def crs_update_datasource_mxd(args): # script name script_name = os.path.basename(__file__) # script parameters mxd = args[0] gdb = args[1] log = args[2] err_message = None # log function etgLib.log_info(log, 'calling {}'.format(script_name), True) try: mxdDoc = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxd) for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxdDoc): # if lyr.isBroken: lyr.findAndReplaceWorkspacePath(lyr.workspacePath, gdb) # mxd.findAndReplaceWorkspacePaths(r"C:\Project\Data", r"C:\Project\Data2") del mxdDoc except Exception as e: err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}" .format(script_name,e) return err_message # if __name__ == '__main__': # main(args)
def crs10_prod_db_refresh (args): # parameters prepSPREPORTpath = args[0] prodSPREPORTpath = args[1] prepSPOWNpath = args[2] prodSPOWNpath = args[3] log = args[4] # log function etgLib.log_info(log, 'calling {}'.format(script_name), True) # variables err_message = None try: ##### Truncate data in production SDEs and then append from preprod ### SPREPORT for fc in spreportFClist: # Assign locations inFC = os.path.join(prepSPREPORTpath,fc) prodFC = os.path.join(prodSPREPORTpath,fc) # Count input number of records infcRowCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(inFC).getOutput(0) etgLib.log_info(log, 'INPUT {0}: {1} records'.format(inFC,infcRowCount)) # Truncate arcpy.TruncateTable_management(prodFC) # Append arcpy.Append_management(inFC,prodFC,"NO_TEST") # Count number of records in prod prodfcRowCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(prodFC).getOutput(0) etgLib.log_info(log, 'PRODUCTION {0}: {1} records'.format(prodFC,prodfcRowCount)) ### SPOWN for fc in spownFClist: # Assign locations inFC = os.path.join(prepSPOWNpath,fc) prodFC = os.path.join(prodSPOWNpath,fc) # Count input number of records infcRowCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(inFC).getOutput(0) etgLib.log_info(log, 'INPUT {0}: {1} records'.format(inFC,infcRowCount)) # Truncate arcpy.TruncateTable_management(prodFC) fieldMap = "TP_PROPERTY_LINK_PROPERTY_ID \"TP_PROPERTY_LINK_PROPERTY_ID\" true false false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + inFC + ",PROPERTY_ID,-1,-1;OBJECTID_1 \"OBJECTID_1\" true false false 4 Long 0 0 ,First,#;PROPERTY_ID \"PROPERTY_ID\" true false false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + inFC + ",PROPERTY_ID,-1,-1;PARCEL_ID \"PARCEL_ID\" true false false 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#," + inFC + ",PROPERTY_ID,-1,-1;COUNT_PARCEL_ID \"COUNT_PARCEL_ID\" true true false 2 Short 0 0 ,First,#," + inFC + ",COUNT_PARCEL_ID,-1,-1;SHAPE_STArea__ \"SHAPE_STArea__\" true false true 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#;SHAPE_STLength__ \"SHAPE_STLength__\" true false true 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#;SHAPE_Length \"SHAPE_Length\" false true true 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#;SHAPE_Area \"SHAPE_Area\" false true true 8 Double 0 0 ,First,#" # Append arcpy.Append_management(inFC,prodFC,"NO_TEST", fieldMap) # Count number of records in prod prodfcRowCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(prodFC).getOutput(0) etgLib.log_info(log, 'PRODUCTION {0}: {1} records'.format(prodFC,prodfcRowCount)) etgLib.log_process_time(log,starttime) except Exception as e: print ("ERROR: {}".format(e)) err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}" .format(script_name,e) return err_message
def crs9_check_preprod_feature_counts(args): # parameters labelsPath = args[0] preprodPath = args[1] preprodPrefix = args[2] stagingPath = args[3] stagingPrefix = args[4] log = args[5] # log function etgLib.log_info(log, 'calling {}'.format(script_name), True) # variables err_message = None try: ### Get lists of tables and FCs # Get tables and FCs from labels GDB etgLib.log_info(log, 'Getting lists of tables and FCs from labels GDB...') arcpy.env.workspace = labelsPath fcllblg = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() tblllblg = arcpy.ListTables() # Get tables and FCs from staging SDE etgLib.log_info(log, 'Getting