Ejemplo n.º 1
def euler_to_rot(psi, theta, phi):       
     M1 = eu.euler2mat(phi)
     M2 = eu.euler2mat(0, theta)
     M3 = eu.euler2mat(psi)
     return np.dot(M3, np.dot(M2, M1))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def draw_point_cloud(input_points, canvasSize=500, space=200, diameter=15,
                     xrot=0, yrot=0, zrot=0, switch_xyz=[0,1,2], normalize=True):
    """ Render point cloud to image with alpha channel.
            points: Nx3 numpy array (+y is up direction)
            gray image as numpy array of size canvasSizexcanvasSize
    image = np.zeros((canvasSize, canvasSize))
    if input_points is None or input_points.shape[0] == 0:
        return image

    points = input_points[:, switch_xyz]
    M = euler2mat(zrot, yrot, xrot)
    points = (np.dot(M, points.transpose())).transpose()

    # Normalize the point cloud
    # We normalize scale to fit points in a unit sphere
    if normalize:
        centroid = np.mean(points, axis=0)
        points -= centroid
        furthest_distance = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(abs(points)**2,axis=-1)))
        points /= furthest_distance

    # Pre-compute the Gaussian disk
    radius = (diameter-1)/2.0
    disk = np.zeros((diameter, diameter))
    for i in range(diameter):
        for j in range(diameter):
            if (i - radius) * (i-radius) + (j-radius) * (j-radius) <= radius * radius:
                #disk[i, j] = np.exp((-(i-radius)**2 - (j-radius)**2)/(radius**2))
                disk[i, j] = 1
    mask = np.argwhere(disk > 0)
    dx = mask[:, 0]
    dy = mask[:, 1]
    dv = disk[disk > 0]
    # Order points by z-buffer
    zorder = np.argsort(points[:, 2])
    points = points[zorder, :]
    points[:, 2] = (points[:, 2] - np.min(points[:, 2])) / (np.max(points[:, 2] - np.min(points[:, 2])))
    max_depth = np.max(points[:, 2])
    for i in range(points.shape[0]):
        j = points.shape[0] - i - 1
        x = points[j, 0]
        y = points[j, 1]
        xc = canvasSize/2 + (x*space)
        yc = canvasSize/2 + (y*space)
        xc = int(np.round(xc))
        yc = int(np.round(yc))
        px = dx + xc
        py = dy + yc
        image[px, py] = image[px, py] * 0.7 + dv * (max_depth - points[j, 2]) * 0.3
    image = image / np.max(image)
    return image
Ejemplo n.º 3
def draw_point_cloud(input_points, canvasSize=500, space=200, diameter=25,
                     xrot=0, yrot=0, zrot=0, switch_xyz=[0,1,2], normalize=True):
    """ Render point cloud to image with alpha channel.
            points: Nx3 numpy array (+y is up direction)
            gray image as numpy array of size canvasSizexcanvasSize
    image = np.zeros((canvasSize, canvasSize))
    if input_points is None or input_points.shape[0] == 0:
        return image

    points = input_points[:, switch_xyz]
    M = euler2mat(zrot, yrot, xrot)
    points = (np.dot(M, points.transpose())).transpose()

    # Normalize the point cloud
    # We normalize scale to fit points in a unit sphere
    if normalize:
        centroid = np.mean(points, axis=0)
        points -= centroid
        furthest_distance = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(abs(points)**2,axis=-1)))
        points /= furthest_distance

