Ejemplo n.º 1
### pre define start###
#put in our data -----------------------------------

### controller start ###
#123 stands for final, highest, lowest
target = 1 # select which sheetname is our targeted label, refer to ee; tips: 1 stand sheet 2
saveOrNot = 1
loadOrNot = 1
inputFile = 'Data_reading'
activation_function = "elu"

# Black magic, optimized 'if' function
label = ((target == 1 and ee.ee(inputFile,1).ds()) or (target == 2 and ee.ee(inputFile,2).ds()) or (target == 3 and ee.ee(inputFile,3).ds())) # if we need to change label, we change here
inputs_name = pd.read_excel(inputFile+".xlsx" ).columns
data = ee.ee(inputFile,0).ds()[:len(label)] # now, all our data is inputFile's sheet1 data.
test = np.array(ee.ee(inputFile,0).ds()[len(label)-1])[np.newaxis,:] # test data is the last line normally, of course we can change it if it's not.
saver_file = "Networksaver/"+inputFile+"weights.ckpt" # save file to this location
#print("data and label are {} \n and {} \n".format(data, label))

#when lr more than 0.05, it may goes to be bad
#best biases is 0.5 now, accuracy is 0.439767
data_size = len(ee.ee(inputFile,0).ds()[0])
hidden_size = 2*data_size
label_size = len(ee.ee(inputFile,1).ds()[0])
loop = 1000
lr = 0.005
Biases = 0.02
Ejemplo n.º 2
import pprint
import pandas as pd

### pre define start###
#put in our data -----------------------------------

### controller start ###
#123 stands for final, highest, lowest
target = 1  # select which sheetname is our targeted label, refer to ee; tips: 1 stand sheet 2
saveOrNot = 1
loadOrNot = 1
inputFile = 'Data_reading'
activation_function = "elu"

# Black magic, optimized 'if' function
label = ((target == 1 and ee.ee(inputFile, 1).ds())
         or (target == 2 and ee.ee(inputFile, 2).ds())
         or (target == 3 and ee.ee(inputFile, 3).ds())
         )  # if we need to change label, we change here
inputs_name = pd.read_excel(inputFile + ".xlsx").columns
data = ee.ee(
    0).ds()[:len(label)]  # now, all our data is inputFile's sheet1 data.
test = np.array(
    ee.ee(inputFile, 0).ds()[len(label) - 1]
  newaxis, :]  # test data is the last line normally, of course we can change it if it's not.
saver_file = "Networksaver/" + inputFile + "weights.ckpt"  # save file to this location
#print("data and label are {} \n and {} \n".format(data, label))

#when lr more than 0.05, it may goes to be bad
Ejemplo n.º 3
    target = 1  # select which sheetname is our targeted label, refer to ee; tips: 1 stands for sheet 2
    saveOrNot = 1  # save the result parameters or not
    loadOrNot = 1  # load pre-saved parameters or not
    saveToFile = 1  # save the final result to files
    inputFile = 'Data_reading'  # data source
    activation_function = "elu"  # tf activation function
    lr = 0.005  # learn rate
    Biases = 0.01  # created biases

    # to check if time matters, add both 2 parameters below.
    i = 3  # because we have i as an input required in DNN, so if we don't have to test time, we will need to input i into DNN to, so we declare it here.  Also we can do one-time time test by updating i.
    test_time = 0  # if we need to check time,

    test_parameters = 0  # check which learn rate & biases works best
    label = (
        (target == 1 and ee.ee(inputFile, 1).ds())
        or (target == 2 and ee.ee(inputFile, 2).ds())
        or (target == 3 and ee.ee(inputFile, 3).ds())
    )  # if we need to change label, we change in excel sheet 1/2/3 and update it here
    data = ee.ee(inputFile, 0).ds()[:len(label)]  # input data source is here.

    if test_parameters == 1:
        # do loop to check what parameters works best
        for lr in [0.005, 0.05, 0.1]:
            for Biases in [0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5]:
                DNN(target, saveOrNot, loadOrNot, inputFile,
                    activation_function, label, data, lr, Biases, i,
    elif test_time == 1:
        # do loop to check if there is any relationship between time and the result
        for i in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def DNN(target, saveOrNot, loadOrNot, inputFile, activation_function, label,
        data, lr, Biases, time_stamp, saveToFile):

    inputs_name = pd.read_excel(inputFile + ".xlsx").columns
    test_data = []
    label = label[time_stamp:]
    data = data[:len(label)]

    for i in range(len(label), len(label) + 1 + time_stamp):
        test = np.array(
            ee.ee(inputFile, 0).ds()[i]
          newaxis, :]  # test data is the last line normally, of course we can change it if it's not.
    print("test data is {}, lr = {}, Biases = {}".format(
        test_data, lr, Biases))
    saver_file = "Networksaver/" + str(inputFile) + str(
        time_stamp) + "weights.ckpt"  # save file to this location
    #when lr more than 0.05, it may goes to be bad
    #best biases is 0.5 now, accuracy is 0.439767
    data_size = len(ee.ee(inputFile, 0).ds()[0])
    hidden_size = 2 * data_size
    label_size = len(ee.ee(inputFile, 1).ds()[0])
    loop = 200000

    ### controller end ###----------------------------------------------------------

    #define activation function,
    #till now, elu is the best in performance
    string = str("tf.nn.") + str(
    )  # make it fexiable to change the activation function
    activation = exec(
        string)  # 2 str won't be recognized by tf, so have to exec it

