Ejemplo n.º 1
def getPathwayAs(pathway_db, species_code, mod):
    begin_time = time.time()
            'BuildDBs/WPs')  ### clear any remaining pathway files
    except Exception:
        null = []
    for wpid in pathway_db:
        file_type = 'gpml'
        wp_id_data = client.service.getPathwayAs(fileType=file_type,
        wp_id_data = base64.b64decode(wp_id_data)
        gpml_path = filepath('BuildDBs/WPs/' + wpid + '.gpml')
        outfile = export.ExportFile(gpml_path)
        gene_system_list = string.split(wp_id_data, '\n')
        parent_path = export.findParentDir(gpml_path)
        pathway_db = gene_associations.getGPMLGraphData(
            parent_path, species_code, mod)  ### get GPML data back
        os.remove(gpml_path)  ### Only store the file temporarily

    end_time = time.time()
    time_diff = float(end_time - begin_time)
    try: print "WikiPathways data imported in %d seconds" % time_diff
    except Exception: null=None ### Occurs when transitioning back from the Official Database download window (not sure why) -- TclError: can't invoke "update" command
    return pathway_db
def getPathwayAs(pathway_db,species_code,mod):
    begin_time = time.time()
    for wpid in pathway_db:
        #print [wpid],'pathway_db',len(pathway_db)
        file_type = 'gpml'
        #file_type = 'application/gpml+xml'
        processor_time = str(time.clock())
        #try: export.deleteFolder('BuildDBs/WPs') ### clear any remaining pathway files
        #except Exception: pass
        #wp_id_data = client.service.getPathwayAs(fileType = file_type,pwId = wpid, revision = 0)
        kwargs = {
            'identifier': 'WP2062',
            'version': 0,
            'file_format': 'application/gpml+xml'}
        #wp_id_data = wikipathways_api_client_instance.get_pathway_as(**kwargs)
        wp_id_data = wikipathways_api_client_instance.get_pathway_as(file_format = file_type,identifier = wpid, version = 0)
        #wp_id_data = base64.b64decode(wp_id_data)
        gpml_path = filepath('BuildDBs/WPs/'+processor_time+'/'+wpid+'.gpml')
        #print gpml_path
        outfile = export.ExportFile(gpml_path)
        outfile.write(wp_id_data); outfile.close()
        gene_system_list = string.split(wp_id_data,'\n')
        parent_path = export.findParentDir(gpml_path)
        pathway_db = gene_associations.getGPMLGraphData(parent_path,species_code,mod) ### get GPML data back
        #os.remove(gpml_path) ### Only store the file temporarily
        try: export.deleteFolder('BuildDBs/WPs/'+processor_time) ### clear any remaining pathway files
        except Exception: pass
    end_time = time.time(); time_diff = float(end_time-begin_time)
    try: print "WikiPathways data imported in %d seconds" % time_diff
    except Exception: null=None ### Occurs when transitioning back from the Official Database download window (not sure why) -- TclError: can't invoke "update" command
    return pathway_db
def getPathwayAs(pathway_db, species_code, mod):
    begin_time = time.time()
    for wpid in pathway_db:
        #print [wpid],'pathway_db',len(pathway_db)
        file_type = 'gpml'
        #file_type = 'application/gpml+xml'
        processor_time = str(time.clock())
        #try: export.deleteFolder('BuildDBs/WPs') ### clear any remaining pathway files
        #except Exception: pass
        #wp_id_data = client.service.getPathwayAs(fileType = file_type,pwId = wpid, revision = 0)
        kwargs = {
            'identifier': 'WP2062',
            'version': 0,
            'file_format': 'application/gpml+xml'
        #wp_id_data = wikipathways_api_client_instance.get_pathway_as(**kwargs)
        wp_id_data = wikipathways_api_client_instance.get_pathway_as(
            file_format=file_type, identifier=wpid, version=0)
        #wp_id_data = base64.b64decode(wp_id_data)
        gpml_path = filepath('BuildDBs/WPs/' + processor_time + '/' + wpid +
        #print gpml_path
        outfile = export.ExportFile(gpml_path)
        gene_system_list = string.split(wp_id_data, '\n')
        parent_path = export.findParentDir(gpml_path)
        pathway_db = gene_associations.getGPMLGraphData(
            parent_path, species_code, mod)  ### get GPML data back