    # Pre-compute the Gaussian disk
    radius = (diameter-1)/2.0
    disk = np.zeros((diameter, diameter))
    for i in range(diameter):
        for j in range(diameter):
            if (i - radius) * (i-radius) + (j-radius) * (j-radius) <= radius * radius:
                disk[i, j] = np.exp((-(i-radius)**2 - (j-radius)**2)/(radius**2))
    mask = np.argwhere(disk > 0)
    dx = mask[:, 0]
    dy = mask[:, 1]
    dv = disk[disk > 0]
    # Order points by z-buffer
    zorder = np.argsort(points[:, 2])
    points = points[zorder, :]
    points[:, 2] = (points[:, 2] - np.min(points[:, 2])) / (np.max(points[:, 2] - np.min(points[:, 2])))
    max_depth = np.max(points[:, 2])
    for i in range(points.shape[0]):
        j = points.shape[0] - i - 1
        x = points[j, 0]
        y = points[j, 1]
        xc = canvasSize/2 + (x*space)
        yc = canvasSize/2 + (y*space)
        xc = int(np.round(xc))
        yc = int(np.round(yc))
        px = dx + xc
        py = dy + yc
        image[px, py] = image[px, py] * 0.7 + dv * (max_depth - points[j, 2]) * 0.3
    image = image / np.max(image)
    return image
Ejemplo n.º 4
def draw_point_cloud_topdown(input_points, canvasSize=800, radius=1,
                             zrot=0, switch_xyz=[0,1,2], 
                             xlim=(0.0,70.0), ylim=(-50.0,50.0), zlim=(-5.0,10.0), background_color=(255,255,255)):
    """ Render point cloud to image with alpha channel.
            points: Nx3 numpy array (+z is up direction)
            colorized image as numpy array of size canvasSizexcanvasSize
    # create mask
    input_points_mask = np.logical_and.reduce(((input_points[:,0] > xlim[0]), (input_points[:,0] < xlim[1]), \
                                               (input_points[:,1] > ylim[0]), (input_points[:,1] < ylim[1]), \
                                               (input_points[:,2] > zlim[0]), (input_points[:,2] < zlim[1])))

    # filter out
    input_points = input_points[input_points_mask]
    # hue range
    huerange = (240, 0) # green to red

    # image plane
    image = np.zeros((canvasSize, canvasSize, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    if input_points is None or input_points.shape[0] == 0:
        return image

    # x in point-cloud to image y coordinate
    def pcx_to_imgy(pcx):
        m2px = (xlim[1]-xlim[0]) / float(canvasSize)
        imgy = canvasSize - int(pcx / m2px)
        return imgy

    # y in point-cloud to image x coordinate
    def pcy_to_imgx(pcy):
        m2px = (ylim[1]-ylim[0]) / float(canvasSize)
        imgx = int((float(canvasSize) / 2.0) - (pcy / m2px))
        return imgx

    points = input_points
    M = euler2mat(zrot, 0, 0)
    points = (np.dot(M, points.transpose())).transpose()

    # go through each point
    for pt in points:
        imgx = pcy_to_imgx(pt[1])
        imgy = pcx_to_imgy(pt[0])

        # draw circle
        ztohue = (zlim[1] - zlim[0]) / (huerange[0] - huerange[1])
        hue = huerange[0] - int((pt[2] - zlim[0]) / ztohue)
        cv2.circle(image, (imgx, imgy), radius=radius, color=(hue,255,128), thickness=-1)

    # convert to BGR
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
    image[np.where(np.all(image == [0,0,0], axis=-1))] = background_color

    # scale between 0.0 and 1.0
    image = image.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
    return image
Ejemplo n.º 5
def convert_rel_to_44matrix(rot_x, rot_y, rot_z, pose):
    R_pred = euler2mat(rot_x, rot_y, rot_z)
    rotated_pose = np.dot(R_pred, pose[0:3])
    DEGREE_2_RADIUS = np.pi / 180.0
    pred_quat = euler2quat(z=pose[5] * DEGREE_2_RADIUS,
                           y=pose[4] * DEGREE_2_RADIUS,
                           x=pose[3] * DEGREE_2_RADIUS)
    pred_transform_t = transform44([
        0, rotated_pose[0], rotated_pose[1], rotated_pose[2], pred_quat[1],
        pred_quat[2], pred_quat[3], pred_quat[0]
    return pred_transform_t
def train_one_epoch(sess, ops, gmm, train_writer, trainset_loader, epoch_num):
    is_training = True

    train_enum = enumerate(trainset_loader, 0)
    train_num_batchs = len(trainset_loader)

    total_seen = 0
    loss_sum = 0

    for batch_idx, data in train_enum:

