Ejemplo n.º 1
def createImg(filename, thres=0, samples=1):
    count = parseLineage(filename)
    suffix, matrix, taxo = getSuffixandMatrixandNewick(count,thres,samples)
    newick = convert(taxo,suffix)
    newick += ';'

    t = Tree(newick, format=1)
    ct = ClusterTree(t.write(),  text_array=matrix)

    # nodes are linked to the array table
    array = ct.arraytable
    # Calculates some stats on the matrix. Needed to establish the color gradients.
    matrix_dist = [i for r in xrange(len(array.matrix))for i in array.matrix[r] if np.isfinite(i)]
    matrix_max = np.max(matrix_dist)
    matrix_min = np.min(matrix_dist)
    matrix_avg = (matrix_max+matrix_min)/2
    # Creates a profile face that will represent node's profile as a heatmap
    profileFace  = ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, 200, 14, "heatmap",colorscheme=3)
    # Creates my own layout function that uses previous faces
    def mylayout(node):
        # If node is a leaf
        if node.is_leaf():
            # And a line profile
            add_face_to_node(profileFace, node, 0, aligned=True)

    # Use my layout to visualize the tree
    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.layout_fn = mylayout
    # ct.show(tree_style=ts)
    filedir = '/'.join(filename.split('/')[:-1])
    # t.write(format=9, outfile="output/newick/"+param+".nw")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def createSampleData(self):

      # hardcoded data for now
      tree = ClusterTree('(A:0.1,B:0.2,(C:0.3,D:0.4):0.5);')
      leaves = tree.get_leaf_names()

      idx_dict = {'A':0,'B':1,'C':2,'D':3}
      idx_labels = sorted(idx_dict, key=idx_dict.get)

      dmat = np.zeros((4,4))

      for l1,l2 in combinations(leaves,2):
          d = tree.get_distance(l1,l2)
          dmat[idx_dict[l1],idx_dict[l2]] = dmat[idx_dict[l2],idx_dict[l1]] = d

      self.X = dmat
Ejemplo n.º 3
def TreeStructureProcessing(inputfile):
    start_time = time.clock()
    global array
    global singleton_clust
    global total_protein
    global clustid
    #files = glob.glob('./NWK_TO_CLUST/'+fname+'/*')
    #for fi in files:
    #   os.remove(fi)

    # fa="./NWK_TO_CLUST/Result_Analysis/Cluster_Statistics_"+fname+".txt"
    #import os.path
    # if os.path.exists(fa):
    #  os.remove(fa)
    t = ClusterTree(
        "./OUTPUT/%s/NWK/HIER_CLUST_%s.nwk" %
        ((inputfile.split("_")[0]).upper(), inputfile.split(".")[0]))
    # t = ClusterTree("./NWK/"+fname+"/UPROT_HIER_CLUST_"+fname+".nwk")#,format=1)
    #array =  t.arraytable

    Traverse_Cluster_Tree(t, (inputfile.split("_")[0]).upper())

    print("Total clusters = %s" % (clustid))
    print("Singleton clusters = %s" % (singleton_clust))
    print("Non-Singleton clusters = %s" % (clustid - singleton_clust))
    print("Total Proteins = %s" % (total_protein))
    print("Time Required For Tree Partitionning:= %s seconds" %
          (datetime.timedelta(time.clock()) - datetime.timedelta(start_time)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def extract_leaf_labels_newick(self, user_input_file):

        tree = ClusterTree(user_input_file)
        leaves = tree.get_leaf_names()

        leaf_dict = {}

        # Convert leaves (a list) into a dictionary
        for i in range(len(leaves)):
            leaf_dict[leaves[i]] = i
            i = i + 1

        # Cast dictionary attributes as list and create index labels
        k = list(leaf_dict.keys())
        v = list(leaf_dict.values())
        w = list(leaf_dict.items())
        leaf_labels = [k[v.index(j)] for j in range(0, len(w))]

        return leaf_labels
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def newick(self, user_input_file):

        tree = ClusterTree(user_input_file)
        leaves = tree.get_leaf_names()
        ts = TreeStyle()
        ts.show_leaf_name = True
        ts.show_branch_length = True
        ts.show_branch_support = True

        leaf_dict = {}

        # Convert leaves (a list) into a dictionary
        for i in range(len(leaves)):
            leaf_dict[leaves[i]] = i
            i = i + 1

