Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.mainTextAreaElements = {}        
        self.mainTextElements = {}
        self.clickableAreaElements = []
        self.questionOrderChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.questionOrderChoiceField)
        self.timerChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.timerChoiceField)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaFieldVals in idevice.textAreaFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextAreaElements[textAreaFieldName] = TextAreaElement(idevice.textAreaFields[textAreaFieldName])

        for textFieldName, textFieldVals in idevice.textFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextElements[textFieldName] = TextElement(idevice.textFields[textFieldName])

        for clickableAreaField in idevice.clickableAreaFields:
            newClickableElement = ClickInOrderClickableAreaElement(clickableAreaField)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.mainTextAreaElements = {}
        self.mainTextElements = {}
        self.clickableAreaElements = []
        self.questionOrderChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(
        self.timerChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.timerChoiceField)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaFieldVals in idevice.textAreaFieldNames.iteritems(
            self.mainTextAreaElements[textAreaFieldName] = TextAreaElement(

        for textFieldName, textFieldVals in idevice.textFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextElements[textFieldName] = TextElement(

        for clickableAreaField in idevice.clickableAreaFields:
            newClickableElement = ClickInOrderClickableAreaElement(
Ejemplo n.º 3
class ClickInOrderBlockInc(Block):
    ClickInOrderBlock renders ClickInOrderIdevice
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.mainTextAreaElements = {}        
        self.mainTextElements = {}
        self.clickableAreaElements = []
        self.questionOrderChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.questionOrderChoiceField)
        self.timerChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.timerChoiceField)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaFieldVals in idevice.textAreaFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextAreaElements[textAreaFieldName] = TextAreaElement(idevice.textAreaFields[textAreaFieldName])

        for textFieldName, textFieldVals in idevice.textFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextElements[textFieldName] = TextElement(idevice.textFields[textFieldName])

        for clickableAreaField in idevice.clickableAreaFields:
            newClickableElement = ClickInOrderClickableAreaElement(clickableAreaField)

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        self.idevice.message = ""
        Block.process(self, request)



        if "addClickableArea" + unicode(self.id) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaElement in self.mainTextAreaElements.iteritems():

        for textFieldName, textElement in self.mainTextElements.iteritems():

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
        #validate integer fields are actually integers
        field_engine_check_fields_are_ints(self.mainTextElements, \
                            ["width", "height", "hintWidth", "hintHeight"], thisIdevice=self.idevice)

    def renderXML(self, style):
        previewMode = False
        xml = ""
        xml += "<idevice type=\"clickinorder\" id=\"%s\">\n" % self.idevice.id
        xml += "<clickinorderoptions "
        if self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            xml += " randomizequestions=\"randomizequestions\" "
        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            xml += " timermode = \"%(timerMode)s\" " % \
        xml += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderView()

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaGameCompleteFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 3">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaPositiveFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaNegativeFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

    Renders the code for the game...
    def _renderGame(self, style, mode="view"):
        previewMode = False
        resourcePath = ""
        if mode == "preview":
            previewMode = True
            resourcePath = "resources/"

        html = common.ideviceHeader(self, style, mode)
        html += \
        <script src="%(resourcePath)sjquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
        <script src="%(resourcePath)sclickinorder.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
        var clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s = new ClickInOrder('%(gameId)s');
        """ % { 'gameId' : str(self.id), 'resourcePath': resourcePath }
        if self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.randomizeQuestions = true;\n" % { 'gameId' : str(self.id) }
        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.timerMode = %(timerMode)s;\n" % \
                {"gameId" : str(self.id), "timerMode" : self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() }

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            hideDelayStr = clickableAreaElement.textElements['hideDelay'].renderView()
            if len(hideDelayStr) < 1:
                hideDelayStr = "0"
            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.addClickableArea(\"%(clickableId)s\", %(hideDelay)s, %(bounds)s);\n" \
              % {'gameId' : str(self.id), 'clickableId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id), \
              'hideDelay' : int(hideDelayStr),\
              'bounds' : "new Array(" + clickableAreaElement.textElements['left'].renderView() + "," \
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['top'].renderView() + ","
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['width'].renderView() + ","
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['height'].renderView() +")"}
        html += "</script>\n"