        current_data = data[0]
        target = tuple(t.data.numpy() for t in data[1:-1])
        current_normals = target[0]
        n_effective_points = np.squeeze(data[-1])
            angles = 2 * np.pi * np.random.randn(3)
            R = np.transpose(
                eulerangles.euler2mat(z=angles[0], y=angles[1], x=angles[2]))
            rotated_data = np.zeros(current_data.shape, dtype=np.float32)
            rotated_normals = np.zeros(current_normals.shape, dtype=np.float32)
            for k in xrange(current_data.shape[0]):
                shape_pc = current_data[k, ...]
                normal_pc = current_normals[k, ...]
                rotated_data[k, ...] = np.dot(shape_pc.reshape((-1, 3)), R)
                rotated_normals[k, ...] = np.dot(normal_pc, R)
            current_data = rotated_data
            current_normals = rotated_normals

        feed_dict = {
            ops['points_pl']: current_data,
            ops['normal_gt_pl']: current_normals,
            ops['n_effective_points']: n_effective_points,
            ops['w_pl']: gmm.weights_,
            ops['mu_pl']: gmm.means_,
            ops['sigma_pl']: np.sqrt(gmm.covariances_),
            ops['is_training_pl']: is_training,

        summary, step, _, loss_val = sess.run(
            [ops['merged'], ops['step'], ops['train_op'], ops['loss']],

        train_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
        total_seen += BATCH_SIZE
        loss_sum += loss_val
        print('epoch %d, [%d/%d] %s loss: %f' %
              (epoch_num, batch_idx, train_num_batchs - 1, green('train'),

    log_string('mean loss: %f' % (loss_sum / float(train_num_batchs)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def transform3D2D(M, rt):
    fx = 1000.
    fy = 1000.
    n = len(M)
    Rmat = EL.euler2mat(rt[0], rt[1], rt[2])
    MR = M.dot(Rmat)
    ts = np.tile(rt[3::], (n, 1))
    p3d = MR + ts
    px = p3d[:,
             0] / p3d[:,
                      2]  #it is normalized by the fx and fy as described in page 12.
    py = p3d[:, 1] / p3d[:, 2]
    p2d = np.vstack((px, py)).reshape((len(px) * 2, 1), order='F')
    p2d += np.random.normal(0, 4.0, len(p2d)).reshape(
        (len(p2d), 1)) / fx  #add \sigma=4 white noise
    return p2d
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_transform():
    # Test Parameter
    x, y, z, a, b, g = 1, 0, 0, math.pi / 2, 0, 0
    print(x, y, z, a, b, g)

    # Construct Original V
    V = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    # V = np.array([1, 0, 0]).reshape(3,1)

    # Test func Transform
    rotz, roty, rotx = math.pi / 2, 0, 0
    Mr = eu.euler2mat(rotz, roty, rotx)
    Mt = [0, 0, 0]
    print(transform(V, Mt, Mr))

    # Test func Transform6para
    print(transform6para(V, 0, 0, 0, -math.pi / 2))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def transform6para(V, transx = 0, transy = 0, transz = 0, rotz = 0, roty = 0, rotx = 0):
	Mt = [transx, transy, transz]
	Mr = eu.euler2mat(rotz, roty, rotx)
	return np.dot(Mr, V +  Mt)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def draw_point_cloud(input_points, quality, canvasSize=500, space=200, diameter=3, add_diameter=5,
                     xrot=0, yrot=0, zrot=0, switch_xyz=[0, 1, 2], normalize=True, color=True, percentage=1.0):
    """ Render point cloud to image with alpha channel.
            points: Nx3 numpy array (+y is up direction)
            quality: (N,) numpy array (layer output)
            gray image as numpy array of size canvasSizexcanvasSize
    image = np.ones((canvasSize, canvasSize, 3))
    if input_points is None or input_points.shape[0] == 0:
        return image

    points = input_points[:, switch_xyz]
    M = euler2mat(zrot, yrot, xrot)
    points = (np.dot(M, points.transpose())).transpose()

    # Normalize the point cloud
    # We normalize scale to fit points in a unit sphere
    if normalize:
        centroid = np.mean(points, axis=0)
        points -= centroid
        furthest_distance = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(abs(points) ** 2, axis=-1)))
        points /= furthest_distance

    # Order points by z-buffer
    # zorder = np.argsort(points[:, 2])
    # points = points[zorder, :]
    # points[:, 2] = (points[:, 2] - np.min(points[:, 2])) / (np.max(points[:, 2] - np.min(points[:, 2])))
    # max_depth = np.max(points[:, 2])
    # ### change quality to RGB value
    # quality = quality[zorder]

    if np.max(quality[:]) > np.min(quality[:]):
        quality[:] = (quality[:] - np.min(quality[:])) / (np.max(quality[:] - np.min(quality[:])))
        color = False  # all the point qualities are equal, no need to colorize
    # if np.max(quality) == np.min(quality):
    #     color = False