        #os.remove(gpml_path) ### Only store the file temporarily
                'BuildDBs/WPs/' +
                processor_time)  ### clear any remaining pathway files
        except Exception:

    end_time = time.time()
    time_diff = float(end_time - begin_time)
    try: print "WikiPathways data imported in %d seconds" % time_diff
    except Exception: null=None ### Occurs when transitioning back from the Official Database download window (not sure why) -- TclError: can't invoke "update" command
    return pathway_db
Ejemplo n.º 4
def runMiDAS(apt_dir,array_type,dataset_name,array_group_list,array_group_db):
    if '/bin' in apt_dir: apt_file = apt_dir +'/apt-midas' ### if the user selects an APT directory
    elif os.name == 'nt':
        import platform
        if '32bit' in platform.architecture(): apt_file = apt_dir + '/PC/32bit/apt-midas'
        elif '64bit' in platform.architecture(): apt_file = apt_dir + '/PC/64bit/apt-midas' 
    elif 'darwin' in sys.platform: apt_file = apt_dir + '/Mac/apt-midas'
    elif 'linux' in sys.platform:
        import platform
        if '32bit' in platform.architecture(): apt_file = apt_dir + '/Linux/32bit/apt-midas'
        elif '64bit' in platform.architecture(): apt_file = apt_dir + '/Linux/64bit/apt-midas' 
    apt_file = filepath(apt_file)

    ### Each input file for MiDAS requires a full file path, so get the parent path
    midas_input_dir = 'AltResults/MIDAS/'

    ### Remotely connect to the previously verified APT C+ midas program and run analysis
    metafile = path + 'meta-'+dataset_name[0:-1]+'.txt'
    exon_or_junction_file = path + array_type+'-exp-'+dataset_name[0:-1]+'.txt'
    gene_exp_file = path + 'gene-exp-'+dataset_name[0:-1]+'.txt'
    celfiles = path + 'celfiles-'+dataset_name[0:-1]+'.txt'
    output_file = path + dataset_name[0:-1]+'-output'

    ### Delete the output folder if it already exists (may cause APT problems)
    delete_status = export.deleteFolder(output_file)
        import subprocess
        retcode = subprocess.call([
        apt_file, "--cel-files", celfiles,"-g", gene_exp_file, "-e", exon_or_junction_file,
        "-m", metafile, "-o", output_file])
        if retcode: status = 'failed'
        else: status = 'run'
    except NameError: status = 'failed'
    if status == 'failed':
            ### Try running the analysis with old MiDAS file headers and command
            import subprocess
            retcode = subprocess.call([
            apt_file, "-c", celfiles,"-g", gene_exp_file, "-e", exon_or_junction_file,
            "-m", metafile, "-o", output_file])
            if retcode: status = 'failed'
            else: status = 'run'        
        except Exception: status = 'failed'
        if status == 'failed': print "apt-midas failed"
    else: print "apt-midas run successfully"
    return status
Ejemplo n.º 5
def runMiDAS(apt_dir,array_type,dataset_name,array_group_list,array_group_db):
    if '/bin' in apt_dir: apt_file = apt_dir +'/apt-midas' ### if the user selects an APT directory
    elif os.name == 'nt':
        import platform
        if '32bit' in platform.architecture(): apt_file = apt_dir + '/PC/32bit/apt-midas'
        elif '64bit' in platform.architecture(): apt_file = apt_dir + '/PC/64bit/apt-midas' 
    elif 'darwin' in sys.platform: apt_file = apt_dir + '/Mac/apt-midas'
    elif 'linux' in sys.platform:
        import platform
        if '32bit' in platform.architecture(): apt_file = apt_dir + '/Linux/32bit/apt-midas'
        elif '64bit' in platform.architecture(): apt_file = apt_dir + '/Linux/64bit/apt-midas' 
    apt_file = filepath(apt_file)

    ### Each input file for MiDAS requires a full file path, so get the parent path
    midas_input_dir = 'AltResults/MIDAS/'

