Ejemplo n.º 1
 def unpack(cls, afi, safi, data, addpath, nexthop, action):
     labels, rd, path_identifier, mask, size, prefix, left = NLRI._nlri(
         afi, safi, data, action, addpath)
     nlri = cls(afi, safi, prefix, mask, nexthop, action)
     if path_identifier:
         nlri.path_info = PathInfo(None, None, path_identifier)
     return len(data) - len(left), nlri
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: mpls.py Proyecto: asnd/exabgp
	def unpack (cls,afi,safi,bgp,addpath,nexthop,action):
		labels,rd,mask,size,prefix,left = NLRI._nlri(afi,safi,bgp,action)

		nlri = cls(afi,safi,prefix,mask,nexthop,action)
		if labels: nlri.labels = Labels(labels)
		if rd: nlri.rd = RouteDistinguisher(rd)

		return len(bgp) - len(left),nlri
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def unpack (cls,afi,safi,bgp,addpath,nexthop,action):
		labels,rd,mask,size,prefix,left = NLRI._nlri(afi,safi,bgp,action)

		nlri = cls(afi,safi,prefix,mask,nexthop,action)
		if labels: nlri.labels = Labels(labels)
		if rd: nlri.rd = RouteDistinguisher(rd)

		return len(bgp) - len(left),nlri
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def unpack (cls,afi,safi,bgp,addpath,nexthop,action):
		labels,rd,path_identifier,mask,size,prefix,left = NLRI._nlri(afi,safi,bgp,action,addpath)

		nlri = cls(afi,safi,prefix,mask,nexthop,action)
		if labels: nlri.labels = Labels(labels)
		if rd: nlri.rd = RouteDistinguisher(rd)
		if path_identifier: nlri.path_info = PathInfo(None,None,path_identifier)

		return len(bgp) - len(left),nlri
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def unpack(cls, afi, safi, bgp, addpath, nexthop, action):
        labels, rd, path_identifier, mask, size, prefix, left = NLRI._nlri(
            afi, safi, bgp, action, addpath)

        nlri = cls(afi, safi, prefix, mask, nexthop, action)
        if labels: nlri.labels = Labels(labels)
        if rd: nlri.rd = RouteDistinguisher(rd)
        if path_identifier:
            nlri.path_info = PathInfo(None, None, path_identifier)

        return len(bgp) - len(left), nlri
Ejemplo n.º 6
	def unpack (cls,afi,safi,data,addpath,nexthop,action):
		if addpath:
			path_identifier = PathInfo(None,None,data[:4])
			data = data[4:]
			length = 4
			path_identifier = None
			length = 0

		labels,rd,mask,size,prefix,left = NLRI._nlri(afi,safi,data,action)
		nlri = cls(afi,safi,prefix,mask,nexthop,action)
		if addpath:
			nlri.path_info = path_identifier
		return length + len(data) - len(left),nlri
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def unpack(cls, afi, safi, data, addpath, nexthop, action):
        if addpath:
            path_identifier = PathInfo(None, None, data[:4])
            data = data[4:]
            length = 4
            path_identifier = None
            length = 0

        labels, rd, mask, size, prefix, left = NLRI._nlri(
            afi, safi, data, action)
        nlri = cls(afi, safi, prefix, mask, nexthop, action)
        if addpath:
            nlri.path_info = path_identifier
        return length + len(data) - len(left), nlri
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def unpack (cls,afi,safi,bgp,has_multiple_path,nexthop,action):
		total = len(bgp)
		length,bgp = ord(bgp[0]),bgp[1:]

		if length & 0xF0 == 0xF0:  # bigger than 240
			extra,bgp = ord(bgp[0]),bgp[1:]
			length = ((length & 0x0F) << 16) + extra

		if length > len(bgp):
			raise Notify(3,10,'invalid length at the start of the the flow')

		bgp = bgp[:length]
		nlri = Flow(afi,safi,nexthop)
		nlri.action = action

		if safi == SAFI.flow_vpn:
			nlri.rd = RouteDistinguisher(bgp[:8])
			bgp = bgp[8:]

		seen = []

		while bgp:
			what,bgp = ord(bgp[0]),bgp[1:]

			if what not in decode.get(afi,{}):
				raise Notify(3,10,'unknown flowspec component received for address family %d' % what)

			if sorted(seen) != seen:
				raise Notify(3,10,'components are not sent in the right order %s' % seen)

			decoder = decode[afi][what]
			klass = factory[afi][what]