    # if np.max(quality) != 0:
    #     quality = quality / np.max(quality)
    # else:
    #     color = False  # all the point qualities are equal, no need to colorize
    intensity = np.zeros((input_points.shape[0], 3))
    leftNum = int((quality.shape[0]) * percentage)
    quality_sorted = sorted(quality, reverse=True)
    thresholdVal = quality_sorted[leftNum-1]
    for i in range(quality.shape[0]):
        if color == True:  # render point color according to quality value
            if quality[i] < thresholdVal:
                quality[i] = 2.0  # black color
            if quality[i] >= thresholdVal and thresholdVal < 1.0:
                quality[i] = ((quality[i] - thresholdVal) / (1.0 - thresholdVal))
            if quality[i] >= thresholdVal and thresholdVal == 1.0:
                quality[i] = 1.0
            quality[i] = 2.0  # do not render point color

    # Pre-compute the Gaussian disk
    radius = (diameter - 1) / 2.0
    disk = np.zeros((diameter, diameter))
    for i in range(diameter):
        for j in range(diameter):
            if (i - radius) * (i - radius) + (j - radius) * (j - radius) <= radius * radius:
                disk[i, j] = np.exp((-(i - radius) ** 2 - (j - radius) ** 2) / (radius ** 2))
    mask = np.argwhere(disk > 0)
    dx = mask[:, 0]
    dy = mask[:, 1]
    dv = disk[disk > 0]

    ## render important points with larger radius
    diameter_large = diameter + add_diameter
    radius_large = (diameter_large - 1) / 2.0
    disk_large = np.zeros((diameter_large, diameter_large))
    for i in range(diameter_large):
        for j in range(diameter_large):
            if (i - radius_large) * (i - radius_large) + (j - radius_large) * (
                j - radius_large) <= radius_large * radius_large:
                disk_large[i, j] = np.exp((-(i - radius_large) ** 2 - (j - radius_large) ** 2) / (radius_large ** 2))
    mask_large = np.argwhere(disk_large > 0)
    dx_large = mask_large[:, 0]
    dy_large = mask_large[:, 1]
    dv_large = disk_large[disk_large > 0]

    for i in range(points.shape[0]):
        j = points.shape[0] - i - 1
        x = points[j, 0]
        y = points[j, 1]
        xc = canvasSize / 2 + (x * space)
        yc = canvasSize / 2 + (y * space)
        xc = int(np.round(xc))
        yc = int(np.round(yc))

        # transferred value = [(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)]*x+(x2*y1-x1*y2)/(x2-x1)
        if quality[j] < 0.125:
            intensity[j, 2] = ((1.0 - 0.5) / (0.125 - 0.0)) * quality[j] + (0.125 * 0.5 - 0.0 * 1.0) / (0.125 - 0.0)
        elif quality[j] < 0.375 and quality[j] >= 0.125:
            intensity[j, 2] = 1.0
            intensity[j, 1] = ((1.0 - 0.0) / (0.375 - 0.125)) * quality[j] + (0.375 * 0.0 - 0.125 * 1.0) / (0.375 - 0.125)
        elif quality[j] >= 0.375 and quality[j] < 0.625:
            intensity[j, 2] = ((0.0 - 1.0) / (0.625 - 0.375)) * quality[j] + (0.625 * 1.0 - 0.375 * 0.0) / (0.625 - 0.375)
            intensity[j, 1] = 1.0
            intensity[j, 0] = ((1.0 - 0.0) / (0.625 - 0.375)) * quality[j] + (0.625 * 0.0 - 0.375 * 1.0) / (0.625 - 0.375)
        elif quality[j] >= 0.625 and quality[j] < 0.875:
            intensity[j, 1] = ((0.0 - 1.0) / (0.875 - 0.625)) * quality[j] + (0.875 * 1.0 - 0.625 * 0.0) / (0.875 - 0.625)
            intensity[j, 0] = 1.0
        elif quality[j] >= 0.875 and quality[j] <= 1.0:
            intensity[j, 0] = ((0.5 - 1.0) / (1.0 - 0.875)) * quality[j] + (1.0 * 1.0 - 0.875 * 0.5) / (1.0 - 0.875)