        # Cast dictionary attributes as list and create index labels
        k = list(leaf_dict.keys())
        v = list(leaf_dict.values())
        w = list(leaf_dict.items())
        leaf_labels = [k[v.index(j)] for j in range(0, len(w))]

        # Create a numpy array of zeros based on the number of taxa in the tree
        dmat = np.zeros((len(leaves), len(leaves)))

        print('Converting input tree:')

        # Compute distance matrix from newick tree (this is not yet a linked distance matrix)
        for l1, l2 in tqdm(combinations(leaves, 2)):
            d = tree.get_distance(l1, l2)
            dmat[leaf_dict[l1], leaf_dict[l2]] = dmat[leaf_dict[l2],
                                                      leaf_dict[l1]] = d

        # Convert dmat into a linkage distance matrix for scipy
        schlink = sch.linkage(scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(dmat),

        return dmat, schlink
Ejemplo n.º 6
def NodeFinder(phylogeny,NodeLen,HGTRate,Output):
    from ete3 import ClusterTree
    for node in t.traverse():
        for leaf in node:
    #Selecting nodes with leaf size of selected size    
    for node in TreeDict:
        if len(TreeDict[node])>= int(NodeLen):
    #Randomly selecting nodes without repalcement,
    #if number of eligible nodes are less than HGTRate, Randomly choose with replacement
    import numpy as np
    if int(options.HGTRate)<=len(NodeList):
    elif int(options.HGTRate)>len(NodeList):
    for node in NodeSelect:
    #Return Selected Node List
    import json
    with open(str(Output), 'w') as f:
            json.dump(NodeFinal, f)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def newick_to_linkage(filePath):
    """ converts newick tree to scipy linkage matrix """
    tree                   = ClusterTree(filePath)
    leaves                 = tree.get_leaf_names()
    ts                     = TreeStyle()
    ts.show_leaf_name      = True
    ts.show_branch_length  = True
    ts.show_branch_support = True

    idx_dict = {}
    idx = 0
    for leaf in leaves:
        idx_dict[leaf] = idx
        idx += 1

    idx_labels = [idx_dict.keys()[idx_dict.values().index(i)] for i in range(len(idx_dict))]

    dmat = np.zeros((len(leaves), len(leaves))) # FIXME need to understand

    for leaf1, leaf2 in combinations(leaves, 2):
        d = tree.get_distance(leaf1, leaf2)
        dmat[idx_dict[leaf1], idx_dict[leaf2]] = dmat[idx_dict[leaf2], idx_dict[leaf1]] = d

    schlink = sch.linkage(scipy.spatial.distance.squareform(dmat),method='average',metric='euclidean')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def showTreeStructure(inputfile):
    t = ClusterTree(
        "./OUTPUT/%s/NWK/HIER_CLUST_%s.nwk" %
        ((inputfile.split("_")[0]).upper(), inputfile.split(".")[0]))

    def mylayout(node):
        global flag
        #print node.left
        # print "node",len(node )
        #if len(node)!=1:# and flag == 1:
        #    if flag == 1:
        #        pidlist= getpid(node)
        #print pidlist
        #       dcs=DoCS(pidlist,PRO_pfam)
        #print dcs
        #       if dcs>=0.5:
        #          flag=0

        # print pidlist,len(node),dcs
        # print "_____________________"

        if node.is_leaf():
            node.img_style["shape"] = "sphere"
            node.img_style["size"] = 10
            node.img_style["fgcolor"] = 'purple'

    t.dist = 0
    t.convert_to_ultrametric(1, strategy="fixed")

