Ejemplo n.º 1
 def doReport(self, arg):
     if self.ask4abort:
         if self.finishCallback:
             self.finishCallback(self.backupID, 'abort')
         events.info('backup', '%s aborted' % self.backupID)
         if self.finishCallback:
             self.finishCallback(self.backupID, 'done')
         events.info('backup', '%s done successfully' % self.backupID)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self, backupID, pipe, finishCallback=None, blockResultCallback=None, blockSize=None,): #  resultDeferred=None
     self.backupID = backupID
     self.eccmap = eccmap.Current()
     self.pipe = pipe
     self.blockSize = blockSize
     if self.blockSize is None:
         self.blockSize = settings.getBackupBlockSize()
     self.ask4abort = False
     self.stateEOF = False
     self.stateReading = False
     self.currentBlockData = cStringIO.StringIO()
     self.currentBlockSize = 0
     self.blockNumber = 0
     self.dataSent = 0
     self.blocksSent = 0
     self.closed = False
     self.finishCallback = finishCallback
     self.blockResultCallback = blockResultCallback
     automat.Automat.__init__(self, 'backup', 'AT_STARTUP', 14)
     events.info('backup', '%s started' % self.backupID)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, BackupID, OutputFile): # OutputFileName 
     self.CreatorID = misc.getLocalID()
     self.BackupID = BackupID
     self.PathID, self.Version = packetid.SplitBackupID(self.BackupID)
     self.File = OutputFile
     # is current active block - so when add 1 we get to first, which is 0
     self.BlockNumber = -1              
     self.OnHandData = []
     self.OnHandParity = []
     self.AbortState = False
     self.Done = False
     self.EccMap = eccmap.Current()
     self.LastAction = time.time()
     self.InboxPacketsQueue = []
     self.InboxQueueWorker = None
     self.InboxQueueDelay = 1
     # For anyone who wants to know when we finish
     self.MyDeferred = Deferred()       
     self.packetInCallback = None
     self.blockRestoredCallback = None
     automat.Automat.__init__(self, 'restore', 'AT_STARTUP', 4)
     events.info('restore', '%s start restoring' % self.BackupID)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def ListContacts(request):
    Called when "ListContacts" packet is received, 
    it keeps a list of suppliers OR customers and some extra info.
    I think this is a most important method here, call different code from here.
    global _CentralStatusDict
    global legal_codes
    global OnListSuppliersFunc
    global OnListCustomersFunc

    data = request.Payload
    dhnio.Dprint(6, 'central_service.ListContacts\n%s' % data)
    words = data.split('\n', 1)
    if len(words) < 2:
        dhnio.Dprint(1, 'central_service.ListContacts ERROR wrong data packet [%s]' % str(request.Payload))

    code = words[0]
    if not code in legal_codes:
        dhnio.Dprint(1, 'central_service.ListContacts ERROR wrong data in the packet [%s] '  % str(request.Payload))

    current_contacts = []
    clist, tail = dhnio._unpack_list(words[1])

    fire_flag = code.startswith('f')
    ban_flag = code.startswith('b')
    contact_type = code.lower()[-1]
    error_flag = code[-1].islower()

    spaceDict = None
    if tail is not None:
        # extract info about who is alive at the moment
        onlineArray = ''
        spaceDict = dhnio._unpack_dict_from_list(tail)
        if spaceDict.has_key('online'):
            onlineArray = spaceDict.pop('online')
        for i in range(len(onlineArray)):
            if i < len(clist):
                if clist[i]:
                    _CentralStatusDict[clist[i]] = onlineArray[i]
        # extract info about contacts local ip
        # if they are in same LAN we need to connect to local IP, not external
        local_ips = {}
        i = 0
        while True:
            idurl_and_local_ip = spaceDict.get('localip%03d' % i, None)
            if idurl_and_local_ip is None:
                contact_idurl, contact_local_ip = idurl_and_local_ip.split('|')
            local_ips[contact_idurl] = contact_local_ip
            spaceDict.pop('localip%03d' % i)
            i += 1
            dhnio.Dprint(6, 'central_service.ListContacts got local IP for %s: %s' % (nameurl.GetName(contact_idurl), contact_local_ip))

