Ejemplo n.º 1
class ErrorParser(object):
  """Converts a list of strings, the Valgrind log, to a list of ParsedErrors."""

  def __init__(self):
    self.patterns = Patterns()

  def parse(self, lines): # (ParsedError list, string list, process id)
    """Parser ParsedErrors from the given line list. All elements of 'lines'
    must be string-like. None elements are not allowed.
    @param lines - String list - The contents of a Valgrind log.
    @return (ParsedError list, string list, process id) tuple containing the
            errors found and a list of unknown valgrind lines, or None if there
            was an error before any errors could be read. Process id is the PID
            extracted from the Valgrind log file.

    setupSuccessful = self.setupState(lines)
    if not setupSuccessful:
      return (None, None, None)


    id = self.id
    errorList = self.errors
    unknownErrors = self.unknownErrors
    return  (errorList, unknownErrors, id)

  def resetState(self): # None
    """Prepare the parser for a new round of parsing. The parser is placed in a
    dormant state, waiting for the next call to parse().

    self.lines = None
    self.line = None
    self.currentLine = None

  def setupState(self, lines): # Boolean
    """Prepare the parser for parsing from the given string list."""

    if lines == None or len(lines) == 0:
      return False

    self.errors = [] # ParsedError list.
    self.unknownErrors = [] # String list. Lines that the parser didn't recognize.

    self.id = None
    self.lines = lines # String list. Provided by user.
    self.currentLine = 0 # Integer. The index of 'line' in 'lines'.
    self.line = self.lines[self.currentLine] # String. One of the string in 'lines'. Is always either None or a Valgrind line.
    return self.initFirstLine()

  def isParsing(self): # Boolean
    """Returns True if the parser is valid for continued parsing. Calling
    resetState will cause future calls to isParsing to return False until
    setupState is called.
    return self.lines != None and self.line != None and self.currentLine != None

  def parseImplementation(self):
    """Main parsing loop. Iteratively reads errors from the lines list and adds
    them to the errors list.
    @precondition self.line is a Valgrind line.


    error = self.readError()
    while error != None:
      error = self.readError()

  def readHeader(self): # Boolean
    """Jump past the Valgrind header. Resets the parser state if no Valgrind lines
    are found after the header.
    @return True if a Valgrind line was found after the header. False otherwise.
    @precondition self.line is a Valgrind line.
    @postcondition On True: self.line is a Valgrind line. On False: isParsing() returns false.

    while self.patterns.isHeader.match(self.line) != None:
      hadAnotherLine = self.nextValgrindLine()
      if not hadAnotherLine:
        return False

    return True

  def readError(self): # ParsedError
    """Read an error from the lines list. Will skip unknown Valgrind lines until
    an error is found. Skipped lines are added to unknownErrors.
    @precondition self.line is a Valgrind line.

    if not self.isParsing():
      return None

    while not self.patterns.isErrorStart(self.line):
      if len(self.line) > 0:
      hadAnotherLine = self.nextValgrindLine()
      if not hadAnotherLine:
        return None

    error = ParsedError(self.line)

    hadAnotherLine = self.nextValgrindLine()
    if not hadAnotherLine:
      return None

    hadStacks = self.readStacks(error)
    if not hadStacks:
      return None

    return error

  def readStacks(self, error):
    # There can be up to two call stacks; a mandatory one for the error and an
    # optional one for the source.

    if self.patterns.isStackFrameTop.match(self.line) == None:
      return False


    while self.nextValgrindLine() and self.patterns.isStackFrameCaller.match(self.line):

    if not self.isParsing():
      return True # It is OK to run out of lines while reading callers.

    if not self.patterns.isSourceStart(self.line):
      return True # This error didn't have a source locaiton.


    hadAnotherLine = self.nextValgrindLine()
    if not hadAnotherLine:
      return True # This is not really a valid error, but it's close enough to be usable.

    if not self.patterns.isStackFrameTop.match(self.line):
      return True # # This is not really a valid error, but it's close enough to be usable.


