Ejemplo n.º 1
async def graft(cmd):
    user_data = EwUser(member=cmd.message.author)

    if cmd.message.channel.name != ewcfg.channel_clinicofslimoplasty:
        response = "Chemotherapy doesn't just grow on trees. You'll need to go to the clinic in Crookline to get some."
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_shambler:
        response = '"Oh goodness me, it seems like another one of these decaying subhumans has wandered into my office. Go on, shoo!"\n\nTough luck, seems shamblers aren\'t welcome here.'.format(
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))

    poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi)
    district_data = EwDistrict(district=poi.id_poi,

    if district_data.is_degraded():
        response = "{} has been degraded by shamblers. You can't {} here anymore.".format(
            poi.str_name, cmd.tokens[0])
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse:
        response = '"You get out of here, dirty nega. We don\'t serve your kind." \n\n Auntie Dusttrap threatingly flails a jar of cole slaw at you. Looks like you need a body to mutate a body.'
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif len(cmd.tokens) <= 1:
        response = '"What, just anything? I love a good improv surgery! I had to leave town the last one I did though, so you\'ll have to pick an actual surgical procedure. Sorry, sonny."'
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))

    target_name = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:])
    target = ewutils.get_mutation_alias(target_name)

    mutations = user_data.get_mutations()

    if target == 0:
        response = '"What? My ears aren\'t what they used to be. I thought you suggested I give you {}. Only braindead squicks would say that."'.format(
            ' '.join(cmd.tokens[1:]))
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif target in mutations:
        response = '"Nope, you already have that mutation. Hey, I thought I was supposed to be the senile one here!"'
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif user_data.get_mutation_level(
    ) + ewcfg.mutations_map[target].tier > min([user_data.slimelevel, 50]):
        response = '"Your body\'s already full of mutations. Your sentient tumors will probably start bitin\' once I take out my scalpel."\n\nLevel:{}/50\nMutation Levels Added:{}/{}'.format(
            user_data.slimelevel, user_data.get_mutation_level(),
            min(user_data.slimelevel, 50))
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif ewcfg.mutations_map.get(target).tier * 10000 > user_data.slimes:
        response = '"We\'re not selling gumballs here. It\'s cosmetic surgery. It\'ll cost at least {} slime, ya idjit!"'.format(
            ewcfg.mutations_map.get(target).tier * 10000)
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        price = ewcfg.mutations_map.get(target).tier * 10000
        user_data.change_slimes(n=-price, source=ewcfg.source_spending)

        user_data.add_mutation(id_mutation=target, is_artificial=1)
        response = ewcfg.mutations_map[
            target].str_transplant + "\n\nMutation Levels Added:{}/{}".format(
                user_data.get_mutation_level(), min(user_data.slimelevel, 50))
        await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
Ejemplo n.º 2
async def chemo(cmd):
    user_data = EwUser(member=cmd.message.author)

    if cmd.message.channel.name != ewcfg.channel_clinicofslimoplasty:
        response = "Chemotherapy doesn't just grow on trees. You'll need to go to the clinic in Crookline to get some."
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_shambler:
        response = '"Oh goodness me, it seems like another one of these decaying subhumans has wandered into my office. Go on, shoo!"\n\nTough luck, seems shamblers aren\'t welcome here.'.format(
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))

    poi = ewcfg.id_to_poi.get(user_data.poi)
    district_data = EwDistrict(district=poi.id_poi,

    if district_data.is_degraded():
        response = "{} has been degraded by shamblers. You can't {} here anymore.".format(
            poi.str_name, cmd.tokens[0])
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif user_data.life_state == ewcfg.life_state_corpse:
        response = '"You get out of here. We don\'t serve your kind." \n\n Auntie Dusttrap threatingly flails a jar of cole slaw at you. Looks like you need a body to operate on one.'
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))

    mutations = user_data.get_mutations()
    if len(mutations) == 0:
        response = '"I can chemo you all day long, sonny. You\'re not getting any cleaner than you are."'
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif len(cmd.tokens) <= 1:
        response = '"Are you into chemo for the thrill, boy? You have to tell me what you want taken out."'
        return await ewutils.send_message(
            cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
            ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
    elif cmd.tokens[1] == "all":
        finalprice = 0

