def exp_main(self, raw_uri, root_uri, test=False, learning_rates='0.001'):
        """Run a hyper-parameter search experiment on Spacenet Vegas.

        Generates an experiment for each learning rate using a TF Deeplab semantic
        segmentation backend on the Spacenet Vegas Buildings dataset.

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data (the root of the Spacenet dataset)
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and
                generate debug output
            learning_rates: (str) comma-delimited list of learning rates to use
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        target = BUILDINGS
        task_type = rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION
        learning_rates = learning_rates.split(',')

        task_type = task_type.upper()
        spacenet_config = SpacenetConfig.create(raw_uri, target)
        ac_key = '{}_{}'.format(target, task_type.lower())

        validate_options(task_type, target)

        task = build_task(task_type, spacenet_config.get_class_map())
        analyzer = rv.AnalyzerConfig.builder(rv.STATS_ANALYZER) \
        dataset = build_dataset(task, spacenet_config, test)

        # Reduce number of scenes
        dataset.train_scenes = dataset.train_scenes[0:2**7]

        exps = []
        for learning_rate in learning_rates:
            backend = build_backend(task, test, learning_rate)
            exp_id = '{}_{}_rate={}'.format(target, task_type.lower(),

            # Need to use stats_analyzer because imagery is uint16.
            # Set the analyze and chip key to share analyze and chip output
            # between the experiments.
            experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                            .with_id(exp_id) \
                                            .with_task(task) \
                                            .with_backend(backend) \
                                            .with_analyzer(analyzer) \
                                            .with_dataset(dataset) \
                                            .with_root_uri(root_uri) \
                                            .with_analyze_key(ac_key) \


        return exps
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def exp_main(self,
        """Run an experiment on the Spacenet Vegas road or building dataset.

        This is an example of how to do all three tasks on the same dataset.

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data (the root of the Spacenet dataset)
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
            target: (str) 'buildings' or 'roads'
            task_type: (str) 'semantic_segmentation', 'object_detection', or
            vector_tile_options: (str or None) space delimited list of uri, zoom, and
                id_field. See VectorTileVectorSourceConfigBuilder.with_uri, .with_zoom
                and .with_id_field methods for more details.
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        exp_id = '{}-{}'.format(target, task_type.lower())
        task_type = task_type.upper()
        spacenet_config = SpacenetConfig.create(raw_uri, target)
        validate_options(task_type, target, vector_tile_options)
        vector_tile_options =

        task = build_task(task_type, spacenet_config.get_class_map())
        backend = build_backend(task, test)
        analyzer = rv.AnalyzerConfig.builder(rv.STATS_ANALYZER) \
        dataset = build_dataset(task,

        # Need to use stats_analyzer because imagery is uint16.
        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_analyzer(analyzer) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \

        return experiment
    def exp_main(self, exp_id, config, raw_uri, root_uri, test=False):

        test = str_to_bool(test)
        exp_id = 'duke-seg2'
        debug = False
        chip_size = 300

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
            .with_chip_size(chip_size) \
                'PV': (1, 'yellow'),
                'Background': (2, 'black')
            }) \
                target_count_threshold=1000) \

        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(FASTAI_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
            .with_task(task) \
            .with_train_options(**config) \

        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \

        return experiment
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def exp_main(self,
        """Run an experiment on the ISPRS Potsdam dataset.

        Uses Tensorflow Deeplab backend with Mobilenet architecture. Should get to
        F1 score of ~0.86 (including clutter class) after 6 hours of training on a P3

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
            use_tf: (bool) if True, use Tensorflow Deeplab backend.
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        use_tf = str_to_bool(use_tf)
        exp_id = 'potsdam-seg'
        train_ids = [
            '2-10', '2-11', '3-10', '3-11', '4-10', '4-11', '4-12', '5-10',
            '5-11', '5-12', '6-10', '6-11', '6-7', '6-9', '7-10', '7-11',
            '7-12', '7-7', '7-8', '7-9'
        val_ids = ['2-12', '3-12', '6-12']
        # infrared, red, green
        channel_order = [3, 0, 1]
        debug = False

        if test:
            debug = True
            train_ids = train_ids[0:1]
            val_ids = val_ids[0:1]
            exp_id += '-test'

        classes = {
            'Car': (1, '#ffff00'),
            'Building': (2, '#0000ff'),
            'Low Vegetation': (3, '#00ffff'),
            'Tree': (4, '#00ff00'),
            'Impervious': (5, "#ffffff"),
            'Clutter': (6, "#ff0000")

