("-n", action="store",type="string",dest="real_filename") parser.set_defaults() (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) if options.filename and options.cursor: if not options.real_filename: options.real_filename = options.filename search_term = get_search(options) epp.log(search_term) # Preparation pour google tags = epp.getFileTags(options.real_filename) if len(tags) > 0: epp.log(tags) search_term = " ".join(tags) + " " + search_term if options.keywords: search_term = options.keywords + " " + search_term search_term = re.sub(r"\s+", "+", search_term.strip()) # Lance un navigateur avec une recherche url = "{0}".format(search_term) epp.log("url: " + url) webbrowser.open_new_tab(url) else: # On provoque une erreur if not options.filename: parser.error("filename") elif not options.cursor: parser.error("cursor") sys.exit(1)
def get_language(forced_language, filetype): if forced_language != None: epp.log("Use options.language: {0}".format(forced_language)) return forced_language else: epp.log("Scan filetypes for extensions {0}".format(filetype)) language = None config_file = path.join(epp.getcwd(), "language_words", "filetypes.txt") if filetype != '' and path.exists(config_file): r = re.compile(r"^(?:\w+;)*{0}\S*\t(?P<language>\w+)".format(filetype), re.IGNORECASE) with open(config_file, "r") as f: for l in f: match = if match: language ="language") epp.log("language found: {0}".format(language)) break return language
def tidySQL(sql, uppercase): #TODO Detecter le format NL = '\n' MAX_WIDTH = 80 # Suppression des sauts de lignes existants sqlNorm = sql.replace(NL, ' ') # Suppression des espaces en trop sqlNorm = re.sub(r"\s{2,}", " ", sqlNorm) kwSQL = ('SELECT', 'AS', 'CASE WHEN', 'THEN', 'ELSE', 'END', 'INTO', 'FROM', 'LEFT JOIN', 'RIGHT JOIN', 'JOIN', 'ON', 'WHERE', 'AND', 'OR', 'LIKE', 'GROUP BY', 'HAVING', 'ORDER BY', 'UNION') kwNewSection = ('SELECT', 'FROM', 'WHERE', 'GROUP BY', 'HAVING', 'ORDER BY', 'UNION') for word in kwSQL: if uppercase: wordNormalized = word.upper() else: wordNormalized = word.lower() if word.upper() in kwNewSection: wordNormalized = NL + wordNormalized sqlNorm = re.sub('(?i)' + aloner(word), wordNormalized, sqlNorm) epp.log(sqlNorm) sqlNorm = normalizeOperators(sqlNorm) epp.log ('-----') epp.log(sqlNorm) sections = sqlNorm.splitlines() sectionsNorm = list() for section in [e for e in sections if e != '' ]: sectionNorm = normalizeSection(section, NL, MAX_WIDTH) sectionsNorm.append(sectionNorm) return NL.join(sectionsNorm)
def handle_tabChanged(self, event): self.currTab = event.widget.index("current") epp.log("Selected tab : {0}".format(self.currTab))
def handle_Ok(self, event=None): idx = self._getCurrentSelIndex() if idx != None: self.chosenFile = self.listCandidates.get(idx) epp.log("handle_Ok") self.quit()
def handle_Escape(self, event=None): if event == None or event.widget != self.listCandidates: epp.log("handle_Escape") self.quit() elif event.widget == self.listCandidates: self.focusToTextInput()
import os import sys import os.path as path import epp_utils as epp if __name__ == "__main__": parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-e","--editor_path",action="store",type="string",dest="editor_path",help="EditPad path") parser.add_option("-p","--path",action="store",type="string",dest="path",help="Current file path") parser.set_defaults() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() input_text = sys.stdin.readline() epp.log("-> %s" % input_text) if len(input_text) == 0: epp.log("Selectionner le fichier a ouvrir\n"); elif options.editor_path and options.path: if path.isabs(input_text): # Chemin absolu file_to_open = path.normpath(input_text) else: # Chemin relatif file_to_open = path.normpath(path.join(options.path, input_text)) editor_exec = options.editor_path + '\EditPadPro.exe' epp.log("exec : %s %s" % (editor_exec, file_to_open)) if exists(file_to_open):
def quit(self): epp.log("QUIT") self.master.quit()
import os import sys import os.path as path import epp_utils as epp if __name__ == "__main__": parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-e","--editor_path",action="store",type="string",dest="editor_path",help="EditPad path") parser.add_option("-p","--path",action="store",type="string",dest="path",help="Current file path") parser.add_option("-d","--default",action="store",type="string",dest="default_path",help="Default path for include") parser.set_defaults(default_path=".") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() input_text = epp.readline() epp.log("-> %s" % input_text) if options.editor_path and options.path and len(input_text) > 0: if not path.isabs(input_text): # Chemin relatif file_to_open = path.normpath(path.join(options.path, input_text)) # Nom simple : On teste si l'include existe dans le meme rep if not path.exists(file_to_open): # Introuvable dans le repertoire courant -> on utilise le repertoire par defaut file_to_open = path.normpath(path.join(options.default_path, input_text)) else: file_to_open = path.normpath(input_text) editor_exec = options.editor_path + "\EditPadPro7.exe" epp.log("exec : %s %s" % (editor_exec, file_to_open))