    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.scale = 230
    ts.root_opening_factor = 5.0
    ts.mode = "c"
    ts.layout_fn = mylayout
    #print mylayout
Ejemplo n.º 9
print "Example numerical matrix"
print matrix
# #Names  col1    col2    col3    col4    col5    col6    col7
# A       -1.23   -0.81   1.79    0.78    -0.42   -0.69   0.58
# B       -1.76   -0.94   1.16    0.36    0.41    -0.35   1.12
# C       -2.19   0.13    0.65    -0.51   0.52    1.04    0.36
# D       -1.22   -0.98   0.79    -0.76   -0.29   1.54    0.93
# E       -1.47   -0.83   0.85    0.07    -0.81   1.53    0.65
# F       -1.04   -1.11   0.87    -0.14   -0.80   1.74    0.48
# G       -1.57   -1.17   1.29    0.23    -0.20   1.17    0.26
# H       -1.53   -1.25   0.59    -0.30   0.32    1.41    0.77
# We load a tree structure whose leaf nodes correspond to rows in the
# numerical matrix. We use the text_array argument to link the tree
# with numerical matrix.
t = ClusterTree("(((A,B),(C,(D,E))),(F,(G,H)));", text_array=matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 10
print matrix
# #Names  col1    col2    col3    col4    col5    col6    col7
# A       -1.23   -0.81   1.79    0.78    -0.42   -0.69   0.58
# B       -1.76   -0.94   1.16    0.36    0.41    -0.35   1.12
# C       -2.19   0.13    0.65    -0.51   0.52    1.04    0.36
# D       -1.22   -0.98   0.79    -0.76   -0.29   1.54    0.93
# E       -1.47   -0.83   0.85    0.07    -0.81   1.53    0.65
# F       -1.04   -1.11   0.87    -0.14   -0.80   1.74    0.48
# G       -1.57   -1.17   1.29    0.23    -0.20   1.17    0.26
# H       -1.53   -1.25   0.59    -0.30   0.32    1.41    0.77
# We load a tree structure whose leaf nodes correspond to rows in the
# numerical matrix. We use the text_array argument to link the tree
# with numerical matrix.
t = ClusterTree("(((A,B),(C,(D,E))),(F,(G,H)));", text_array=matrix)
print "Example tree", t
#                              /-A
#                    /--------|
#                   |          \-B
#          /--------|
#         |         |          /-C
#         |          \--------|
#         |                   |          /-D
#---------|                    \--------|
#         |                              \-E
#         |
#         |          /-F
#          \--------|
#                   |          /-G
#                    \--------|
Ejemplo n.º 11
from ete3 import ClusterTree, TreeStyle, AttrFace, ProfileFace, TextFace
from ete3.treeview.faces import add_face_to_node

# To operate with numbers efficiently
import numpy

PATH = "./"
# Loads tree and array
t = ClusterTree(PATH+"diauxic.nw", PATH+"diauxic.array")

# nodes are linked to the array table
array =  t.arraytable

# Calculates some stats on the matrix. Needed to establish the color
# gradients.
matrix_dist = [i for r in xrange(len(array.matrix))\
               for i in array.matrix[r] if numpy.isfinite(i)]
matrix_max = numpy.max(matrix_dist)
matrix_min = numpy.min(matrix_dist)
matrix_avg = matrix_min+((matrix_max-matrix_min)/2)

# Creates a profile face that will represent node's profile as a
# heatmap
profileFace  = ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, \
                                         200, 14, "heatmap")
cbarsFace = ProfileFace(matrix_max,matrix_min,matrix_avg,200,70,"cbars")
nameFace = AttrFace("name", fsize=8)
# Creates my own layout function that uses previous faces
def mylayout(node):
    # If node is a leaf
    if node.is_leaf():
Ejemplo n.º 12
print matrix
# #Names  col1    col2    col3    col4    col5    col6    col7
# A       -1.23   -0.81   1.79    0.78    -0.42   -0.69   0.58
# B       -1.76   -0.94   1.16    0.36    0.41    -0.35   1.12
# C       -2.19   0.13    0.65    -0.51   0.52    1.04    0.36
# D       -1.22   -0.98   0.79    -0.76   -0.29   1.54    0.93
# E       -1.47   -0.83   0.85    0.07    -0.81   1.53    0.65
# F       -1.04   -1.11   0.87    -0.14   -0.80   1.74    0.48
# G       -1.57   -1.17   1.29    0.23    -0.20   1.17    0.26
# H       -1.53   -1.25   0.59    -0.30   0.32    1.41    0.77
# We load a tree structure whose leaf nodes correspond to rows in the
# numerical matrix. We use the text_array argument to link the tree
# with numerical matrix.
t = ClusterTree("(((A,B),(C,(D,E))),(F,(G,H)));", text_array=matrix)
print "Example tree", t
#                              /-A
#                    /--------|
#                   |          \-B
#          /--------|
#         |         |          /-C
#         |          \--------|
#         |                   |          /-D
#---------|                    \--------|
#         |                              \-E
#         |
#         |          /-F
#          \--------|
#                   |          /-G
#                    \--------|
Ejemplo n.º 13
def plot_heat_tree_V0(heatmap_file, tree_file, output_file=None):
    Plot heatmap next to a tree. The order of the heatmap **MUST** be the same,
    as order of the leafs on the tree. The tree must be in the Newick format. If
    *output_file* is specified, then heat-tree will be rendered as a PNG,
    otherwise interactive browser will pop-up with your heat-tree.