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                            .with_chip_size(300) \
                            .with_classes(classes) \
                                               stride=300, debug_chip_probability=1.0) \
        if use_tf:
            batch_size = 8
            num_steps = 100000
            if test:
                num_steps = 1
                batch_size = 2

            model_type = rv.MOBILENET_V2
            backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(rv.TF_DEEPLAB) \
                .with_task(task) \
                .with_model_defaults(model_type) \
                .with_train_options(sync_interval=600) \
                .with_num_steps(num_steps) \
                .with_batch_size(batch_size) \
                .with_debug(debug) \
            batch_size = 8
            num_epochs = 10
            if test:
                batch_size = 2
                num_epochs = 1

            backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(rv.PYTORCH_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                .with_task(task) \
                    debug=debug) \

        def make_scene(id):
            id = id.replace('-', '_')
            raster_uri = '{}/4_Ortho_RGBIR/top_potsdam_{}_RGBIR.tif'.format(
                raw_uri, id)

            label_uri = '{}/5_Labels_for_participants/top_potsdam_{}_label.tif'.format(
                raw_uri, id)

            if test:
                crop_uri = join(processed_uri, 'crops',
                save_image_crop(raster_uri, crop_uri, size=600)
                raster_uri = crop_uri

            # Using with_rgb_class_map because label TIFFs have classes encoded as RGB colors.
            label_source = rv.LabelSourceConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                .with_rgb_class_map(task.class_map) \
                .with_raster_source(label_uri) \

            # URI will be injected by scene config.
            # Using with_rgb(True) because we want prediction TIFFs to be in RGB format.
            label_store = rv.LabelStoreConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION_RASTER) \
                .with_rgb(True) \

            scene = rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_task(task) \
                                  .with_id(id) \
                                                      channel_order=channel_order) \
                                  .with_label_source(label_source) \
                                  .with_label_store(label_store) \

            return scene

        train_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in train_ids]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in val_ids]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
                                  .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \

        return experiment
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def exp_main(self, raw_uri, root_uri, test=False):
        """Run an experiment on the Spacenet Vegas building dataset.

        This is a simple example of how to do semantic segmentation on data that
        doesn't require any pre-processing or special permission to access.

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data (the root of the Spacenet dataset)
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
        base_uri = join(
            raw_uri, 'SpaceNet_Buildings_Dataset_Round2/spacenetV2_Train/AOI_2_Vegas')
        raster_uri = join(base_uri, 'RGB-PanSharpen')
        label_uri = join(base_uri, 'geojson/buildings')
        raster_fn_prefix = 'RGB-PanSharpen_AOI_2_Vegas_img'
        label_fn_prefix = 'buildings_AOI_2_Vegas_img'
        label_paths = list_paths(label_uri, ext='.geojson')
        label_re = re.compile(r'.*{}(\d+)\.geojson'.format(label_fn_prefix))
        scene_ids = [
            for label_path in label_paths]

        scene_ids = sorted(scene_ids)
        # Workaround to handle scene 1000 missing on S3.
        if '1000' in scene_ids:
        num_train_ids = int(len(scene_ids) * 0.8)
        train_ids = scene_ids[0:num_train_ids]
        val_ids = scene_ids[num_train_ids:]

        test = str_to_bool(test)
        exp_id = 'spacenet-simple-seg'
        num_epochs = 5
        batch_sz = 8
        debug = False
        chip_size = 300
        if test:
            exp_id += '-test'
            num_epochs = 2
            batch_sz = 1
            debug = True
            train_ids = ['12']
            val_ids = ['13']

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                            .with_chip_size(chip_size) \
                                'Building': (1, 'orange'),
                                'Background': (2, 'black')
                            }) \
                                target_count_threshold=1000) \

        config = {
            'bs': batch_sz,
            'num_epochs': num_epochs,
            'debug': debug,
            'lr': 1e-4

        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(FASTAI_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                                  .with_task(task) \
                                  .with_config(config) \

        def make_scene(id):
            train_image_uri = os.path.join(raster_uri,
                                           '{}{}.tif'.format(raster_fn_prefix, id))

            raster_source = rv.RasterSourceConfig.builder(rv.RASTERIO_SOURCE) \
                .with_uri(train_image_uri) \
                .with_channel_order([0, 1, 2]) \
                .with_stats_transformer() \

            vector_source = os.path.join(
                label_uri, '{}{}.geojson'.format(label_fn_prefix, id))
            label_raster_source = rv.RasterSourceConfig.builder(rv.RASTERIZED_SOURCE) \
                .with_vector_source(vector_source) \
                .with_rasterizer_options(2) \

            label_source = rv.LabelSourceConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                .with_raster_source(label_raster_source) \

            scene = rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                .with_task(task) \
                .with_id(id) \
                .with_raster_source(raster_source) \
                .with_label_source(label_source) \

            return scene

        train_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in train_ids]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in val_ids]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
            .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
            .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        analyzer = rv.AnalyzerConfig.builder(rv.STATS_ANALYZER) \

        # Need to use stats_analyzer because imagery is uint16.
        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_analyzer(analyzer) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \

        return experiment
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def get_exp(self,
        """Run an experiment on the ISPRS Potsdam dataset.

