Ejemplo n.º 1
def update_collection_replicas(scope, name, edge_name, coll_id=None, edge_id=None, parameters=None, session=None):
    update a collection replicas.

    :param scope: The scope of the collection data.
    :param name: The name of the collection data.
    :param coll_id: Collection id.
    :param edge_name: The name of the replicating edge.
    :param edge_id: The id of the replicating edge.
    :param parameters: A dictionary of parameters.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no edge is founded.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

        collection_replicas = get_collection_replicas(scope, name, edge_name, coll_id=coll_id, edge_id=edge_id, session=session)
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
        raise exceptions.NoObject('Collection %s:%s cannot be found' % (scope, name))

        if 'status' in parameters and \
           (isinstance(parameters['status'], str) or isinstance(parameters['status'], unicode)):
            parameters['status'] = CollectionReplicasStatus.from_sym(str(parameters['status']))

    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def update_edge(edge_name, parameters, session=None):
    update an edge.

    :param edge_name: the name of the edge.
    :param parameters: A dictionary of parameters.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no edge is founded.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

    :returns: edge id.
        if 'edge_type' in parameters and \
           (isinstance(parameters['edge_type'], str) or isinstance(parameters['edge_type'], unicode)):
            parameters['edge_type'] = EdgeType.from_sym(str(parameters['edge_type']))

        if 'status' in parameters and \
           (isinstance(parameters['status'], str) or isinstance(parameters['status'], unicode)):
            parameters['status'] = EdgeStatus.from_sym(str(parameters['status']))

        edge = session.query(models.Edge).filter_by(edge_name=edge_name).one()
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
        raise exceptions.NoObject('Edge %s cannot be found' % edge_name)

    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)

    return edge.edge_id
Ejemplo n.º 3
def add_collection_replicas(scope, name, edge_name, coll_id=None, edge_id=None, status=CollectionReplicasStatus.NEW,
                            transferring_files=0, replicated_files=0, num_active_requests=1, retries=0, session=None):
    Add a collection replicas.

    :param scope: The scope of the collection data.
    :param name: The name of the collection data.
    :param edge_name: The name of the replicating edge.
    :param edge_id: The id of the replicating edge.
    :param coll_id: Collection id.
    :param status: The status of the collection replicas.
    :param transferring_files: Number of transferring files.
    :param replicated_files: Number of replicated files.
    :param num_active_requests: Number of active requests.
    :param retries: Number of retries.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises DuplicatedObject: If an edge with the same name exists.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.
    if not coll_id:
        coll_id = get_collection_id(scope=scope, name=name, session=session)
    if not edge_id:
        edge_id = get_edge_id(edge_name=edge_name, session=session)

        if isinstance(status, str) or isinstance(status, unicode):
            status = CollectionReplicasStatus.from_sym(str(status))

        new_collection_replicas = models.CollectionReplicas(coll_id=coll_id, edge_id=edge_id, status=status,
    except IntegrityError as error:
        if 'a foreign key constraint fails' in str(error):
            raise exceptions.DatabaseException("Failed to add new collection %s:%s(at edge %s): %s" % (scope, name, edge_name, error))
            raise exceptions.DuplicatedObject('Collection %s:%s(at edge %s) already exists! (%s)' % (scope, name, edge_name, error))
    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def add_content(scope, name, min_id=None, max_id=None, coll_id=None, content_type=ContentType.FILE,
                status=ContentStatus.NEW, priority=0, edge_name=None, edge_id=None, num_success=0,
                num_failure=0, last_failed_at=None, pfn_size=0, pfn=None, object_metadata=None, session=None):
    Add a collection content.

    :param scope: The scope of the collection data.
    :param name: The name of the collection data.
    :param min_id: The minimum id of the partial file, related to the whole file.
    :param max_id: The maximum id of the partial file, related to the whole file.
    :param coll_id: The collection it belongs to.
    :param content_type: The type of the cotent data.
    :param status: The status of the content.
    :param priority: The priority as an integer.
    :param edge_name: The name of the replicating edge.
    :param edge_id: The id of the replicating edge.
    :param num_success: The number of successful access.
    :param num_failure; The number of failed access
    :param last_failed_at: The time of last failure.
    :param pfn_size: The size of physical file name.
    :param pfn: Physical file name.