lists of tables and FCs from staging SDE...') arcpy.env.workspace = stagingPath fclstgs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() tbllstgs = arcpy.ListTables() # Get tables and FCs from preprod SDE etgLib.log_info(log, 'Getting lists of tables and FCs from preprod SDE...') arcpy.env.workspace = preprodPath fclpprs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() tbllpprs = arcpy.ListTables() ### Work through lists of feature classes etgLib.log_info(log, '==> Checking FC counts for preprod...', True) arcpy.env.workspace = preprodPath # Get preprod values for pprsfc in fclpprs: # Ignore views and old data pprsfcname = pprsfc[len(preprodPrefix):] if pprsfcname.endswith("_1") or pprsfcname.endswith( "_o") or pprsfcname.endswith("_vw") or pprsfcname.endswith( "_oo"): etgLib.log_info(log, '{} - ignoring...'.format(pprsfc)) else: # Set prelim values pprsfccount = dummyVal stgsfccount = dummyVal lblgfccount = dummyVal # crsgfccount = dummyVal # Get preprod count pprsfccount = arcpy.GetCount_management(pprsfc).getOutput(0) etgLib.log_info( log, '{} - preprod count = {}'.format(pprsfcname, pprsfccount)) # Find comparable staging FC for stgsfc in fclstgs: stgsfcname = stgsfc[len(stagingPrefix):] if stgsfcname == pprsfcname: # Get staging count stgsfcpath = os.path.join(stagingPath, stgsfc) stgsfccount = arcpy.GetCount_management( stgsfcpath).getOutput(0) stgsfccountname = stgsfcname continue # Report staging count status if stgsfccount != dummyVal and stgsfccount != pprsfccount: etgLib.log_info( log, '*****ERROR!!!***** preprod count = {0} but staging count = {1}' .format(pprsfccount, stgsfccount)) elif stgsfccount == dummyVal: etgLib.log_info( log, '{} not found in staging SDE'.format(pprsfcname)) else: etgLib.log_info( log, '{0} - staging count = {1}'.format( stgsfccountname, stgsfccount)) # Find comparable labels FC for lblgfc in fcllblg: if lblgfc == pprsfcname: # Get labels count lblgfcpath = os.path.join(labelsPath, lblgfc) lblgfccount = arcpy.GetCount_management( lblgfcpath).getOutput(0) lblgfccountname = lblgfc continue # Report labels count status if lblgfccount != dummyVal and lblgfccount != pprsfccount: etgLib.log_info( log, '*****ERROR!!!***** preprod count = {0} but labels count = {1}' .format(pprsfccount, lblgfccount)) elif lblgfccount == dummyVal: etgLib.log_info( log, '{} not found in labels SDE'.format(pprsfcname)) else: etgLib.log_info( log, '{0} - labels count = {1}'.format( lblgfccountname, lblgfccount)) ### Work through lists of tables etgLib.log_info(log, '==> Checking table counts for preprod...', True) # Get preprod values for pprstbl in tbllpprs: # Ignore views and old data pprstblname = pprstbl[len(preprodPrefix):] if pprstblname.endswith("_o") or pprstblname.endswith("_vw") or pprstblname.endswith("_oo") or \ pprstblname.startswith("mv_") or pprstblname.startswith("vw") or pprstblname.startswith("VW_"): etgLib.log_info(log, '{} - ignoring...'.format(pprstblname)) else: # Set prelim values pprstblcount = dummyVal stgstblcount = dummyVal lblgtblcount = dummyVal # Get preprod count #pprstblname = pprstbl[len(preprodPrefix):] if pprstblname in tblIgnoreList: etgLib.log_info( log, 'WARNING: ignoring {} ***** manual check required *****' .format(pprstblname)) continue else: pprstblcount = arcpy.GetCount_management( pprstbl).getOutput(0) etgLib.log_info( log, '{} - preprod count = {}'.format( pprstblname, pprstblcount)) # Find comparable staging table for stgstbl in tbllstgs: stgstblname = stgstbl[len(stagingPrefix):] if stgstblname == pprstblname: # Get staging count stgstblpath = os.path.join(stagingPath, stgstbl) stgstblcount = arcpy.GetCount_management( stgstblpath).getOutput(0) stgstblcountname = stgstblname continue # Report staging count status if stgstblcount != dummyVal and stgstblcount != pprstblcount: etgLib.log_info( log, '*****ERROR!!!