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        train_ids = [
            '2-10', '2-11', '3-10', '3-11', '4-10', '4-11', '4-12', '5-10',
            '5-11', '5-12', '6-10', '6-11', '6-7', '6-9', '7-10', '7-11',
            '7-12', '7-7', '7-8', '7-9'
        val_ids = ['2-12', '3-12', '6-12']
        # infrared, red, green
        channel_order = [3, 0, 1]

        chip_key = 'potsdam-seg'
        if test:
            config['debug'] = True
            config['batch_sz'] = 1
            config['num_epochs'] = 1

            train_ids = train_ids[0:1]
            val_ids = val_ids[0:1]
            exp_id += '-test'
            chip_key += '-test'

        classes = {
            'Car': (1, '#ffff00'),
            'Building': (2, '#0000ff'),
            'Low Vegetation': (3, '#00ffff'),
            'Tree': (4, '#00ff00'),
            'Impervious': (5, "#ffffff"),
            'Clutter': (6, "#ff0000")

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                            .with_chip_size(300) \
                            .with_classes(classes) \
                                               stride=300, debug_chip_probability=1.0) \

        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(FASTAI_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                                  .with_task(task) \
                                  .with_train_options(**config) \

        def make_scene(id):
            id = id.replace('-', '_')
            raster_uri = '{}/4_Ortho_RGBIR/top_potsdam_{}_RGBIR.tif'.format(
                raw_uri, id)

            label_uri = '{}/5_Labels_for_participants/top_potsdam_{}_label.tif'.format(
                raw_uri, id)

            if test:
                crop_uri = join(processed_uri, 'crops',
                save_image_crop(raster_uri, crop_uri, size=600)
                raster_uri = crop_uri

            # Using with_rgb_class_map because label TIFFs have classes encoded as RGB colors.
            label_source = rv.LabelSourceConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                .with_rgb_class_map(task.class_map) \
                .with_raster_source(label_uri) \

            # URI will be injected by scene config.
            # Using with_rgb(True) because we want prediction TIFFs to be in RGB format.
            label_store = rv.LabelStoreConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION_RASTER) \
                .with_rgb(True) \

            scene = rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_task(task) \
                                  .with_id(id) \
                                                      channel_order=channel_order) \
                                  .with_label_source(label_source) \
                                  .with_label_store(label_store) \

            return scene

        train_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in train_ids]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in val_ids]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
                                  .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_chip_key(chip_key) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \

        return experiment
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def exp_main(self, raw_uri, root_uri, test=False):
        """Run an experiment on the Spacenet Vegas building dataset.

        This is a simple example of how to do semantic segmentation on data that
        doesn't require any pre-processing or special permission to access.

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data (the root of the Spacenet dataset)
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
        # Specify the location of the raw data
        base_uri = join(raw_uri, 'spacenet/SN2_buildings/train/AOI_2_Vegas')
        # The images and labels are in two separate directories within the base_uri
        raster_uri = join(base_uri, 'PS-RGB')
        label_uri = join(base_uri, 'geojson_buildings')
        # The tiff (raster) and geojson (label) files have have a naming convention of
        # '[prefix]_[image id].geojson.' The prefix indicates the type of data and the
        # image id indicates which scene each is associated with.
        raster_fn_prefix = 'SN2_buildings_train_AOI_2_Vegas_PS-RGB_img'
        label_fn_prefix = 'SN2_buildings_train_AOI_2_Vegas_geojson_buildings_img'
        # Find all of the image ids that have associated images and labels. Collect
        # these values to use as our scene ids.
        label_paths = list_paths(label_uri, ext='.geojson')
        label_re = re.compile(r'.*{}(\d+)\.geojson'.format(label_fn_prefix))
        scene_ids = [
            label_re.match(label_path).group(1) for label_path in label_paths

        # Set some trainin parameters:
        # The exp_id will be the label associated with this experiment, it will be used
        # to name the experiment config json.
        exp_id = 'spacenet-simple-seg'
        # Number of times to go through the entire dataset during training.
        num_epochs = 2
        # Number of images in each batch
        batch_size = 8
        # Specify whether or not to make debug chips (a zipped sample of png chips
        # that you can examine to help debug the chipping process)
        debug = False

