Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_win_round__alone():
    g = round_almost_won_state()
    g.state.trick_score = [0, 4]
    g.state.sitting = 3
    g.perform_move('play', 1, Card.from_str("A.D"))
    g.perform_move('play', 2, Card.from_str("A.H"))
    next_state = g.perform_move('play', 0, Card.from_str("A.C"))
    assert next_state.score == [0, 4]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_win_round__euchre():
    g = round_almost_won_state()
    g.state.maker = 2
    g.perform_move('play', 1, Card.from_str("A.D"))
    g.perform_move('play', 2, Card.from_str("A.H"))
    g.perform_move('play', 3, Card.from_str("A.S"))
    next_state = g.perform_move('play', 0, Card.from_str("A.C"))
    assert next_state.score == [0, 2]
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_win_game():
    g = round_almost_won_state()
    g.state.score = [9, 9]
    g.perform_move('play', 1, Card.from_str("A.D"))
    g.perform_move('play', 2, Card.from_str("A.H"))
    g.perform_move('play', 3, Card.from_str("A.S"))
    next_state = g.perform_move('play', 0, Card.from_str("A.C"))
    assert isinstance(next_state, GameOver)
    assert next_state.winning_team == 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_win_round__make():
    g = round_almost_won_state()
    g.perform_move('play', 1, Card.from_str("A.D"))
    g.perform_move('play', 2, Card.from_str("A.H"))
    g.perform_move('play', 3, Card.from_str("A.S"))
    next_state = g.perform_move('play', 0, Card.from_str("A.C"))
    assert next_state.score == [0, 1]
    assert next_state.dealer == 1
    assert next_state.turn == 2
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_play_full_trick():
    g = play_phase_start_state()
    g.perform_move('play', 1, Card.from_str("A.C"))
    g.perform_move('play', 2, Card.from_str("9.C"))
    g.perform_move('play', 3, Card.from_str("9.S"))
    next_state = g.perform_move('play', 0, Card.from_str("J.S"))
    assert next_state.trick.leader == 0
    assert next_state.trick_score == [1, 0]
    assert all(len(hand) == 4 for hand in next_state.hands)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_play_card():
    g = play_phase_start_state()
    next_state = g.perform_move('play', 1, Card.from_str("A.C"))
    assert next_state.trick.cards == {1: Card.from_str("A.C")}
    next_state = g.perform_move('play', 2, Card.from_str("9.C"))
    assert next_state.trick.cards == {
        1: Card.from_str("A.C"),
        2: Card.from_str("9.C")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_order_up():
    g = initial_game_state()
    next_state = g.perform_move('call_one', 1, False)
    dealer_hand = next_state.hands[0]
    assert isinstance(next_state, DiscardPhase)
    assert next_state.turn == 0
    assert next_state.trump == Suit.diamonds
    assert Card.from_str("10.D") in dealer_hand
    assert len(dealer_hand) == 6
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_discard():
    g = initial_game_state()
    initial_hand = g.state.hands[0].copy()
    g.perform_move('call_one', 1, False)
    next_state = g.perform_move('discard', 0, Card.from_str("10.D"))
    assert isinstance(next_state, PlayCardsPhase)
    assert len(next_state.hands[0]) == 5
    assert next_state.hands[0] == initial_hand
    assert next_state.sitting is None
    assert next_state.maker == 1
Ejemplo n.º 9
def initial_game_state():
    hand_strs = [
        "A.S K.S J.S Q.H 9.D", "A.C K.C J.C Q.D 9.H", "A.H K.H J.H Q.C 9.C",
        "A.D K.D J.D Q.S 9.S"
    score = [0, 0]
    hands = [hand_from_str(s) for s in hand_strs]
    up_card = Card.from_str("10.D")
    initial_phase = BidPhaseOne(score, hands, 0, 1, up_card)
    return Game(initial_phase)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def hand_from_str(s):
    """Return a list of Card objects from a list of space-separated strings."""
    return [Card.from_str(card_str) for card_str in s.split()]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_enforce_right_phase():
    g = initial_game_state()
    with pytest.raises(IllegalMoveException):
        g.perform_move('discard', 1, Card.from_str("Q.D"))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_check_reneg__jack():
    """Check that left bower is counted as trump suit."""
    g = play_phase_start_state(trump=Suit.clubs)
    g.state.hands[2] = hand_from_str("10.C J.S A.C Q.C K.C")
    g.perform_move('play', 1, Card.from_str("A.C"))
    g.perform_move('play', 2, Card.from_str("J.S"))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_check_reneg__forced():
    g = play_phase_start_state()
    g.state.hands[2][4] = Card.from_str("A.H")
    g.perform_move('play', 1, Card.from_str("A.C"))
    with pytest.raises(IllegalMoveException):
        g.perform_move('play', 2, Card.from_str("A.H"))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_invalid_discard():
    g = initial_game_state()
    g.perform_move('call_one', 1, False)
    with pytest.raises(IllegalMoveException):
        g.perform_move('discard', 0, Card.from_str("10.S"))