***** preprod count = {0} but staging count = {1}' .format(pprstblcount, stgstblcount)) elif stgstblcount == dummyVal: etgLib.log_info( log, '{} not found in staging SDE'.format(pprstblname)) else: etgLib.log_info( log, '{0} - staging count = {1}'.format( stgstblcountname, stgstblcount)) # Find comparable labels table for lblgtbl in tblllblg: if lblgtbl == pprstblname: # Get labels count lblgtblpath = os.path.join(labelsPath, lblgtbl) lblgtblcount = arcpy.GetCount_management( lblgtblpath).getOutput(0) lblgtblcountname = lblgtbl continue # Report labels count status if lblgtblcount != dummyVal and lblgtblcount != pprstblcount: etgLib.log_info( log, '*****ERROR!!!***** preprod count = {0} but labels count = {1}' .format(pprstblcount, lblgtblcount)) elif lblgtblcount == dummyVal: etgLib.log_info( log, '{} not found in labels GDB'.format(pprstblname)) else: etgLib.log_info( log, '{0} - labels count = {1}'.format( lblgtblcountname, lblgtblcount)) etgLib.log_process_time(log, starttime) except Exception as e: err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}".format(script_name, e) return err_message
def crs4_copy_tbls_stage(args): # script name script_name = os.path.basename(__file__) # script parameters sdePath = args[0] gdbPath = args[1] sdePrefix = args[2] log = args[3] # Set environment arcpy.env.workspace = gdbPath arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.configkeyword = "GEOMETRY" # log function etgLib.log_info(log, 'calling {}'.format(script_name), True) # variables err_message = None # excludeList = ["INSTRUMENT"] excludeList = [] try: if arcpy.Exists(gdbPath): ### Copy tables from local GDB to database #*** NOTE: tables have been deleted from SDE previously via #*** - but still check for existence # List tables in GDB tbll = arcpy.ListTables() # Loop through the tables etgLib.log_info(log, 'Copying tables to staging SDE...', True) for tbl in tbll: inTBLpath = os.path.join(gdbPath, tbl) outTBLname = sdePrefix + tbl outTBLpath = os.path.join(sdePath, outTBLname) # Check whether table exists in SDE, if so - print warning if arcpy.Exists(outTBLpath): etgLib.log_info( log, 'WARNING: {} exists in staging SDE'.format(outTBLname)) # Otherwise, copy else: # Ignore tables in exclude list if tbl in excludeList: etgLib.log_info(log, 'Ignoring {}'.format(tbl)) else: # Copy table from GDB to SDE arcpy.Copy_management(inTBLpath, outTBLpath, "Table") # Count features and report number - warn if not equal inCount = arcpy.GetCount_management( inTBLpath).getOutput(0) outCount = arcpy.GetCount_management( outTBLpath).getOutput(0) if inCount == outCount: etgLib.log_info( log, '{0} - Copied {1} entries to {2}'.format( tbl, inCount, outTBLname)) else: etgLib.log_info( log, 'ERROR: {0} entries copied from {1} - {2} entries resultant in {3}' .format(inCount, tbl, outCount, outTBLname)) else: err_message = 'ERROR: GDB not found - {}'.format(gdbPath) etgLib.log_process_time(log, starttime) except Exception as e: err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}".format(script_name, e) return err_message
def crs3_copy_fcs_stage(args): # script name script_name = os.path.basename(__file__) # script parameters sdePath = args[0] gdbPath = args[1] sdePrefix = args[2] log = args[3] # Set environment arcpy.env.workspace = gdbPath arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.configkeyword = "GEOMETRY" # log function etgLib.log_info(log, 'calling {}'.format(script_name), True) # variables err_message = None try: if arcpy.Exists(gdbPath): ### Copy feature classes from local GDB to database #*** NOTE: feature classes have been deleted from SDE previously via #*** - but still check for existence # List feature classes in GDB fcl = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() # Loop through the FCs etgLib.log_info(log, 'Copying feature classes to staging SDE...', True) for fc in fcl: inFCpath = os.path.join(gdbPath, fc) outFCname = sdePrefix + fc outFCpath = os.path.join(sdePath, outFCname) # Check whether FC exists in SDE, if so - print warning if arcpy.Exists(outFCpath): etgLib.log_info( log, 'WARNING: {} exists in staging SDE'.format(outFCname)) # Otherwise, copy else: # Copy FC from GDB to SDE arcpy.Copy_management(inFCpath, outFCpath, "FeatureClass") # Count features and report number - warn if not equal inCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(inFCpath).getOutput(0) outCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(outFCpath).getOutput( 0) if inCount == outCount: etgLib.log_info( log, '{0} - Copied {1} features to {2}'.format( fc, inCount, outFCname)) else: etgLib.log_info( log, 'ERROR: {0} features copied from {1} - {2} features resultant in {3}' .format(inCount, fc, outCount, outFCname)) else: err_message = 'ERROR: GDB not found - {}'.format(gdbPath) etgLib.log_process_time(log, starttime) except Exception as e: err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}".format(script_name, e) return err_message