        # This experiment includes an option to run a small test experiment before
        # running the whole thing. You can set this using the 'test' parameter. If
        # this parameter is set to True it will run a tiny test example with a new
        # experiment id. This will be small enough to run locally. It is recommended
        # to run a test example locally before submitting the whole experiment to AWs
        # Batch.
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        if test:
            exp_id += '-test'
            num_epochs = 1
            batch_size = 2
            debug = True
            scene_ids = scene_ids[0:10]

        # Split the data into training and validation sets:
        # Randomize the order of all scene ids
        scene_ids = sorted(scene_ids)
        # Workaround to handle scene 1000 missing on S3.
        if '1000' in scene_ids:
        # Figure out how many scenes make up 80% of the whole set
        num_train_ids = round(len(scene_ids) * 0.8)
        # Split the scene ids into training and validation lists
        train_ids = scene_ids[0:num_train_ids]
        val_ids = scene_ids[num_train_ids:]

        # The TaskConfigBuilder constructs a child class of TaskConfig that
        # corresponds to the type of computer vision task you are taking on.
        # This experiment includes a semantic segmentation task but Raster
        # Vision also has backends for object detection and chip classification.
        # Before building the task config you can also set parameters using
        # 'with_' methods. In the example below we set the chip size, the
        # pixel class names and colors, and addiitonal chip options.
        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                            .with_chip_size(300) \
                                'Building': (1, 'orange'),
                                'Background': (2, 'black')
                            }) \
                                target_count_threshold=1000) \

        # Next we will create a backend that is built on top of a third-party
        # deep learning library. In this case we will construct the
        # BackendConfig for the pytorch semantic segmentation backend.
        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(rv.PYTORCH_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
            .with_task(task) \
                debug=debug) \

        # We will use this function to create a list of scenes that we will pass
        # to the DataSetConfig builder.
        def make_scene(id):
            """Make a SceneConfig object for each image/label pair

                id (str): The id that corresponds to both the .tiff image source
                    and .geojson label source for a given scene

       a SceneConfig object which is composed of
                    images, labels and optionally AOIs
            # Find the uri for the image associated with this is
            train_image_uri = os.path.join(
                raster_uri, '{}{}.tif'.format(raster_fn_prefix, id))

            # Construct a raster source from an image uri that can be handled by Rasterio.
            # We also specify the order of image channels by their indices and add a
            # stats transformer which normalizes pixel values into uint8.
            raster_source = rv.RasterSourceConfig.builder(rv.RASTERIO_SOURCE) \
                .with_uri(train_image_uri) \
                .with_channel_order([0, 1, 2]) \
                .with_stats_transformer() \

            # Next create a label source config to pair with the raster source:
            # define the geojson label source uri
            vector_source = os.path.join(
                label_uri, '{}{}.geojson'.format(label_fn_prefix, id))

            # Since this is a semantic segmentation experiment and the labels
            # are distributed in a vector-based GeoJSON format, we need to rasterize
            # the labels. We create  aRasterSourceConfigBuilder using
            # `rv.RASTERIZED_SOURCE`
            # indicating that it will come from a vector source. We then specify the uri
            # of the vector source and (in the 'with_rasterizer_options' method) the id
            # of the pixel class we would like to use as background.
            label_raster_source = rv.RasterSourceConfig.builder(rv.RASTERIZED_SOURCE) \
                .with_vector_source(vector_source) \
                .with_rasterizer_options(2) \

            # Create a semantic segmentation label source from rasterized source config
            # that we built in the previous line.
            label_source = rv.LabelSourceConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                .with_raster_source(label_raster_source) \

            # Finally we can build a scene config object using the scene id and the
            # configs we just defined
            scene = rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                .with_task(task) \
                .with_id(id) \
                .with_raster_source(raster_source) \
                .with_label_source(label_source) \

            return scene

        # Create lists of train and test scene configs
        train_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in train_ids]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in val_ids]

        # Construct a DataSet config using the lists of train and
        # validation scenes
        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
            .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
            .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        # We will need to convert this imagery from uint16 to uint8
        # in order to use it. We specified that this conversion should take place
        # when we built the train raster source but that process will require
        # dataset-level statistics. To get these stats we need to create an
        # analyzer.
        analyzer = rv.AnalyzerConfig.builder(rv.STATS_ANALYZER) \

        # We use the previously-constructed configs to create the constituent
        # parts of the experiment. We also give the builder strings that define
        # the experiment id and and root uri. The root uri indicates where all
        # of the output will be written.
        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_analyzer(analyzer) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \

        # Return one or more experiment configs to run the experiment(s)
        return experiment
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def exp_main(self, raw_uri, processed_uri, root_uri, test=False):
        """Chip classification experiment on Spacenet Rio dataset.

        Run the data prep notebook before running this experiment. Note all URIs can be
        local or remote.