def main(argv): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-c","--cursor",action="store",type="int",dest="cursor",help="Cursor position in file (byte)") parser.add_option("-f","--fileName",action="store",type="string",dest="filename",help="File to parse") parser.add_option("-l","--currLine",action="store",type="int",dest="currline",help="Current line in the file") parser.add_option("-t","--type",action="store",type="string",dest="type",help="File type (extension without dot)") parser.add_option("-w","--width",action="store",type="int",dest="width",help="How many lines to scan above and below the current line. 0 -> whole file (Optional)") parser.add_option("--language",action="store",type="string",dest="language",help="The language file to use to get keywords (Optional)") parser.set_defaults(width=0) (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv) epp.log("cursor:%s, currLine:%s, width:%s" % (options.cursor, options.currline, options.width)) if options.filename and options.currline and options.cursor: epp.log(options.filename) # DEBUG Parfois le programme ne trouve pas le bon terme à chercher... if DEBUG_FILE: distutils.file_util.copy_file(options.filename, os.path.join(os.environ["TMP"], "EPP_TMP.txt")) # Check UTF8 codecName = epp.getFileCodecName(options.filename) epp.log("codec detecté: %s" % codecName) if codecName == "utf_8": options.cursor += 3 with open(options.filename, 'r', encoding=codecName) as fileh: # Recuperation des lettres precedants le curseur search = ac.get_search(fileh, options.cursor) epp.log("Search for %s...\n--------------" % search) # Taille minimum du mot de recherche if len(search) <= 1: epp.log("Search term too little, 2 letters minimum") sys.exit(1) # Scan du fichier pour retrouver les candidats file_words = ac.get_file_words(search, fileh, options.currline, options.width) language = ac.get_language(options.language, options.type) if language: # Récupération de la liste des mots du langage lang_words = ac.get_language_words(search, language) else: lang_words = set() # MAJ des mots du fichier étant également des mots du language for wordObj in [w for w in file_words if w in lang_words]: wordObj.color = "blue" # on supprime les mots du langage appartenant deja au fichier (pour garder les caracteristiques du mot) lang_words = lang_words - file_words for wordObj in lang_words: wordObj.color = "blue" nb_words = len(lang_words) + len(file_words) # Affichage du résultat if nb_words == 1: # 1 seul candidat -> on l'utilise epp.write(ac.get_result(search, (lang_words | file_words).pop())) elif nb_words > 1: # Plusieurs candidats : Affichage des candidats choix = choix_liste_mots(search, lang_words, file_words) if choix != None: epp.write(ac.get_result(search, choix)) else: # Aucun candidat #import winsound #winsound.MessageBeep(winsound.MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); epp.log("Aucun candidat trouve") # Ajout d'un espace pour montrer que rien n'a été trouvé epp.write(' ') sys.exit() else: # On provoque une erreur if not options.filename: parser.error("filename") elif not options.currline: parser.error("currline") elif not options.cursor: parser.error("cursor") sys.exit(1)
import optparse import os import sys import os.path as path import epp_utils as epp if __name__ == "__main__": parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-w","--surround_with",action="store",type="string",dest="surround_with",help="String to surround the text with") parser.add_option("-b","--begin",action="store",type="string",dest="begin",help="String to add before the text") parser.add_option("-e","--end",action="store",type="string",dest="end",help="String to add after the text") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() input_text = ''.join(sys.stdin.readlines()) epp.log("-> %s" % input_text) if options.surround_with or (options.begin and options.end): if options.surround_with: begin = options.surround_with end = options.surround_with else: begin = options.begin end = options.end sys.stdout.write(begin + input_text + end) else: # Provoquer une erreur parser.print_help() sys.exit(1)
if options.interactive: epp.print("test") elif (options.project or options.file or options.basedir) and input_text.strip() != '': if (options.project): files = epp.getProjectFiles(options.project) if (options.basedir): files = epp.getFilesInTree(options.basedir, options.filemask) elif (options.file): files = [options.file] for f in files: if path.exists(f): try: with open(f, 'r') as fileh: l_num = 1 for l in fileh: if l.find(input_text) != -1: epp.print("%s:%d %s" % ( f, l_num, l.strip() )) l_num = l_num + 1 except UnicodeError: epp.err("Can't read file {0}".format(f)) else: # Provoque une erreur parser.print_help() epp.log("-f and -p are mutually exclusive") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": epp.log(sys.argv) main(sys.argv[1:])