def crs6_add_data_preparation(args): # parameters wkgFolder = args[0] labelGDBname = args[1] log = args[2] # Set locations, etc labelGDBpath = os.path.join(wkgFolder, labelGDBname) fcEPrclPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fcEsmntPrcl) fcELeasePath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fcEsmntLease) fcLPrclPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fcLeasePrcl) fcRCLPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fcRoadCL) fcRCdsslvPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fcRCLdsslv) fcCadP = fcCadastre + "_P" fcCadPPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fcCadP) tblPLnkPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, tblPropLink) fcPrclPLPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fcPrclPLink) tblPropPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, tblProperty) fcCnnctPPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fcConnectProp) fcDsslvIDPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, dsslvIDFC) # Set environment arcpy.env.workspace = labelGDBpath arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.configkeyword = "GEOMETRY" # log function etgLib.log_info(log, 'calling {}'.format(script_name), True) # variables err_message = None try: ### Easement lease # Copy easement parcel etgLib.log_info(log, 'Copying easement parcel data in labels gdb ...', True) arcpy.Copy_management(fcEPrclPath, fcELeasePath) # Select records to append etgLib.log_info(log, 'Selecting lease parcels to append...') etgLib.delete_layer("leaseplyr") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fcLPrclPath, "leaseplyr") parcelClause = '"PARCEL_INTENT" = ' + "'LCOV'" + ' OR "PARCEL_INTENT" = ' + "'EASM'" arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("leaseplyr", "NEW_SELECTION", parcelClause) etgLib.log_info(log, 'Appending lease parcels...') arcpy.Append_management("leaseplyr", fcELeasePath, "NO_TEST") ### Road CL etgLib.log_info(log, 'Working on road data...', True) if etgLib.field_exist(fcRoadCL, rfield) == False: # Add field arcpy.AddField_management(fcRoadCL, rfield, "TEXT", "", "", rfieldlen) # Calculate values etgLib.log_info(log, 'Calculate values: {} ...'.format(rfield)) calcexpr = ('!{}!.upper() + ", " + !{}!.upper()').format( statsfields[0][0], statsfields[1][0]) arcpy.CalculateField_management(fcRoadCL, rfield, calcexpr, "PYTHON_9.3") # Dissolve data, using statistics fields etgLib.log_info(log, 'Dissolving ...') arcpy.Dissolve_management(fcRCLPath, fcRCdsslvPath, rfield, statsfields) # Add fields arcpy.AddField_management(fcRCLdsslv, statsfields[0][0], "TEXT", "", "", sfieldlen) arcpy.AddField_management(fcRCLdsslv, statsfields[1][0], "TEXT", "", "", sfieldlen) # Calculate values sfields = [] for i in range(len(statsfields)): sfields.append(statsfields[i][0]) arcpy.AddField_management(fcRCLdsslv, statsfields[i][0], "TEXT", "", "", sfieldlen) sfield = statsfields[i][1] + "_" + statsfields[i][0] calcexpr = ('!