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data
            processed_uri: (str) directory of processed data
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        exp_id = 'spacenet-rio-chip-classification'
        num_epochs = 20
        batch_size = 16
        debug = False
        train_scene_info = get_scene_info(join(processed_uri, 'train-scenes.csv'))
        val_scene_info = get_scene_info(join(processed_uri, 'val-scenes.csv'))

        if test:
            exp_id += '-test'
            num_epochs = 1
            batch_size = 1
            debug = True
            train_scene_info = train_scene_info[0:1]
            val_scene_info = val_scene_info[0:1]

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.CHIP_CLASSIFICATION) \
                            .with_chip_size(200) \
                                'building': (1, 'red'),
                                'no_building': (2, 'black')
                            }) \

        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(rv.KERAS_CLASSIFICATION) \
                                  .with_task(task) \
                                  .with_model_defaults(rv.RESNET50_IMAGENET) \
                                  .with_debug(debug) \
                                  .with_batch_size(batch_size) \
                                  .with_num_epochs(num_epochs) \
                                      'trainer': {
                                          'options': {
                                              'saveBest': True,
                                              'lrSchedule': [
                                                      'epoch': 0,
                                                      'lr': 0.0005
                                                      'epoch': 10,
                                                      'lr': 0.0001
                                                      'epoch': 15,
                                                      'lr': 0.00001
                                  }, set_missing_keys=True) \

        def make_scene(scene_info):
            (raster_uri, label_uri) = scene_info
            raster_uri = join(raw_uri, raster_uri)
            label_uri = join(processed_uri, label_uri)
            aoi_uri = join(raw_uri, aoi_path)

            if test:
                crop_uri = join(
                    processed_uri, 'crops', os.path.basename(raster_uri))
                save_image_crop(raster_uri, crop_uri, label_uri=label_uri,
                                size=600, min_features=20)
                raster_uri = crop_uri

            id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(raster_uri))[0]
            label_source = rv.LabelSourceConfig.builder(rv.CHIP_CLASSIFICATION) \
                                               .with_uri(label_uri) \
                                               .with_ioa_thresh(0.5) \
                                               .with_use_intersection_over_cell(False) \
                                               .with_pick_min_class_id(True) \
                                               .with_background_class_id(2) \
                                               .with_infer_cells(True) \

            return rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                                 .with_task(task) \
                                 .with_id(id) \
                                 .with_raster_source(raster_uri) \
                                 .with_label_source(label_source) \
                                 .with_aoi_uri(aoi_uri) \

        train_scenes = [make_scene(info) for info in train_scene_info]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(info) for info in val_scene_info]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
                                  .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \

        return experiment
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def exp_main(self, raw_uri, processed_uri, root_uri, test=False):
        """Semantic segmentation experiment on Spacenet Rio dataset.

        Run the data prep notebook before running this experiment. Note all URIs can be
        local or remote.

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data
            processed_uri: (str) directory of processed data
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        exp_id = 'spacenet-rio-semseg'
        debug = False
        batch_size = 8
        num_epochs = 20

        train_scene_info = get_scene_info(
            join(processed_uri, 'train-scenes.csv'))
        val_scene_info = get_scene_info(join(processed_uri, 'val-scenes.csv'))

        if test:
            exp_id += '-test'
            debug = True
            num_epochs = 1
            batch_size = 2
            train_scene_info = train_scene_info[0:1]
            val_scene_info = val_scene_info[0:1]

        class_map = {'Building': (1, 'orange'), 'Background': (2, 'black')}

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                            .with_chip_size(300) \
                            .with_classes(class_map) \
                                debug_chip_probability=1.0) \

        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(rv.PYTORCH_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
            .with_task(task) \
                debug=debug) \

        def make_scene(scene_info):
            (raster_uri, label_uri) = scene_info
            raster_uri = join(raw_uri, raster_uri)
            label_uri = join(processed_uri, label_uri)

            if test:
                crop_uri = join(processed_uri, 'crops',
                raster_uri = crop_uri

            aoi_uri = join(raw_uri, aoi_path)
            id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(raster_uri))[0]

            background_class_id = 2
            label_raster_source = rv.RasterSourceConfig.builder(rv.RASTERIZED_SOURCE) \
                .with_vector_source(label_uri) \
                .with_rasterizer_options(background_class_id) \
            label_source = rv.LabelSourceConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                .with_raster_source(label_raster_source) \

            return rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                                 .with_task(task) \
                                 .with_id(id) \
                                 .with_raster_source(raster_uri) \
                                 .with_label_source(label_source) \
                                 .with_aoi_uri(aoi_uri) \

        train_scenes = [make_scene(info) for info in train_scene_info]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(info) for info in val_scene_info]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
                                  .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \

        return experiment
    def exp_xview(self, raw_uri, processed_uri, root_uri, test=False):
        """Object detection experiment on xView data.

