Ejemplo n.º 1
def exportPresentation(request, client, filename, stylesDir):
    export client to a DOM presentation

        # filename is a directory where we will export the website to
        # We assume that the user knows what they are doing
        # and don't check if the directory is already full or not
        # and we just overwrite what's already there
        filename = Path(filename)
        # Append the package name to the folder path if necessary
        if filename.basename() != package.name:
            filename /= package.name
        if not filename.exists():
        elif not filename.isdir():
                _(u'Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it') % filename)
            log.error("Couldn't export web page: " +
                      "Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it" % filename)
                _(u'Folder name %s already exists. '
                  'Please choose another one or delete existing one then try again.'
                  ) % filename)
        # Now do the export
        presentationExport = PresentationExport(self.config, stylesDir,
    except Exception, e:
        client.alert(_('EXPORT FAILED!\n%s') % str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def exportPresentation(request, client, filename, stylesDir):
    export client to a DOM presentation

        # filename is a directory where we will export the website to
        # We assume that the user knows what they are doing
        # and don't check if the directory is already full or not
        # and we just overwrite what's already there
        filename = Path(filename)
        # Append the package name to the folder path if necessary
        if filename.basename() != package.name:
            filename /= package.name
        if not filename.exists():
        elif not filename.isdir():
            client.alert(_(u"Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it") % filename)
            log.error("Couldn't export web page: " + "Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it" % filename)
                _(u"Folder name %s already exists. " "Please choose another one or delete existing one then try again.")
                % filename
        # Now do the export
        presentationExport = PresentationExport(self.config, stylesDir, filename)
    except Exception, e:
        client.alert(_("EXPORT FAILED!\n%s") % str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def exportWebSite2(request, client, filename, stylesDir):
    """Overwrite allowed, proceed"""
        filename = Path(filename)
        if filename.exists():
            if filename.isdir():
        websiteExport = WebsiteExport(self.config, stylesDir, filename)
        self._startFile(client, filename)
    except Exception, e:
        log.error("EXPORT FAILED! %s" % filename)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def exportWebSite2(request, client, filename, stylesDir):
    '''Overwrite allowed, proceed'''
        filename = Path(filename)
        if filename.exists():
            if filename.isdir():
        websiteExport = WebsiteExport(self.config, stylesDir, filename)
        self._startFile(client, filename)
    except Exception, e:
        log.error("EXPORT FAILED! %s" % filename)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def exportWebSite(request, client, filename, stylesDir, quick=False):
    Export 'client' to a web site,
    'webDir' is just read from config.webDir
    'stylesDir' is where to copy the style sheet information from
    # filename is a directory where we will export the website to
    filename = Path(filename)
    # Append the package name to the folder path if necessary
    if filename.basename() != package.name:
        filename /= package.name

    if filename.exists() and not quick:
            'askOverwrite("%s", "%s");' % (str(filename).replace("\\", "\\\\"), stylesDir.replace("\\", "\\\\"))
        # Now do the export
        self.exportWebSite2(client, filename, stylesDir)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def exportWebSite(request, client, filename, stylesDir, quick=False):
    Export 'client' to a web site,
    'webDir' is just read from config.webDir
    'stylesDir' is where to copy the style sheet information from
    # filename is a directory where we will export the website to
    filename = Path(filename)
    # Append the package name to the folder path if necessary
    if filename.basename() != package.name:
        filename /= package.name