        for mutation in mutations:
            finalprice += ewcfg.mutations_map.get(mutation).tier * 5000

        if finalprice > user_data.slimes:
            response = '"We\'re not selling gumballs here. It\'s chemotherapy. It\'ll cost at least {:,} slime, ya idjit!"'.format(
            return await ewutils.send_message(
                cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
                ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
            response = "\"Sure you got the slime for that, whelp? It's {:,}.\"\n**Accept** or **refuse?**".format(
            await ewutils.send_message(
                cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
                ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
                accepted = False
                message = await cmd.client.wait_for(
                    check=lambda message: message.author == cmd.message.author
                    and message.content.lower(
                    ) in [ewcfg.cmd_accept, ewcfg.cmd_refuse])

                if message != None:
                    if message.content.lower() == ewcfg.cmd_accept:
                        accepted = True
                    if message.content.lower() == ewcfg.cmd_refuse:
                        accepted = False

            except Exception as e:
                accepted = False

            if not accepted:
                response = "\"Tch. Knew you weren't good for it.\""

                for mutation in mutations:

                    price = ewcfg.mutations_map.get(mutation).tier * 5000

                    mutation_obj = EwMutation(id_mutation=mutation,
                    if mutation_obj.artificial == 0:
                                "DELETE FROM mutations WHERE {id_server} = %s AND {id_user} = %s AND {mutation} = %s"
                                        mutation=ewcfg.col_id_mutation), (
                                "Failed to clear mutations for user {}.".
                response = '"Everything, eh? All right then. This might hurt a lottle!" Auntie Dusttrap takes a specialized shop vac and sucks the slime out of you. While you\'re reeling in slimeless existential dread, she runs it through a filtration process that gets rid of the carcinogens that cause mutation. She grabs the now purified canister and haphazardly dumps it back into you. You feel pure, energized, and ready to dirty up your slime some more!'
            return await ewutils.send_message(
                cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
                ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        target_name = ewutils.flattenTokenListToString(cmd.tokens[1:])
        target = ewutils.get_mutation_alias(target_name)
        mutation_obj = EwMutation(id_mutation=target,

        if target == 0:
            response = '"I don\'t know what kind of gold-rush era disease that is, but I have no idea how to take it out of you."'
            return await ewutils.send_message(
                cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
                ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        elif target not in mutations:
            response = '"Oy vey, another hypochondriac. You don\'t have that mutation, so I can\'t remove it."'
            return await ewutils.send_message(
                cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
                ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        elif ewcfg.mutations_map.get(target).tier * 5000 > user_data.slimes:
            response = '"We\'re not selling gumballs here. It\'s chemotherapy. It\'ll cost at least {} slime, ya idjit!"'.format(
                ewcfg.mutations_map.get(target).tier * 5000)
            return await ewutils.send_message(
                cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
                ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
        elif mutation_obj.artificial == 1:
            response = '"Hey, didn\'t I do that to ya? Well no refunds!"\n\nGuess you can\'t get rid of artificial mutations with chemo.'
            return await ewutils.send_message(
                cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
                ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))
            price = ewcfg.mutations_map.get(target).tier * 5000
            user_data.change_slimes(n=-price, source=ewcfg.source_spending)

                    "DELETE FROM mutations WHERE {id_server} = %s AND {id_user} = %s AND {mutation} = %s"
                            mutation=ewcfg.col_id_mutation), (
                ewutils.logMsg("Failed to clear mutations for user {}.".format(
            response = '"Alright, dearie, let\'s get you purged." You enter a dingy looking operating room, with slime strewn all over the floor. Dr. Dusttrap pulls out a needle the size of your bicep and injects into odd places on your body. After a few minutes of this, you get fatigued and go under.\n\n You wake up and {} is gone. Nice! \nMutation Levels Added:{}/{}'.format(
                user_data.get_mutation_level(), min(user_data.slimelevel, 50))
            await ewutils.send_message(
                cmd.client, cmd.message.channel,
                ewutils.formatMessage(cmd.message.author, response))