        Run the data prep notebook before running this experiment. Note all URIs can be
        local or remote.

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data
            processed_uri: (str) directory of processed data
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        exp_id = 'xview-vehicles'
        num_steps = 100000
        batch_size = 16
        debug = False
        train_scene_info = get_scene_info(
            join(processed_uri, 'train-scenes.csv'))
        val_scene_info = get_scene_info(join(processed_uri, 'val-scenes.csv'))

        if test:
            exp_id += '-test'
            batch_size = 2
            num_steps = 1
            debug = True
            train_scene_info = train_scene_info[0:1]
            val_scene_info = val_scene_info[0:1]

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.OBJECT_DETECTION) \
                            .with_chip_size(300) \
                            .with_classes({'vehicle': (1, 'red')}) \
                                               ioa_thresh=0.8) \
                                                  score_thresh=0.5) \

        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(rv.TF_OBJECT_DETECTION) \
                                  .with_task(task) \
                                  .with_debug(debug) \
                                  .with_batch_size(batch_size) \
                                  .with_num_steps(num_steps) \
                                  .with_model_defaults(rv.SSD_MOBILENET_V1_COCO) \

        def make_scene(scene_info):
            (raster_uri, label_uri) = scene_info
            raster_uri = join(raw_uri, raster_uri)
            label_uri = join(processed_uri, label_uri)

            if test:
                crop_uri = join(processed_uri, 'crops',
                save_image_crop(raster_uri, crop_uri, size=600, min_features=5)
                raster_uri = crop_uri

            id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(raster_uri))[0]
            label_source = rv.LabelSourceConfig.builder(rv.OBJECT_DETECTION) \
                                               .with_uri(label_uri) \

            return rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                                 .with_task(task) \
                                 .with_id(id) \
                                 .with_raster_source(raster_uri) \
                                 .with_label_source(label_source) \

        train_scenes = [make_scene(info) for info in train_scene_info]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(info) for info in val_scene_info]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
                                  .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \

        return experiment
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def get_exp(self,
        """Chip classification experiment on Spacenet Rio dataset.
        Run the data prep notebook before running this experiment. Note all URIs can be
        local or remote.
            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data
            processed_uri: (str) directory of processed data
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        train_scene_info = get_scene_info(
            join(processed_uri, 'train-scenes.csv'))
        val_scene_info = get_scene_info(join(processed_uri, 'val-scenes.csv'))

        chip_key = 'spacenet-rio-chip-classification'
        if test:
            exp_id += '-test'
            config['num_epochs'] = 1
            config['batch_sz'] = 8
            config['debug'] = True
            train_scene_info = train_scene_info[0:1]
            val_scene_info = val_scene_info[0:1]

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.CHIP_CLASSIFICATION) \
                            .with_chip_size(200) \
                                'building': (1, 'red'),
                                'no_building': (2, 'black')
                            }) \

        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(FASTAI_CHIP_CLASSIFICATION) \
                                  .with_task(task) \
                                  .with_train_options(**config) \

        def make_scene(scene_info):
            (raster_uri, label_uri) = scene_info
            raster_uri = join(raw_uri, raster_uri)
            label_uri = join(processed_uri, label_uri)
            aoi_uri = join(raw_uri, aoi_path)

            if test:
                crop_uri = join(processed_uri, 'crops',
                raster_uri = crop_uri

            id = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(raster_uri))[0]
            label_source = rv.LabelSourceConfig.builder(rv.CHIP_CLASSIFICATION) \
                                               .with_uri(label_uri) \
                                               .with_ioa_thresh(0.5) \
                                               .with_use_intersection_over_cell(False) \
                                               .with_pick_min_class_id(True) \
                                               .with_background_class_id(2) \
                                               .with_infer_cells(True) \

            return rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                                 .with_task(task) \
                                 .with_id(id) \
                                 .with_raster_source(raster_uri) \
                                 .with_label_source(label_source) \
                                 .with_aoi_uri(aoi_uri) \

        train_scenes = [make_scene(info) for info in train_scene_info]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(info) for info in val_scene_info]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
                                  .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_chip_key(chip_key) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \

        return experiment
    def exp_main(self, raw_uri, processed_uri, root_uri, test=False):
        """Object detection on COWC (Cars Overhead with Context) Potsdam dataset