    if contact_type == 's':
        current_contacts = contacts.getSupplierIDs()
        for supid in contacts.getSupplierIDs():
            if supid.strip() == '':
                error_flag = True
        dhnio.Dprint(4, "central_service.ListContacts (SUPPLIERS) code:%s error:%s length:%d" % (str(code), str(error_flag), len(clist)))
        for oldidurl in current_contacts:
            if oldidurl:
                if oldidurl not in clist:
                    events.info('central_service', 'supplier %s were disconnected' % nameurl.GetName(oldidurl),)
                    misc.writeSupplierData(oldidurl, 'disconnected', time.strftime('%d%m%y %H:%M:%S'))
                    dhnio.Dprint(6, 'central_service.ListContacts supplier %s were disconnected' % nameurl.GetName(oldidurl))
        for newidurl in clist:
            if newidurl:
                if newidurl not in current_contacts:
                    misc.writeSupplierData(newidurl, 'connected', time.strftime('%d%m%y %H:%M:%S'))
                    events.info('central_service', 'new supplier %s connected' % nameurl.GetName(newidurl), '',)
                    dhnio.Dprint(6, 'central_service.ListContacts new supplier %s connected' % nameurl.GetName(newidurl))
        if not fire_flag and current_contacts != clist:
            dhnio.Dprint(6, 'central_service.ListContacts going to call suppliers')
        if OnListSuppliersFunc is not None:

    elif contact_type == 'c':
        current_contacts = contacts.getCustomerIDs()
        if spaceDict is not None:
            dhnio._write_dict(settings.CustomersSpaceFile(), spaceDict)
            reactor.callLater(3, local_tester.TestUpdateCustomers)
        # if not fire_flag and current_contacts != clist:
        dhnio.Dprint(4, "central_service.ListContacts (CUSTOMERS) code:%s error:%s length:%d" % (str(code), str(error_flag), len(clist)))
        for oldidurl in current_contacts:
            if oldidurl not in clist:
                events.info('central_service', 'customer %s were disconnected' % nameurl.GetName(oldidurl),)
                dhnio.Dprint(6, 'central_service.ListContacts customer %s were disconnected' % nameurl.GetName(oldidurl))
        for newidurl in clist:
            if newidurl not in current_contacts:
                events.info('central_service', 'new customer %s connected' % nameurl.GetName(newidurl))
                dhnio.Dprint(6, 'central_service.ListContacts new customer %s connected' % nameurl.GetName(newidurl))
        if OnListCustomersFunc is not None:

    if fire_flag:
        if contact_type == 's':
            index = -1
            for index in range(len(clist)):
                if clist[index] != current_contacts[index]:
            if index >= 0:
                # we want to send our Identity to new supplier
                # and than ask a list of files he have
                # so it should start rebuilding backups immediately
                # right after we got ListFiles from him
                identitypropagate.single(clist[index], wide=True) 

    if ban_flag:
        events.notify('central_service', 'you have negative balance, all your suppliers was removed', '',)
        dhnio.Dprint(2, 'central_service.ListContacts !!! you have negative balance, all your suppliers was removed !!!')

    if error_flag:
        #reactor.callLater(settings.DefaultNeedSuppliersPacketTimeOut(), SendRequestSuppliers)
        events.info('central_service', 'could not find available suppliers',
                     'Central server can not find available suppliers for you.\nCheck your central settings.\n',)
        dhnio.Dprint(2, 'central_service.ListContacts !!! could not find available suppliers !!!')

    #---send ack            

    if contact_type == 's':
        central_connector.A('list-suppliers', clist)
        fire_hire.A('list-suppliers', (current_contacts, clist))
    elif contact_type == 'c':
        central_connector.A('list-customers', clist)
    if transport_control._TransportUDPEnable:
        import lib.transport_udp as transport_udp
        new_contacts = contacts.getContactsAndCorrespondents()
        transport_udp.ListContactsCallback(current_contacts, new_contacts)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def doReportDone(self, arg):
     # dhnio.Dprint(6, "restore.doReportDone - restore has finished. All is well that ends well !!!")
     self.Done = True
     self.MyDeferred.callback(self.BackupID+' done')
     events.info('restore', '%s restored successfully' % self.BackupID)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def doReportAborted(self, arg):
     dhnio.Dprint(6, "restore.doReportAborted " + self.BackupID)
     self.Done = True
     self.MyDeferred.callback(self.BackupID+' aborted')
     events.info('restore', '%s restoring were aborted' % self.BackupID)