Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _connect(self):
        proto = Protocol(self)
        generator = proto.connect()

        connected = False
            for connected in generator:
                if connected:
                if self._teardown:
                    raise Stop()
                # we want to come back as soon as possible
                yield ACTION.LATER
            self.proto = proto
        except Stop:
            # Connection failed
            if not connected and self.proto:
                    'connection to %s:%d failed' %
                    (self.neighbor.peer_address, self.neighbor.connect))

            # A connection arrived before we could establish !
            if not connected or self.proto:
                yield ACTION.NOW
                raise Interrupted()
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def _connect (self):
		proto = Protocol(self)
		generator = proto.connect()

		connected = False
			while not connected:
				if self._teardown:
					raise StopIteration()
				connected = six.next(generator)
				# we want to come back as soon as possible
				yield ACTION.LATER
			self.proto = proto
		except StopIteration:
			# Connection failed
			if not connected and self.proto:
				self.proto.close('connection to %s:%d failed' % (self.neighbor.peer_address,self.neighbor.connect))

			# A connection arrived before we could establish !
			if not connected or self.proto:
				yield ACTION.NOW
				raise Interrupted()
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def _connect (self):
		# try to establish the outgoing connection

		proto = Protocol(self)
		generator = proto.connect()

		connected = False
			while not connected:
				if self._teardown:
					raise StopIteration()
				connected = generator.next()
				# we want to come back as soon as possible
				yield ACTION.LATER
		except StopIteration:
			# Connection failed
			if not connected:
				proto.close('connection to peer failed',self._['in']['state'] != STATE.ESTABLISHED)
			# A connection arrived before we could establish !
			if not connected or self._['in']['proto']:
				stop = Interrupted()
				stop.direction = 'out'
				yield ACTION.NOW
				raise stop

		self._['out']['state'] = STATE.CONNECT
		self._['out']['proto'] = proto

		# send OPEN
		# Only yield if we have not the open, otherwise the reactor can run the other connection
		# which would be bad as we need to set the state without going to the other peer
		message = Message.CODE.NOP
		for message in proto.new_open(self._restarted):
			if ord(message.TYPE) == Message.CODE.NOP:
				yield ACTION.NOW


		self._['out']['state'] = STATE.OPENSENT

		# Read OPEN
		wait = environment.settings().bgp.openwait
		opentimer = ReceiveTimer(self.me,wait,1,1,'waited for open too long, we do not like stuck in active')
		for message in self._['out']['proto'].read_open(self.neighbor.peer_address.ip):
			# XXX: FIXME: change the whole code to use the ord and not the chr version
			# Only yield if we have not the open, otherwise the reactor can run the other connection
			# which would be bad as we need to do the collission check
			if ord(message.TYPE) == Message.CODE.NOP:
				yield ACTION.LATER

		self._['out']['state'] = STATE.OPENCONFIRM

		if self._['in']['state'] == STATE.OPENCONFIRM:
			self.logger.network('outgoing connection finds the incoming connection is in openconfirm')
			local_id = self.neighbor.router_id.packed
			remote_id = proto.negotiated.received_open.router_id.packed

			if local_id < remote_id:
				self.logger.network('aborting the outgoing connection')
				stop = Interrupted()
				stop.direction = 'out'
				raise stop
				self.logger.network('closing the incoming connection')
				self._stop('in','collision local id < remote id')
				yield ACTION.LATER

		for message in proto.new_keepalive('OPENCONFIRM'):
			yield ACTION.NOW

		# Start keeping keepalive timer
		self.recv_timer = ReceiveTimer(self.me,proto.negotiated.holdtime,4,0)
		for message in self._['out']['proto'].read_keepalive():
			yield ACTION.NOW

		self._['out']['state'] = STATE.ESTABLISHED
		# let the caller know that we were sucesfull
		yield ACTION.NOW
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def _connect (self):
		# try to establish the outgoing connection

		proto = Protocol(self)
		generator = proto.connect()

		connected = False
			while not connected:
				connected = generator.next()
				# we want to come back as soon as possible
				yield ACTION.later
		except StopIteration:
			# Connection failed
			if not connected:
				proto.close('connection to peer failed')
			# A connection arrived before we could establish !
			if not connected or self._['in']['proto']:
				stop = Interrupted()
				stop.direction = 'out'
				raise stop