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data
            processed_uri: (str) directory of processed data
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        exp_id = 'cowc-object-detection'
        num_steps = 100000
        batch_size = 8
        debug = False
        train_scene_ids = ['2_10', '2_11', '2_12', '2_14', '3_11',
                           '3_13', '4_10', '5_10', '6_7', '6_9']
        val_scene_ids = ['2_13', '6_8', '3_10']

        if test:
            exp_id += '-test'
            num_steps = 1
            batch_size = 1
            debug = True
            train_scene_ids = train_scene_ids[0:1]
            val_scene_ids = val_scene_ids[0:1]

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.OBJECT_DETECTION) \
                            .with_chip_size(300) \
                            .with_classes({'vehicle': (1, 'red')}) \
                                               ioa_thresh=0.8) \
                                                  score_thresh=0.5) \

        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(rv.TF_OBJECT_DETECTION) \
                                  .with_task(task) \
                                  .with_model_defaults(rv.SSD_MOBILENET_V1_COCO) \
                                  .with_debug(debug) \
                                  .with_batch_size(batch_size) \
                                  .with_num_steps(num_steps) \

        def make_scene(id):
            raster_uri = join(
                raw_uri, '4_Ortho_RGBIR/top_potsdam_{}_RGBIR.tif'.format(id))
            label_uri = join(
                processed_uri, 'labels', 'all', 'top_potsdam_{}_RGBIR.json'.format(id))

            if test:
                crop_uri = join(
                    processed_uri, 'crops', os.path.basename(raster_uri))
                save_image_crop(raster_uri, crop_uri, label_uri=label_uri,
                                size=1000, min_features=5)
                raster_uri = crop_uri

            return rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                                 .with_id(id) \
                                 .with_task(task) \
                                 .with_raster_source(raster_uri, channel_order=[0, 1, 2]) \
                                 .with_label_source(label_uri) \

        train_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in train_scene_ids]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in val_scene_ids]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
                                  .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \

        return experiment
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def exp_main(self, exp_id, config, raw_uri, root_uri, test=False):
        """Run an experiment on the Spacenet Vegas building dataset.

        This is a simple example of how to do semantic segmentation on data that
        doesn't require any pre-processing or special permission to access.

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data (the root of the Spacenet dataset)
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output

        base_uri = join(
            raw_uri, 'duke')
        raster_uri = base_uri
        label_uri = join(raw_uri, 'duke_labels')
        scene_ids = [os.path.basename(x).replace('.geojson', '') for x in glob.glob(join(label_uri, '*.geojson'))]

        scene_ids = sorted(scene_ids)

        num_train_ids = int(len(scene_ids) * 0.8)
        train_ids = scene_ids[0:num_train_ids]
        val_ids = scene_ids[num_train_ids:]

        test = str_to_bool(test)
        exp_id = 'duke-seg3'
        debug = False
        chip_size = 300
        if test:
            exp_id += '-test'
            train_ids = ['11ska355800']
            val_ids = ['11ska490710']
            config['debug'] = False
            config['batch_sz'] = 1
            config['num_epochs'] = 1

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                            .with_chip_size(chip_size) \
                                'PV': (1, 'yellow'),
                                'Background': (2, 'black')
                            }) \
                                target_count_threshold=1000) \

        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(FASTAI_SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                                  .with_task(task) \
                                  .with_train_options(**config) \

        def make_scene(id):
            train_image_uri = os.path.join(raster_uri,

            raster_source = rv.RasterSourceConfig.builder(rv.RASTERIO_SOURCE) \
                .with_uri(train_image_uri) \
                .with_channel_order([0, 1, 2]) \
                .with_stats_transformer() \

            vector_source = os.path.join(
                label_uri, '{}.geojson'.format(id))
            label_raster_source = rv.RasterSourceConfig.builder(rv.RASTERIZED_SOURCE) \
                .with_vector_source(vector_source) \
                .with_rasterizer_options(2) \

            label_source = rv.LabelSourceConfig.builder(rv.SEMANTIC_SEGMENTATION) \
                .with_raster_source(label_raster_source) \

            scene = rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                .with_task(task) \
                .with_id(id) \
                .with_raster_source(raster_source) \
                .with_label_source(label_source) \

            return scene

        train_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in train_ids]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in val_ids]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
            .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
            .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        analyzer = rv.AnalyzerConfig.builder(rv.STATS_ANALYZER) \
                                    .with_sample_prob(0.1) \

        # Need to use stats_analyzer because imagery is uint16.
        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_analyzer(analyzer) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \

        return experiment
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def exp_main(self, raw_uri, processed_uri, root_uri, test=False):
        """Object detection on COWC (Cars Overhead with Context) Potsdam dataset