    #define how the network looks like
    ### this is how we define a layer start ###
    def add_layer(inputs, in_size, out_size, activation_function=None):
        with tf.name_scope("Layer"):
            with tf.name_scope("Weights"):
                Weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([in_size, out_size]))
            with tf.name_scope("Biases"):
                biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, out_size]) + Biases)
            with tf.name_scope("Out"):
                Wx_plus_b = tf.matmul(inputs, Weights) + biases

            outputs = (activation_function is not None and
                       (activation_function(Wx_plus_b)) or Wx_plus_b
                       )  # for tensow, use "is not None instead of is None"

            return outputs, Weights

    ### this is how we define a layer end ###------------------------------------------------------------------

    #annouce the space for inputs and outputs
    #name scope is for graph, for visilization
    with tf.name_scope("inputs"):
        xs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, data_size], name="Base_data")
        ys = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, label_size], name="Label")

    #build layers
    l1, weight1 = add_layer(xs, data_size, hidden_size, activation)  # layer 1
    prediction, weight2 = add_layer(l1, hidden_size, label_size,
                                    None)  # output layer

    #define loss
    with tf.name_scope("Loss"):
        #get loss, but here we have % loss or true loss, the first line is true but we may need %
        loss = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(ys - prediction), reduction_indices=[1]))
        #loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reduce_sum((ys-prediction)/ys))

    #define train, we have many train models, which should be tested later
    with tf.name_scope("Train"):
        #train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.09).minimize(loss)
        #the best Optimizer till now is Adam!
        train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(lr).minimize(loss)

    #define initial, we will need to run it soon before everyelse things carry out
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    ### pre define end###-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #store the whole nn 1/3
    saver = tf.train.Saver()

    ### start nn start ###

    #with with sentence, we don't have to close session as it will be closed automatically
    with tf.Session() as sess:

        #initial the whole nn

        #store the whole nn 2/3
        (loadOrNot == 1 and saver.restore(sess, saver_file)
         or "")  # better coding for restoration

        #start training  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        for i in range(loop):

            #input data into train function and let it work
            sess.run(train_step, feed_dict={xs: data, ys: label})

            #let the nn stop once the accuracy is more than 9.9999%
            if sess.run(loss, feed_dict={xs: data, ys: label}) < 0.0002:
                print("Aim is {}".format(
                    sess.run(prediction, feed_dict={xs: test})[0][0]))
                #print out every x times
                if i % 500 == 0:

                    prediction_value = sess.run(prediction,
                                                feed_dict={xs: data})

                    #print out, \n is for enter, and [0][0] is to select the very first value in whole matrix
                    print("loss is {}".format(
                        round(sess.run(loss, feed_dict={
                            xs: data,
                            ys: label
                        }), 6)))

                    # because "xxx" is str, so if we want '+' instead of ',' (because use , there will be a enter
                    # so we will need to str(the value)
                    #below is for predict only 1 line:

                    result_set = []

                    for j in range(len(test_data)):
                        result = str(
                        print(" {} times, and {} tests, Result is {}".format(
                            i, j, result))

        #store the whole nn 3/3

        (saveOrNot == 1
         and print("Save to path:", saver.save(sess, saver_file)) or 0)

        model_save_path = 'Networksaver/' + str(inputFile) + str(
            time_stamp) + 'weights.ckpt'
        #model_reader = pywrap_tensorflow.NewCheckpointReader(model_save_path)
        model_reader = pywrap_tensorflow.NewCheckpointReader(model_save_path)

    if saveToFile == 1:

        # record the final result
        b = model_reader.get_tensor("Layer/Weights/Variable")
        c = model_reader.get_tensor("Layer_1/Weights/Variable")

        d = []
        e = []
        sum_data = 0

        for k in range(len(label)):
            for i in range(len(b)):
                sum_data = 0
                for j in range(len(c)):
                    sum_data += data[k][i] * b[i][j] * c[j][0]
                if label[k][0] is not 0:
                    e.append(sum_data / label[k][0])
            e = []

        dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(d)
        dataFrame.columns = inputs_name
        dataFrame.loc['coefficient'] = dataFrame.apply(lambda x: x.sum())
        dataFrame = dataFrame.T.sort_values('coefficient',
                                            ascending=False)  #转置并排序
        #dataFrame = dataFrame.sort_values('weight_each_total_list', ascending= False)
        dataFrameResult = pd.DataFrame(result_set)
        dataFrame = pd.concat([dataFrame, dataFrameResult],
                              join='outer')  # outer 是并集

        #dataFrame = dataFrame.sort_values('weight_each_total_list', ascending= False)

        dataFrame.to_excel(str(time_stamp) + "Analyzs_result.xlsx",

    dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(d)
    dataFrame.columns = inputs_name
    dataFrame.loc['coefficient'] = dataFrame.apply(lambda x: x.sum())
    dataFrame = dataFrame.T.sort_values('coefficient', ascending=False)  #转置并排序
    #dataFrame = dataFrame.sort_values('weight_each_total_list', ascending= False)
    dataFrame.to_excel(str(time_stamp) + "Analyzs_result.xlsx",

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ### controller start ###
    #123 stands for final, highest, lowest
    target = 1  # select which sheetname is our targeted label, refer to ee; tips: 1 stands for sheet 2
    saveOrNot = 1
    loadOrNot = 0
    inputFile = 'Data_reading'
    activation_function = "elu"

    # do loop to check if there is any relationship between time and the result
    for i in [0, 4, 8, 12]:
        label = ((target == 1 and ee.ee(inputFile, 1).ds()[i:])
                 or (target == 2 and ee.ee(inputFile, 2).ds()[i:])
                 or (target == 3 and ee.ee(inputFile, 3).ds()[i:])
                 )  # if we need to change label, we change here
        data = ee.ee(inputFile, 0).ds()[:len(label)]
        DNN(target, saveOrNot, loadOrNot, inputFile, activation_function,
            label, data, i)

    eg.msgbox("Hey, Susu has the solution now!")