Ejemplo n.º 1
def monkey_patch(all=True, os=False, select=False, socket=False, thread=False, time=False):
    """Globally patches certain system modules to be greenthread-friendly.

    The keyword arguments afford some control over which modules are patched.
    If *all* is True, then all modules are patched regardless of the other
    arguments. If it's False, then the rest of the keyword arguments control
    patching of specific subsections of the standard library.
    Most patch the single module of the same name (os, time,
    select).  The exceptions are socket, which also patches the ssl module if
    present; and thread, which patches thread, threading, and Queue.

    It's safe to call monkey_patch multiple times.
    modules_to_patch = []
    if all or os and not already_patched.get("os"):
        modules_to_patch += _green_os_modules()
        already_patched["os"] = True
    if all or select and not already_patched.get("select"):
        modules_to_patch += _green_select_modules()
        already_patched["select"] = True
    if all or socket and not already_patched.get("socket"):
        modules_to_patch += _green_socket_modules()
        already_patched["socket"] = True
    if all or thread and not already_patched.get("thread"):
        # hacks ahead
        threading = original("threading")
        import eventlet.green.threading as greenthreading

        modules_to_patch += _green_thread_modules()
        already_patched["thread"] = True
    if all or time and not already_patched.get("time"):
        modules_to_patch += _green_time_modules()
        already_patched["time"] = True

    for name, mod in modules_to_patch:
        orig_mod = sys.modules.get(name)
        for attr_name in mod.__patched__:
            # orig_attr = getattr(orig_mod, attr_name, None)
            # @@tavis: line above wasn't used, not sure what author intended
            patched_attr = getattr(mod, attr_name, None)
            if patched_attr is not None:
                setattr(orig_mod, attr_name, patched_attr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def monkey_patch(**on):
    """Globally patches certain system modules to be greenthread-friendly.

    The keyword arguments afford some control over which modules are patched.
    If no keyword arguments are supplied, all possible modules are patched.
    If keywords are set to True, only the specified modules are patched.  E.g.,
    ``monkey_patch(socket=True, select=True)`` patches only the select and 
    socket modules.  Most arguments patch the single module of the same name 
    (os, time, select).  The exceptions are socket, which also patches the ssl 
    module if present; and thread, which patches thread, threading, and Queue.

    It's safe to call monkey_patch multiple times.
    accepted_args = set(
        ('os', 'select', 'socket', 'thread', 'time', 'psycopg'))
    default_on = on.pop("all", None)
    for k in on.iterkeys():
        if k not in accepted_args:
            raise TypeError("monkey_patch() got an unexpected "\
                                "keyword argument %r" % k)
    if default_on is None:
        default_on = not (True in on.values())
    for modname in accepted_args:
        on.setdefault(modname, default_on)

    modules_to_patch = []
    if on['os'] and not already_patched.get('os'):
        modules_to_patch += _green_os_modules()
        already_patched['os'] = True
    if on['select'] and not already_patched.get('select'):
        modules_to_patch += _green_select_modules()
        already_patched['select'] = True
    if on['socket'] and not already_patched.get('socket'):
        modules_to_patch += _green_socket_modules()
        already_patched['socket'] = True
    if on['thread'] and not already_patched.get('thread'):
        # hacks ahead
        threading = original('threading')
        import eventlet.green.threading as greenthreading
        modules_to_patch += _green_thread_modules()
        already_patched['thread'] = True
    if on['time'] and not already_patched.get('time'):
        modules_to_patch += _green_time_modules()
        already_patched['time'] = True
    if on['psycopg'] and not already_patched.get('psycopg'):
            from eventlet.support import psycopg2_patcher
            already_patched['psycopg'] = True
        except ImportError:
            # note that if we get an importerror from trying to
            # monkeypatch psycopg, we will continually retry it
            # whenever monkey_patch is called; this should not be a
            # performance problem but it allows is_monkey_patched to
            # tell us whether or not we succeeded

    for name, mod in modules_to_patch:
        orig_mod = sys.modules.get(name)
        for attr_name in mod.__patched__:
            patched_attr = getattr(mod, attr_name, None)
            if patched_attr is not None:
                setattr(orig_mod, attr_name, patched_attr)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def monkey_patch(**on):
    """Globally patches certain system modules to be greenthread-friendly.

    The keyword arguments afford some control over which modules are patched.
    If no keyword arguments are supplied, all possible modules are patched.
    If keywords are set to True, only the specified modules are patched.  E.g.,
    ``monkey_patch(socket=True, select=True)`` patches only the select and 
    socket modules.  Most arguments patch the single module of the same name 
    (os, time, select).  The exceptions are socket, which also patches the ssl 
    module if present; and thread, which patches thread, threading, and Queue.

    It's safe to call monkey_patch multiple times.
    accepted_args = set(('os', 'select', 'socket', 'thread', 'time', 'psycopg'))
    default_on = on.pop("all",None)
    for k in on.iterkeys():
        if k not in accepted_args:
            raise TypeError("monkey_patch() got an unexpected "\
                                "keyword argument %r" % k)
    if default_on is None:
        default_on = not (True in on.values())
    for modname in accepted_args:
        on.setdefault(modname, default_on)
    modules_to_patch = []
    if on['os'] and not already_patched.get('os'):
        modules_to_patch += _green_os_modules()
        already_patched['os'] = True
    if on['select'] and not already_patched.get('select'):
        modules_to_patch += _green_select_modules()
        already_patched['select'] = True
    if on['socket'] and not already_patched.get('socket'):
        modules_to_patch += _green_socket_modules()
        already_patched['socket'] = True
    if on['thread'] and not already_patched.get('thread'):
        # hacks ahead
        threading = original('threading')
        import eventlet.green.threading as greenthreading
        modules_to_patch += _green_thread_modules()
        already_patched['thread'] = True
    if on['time'] and not already_patched.get('time'):
        modules_to_patch += _green_time_modules()
        already_patched['time'] = True
    if on['psycopg'] and not already_patched.get('psycopg'):
            from eventlet.support import psycopg2_patcher
            already_patched['psycopg'] = True
        except ImportError:
            # note that if we get an importerror from trying to
            # monkeypatch psycopg, we will continually retry it
            # whenever monkey_patch is called; this should not be a
            # performance problem but it allows is_monkey_patched to
            # tell us whether or not we succeeded

    for name, mod in modules_to_patch:
        orig_mod = sys.modules.get(name)
        for attr_name in mod.__patched__:
            patched_attr = getattr(mod, attr_name, None)
            if patched_attr is not None:
                setattr(orig_mod, attr_name, patched_attr)