Ejemplo n.º 1
class Race(object):

    # NB: Call the coroutine initialize() to set up the room
    def __init__(self, race_room, race_info, condordb):
        self.room = race_room
        self.events = Events()
        self.condordb = condordb
        self.race_info = (
        )  # Information on the type of race (e.g. seeded, seed, character) -- see RaceInfo for details
        self.racers = dict()  # a dictionary of racers indexed by user id
        self._status = RaceStatus["uninitialized"]  # see RaceStatus

        self.no_entrants_time = (
        )  # whenever there becomes zero entrance for the race, the time is stored here; used for cleanup code
        self._countdown = int(0)  # the current countdown (TODO: is this the right implementation? unclear what is best)
        self._start_time = float(0)  # system clock time for the beginning of the race (but is modified by pause())
        self._start_datetime = None  # UTC time for the beginning of the race
        self._pause_time = float(0)  # system clock time for last time we called pause()

        self._countdown_future = None  # The Future object for the race countdown
        self._finalize_future = None  # The Future object for the finalization countdown

    # Sets up the leaderboard, etc., for the race
    def initialize(self):
        if self._status != RaceStatus["uninitialized"]:

        self._status = RaceStatus["entry_open"]
        self.no_entrants_time = time.clock()

    ##        yield from self.room.write('Enter the race with `.enter`, and type `.ready` when ready. Finish the race with `.done` or `.forfeit`. Use `.help` for a command list.')

    # Returns the race start datetime (UTC)
    def start_time(self):
        if self._start_datetime:
            return pytz.utc.localize(self._start_datetime)
            return None

    # Returns a list of racers and their statuses.
    def leaderboard(self):
        racer_list = []
        max_name_len = 0
        max_time = 0
        for r_id in self.racers:
            racer = self.racers[r_id]
            max_name_len = max(max_name_len, len(racer.name))
            if racer.is_finished:
                max_time = max(racer.time, max_time)
        max_time += 1

        # Sort racers: (1) Finished racers, by time; (2) Forfeit racers; (3) Racers still racing
        racer_list.sort(key=lambda r: r.time if r.is_finished else (max_time if r.is_forfeit else max_time + 1))

        text = self.race_info.seed_str() + "\n"
        text += status_str(self._status) + "\n"
        rank = int(0)
        for racer in racer_list:
            rank += 1
            rank_str = "{0: >4} ".format(str(rank) + "." if racer.is_finished else " ")
            text += rank_str + racer.name + (" " * (max_name_len - len(racer.name))) + " --- " + racer.status_str + "\n"
        return text

    # True if the given racer is entered in the race
    def has_racer(self, racer_usr):
        return racer_usr.id in self.racers

    # Returns the given racer if possible
    def get_racer(self, racer_usr):
        if self.has_racer(racer_usr):
            return self.racers[racer_usr.id]
            return None

    # Returns the current time elapsed as a string "[m]m:ss.hh"
    def current_time_str(self):
        if self._status == RaceStatus["paused"]:
            return racetime.to_str(int(100 * (self._pause_time - self._start_time)))
        elif self._status == RaceStatus["racing"]:
            return racetime.to_str(int(100 * (time.clock() - self._start_time)))
            return ""

    # Returns the number of racers not in the 'ready' state
    def num_not_ready(self):
        num = 0
        for r_name in self.racers:
            if not self.racers[r_name].is_ready:
                num += 1
        return num

    # Return the number of racers in the 'finished' state
    def num_finished(self):
        num = 0
        for r_name in self.racers:
            if self.racers[r_name].is_finished:
                num += 1
        return num

    def entry_open(self):
        return self._status == RaceStatus["entry_open"]

    # True if the race has started
    def is_before_race(self):
        return self._status < RaceStatus["racing"]

    # True if the race is finalized or cancelled
    def complete(self):
        return self._status >= RaceStatus["completed"]

