Ejemplo n.º 1
def zoom_region(args):
    region_s = args.start
    region_e = args.end
    tx = args.transcript
    cmd = 'grep %s %s' % (tx, args.psl)
    print cmd
    lines = runInShell(cmd)
    hit_lines = lines.split('\n')
    hits = eva.read_psl_hits(hit_lines, 'ref')
    n_reads = 0
    n_single = 0
    n_in = 0
    n_pairs = 0
    n_pairs_in_out = 0
    n_junction = 0
    n_junction_pairs = 0
    for h in hits[tx]:
        check_mate = False
        n_reads += 1
        if h.rstart >= region_s and h.rend <= region_e:
            n_in += 1
            check_mate = True
        if h.rstart <= region_s and h.rend >= region_s:
            n_junction += 1
        if h.rstart <= region_e and h.rend >= region_e:
            n_junction += 1 
        if check_mate:
            mate_id = get_mate_id(h.qname)
            mate_hit = eva.find_hit(hits, mate_id, tx)
            if mate_hit is None:
                n_single += 1
                if mate_hit.rend < region_s or mate_hit.rstart > region_e:
                    n_pairs_in_out += 1
                if mate_hit.rstart >= region_s and mate_hit.rend <= region_e:
                    n_pairs += 1
                if mate_hit.rstart <= region_s and mate_hit.rend >= region_s:
                    n_junction_pairs += 1
                if mate_hit.rstart <= region_e and mate_hit.rend >= region_e:
                    n_junction_pairs += 1
    print 'All hit reads:            %d ' % n_reads
    print 'All ingle reads:          %d ' % n_single
    print 'Reads in the region:      %d ' % n_in
    print 'Reads in the junction:    %d ' % n_junction
    print 'Pairs in the region:      %d ' % n_pairs
    print 'Pairs in the junction:    %d ' % n_junction_pairs
    print 'One in region, one out:   %d ' % n_pairs_in_out
Ejemplo n.º 2
def draw_dot(args):
    tx = FastaFile(args.tx)
    dot = open(args.transcript + '.dot', 'w')
    cmd = 'grep %s %s' % (args.transcript, args.tx)
    hit_lines = runInShell(cmd)
    milestones = []
    lines = runInShell('grep ' + args.transcript + ' ' + args.psl)
    hit_lines = lines.split('\n')
    print 'grep ' + args.transcript + ' ' + args.psl
    raw_hits = eva.read_psl_hits(hit_lines, 'query')
    hits = raw_hits[args.transcript]
    # Every starting/ending point on the query transcript is a 'milestone'
    m = []
    print hits
    print '-----------------------------' 
    for h in hits:
        if h.qname == args.transcript and not h.qname == h.rname:
            for i in range(h.n_blocks):
                if not h.q_block_starts[i] in m:
                    milestones.append((h.q_block_starts[i], 'start', h.rname, i))
                if not (h.q_block_starts[i] + h.block_sizes[i]) in m:
                    milestones.append((h.q_block_starts[i] + h.block_sizes[i], 'end', h.rname, i))
                    m.append(h.q_block_starts[i] + h.block_sizes[i])
    blocks = {}
    tx_cursors = {}
    tx_node_ids = {}
    blocks[args.transcript] = []
    tx_node_ids[args.transcript] = 0
    tx_cursors[args.transcript] = 0
    dot.write('digraph g { \n\trankdir = LR \n')
    n_solid_blocks = 0
    # Determine all blocks of the query transcript
    print milestones
    for i in range(len(milestones) - 1):
        (next_m, next_start_or_end, next_rname, next_index) = milestones[i + 1]
        (m, start_or_end, rname, index) = milestones[i]
        is_covered = True
        if i == 0 and m > 0:
            b = Block(args.transcript, -1, 0, m, False)
        is_covered = check_covered(args.transcript, hits, m, next_m)
        if is_covered:
            b = Block(args.transcript, n_solid_blocks, m, next_m, is_covered)
            b.matched_block = b
            n_solid_blocks += 1
            b = Block(args.transcript, -1, m, next_m, is_covered)
        #print i, len(milestones)
        #print milestones[i + 1], tx.get_seq_len(args.transcript)
        if i == len(milestones) - 2 and next_m < tx.get_seq_len(args.transcript):
            b = Block(args.transcript, -1, next_m, h.qlen, False)
#    print '-----------------------------'
#    print blocks[args.transcript]
#    print '-----------------------------'

    # Determine the blocks of 'reference' transcripts
    for h in hits:
        rname = h.rname
        if h.qname == args.transcript and not h.qname == h.rname:
            blocks[rname] = []
            tx_cursors[rname] = 0
            tx_node_ids[rname] = 0
            for i in range(h.n_blocks):
                if i == 0:
