Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def unregister(uuid, password):
    u = users.find_one({"_id": ObjectId(uuid), "password": passwd_hash(uuid, password)})
    if u:
        return {"success": 1}
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def stream(uuid,
    olderThan, newerThan: time since epoch (in milliseconds).
    uid: if exist, return uid's public messages.
        normal: the home timeline for uuid.
        mentions: messages mentioning uuid.
        unique: only one message specified by msg_uuid.
        user: messages published by uid.
        list: message published by users in list_id.

    # setup basic query
    if type == 'unique':
        query = {'_id': ObjectId(msg_uuid)}
    elif type == 'normal':
        # uuid's home timeline
        u = get_user(uuid)
        following = u['following']
        following_query = {'owner': {'$in': following + [u['_id']]}}
        mention_query = {'entities.mentions.mention': '@' + u['uid']}
        query = {'$or': [following_query, mention_query]}
    elif type == 'mentions':
        u = get_user(uuid)
        query = {'entities.mentions.mention': '@' + u['uid']}
    elif type == 'user':
        # get uid's public tweets
        target = find_user(uid)
        if target:
            query = {'owner': target['_id']}
            return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
    elif type == 'list':
        l = lists.find_one(ObjectId(list_id))
        if l:
            query = {'owner': {'$in': l['people']}}
            return error.list_not_found(raw=True)
        return error.stream_type_not_supported(raw=True)

    # setup time constraints
    if olderThan or newerThan:
        query['timestamp'] = {}
    if olderThan:
        query['timestamp']['$lt'] = olderThan
    if newerThan:
        query['timestamp']['$gt'] = newerThan

    # then execute the query
    c = messages.find(query) \
            .sort('timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING) \

    return _process_messages(uuid, c)
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def remove_from_list(uuid, list_id, uid):
    u = find_user(uid)
    if not u:
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
    if not lists.find_one(ObjectId(list_id)):
        return error.list_not_found(raw=True)
    lists.update({'_id': ObjectId(list_id)}, {'$pull': {'people': u['_id']}})
    return {'success': 1}
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def remove_from_list(uuid, list_id, uid):
    u = find_user(uid)
    if not u:
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
    if not lists.find_one(ObjectId(list_id)):
        return error.list_not_found(raw=True)
    lists.update({"_id": ObjectId(list_id)}, {"$pull": {"people": u["_id"]}})
    return {"success": 1}
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def recommend_user(uuid):
    """ naive user recommendation. """
    # TODO more reasonable recommendation
    u = get_user(uuid)
    if u:
        return list(users.find({"_id": {"$nin": u["following"] + [u["_id"]]}}).limit(conf.stream_item_max))
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def unfollow(uuid, target):
    # TODO check result
    u = find_user(target)
    if u:
        users.update({"_id": ObjectId(uuid)}, {"$pull": {"following": u["_id"]}})
        users.update({"_id": u["_id"]}, {"$pull": {"follower": ObjectId(uuid)}})
        return {"success": 1}
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def get_follower(uuid, uid, skip=0):
    u = find_user(uid)
    if not u:
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
    max_index = skip + conf.stream_item_max
    ret = {"has_more": max_index < len(u["following"]), "items": [get_user(x) for x in u["follower"][skip:max_index]]}
    for user in ret["items"]:
        user["isfollowing"] = ObjectId(uuid) in user["follower"]
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def unregister(uuid, password):
    u = users.find_one({
        '_id': ObjectId(uuid),
        'password': passwd_hash(uuid, password)
    if u:
        return {'success': 1}
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def follow(uuid, target):
    """ make uid follow target """
    u = find_user(target)
    if u:
        # TODO check result
        users.update({"_id": ObjectId(uuid)}, {"$addToSet": {"following": u["_id"]}})
        users.update({"_id": u["_id"]}, {"$addToSet": {"follower": ObjectId(uuid)}})
        return {"success": 1}
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def get_follower(uuid, uid, skip=0):
    u = find_user(uid)
    if not u:
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
    max_index = skip + conf.stream_item_max
    ret = {
        'has_more': max_index < len(u['following']),
        'items': [get_user(x) for x in u['follower'][skip:max_index]]
    for user in ret['items']:
        user['isfollowing'] = ObjectId(uuid) in user['follower']
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def stream(uuid, olderThan=None, newerThan=None, uid=None, list_id=None, type="normal"):
    olderThan, newerThan: time since epoch (in milliseconds).
    uid: if exist, return uid's public messages.
        normal: the home timeline for uuid.
        mentions: messages mentioning uuid.
        unique: only one message specified by msg_uuid.
        user: messages published by uid.
        list: message published by users in list_id.