{}!').format(sfield) arcpy.CalculateField_management(fcRCLdsslv, statsfields[i][0], calcexpr, "PYTHON_9.3") ### Connect_Property etgLib.log_info(log, 'Working on Connect_Property', True) # Make query table mqtblList = [fcCadPPath, tblPLnkPath] whereClause = tblPropLink + "." + parIDfield + " = " + fcCadP + "." + parIDfield # NOTE: no quotes - known bug arcpy.MakeQueryTable_management(mqtblList, "propQueryTbl", "ADD_VIRTUAL_KEY_FIELD", "", "", whereClause) # Get number of rows numMQrows = int(arcpy.GetCount_management("propQueryTbl").getOutput(0)) # Export etgLib.log_info(log, 'Exporting...') arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("propQueryTbl", fcPrclPLPath) # Check number of rows numPPLrows = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(fcPrclPLPath).getOutput(0)) if numPPLrows != numMQrows: etgLib.log_error( log, 'ERROR: Wrong number of rows exported for link FC; {} versus {}' .format(numMQrows, numPPLrows)) else: etgLib.log_info(log, 'Correct number of rows exported for link FC.') # Dissolve on ID etgLib.log_info(log, 'Dissolving on ID...', True) dfield = tblPropLink + "_" + propIDfield sfield = tblPropLink + "_" + parIDfield statsfield = [[sfield, "COUNT"]] arcpy.Dissolve_management(fcPrclPLink, fcDsslvIDPath, dfield, statsfield) # Join the TP_Property table etgLib.log_info(log, 'Preparing to join property table...') # Create temporary layer/view etgLib.delete_layer('dsslvlyr') arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fcDsslvIDPath, "dsslvlyr") etgLib.delete_layer('proptblview') arcpy.MakeTableView_management(tblPropPath, "proptblview") # Make join etgLib.log_info(log, 'Adding join ...') arcpy.AddJoin_management("dsslvlyr", dfield, "proptblview", propIDfield, "KEEP_ALL") etgLib.log_info(log, 'Property table joined') # Output etgLib.log_info(log, 'Copying features...') arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("dsslvlyr", fcCnnctPPath) etgLib.log_process_time(log, starttime) except Exception as e: err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}".format(script_name, e) return err_message
def crs5_prepare_for_labels(args): wkgFolder = args[0] labelGDBname = args[1] sdePath = args[2] dataSDEprefix = args[3] log = args[4] # Set locations, etc labelGDBpath = os.path.join(wkgFolder, labelGDBname) fcCdstrPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fcCadastre) fcCadP = fcCadastre + "_P" fcCadPPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fcCadP) tblPLblPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, tblPrclLabel) tblCLblPath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, tblCdstrLabel) # Set environment arcpy.env.workspace = wkgFolder arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.configkeyword = "GEOMETRY" # variables err_message = None try: # log function etgLib.log_info(log, 'calling {}'.format(script_name), True) # start time starttime = ### Create labels GDB - check for existence first etgLib.log_info(log, 'Creating working labels GDB...') if arcpy.Exists(labelGDBpath): etgLib.log_info(log, 'WARNING: {} already exists!'.format(labelGDBpath)) else: arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(wkgFolder, labelGDBname) ### Copy feature classes from staging database (SDE) to local GDB etgLib.log_info( log, 'Copying feature classes from staging dabase to labels.gdb ...', True) for fc in fcsToCopy: inFCname = dataSDEprefix + fc inFCpath = os.path.join(sdePath, inFCname) outFCpath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, fc) # Check whether FC exists in GDB, if so - overwrite if arcpy.Exists(outFCpath): etgLib.log_info( log, 'WARNING: {} already exists - overwriting...'.format(fc)) # Check whether table exists in SDE, if so - continue if arcpy.Exists(inFCpath): arcpy.Copy_management(inFCpath, outFCpath) # Count features and report number - warn if not equal inCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(inFCpath).getOutput(0) outCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(outFCpath).getOutput(0) if inCount == outCount: etgLib.log_info( log, '{0} - Copied {1} features to {2}'.format( inFCname, inCount, fc)) else: etgLib.log_info( log, 'ERROR: {0} features copied from {1} - {2} features resultant in {3}' .format(inCount, inFCname, outCount, fc)) else: err_message = '{} does not exist - exit...'.format(fc) return err_message ### Copy tables from staging database (SDE) to local GDB etgLib.log_info( log, 'Copying tables from staging dabase to labels.gdb ...', True) for tbl in tblsToCopy: inTBLname = dataSDEprefix + tbl inTBLpath = os.path.join(sdePath, inTBLname) outTBLpath = os.path.join(labelGDBpath, tbl) # Check whether table exists in GDB, if so - overwrite if arcpy.Exists(outTBLpath): etgLib.log_info( log, 'WARNING: {} already exists - overwriting...'