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderView()

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaGameCompleteFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 3">'
        if previewMode == True:
            html +=self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaPositiveFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1">'
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaNegativeFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2">'
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":        
            html += '<input id="clickinordertimer' + self.id + '" style="' + \
                self.mainTextElements['timerStyle'].renderView() + ' "/>\n'

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            posStyleTopLeft = "position: absolute; margin-left: %(left)spx; margin-top: %(top)spx; z-index: 2; " \
                % { 'left' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['left'].renderView(), \
                'top' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['top'].renderView() }

            posStyleWidthHeight = "height: %(height)spx; width: %(width)spx; " % \
                { 'width' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['width'].renderView(), \
                  'height' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['height'].renderView() }
            divDictArgs = { 'gameId' : str(self.id), \
                        'clickableAreaId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id), \
                        'posStyle' : posStyleTopLeft, \
                        'posStyleWH' : posStyleWidthHeight }
            html += """<div id="clickableArea_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s" style="%(posStyle)s %(posStyleWH)s "  
                    onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.checkClick(\'%(clickableAreaId)s\')"> </div>""" \
                        % divDictArgs
            html += '<div id="clickableAreaShowMe_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s" style="%(posStyle)s">' \
                        % divDictArgs
            if previewMode == True:
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements['ShowMe'].renderPreview()
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements['ShowMe'].renderView()
            html += '</div>'

        #the click to start area
        gameSizeArgs = { 'gameId' : str(self.id), \
                'width' : self.mainTextElements['width'].renderView() ,\
                'height' : self.mainTextElements['height'].renderView()}

        html += """<div id=\"clickinordercontainer%(gameId)s\" style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; overflow: hidden;\" 
                 >""" \
                % gameSizeArgs
        html += """<div id="clickinorderstartarea%(gameId)s\" onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.startGame()"  
                style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; position: absolute;\">""" \
                % gameSizeArgs
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['ClickToStartArea'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['ClickToStartArea'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"
        #the main area
        html += """<div id="clickinordermainarea%(gameId)s" onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.validateClick" 
                style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; position: absolute;\">""" \
                % gameSizeArgs

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['MainArea'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['MainArea'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += "</div>"
        #the hints
        html += "<div id=\"clickInOrderHints" + self.id + "\" style=\"" \
                + "width: " + self.mainTextElements['hintWidth'].renderView() + "px; " \
                + "height: " + self.mainTextElements['hintHeight'].renderView() + "px; " \
                + self.mainTextElements['hintAreaStyle'].renderView() + "\">\n"
        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            html += "<div id=\"clickableAreaInstruction_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s\" style=\"position: absolute\">" \
                        % { 'gameId' : str(self.id), 'clickableAreaId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id) }
            if previewMode == True:
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements['Hint'].renderPreview()
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements['Hint'].renderView()
            html += "</div>\n"

        html += "</div>"
        html += '<input id="clickinordercounter' + self.id + '" style="' + \
                self.mainTextElements['elementCounterStyle'].renderView() +' " value="1"/>\n'
        html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.init();</script>\n" % { 'gameId': str(self.id) }
        html += common.ideviceFooter(self, style, mode)
        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.ideviceShowEditMessage(self)
        html += \
        <h2>Click The Elements in Order Game</h2>
                This builds a Javascript game where the player has to click on a certain place on the main area according to the hint.  
                When they click correctly the positive feedback will come and the game will advance.  When they click the wrong
                area negative feedback will be shown.  When they click on the correct area an item can be revealed there.  A delay
                can be set to make the item disappear if desired after a delay.