    # Begin the race countdown and transition race state from 'entry_open' to 'counting_down'
    def begin_race_countdown(self):
        if self._status == RaceStatus["entry_open"]:
            self._status = RaceStatus["counting_down"]
            self._countdown_future = asyncio.ensure_future(self._race_countdown())

    # Pause the race timer.
    def pause(self):
        if self._status == RaceStatus["racing"]:
            self._status = RaceStatus["paused"]
            self._pause_time = time.clock()
            return True
        return False

    # Unpause the race timer.
    def unpause(self):
        if self._status == RaceStatus["paused"]:
            self._status = RaceStatus["racing"]
            self._start_time += time.clock() - self._pause_time
            return True
        return False

    # Begins the race. Called by the countdown.
    def _begin_race(self):
        racer_list = []
        for r_id in self.racers:
            racer = self.condordb.get_from_discord_id(r_id)
            if not self.racers[r_id].begin_race():
                print("{} isn't ready while calling race.begin_race -- unexpected error.".format(racer.name))

        self._start_time = time.clock()
        self._start_datetime = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        yield from self.room.write("GO!")
        # Send race start event
        self.events.racestart(racer_list[0], racer_list[1])
        self._status = RaceStatus["racing"]

    # Checks to see if any racer has either finished or forfeited. If so, ends the race.
    # Return True if race was ended.
    def _check_for_race_end(self):
        for r_id in self.racers:
            if self.racers[r_id].is_done_racing:
                yield from self._end_race()
                return True

        return False

    # Ends the race, and begins a countdown until the results are 'finalized' (record results, and racers can no longer `.undone`, `.comment`, etc)
    def _end_race(self):
        if self._status == RaceStatus["racing"]:
            self._status = RaceStatus["completed"]
            self._finalize_future = asyncio.ensure_future(self._finalization_countdown())
            racer_list = []
            winner_time = 0
            for r_id in self.racers:
                racer = self.condordb.get_from_discord_id(r_id)
                if self.racers[r_id].is_done_racing and (winner_time == 0 or self.racers[r_id].time < winner_time):
                    winner = racer.twitch_name
                    winner_time = self.racers[r_id].time
            # Send race end event with the winner
            self.events.raceend(racer_list[0], racer_list[1], winner)

    # Countdown coroutine to be wrapped in self._countdown_future.
    # Warning: Do not call this -- use begin_countdown instead.
    def _race_countdown(self):
        countdown_timer = config.COUNTDOWN_LENGTH
        yield from asyncio.sleep(1)  # Pause before countdown

        yield from self.room.write("The race will begin in {0} seconds.".format(countdown_timer))
        while countdown_timer > 0:
            if countdown_timer <= config.INCREMENTAL_COUNTDOWN_START:
                yield from self.room.write("{}".format(countdown_timer))
            yield from asyncio.sleep(1)  # sleep for a second
            countdown_timer -= 1

        # Begin the race. At this point, ignore cancel() requests
            yield from self._begin_race()
        except CancelledError:
            if self._status != RaceStatus["racing"]:
                yield from self._begin_race()

    # Countdown coroutine to be wrapped in self._finalize_future.
    # Warning: Do not call this -- use end_race instead.
    def _finalization_countdown(self):

        yield from asyncio.sleep(1)  # Waiting for a short time feels good UI-wise
        yield from self.room.write("The race will end in {} seconds.".format(config.FINALIZE_TIME_SEC))
        yield from asyncio.sleep(config.FINALIZE_TIME_SEC)
        yield from self._finalize_race()

    # Finalizes the race
    def _finalize_race(self):
        self._status = RaceStatus["finalized"] if self.num_finished else RaceStatus["cancelled"]
        yield from self.room.record_race()