    if filename.exists() and not quick:
        client.sendScript('askOverwrite("%s", "%s");' \
                          % (str(filename).replace("\\", "\\\\"),
                             stylesDir.replace("\\", "\\\\")))
        # Now do the export
        self.exportWebSite2(client, filename, stylesDir)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def exportSinglePage(request, client, filename, webDir, stylesDir, \
    Export 'client' to a single web page,
    'webDir' is just read from config.webDir
    'stylesDir' is where to copy the style sheet information from
    'printFlag' indicates whether or not this is for print 
                (and whatever else that might mean)
        imagesDir = webDir.joinpath('images')
        scriptsDir = webDir.joinpath('scripts')
        templatesDir = webDir.joinpath('templates')
        # filename is a directory where we will export the website to
        # We assume that the user knows what they are doing
        # and don't check if the directory is already full or not
        # and we just overwrite what's already there
        filename = Path(filename)
        # Append the package name to the folder path if necessary
        if filename.basename() != package.name:
            filename /= package.name
        if not filename.exists():
        elif not filename.isdir():
                _(u'Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it') % filename)
            log.error("Couldn't export web page: " +
                      "Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it" % filename)
                _(u'Folder name %s already exists. '
                  'Please choose another one or delete existing one then try again.'
                  ) % filename)
        # Now do the export
        singlePageExport = SinglePageExport(stylesDir, filename, \
                                     imagesDir, scriptsDir, templatesDir)
        singlePageExport.export(package, printFlag)
    except Exception, e:
        client.alert(_('SAVE FAILED!\n%s' % str(e)))
Ejemplo n.º 8
def exportSinglePage(request, client, filename, webDir, stylesDir, printFlag):
    Export 'client' to a single web page,
    'webDir' is just read from config.webDir
    'stylesDir' is where to copy the style sheet information from
    'printFlag' indicates whether or not this is for print 
                (and whatever else that might mean)
        imagesDir = webDir.joinpath("images")
        scriptsDir = webDir.joinpath("scripts")
        templatesDir = webDir.joinpath("templates")
        # filename is a directory where we will export the website to
        # We assume that the user knows what they are doing
        # and don't check if the directory is already full or not
        # and we just overwrite what's already there
        filename = Path(filename)
        # Append the package name to the folder path if necessary
        if filename.basename() != package.name:
            filename /= package.name
        if not filename.exists():
        elif not filename.isdir():
            client.alert(_(u"Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it") % filename)
            log.error("Couldn't export web page: " + "Filename %s is a file, cannot replace it" % filename)
                _(u"Folder name %s already exists. " "Please choose another one or delete existing one then try again.")
                % filename
        # Now do the export
        singlePageExport = SinglePageExport(stylesDir, filename, imagesDir, scriptsDir, templatesDir)
        singlePageExport.export(package, printFlag)
    except Exception, e:
        client.alert(_("SAVE FAILED!\n%s" % str(e)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def exportPackage(request, package, exportType, filename, print_callback="", quick=False):

    Called by js. 
    Exports the current package to one of the above formats
    'exportType' can be one of 'singlePage' 'webSite' 'zipFile' 'ipod'
                 'textFile' 'scorm' or 'presentation'
    'filename' is a file for scorm pages, and a directory for websites
    G.application.lastExportType = exportType
    G.application.lastExportPath = filename
    client.sendScript('document.getElementById("quick-export")' + '.setAttribute("disabled", "false");')
    client.sendScript('document.getElementById("serving-elem")' + '.setAttribute("disabled", "false");')
    client.sendScript('document.getElementById("serving-elem")' + '.setAttribute("label", "Start Serving");')
    client.sendScript('document.getElementById("serving-elem")' + '.setAttribute("oncommand", "serveDocument\(\)");')
    client.sendScript('document.getElementById("quick-export").' + 'setAttribute("disabled", "false");')
    log.info("Filename to export" + filename)
    webDir = Path(self.config.webDir)
    if package.style.find("locale/") != -1:
        # local style loaded
        stylesDir = self.config.configDir / "style"
        # delete "locale/" from style name
        stylesDir /= package.style[package.style.find("locale/") + len("locale/") :]
        # global style
        stylesDir = webDir / "style"
        stylesDir /= package.style

    exportDir = Path(filename).dirname()
    if exportDir and not exportDir.exists():
        client.alert(_(u"Cannot access directory named ") + unicode(exportDir) + _(u". Please use ASCII names."))

    adding the print feature in using the same export functionality:
    if exportType == "singlePage" or exportType == "printSinglePage":
        printit = 0
        if exportType == "printSinglePage":
            printit = 1
        exported_dir = self.exportSinglePage(client, filename, webDir, stylesDir, printit)
        # the above will return None if the desired exported directory
        # already exists (printing always goes to a new temp dir, though):
        if printit == 1 and not exported_dir is None:
            web_printdir = self.get_printdir_relative2web(exported_dir)
            # now that this has ben exported, go ahead and trigger
            # the requested printing callback:
            client.call(print_callback, filename, exported_dir, web_printdir)

    elif exportType == "webSite":
        self.exportWebSite(client, filename, stylesDir, quick=quick)

    elif exportType == "presentation":
        self.exportPresentation(client, filename, stylesDir)
    elif exportType == "printHandout":
        exported_dir = self.printHandout(client, filename, stylesDir)
        print exported_dir
        web_printdir = self.get_printdir_relative2web(exported_dir)
        client.call(print_callback, filename, exported_dir, web_printdir)