        if quality[j] >= 0.625 and quality[j] <= 1.0:
            px = dx_large + xc
            py = dy_large + yc
            dv_large[:] = intensity[j, 0]
            image[px, py, 0] = dv_large
            dv_large[:] = intensity[j, 1]
            image[px, py, 1] = dv_large
            dv_large[:] = intensity[j, 2]
            image[px, py, 2] = dv_large
            px = dx + xc
            py = dy + yc
            dv[:] = intensity[j, 0]
            image[px, py, 0] = dv
            dv[:] = intensity[j, 1]
            image[px, py, 1] = dv
            dv[:] = intensity[j, 2]
            image[px, py, 2] = dv

    # image = image / np.max(image)
    # val = np.max(image)
    # val = np.percentile(image, 99.9)
    # image = image / val
    # mask = image==0
    # image[image>1.0] = 1.0
    # image = 1.0-image
    # image[mask] = 1.0

    return image
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def set_euler(self, _euler):
     x, y, z = _euler
     self.rotation = euler.euler2mat(z, x, y)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def draw_point_cloud_w_bbox_id(input_points, label_dict_list, canvasSize=800, radius=1,
                             xlim=(0.0, 70.0), ylim=(-50.0,50.0), zlim=(-5.0,10.0), background_color=(255,255,255), text_color=(0,0,0)):
    """ Render point cloud to image and draw bounding box.
            input_points: Nx3 numpy array (+z is up direction)
            colorized image as numpy array of size canvasSizexcanvasSize
    # create mask
    input_points_mask = np.logical_and.reduce(((input_points[:,0] > xlim[0]), (input_points[:,0] < xlim[1]), \
                                               (input_points[:,1] > ylim[0]), (input_points[:,1] < ylim[1]), \
                                               (input_points[:,2] > zlim[0]), (input_points[:,2] < zlim[1])))

    # filter out
    input_points = input_points[input_points_mask]
    # hue range
    huerange = (240, 0) # green to red

    # image plane
    image = np.zeros((canvasSize, canvasSize, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
    if input_points is None or input_points.shape[0] == 0:
        return image

    # x in point-cloud to image y coordinate
    def pcx_to_imgy(pcx):
        m2px = (xlim[1]-xlim[0]) / float(canvasSize)
        imgy = canvasSize - int(pcx / m2px)
        return imgy

    # y in point-cloud to image x coordinate
    def pcy_to_imgx(pcy):
        m2px = (ylim[1]-ylim[0]) / float(canvasSize)
        imgx = int((float(canvasSize) / 2.0) - (pcy / m2px))
        return imgx

    # go through each point
    for pt in input_points:
        imgx = pcy_to_imgx(pt[1])
        imgy = pcx_to_imgy(pt[0])

        # draw circle
        ztohue = (zlim[1] - zlim[0]) / (huerange[0] - huerange[1])
        hue = huerange[0] - int((pt[2] - zlim[0]) / ztohue)
        cv2.circle(image, (imgx, imgy), radius=radius, color=(hue,255,255), thickness=-1)

    # convert to BGR
    image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
    image[np.where(np.all(image == [0,0,0], axis=-1))] = background_color

    # draw bounding boxes
    for label_dict in label_dict_list:
        x,y,z,l,w,h,yaw = label_dict['x'],label_dict['y'],label_dict['z'],label_dict['l'],label_dict['w'],label_dict['h'],label_dict['yaw']
        yaw = np.pi/2.0 + yaw

        # compute corners in birds-eye view
        corners = []
        corners.append([ l/2, -w/2, 0.0])
        corners.append([ l/2,  w/2, 0.0])
        corners.append([-l/2,  w/2, 0.0])
        corners.append([-l/2, -w/2, 0.0])
        corners = np.asarray(corners, dtype=np.float32)

        # rotate input_points
        M = euler2mat(yaw, 0, 0)
        corners = (np.dot(M, corners.transpose())).transpose()
        corners = corners + [x, y, z]