.format(tbl)) # Check whether table exists in SDE, if so - continue if arcpy.Exists(inTBLpath): arcpy.Copy_management(inTBLpath, outTBLpath) # Count features and report number - warn if not equal inCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(inTBLpath).getOutput(0) outCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(outTBLpath).getOutput(0) if inCount == outCount: etgLib.log_info( log, '{0} - Copied {1} entries to {2}'.format( inTBLname, inCount, tbl)) else: etgLib.log_info( log, 'ERROR: {0} features copied from {1} - {2} features resultant in {3}' .format(inCount, inTBLname, outCount, tbl)) else: err_message = '{} does not exist - exit...'.format(tbl) return err_message ### Work on cadastre dataset etgLib.log_info(log, 'Adding fields to cadastre...', True) # Change workspace location arcpy.env.workspace = labelGDBpath ## Add fields for label coordinates arcpy.AddField_management(fcCadastre, xlbl, "DOUBLE") arcpy.AddField_management(fcCadastre, ylbl, "DOUBLE") ## Calculate x,y values etgLib.log_info(log, 'calculating xlabel ylabel field values ...') # Change workspace location with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fcCdstrPath, ["OID@", "SHAPE@", xlbl, ylbl]) as cursor: for row in cursor: lPt = row[1].labelPoint row[2] = lPt.X row[3] = lPt.Y cursor.updateRow(row) # Delete cursor and row objects del cursor, row ### Select "P" type parcels and export etgLib.log_info(log, 'Select P type parcels and export ...', True) # Check whether dataset exists already if arcpy.Exists(fcCadPPath): etgLib.log_info( log, '"P" type parcel dataset already exists; overwriting...') else: etgLib.log_info(log, 'Exporting "P" type parcels...') # Select "P" type parcels etgLib.delete_layer("cadastrelyr") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fcCdstrPath, "cadastrelyr") parcelClause = '"PARCEL_CATEGORY" = ' + "'P'" arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("cadastrelyr", "NEW_SELECTION", parcelClause) # Export selected parcels arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("cadastrelyr", fcCadPPath) ### Join "P" parcel data to label table and export etgLib.log_info(log, 'Joining "P" type parcels to label table...') etgLib.delete_layer("cadplyr") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fcCadPPath, "cadplyr") arcpy.MakeTableView_management(tblPLblPath, "labelview") arcpy.AddJoin_management("cadplyr", joinFieldP1, tblPLblPath, joinFieldP2, "KEEP_COMMON") ####################### Block to set field names in parcel_label_pt correctly arcpy.TableToTable_conversion("cadplyr", labelGDBpath, "junktable") etgLib.log_info(log, 'Junk table created.') etgLib.delete_layer("tmptbl") arcpy.MakeTableView_management("junktable", "tmptbl") etgLib.log_info(log, 'Describing temporary table...') desc = arcpy.Describe("tmptbl") fieldInfo = desc.fieldInfo index = 0 etgLib.log_info(log, 'Updating field names...') while index < fieldInfo.count: for of1 in outfieldsP1: of1longname = tblPrclLabel + "_" + of1 of1_1 = of1 + "_1" if fieldInfo.getFieldName(index) == of1longname: fieldInfo.setNewName(index, of1_1) for of2 in outfieldsP2: of2longname = tblPrclLabel + "_" + of2 if fieldInfo.getFieldName(index) == of2longname: fieldInfo.setNewName(index, of2) index += 1 etgLib.log_info(log, 'Field names converted.') etgLib.delete_layer("tmptbl2") arcpy.MakeTableView_management("tmptbl", "tmptbl2", "", "", fieldInfo) etgLib.log_info(log, 'Made table view.') arcpy.TableToTable_conversion("tmptbl2", labelGDBpath, tblCdstrLabel) ############################################################################################ etgLib.log_info(log, 'Exported table.', True) arcpy.RemoveJoin_management("cadplyr") ### Create a point feature class based on the exported table # Make a temporary event layer arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(tblCLblPath, xlbl, ylbl, "XYeventlyr", spRef) # Output the event layer to the point feature class arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion("XYeventlyr", labelGDBpath, pLabelPt) etgLib.log_process_time(log, starttime) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: {}".format(e)) err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}".format(script_name, e) return err_message
