Ejemplo n.º 1
def _compute(submit_config, config, model=None, force_recompute=False):
    basedir = Path(submit_config.run_dir)
    outdir = basedir / 'out'
    if config.n is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Must specify number of samples with -n=XXX')

    if model and not isinstance(model, InstrumentedModel):
        raise RuntimeError('Passed model has to be wrapped in "InstrumentedModel"')
    if config.use_w and not 'StyleGAN' in config.model:
        raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot change latent space of non-StyleGAN model {config.model}')

    transformer = get_estimator(config.estimator, config.components, config.sparsity)
    dump_name = "{}-{}_{}_{}_n{}{}{}.npz".format(
        config.output_class.replace(' ', '_'),
        '_w' if config.use_w else '',
        f'_seed{config.seed}' if config.seed else ''

    # dump_path = basedir / 'cache' / 'components' / dump_name
    dump_path = basedir / 'cache' / 'components' / dump_name

    if not dump_path.is_file() or force_recompute:
        print('Not cached')
        t_start = datetime.datetime.now()
        compute(config, dump_path, model)
        print('Total time:', datetime.datetime.now() - t_start)
    return dump_path
    def __init__(self, action_space, cmdl):
        BaseAgent.__init__(self, action_space)

        self.name = "NEC_agent"
        self.cmdl = cmdl
        self.dtype = TorchTypes()
        self.slow_lr = slow_lr = cmdl.slow_lr
        self.fast_lr = fast_lr = cmdl.fast_lr
        dnd = cmdl.dnd

        # Feature extractor and embedding size
        FeatureExtractor = get_estimator(cmdl.estimator)
        state_dim = (1, 24) if not cmdl.rescale else (1, 84)
        if dnd.linear_projection:
            self.conv = FeatureExtractor(state_dim, dnd.linear_projection)
        elif dnd.linear_projection is False:
            self.conv = FeatureExtractor(state_dim, None)
        embedding_size = self.conv.get_embedding_size()

        # DNDs, Memory, N-step buffer
        self.dnds = [
            DND(dnd.size, embedding_size, dnd.knn_no)
            for i in range(self.action_no)
        self.replay_memory = ReplayMemory(capacity=cmdl.experience_replay)
        self.N_step = self.cmdl.n_horizon
        self.N_buff = []

        self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.conv.parameters(), lr=slow_lr)
        self.update_q = update_rule(fast_lr)

        # Temp data, flags, stats, misc
        self._key_tmp = None
        self.knn_ready = False
        self.initial_val = 0.1
        self.max_q = -math.inf
Ejemplo n.º 3
    Z_stdev = data['lat_stdev']
    n_comp = X_comp.shape[0]

    # Transfer components to device
    tensors = SimpleNamespace(
        X_comp=torch.from_numpy(X_comp).to(device).float(),  #-1, 1, C, H, W
            device).float(),  # 1, C, H, W

    transformer = get_estimator(args.estimator, n_comp, args.sparsity)
    tr_param_str = transformer.get_param_str()

    # Compute max batch size given VRAM usage
    max_batch = args.batch_size or (get_max_batch_size(inst, device)
                                    if has_gpu else 1)
    print('Batch size:', max_batch)

    def show():
        if args.batch_mode:

    print(f'[{timestamp()}] Creating visualizations')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def compute(config, dump_name, instrumented_model):
    global B

    timestamp = lambda : datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%d.%m %H:%M")
    print(f'[{timestamp()}] Computing', dump_name.name)

    # Ensure reproducibility
    torch.manual_seed(0) # also sets cuda seeds

    # Speed up backend
    torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

    has_gpu = torch.cuda.is_available()
    device = torch.device('cuda' if has_gpu else 'cpu')
    layer_key = config.layer

    if instrumented_model is None:
        inst = get_instrumented_model(config.model, config.output_class, layer_key, device)
        model = inst.model
        print('Reusing InstrumentedModel instance')
        inst = instrumented_model
        model = inst.model

    # Regress back to w space
    if config.use_w:
        print('Using W latent space')

    model.partial_forward(model.sample_latent(1), layer_key)
    sample_shape = inst.retained_features()[layer_key].shape
    sample_dims = np.prod(sample_shape)
    print('Feature shape:', sample_shape)

    input_shape = inst.model.get_latent_shape()
    input_dims = inst.model.get_latent_dims()

    config.components = min(config.components, sample_dims)
    transformer = get_estimator(config.estimator, config.components, config.sparsity)

    X = None
    X_global_mean = None

    # Figure out batch size if not provided
    B = config.batch_size or get_max_batch_size(inst, device, layer_key)

    # Divisible by B (ignored in output name)
    N = config.n // B * B

    # Compute maximum batch size based on RAM + pagefile budget
    target_bytes = 20 * 1_000_000_000 # GB
    feat_size_bytes = sample_dims * np.dtype('float64').itemsize
    N_limit_RAM = np.floor_divide(target_bytes, feat_size_bytes)
    if not transformer.batch_support and N > N_limit_RAM:
        print('WARNING: estimator does not support batching, ' \
            'given config will use {:.1f} GB memory.'.format(feat_size_bytes / 1_000_000_000 * N))

    # 32-bit LAPACK gets very unhappy about huge matrices (in linalg.svd)
    if config.estimator == 'ica':
        lapack_max_N = np.floor_divide(np.iinfo(np.int32).max // 4, sample_dims) # 4x extra buffer
        if N > lapack_max_N:
            raise RuntimeError(f'Matrices too large for ICA, please use N <= {lapack_max_N}')

    print('B={}, N={}, dims={}, N/dims={:.1f}'.format(B, N, sample_dims, N/sample_dims), flush=True)