        # corners in pixel
        corners_px = []
        for corner in corners:
            corners_px.append([pcy_to_imgx(corner[1]), pcx_to_imgy(corner[0])])
        corners_px = np.asarray(corners_px, dtype=np.int)

        # draw bounding box
        cv2.line(image, (corners_px[0,0], corners_px[0,1]), (corners_px[1,0], corners_px[1,1]), color=(0,0,0), thickness=6)
        cv2.line(image, (corners_px[0,0], corners_px[0,1]), (corners_px[1,0], corners_px[1,1]), color=(255,0,0), thickness=2)
        cv2.line(image, (corners_px[1,0], corners_px[1,1]), (corners_px[2,0], corners_px[2,1]), color=(255,0,0), thickness=2)
        cv2.line(image, (corners_px[2,0], corners_px[2,1]), (corners_px[3,0], corners_px[3,1]), color=(255,0,0), thickness=2)
        cv2.line(image, (corners_px[3,0], corners_px[3,1]), (corners_px[0,0], corners_px[0,1]), color=(255,0,0), thickness=2)

        # get top-left coordinates
        tl = (np.min(corners_px[:,0]), np.min(corners_px[:,1]))

        # write object id and class
        cv2.putText(image, '{} {:.1f}% | id {}'.format(label_dict['class'], label_dict['conf']*100.0, label_dict['id']), 

    # scale between 0.0 and 1.0
    image = image.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
    return image
Ejemplo n.º 13
def draw_point_cloud(input_points, canvasSize=500, space=240, diameter=10,
                     xrot=0, yrot=0, zrot=0, switch_xyz=[0,1,2], normalize=True):
    """ Render point cloud to image with alpha channel.
            points: Nx3 numpy array (+y is up direction)
            gray image as numpy array of size canvasSizexcanvasSize
    canvasSizeX = canvasSize
    canvasSizeY = canvasSize

    image = np.zeros((canvasSizeX, canvasSizeY))
    if input_points is None or input_points.shape[0] == 0:
        return image

    points = input_points[:, switch_xyz]
    M = euler2mat(zrot, yrot, xrot)
    points = (np.dot(M, points.transpose())).transpose()

    # Normalize the point cloud
    # We normalize scale to fit points in a unit sphere
    if normalize:
        centroid = np.mean(points, axis=0)
        points -= centroid
        furthest_distance = np.max(np.sqrt(np.sum(abs(points)**2,axis=-1)))
        points /= furthest_distance

    # Pre-compute the Gaussian disk
    radius = (diameter-1)/2.0
    disk = np.zeros((diameter, diameter))
    for i in range(diameter):
        for j in range(diameter):
            if (i - radius) * (i-radius) + (j-radius) * (j-radius) <= radius * radius:
                disk[i, j] = np.exp((-(i-radius)**2 - (j-radius)**2)/(radius**2))
    mask = np.argwhere(disk > 0)
    dx = mask[:, 0]
    dy = mask[:, 1]
    dv = disk[disk > 0]
    # Order points by z-buffer
    zorder = np.argsort(points[:, 2])
    points = points[zorder, :]
    points[:, 2] = (points[:, 2] - np.min(points[:, 2])) / (np.max(points[:, 2] - np.min(points[:, 2])))
    max_depth = np.max(points[:, 2])
    for i in range(points.shape[0]):
        j = points.shape[0] - i - 1
        x = points[j, 0]
        y = points[j, 1]
        xc = canvasSizeX/2 + (x*space)
        yc = canvasSizeY/2 + (y*space)
        xc = np.round(xc)
        yc = np.round(yc)
        if np.isnan(xc):
            xc = 0
            xc = int(xc)
        if np.isnan(yc):
            yc = 0
            yc = int(yc)
        px = dx + xc
        py = dy + yc
        #image[px, py] = image[px, py] * 0.7 + dv * (max_depth - points[j, 2]) * 0.3
        image[px, py] = image[px, py] * 0.7 + dv * 0.3

    val = np.max(image)
    val = np.percentile(image,99.9)
    image = image / val
    mask = image==0

    image = 1.0-image
    #image = np.expand_dims(image, axis=-1)
    #image = np.concatenate((image*0.3+0.7,np.ones_like(image), np.ones_like(image)), axis=2)
    #image = colors.hsv_to_rgb(image)

    return image