def crs7_remove_old_data_from_preprod(args): # parameters preprodPath = args[0] preprodPrefix = args[1] log = args[2] # log function etgLib.log_info(log, 'calling {}'.format(script_name), True) # variables err_message = None try: ##### Find and delete any old data (*_o) from previous month's processing # Get lists of tables and FCs etgLib.log_info(log, 'Getting lists of tables and FCs from {} ...'.format(preprodPath)) arcpy.env.workspace = preprodPath fcl = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() tbll = arcpy.ListTables() # Work through list of feature classes etgLib.log_info(log, '==> Checking preprod FCs for old data...',True) for fc in fcl: ppfcname = fc[len(preprodPrefix):] # if fc.endswith("_o") or fc.endswith("_oo"): if ppfcname.endswith("_o") or ppfcname.endswith("_oo"): etgLib.log_info(log, 'Removing: {} ...'.format(fc)) if arcpy.Exists(fc): arcpy.Delete_management(fc) # Work through list of tables etgLib.log_info(log, '==> Checking preprod tables for old data...',True) for tbl in tbll: pptblname = tbl[len(preprodPrefix):] # if tbl.endswith("_o") or tbl.endswith("_oo"): if pptblname.endswith("_o") or pptblname.endswith("_oo"): etgLib.log_info(log, 'Removing: {} ...'.format(tbl)) if arcpy.Exists(tbl): arcpy.Delete_management(tbl) etgLib.log_process_time(log,starttime) except Exception as e: err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}" .format(script_name,e) return err_message
def crs2_empty_stage_sde(args): # script name script_name = os.path.basename(__file__) # script parameters sde = args[0] log = args[1] # Set environment arcpy.env.workspace = sde print(sde) # log function etgLib.log_info(log, 'calling {}'.format(script_name), True) # variables err_message = None try: # clear workspce cache arcpy.ClearWorkspaceCache_management() # Find all feature classes and delete a subset fcl = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() etgLib.log_info(log, 'Deleting subset of feature classes:') for fc in fcl: print(fc) if fc in itemsToKeep: etgLib.log_info(log, 'Kept:{}'.format(fc)) else: try: arcpy.Delete_management(fc) etgLib.log_info(log, 'Deleted: {}'.format(fc)) except: # print('***ERROR*** while deleting {} - delete manually!!!').format(fc) err_message = 'ERROR: deleting {}\n'.format(fc) # Find all tables and delete a subset tbll = arcpy.ListTables() etgLib.log_info(log, 'Deleting subset of feature tables:') for tbl in tbll: if tbl in itemsToKeep: etgLib.log_info(log, 'Kept:{}'.format(tbl)) else: try: arcpy.Delete_management(tbl) etgLib.log_info(log, 'Deleted: {}'.format(tbl)) except: if err_message != None: err_message = err_message + 'ERROR: deleting {}\n'.format( tbl) else: err_message = 'ERROR: deleting {}\n'.format(tbl) etgLib.log_process_time(log, starttime) except Exception as e: err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}".format(script_name, e) return err_message
def crs1_repair_crs_data(args): # script name script_name = os.path.basename(__file__) # script parameters gdb = args[0] log = args[1] # Set environment arcpy.env.workspace = gdb # log function etgLib.log_info(log, 'calling {}'.format(script_name), True) # start time starttime = # variables err_message = None fc_cadastre = 'CADASTRE' fld_cadastre = 'F_issues' fc_ownerfixed = 'OWNER_FIXED' fc_plan ='PLAN' fc_parcelplan = 'PARCEL_PLAN' try: ## Delete any extraneous data etgLib.log_info(log, 'Delete any extraneous data',True) etgLib.delete_layer(fc_ownerfixed) # list all the feature classes pointfcl = [] linefcl = [] polyfcl = [] tbll = [] fcs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() for fc in fcs: desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) if desc.shapeType == 'Point': pointfcl.append(fc) elif desc.shapeType == 'Polyline': linefcl.append(fc) elif desc.shapeType == 'Polygon': polyfcl.append(fc) else: pass etgLib.log_info(log, 'Point feature classes:',True) print_list(pointfcl,log) etgLib.log_info(log, 'Polyline feature classes:',True) print_list(linefcl, log) etgLib.log_info(log, 