    heatmap_file: str
        Path to the heatmap file. The first row must have '#Names' as first
        element of the header.
            e.g. #Names, A, B, C, D
                row1, 2, 4, 0, 4
                row2, 4, 6, 2, -1

    tree_file: str
        Path to the tree file in Newick format. The leaf node labels should
        be the same as as row names in the heatmap file. E.g. row1, row2.

    output_file: str, optional
        If specified the heat-tree will be rendered in that file as a PNG image,
        otherwise interactive browser will pop-up. **N.B.** program will wait
        for you to exit the browser before continuing.
    import numpy

    from ete3.treeview.faces import add_face_to_node
    from ete3 import ClusterTree, TreeStyle, AttrFace, ProfileFace

    # To operate with numbers efficiently

    # Loads tree and array
    t = ClusterTree(tree_file, heatmap_file)
    R = t.get_midpoint_outgroup()
    # nodes are linked to the array table
    array = t.arraytable

    # Calculates some stats on the matrix. Needed to establish the color
    # gradients.
    matrix_dist = [i for r in xrange(len(array.matrix))\
                   for i in array.matrix[r] if numpy.isfinite(i)]
    matrix_max = numpy.max(matrix_dist)
    matrix_min = numpy.min(matrix_dist)
    matrix_avg = matrix_min + ((matrix_max - matrix_min) / 2)

    # Creates a profile face that will represent node's profile as a
    # heatmap
    profileFace = ProfileFace(1., 0., 0.5, 1000, 14, "heatmap", colorscheme=1)

    nameFace = AttrFace("name", fsize=8)

    # Creates my own layout function that uses previous faces
    def mylayout(node):
        # If node is a leaf
        if node.is_leaf():
            # And a line profile
            add_face_to_node(profileFace, node, 0, aligned=True)
            node.img_style["size"] = 0
            add_face_to_node(nameFace, node, 1, aligned=True)

    # Use my layout to visualize the tree
    ts = TreeStyle()
    ts.layout_fn = mylayout
    t.render("test.svg", tree_style=ts)
Ejemplo n.º 14
from ete3 import ClusterTree, faces

# To operate with numbersd bub efficiently
import numpy

PATH = "./"
# Loads tree and array
t = ClusterTree(PATH + "diauxic.nw", PATH + "diauxic.array")

# nodes are linked to the array table
array = t.arraytable

# Calculates some stats on the matrix
matrix_dist = [i for r in xrange(len(array.matrix))\
               for i in array.matrix[r] if numpy.isfinite(i)]
matrix_max = numpy.max(matrix_dist)
matrix_min = numpy.min(matrix_dist)
matrix_avg = matrix_min + ((matrix_max - matrix_min) / 2)

# Creates a profile face that will represent node's profile as a
# heatmap
profileFace  = faces.ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, \
                                         200, 14, "heatmap")
cbarsFace = faces.ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, 200, 70,
nameFace = faces.AttrFace("name", fsize=8)

# Creates my own layout function that uses previous faces
def mylayout(node):
    # If node is a leaf
Ejemplo n.º 15
from ete3 import ClusterTree, TreeStyle, AttrFace, ProfileFace, TextFace
from ete3.treeview.faces import add_face_to_node

# To operate with numbers efficiently
import numpy

PATH = "./"
# Loads tree and array
t = ClusterTree(PATH + "diauxic.nw", PATH + "diauxic.array")