    # setup basic query
    if type == "unique":
        query = {"_id": ObjectId(msg_uuid)}
    elif type == "normal":
        # uuid's home timeline
        u = get_user(uuid)
        following = u["following"]
        following_query = {"owner": {"$in": following + [u["_id"]]}}
        mention_query = {"entities.mentions.mention": "@" + u["uid"]}
        query = {"$or": [following_query, mention_query]}
    elif type == "mentions":
        u = get_user(uuid)
        query = {"entities.mentions.mention": "@" + u["uid"]}
    elif type == "user":
        # get uid's public tweets
        target = find_user(uid)
        if target:
            query = {"owner": target["_id"]}
            return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
    elif type == "list":
        l = lists.find_one(ObjectId(list_id))
        if l:
            query = {"owner": {"$in": l["people"]}}
            return error.list_not_found(raw=True)
        return error.stream_type_not_supported(raw=True)

    # setup time constraints
    if olderThan or newerThan:
        query["timestamp"] = {}
    if olderThan:
        query["timestamp"]["$lt"] = olderThan
    if newerThan:
        query["timestamp"]["$gt"] = newerThan

    # then execute the query
    c = messages.find(query).sort("timestamp", pymongo.DESCENDING).batch_size(conf.stream_item_max)

    return _process_messages(uuid, c)
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def recommend_user(uuid):
    ''' naive user recommendation. '''
    # TODO more reasonable recommendation
    u = get_user(uuid)
    if u:
        return list(
                '_id': {
                    '$nin': u['following'] + [u['_id']]
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def unfollow(uuid, target):
    # TODO check result
    u = find_user(target)
    if u:
        users.update({'_id': ObjectId(uuid)},
                     {'$pull': {
                         'following': u['_id']
        users.update({'_id': u['_id']},
                     {'$pull': {
                         'follower': ObjectId(uuid)
        return {'success': 1}
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def get_lists(uuid, uid=None):
    target = ObjectId(uuid)
    if uid:
        u = find_user(uid)
        if u:
            target = u['_id']
            return error.user_not_found(raw=True)

    ret = list(lists.find({'curator': target}))
    for item in ret:
        item['id'] = str(item['_id'])
        u = get_user(item['curator'])
        item['curator'] = u and u['uid'] or '!invalid'

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def get_lists(uuid, uid=None):
    target = ObjectId(uuid)
    if uid:
        u = find_user(uid)
        if u:
            target = u["_id"]
            return error.user_not_found(raw=True)

    ret = list(lists.find({"curator": target}))
    for item in ret:
        item["id"] = str(item["_id"])
        u = get_user(item["curator"])
        item["curator"] = u and u["uid"] or "!invalid"

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 16
Archivo: db.py Proyecto: thinxer/tau
def follow(uuid, target):
    ''' make uid follow target '''
    u = find_user(target)
    if u:
        # TODO check result
        users.update({'_id': ObjectId(uuid)},
                     {'$addToSet': {
                         'following': u['_id']
        users.update({'_id': u['_id']},
                     {'$addToSet': {
                         'follower': ObjectId(uuid)
        return {'success': 1}
        return error.user_not_found(raw=True)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def GET(self, action):
        web.header("Content-Type", "application/json")

        # check if we have the action
        if action not in self.GET_ACTIONS:
            return error.wrong_action()

        # get the input data if we have the spec
        if action in self.VALIDATE_SPECS:
            d = get_input(self.VALIDATE_SPECS[action])

        uuid = session.get("uuid", None)
        if not uuid:
            return error.not_logged_in()

        if action == "stream":
            param = spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["stream_request"], d)
            if param["type"] == "user":
                if not param["uid"]:
                    raise web.badrequest()
            elif param["type"] == "list":
                if not param["list_id"]:
                    raise web.badrequest()
            ret = db.stream(uuid, **param)
            if "error" in ret:
                return jsond(ret)
                return jsond(spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["stream_response"], ret))

        elif action == "current_user":
            u = db.get_user(uuid)
            return jsond(spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["current_user"], u))

        elif action == "userinfo":
            u = db.find_user(d.uid)
            if not u:
                return error.user_not_found()
            u["isfollowing"] = bson.objectid.ObjectId(uuid) in u["follower"]
            return jsond(spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["userinfo"], u))

        elif action == "get_following":
            param = spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["userlist_request"], d)
            ret = db.get_following(uuid, **param)
            new_items = [spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["userinfo"], u) for u in ret["items"]]
            ret["items"] = new_items
            return jsond(ret)

        elif action == "get_follower":
            param = spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["userlist_request"], d)
            ret = db.get_follower(uuid, **param)
            new_items = [spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["userinfo"], u) for u in ret["items"]]
            ret["items"] = new_items
            return jsond(ret)

