Ejemplo n.º 1
def repeat(session, *args, **kwargs):
    Call a named function repeatedly. Note that
    this is meant as an example of limiting the number of
    possible call functions.

        callback (str): The function to call. Only functions
            from the _repeatable dictionary earlier in this
            module are available.
        interval (int): How often to call function (s).
            Defaults to once every 60 seconds with a minimum
                of 5 seconds.
        stop (bool): Stop a previously assigned ticker with
            the above settings.

    from evennia.scripts.tickerhandler import TICKER_HANDLER
    name = kwargs.get("callback", "")
    interval = max(5, int(kwargs.get("interval", 60)))

    if name in _repeatable:
        if kwargs.get("stop", False):
            TICKER_HANDLER.remove(interval, _repeatable[name], idstring=session.sessid, persistent=False)
            TICKER_HANDLER.add(interval, _repeatable[name], idstring=session.sessid, persistent=False, session=session)
        session.msg("Allowed repeating functions are: %s" % (", ".join(_repeatable)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def repeat(session, *args, **kwargs):
    Call a named function repeatedly. Note that
    this is meant as an example of limiting the number of
    possible call functions.

        callback (str): The function to call. Only functions
            from the _repeatable dictionary earlier in this
            module are available.
        interval (int): How often to call function (s).
            Defaults to once every 60 seconds with a minimum
                of 5 seconds.
        stop (bool): Stop a previously assigned ticker with
            the above settings.

    from evennia.scripts.tickerhandler import TICKER_HANDLER
    name = kwargs.get("callback", "")
    interval = max(5, int(kwargs.get("interval", 60)))

    if name in _repeatable:
        if kwargs.get("stop", False):
            TICKER_HANDLER.remove(interval, _repeatable[name], idstring=session.sessid, persistent=False)
            TICKER_HANDLER.add(interval, _repeatable[name], idstring=session.sessid, persistent=False, session=session)
        session.msg("Allowed repeating functions are: %s" % (", ".join(_repeatable)))