    elif exportType == "zipFile":
        filename = self.b4save(client, filename, ".zip", _(u"EXPORT FAILED!"))
        self.exportWebZip(client, filename, stylesDir)
    elif exportType == "textFile":
        self.exportText(client, filename)
    elif exportType == "ipod":
        self.exportIpod(client, filename)
    elif exportType == "scorm":
        filename = self.b4save(client, filename, ".zip", _(u"EXPORT FAILED!"))
        self.exportScorm(client, filename, stylesDir, "scorm1.2")
    elif exportType == "scorm2004":
        filename = self.b4save(client, filename, ".zip", _(u"EXPORT FAILED!"))
        self.exportScorm(client, filename, stylesDir, "scorm2004")
    elif exportType == "commoncartridge":
        filename = self.b4save(client, filename, ".zip", _(u"EXPORT FAILED!"))
        self.exportScorm(client, filename, stylesDir, "commoncartridge")
        filename = self.b4save(client, filename, ".zip", _(u"EXPORT FAILED!"))
        self.exportIMS(client, filename, stylesDir)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def previewTinyMCEimage(request, package, tinyMCEwin, tinyMCEwin_name, tinyMCEfield, local_filename, preview_filename):

    Once an image is selected in the file browser that is spawned by the 
    TinyMCE image dialog, copy this file (which is local to the user's 
    machine) into the server space, under a preview directory 
    (after checking if this exists, and creating it if necessary).
    Note that this IS a "cheat", in violation of the client-server 
    separation, but can be done since we know that the eXe server is 
    actually sitting on the client host.
    server_filename = ""
    callback_errors = ""
    errors = 0

        "handleTinyMCEimageChoice: image local = " + local_filename + ", base=" + os.path.basename(local_filename)

    webDir = Path(G.application.tempWebDir)
    previewDir = webDir.joinpath("previews")

    if not previewDir.exists():
        log.debug("image previews directory does not yet exist; " + "creating as %s " % previewDir)
    elif not previewDir.isdir():
        client.alert(_(u"Preview directory %s is a file, cannot replace it") % previewDir)
            "Couldn't preview tinyMCE-chosen image: " + "Preview dir %s is a file, cannot replace it" % previewDir
        callback_errors = "Preview dir is a file, cannot replace"
        errors += 1

    if errors == 0:
        log.debug("handleTinyMCEimageChoice: originally, local_filename=" + local_filename)
        local_filename = unicode(local_filename, "utf-8")
        log.debug("handleTinyMCEimageChoice: in unicode, local_filename=" + local_filename)

        localImagePath = Path(local_filename)
        log.debug("handleTinyMCEimageChoice: after Path, localImagePath= " + localImagePath)
        if not localImagePath.exists() or not localImagePath.isfile():
            client.alert(_(u"Local file %s is not found, cannot preview it") % localImagePath)
            log.error("Couldn't find tinyMCE-chosen image: %s" % localImagePath)
            callback_errors = "Image file %s not found, cannot preview" % localImagePath
            errors += 1

        # joinpath needs its join arguments to already be in Unicode:
        # preview_filename = toUnicode(preview_filename);
        # but that's okay, cuz preview_filename is now URI safe, right?
        log.debug("URIencoded preview filename=" + preview_filename)

        server_filename = previewDir.joinpath(preview_filename)
            "handleTinyMCEimageChoice copying image from '"
            + local_filename
            + "' to '"
            + server_filename.abspath()
            + "'."
        shutil.copyfile(local_filename, server_filename.abspath())

        # new optional description file to provide the
        # actual base filename, such that once it is later processed
        # copied into the resources directory, it can be done with
        # only the basename.   Otherwise the resource filenames
        # are too long for some users, preventing them from making
        # backup CDs of the content, for example.
        # Remember that the full path of the
        # file is only used here as an easy way to keep the names
        # unique WITHOUT requiring a roundtrip call from the Javascript
        # to this server, and back again, a process which does not
        # seem to work with tinyMCE in the mix.  BUT, once tinyMCE's
        # part is done, and this image processed, it can be returned
        # to just its basename, since the resource parts have their
        # own unique-ification mechanisms already in place.

        descrip_file_path = Path(server_filename + ".exe_info")
            "handleTinyMCEimageChoice creating preview " + "description file '" + descrip_file_path.abspath() + "'."
        descrip_file = open(descrip_file_path, "wb")