        elif action == "get_message":
            ret = db.get_message(uuid, d.msg_id)
            if "error" in ret:
                return jsond(ret)
                return jsond(spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["stream_response"], ret))

        elif action == "validate":
            act = d.action
            if act in self.VALIDATE_SPECS:
                errors = spec.validate(self.VALIDATE_SPECS[act], web.input())
                if errors:
                    return jsond(errors)
                    return jsond({"success": 1})
                return error.wrong_action()

        elif action == "recommend_user":
            return jsond({"users": [spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["userinfo"], u) for u in db.recommend_user(uuid)]})

        elif action == "get_lists":
            ret = db.get_lists(uuid, d.get("uid"))
            if "error" in ret:
                return jsond(ret)
                return jsond({"items": [spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["listinfo"], l) for l in ret]})

        elif action == "get_list_info":
            ret = db.get_list_info(uuid, d["id"])
            if "error" in ret:
                return jsond(ret)
                return jsond(spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["listinfo"], ret))

        elif action == "get_list_users":
            param = spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["list_userlist_request"], d)
            ret = db.get_list_users(uuid, param["id"], param["skip"])
            new_items = [spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["userinfo"], u) for u in ret["items"]]
            ret["items"] = new_items
            return jsond(ret)

        elif action == "search":
            req = spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["search_request"], d)
            ret = db.search(uuid, **req)
            if "error" in ret:
                return jsond(ret)
                return jsond(spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS["stream_response"], ret))

        return error.not_implemented()
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def GET(self, action):
        web.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')

        # check if we have the action
        if action not in self.GET_ACTIONS:
            return error.wrong_action()

        # get the input data if we have the spec
        if action in self.VALIDATE_SPECS:
            d = get_input(self.VALIDATE_SPECS[action])

        uuid = session.get('uuid', None)
        if not uuid:
            return error.not_logged_in()

        if action == 'stream':
            param = spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['stream_request'], d)
            if param['type'] == 'user':
                if not param['uid']:
                    raise web.badrequest()
            elif param['type'] == 'list':
                if not param['list_id']:
                    raise web.badrequest()
            ret = db.stream(uuid, **param)
            if 'error' in ret:
                return jsond(ret)
                return jsond(
                    spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['stream_response'], ret))

        elif action == 'current_user':
            u = db.get_user(uuid)
            return jsond(spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['current_user'], u))

        elif action == 'userinfo':
            u = db.find_user(d.uid)
            if not u:
                return error.user_not_found()
            u['isfollowing'] = bson.objectid.ObjectId(uuid) in u['follower']
            return jsond(spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['userinfo'], u))

        elif action == 'get_following':
            param = spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['userlist_request'], d)
            ret = db.get_following(uuid, **param)
            new_items = [
                spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['userinfo'], u)
                for u in ret['items']
            ret['items'] = new_items
            return jsond(ret)

        elif action == 'get_follower':
            param = spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['userlist_request'], d)
            ret = db.get_follower(uuid, **param)
            new_items = [
                spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['userinfo'], u)
                for u in ret['items']
            ret['items'] = new_items
            return jsond(ret)

        elif action == 'get_message':
            ret = db.get_message(uuid, d.msg_id)
            if 'error' in ret:
                return jsond(ret)
                return jsond(
                    spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['stream_response'], ret))

        elif action == 'validate':
            act = d.action
            if act in self.VALIDATE_SPECS:
                errors = spec.validate(self.VALIDATE_SPECS[act], web.input())
                if errors:
                    return jsond(errors)
                    return jsond({'success': 1})
                return error.wrong_action()

        elif action == 'recommend_user':
            return jsond({
                'users': [
                    spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['userinfo'], u)
                    for u in db.recommend_user(uuid)

        elif action == 'get_lists':
            ret = db.get_lists(uuid, d.get('uid'))
            if 'error' in ret:
                return jsond(ret)
                return jsond({
                    'items': [
                        spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['listinfo'], l)
                        for l in ret

        elif action == 'get_list_info':
            ret = db.get_list_info(uuid, d['id'])
            if 'error' in ret:
                return jsond(ret)
                return jsond(spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['listinfo'], ret))

        elif action == 'get_list_users':
            param = spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['list_userlist_request'],
            ret = db.get_list_users(uuid, param['id'], param['skip'])
            new_items = [
                spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['userinfo'], u)
                for u in ret['items']
            ret['items'] = new_items
            return jsond(ret)

        elif action == 'search':
            req = spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['search_request'], d)
            ret = db.search(uuid, **req)
            if 'error' in ret:
                return jsond(ret)
                return jsond(
                    spec.extract(self.EXTRACT_SPECS['stream_response'], ret))

        return error.not_implemented()