        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()
        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaElement in self.mainTextAreaElements.iteritems():
            html += textAreaElement.renderEdit()

        #for textFieldName, textElement in self.mainTextElements.iteritems():
        #    html += textElement.renderEdit()
        for textFieldName in self.idevice.textFieldsBasic:
            html += self.mainTextElements[textFieldName].renderEdit()
        divId = "fieldtype_advanced"  + self.id
        html += "<input name='showbox" + divId + "' type='checkbox' onchange='$(\"#" + divId + "\").toggle()'/>"
        html += _("Show advanced options") + "<br/>"
        html += "<div id='" + divId + "' style='display: none' "
        html += ">"
        for textFieldName in self.idevice.textFieldsAdvanced:
            html += self.mainTextElements[textFieldName].renderEdit()
        html += "</div>"
        html += "<br/>"

        html += self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.timerChoiceElement.renderEdit()

        html += _("<h2>Clickable Areas</h2>")
        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            html += clickableAreaElement.renderEdit()

        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addClickableArea"+unicode(self.id), _("Add Clickable Area"))
        html += "<br/>"

        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html = ""
        html += self._renderGame(style, "preview")
        return html

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html = ""
        html += self._renderGame(style, "view")
        return html
Ejemplo n.º 4
class ClickInOrderBlockInc(Block):
    ClickInOrderBlock renders ClickInOrderIdevice
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.mainTextAreaElements = {}
        self.mainTextElements = {}
        self.clickableAreaElements = []
        self.questionOrderChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(
        self.timerChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.timerChoiceField)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaFieldVals in idevice.textAreaFieldNames.iteritems(
            self.mainTextAreaElements[textAreaFieldName] = TextAreaElement(

        for textFieldName, textFieldVals in idevice.textFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextElements[textFieldName] = TextElement(

        for clickableAreaField in idevice.clickableAreaFields:
            newClickableElement = ClickInOrderClickableAreaElement(

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        self.idevice.message = ""
        Block.process(self, request)




        if "addClickableArea" + unicode(self.id) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaElement in self.mainTextAreaElements.iteritems(

        for textFieldName, textElement in self.mainTextElements.iteritems():

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:

        #validate integer fields are actually integers
        field_engine_check_fields_are_ints(self.mainTextElements, \
                            ["width", "height", "hintWidth", "hintHeight"], thisIdevice=self.idevice)

    def renderXML(self, style):
        previewMode = False

        xml = ""
        xml += "<idevice type=\"clickinorder\" id=\"%s\">\n" % self.idevice.id
        xml += "<clickinorderoptions "
        if self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            xml += " randomizequestions=\"randomizequestions\" "
        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            xml += " timermode = \"%(timerMode)s\" " % \
        xml += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderView()

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaGameCompleteFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 3">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaPositiveFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaNegativeFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

    Renders the code for the game...

    def _renderGame(self, style, mode="view"):
        previewMode = False
        resourcePath = ""
        if mode == "preview":
            previewMode = True
            resourcePath = "resources/"

        html = common.ideviceHeader(self, style, mode)

        html += \
        <script src="%(resourcePath)sjquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
        <script src="%(resourcePath)sclickinorder.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
        var clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s = new ClickInOrder('%(gameId)s');
        """ % { 'gameId' : str(self.id), 'resourcePath': resourcePath }

        if self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.randomizeQuestions = true;\n" % {
                'gameId': str(self.id)

        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.timerMode = %(timerMode)s;\n" % \
                {"gameId" : str(self.id), "timerMode" : self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() }

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            hideDelayStr = clickableAreaElement.textElements[
            if len(hideDelayStr) < 1:
                hideDelayStr = "0"

            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.addClickableArea(\"%(clickableId)s\", %(hideDelay)s, %(bounds)s);\n" \
              % {'gameId' : str(self.id), 'clickableId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id), \
              'hideDelay' : int(hideDelayStr),\
              'bounds' : "new Array(" + clickableAreaElement.textElements['left'].renderView() + "," \
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['top'].renderView() + ","
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['width'].renderView() + ","
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['height'].renderView() +")"}

        html += "</script>\n"

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderView()

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaGameCompleteFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 3">'

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements[
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaPositiveFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1">'

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements[
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaNegativeFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2">'

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements[
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderView()

        html += "</div>"

        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            html += '<input id="clickinordertimer' + self.id + '" style="' + \
                self.mainTextElements['timerStyle'].renderView() + ' "/>\n'