'Polygon feature classes:',True) print_list(polyfcl, log) etgLib.log_info(log, 'tables:',True) tbll = arcpy.ListTables() print_list(tbll, log) # add field to CADASTRE if etgLib.field_exist(fc_cadastre, fld_cadastre) == False: etgLib.log_info(log, 'adding field [{0}] in {1}'.format(fld_cadastre,fc_cadastre)) arcpy.AddField_management(fc_cadastre,fld_cadastre,"TEXT","","",250) # Repair polygon geometry etgLib.log_info(log,'Repairing polygon geometries...') for polyfc in polyfcl: preCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(polyfc).getOutput(0) arcpy.RepairGeometry_management(polyfc) postCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(polyfc).getOutput(0) etgLib.log_info(log,'{0}: features pre-repair {1} - post-repair {2}'.format(polyfc, preCount, postCount)) # Rename PLAN to PARCEL_PLAN if arcpy.Exists(fc_plan): arcpy.Rename_management(fc_plan,fc_parcelplan) etgLib.log_info(log,'Renamed {0} to {1}'.format(fc_plan,fc_parcelplan)) else: etgLib.log_info(log,'ERROR: feature class {} not found'.format(fc_plan)) etgLib.log_process_time(log,starttime) # ### Note that number of features pre- and post-repair should be emailed to Technical Specialist # print('***NOTE: next step/s = email pre- and post-repair feature counts to Technical Specialist...') except Exception as e: err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}" .format(script_name,e) return err_message
def print_list(lst, log): for itm in lst: etgLib.log_info(log, itm)
def crs8_extract_for_connection(args): wkgFolder = args[0] assetsGDBname = args[1] spreportSdePath = args[2] spreportDataSDEprefix = args[3] stgSdePath = args[4] stgDataSDEprefix = args[5] log = args[6] # variables err_message = None # Set locations, etc assetsGDBpath = os.path.join(wkgFolder, assetsGDBname) try: ### Create assets GDB - check for existence first etgLib.log_info(log, 'Creating working assets GDB...', True) if arcpy.Exists(assetsGDBpath): etgLib.log_info( log, 'WARNING: {} already exists! - deleted'.format(assetsGDBpath)) arcpy.Delete_management(assetsGDBpath) arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(wkgFolder, assetsGDBname) arcpy.env.workspace = assetsGDBpath # Set the configKeyword environment to SDELOB. #Process: Copy Features etgLib.log_info( log, 'Copy Features from SPREPORT database to assets gdb ...', True) for fc in fcsToCopy: inFCname = spreportDataSDEprefix + fc inFCpath = os.path.join(spreportSdePath, inFCname) outFCpath = os.path.join(assetsGDBpath, fc) etgLib.log_info(log, 'Copying: {}'.format(inFCpath)) if arcpy.Exists(inFCpath): arcpy.Copy_management(inFCpath, outFCpath, "FeatureClass") sectionClause = '"status" <> ' + "'FUTURE'" ##KC replaced previous line with this and three following fc_name = spreportDataSDEprefix + "MX_SECTION" in_fc = os.path.join(spreportSdePath, fc_name) out_fc = os.path.join(assetsGDBpath, fc_name) etgLib.delete_layer("sectionLyr") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(in_fc, "sectionLyr", sectionClause) etgLib.log_info(log, 'Copying: {}'.format(in_fc)) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("sectionLyr", out_fc) etgLib.log_info(log, 'Copying staging cadstre ...') fc_name = stgDataSDEprefix + "CADASTRE" in_fc = os.path.join(stgSdePath, fc_name) out_fc = os.path.join(assetsGDBpath, fc_name) arcpy.Copy_management(in_fc, out_fc, "FeatureClass") # Process: Intersect etgLib.log_info(log, 'Intersecting ...', True) idx = 0 for fc in fcsToIntersect: in_fcs = [fc, 'CADASTRE'] out_fc = outFcs[idx] data_type = dataTypes[idx] arcpy.Intersect_analysis(in_fcs, out_fc, "ALL", "#", data_type) etgLib.log_info(log, 'Intersecting: {}'.format(in_fcs)) idx = idx + 1 #for each in list count and output etgLib.log_info(log, 'checking feature count ...', True) fcl = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() for idata in fcl: #count records fc_count = arcpy.GetCount_management(idata).getOutput(0) etgLib.log_info(log, '{0} - {1} Records'.format(idata, fc_count)) etgLib.log_process_time(log, starttime) except Exception as e: err_message = "ERROR while running {0}: {1}".format(script_name, e) return err_message