    :raises DuplicatedObject: If an edge with the same name exists.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

    :returns: collection content id.
    if isinstance(content_type, str) or isinstance(content_type, unicode):
        content_type = ContentType.from_sym(str(content_type))

    if isinstance(status, str) or isinstance(status, unicode):
        status = ContentStatus.from_sym(str(status))

    if not edge_id:
        edge_id = get_edge_id(edge_name=edge_name, session=session)

    new_content = models.CollectionContent(scope=scope, name=name, min_id=min_id, max_id=max_id, coll_id=coll_id,
                                           content_type=content_type, status=status, priority=priority,
                                           edge_id=edge_id, num_success=num_success, num_failure=num_failure,
                                           last_failed_at=last_failed_at, pfn_size=pfn_size, pfn=pfn,

    except IntegrityError:
        raise exceptions.DuplicatedObject('Content %s:%s[%s:%s](at edge %s) already exists!' % (scope, name, min_id, max_id, edge_name))
    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)

    return new_content.content_id
Ejemplo n.º 5
def register_edge(edge_name, edge_type=EdgeType.EDGE, status=EdgeStatus.ACTIVE, is_independent=True,
                  continent=None, country_name=None, region_code=None, city=None, longitude=None,
                  latitude=None, total_space=0, used_space=0, reserved_space=0, num_files=0,
    Register an edge.

    :param edge_name: the name of the edge.
    :param edge_type: The type of the edge.
    :param status: Status of the edge.
    :param is_independent: Whether it's using current db or independent db.
    :param continent: The continent of the edge.
    :param country_name: The country of the edge.
    :param region_code: The region code for the edge.
    :param city: The city for the edge.
    :param latitude: The latitude coordinate of edge.
    :param longitude: The longitude coordinate of edge.
    :param total_space: Total space of the edge.
    :param used_space: Used space of the edge.
    :param reserved_space: Reserved space of the edge.
    :param num_files: Number of cached files in the edge.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises DuplicatedObject: If an edge with the same name exists.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

    :returns: edge id.
    if isinstance(edge_type, str) or isinstance(edge_type, unicode):
        edge_type = EdgeType.from_sym(str(edge_type))

    if isinstance(status, str) or isinstance(status, unicode):
        status = EdgeStatus.from_sym(str(status))

    new_edge = models.Edge(edge_name=edge_name, edge_type=edge_type, status=status,
                           is_independent=is_independent, continent=continent, country_name=country_name,
                           region_code=region_code, city=city, longitude=longitude, latitude=latitude,
                           total_space=total_space, used_space=used_space, reserved_space=reserved_space,

    except IntegrityError:
        raise exceptions.DuplicatedObject('Edge %s already exists!' % edge_name)
    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)

    return new_edge.edge_id
Ejemplo n.º 6
def add_request(scope, name, data_type=DataType.DATASET, granularity_type=GranularityType.FILE,
                granularity_level=None, priority=0, edge_id=None, status=RequestStatus.NEW,
                request_meta=None, processing_meta=None, errors=None, session=None):
    Add a request.

    :param scope: The scope of the request data.
    :param name: The name of the request data.
    :param data_type: The type of the request data.
    :param granularity_type: The granularity type, for example File or Partial.
    :param granularity_level: The granularity level, for example, number of events.
    :param priority: The priority as an integer.
    :param edge_id: The id of the assigned edge.
    :param status: The status of the request.
    :param request_meta: The metadata of the request, as Json.
    :param processing_meta: The processing metadata, as Json.
    :param errors: The processing errors, as Json.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises DuplicatedObject: If an request with the same name exists.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

    :returns: request id.
    if isinstance(data_type, str) or isinstance(data_type, unicode):
        data_type = DataType.from_sym(str(data_type))

    if isinstance(granularity_type, str) or isinstance(granularity_type, unicode):
        granularity_type = GranularityType.from_sym(str(granularity_type))

    if isinstance(status, str) or isinstance(status, unicode):
        status = RequestStatus.from_sym(str(status))

    new_request = models.Request(scope=scope, name=name, data_type=data_type, granularity_type=granularity_type,
                                 granularity_level=granularity_level, priority=priority, edge_id=edge_id, status=status,
                                 request_meta=request_meta, processing_meta=processing_meta, errors=errors)

    except IntegrityError as error:
        raise exceptions.DuplicatedObject('Request %s:%s already exists!: %s' % (scope, name, error))
    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)

    return new_request.request_id
Ejemplo n.º 7
def update_contents(files, session=None):
    update a collection content.

    :param files: The list of content files.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no content is founded.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

        for file in files:
            parameters = {'status': file.status,
                          'pfn_size': file.pfn_size,
                          'pfn': file.pfn}
            update_content(cope=file.scope, name=file.name, min_id=file.min_id, max_id=file.max_id, edge_id=file.edge_id,
                           parameters=parameters, session=session)
    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def update_request(request_id, parameters, session=None):
    update an request.