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data
            processed_uri: (str) directory of processed data
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        exp_id = 'cowc-object-detection'
        num_epochs = 50
        batch_sz = 16
        debug = False
        lr = 2e-5
        model_arch = 'resnet18'
        sync_interval = 10
        train_scene_ids = [
            '2_10', '2_11', '2_12', '2_14', '3_11', '3_13', '4_10', '5_10',
            '6_7', '6_9'
        val_scene_ids = ['2_13', '6_8', '3_10']

        if test:
            exp_id += '-test'
            num_epochs = 1
            batch_sz = 1
            debug = True
            train_scene_ids = train_scene_ids[0:1]
            val_scene_ids = val_scene_ids[0:1]

        # XXX set neg_ratio to 0 for testing purposes
        # since fastai can't handle neg chips afaik.
        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.OBJECT_DETECTION) \
                            .with_chip_size(300) \
                            .with_classes({'vehicle': (1, 'red')}) \
                                               ioa_thresh=0.8) \
                                                  score_thresh=0.5) \

        config = {
            'batch_sz': batch_sz,
            'num_epochs': num_epochs,
            'debug': debug,
            'lr': lr,
            'sync_interval': sync_interval,
            'model_arch': model_arch
        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(FASTAI_OBJECT_DETECTION) \
                                  .with_task(task) \
                                  .with_train_options(**config) \

        def make_scene(id):
            raster_uri = join(
                raw_uri, '4_Ortho_RGBIR/top_potsdam_{}_RGBIR.tif'.format(id))
            label_uri = join(processed_uri, 'labels', 'all',

            if test:
                crop_uri = join(processed_uri, 'crops',
                raster_uri = crop_uri

            return rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                                 .with_id(id) \
                                 .with_task(task) \
                                 .with_raster_source(raster_uri, channel_order=[0, 1, 2]) \
                                 .with_label_source(label_uri) \

        train_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in train_scene_ids]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in val_scene_ids]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
                                  .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \

        return experiment
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def exp_main(self, raw_uri, processed_uri, root_uri, test=False):
        """Chip Classification on COWC (Cars Overhead with Context) Potsdam

            raw_uri: (str) directory of raw data
            processed_uri: (str) directory of processed data
            root_uri: (str) root directory for experiment output
            test: (bool) if True, run a very small experiment as a test and generate
                debug output
        test = str_to_bool(test)
        exp_id = 'cowc-chip-classification'
        num_epochs = 50
        batch_sz = 16
        debug = False
        lr = 2e-5
        model_arch = 'resnet18'
        sync_interval = 10
        train_scene_ids = [
            '2_10', '2_11', '2_12', '2_14', '3_11', '3_13', '4_10', '5_10',
            '6_7', '6_9'
        val_scene_ids = ['2_13', '6_8', '3_10']

        if test:
            exp_id += '-test'
            num_epochs = 2
            batch_sz = 2
            debug = True
            train_scene_ids = train_scene_ids[0:1]
            val_scene_ids = val_scene_ids[0:1]

        task = rv.TaskConfig.builder(rv.CHIP_CLASSIFICATION) \
            .with_chip_size(200) \
                'car': (1, 'red'),
                'background': (2, 'black')
            }) \

        config = {
            'batch_sz': batch_sz,
            'num_epochs': num_epochs,
            'debug': debug,
            'lr': lr,
            'sync_interval': sync_interval,
            'model_arch': model_arch

        backend = rv.BackendConfig.builder(FASTAI_CHIP_CLASSIFICATION) \
                        .with_task(task) \
                        .with_train_options(**config) \

        def make_scene(id):
            raster_uri = join(
                raw_uri, '4_Ortho_RGBIR/top_potsdam_{}_RGBIR.tif'.format(id))
            label_uri = join(processed_uri, 'labels', 'all',

            if test:
                crop_uri = join(processed_uri, 'crops',
                raster_uri = crop_uri

            label_source = rv.LabelSourceConfig.builder(rv.CHIP_CLASSIFICATION) \
                .with_uri(label_uri) \
                .with_ioa_thresh(0.5) \
                .with_use_intersection_over_cell(False) \
                .with_pick_min_class_id(True) \
                .with_background_class_id(2) \
                .with_infer_cells(True) \

            return rv.SceneConfig.builder() \
                .with_id(id) \
                .with_task(task) \
                .with_raster_source(raster_uri, channel_order=[0, 1, 2]) \
                .with_label_source(label_source) \

        train_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in train_scene_ids]
        val_scenes = [make_scene(id) for id in val_scene_ids]

        dataset = rv.DatasetConfig.builder() \
                                  .with_train_scenes(train_scenes) \
                                  .with_validation_scenes(val_scenes) \

        experiment = rv.ExperimentConfig.builder() \
                                        .with_id(exp_id) \
                                        .with_root_uri(root_uri) \
                                        .with_task(task) \
                                        .with_backend(backend) \
                                        .with_dataset(dataset) \

        return experiment