Ejemplo n.º 1
# --- minimal analysis information
settings = ProcessManager().service(ConfigObject)
settings['analysisName'] = 'esk101_helloworld'
settings['version'] = 0

# --- Analysis values, settings, helper functions, configuration flags.

#     E.g. define flags turn on or off certain chains with links.
#     by default all set to false, unless already configured in
#     configobject or vars()

settings['do_hello'] = True
settings['n_repeat'] = 2

# --- now set up the chains and links based on configuration flags

proc_mgr = ProcessManager()

if settings['do_hello']:
    ch = proc_mgr.add_chain('Hello')
    link = core_ops.HelloWorld(name='HelloWorld')
    link.repeat = settings['n_repeat']


log.debug('Done parsing configuration file esk101_helloworld')
Ejemplo n.º 2
The two flags below control whether chains are turned on or off. (default=on)
from the cmd line, control these with: 

-c do_chain0=False -c do_chain1=False

Try it; No Hello Worlds will be printed.

# --- now set up the chains and links based on configuration flags

proc_mgr = ProcessManager()

if settings.get('do_chain0', True):
    ch = proc_mgr.add_chain('Chain0')
    link = core_ops.HelloWorld(name='hello0')
    link.hello = 'Town'

if settings.get('do_chain1', True):
    ch = proc_mgr.add_chain('Chain1')
    link = core_ops.HelloWorld(name='hello1')
    link.hello = 'Universe'


log.debug('Done parsing configuration file esk106_cmdline_options')