# nodes are linked to the array table
array = t.arraytable

# Calculates some stats on the matrix. Needed to establish the color
# gradients.
matrix_dist = [i for r in xrange(len(array.matrix))\
               for i in array.matrix[r] if numpy.isfinite(i)]
matrix_max = numpy.max(matrix_dist)
matrix_min = numpy.min(matrix_dist)
matrix_avg = matrix_min + ((matrix_max - matrix_min) / 2)

# Creates a profile face that will represent node's profile as a
# heatmap
profileFace  = ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, \
                                         200, 14, "heatmap")
cbarsFace = ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, 200, 70, "cbars")
nameFace = AttrFace("name", fsize=8)

# Creates my own layout function that uses previous faces
def mylayout(node):
Ejemplo n.º 16
def extract_taxa(input_tree):
    tree = ClusterTree(input_tree)
    leaves = tree.get_leaf_names()

    return leaves
Ejemplo n.º 17
                                           column=i + cols_add_before_heat)

data = pd.read_table(in_path + "/profiles.csv", header=0, index_col=0)
data.index.name = "#Names"
data_mat = data.to_csv(None, sep="\t", float_format="%d")
header = list(data.columns.values)

f = open(in_path + "/wgMLST_tree.newick")
nkTree = f.readlines()

t_str = nkTree[0]

t = ClusterTree(t_str, data_mat)

ts = TreeStyle()

ts.margin_left = 20
ts.margin_right = 20
ts.margin_top = 20
ts.margin_bottom = 10

ts.scale = 2
ts.min_leaf_separation = 0
ts.branch_vertical_margin = 0

ts.show_leaf_name = True
ts.show_branch_length = False
ts.show_branch_support = True
Ejemplo n.º 18

print('step5 complete')
# generate an Textarray out of the CausalLoci PresenceAbsence
for Profiles in ProfileList:
    for words in Profiles:

#Generate ClusterTree using ETE toolkit
t=ClusterTree( '/home/masih/Projects/BacterialSimulator/RealTree.nwk' , text_array=Matrix)   

#Define a Tree visualizaiton layout        
def ColorCodedNode (node):
    if node.is_leaf():
        if ColorCode == '1':
            faces.add_face_to_node(AttrFace('name',fsize=20,fgcolor='blue'), node, column=0,aligned=True)
            #faces.add_face_to_node(TextFace(text='marker1',fsize=10,fgcolor='black'), node, column=1,position='aligned')
            faces.add_face_to_node(ProfileFace(1, -1, 0, width=200, height=40, style='heatmap', colorscheme=2),node,column=1,position='aligned')
        elif ColorCode == '2':
Ejemplo n.º 19
def make_cluster_tree(tree_file: str,
                      matrix: str,
                      out_file: str,
                      outgroup: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None:
    """Draw a tree with cluster absence/presence information from an existing
    tree file and absence/presence matrix, and save it as an image under the
    supplied file name.

        tree_file: the name of the file containing the tree to annotate
        matrix:    a comma- or tab-separated absence/presence matrix
        out_file:  the name under which to save the resulting image
        outgroup:  the organism(s) to use as an outgroup, if any
    # ClusterTree needs tab-separated, but that can't be exported cleanly
    matrix = matrix.replace(",", "\t")
    # tree with clustering analysis
    tree = ClusterTree(tree_file, text_array=matrix)

    # rerooting the tree
    if outgroup:
        ancestor = tree.get_common_ancestor(outgroup)

    # set drawing line width to 2
    my_node_style = NodeStyle()
    my_node_style["vt_line_width"] = 2
    my_node_style["hz_line_width"] = 2
    my_node_style["size"] = 5

    # layout function
    def sel_mylayout(node):

        if node.is_leaf():
            # add names in larger font + italics
            species_name = AttrFace("name", fsize=12, fstyle="italic")
            # add absence/presence matrix
            for i, value in enumerate(getattr(node, "profile", [])):
                if value > 0:
                    color = "#FF0000"
                    color = "#EEEEEE"
                my_face = CircleFace(8, color, style="circle")
                my_face.margin_right = 3
                my_face.margin_bottom = 3
                add_face_to_node(my_face, node, position="aligned", column=i)