    ### Remotely connect to the previously verified APT C+ midas program and run analysis
    metafile = path + 'meta-'+dataset_name[0:-1]+'.txt'
    exon_or_junction_file = path + array_type+'-exp-'+dataset_name[0:-1]+'.txt'
    gene_exp_file = path + 'gene-exp-'+dataset_name[0:-1]+'.txt'
    celfiles = path + 'celfiles-'+dataset_name[0:-1]+'.txt'
    output_file = path + dataset_name[0:-1]+'-output'

    ### Delete the output folder if it already exists (may cause APT problems)
    delete_status = export.deleteFolder(output_file)
        import subprocess
        retcode = subprocess.call([
        apt_file, "--cel-files", celfiles,"-g", gene_exp_file, "-e", exon_or_junction_file,
        "-m", metafile, "-o", output_file])
        if retcode: status = 'failed'
        else: status = 'run'
    except NameError: status = 'failed'
    if status == 'failed':
            ### Try running the analysis with old MiDAS file headers and command
            import subprocess
            retcode = subprocess.call([
            apt_file, "-c", celfiles,"-g", gene_exp_file, "-e", exon_or_junction_file,
            "-m", metafile, "-o", output_file])
            if retcode: status = 'failed'
            else: status = 'run'        
        except Exception: status = 'failed'
        if status == 'failed': print "apt-midas failed"
    else: print "apt-midas run successfully"
    return status
Ejemplo n.º 6
def runICGStest(testType = "complete",inputData = "BAM"):
    import UI
    species_names = UI.getSpeciesInfo()
    genes = ''
    genes_option = "--genes"
    cluster_method = "ward"
    rho = "0.4"
    removeOutliers = "no"
    if inputData == "text":
        if 'Mm' not in species_names:
            return 'WARNING!!! Species Mm database not installed.'
        inputDataType = "Fluidigim_TPM"
        species = "Mm"
        SamplesDiffering = "4"
        excludeCellCycle = "conservative"
        restrictBy = "None"
        input_path = unique.filepath(os.getcwd()+"/tests/demo_data/"+inputDataType+"/input/BoneMarrow-scRNASeq.txt")
        expname = "BoneMarrow-scRNASeq"
        expdir = "--expdir"
        removeOutliers = "no"
    elif inputData == "BAM":
        if 'Hs' not in species_names:
            return 'WARNING!!! Species Hs database not installed.'
        species = "Hs"
        inputDataType = inputData
        SamplesDiffering = "3"
        excludeCellCycle = "no"
        restrictBy = "None"
        expdir = "--bedDir"
        expname = "test"
        input_path = unique.filepath(os.getcwd()+"/tests/demo_data/"+inputDataType+"/input")
    elif inputData == 'FASTQ':
        if 'Hs' not in species_names:
            return 'WARNING!!! Species Hs database not installed.'
        species = "Hs"
        inputDataType = inputData
        SamplesDiffering = "3"
        excludeCellCycle = "no"
        restrictBy = "None"
        expdir = "--fastq_dir"
        expname = "test"
        input_path = unique.filepath(os.getcwd()+"/tests/demo_data/"+inputDataType+"/input")
        custom_FASTA_path = unique.filepath(os.getcwd()+"/tests/demo_data/FASTA/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.72.cdna.all.filtered.fa")
        additional = ["--runKallisto","True","--customFASTA",custom_FASTA_path]
    elif inputData == '10X':
        if 'Mm' not in species_names:
            return 'WARNING!!! Species Hs database not installed.'
        species = "Mm"
        inputDataType = inputData
        SamplesDiffering = "4"
        rho = "0.3"
        excludeCellCycle = "no"
        removeOutliers = "yes"
        restrictBy = "protein_coding"
        expdir = "--ChromiumSparseMatrix"
        expname = "test"
        input_path = unique.filepath(os.getcwd()+"/tests/demo_data/10X/input/mm10/matrix.mtx")
    if testType=="complete":
        cluster_method = "hopach"
    elif inputData == "text":
        ### Optionally, peed up the analysis by restricting to genes correlated to these guides
        genes = "Gfi1 Irf8 Vwf Mmp9"
    outputPath = unique.filepath(os.getcwd()+"/tests/demo_data/"+inputDataType+"/output/")
    input_root_dir = unique.filepath(os.getcwd()+"/tests/demo_data/"+inputDataType+"/input/")

