def __init__(self, board, evalfunction=None, depth=0): if evalfunction is None: evalfunction = evaluation.Classical() self.board = board self.evaluation = evalfunction self.depth = depth self._score = None
def test_position(fen, blunders): position, searcher = setUpPosition(fen) for depth, move, score in, evaluation.Classical(), maxdepth=5, maxtime=30): print(searcher.nodes, depth, move, score) print(depth, move, score)
def main(): #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) board = chess.Board() boardeval = evaluation.Classical() searcher = Searcher() while True: #print_pos(board) if board.is_checkmate(): print("You lost") break # We query the user until she enters a (pseudo) legal move. while True: inp = input('Your move: ') try: move = chess.Move.from_uci(inp) if move not in board.legal_moves: raise ValueError except ValueError: print("{} is not a legal move".format(move)) else: break board.push(move) # After our move we rotate the board and print it again. # This allows us to see the effect of our move. print_pos(board) if board.is_checkmate(): print("You won") break # Fire up the engine to look for a move. start = time.time() for _depth, move, score, stack in, boardeval, maxdepth=10, maxtime=5): print(_depth, move, score, searcher.nodes, stack) # if time.time() - start > 2: # break if score == MATE_UPPER: print("Checkmate!") # The black player moves from a rotated position, so we have to # 'back rotate' the move before printing it. print("My move:", board.san(move)) board.push(move) print_pos(board)
def _test_timeout(self): """Test timeout on game SKsTefjW""" fen = "r1b1k1nr/ppp2ppp/2np1q2/4p3/2B1P3/2NPB3/PPP1NbPP/R2Q1R1K b kq - 1 8" position, searcher = setUpPosition(fen) # best = searcher.bound(position, 0, 2) # #print(best, searcher.tp_move[position]) # best = searcher.bound(position, position.score, 10) # print(best, searcher.tp_move[position]) start = time.clock() for depth, move, score in, evaluation.Classical(), maxdepth=10, maxtime=5): print(depth, move, score) print(searcher.nodes) #print(searcher.tp_move[position]) end = time.clock() print("Time taken = ", end - start) start = end
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('module', help=' file (without .py)', type=str, default='amwafish', nargs='?') parser.add_argument('--tables', metavar='pst', help='alternative pst table', type=str, default=None) args = parser.parse_args() amwafish = importlib.import_module(args.module) #logging.basicConfig(filename='amwafish.log', level=logging.DEBUG) out = Unbuffered(sys.stdout) def output(line): print(line, file=out) logging.debug(line) pos = chess.Board() searcher = amwafish.Searcher() our_time, opp_time = 1000, 1000 # time in centi-seconds show_thinking = True options = {} eval_function = evaluation.get_evaluation_function() stack = [] while True: logging.debug(f'>>> in loop ') if stack: smove = stack.pop() else: smove = input() logging.debug(f'>>> {smove} ') if smove.startswith('setoption'): optionMatcher = re.compile( "setoption name (?P<name>.*) value (?P<value>.*)") match = optionMatcher.match(smove) if match: options["name")] ="value") if smove == 'quit': break elif smove == 'uci': output('id name amwafish') output('id author Sven Wambecq') output('uciok') elif smove == 'isready': output('readyok') elif smove == 'ucinewgame': stack.append('position fen ' + chess.STARTING_FEN) elif smove.startswith('position fen'): _, _, data = smove.split(' ', 2) try: fen, moves = data.split('moves') moves = moves.strip().split(' ') except ValueError: fen = data moves = [] try: chess960 = options["UCI_Chess960"] == "true" except KeyError: chess960 = False try: board = get_variant(options["UCI_Variant"])(fen, chess960=chess960) eval_function = evaluation.get_evaluation_function( options["UCI_Variant"]) except KeyError: board = chess.Board() eval_function = evaluation.Classical() for move in moves: board.push(chess.Move.from_uci(move)) pos = board elif smove.startswith('position startpos'): params = smove.split(' ') pos = chess.Board() if len(params) > 2 and params[2] == 'moves': for move in params[3:]: pos.push(chess.Move.from_uci(move)) elif smove.startswith('go'): # default options depth = 1000 movetime = -1 _, *params = smove.split(' ') for param, val in zip(*2 * (iter(params), )): if param == 'depth': depth = int(val) if param == 'movetime': movetime = int(val) if param == 'wtime': our_time = int(val) if param == 'btime': opp_time = int(val) moves_remain = 40 for sdepth, _move, _score in, eval_function, maxdepth=depth, maxtime=our_time / moves_remain / 1000): pass else: if _move: output('bestmove ' + _move.uci()) elif smove.startswith('time'): our_time = int(smove.split()[1]) elif smove.startswith('otim'): opp_time = int(smove.split()[1]) else: pass
def setUpPosition(fen): board = chess.Board(fen) pos = amwafish.Position(board, evaluation.Classical(), depth=0) searcher = amwafish.Searcher() return pos, searcher
def test_position(self, fen, best): position, searcher = setUpPosition(fen) for depth, move, score in, evaluation.Classical(), maxdepth=10, maxtime=5): print(searcher.nodes) print(move) self.assertEqual(move, chess.Move.from_uci(best))
def test_position(self, fen, blunders): position, searcher = setUpPosition(fen) for depth, move, score in, evaluation.Classical(), maxdepth=10, maxtime=5): print(searcher.nodes, depth, move, score) print(depth, move, score) self.assertNotIn(move, [chess.Move.from_uci(blunder) for blunder in blunders])