    # Use my layout to visualize the tree
    my_tree_style = TreeStyle()

    # Add header
    for j, name in enumerate(tree.arraytable.colNames):
        name_face = TextFace(name, fsize=11)
        name_face.rotation = -90
        name_face.hz_align = 1
        name_face.vt_align = 1
        name_face.margin_bottom = 10
        my_tree_style.aligned_header.add_face(name_face, column=j)

    my_tree_style.scale_length = 0.1
    # myTreeStyle.show_branch_support = True
    # don't auto-show leaf names, since we dealt with that above
    my_tree_style.show_leaf_name = False

    # set layout function for my_tree_style
    my_tree_style.layout_fn = sel_mylayout

    #tree.render(out_file, w=183, units="mm", dpi=600, tree_style=my_tree_style)
    tree.render(out_file, dpi=600, tree_style=my_tree_style)
from ete3 import ClusterTree, TreeStyle, AttrFace, ProfileFace, TextFace
from ete3.treeview.faces import add_face_to_node

# To operate with numbers efficiently
import numpy

PATH = "./"
# Loads tree and array
t = ClusterTree(PATH+"diauxic.nw", PATH+"diauxic.array")

# nodes are linked to the array table
array =  t.arraytable

# Calculates some stats on the matrix. Needed to establish the color
# gradients.
matrix_dist = [i for r in xrange(len(array.matrix))\
               for i in array.matrix[r] if numpy.isfinite(i)]
matrix_max = numpy.max(matrix_dist)
matrix_min = numpy.min(matrix_dist)
matrix_avg = matrix_min+((matrix_max-matrix_min)/2)

# Creates a profile face that will represent node's profile as a
# heatmap
nameFace = AttrFace("name", fsize=8)
# Creates my own layout function that uses previous faces
def mylayout(node):
    profileFace  = ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, \
                                         200, 14, "heatmap")
    cbarsFace = ProfileFace(matrix_max,matrix_min,matrix_avg,200,70,"cbars")

    # If node is a leaf
Ejemplo n.º 21
print("Example numerical matrix")
# #Names  col1    col2    col3    col4    col5    col6    col7
# A       -1.23   -0.81   1.79    0.78    -0.42   -0.69   0.58
# B       -1.76   -0.94   1.16    0.36    0.41    -0.35   1.12
# C       -2.19   0.13    0.65    -0.51   0.52    1.04    0.36
# D       -1.22   -0.98   0.79    -0.76   -0.29   1.54    0.93
# E       -1.47   -0.83   0.85    0.07    -0.81   1.53    0.65
# F       -1.04   -1.11   0.87    -0.14   -0.80   1.74    0.48
# G       -1.57   -1.17   1.29    0.23    -0.20   1.17    0.26
# H       -1.53   -1.25   0.59    -0.30   0.32    1.41    0.77
# We load a tree structure whose leaf nodes correspond to rows in the
# numerical matrix. We use the text_array argument to link the tree
# with numerical matrix.
t = ClusterTree("(((A,B),(C,(D,E))),(F,(G,H)));", text_array=matrix)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    newickStr = []
    for node, children in taxo.iteritems():
        nodename = str(node)
        if type(children)==defaultdict:
            newickStr.append(nodename + suffix[nodename])
    return '('+','.join(newickStr)+')'

count = parseLineage(filename)
suffix, matrix, taxo = getSuffixandMatrixandNewick(count)
newick = convert(taxo,suffix)
newick += ';'

t = Tree(newick, format=1)
ct = ClusterTree(t.write(),  text_array=matrix)

# nodes are linked to the array table
array = ct.arraytable
# Calculates some stats on the matrix. Needed to establish the color gradients.
matrix_dist = [i for r in xrange(len(array.matrix))for i in array.matrix[r] if np.isfinite(i)]
matrix_max = np.max(matrix_dist)
matrix_min = np.min(matrix_dist)
matrix_avg = (matrix_max+matrix_min)/2
# Creates a profile face that will represent node's profile as a heatmap
profileFace  = ProfileFace(matrix_max, matrix_min, matrix_avg, 200, 14, "heatmap",colorscheme=3)
# Creates my own layout function that uses previous faces
def mylayout(node):
    # If node is a leaf
    if node.is_leaf():