		self._['out']['state'] = STATE.connect
		self._['out']['proto'] = proto

		# send OPEN
		# Only yield if we have not the open, otherwise the reactor can run the other connection
		# which would be bad as we need to set the state without going to the other peer
		for message in proto.new_open(self._restarted):
			if ord(message.TYPE) == Message.Type.NOP:
				yield ACTION.immediate


		self._['out']['state'] = STATE.opensent

		# Read OPEN
		wait = environment.settings().bgp.openwait
		opentimer = Timer(self._log('out'),wait,1,1,'waited for open too long, we do not like stuck in active')
		for message in self._['out']['proto'].read_open(self.neighbor.peer_address.ip):
			# XXX: FIXME: change the whole code to use the ord and not the chr version
			# Only yield if we have not the open, otherwise the reactor can run the other connection
			# which would be bad as we need to do the collission check
			if ord(message.TYPE) == Message.Type.NOP:
				yield ACTION.later

		self._['out']['state'] = STATE.openconfirm

		if self._['in']['state'] == STATE.openconfirm:
			self.logger.network('outgoing connection finds the incoming connection is in openconfirm')
			local_id = self.neighbor.router_id.packed
			remote_id = proto.negotiated.received_open.router_id.packed

			if local_id < remote_id:
				self.logger.network('aborting the outgoing connection')
				stop = Interrupted()
				stop.direction = 'out'
				raise stop
				self.logger.network('closing the incoming connection')
				self._stop('in','collision local id < remote id')
				yield ACTION.later

		for message in proto.new_keepalive('OPENCONFIRM'):
			yield ACTION.immediate

		# Start keeping keepalive timer
		self.timer = Timer(self._log('out'),self._['out']['proto'].negotiated.holdtime,4,0)
		for message in self._['out']['proto'].read_keepalive('ESTABLISHED'):
			yield ACTION.immediate

		self._['out']['state'] = STATE.established
		# let the caller know that we were sucesfull
		yield ACTION.immediate
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: peer.py Proyecto: Empia/exabgp
	def _connect (self):
		# try to establish the outgoing connection


		proto = Protocol(self)
		generator = proto.connect()

		connected = False
			while not connected:
				if self._teardown:
					raise StopIteration()
				connected = generator.next()
				# we want to come back as soon as possible
				yield ACTION.LATER
		except StopIteration:
			# Connection failed
			if not connected:
				proto.close('connection to %s:%d failed' % (self.neighbor.peer_address,proto.port))
			# A connection arrived before we could establish !
			if not connected or self._incoming.proto:
				yield ACTION.NOW
				raise Interrupted(self._outgoing)

		self._outgoing.proto = proto

		# send OPEN
		# Only yield if we have not the open, otherwise the reactor can run the other connection
		# which would be bad as we need to set the state without going to the other peer
		message = Message.CODE.NOP
		for message in proto.new_open(self._restarted):
			if ord(message.TYPE) == Message.CODE.NOP:
				yield ACTION.NOW



		# Read OPEN
		wait = environment.settings().bgp.openwait
		opentimer = ReceiveTimer(self.me,wait,1,1,'waited for open too long, we do not like stuck in active')
		for message in self._outgoing.proto.read_open(self.neighbor.peer_address.top()):
			# XXX: FIXME: change the whole code to use the ord and not the chr version
			# Only yield if we have not the open, otherwise the reactor can run the other connection
			# which would be bad as we need to do the collission check
			if ord(message.TYPE) == Message.CODE.NOP:
				yield ACTION.LATER


		if self._incoming.fsm == FSM.OPENCONFIRM:
			self.logger.network('outgoing connection finds the incoming connection is in openconfirm')
			local_id = self.neighbor.router_id.pack()
			remote_id = proto.negotiated.received_open.router_id.pack()

			if local_id < remote_id:
				self.logger.network('aborting the outgoing connection')
				raise Interrupted(self._outgoing)
				self.logger.network('closing the incoming connection')
				self._stop(self._incoming,'collision local id < remote id')
				yield ACTION.LATER

		for message in proto.new_keepalive('OPENCONFIRM'):
			yield ACTION.NOW

		# Start keeping keepalive timer
		self.recv_timer = ReceiveTimer(self.me,proto.negotiated.holdtime,4,0)
		for message in self._outgoing.proto.read_keepalive():
			yield ACTION.NOW

		# let the caller know that we were sucesfull
		yield ACTION.NOW