    ### Create the output directory path if not created
    try: os.mkdir(outputPath)
    except Exception:
        ### Remove this directory
        print 'Removing previous output test directory...'
        try: os.mkdir(outputPath)
        except Exception: pass
    ### Commands replicate Olsson et al. 2016 Nature
    commands = ["python", "AltAnalyze.py", "--platform","RNASeq", "--species", species,
                "--column_method", cluster_method, "--column_metric", "cosine", "--rho", rho,
                "--ExpressionCutoff", "1", "--FoldDiff", "4", "--SamplesDiffering",SamplesDiffering,
                "--restrictBy", restrictBy, "--excludeCellCycle", excludeCellCycle, "--removeOutliers",
                removeOutliers, "--row_method", cluster_method, expdir, input_path, "--output", outputPath,
                "--runICGS", "yes", genes_option, genes, "--expname",expname]

    if additional != None: ### additional optional parameters
    print string.join(commands,' ')
    retcode = subprocess.call(commands)
    reference_log, ref_exceptions = readLogFile(input_root_dir)
    test_log, test_exceptions = readLogFile(outputPath)
    overlap = list(set(reference_log).intersection(test_log))

    matching_content = float(len(overlap))/len(reference_log)
    percent_matching = int(matching_content*100)

    if percent_matching<90: status = "\nWARNING!!! "
    else: status = "\nSUCCESSFUL OUTPUT!!! "
    status+= str(percent_matching)+'% of reported ICGS outputs match to reference outputs. '
    status+= str(len(test_exceptions))+' errors encountered.'
    print status
    return status
Ejemplo n.º 7
                        null = []  ### Occurs if dabg export failed

                    if analyze_metaprobesets == 'yes':
                        residual_destination_file = string.replace(
                            expression_file, 'exp.', 'residuals.')
                        residual_exp_file = output_dir + '/' + algorithm + '.residuals.txt'
                        #shutil.copyfile(residual_exp_file, residual_destination_file);os.remove(residual_exp_file)
                        residual_dabg_file = output_dir + '/dabg.residuals.txt'
            except NameError:
                status = 'failed'
                #print traceback.format_exc()

        cache_delete_status = export.deleteFolder(cache_dir)
        if status == 'failed':
            if architecture == '64bit' and platform.architecture(
            )[0] == '64bit' and (os.name == 'nt' or 'linux' in sys.platform):
                print 'Warning! 64bit version of APT encountered an error, trying 32bit.'
                ### If the above doesn't work, try 32bit architecture instead of 64bit (assuming the problem is related to known transient 64bit build issues)
                for dataset in exp_file_location_db:  ### Instance of the Class ExpressionFileLocationData
                    fl = exp_file_location_db[dataset]
                probesetSummarize(exp_file_location_db, analyze_metaprobesets,
                                  probeset_type, species, root)
                print_out = 'apt-probeset-summarize failed. See log and report file in the output folder under "ExpressionInput/APT-output" for more details.'
                    WarningWindow(print_out, 'Exit')
Ejemplo n.º 8
             except Exception:
                 print traceback.format_exc()
                 null=[] ### Occurs if dabg export failed
             if analyze_metaprobesets == 'yes':
                 residual_destination_file = string.replace(expression_file,'exp.','residuals.')
                 residual_exp_file = output_dir+'/'+algorithm+'.residuals.txt' 
                 #shutil.copyfile(residual_exp_file, residual_destination_file);os.remove(residual_exp_file)
                 residual_dabg_file = output_dir+'/dabg.residuals.txt'; os.remove(residual_dabg_file)
     except NameError:
         status = 'failed'
         #print traceback.format_exc()
 cache_delete_status = export.deleteFolder(cache_dir)
 if status == 'failed':
     if architecture == '64bit' and platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit' and (os.name == 'nt' or 'linux' in sys.platform):
         print 'Warning! 64bit version of APT encountered an error, trying 32bit.'
         ### If the above doesn't work, try 32bit architecture instead of 64bit (assuming the problem is related to known transient 64bit build issues)
         for dataset in exp_file_location_db: ### Instance of the Class ExpressionFileLocationData
             fl = exp_file_location_db[dataset]; fl.setArchitecture('32bit')
         print_out = 'apt-probeset-summarize failed. See log and report file in the output folder under "ExpressionInput/APT-output" for more details.'
         except Exception:
             print print_out; force_exit