			if decoder == 'prefix':
				if afi == AFI.ipv4:
					_,rd,mask,size,prefix,left = NLRI._nlri(afi,safi,bgp,action)
					adding = klass(prefix,mask)
					if not nlri.add(adding):
						raise Notify(3,10,'components are incompatible (two sources, two destinations, mix ipv4/ipv6) %s' % seen)
					# logger.parser(LazyFormat("added flow %s (%s) payload " % (klass.NAME,adding),od,bgp[:-len(left)]))
					bgp = left
					byte,bgp = bgp[1],bgp[0]+bgp[2:]
					offset = ord(byte)
					_,rd,mask,size,prefix,left = NLRI._nlri(afi,safi,bgp,action)
					adding = klass(prefix,mask,offset)
					if not nlri.add(adding):
						raise Notify(3,10,'components are incompatible (two sources, two destinations, mix ipv4/ipv6) %s' % seen)
					# logger.parser(LazyFormat("added flow %s (%s) payload " % (klass.NAME,adding),od,bgp[:-len(left)]))
					bgp = left
				end = False
				while not end:
					byte,bgp = ord(bgp[0]),bgp[1:]
					end = CommonOperator.eol(byte)
					operator = CommonOperator.operator(byte)
					length = CommonOperator.length(byte)
					value,bgp = bgp[:length],bgp[length:]
					adding = klass.decoder(value)
					# logger.parser(LazyFormat("added flow %s (%s) operator %d len %d payload " % (klass.NAME,adding,byte,length),od,value))

		return total-len(bgp),nlri
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def unpack(cls, afi, safi, bgp, has_multiple_path, nexthop, action):
        total = len(bgp)
        length, bgp = ord(bgp[0]), bgp[1:]

        if length & 0xF0 == 0xF0:  # bigger than 240
            extra, bgp = ord(bgp[0]), bgp[1:]
            length = ((length & 0x0F) << 16) + extra

        if length > len(bgp):
            raise Notify(3, 10, 'invalid length at the start of the the flow')

        bgp = bgp[:length]
        nlri = Flow(afi, safi, nexthop)
        nlri.action = action

        if safi == SAFI.flow_vpn:
            nlri.rd = RouteDistinguisher(bgp[:8])
            bgp = bgp[8:]

        seen = []

        while bgp:
            what, bgp = ord(bgp[0]), bgp[1:]

            if what not in decode.get(afi, {}):
                raise Notify(
                    3, 10,
                    'unknown flowspec component received for address family %d'
                    % what)

            if sorted(seen) != seen:
                raise Notify(
                    3, 10,
                    'components are not sent in the right order %s' % seen)

            decoded = decode[afi][what]
            klass = factory[afi][what]

            if decoded == 'prefix':
                if afi == AFI.ipv4:
                    _, rd, _, mask, size, prefix, left = NLRI._nlri(
                        afi, safi, bgp, action, False)
                    adding = klass(prefix, mask)
                    if not nlri.add(adding):
                        raise Notify(
                            3, 10,
                            'components are incompatible (two sources, two destinations, mix ipv4/ipv6) %s'
                            % seen)
                    # logger.parser(LazyFormat("added flow %s (%s) payload " % (klass.NAME,adding),bgp[:-len(left)]))
                    bgp = left
                    byte, bgp = bgp[1], bgp[0] + bgp[2:]
                    offset = ord(byte)
                    _, rd, _, mask, size, prefix, left = NLRI._nlri(
                        afi, safi, bgp, action, False)
                    adding = klass(prefix, mask, offset)
                    if not nlri.add(adding):
                        raise Notify(
                            3, 10,
                            'components are incompatible (two sources, two destinations, mix ipv4/ipv6) %s'
                            % seen)
                    # logger.parser(LazyFormat("added flow %s (%s) payload " % (klass.NAME,adding),bgp[:-len(left)]))
                    bgp = left
                end = False
                while not end:
                    byte, bgp = ord(bgp[0]), bgp[1:]
                    end = CommonOperator.eol(byte)
                    operator = CommonOperator.operator(byte)
                    length = CommonOperator.length(byte)
                    value, bgp = bgp[:length], bgp[length:]
                    adding = klass.decoder(value)
                    nlri.add(klass(operator, adding))
                    # logger.parser(LazyFormat("added flow %s (%s) operator %d len %d payload " % (klass.NAME,adding,byte,length),value))

        return total - len(bgp), nlri
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def unpack (cls, afi, safi, data, addpath, nexthop, action):
		labels,rd,path_identifier,mask,size,prefix,left = NLRI._nlri(afi,safi,data,action,addpath)
		nlri = cls(afi,safi,prefix,mask,nexthop,action)
		if path_identifier:
			nlri.path_info = PathInfo(None,None,path_identifier)
		return len(data) - len(left),nlri