    # Attempt to cancel the race countdown -- transition race state from 'counting_down' to 'entry_open'
    # Returns False only if there IS a countdown, AND we failed to cancel it
    def cancel_countdown(self, display_msgs=True):
        if self._status == RaceStatus["counting_down"]:
            if self._countdown_future:
                if self._countdown_future.cancel():
                    self._countdown_future = None
                    self._status = RaceStatus["entry_open"]
                    if display_msgs:
                        yield from self.room.write("Countdown cancelled.")
                    return True
                    return False
        return True

    # Attempt to cancel finalization and restart race -- transition race state from 'completed' to 'racing'
    # Returns False only if race IS completed, AND we failed to restart it
    def cancel_finalization(self, display_msgs=True):
        if self._status == RaceStatus["completed"]:
            if self._finalize_future:
                if self._finalize_future.cancel():
                    self._finalize_future = None
                    self._status = RaceStatus["racing"]
                    if display_msgs:
                        yield from self.room.write("Race end cancelled -- unfinished racers may continue!")
                    return True
                    return False
        return True

    # Enters the given discord Member in the race
    def enter_racer(self, racer_member):
        if self._status == RaceStatus["entry_open"] and not self.has_racer(racer_member):
            racer = Racer(racer_member)
            self.racers[racer_member.id] = racer
            return True
            return False

    # Unenters the given discord Member in the race
    def unenter_racer(self, racer_member):
        if self.has_racer(racer_member):
            del self.racers[racer_member.id]
            if not self.racers:
                self.no_entrants_time = time.clock()
            if (len(self.racers) < 2 and config.REQUIRE_AT_LEAST_TWO_FOR_RACE) or len(self.racers) < 1:
                yield from self.cancel_countdown()  # TODO: implement correct behavior if this fails
            return True
            return False

    # Puts the given Racer in the 'ready' state
    def ready_racer(self, racer):
        if racer.ready():
            return True
            return False

    # Attempt to put the given Racer in the 'unready' state if they were ready
    def unready_racer(self, racer):
        # See if we can cancel a countdown. If cancel_countdown() returns False,
        # then there is a countdown and we failed to cancel it, so racer cannot be made unready.
        success = yield from self.cancel_countdown()
        if success and racer.unready():
            return True
            return False

    # Puts the given Racer in the 'finished' state and gets their time
    def finish_racer(self, racer):
        if self.is_before_race:
            return False

        finish_time = int(100 * (time.clock() - self._start_time))
        if racer and racer.finish(finish_time):
            return True
        return False

    # Attempt to put the given Racer in the 'racing' state if they were finished
    def unfinish_racer(self, racer):
        if self._status == RaceStatus["finalized"] or not racer.is_finished:
            return False

        # See if we can cancel a (possible) finalization. If cancel_finalization() returns False,
        # then there is a finalization and we failed to cancel it, so racer cannot be made unready.
        success = yield from self.cancel_finalization()
        if success and racer and racer.unfinish():
            return True
        return False

    # Puts the given Racer in the 'forfeit' state
    def forfeit_racer(self, racer):
        forfeit_time = int(100 * (time.clock() - self._start_time))
        if racer and racer.forfeit(forfeit_time):
            return True
        return False

    # Attempt to put the given Racer in the 'racing' state if they had forfeit
    def unforfeit_racer(self, racer):
        if self._status == RaceStatus["finalized"] or not racer.is_forfeit:
            return False

        # See if we can cancel a (possible) finalization. If cancel_finalization() returns False,
        # then there is a finalization and we failed to cancel it, so racer cannot be made unready.
        success = yield from self.cancel_finalization()
        if success and racer and racer.unforfeit():
            return True
        return False

    # List the racers in order of finish time
    def racer_list(self):
        r_list = []
        max_time = 0
        for r_id in self.racers:
            racer = self.racers[r_id]
            if racer.is_finished:
                max_time = max(racer.time, max_time)
        max_time += 1

        r_list.sort(key=lambda r: r.time if r.is_finished else max_time)
        return r_list

    # Cancel the race.
    def cancel(self):
        yield from self.cancel_finalization()
        self._status = RaceStatus["cancelled"]