def execute_step(step, step_num, data_repository, system_name, parallel, queue): """ Executes a step from the testcase xml file - Parses a step from the testcase xml file - Get the values of Driver, Keyword, impactsTcResult - If the step has arguments, get all the arguments and store them as key/value pairs in args_repository - Sends the Keyword, data_repository, args_repository to the respective Driver. - Reports the status of the keyword executed (obtained as return value from the respective Driver) Arguments: 1. step = (xml element) xml element with tag <step> containing the details of the step to be executed like (Driver, Keyword, Arguments, Impact etc..) 2. step_num = (int) step number being executed 3. data_repository = (dict) data_repository of the testcase """ tc_junit_object = data_repository['wt_junit_object'] driver = step.get('Driver') keyword = step.get('Keyword') context = Utils.testcase_Utils.get_context_from_xmlfile(step) step_impact = Utils.testcase_Utils.get_impact_from_xmlfile(step) step_description = Utils.testcase_Utils.get_description_from_xmlfile(step) if parallel is True: step_console_log = get_step_console_log( data_repository['wt_filename'], data_repository['wt_logsdir'], 'step-{0}_{1}_consoleLogs'.format(step_num, keyword)) data_repository['step_num'] = step_num data_repository['wt_driver'] = driver data_repository['wt_keyword'] = keyword data_repository['wt_step_impact'] = step_impact data_repository['wt_step_context'] = context data_repository['wt_step_description'] = step_description kw_resultfile = get_keyword_resultfile(data_repository, system_name, step_num, keyword) Utils.config_Utils.set_resultfile(kw_resultfile) # print keyword to result file Utils.testcase_Utils.pKeyword(keyword, driver) print_info("step number: {0}".format(step_num)) print_info("Teststep Description: {0}".format(step_description)) if step.find("runmode") is not None and step.find("runmode").get( "attempt") is not None: print_info("keyword attempt: {0}".format( step.find("runmode").get("attempt"))) if step.find("retry") is not None and step.find("retry").get( "attempt") is not None: print_info("keyword attempt: {0}".format( step.find("retry").get("attempt"))) kw_start_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() print_info("[{0}] Keyword execution starts".format(kw_start_time)) # get argument list provided by user args_repository = get_arguments(step) if system_name is not None: args_repository['system_name'] = system_name Utils.testcase_Utils.update_arguments(args_repository) Utils.testcase_Utils.update_kw_resultfile(kw_resultfile) exec_type_onerror = False action, keyword_status = exec_type_driver.main(step) if action is True: send_keyword_to_productdriver(driver, keyword, data_repository, args_repository) keyword_status = data_repository['step-%s_status' % step_num] Utils.testcase_Utils.update_step_num(str(step_num)) if context.upper() == 'NEGATIVE' and type(keyword_status) == bool: print_debug( "Keyword status = {0}, Flip status as context is Negative". format(keyword_status)) keyword_status = not keyword_status elif action == 'SKIP': print_debug("Action is {0}".format(action)) elif action is False: exec_type_onerror = True print_debug("Action is {0}".format(action)) print("\n") print_info("*** Keyword status ***") step_goto_value = False step_onError_action = Utils.xml_Utils.get_attributevalue_from_directchildnode( step, 'onError', 'action') if step_onError_action is not False: if step_onError_action.upper() == 'GOTO': step_goto_value = Utils.xml_Utils.get_attributevalue_from_directchildnode( step, 'onError', 'value') testcase_error_action = data_repository['wt_def_on_error_action'] step_onError_action = step_onError_action if step_onError_action else testcase_error_action if step_onError_action.upper() == "GOTO" and step_goto_value == False: step_goto_value = data_repository['wt_def_on_error_value'] onerror = step_onError_action.upper() if step_goto_value is not False and step_goto_value is not None: onerror = onerror + " step " + step_goto_value if keyword_status == False and step_onError_action and step_onError_action.upper( ) == 'ABORT_AS_ERROR': print_info( "Keyword status will be marked as ERROR as onError action is set to 'abort_as_error'" ) keyword_status = "ERROR" Utils.testcase_Utils.reportKeywordStatus(keyword_status, keyword) print_info("step number: {0}".format(step_num)) string_status = { "TRUE": "PASS", "FALSE": "FAIL", "ERROR": "ERROR", "EXCEPTION": "EXCEPTION", "SKIP": "SKIP" } if str(keyword_status).upper() in string_status.keys(): data_repository['step_%s_result' % step_num] = string_status[str(keyword_status).upper()] else: print_error("unexpected step status, default to exception") data_repository['step_%s_result' % step_num] = "EXCEPTION" if step_impact.upper() == 'IMPACT': msg = "Status of the executed step impacts TC result" if str(keyword_status).upper() == 'SKIP': keyword_status = None # elif exec_type_onerror is False and str(keyword_status).upper() == # 'SKIP': elif step_impact.upper() == 'NOIMPACT': msg = "Status of the executed step does not impact TC result" Utils.testcase_Utils.pNote_level(msg, "debug", "kw") if data_repository.has_key('step-%s_exception' % step_num): msg = "Exception message: " + \ data_repository['step-%s_exception' % step_num] Utils.testcase_Utils.pNote_level(msg, "debug", "kw", ptc=False) # time.sleep(1) print("\n") kw_end_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() tc_duration = Utils.datetime_utils.get_time_delta(kw_start_time) hms = Utils.datetime_utils.get_hms_for_seconds(tc_duration) print_info("Keyword duration= {0}".format(hms)) print_info("[{0}] Keyword execution completed".format(kw_end_time)) impact_dict = {"IMPACT": "Impact", "NOIMPACT": "No Impact"} tc_junit_object.add_keyword_result(data_repository['wt_tc_timestamp'], step_num, keyword, str(keyword_status), kw_start_time, tc_duration, kw_resultfile, impact_dict.get(step_impact.upper()), onerror) tc_junit_object.update_count(str(keyword_status), "1", "tc", data_repository['wt_tc_timestamp']) tc_junit_object.update_count("keywords", "1", "tc", data_repository['wt_tc_timestamp']) if parallel is True: # put result into multiprocessing queue and later retrieve in # corresponding driver queue.put((keyword_status, kw_resultfile, step_impact.upper(), tc_junit_object)) else: return keyword_status, kw_resultfile, step_impact, exec_type_onerror
def execute_project(project_filepath, auto_defects, jiraproj, res_startdir, logs_startdir, data_repository): """ - Takes a list of testsuite locations input. - Iterates over the list and sends each testsuite location to testsuite_driver for execution. - Gets the status of the testsuite from the Warrior and computes the project_status based on the impact value of the testsuite. - If the testsuite fails, handles the failure using the default or specific onError action,value. - Finally reports the project status to the result file. Arguments: 1. testsuite_list = (list) list of testsuite locations 2. testsuite_driver = (module loader) module loader of the testsuite_driver 3. project_repository = (dict) dictionary containing all data of the project under execution """ project_start_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() print_info("[{0}] Project execution starts".format(project_start_time)) suite_cntr = 0 # project_status = True goto_testsuite = False ts_status_list = [] ts_impact_list = [] impact_dict = {"IMPACT": "Impact", "NOIMPACT": "No Impact"} project_dir = os.path.dirname(project_filepath) project_title = Utils.xml_Utils.getChildTextbyParentTag( project_filepath, 'Details', 'Title') project_repository = get_project_details(project_filepath, res_startdir, logs_startdir, data_repository) project_repository['project_title'] = project_title testsuite_list = get_testsuite_list(project_filepath) # project_resultfile = project_repository['project_resultfile'] project_name = project_repository['project_name'] wp_results_execdir = project_repository['wp_results_execdir'] data_repository['wp_results_execdir'] = wp_results_execdir wp_logs_execdir = project_repository['wp_logs_execdir'] project_error_action = project_repository['def_on_error_action'] project_error_value = project_repository['def_on_error_value'] pj_junit_object = junit_class.Junit(filename=project_name, timestamp=project_start_time, name=project_name, display="True") pj_junit_object.update_attr("resultsdir", project_repository['project_execution_dir'], "pj", project_start_time) pj_junit_object.update_attr("title", project_repository['project_title'], "pj", project_start_time) pj_junit_object.add_property("resultsdir", project_repository['project_execution_dir'], "pj", project_start_time) # adding