Ejemplo n.º 1
def merge_blip_down_blip_up_first_temporary_window(blip_down_blip_up_temporary_window_file, \
                                                  blip_down_temporary_window_file, \
    # Merge nii files of different phase 
    # Assuming that fslsplit correctly appended
    # 0000 for the first temporary window 
    # at the end of the file name
    # Assuming that corresponding data
    # for both blip directions already
    # exist in output_directory
    process_msg_prefix = "PID %i: " % os.getpid()
    pre_command = 'FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI'
    command = 'fslmerge -t ' + '"' + blip_down_blip_up_temporary_window_file + \
        '"' + ' ' + '"' + blip_down_temporary_window_file + \
        '"' + ' ' + '"' + blip_up_temporary_window_file + '"'
    full_command = pre_command + ' && ' + command
    print(process_msg_prefix + "Successfully merged " + \
              blip_down_temporary_window_file + " with " + \
              blip_up_temporary_window_file + " into the file " + \
              blip_down_blip_up_temporary_window_file + \
              " using fslmerge in subprocess shell call")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def topup_compute(merged_image_for_topup_compute_file, \
                  datain, config):
    process_msg_prefix = "PID %i: " % os.getpid()

    output_base_name = merged_image_for_topup_compute_file[:-len(".nii")]
    out_name = output_base_name + "_generic_out"
    fout_name = output_base_name + "_field"
    iout_name = output_base_name + "_corrected"
    pre_command = 'FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI'
    command = 'topup --imain=' + '"' + merged_image_for_topup_compute_file + \
        '"' + ' ' + '--datain='  + '"' + datain + \
        '"' + ' ' + '--config=' + '"' + config + \
        '"' + ' ' + '--out='  + '"' + out_name + \
        '"' + ' ' + '--fout='  + '"' + fout_name + \
        '"' + ' ' + '--iout='  + '"' + iout_name + '"'
    full_command = pre_command + ' && ' + command
    print(process_msg_prefix + "Successfully computed off-resonance field " + \
              fout_name + " based on " + \
              merged_image_for_topup_compute_file + " and used it to correct " + \
              merged_image_for_topup_compute_file + " into " + \
    return iout_name + ".nii", out_name
Ejemplo n.º 3
def remove_first_and_last_slices_and_save(output_directory, file_name):
    process_msg_prefix = "PID %i: " % os.getpid()

    output_base = file_name[:-len(".nii")]
    output_file_name = output_base + '_postp'
    output_file = output_directory + "/" + output_file_name + ".nii"
    pre_command = 'cd ' + '"' + output_directory + '"' + \
                    ' && FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI && xdim=$(fslval ' + \
                    '"' + file_name + '"' + ' dim1) && ydim=$(fslval ' + \
                    '"' + file_name + '"' + ' dim2) && zdim=$(fslval ' + \
                    '"' + file_name + '"' + ' dim3)'
    # This command will extract the 2D lowest slice along z axis
    # to the file output_zmin.nii
    command = 'fslroi ' + '"' + file_name + '"' + \
        ' '  + '"' + output_file_name + '"' + \
        ' ' + '0 $xdim' + \
        ' ' + '0 $ydim' + \
        ' ' + '1 $((zdim-2))'

    # Concatenate all the commands into a one-liner command (a large string string to be evaluated in a shell environment)
    full_command = pre_command + ' && ' + command
    print(process_msg_prefix + "Successfully removed " + \
              "first and last z slice from" + \
              output_directory + "/" + file_name + \
              ", and saved to" + \
    return output_file
Ejemplo n.º 4
def topup_apply(prepared_4D_file, datain, topup_out_base_name_file):
    process_msg_prefix = "PID %i: " % os.getpid()
    output_base_name = prepared_4D_file[:-len(".nii")]
    out_name = output_base_name + "_applytopup"
    pre_command = 'FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI'
    command = 'applytopup --imain=' + '"' + prepared_4D_file[:-len(".nii")] + \
        '"' + ' ' + '--inindex=2'  + \
        ' ' + '--datain='  + '"' + datain + \
        '"' + ' ' + '--topup=' + '"' + topup_out_base_name_file + \
        '"' + ' ' + '--out='  + '"' + out_name + '" --method=jac'
    full_command = pre_command + ' && ' + command

    print(process_msg_prefix + "Successfully ran applytopup on " + \
              prepared_4D_file + " based on topup output" + \
              topup_out_base_name_file + "*")
    return out_name + ".nii"
Ejemplo n.º 5
def highres_to_lowres_registration(highres_file, \
                                   lowres_file, \
                                   output_directory, \
    # wraps around FreeSurfer's
    # mri_robust_register .
    # Returns the mapmov output file.