                    if h.r_block_starts[0] > 0:
                        b = Block(rname, len(blocks[rname]), 0, h.r_block_starts[0], False)
                q_start = h.q_block_starts[i]
                q_end = q_start + h.block_sizes[i]
                # For those blocks covered by this transcript, add them
                for j in range(len(blocks[args.transcript])):
                    b = blocks[args.transcript][j]
                    diff = h.r_block_starts[i] - h.q_block_starts[i]
                    if (b.start >= q_start and b.end <= q_end):
                        new_b = Block(rname, b.id, b.start + diff, b.end + diff, True, b)
                    if b.end >= q_end:
                # Add the 'not hit' block in between the hit blocks
                if i < h.n_blocks - 1 and h.r_block_starts[i] + h.block_sizes[i] < h.r_block_starts[i + 1]:
                    b = Block(rname, len(blocks[rname]), h.r_block_starts[i] + h.block_sizes[i], h.r_block_starts[i + 1], False)
                # If all blocks do not cover till the end, add the remaining area as a 'not hit' block
                if i == h.n_blocks - 1 and h.block_sizes[i] + h.r_block_starts[i] < h.rlen:
                    b = Block(rname, len(blocks[rname]), h.block_sizes[i] + h.r_block_starts[i], h.rlen, False)
    for t, tx_blocks in blocks.iteritems():
#        print t, tx_blocks
        if len(blocks[t]) > 0:
            dot.write('\t%s_0 [fixedsize=true, width=3, style=filled, fillcolor=%s, shape=box, label="%s:%d"] \n' % (nice_name(t), 'orange', t, tx.get_seq_len(t)))
    print 'n_solid_blocks ', n_solid_blocks
    for i in range(n_solid_blocks + 1):
        # Check whether there is a 'not hit' block before hit block i
        has_dummy = False
        all_covered = True
        for t, tx_blocks in blocks.iteritems():
            if tx_cursors[t] < len(tx_blocks):
                b = tx_blocks[tx_cursors[t]]
                matched_b = b.matched_block
                if not b.is_covered:
                    has_dummy = True
                    all_covered = False
                if b.id != i:
                    has_dummy = True
#        print '----------------------'    
#        print 'has_dummy ', has_dummy
#        print 'all_covered ', all_covered
#        print tx_cursors
        # For each 'referece transcript', draw until the current 'hit block' i
        for t, tx_blocks in blocks.iteritems():
            cursor = tx_cursors[t]
            if cursor >= len(tx_blocks):
            b = tx_blocks[cursor]
            if has_dummy:
                if b.is_covered:
                    if not all_covered:
                        dot.write('\t%s_%d [fixedsize=true, width=2, style="filled,dashed", fillcolor=%s, shape=box, label=""] \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1, get_color(args.transcript, t, b)))
                        dot.write('\t%s_%d -> %s_%d \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t], nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1))
                        tx_node_ids[t] += 1
                    if b.id == i:
                        dot.write('\t%s_%d [fixedsize=true, width=2, style="filled", fillcolor=%s, shape=box, label="%d: %d~%d"] \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1, get_color(args.transcript, t, b), b.end - b.start, b.start, b.end))
                        dot.write('\t%s_%d -> %s_%d \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t], nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1))
                        tx_cursors[t] += 1
                        tx_node_ids[t] += 1
                        dot.write('\t%s_%d [fixedsize=true, width=2, style="filled,dashed", fillcolor=%s, shape=box, label=""] \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1, get_color(args.transcript, t, b)))
                        dot.write('\t%s_%d -> %s_%d \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t], nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1))
                        tx_node_ids[t] += 1
                    dot.write('\t%s_%d [fixedsize=true, width=2, style="filled", fillcolor=%s, shape=box, label="%d: %d~%d"] \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1, get_color(args.transcript, t, b), b.end - b.start, b.start, b.end))
                    dot.write('\t%s_%d -> %s_%d \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t], nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1))
                    tx_cursors[t] += 1
                    tx_node_ids[t] += 1