        # safety measures against TinyMCE, otherwise it will
        # later take ampersands and entity-escape them into '&',
        # and filenames with hash signs will not be found, etc.:
        unspaced_filename = local_filename.replace(" ", "_")
        unhashed_filename = unspaced_filename.replace("#", "_num_")
        unamped_local_filename = unhashed_filename.replace("&", "_and_")
        log.debug("and setting new file basename as: " + unamped_local_filename)
        my_basename = os.path.basename(unamped_local_filename)
        descrip_file.write((u"basename=" + my_basename).encode("utf-8"))


    except Exception, e:
        client.alert(_("SAVE FAILED!\n%s" % str(e)))
        log.error("handleTinyMCEimageChoice unable to copy local image " + "file to server prevew, error = " + str(e))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def exportPackage(request,
    Called by js. 
    Exports the current package to one of the above formats
    'exportType' can be one of 'singlePage' 'webSite' 'zipFile' 'ipod'
                 'textFile' 'scorm' or 'presentation'
    'filename' is a file for scorm pages, and a directory for websites
    G.application.lastExportType = exportType
    G.application.lastExportPath = filename
    client.sendScript('document.getElementById("quick-export")' + \
                      '.setAttribute("disabled", "false");')
    client.sendScript('document.getElementById("serving-elem")' + \
                      '.setAttribute("disabled", "false");')
    client.sendScript('document.getElementById("serving-elem")' + \
                      '.setAttribute("label", "Start Serving");')
    client.sendScript('document.getElementById("serving-elem")' + \
                    '.setAttribute("oncommand", "serveDocument\(\)");')
    client.sendScript('document.getElementById("quick-export").' +\
                      'setAttribute("disabled", "false");')
    log.info("Filename to export" + filename)
    webDir = Path(self.config.webDir)
    if package.style.find("locale/") != -1:
        # local style loaded
        stylesDir = self.config.configDir / "style"
        # delete "locale/" from style name
        stylesDir /= package.style[package.style.find\
                                        ("locale/") + len("locale/"):]
        # global style
        stylesDir = webDir / "style"
        stylesDir /= package.style

    exportDir = Path(filename).dirname()
    if exportDir and not exportDir.exists():
            _(u'Cannot access directory named ') + unicode(exportDir) +
            _(u'. Please use ASCII names.'))
    adding the print feature in using the same export functionality:
    if exportType == 'singlePage' or exportType == 'printSinglePage':
        printit = 0
        if exportType == 'printSinglePage':
            printit = 1
        exported_dir = self.exportSinglePage(client, filename, webDir, \
                                             stylesDir, printit)
        # the above will return None if the desired exported directory
        # already exists (printing always goes to a new temp dir, though):
        if printit == 1 and not exported_dir is None:
            web_printdir = self.get_printdir_relative2web(exported_dir)
            # now that this has ben exported, go ahead and trigger
            # the requested printing callback:
            client.call(print_callback, filename, exported_dir, \

    elif exportType == 'webSite':
        self.exportWebSite(client, filename, stylesDir, quick=quick)

    elif exportType == 'presentation':
        self.exportPresentation(client, filename, stylesDir)
    elif exportType == 'printHandout':
        exported_dir = self.printHandout(client, filename, stylesDir)
        print exported_dir
        web_printdir = self.get_printdir_relative2web(exported_dir)
        client.call(print_callback, filename, exported_dir, web_printdir)

    elif exportType == 'zipFile':
        filename = self.b4save(client, filename, '.zip', _(u'EXPORT FAILED!'))
        self.exportWebZip(client, filename, stylesDir)
    elif exportType == 'textFile':
        self.exportText(client, filename)
    elif exportType == 'ipod':
        self.exportIpod(client, filename)
    elif exportType == "scorm":
        filename = self.b4save(client, filename, '.zip', _(u'EXPORT FAILED!'))
        self.exportScorm(client, filename, stylesDir, "scorm1.2")
    elif exportType == "scorm2004":
        filename = self.b4save(client, filename, '.zip', _(u'EXPORT FAILED!'))
        self.exportScorm(client, filename, stylesDir, "scorm2004")
    elif exportType == "commoncartridge":
        filename = self.b4save(client, filename, '.zip', _(u'EXPORT FAILED!'))
        self.exportScorm(client, filename, stylesDir, "commoncartridge")
        filename = self.b4save(client, filename, '.zip', _(u'EXPORT FAILED!'))
        self.exportIMS(client, filename, stylesDir)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def previewTinyMCEimage(request, package, tinyMCEwin, tinyMCEwin_name, \
                         tinyMCEfield, local_filename, preview_filename):
    Once an image is selected in the file browser that is spawned by the 
    TinyMCE image dialog, copy this file (which is local to the user's 
    machine) into the server space, under a preview directory 
    (after checking if this exists, and creating it if necessary).
    Note that this IS a "cheat", in violation of the client-server 
    separation, but can be done since we know that the eXe server is 
    actually sitting on the client host.
    server_filename = ""
    callback_errors = ""
    errors = 0

