def downloadCutouts(coord_list): 
	'''Downloads cutouts from a list of RA, DEC pairs

		coord_list (list): Nx2 list where N is the number
		of object; first column being RA, decond column
		being DEC
	print "Generating URLs"
	raw_params = (getData(RA, DEC) for RA, DEC in coord_list)
	params = (param for param in raw_params if param is not None)
	print "Downloading"

	if GEVENT: #Did we sucessfully import concurrent downloading library?
		P = GreenPool(GREEN_POOL_SIZE)
		for status, name in P.starmap(getCutout, params):
			print '{:<30}'.format(name), status
	else: #Use the slower default functions instead
		for status, name in itertools.starmap(getCutout, params):
			print '{:<30}'.format(name), status

	print "Done"	
Ejemplo n.º 2
def downloadCutouts(coord_list): 
	'''Downloads cutouts from a list of RA, DEC pairs

		coord_list (list): Nx2 list where N is the number
		of object; first column being RA, decond column
		being DEC
	print "Generating URLs"
	raw_params = (getData(RA, DEC) for RA, DEC in coord_list)
	params = (param for param in raw_params if param is not None)
	print "Downloading"

	if GEVENT: #Did we sucessfully import concurrent downloading library?
		P = GreenPool(GREEN_POOL_SIZE)
		for status, name in P.starmap(getCutout, params):
			print '{:<30}'.format(name), status
	else: #Use the slower default functions instead
		for status, name in itertools.starmap(getCutout, params):
			print '{:<30}'.format(name), status

	print "Done"