                    if tx_cursors[t] < len(tx_blocks):
                        b = tx_blocks[tx_cursors[t]]
                        if b.is_covered and b.id == i:
                            dot.write('\t%s_%d [fixedsize=true, width=2, style="filled", fillcolor=%s, shape=box, label="%d: %d~%d"] \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1, get_color(args.transcript, t, b), b.end - b.start, b.start, b.end))
                            dot.write('\t%s_%d -> %s_%d \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t], nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1))
                            tx_cursors[t] += 1
                            tx_node_ids[t] += 1
                            dot.write('\t%s_%d [fixedsize=true, width=2, style="filled,dashed", fillcolor=%s, shape=box, label=""] \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1, get_color(args.transcript, t, b)))
                            dot.write('\t%s_%d -> %s_%d \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t], nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1))
                            tx_node_ids[t] += 1
                dot.write('\t%s_%d [fixedsize=true, width=2, style="filled", fillcolor=%s, shape=box, label="%d: %d~%d"] \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1, get_color(args.transcript, t, b), b.end - b.start, b.start, b.end))
                dot.write('\t%s_%d -> %s_%d \n' % (nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t], nice_name(t), tx_node_ids[t] + 1))
                tx_cursors[t] += 1
                tx_node_ids[t] += 1
    dot.write('} \n')
    print 'Check file %s.dot' % args.transcript
Ejemplo n.º 3
def zoom_tx(tx_name, ref, blat_psl, ctg_or_read):
    lines = runInShell('grep ' + tx_name + ' ' + blat_psl)
    hit_lines = lines.split('\n')
    tx_hits = []
    if len(hit_lines) <= 0:
        return tx_hits
    hits = eva.read_psl_hits(hit_lines, 'query')
    tx = FastaFile(ref)
    tx_seq = tx.seqs[tx_name]
    for qname, h in hits.iteritems():
    summary = ''    
    spans = []
    if ctg_or_read == 'read':
        n_reads = len(tx_hits)
        n_pairs = 0
        n_match = 0
        n_match_minus_1 = 0
        n_match_minus_2 = 0
        n_match_minus_3 = 0
        n_match_minus_4 = 0
        n_match_minus_5 = 0
        n_match_lt_5 = 0
        n_lt_one_block = 0
        all_base_covered = False
        cvr = [0 for x in range(len(tx_seq))]
        ave_cvr = 0.0
        sd_cvr = 0.0
        tx_hits.sort(key=lambda x: x.qname, reverse=False)
        h_pre = None
        for h in tx_hits:
            if h.qlen - h.n_match == 0:
                n_match += 1
            if h.qlen - h.n_match == 1:
                n_match_minus_1 += 1
            if h.qlen - h.n_match == 2:
                n_match_minus_2 += 1
            if h.qlen - h.n_match == 3:
                n_match_minus_3 += 1
            if h.qlen - h.n_match == 4:
                n_match_minus_4 += 1
            if h.qlen - h.n_match == 5:
                n_match_minus_5 += 1
            if h.qlen - h.n_match > 5:
                n_match_lt_5 += 1
            if h.n_blocks > 1:
                n_lt_one_block += 1
                if not h_pre is None:
                    if int(h.qname) - int(h_pre.qname) == 1:
                        n_pairs += 1
                        spans.append(abs(h.rstart - h_pre.rstart))
            h_pre = h
        if len(tx_hits) > 0:
            summary += 'Transcript:       %s\n' % tx_name
            summary += 'Tx length:        %s\n' % len(tx_seq)
            summary += '# of reads:       %d\n' % n_reads
            summary += '# of pairs:       2 * %d\n' % n_pairs
            summary += 'Full match:       %d\n' % n_match
            summary += '1 mismatch:       %d\n' % n_match_minus_1
            summary += '2 mismatch:       %d\n' % n_match_minus_2
            summary += '3 mismatch:       %d\n' % n_match_minus_3
            summary += '4 mismatch:       %d\n' % n_match_minus_4
            summary += '5 mismatch:       %d\n' % n_match_minus_5
            summary += '>5 mismatch:      %d\n' % n_match_lt_5
            summary += '>1 blocks:        %d\n' % n_lt_one_block
            summary += 'Mean span:        %.2f\n' % (get_mean(spans))
            summary += 'Std dev:          %.2f\n' % (dev(spans, get_mean(spans)))
    tx_hits.sort(key=lambda x: x.n_blocks, reverse=False)
    tx_hits.sort(key=lambda x: x.rstart, reverse=False)
    return summary, tx_hits