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            posStyleTopLeft = "position: absolute; margin-left: %(left)spx; margin-top: %(top)spx; z-index: 2; " \
                % { 'left' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['left'].renderView(), \
                'top' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['top'].renderView() }

            posStyleWidthHeight = "height: %(height)spx; width: %(width)spx; " % \
                { 'width' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['width'].renderView(), \
                  'height' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['height'].renderView() }

            divDictArgs = { 'gameId' : str(self.id), \
                        'clickableAreaId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id), \
                        'posStyle' : posStyleTopLeft, \
                        'posStyleWH' : posStyleWidthHeight }
            html += """<div id="clickableArea_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s" style="%(posStyle)s %(posStyleWH)s "  
                    onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.checkClick(\'%(clickableAreaId)s\')"> </div>""" \
                        % divDictArgs
            html += '<div id="clickableAreaShowMe_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s" style="%(posStyle)s">' \
                        % divDictArgs
            if previewMode == True:
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements[
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements[
            html += '</div>'

        #the click to start area
        gameSizeArgs = { 'gameId' : str(self.id), \
                'width' : self.mainTextElements['width'].renderView() ,\
                'height' : self.mainTextElements['height'].renderView()}

        html += """<div id=\"clickinordercontainer%(gameId)s\" style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; overflow: hidden;\" 
                 >""" \
                % gameSizeArgs
        html += """<div id="clickinorderstartarea%(gameId)s\" onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.startGame()"  
                style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; position: absolute;\">""" \
                % gameSizeArgs
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements[
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['ClickToStartArea'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        #the main area
        html += """<div id="clickinordermainarea%(gameId)s" onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.validateClick" 
                style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; position: absolute;\">""" \
                % gameSizeArgs

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['MainArea'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['MainArea'].renderView()

        html += "</div>"

        html += "</div>"
        #the hints
        html += "<div id=\"clickInOrderHints" + self.id + "\" style=\"" \
                + "width: " + self.mainTextElements['hintWidth'].renderView() + "px; " \
                + "height: " + self.mainTextElements['hintHeight'].renderView() + "px; " \
                + self.mainTextElements['hintAreaStyle'].renderView() + "\">\n"

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            html += "<div id=\"clickableAreaInstruction_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s\" style=\"position: absolute\">" \
                        % { 'gameId' : str(self.id), 'clickableAreaId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id) }
            if previewMode == True:
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements[
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements[

            html += "</div>\n"

        html += "</div>"

        html += '<input id="clickinordercounter' + self.id + '" style="' + \
                self.mainTextElements['elementCounterStyle'].renderView() +' " value="1"/>\n'

        html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.init();</script>\n" % {
            'gameId': str(self.id)

        html += common.ideviceFooter(self, style, mode)

        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.ideviceShowEditMessage(self)

        html += \
        <h2>Click The Elements in Order Game</h2>
                This builds a Javascript game where the player has to click on a certain place on the main area according to the hint.  
                When they click correctly the positive feedback will come and the game will advance.  When they click the wrong
                area negative feedback will be shown.  When they click on the correct area an item can be revealed there.  A delay
                can be set to make the item disappear if desired after a delay.

        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaElement in self.mainTextAreaElements.iteritems(
            html += textAreaElement.renderEdit()

        #for textFieldName, textElement in self.mainTextElements.iteritems():
        #    html += textElement.renderEdit()
        for textFieldName in self.idevice.textFieldsBasic:
            html += self.mainTextElements[textFieldName].renderEdit()

        divId = "fieldtype_advanced" + self.id
        html += "<input name='showbox" + divId + "' type='checkbox' onchange='$(\"#" + divId + "\").toggle()'/>"

        html += _("Show advanced options") + "<br/>"
        html += "<div id='" + divId + "' style='display: none' "
        html += ">"

        for textFieldName in self.idevice.textFieldsAdvanced:
            html += self.mainTextElements[textFieldName].renderEdit()

        html += "</div>"
        html += "<br/>"

        html += self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.timerChoiceElement.renderEdit()

        html += _("<h2>Clickable Areas</h2>")
        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            html += clickableAreaElement.renderEdit()

        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addClickableArea" + unicode(self.id),
                                    _("Add Clickable Area"))
        html += "<br/>"

        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html = ""
        html += self._renderGame(style, "preview")
        return html

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html = ""
        html += self._renderGame(style, "view")
        return html