Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_load_after_parsestring(self):
     # lxml 2.2.7 (used internally by xmlmap) has a bug that causes
     # lxml.etree.parse() to fail after a call to
     # lxml.etree.fromstring(). this causes the second call below to fail
     # unless we work around that bug in xmlmap.
     xmlmap.parseString('<foo/>') # has global side effects in lxml
     xmlmap.loadSchema('http://www.w3.org/2001/xml.xsd') # fails
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def setUp(self):

        # parseString wants a url. let's give it a proper one.
        url = '%s#%s.%s' % (__file__, self.__class__.__name__, 'FIXTURE_TEXT')

        self.fixture = xmlmap.parseString(self.FIXTURE_TEXT, url)
        self.obj = ListTestObject(self.fixture)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def testTextNode(self):
        # special case for text()
        class TextObject(xmlmap.XmlObject):
            text_node = xmlmap.StringField('text()')
            nested_text =  xmlmap.StringField('nest[@type="feather"]/text()')
            missing_text = xmlmap.StringField('missing[@type="foo"]/text()')
        # parseString wants a url. let's give it a proper one.
        url = '%s#%s.%s' % (__file__, self.__class__.__name__, 'TEXT_XML_FIXTURES')
        xml = '''<text>some text<nest type='feather'>robin</nest></text>'''
        obj = TextObject(xmlmap.parseString(xml, url))

        self.assertEqual('some text', obj.text_node)
        # set text node
        obj.text_node = 'la'
        self.assertEqual('la', obj.node.xpath('string(text())'))
        self.assertEqual('la', obj.text_node)
        # set to empty string
        obj.text_node = ''
        self.assertEqual('', obj.node.xpath('string(text())'))
        self.assertEqual('', obj.text_node)
        # set to value then set to None - text should be cleared out
        obj.text_node = 'la'
        obj.text_node = None
        self.assertEqual('', obj.node.xpath('string(text())'))
        self.assertEqual('', obj.text_node)

        self.assertEqual('robin', obj.nested_text)

        # create parent of a text node
        obj.missing_text = 'tra'
        self.assertEqual('tra', obj.node.xpath('string(missing/text())'))
        self.assertEqual('tra', obj.missing_text)