Ejemplo n.º 1
def gungame_except_hook(tb_type, value, trace_back, mute_console=False):
    # If this error was called to stop an attribute from being set, do not log
    # it.
    if str(value) == "gg_cancel_callback":

    tb = traceback.format_exception(tb_type, value, trace_back)

    # If not a gungame error, send to ES and return
    if 'gungame51' not in str(tb).lower():
        es.excepter(tb_type, value, trace_back)

    # Format the traceback
    for i in range(len(tb)):

        # Remove long file names ?
        if tb[i].strip().startswith('File "'):
            tb[i] = (tb[i].replace(tb[i][(tb[i].find('File "') +
                    6):tb[i].find('eventscripts')], '../')).replace('\\', '/')
    tb[-2] = tb[-2] + '\n'

    # turn tb into a string
    tb = reduce((lambda a, b: a + b), tb)

    # Is the length under 255 chars?
    if len(tb) < 255:
        db_tb = [tb]

    # Length over 255 chars
        db_tb = [x.strip() for x in tb.split('\n') if x != '']

    # Print traceback to console?
    if not mute_console:
        es.dbgmsg(0, ' \n')
        es.dbgmsg(0, '# ' + '=' * 48)
        es.dbgmsg(0, '# >>' + 'GunGame 5.1 Exception Caught!'.rjust(50))
        es.dbgmsg(0, '# ' + '=' * 48)

        # Divide up for 255 line limit
        for db_line in db_tb:
            es.dbgmsg(0, db_line)

        es.dbgmsg(0, '# ' + '=' * 48)
        es.dbgmsg(0, ' \n')

    # Does the log file exist yet?
    if not file_created:
        gamethread.delayed(5, gungame_except_hook,
                        (tb_type, value, trace_back, True))

    # Use Log File
    with file_name.open('r+') as log_file:

        # Get contents
        log_contents = log_file.read()

        # Look for duplicate error
        find_error_index = log_contents.find(tb)

        # File has no duplicate error ?
        if find_error_index == -1:

            # Error template
            error_format = ['-=' * 39 + '-\n', (('LAST EVENT: ' +
                        '%s' % strftime('[%m/%d/%Y @ %H:%M:%S]')) + ' ' * 9 +
                        ' TOTAL OCCURENCES: [0001]').center(79) + '\n',
                        '-=' * 39 + '-\n', '\n', tb, '\n', '\n']

            # No duplicate, appending to end of file
            For some reason we get an error if we do not read again here
            if someone knows why, please let me know!
                - Monday

            # Go to the back to the begining of the file

            # Increase occurence count
            error_count = (int(log_contents[(find_error_index - 92):
                (find_error_index - 88)]) + 1)

            # Write change w/ new date and occurence count
            log_file.write(log_contents[:(find_error_index - 241)] +
            log_contents[(find_error_index + len(tb) + 2):] + '-=' * 39 +
                '-\n' + (('LAST EVENT: ' + '%s' % strftime(
                '[%m/%d/%Y @ %H:%M:%S]')) + ' ' * 9 + ' TOTAL OCCURENCES:' +
                ' [%04i]' % error_count).center(79) + '\n' +
                '-=' * 39 + '-\n\n' + tb + '\n\n')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def gungame_except_hook(tb_type, value, trace_back, mute_console=False):
    # If this error was called to stop an attribute from being set, do not log
    # it.
    if str(value) == "gg_cancel_callback":

    tb = traceback.format_exception(tb_type, value, trace_back)

    # If not a gungame error, send to ES and return
    if 'gungame51' not in str(tb).lower():
        es.excepter(tb_type, value, trace_back)

    # Format the traceback
    for i in range(len(tb)):

        # Remove long file names ?
        if tb[i].strip().startswith('File "'):
            tb[i] = (tb[i].replace(
                tb[i][(tb[i].find('File "') + 6):tb[i].find('eventscripts')],
                '../')).replace('\\', '/')
    tb[-2] = tb[-2] + '\n'

    # turn tb into a string
    tb = reduce((lambda a, b: a + b), tb)

    # Is the length under 255 chars?
    if len(tb) < 255:
        db_tb = [tb]

    # Length over 255 chars
        db_tb = [x.strip() for x in tb.split('\n') if x != '']

    # Print traceback to console?
    if not mute_console:
        es.dbgmsg(0, ' \n')
        es.dbgmsg(0, '# ' + '=' * 48)
        es.dbgmsg(0, '# >>' + 'GunGame 5.1 Exception Caught!'.rjust(50))
        es.dbgmsg(0, '# ' + '=' * 48)

        # Divide up for 255 line limit
        for db_line in db_tb:
            es.dbgmsg(0, db_line)

        es.dbgmsg(0, '# ' + '=' * 48)
        es.dbgmsg(0, ' \n')

    # Does the log file exist yet?
    if not file_created:
        gamethread.delayed(5, gungame_except_hook,
                           (tb_type, value, trace_back, True))

    # Use Log File
    with file_name.open('r+') as log_file:

        # Get contents
        log_contents = log_file.read()

        # Look for duplicate error
        find_error_index = log_contents.find(tb)

        # File has no duplicate error ?
        if find_error_index == -1:

            # Error template
            error_format = [
                '-=' * 39 + '-\n',
                (('LAST EVENT: ' + '%s' % strftime('[%m/%d/%Y @ %H:%M:%S]')) +
                 ' ' * 9 + ' TOTAL OCCURENCES: [0001]').center(79) + '\n',
                '-=' * 39 + '-\n', '\n', tb, '\n', '\n'

            # No duplicate, appending to end of file
            For some reason we get an error if we do not read again here
            if someone knows why, please let me know!
                - Monday

            # Go to the back to the begining of the file

            # Increase occurence count
            error_count = (int(log_contents[(find_error_index -
                                             92):(find_error_index - 88)]) + 1)

            # Write change w/ new date and occurence count
                log_contents[:(find_error_index - 241)] +
                log_contents[(find_error_index + len(tb) + 2):] + '-=' * 39 +
                '-\n' +
                (('LAST EVENT: ' + '%s' % strftime('[%m/%d/%Y @ %H:%M:%S]')) +
                 ' ' * 9 + ' TOTAL OCCURENCES:' +
                 ' [%04i]' % error_count).center(79) + '\n' + '-=' * 39 +
                '-\n\n' + tb + '\n\n')
Ejemplo n.º 3
def unload_on_error():
    es.dbgmsg(0, '[GunGame51] %s' % ('=' * 79))
    es.dbgmsg(0, '[GunGame51] %s' % ('=' * 79))