the resultsdir as attribute, need to be removed after making it # a property pj_junit_object.add_project_location(project_filepath) if "jobid" in data_repository: pj_junit_object.add_jobid(data_repository["jobid"]) del data_repository["jobid"] data_repository['wt_junit_object'] = pj_junit_object while suite_cntr < len(testsuite_list): testsuite = testsuite_list[suite_cntr] # suite_junit_type = 'file' suite_cntr += 1 testsuite_rel_path = testsuite_utils.get_path_from_xmlfile(testsuite) if testsuite_rel_path is not None: testsuite_path = Utils.file_Utils.getAbsPath( testsuite_rel_path, project_dir) else: testsuite_path = str(testsuite_rel_path) print_info("\n") print_debug("<<<< Starting execution of Test suite: {0}>>>>".format( testsuite_path)) action, testsuite_status = exec_type_driver.main(testsuite) testsuite_impact = Utils.testcase_Utils.get_impact_from_xmlfile( testsuite) testsuite_name = Utils.file_Utils.getFileName(testsuite_path) testsuite_nameonly = Utils.file_Utils.getNameOnly(testsuite_name) ts_onError_action = Utils.xml_Utils.get_attributevalue_from_directchildnode( testsuite, 'onError', 'action') ts_onError_action = ts_onError_action if ts_onError_action else project_error_action if Utils.file_Utils.fileExists(testsuite_path): if not goto_testsuite and action is True: testsuite_result = testsuite_driver.main( testsuite_path, data_repository=data_repository, from_project=True, auto_defects=auto_defects, jiraproj=jiraproj, res_startdir=wp_results_execdir, logs_startdir=wp_logs_execdir, ts_onError_action=ts_onError_action) testsuite_status = testsuite_result[0] # testsuite_resultfile = testsuite_result[1] elif goto_testsuite and goto_testsuite == str(suite_cntr)\ and action is True: testsuite_result = testsuite_driver.main( testsuite_path, data_repository=data_repository, from_project=True, auto_defects=auto_defects, jiraproj=jiraproj, res_startdir=wp_results_execdir, logs_startdir=wp_logs_execdir, ts_onError_action=ts_onError_action) goto_testsuite = False testsuite_status = testsuite_result[0] # testsuite_resultfile = testsuite_result[1] else: msg = print_info( 'skipped testsuite: {0} '.format(testsuite_path)) testsuite_resultfile = '<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="{0}" '\ 'skipped="0" tests="0" time="0" timestamp="{1}" > '\ '<skipped message="{2}"/> </testsuite>'.format(testsuite_name, project_start_time, msg) tmp_timestamp = str( Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp()) time.sleep(2) pj_junit_object.create_testsuite( location=os.path.dirname(testsuite_path), name=testsuite_nameonly, timestamp=tmp_timestamp, **pj_junit_object.init_arg()) pj_junit_object.update_attr("status", "SKIPPED", "ts", tmp_timestamp) pj_junit_object.update_attr("skipped", "1", "pj", tmp_timestamp) pj_junit_object.update_count("suites", "1", "pj", tmp_timestamp) data_repository['testsuite_{}_result'.format( suite_cntr)] = "SKIP" # pj_junit_object.add_testcase_message(tmp_timestamp, "skipped") pj_junit_object.update_attr( "impact", impact_dict.get(testsuite_impact.upper()), "ts", tmp_timestamp) pj_junit_object.update_attr("onerror", "N/A", "ts", tmp_timestamp) pj_junit_object.output_junit(wp_results_execdir, print_summary=False) continue else: msg = print_error("Test suite does not exist in " "provided path: {0}".format(testsuite_path)) testsuite_status = 'ERROR' testsuite_resultfile = '<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="{0}" '\ 'skipped="0" tests="0" time="0" timestamp="{1}" > '\ '<error message="{2}"/> </testsuite>'.format(testsuite_name, project_start_time, msg) # suite_junit_type = 'string' if goto_testsuite and goto_testsuite == str(suite_cntr): goto_testsuite = False elif goto_testsuite and goto_testsuite != str(suite_cntr): data_repository['testsuite_{}_result'.format( suite_cntr)] = "ERROR" continue goto_testsuite_num = onerror_driver.main(testsuite, project_error_action, project_error_value) if goto_testsuite_num is False: onerror = "Next" elif goto_testsuite_num == "ABORT": onerror = "Abort" else: onerror = "Goto:" + str(goto_testsuite_num) pj_junit_object.update_attr("impact", impact_dict.get(testsuite_impact.upper()), "ts", data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp']) pj_junit_object.update_attr("onerror", onerror, "ts", data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp']) string_status = { "TRUE": "PASS", "FALSE": "FAIL", "ERROR": "ERROR", "SKIP": "SKIP" } if str(testsuite_status).upper() in string_status.keys(): data_repository['testsuite_{}_result'.format(suite_cntr)] = string_status\ [str(testsuite_status).upper()] else: print_error("unexpected testsuite status, default to exception") data_repository['testsuite_%d_result' % suite_cntr] = "ERROR" ts_status_list.append(testsuite_status) ts_impact_list.append(testsuite_impact) if testsuite_impact.upper() == 'IMPACT': msg = "Status of the executed test suite impacts Project result" elif testsuite_impact.upper() == 'NOIMPACT': msg = "Status of the executed test suite does not impact project result" print_debug(msg) # project_status = compute_project_status(project_status, testsuite_status, # testsuite_impact) runmode, value = common_execution_utils.get_runmode_from_xmlfile( testsuite) retry_type, retry_cond, retry_cond_value, retry_value,\ retry_interval = common_execution_utils.get_retry_from_xmlfile(testsuite) if runmode is not None: if testsuite.find("runmode") is not None and\ testsuite.find("runmode").get("attempt") is not None: print_info("runmode attempt: {0}".format( testsuite.find("runmode").get("attempt"))) # if runmode is 'ruf' & testsuite_status is False, skip the repeated execution of same # test suite and move to next actual test suite if not project_error_value and runmode == "RUF" and\ testsuite_status is False: goto_testsuite = str(value) # if runmode is 'rup' & testsuite_status is True, skip the repeated # execution of same testsuite and move to next actual testsuite elif runmode == "RUP" and testsuite_status is True: goto_testsuite = str(value) elif retry_type is not None: if testsuite.find("retry") is not None and\ testsuite.find("retry").get("attempt") is not None: print_info("retry attempt: {0}".format( testsuite.find("retry").get("attempt"))) if retry_type.upper() == 'IF': try: if data_repository[retry_cond] == retry_cond_value: condition_met = True pNote("Wait for {0}sec before retrying".format( retry_interval)) pNote("The given condition '{0}' matches the expected" "value '{1}'".format(data_repository[retry_cond], retry_cond_value)) time.sleep(int(retry_interval)) else: condition_met = False print_warning( "The condition value '{0}' does not match with the expected " "value '{1}'".format(data_repository[retry_cond], retry_cond_value)) except KeyError: print_warning( "The given condition '{0}' do not exists in " "the data repository".format(retry_cond_value)) condition_met = False if condition_met is False: goto_testsuite = str(retry_value) else: if retry_type.upper() == 'IF NOT': try: if data_repository[retry_cond] != retry_cond_value: condition_met = True pNote("Wait for {0}sec before " "retrying".format(retry_interval)) pNote("The condition value '{0}' does not match " "with the expected value '{1}'".format( data_repository[retry_cond], retry_cond_value)) time.sleep(int(retry_interval)) else: condition_met = False except KeyError: condition_met = False print_warning( "The given condition '{0}' is not there " "in the data repository".format(retry_cond_value)) if condition_met is False: pNote("The given condition '{0}' matched with the " "value '{1}'".format(data_repository[retry_cond], retry_cond_value)) goto_testsuite = str(retry_value) else: if testsuite_status is False or testsuite_status == "ERROR" or\ testsuite_status == "EXCEPTION": goto_testsuite = onerror_driver.main(testsuite, project_error_action, project_error_value) if goto_testsuite in ['ABORT', 'ABORT_AS_ERROR']: break # when 'onError:goto' value is less than the current ts num, # change the next iteration point to goto value elif goto_testsuite and int(goto_testsuite) < suite_cntr: suite_cntr = int(goto_testsuite) - 1 goto_testsuite = False project_status = Utils.testcase_Utils.compute_status_using_impact( ts_status_list, ts_impact_list) print_info("\n") project_end_time = Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp() print_info("[{0}] Project execution completed".format(project_end_time)) project_duration = Utils.datetime_utils.get_time_delta(project_start_time) hms = Utils.datetime_utils.get_hms_for_seconds(project_duration) print_info("Project duration= {0}".format(hms)) project_status = report_project_result(project_status, project_repository) pj_junit_object.update_attr("status", str(project_status), "pj", project_start_time) pj_junit_object.update_attr("time", str(project_duration), "pj", project_start_time) pj_junit_object.output_junit(wp_results_execdir) # Save JUnit/HTML results of the Project in MongoDB server if data_repository.get("db_obj") is not False: pj_junit_xml = project_repository['wp_results_execdir'] +\ os.sep + pj_junit_object.filename + "_junit.xml" data_repository.get("db_obj").add_html_result_to_mongodb(pj_junit_xml) return project_status, project_repository
def execute_sequential_testcases(testcase_list, suite_repository, data_repository, from_project, auto_defects, iter_ts_sys, tc_parallel, queue, ts_iter): """Executes the list of cases(of a suite) in sequential order - Takes a testcase_list as input and sends each case to Basedriver for execution. - Computes the suite status based on the case_status and the impact value of the case - Handles case failures as per the default/specific onError action/value - Calls the function to report the suite status :Arguments: 1. testcase_list(list) = List of cases to be executed 2. suite_repository(dict) = suite repository 3. data_repository(dict) = Warrior data repository 4. from_project(boolean) = True for Project execution else False 5. auto_defects(boolean) = True for Jira auto defect creation else False 6. iter_ts_sys(string) = System for iterative execution 7. tc_parallel(boolean) = True for Parallel execution else False 8. queue = Python multiprocessing queue for parallel execution 9. ts_iter(boolean) = True for 'iterative_parallel' execution else False :Returns: 1. suite_status - overall suite status """ goto_tc = False junit_resultfile = suite_repository['junit_resultfile'] suite_name = suite_repository['suite_name'] testsuite_filepath = suite_repository['testsuite_filepath'] suite_error_action = suite_repository['def_on_error_action'] suite_error_value = suite_repository['def_on_error_value'] testsuite_dir = os.path.dirname(testsuite_filepath) errors = 0 skipped = 0 failures = 0 tests = 0 tc_duration = 0 tc_status_list = [] tc_impact_list = [] impact_dict = {"IMPACT": "Impact", "NOIMPACT": "No Impact"} tc_duration_list = [] tc_junit_list = [] while tests < len(testcase_list): testcase = testcase_list[tests] tests += 1 tc_rel_path = testsuite_utils.get_path_from_xmlfile(testcase) if tc_rel_path is not None: tc_path = Utils.file_Utils.getAbsPath(tc_rel_path, testsuite_dir) else: # if tc_rel_path is None, what are we doing here? tc_path = str(tc_rel_path) print_info('\n') print_debug( "<<<< Starting execution of Test case: {0}>>>>".format(tc_path)) action, tc_status = exec_type_driver.main(testcase) tc_runtype = testsuite_utils.get_runtype_from_xmlfile(testcase) tc_impact = Utils.testcase_Utils.get_impact_from_xmlfile(testcase) tc_context = Utils.testcase_Utils.get_context_from_xmlfile(testcase) suite_step_data_file = testsuite_utils.get_data_file_at_suite_step( testcase, suite_repository) tc_onError_action = Utils.xml_Utils.get_attributevalue_from_directchildnode( testcase, 'onError', 'action') tc_onError_action = tc_onError_action if tc_onError_action else suite_error_action if suite_step_data_file is not None: data_file = Utils.file_Utils.getAbsPath(suite_step_data_file, testsuite_dir) data_repository[tc_path] = data_file data_repository['wt_tc_impact'] = tc_impact if testcase.find("runmode") is not None and \ testcase.find("runmode").get("attempt") is not None: print_info("testcase attempt: {0}".format( testcase.find("runmode").get("attempt"))) if testcase.find("retry") is not None and \ testcase.find("retry").get("attempt") is not None: print_info("testcase attempt: {0}".format( testcase.find("retry").get("attempt"))) if Utils.file_Utils.fileExists(tc_path): tc_name = Utils.file_Utils.getFileName(tc_path) testsuite_utils.pSuite_testcase(junit_resultfile, suite_name, tc_name, time='0') if not goto_tc and action is True: try: tc_result = testcase_driver.main( tc_path, data_repository, tc_context, runtype=tc_runtype, auto_defects=auto_defects, suite=suite_name, tc_onError_action=tc_onError_action, iter_ts_sys=iter_ts_sys) tc_status = tc_result[0] tc_duration = tc_result[1] except Exception: print_error('unexpected error {0}'.format( traceback.format_exc())) tc_status, tc_duration = False, False tc_impact = Utils.testcase_Utils.get_impact_from_xmlfile( testcase) elif goto_tc and goto_tc == str(tests) and action is True: try: tc_result = testcase_driver.main( tc_path, data_repository, tc_context, runtype=tc_runtype, auto_defects=auto_defects, suite=suite_name, tc_onError_action=tc_onError_action, iter_ts_sys=iter_ts_sys) tc_status = tc_result[0] tc_duration = tc_result[1] goto_tc = False except Exception: print_error('unexpected error {0}'.format( traceback.format_exc())) tc_status, tc_duration = False, False tc_impact = Utils.testcase_Utils.get_impact_from_xmlfile( testcase) else: print_info('skipped testcase %s ' % tc_name) skipped += 1 testsuite_utils.pSuite_testcase_skip(junit_resultfile) testsuite_utils.pSuite_update_suite_attributes( junit_resultfile, str(errors), str(skipped), str(tests), str(failures), time='0') data_repository['wt_junit_object'].update_count( "skipped", "1", "ts", data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp']) data_repository['wt_junit_object'].update_count( "tests", "1", "ts", data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp']) data_repository['wt_junit_object'].update_count( "tests", "1", "pj", "not applicable") tmp_timestamp = str( Utils.datetime_utils.get_current_timestamp()) time.sleep(2) data_repository['wt_junit_object'].create_testcase( location="from testsuite", timestamp=tmp_timestamp, ts_timestamp=data_repository['wt_ts_timestamp'], classname=data_repository['wt_suite_name'], name=os.path.splitext(tc_name)[0]) data_repository['wt_junit_object'].add_testcase_message( tmp_timestamp, "skipped") data_repository['wt_junit_object'].update_attr( "status", "SKIPPED", "tc", tmp_timestamp) data_repository['testcase_%d_result' % tests] = "SKIP" title = Utils.xml_Utils.getChildTextbyParentTag( tc_path, 'Details', 'Title') title = title.strip() if title else "None" data_repository['wt_junit_object'].update_attr( "title", title, "tc", tmp_timestamp) data_repository['wt_junit_object'].update_attr( "impact", impact_dict.get(tc_impact.upper()), "tc", tmp_timestamp) data_repository['wt_junit_object'].update_attr( "onerror", "N/A", "tc", tmp_timestamp) data_repository['wt_junit_object'].output_junit( data_repository['wt_results_execdir'], print_summary=False) continue else: errors += 1 msg = print_error("Test case does not exist in the provided path: " "{0}".format(tc_path)) testsuite_utils.pSuite_testcase(junit_resultfile, suite_name, tc_path, time='0') testsuite_utils.pSuite_testcase_error(junit_resultfile, msg, '0') tc_status = "ERROR" if goto_tc and goto_tc == str(tests): goto_tc = False elif goto_tc and goto_tc != str(tests): data_repository['testcase_%d_result' % tests] = "ERROR" continue goto_tc_num = onerror_driver.main(testcase, suite_error_action, suite_error_value) if goto_tc_num is False: onerror = "Next" elif goto_tc_num == "ABORT": onerror = "Abort" else: onerror = "Goto:" + str(goto_tc_num) data_repository['wt_junit_object'].update_attr( "impact", impact_dict.get(tc_impact.upper()), "tc", data_repository['wt_tc_timestamp']) data_repository['wt_junit_object'].update_attr( "onerror", onerror, "tc", data_repository['wt_tc_timestamp']) tc_status_list.append(tc_status) tc_duration_list.append(tc_duration) string_status = { "TRUE": "PASS", "FALSE": "FAIL", "ERROR": "ERROR", "SKIP": "SKIP", "RAN": "RAN" } if str(tc_status).upper() in string_status.keys(): data_repository['testcase_%d_result' % tests] = string_status[str(tc_status).upper()] else: print_error("unexpected testcase status, default to exception") data_repository['testcase_%d_result' % tests] = "ERROR" tc_impact_list.append(tc_impact) if tc_impact.upper() == 'IMPACT': msg = "Status of the executed test case impacts Testsuite result" elif tc_impact.upper() == 'NOIMPACT': msg = "Status of the executed test case does not impact " "Teststuie result" print_debug(msg) runmode, value, _ = common_execution_utils.get_runmode_from_xmlfile( testcase) retry_type, retry_cond, retry_cond_value, retry_value, \ retry_interval = common_execution_utils.get_retry_from_xmlfile(testcase) if runmode is not None: if tc_status is True: testsuite_utils.update_tc_duration(str(tc_duration)) # if runmode is 'rup' & tc_status is True, skip the repeated # execution of same testcase and move to next actual testcase if runmode == "rup": goto_tc = str(value) elif tc_status == 'ERROR' or tc_status == 'EXCEPTION': errors += 1 testsuite_utils.pSuite_testcase_error( junit_resultfile, 'Encountered error/exception during TC execution', str(tc_duration)) goto_tc = onerror_driver.main(testcase, suite_error_action, suite_error_value) if goto_tc in ['ABORT', 'ABORT_AS_ERROR']: update_suite_attribs(junit_resultfile, str(errors), str(skipped), str(tests), str(failures), time='0') break # when 'onError:goto' value is less than the current tc num, # change the next iteration point to goto value elif goto_tc and int(goto_tc) < tests: tests = int(goto_tc) - 1 goto_tc = False elif tc_status is False: failures += 1 testsuite_utils.pSuite_testcase_failure(junit_resultfile, time=str(tc_duration)) goto_tc = onerror_driver.main(testcase, suite_error_action, suite_error_value) if goto_tc in ['ABORT', 'ABORT_AS_ERROR']: update_suite_attribs(junit_resultfile, str(errors), str(skipped), str(tests), str(failures), time='0') break # when 'onError:goto' value is less than the current tc num, # change the next iteration point to goto value elif goto_tc and int(goto_tc) < tests: tests = int(goto_tc) - 1 goto_tc = False # if runmode is 'ruf' & tc_status is False, skip the repeated # execution of same testcase and move to next actual testcase if not goto_tc and runmode == "ruf": goto_tc = str(value) elif retry_type is not None: if retry_type.upper() == 'IF': try: if data_repository[retry_cond] == retry_cond_value: condition_met = True pNote("Wait for {0}sec before retrying".format( retry_interval)) pNote("The given condition '{0}' matches the expected " "value '{1}'".format(data_repository[retry_cond], retry_cond_value)) time.sleep(int(retry_interval)) else: condition_met = False print_warning("The condition value '{0}' does not " "match with the expected value " "'{1}'".format( data_repository[retry_cond], retry_cond_value)) except KeyError: print_warning( "The given condition '{0}' is not there in " "the data repository".format(retry_cond_value)) condition_met = False if condition_met is False: goto_tc = str(retry_value) else: if retry_type.upper() == 'IF NOT': try: if data_repository[retry_cond] != retry_cond_value: condition_met = True pNote("Wait for {0}sec before retrying".format( retry_interval)) pNote("The condition value '{0}' does not match " "with the expected value " "'{1}'".format(data_repository[retry_cond], retry_cond_value)) time.sleep(int(retry_interval)) else: condition_met = False print_warning("The given condition '{0}' matches " "the expected value " "'{1}'".format( data_repository[retry_cond], retry_cond_value)) except KeyError: condition_met = False print_warning( "The given condition '{0}' is not there " "in the data repository".format(retry_cond_value)) if condition_met is False: pNote("The given condition '{0}' matched with the " "value '{1}'".format(data_repository[retry_cond], retry_cond_value)) goto_tc = str(retry_value) # suite_status = testsuite_utils.compute_testsuite_status(suite_status, # tc_status, tc_impact) update_suite_attribs(junit_resultfile, str(errors), str(skipped), str(tests), str(failures), time='0') # junit_object/python_process is different for all the cases # executed in parallel if ts_iter is False: tc_junit_list.append(data_repository['wt_junit_object']) # junit_object/python_process is same for all the cases executed in the # same system for 'iterative_parallel' suite execution if ts_iter is True: tc_junit_list = data_repository['wt_junit_object'] suite_status = Utils.testcase_Utils.compute_status_using_impact( tc_status_list, tc_impact_list) if tc_parallel: tc_impact = data_repository['wt_tc_impact'] if tc_impact.upper() == 'IMPACT': msg = "Status of the executed test case impacts Testsuite result" elif tc_impact.upper() == 'NOIMPACT': msg = "Status of the executed test case does not impact Teststuie result" print_debug(msg) tc_name = Utils.file_Utils.getFileName(tc_path) # put result into multiprocessing queue and later retrieve in # corresponding driver queue.put((tc_status_list, tc_name, tc_impact_list, tc_duration_list, tc_junit_list)) return suite_status