    process_msg_prefix = "PID %i: " % os.getpid()

    options = "--nosym --noinit --satit --iscale --verbose 2"

    lta_file = output_directory + \
                        "/" + \
                        registration_desc + \
    mapmov_file = output_directory + \
                        "/" + \
                        registration_desc + \
    mapmovhdr_file = output_directory + \
                        "/" + \
                        registration_desc + \
    weights_file = output_directory + \
                        "/" + \
                        registration_desc + \
    bash_run_log_file = output_directory + \
                        "/" + \
                        registration_desc + \
    bash_run_log_command = "2>&1 | tee"

    full_command = 'mri_robust_register ' + \
                '--mov "' + highres_file + '" ' + \
                '--dst "' + lowres_file + '" ' + \
                '--lta "' + lta_file + '" ' + \
                '--mapmov "' + mapmov_file + '" ' + \
                '--mapmovhdr "' + mapmovhdr_file + '" ' + \
                '--weights "' + weights_file + '" ' + \
                options + ' ' + \
                bash_run_log_command + ' ' + \
                '"' + bash_run_log_file + '"'


    print(process_msg_prefix + "Ran mri_robust_register " + \
          "with registration_desc: " + \
          registration_desc + " "\
          "with --mov " + \
          highres_file + " " + \
          "and --dst " + \

    return mapmov_file
Ejemplo n.º 6
def add_duplicate_slices(output_directory, file_name):
    process_msg_prefix = "PID %i: " % os.getpid()

    output_base = file_name[:-len(".nii")]
    output_zmin = output_base + '_zmin'
    output_zmax = output_base + '_zmax'
    output_prep = output_base + '_prep_topup'
    output_prep_file = output_directory + "/" + output_prep + ".nii"
    pre_command = 'cd ' + '"' + output_directory + '"' + \
                    ' && FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI && xdim=$(fslval ' + \
                    '"' + file_name + '"' + ' dim1) && ydim=$(fslval ' + \
                    '"' + file_name + '"' + ' dim2) && zdim=$(fslval ' + \
                    '"' + file_name + '"' + ' dim3)'
    # This command will extract the 2D lowest slice along z axis
    # to the file output_zmin.nii
    output_zmin_command = 'fslroi ' + '"' + file_name + '"' + \
        ' '  + '"' + output_zmin + '"' + \
        ' ' + '0 $xdim' + \
        ' ' + '0 $ydim' + \
        ' ' + '0 1'
    # This command will extract the 2D highest slice along z axis
    # to the file output_zmax.nii
    output_zmax_command = 'fslroi ' + '"' + file_name + '"' + \
        ' '  + '"' + output_zmax + '"' + \
        ' ' + '0 $xdim' + \
        ' ' + '0 $ydim' + \
        ' ' + '$((zdim-1)) 1'
    # This command will merge the two extracted 2D slices 
    # output_zmin.nii and output_zmax.nii to file ,
    # to the file output_prep.nii
    output_prep_command = 'fslmerge -z ' + '"' + output_prep + '"' + \
        ' '  + '"' + output_zmin + '"' + \
        ' '  + '"' + file_name + '"' + \
        ' '  + '"' + output_zmax + '"'
    # Concatenate all the commands into a one-liner command (a large string string to be evaluated in a shell environment)
    full_command = pre_command + ' && ' + output_zmin_command + ' && ' + output_zmax_command + ' && ' + output_prep_command
    print(process_msg_prefix + "Successfully merged " + \
              "duplicate zmin and zmax slices to " + \
              output_directory + "/" + file_name + \
              ", thereby creating " + \
              output_prep_file + \
              " for FSL topup")
    return output_prep_file
Ejemplo n.º 7
def convert_mgz_to_nii(mgz_file):

    process_msg_prefix = "PID %i: " % os.getpid()

    nii_file = mgz_file[:-len(".mgz")] + ".nii"

    full_command = 'mri_convert ' + \
        '"' + mgz_file + '"' + ' ' + \
        '"' + nii_file + '"'


    print(process_msg_prefix + "convert_mgz_to_nii: Successfully converted " + \
                  mgz_file + " to " + \

    return nii_file
Ejemplo n.º 8
def split_along_temporary_axis_and_save(output_directory, \
                                              blip_file, \
    # blip_file is the relative path from script root + file name
    # blip_file_name is the file name only
    process_msg_prefix = "PID %i: " % os.getpid()
    output_base_name = output_directory + "/" + blip_file_name[:-len(".nii")] + "_"
    pre_command = 'FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI'
    command = 'fslsplit ' + '"' + blip_file + '"' + ' ' + '"' + \
        output_base_name + '"' + ' -t'
    full_command = pre_command + ' && ' + command

    print(process_msg_prefix + "extract_first_temporary_window_and_save: Successfully split " + \
                  blip_file + " into directory " + output_directory + \
                 " using fslsplit in subprocess shell call")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def copy_header(source_nii_file, dest_nii_file):
    # Make NIFTI header of dest_nii_file 
    # equal to NIFTI header or source_nii_file
    process_msg_prefix = "PID %i: " % os.getpid()

    pre_command = 'FSLOUTPUTTYPE=NIFTI'
    # This command will extract the 2D lowest slice along z axis
    # to the file output_zmin.nii
    command = 'fslcpgeom ' + \
                '"' + source_nii_file + '"' + ' '  + \
                '"' + dest_nii_file + '"'

    # Concatenate all the commands into a one-liner command (a large string string to be evaluated in a shell environment)
    full_command = pre_command + ' && ' + command
    print(process_msg_prefix + "Successfully replaced the geometry header info of " + \
              dest_nii_file + "  with the the geometry header info of " + \