    :param request_id: the request id.
    :param parameters: A dictionary of parameters.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no request is founded.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

    :returns: request id.
        if 'data_type' in parameters and \
           (isinstance(parameters['data_type'], str) or isinstance(parameters['data_type'], unicode)):
            parameters['data_type'] = DataType.from_sym(

        if 'granularity_type' in parameters and \
           (isinstance(parameters['granularity_type'], str) or isinstance(parameters['granularity_type'], unicode)):
            parameters['granularity_type'] = GranularityType.from_sym(

        if 'status' in parameters and \
           (isinstance(parameters['status'], str) or isinstance(parameters['status'], unicode)):
            parameters['status'] = RequestStatus.from_sym(

        request = session.query(
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
        raise exceptions.NoObject('Request %s cannot be found' % request_id)

    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)

    return request.request_id
Ejemplo n.º 9
def update_contents_by_id(files, session=None):
    update a collection content.

    :param files: The list of content files.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no content is founded.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

        for id in files:
            parameters = files[id]

            if 'status' in parameters and \
               (isinstance(parameters['status'], str) or isinstance(parameters['status'], unicode)):
                parameters['status'] = ContentStatus.from_sym(str(parameters['status']))


    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def update_collection(scope, name, parameters=None, coll_id=None, session=None):
    update a collection.

    :param scope: The scope of the collection data.
    :param name: The name of the collection data.
    :param parameters: A dictionary of parameters.
    :param coll_id: Collection id.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no edge is founded.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

    :returns: collection id.
        if coll_id:
            collection = session.query(models.Collection).filter_by(coll_id=coll_id).one()
            collection = session.query(models.Collection).filter_by(scope=scope, name=name).one()
    except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
        raise exceptions.NoObject('Collection %s:%s cannot be found' % (scope, name))

        if 'collection_type' in parameters and \
           (isinstance(parameters['collection_type'], str) or isinstance(parameters['collection_type'], unicode)):
            parameters['collection_type'] = CollectionType.from_sym(str(parameters['collection_type']))

        if 'global_status' in parameters and \
           (isinstance(parameters['global_status'], str) or isinstance(parameters['global_status'], unicode)):
            parameters['global_status'] = CollectionStatus.from_sym(str(parameters['global_status']))

    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)

    return collection.coll_id
Ejemplo n.º 11
def update_content(scope, name, min_id=None, max_id=None, edge_name=None, edge_id=None, content_id=None, parameters=None, session=None):
    update a collection content.

    :param scope: The scope of the collection data.
    :param name: The name of the collection data.
    :param min_id: The minimum id of the partial file, related to the whole file.
    :param max_id: The maximum id of the partial file, related to the whole file.
    :param edge_name: The name of the edge.
    :param edge_id: The id of the Edge
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises NoObject: If no content is founded.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

    :returns: content id.
    content = get_content(scope, name, min_id=min_id, max_id=max_id,
                          edge_name=edge_name, edge_id=edge_id, session=session)

        content = get_content(scope, name, min_id=min_id, max_id=max_id, content_id=content_id,
                              edge_name=edge_name, edge_id=edge_id, session=session)

        if 'content_type' in parameters and \
           (isinstance(parameters['content_type'], str) or isinstance(parameters['content_type'], unicode)):
            parameters['content_type'] = ContentType.from_sym(str(parameters['content_type']))

        if 'status' in parameters and \
           (isinstance(parameters['status'], str) or isinstance(parameters['status'], unicode)):
            parameters['status'] = ContentStatus.from_sym(str(parameters['status']))

    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)

    return content.content_id
Ejemplo n.º 12
def add_collection(scope, name, collection_type=CollectionType.DATASET, coll_size=0, global_status=CollectionStatus.NEW,
                   total_files=0, num_replicas=0, coll_metadata=None, session=None):
    Add a collection.

    :param scope: The scope of the collection data.
    :param name: The name of the collection data.
    :param collection_type: The type of the collection data.
    :param coll_size: The space size of the collection as an integer.
    :param global_status: The status of the collection.
    :param total_files: Total number of files of the collection.
    :param num_replicas: Number of replicas.
    :param coll_metadata: Collection metadata in json.
    :param session: The database session in use.

    :raises DuplicatedObject: If an edge with the same name exists.
    :raises DatabaseException: If there is a database error.

    :returns: collection id.
    if isinstance(collection_type, str) or isinstance(collection_type, unicode):
        collection_type = CollectionType.from_sym(str(collection_type))

    if isinstance(global_status, str) or isinstance(global_status, unicode):
        global_status = CollectionStatus.from_sym(str(global_status))

    new_collection = models.Collection(scope=scope, name=name, collection_type=collection_type, coll_size=coll_size, global_status=global_status,
                                       total_files=total_files, num_replicas=num_replicas, coll_metadata=coll_metadata)

    except IntegrityError:
        raise exceptions.DuplicatedObject('Collection %s:%s already exists!' % (scope, name))
    except DatabaseError as error:
        raise exceptions.DatabaseException(error.args)

    return new_collection.coll_id