    while self.nextValgrindLine() and self.patterns.isStackFrameCaller.match(self.line):

    return True

  def initFirstLine(self): # Boolean
    while not self.isValgrindLine():
      hadAnotherLine = self.nextLine()
      if not hadAnotherLine:
        return False

    idMatch = self.patterns.readId.match(self.line)
    self.id = idMatch.group(1)

    return True

  def isValgrindLine(self): # Boolean
    return self.line != None and self.patterns.isValgrind.match(self.line) != None

  def stripValgrindPrefix(self): # None
    match = self.patterns.stripValgrind.match(self.line)
    self.line = match.group(1)
    self.line = self.line.strip()

  def nextLine(self): # Boolean
    """Updates self.line and self.currentLine to points to the next line in
    self.lines. Resets the parser's internal state if the end of self.lines is

    self.currentLine += 1
    if (self.currentLine < len(self.lines)):
      self.line = self.lines[self.currentLine]
      assert self.line != None, "Found 'None' in lines list. This is not allowed."
      return True
      return False

  def nextValgrindLine(self): # Boolean
    """Step forward through the lines until a Valgrind line is found. Resets
    the parser's internal state and returns False if the end of the list is

    hadAnotherLine = self.nextLine()
    if not hadAnotherLine:
      return False

    while not self.isValgrindLine():
      hadAnotherLine = self.nextLine()
      if not hadAnotherLine:
        return False;

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    "==7420==    by 0x5189A52: vfprintf (vfprintf.c:1660)",
    "==7420==    by 0x51AE3C8: vsnprintf (vsnprintf.c:119)",
    "==7420==    by 0x4EBAFAF: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.19)",
    "==7420==    by 0x4EC1423: std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::_M_insert_float<double>(std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >, std::ios_base&, char, char, double) const (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.19)",
    "==7420==    by 0x4EC170F: std::num_put<char, std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> > >::do_put(std::ostreambuf_iterator<char, std::char_traits<char> >, std::ios_base&, char, double) const (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.19)",
    "==7420==    by 0x4ECCCA4: std::ostream& std::ostream::_M_insert<double>(double) (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.19)",
    "==7420==    by 0x400C22: printArray(double*) (errorProducingApplication.cpp:78)",
    "==7420==    by 0x400C9E: main (errorProducingApplication.cpp:92)",
    "==7420==  Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation",
    "==7420==    at 0x4C2B800: operator new[](unsigned long) (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)",
    "==7420==    by 0x400A0B: createNewArray() (errorProducingApplication.cpp:42)",
    "==7420==    by 0x400C55: main (errorProducingApplication.cpp:85)",

patterns = Patterns()

lineIndex = 0

assert patterns.isErrorStart(valgrindLog[lineIndex]), "Expected error start at line '" + valgrindLog[lineIndex] + "'."
error = ParsedError(valgrindLog[lineIndex])
lineIndex += 1

assert patterns.isStackFrameTop.match(valgrindLog[lineIndex]), (
    "Expected stack start at line '" + valgrindLog[lineIndex] + "'."
lineIndex += 1

for i in range(0, 8):
    assert patterns.isStackFrameCaller.match(valgrindLog[lineIndex]), (
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
   self.patterns = Patterns()
Ejemplo n.º 4
Tests for the regular expression patterns found in LineMatching.py.

Part of Hvergelmir, a tree based Valgrind output viewer - https://github.com/ibbles/Hvergelmir
See LICENSE for licensing information.

import sys

from errors.LineMatching import Patterns

patterns = Patterns();

logFileName = "../valgrind.errors"
try :
  with open(logFileName) as logFile:
    lines = logFile.read().splitlines()
  sys.exit("Could not read file '" + logFileName + "'.")

## These numbers have been found by running the test and recording the number
## of matches found. The tester therefore passed at that time by definition.
## The numbers may be wrong, It this test fails then we need to manually, or
## by using some external tool, count the actual number of expected matches
## for each pattern. When doing this, mark the numbers that has been verified.
## When all lines has been verified then this comment and the marks can be
## removed.