    log.debug('handleTinyMCEimageChoice: image local = ' + local_filename +
              ', base=' + os.path.basename(local_filename))

    webDir = Path(G.application.tempWebDir)
    previewDir = webDir.joinpath('previews')

    if not previewDir.exists():
        log.debug("image previews directory does not yet exist; " \
                + "creating as %s " % previewDir)
    elif not previewDir.isdir():
        client.alert( \
            _(u'Preview directory %s is a file, cannot replace it') \
            % previewDir)
        log.error("Couldn't preview tinyMCE-chosen image: "+
                  "Preview dir %s is a file, cannot replace it" \
                  % previewDir)
        callback_errors = "Preview dir is a file, cannot replace"
        errors += 1

    if errors == 0:
        log.debug('handleTinyMCEimageChoice: originally, local_filename=' +
        local_filename = unicode(local_filename, 'utf-8')
        log.debug('handleTinyMCEimageChoice: in unicode, local_filename=' +

        localImagePath = Path(local_filename)
        log.debug('handleTinyMCEimageChoice: after Path, localImagePath= ' +
        if not localImagePath.exists() or not localImagePath.isfile():
            client.alert( \
                 _(u'Local file %s is not found, cannot preview it') \
                 % localImagePath)
            log.error("Couldn't find tinyMCE-chosen image: %s" \
                    % localImagePath)
            callback_errors = "Image file %s not found, cannot preview" \
                    % localImagePath
            errors += 1

        # joinpath needs its join arguments to already be in Unicode:
        #preview_filename = toUnicode(preview_filename);
        # but that's okay, cuz preview_filename is now URI safe, right?
        log.debug('URIencoded preview filename=' + preview_filename)

        server_filename = previewDir.joinpath(preview_filename)
        log.debug("handleTinyMCEimageChoice copying image from \'"\
                + local_filename + "\' to \'" \
                + server_filename.abspath() + "\'.")
        shutil.copyfile(local_filename, \

        # new optional description file to provide the
        # actual base filename, such that once it is later processed
        # copied into the resources directory, it can be done with
        # only the basename.   Otherwise the resource filenames
        # are too long for some users, preventing them from making
        # backup CDs of the content, for example.
        # Remember that the full path of the
        # file is only used here as an easy way to keep the names
        # unique WITHOUT requiring a roundtrip call from the Javascript
        # to this server, and back again, a process which does not
        # seem to work with tinyMCE in the mix.  BUT, once tinyMCE's
        # part is done, and this image processed, it can be returned
        # to just its basename, since the resource parts have their
        # own unique-ification mechanisms already in place.

        descrip_file_path = Path(server_filename + ".exe_info")
        log.debug("handleTinyMCEimageChoice creating preview " \
                + "description file \'" \
                + descrip_file_path.abspath() + "\'.")
        descrip_file = open(descrip_file_path, 'wb')

        # safety measures against TinyMCE, otherwise it will
        # later take ampersands and entity-escape them into '&',
        # and filenames with hash signs will not be found, etc.:
        unspaced_filename = local_filename.replace(' ', '_')
        unhashed_filename = unspaced_filename.replace('#', '_num_')
        unamped_local_filename = unhashed_filename.replace('&', '_and_')
        log.debug("and setting new file basename as: " +
        my_basename = os.path.basename(unamped_local_filename)
        descrip_file.write((u"basename=" + my_basename).encode('utf-8'))


    except Exception, e:
        client.alert(_('SAVE FAILED!\n%s' % str(e)))
        log.error("handleTinyMCEimageChoice unable to copy local image "\
                +"file to server prevew, error = " + str(e))