Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_or_inside_and():
    from experta import Fact, Rule, AND, OR
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(AND(Fact(a=1), OR(Fact(a=2), Fact(a=3))))
    output = Rule(OR(AND(Fact(a=1), Fact(a=2)), AND(Fact(a=1), Fact(a=3))))
    assert dnf(input_[0]) == output[0]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_or_and_fact_inside_or():
    from experta import Fact, OR, Rule
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(OR(Fact(a=1), OR(Fact(a=2), Fact(a=3))))
    output = Rule(OR(Fact(a=1), Fact(a=2), Fact(a=3)))
    assert dnf(input_) == output
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_double_not_inside_fact():
    from experta import Fact, OR, Rule, L
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(Fact(a=~~L(1)))
    output = Rule(Fact(a=L(1)))

    result = dnf(input_)
    assert result == output
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_or_inside_fact():
    from experta import Fact, OR, Rule, L
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(Fact(a=L(1) | L(2), b=3))
    output = Rule(OR(Fact(a=L(1), b=3), Fact(a=L(2), b=3)))

    result = dnf(input_)
    assert set(result[0]) == set(output[0])
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_and_inside_rule():
    from experta import Fact, Rule, AND
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(Fact(a=1), AND(Fact(b=2), Fact(c=3)))
    output = Rule(Fact(a=1), Fact(b=2), Fact(c=3))

    result = dnf(input_)
    assert result == output
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_or_inside_or_inside_fact():
    from experta import Fact, OR, Rule, L
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(Fact(a=L(1) | (L(2) | L(3))))
    output = Rule(OR(Fact(a=L(1)), Fact(a=L(2)), Fact(a=L(3))))

    result = dnf(input_)
    assert result == output
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_not_and_inside_fact():
    from experta import Fact, OR, Rule, L
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(Fact(a=~(L(1) & L(2))))
    output = Rule(OR(Fact(a=~L(1)), Fact(a=~L(2))))

    result = dnf(input_)
    assert result == output
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_or_inside_or_inside_and():
    from experta import Fact, OR, AND, Rule
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(AND(Fact(b=1), OR(Fact(a=1), OR(Fact(a=3), Fact(a=4)))))
    output = Rule(
        OR(AND(Fact(b=1), Fact(a=1)), AND(Fact(b=1), Fact(a=3)),
           AND(Fact(b=1), Fact(a=4))))
    result = dnf(input_)
    assert result == output
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_and_inside_or_inside_fact():
    from experta import Fact, OR, Rule, L
    from experta.fieldconstraint import ANDFC
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(Fact(a=L(1) | (L(2) & L(3))))
    output = Rule(OR(Fact(a=L(1)), Fact(a=ANDFC(L(2), L(3)))))

    result = dnf(input_)
    assert result == output
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_not_or_inside_fact():
    from experta import Fact, OR, Rule, L
    from experta.fieldconstraint import ANDFC, NOTFC
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(Fact(a=~(L(1) | L(2))))
    output = Rule(Fact(a=ANDFC(NOTFC(L(1)), NOTFC(L(2)))))

    result = dnf(input_)
    assert result == output
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_activation_facts_only_iterable():
    """ Check if activation facts are required to be a tuple """
    from experta.activation import Activation
    from experta import Rule
    import pytest

    Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=tuple())
    Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=list())
    Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=dict())

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=None)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_multiple_or_inside_rule():
    from experta import Fact, OR, Rule, AND
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    input_ = Rule(Fact(a=1), OR(Fact(b=1), Fact(b=2)),
                  OR(Fact(c=1), Fact(c=2)))
    output_ = Rule(
        OR(AND(Fact(a=1), Fact(b=1), Fact(c=1)),
           AND(Fact(a=1), Fact(b=1), Fact(c=2)),
           AND(Fact(a=1), Fact(b=2), Fact(c=1)),
           AND(Fact(a=1), Fact(b=2), Fact(c=2))))

    result = dnf(input_)
    assert result == output_
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_prepare_rule__or_starting_with_not():
    from experta import Rule, InitialFact, NOT, Fact, OR, AND

    rule = Rule(OR(NOT(Fact(1)), NOT(Fact(2))))(lambda: None)

    assert list(utils.prepare_rule(rule)) == [
        OR(AND(InitialFact(), NOT(Fact(1))), AND(InitialFact(), NOT(Fact(2))))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_Rule_is_iterable():
    from experta import Rule
    from experta import Fact

    rule_ = iter(Rule(Fact(a=1), Fact(a=2)))
    assert next(rule_) == Fact(a=1)
    assert next(rule_) == Fact(a=2)
    with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
        assert next(rule_)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_DepthStrategy_update_agenda_asertion_order_affects_agenda_order_3():

    From Clips docs on Depth Strategy::