    # Must not depend on chosen batch size (reproducibility)
    NB = max(B, max(2_000, 3*config.components)) # ipca: as large as possible!
    samples = None
    if not transformer.batch_support:
        samples = np.zeros((N + NB, sample_dims), dtype=np.float32)

    torch.manual_seed(config.seed or SEED_SAMPLING)
    np.random.seed(config.seed or SEED_SAMPLING)

    # Use exactly the same latents regardless of batch size
    # Store in main memory, since N might be huge (1M+)
    # Run in batches, since sample_latent() might perform Z -> W mapping
    n_lat = ((N + NB - 1) // B + 1) * B
    latents = np.zeros((n_lat, *input_shape[1:]), dtype=np.float32)
    with torch.no_grad():
        for i in trange(n_lat // B, desc='Sampling latents'):
            latents[i*B:(i+1)*B] = model.sample_latent(n_samples=B).cpu().numpy()

    # Decomposition on non-Gaussian latent space
    samples_are_latents = layer_key in ['g_mapping', 'style'] and inst.model.latent_space_name() == 'W'

    canceled = False
        X = np.ones((NB, sample_dims), dtype=np.float32)
        action = 'Fitting' if transformer.batch_support else 'Collecting'
        for gi in trange(0, N, NB, desc=f'{action} batches (NB={NB})', ascii=True):
            for mb in range(0, NB, B):
                z = torch.from_numpy(latents[gi+mb:gi+mb+B]).to(device)
                if samples_are_latents:
                    # Decomposition on latents directly (e.g. StyleGAN W)
                    batch = z.reshape((B, -1))
                    # Decomposition on intermediate layer
                    with torch.no_grad():
                        model.partial_forward(z, layer_key)
                    # Permuted to place PCA dimensions last
                    batch = inst.retained_features()[layer_key].reshape((B, -1))

                space_left = min(B, NB - mb)
                X[mb:mb+space_left] = batch.cpu().numpy()[:space_left]

            if transformer.batch_support:
                if not transformer.fit_partial(X.reshape(-1, sample_dims)):
                samples[gi:gi+NB, :] = X.copy()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        if not transformer.batch_support:
            sys.exit(1) # no progress yet
        dump_name = dump_name.parent / dump_name.name.replace(f'n{N}', f'n{gi}')
        print(f'Saving current state to "{dump_name.name}" before exiting')
        canceled = True
    if not transformer.batch_support:
        X = samples # Use all samples
        X_global_mean = X.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True, dtype=np.float32) # TODO: activations surely multi-modal...!
        X -= X_global_mean
        print(f'[{timestamp()}] Fitting whole batch')
        t_start_fit = datetime.datetime.now()

        print(f'[{timestamp()}] Done in {datetime.datetime.now() - t_start_fit}')
        assert np.all(transformer.transformer.mean_ < 1e-3), 'Mean of normalized data should be zero'
        X_global_mean = transformer.transformer.mean_.reshape((1, sample_dims))
        X = X.reshape(-1, sample_dims)
        X -= X_global_mean

    X_comp, X_stdev, X_var_ratio = transformer.get_components()
    assert X_comp.shape[1] == sample_dims \
        and X_comp.shape[0] == config.components \
        and X_global_mean.shape[1] == sample_dims \
        and X_stdev.shape[0] == config.components, 'Invalid shape'

    # 'Activations' are really latents in a secondary latent space
    if samples_are_latents:
        Z_comp = X_comp
        Z_global_mean = X_global_mean
        Z_comp, Z_global_mean = regression(X_comp, X_global_mean, X_stdev, inst, config)

    # Normalize
    Z_comp /= np.linalg.norm(Z_comp, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

    # Random projections
    # We expect these to explain much less of the variance
    random_dirs = get_random_dirs(config.components, np.prod(sample_shape))
    n_rand_samples = min(5000, X.shape[0])
    X_view = X[:n_rand_samples, :].T
    assert np.shares_memory(X_view, X), "Error: slice produced copy"
    X_stdev_random = np.dot(random_dirs, X_view).std(axis=1)

    # Inflate back to proper shapes (for easier broadcasting)
    X_comp = X_comp.reshape(-1, *sample_shape)
    X_global_mean = X_global_mean.reshape(sample_shape)
    Z_comp = Z_comp.reshape(-1, *input_shape)
    Z_global_mean = Z_global_mean.reshape(input_shape)

    # Compute stdev in latent space if non-Gaussian
    lat_stdev = np.ones_like(X_stdev)
    if config.use_w:
        samples = model.sample_latent(5000).reshape(5000, input_dims).detach().cpu().numpy()
        coords = np.dot(Z_comp.reshape(-1, input_dims), samples.T)
        lat_stdev = coords.std(axis=1)

    os.makedirs(dump_name.parent, exist_ok=True)
    np.savez_compressed(dump_name, **{
        'act_comp': X_comp.astype(np.float32),
        'act_mean': X_global_mean.astype(np.float32),
        'act_stdev': X_stdev.astype(np.float32),
        'lat_comp': Z_comp.astype(np.float32),
        'lat_mean': Z_global_mean.astype(np.float32),
        'lat_stdev': lat_stdev.astype(np.float32),
        'var_ratio': X_var_ratio.astype(np.float32),
        'random_stdevs': X_stdev_random.astype(np.float32),

    if canceled:

    # Don't shutdown if passed as param
    if instrumented_model is None:
        del inst
        del model

    del X
    del X_comp
    del random_dirs
    del batch
    del samples
    del latents