      Newly activated rules are placed above all rules of the same salience.
      For example, given that facta activates rule1 and rule2 and factb
      activates rule3 and rule4, then if facta is asserted before factb, rule3
      and rule4 will be above rule1 and rule2 on the agenda. However, the
      position of rule1 relative to rule2 and rule3 relative to rule4 will be

    from experta.strategies import DepthStrategy
    from experta.activation import Activation
    from experta import Rule
    from experta.agenda import Agenda
    from experta import Fact
    from experta.factlist import FactList

    fl = FactList()

    f1 = Fact(1)

    f2 = Fact(2)

    act1 = Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=(f1, ))
    act2 = Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=(f1, ))
    act3 = Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=(f2, ))
    act4 = Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=(f2, ))

    a = Agenda()

    st = DepthStrategy()

    st.update_agenda(a, [act1, act2, act3, act4], [])
    order = list(a.activations)

    assert (order.index(act4) > order.index(act1)
            and order.index(act4) > order.index(act2))
    assert (order.index(act3) > order.index(act1)
            and order.index(act3) > order.index(act2))
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_prepare_rule_is_dnf():
    from experta import Rule, NOT, AND, OR, Fact
    from experta.matchers.rete.dnf import dnf

    rule = Rule(AND(Fact(0), NOT(OR(Fact(1), Fact(2)))))(lambda: None)

    assert list(
        utils.prepare_rule(rule)) == [Fact(0),
Ejemplo n.º 17
def test_DepthStrategy_update_agenda_different_salience():
    from random import shuffle

    from experta.strategies import DepthStrategy
    from experta.activation import Activation
    from experta import Rule
    from experta import Fact
    from experta.agenda import Agenda
    from experta.factlist import FactList

    flist = FactList()

    f1 = Fact(1)

    f2 = Fact(2)

    f3 = Fact(3)

    f4 = Fact(4)

    act1 = Activation(rule=Rule(salience=1), facts=(f1, ))
    act2 = Activation(rule=Rule(salience=2), facts=(f2, ))
    act3 = Activation(rule=Rule(salience=3), facts=(f3, ))
    act4 = Activation(rule=Rule(salience=4), facts=(f4, ))

    acts = [act1, act2, act3, act4]

    st = DepthStrategy()
    a = Agenda()

    for act in acts:
        st.update_agenda(a, acts, [])

    order = list(a.activations)
    assert (order.index(act4)
            > order.index(act3)
            > order.index(act2)
            > order.index(act1))
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_DepthStrategy_update_agenda_assertion_order_affects_agenda_order_1():
    from experta.strategies import DepthStrategy
    from experta.activation import Activation
    from experta import Rule
    from experta.agenda import Agenda
    from experta import Fact
    from experta.factlist import FactList

    fl = FactList()

    f1 = Fact(1)

    f2 = Fact(2)

    f3 = Fact(3)

    f4 = Fact(4)

    act1 = Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=(f1, ))
    act2 = Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=(f2, ))
    first = [act1, act2]

    act3 = Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=(f3, ))
    act4 = Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=(f4, ))
    second = [act3, act4]

    a = Agenda()

    st = DepthStrategy()

    st.update_agenda(a, first, [])
    assert a.activations == first

    st.update_agenda(a, second, first)
    assert a.activations == second
Ejemplo n.º 19
def test_DepthStrategy_update_agenda_activations_to_agenda():
    from experta.strategies import DepthStrategy
    from experta.activation import Activation
    from experta import Rule
    from experta.agenda import Agenda
    from experta import Fact
    from experta.factlist import FactList

    fl = FactList()
    f1 = Fact(1)
    f2 = Fact(2)

    act1 = Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=(f1, ))
    act2 = Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=(f2, ))

    a = Agenda()

    st = DepthStrategy()
    st.update_agenda(a, [act1, act2], [])

    assert act1 in a.activations
    assert act2 in a.activations
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_extract_facts():
    from experta import Rule, NOT, AND, OR, Fact

    rule = Rule(OR(AND(Fact(1), NOT(Fact(2))), Fact(3)))

    assert utils.extract_facts(rule) == {Fact(1), Fact(2), Fact(3)}
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_activation_has_facts():
    """ Check if activation has facts property """
    from experta.activation import Activation
    from experta import Rule
    assert hasattr(Activation(rule=Rule(), facts=[]), 'facts')
Ejemplo n.º 22
def test_prepare_rule__and_inside_rule():
    from experta import Rule, AND, Fact

    rule = Rule(AND(Fact(1), Fact(2)))(lambda: None)

    assert list(utils.prepare_rule(rule)) == [Fact(1), Fact(2)]
Ejemplo n.º 23
def test_prepare_rule__rule_starting_with_not():
    from experta import Rule, InitialFact, NOT, Fact

    rule = Rule(NOT(Fact(1)))(lambda: None)

    assert list(utils.prepare_rule(rule)) == [InitialFact(), NOT(Fact(1))]
Ejemplo n.º 24
def test_prepare_rule_empty():
    from experta import Rule, InitialFact

    rule = Rule()(lambda: None)

    assert list(utils.prepare_rule(rule)) == [InitialFact()]
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def add_rule(self, rule: ex.Rule):
     setattr(self.ke, rule._wrapped.__name__, rule)
     rule.ke = self.ke
     rule._wrapped_self = self.ke
     self.ke.reset()  #todo: not sure if this is necessary
Ejemplo n.º 26
def test_Rule_decorator_raise_AttributeError_if_called_without_function():
    from experta import Rule

    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):